StarCraft: Tyranid Empire.

Chapter 718 Righteous besiege

Chapter 718 Righteous besiege

Narud remembered that there used to be some people on the bridge, but they were all gone now. The holographic screen occupying the entire field of vision was clustered together, emitting bright light. It seemed that Korha's high-altitude orbit also seemed to be get crowded.

At least a thousand battlecruisers of all levels are gathering around the Narenaga world ship. As far as Narud knows, this must account for at least two-thirds or more of the capital ships of the Tyrann Empire's entire fleet. .

Had Augustus turned back so many fleets as soon as Keha was attacked, was he going to surrender the world beyond Keha?
This only proves that he has the ambition of a lion but the brains of a sheep.

If so, it would undoubtedly be good news for Narud and his master Emon.

Narud thought that unless Augustus would gather troops here to launch a large-scale counterattack, or even a decisive battle, instead of sticking to a mere galaxy or a few planets.

But Augustus and his protoss allies didn't even know where to launch a counterattack—the enemy came from all directions, and it was a huge army of zerg and protoss. move.

Augustus' only hope is to be able to find and destroy Amon's avatar used to descend into reality, the host of the evil god.But even if they really succeeded, it only temporarily delayed the return of the God of Darkness.

And even if Augustus has learned from Urna that Xel'Naga must use the avatar to enter the real universe, he may still not be aware of the existence of the evil god host so far, how can he realize the need to destroy it sex.

Taking a step back, Amon's will can still reside in Kara, thereby influencing the present world, controlling the golden fleet, and controlling the swarm.Then, Amon will reshape an avatar with the bodies of countless Protoss and Zerg, it just takes a little more time.

When Augustus found out that he had done everything he could to prevent the end, it was just a waste of time.

All he could find in the ruins of the Koprulu sector was despair.

And Narud has completed his mission, and his master, the dark god Amon, is about to return.

Soon, the greatest moment will come, when Amon will return the universe to death, take back all the life that the Naganaga once brought, and completely end this corrupt cycle.Until then, let Augustus rule over nothingness.

That being the case, the deal is done, and even if this avatar is destroyed, it is not unacceptable.Once Amon returns to the world, he can also create a new body for Narud.

However, Narud still felt annoyed, and was sure that his exposure was just an accident, because he couldn't think of anything else that would make him take it lightly and show his feet.Narud had to learn the truth from Augustus, or it would haunt him forever, leave him with a stick in his throat.

Even if Narud admits that Augustus Mengsk is extremely intelligent, he is only human after all.

But this time, Narud really fell into the hands of Augustus.

Right now, the Tyranid Empire dispatched a huge fleet to deal with Narud, and even spared no effort to call their Protoss allies, which really made him feel "flattered".

The irony is that even though Narud really served his only master Amon, he was convinced that he had made far more contributions to the Tyrannian Empire in these years than Augustus would accuse him of. The crimes committed by the emperor, and the emperor must have known it well.If everything was premeditated by him, it would be frightening.

He is a chameleon!

At this time, a Gorgon battlecruiser approached, her iconic spindle-shaped bow protruded into the energy shield curtain below the bridge of the world ship, and the sharp steel ram was aggressive, like a clenched hand. Iron gray fist.Several Ravens sailed out of the shadow of the battleship, their huge ice-blue wings like sliced ​​ice.

Narud saw the warship's dock open, and hundreds of flickering points of light flew out, like swarms of summer bugs.Countless boarding ships were packed with heavily armed imperial soldiers, while other ships were loaded with vehicles and mechs, and piled with ammunition.

Looking to the left and right of the Gorgon, more than 100 battlecruisers are lined up in rows and rows, and each battleship is releasing landing ships, adding up to tens of thousands.Some warships were firing, spitting terrible flames like angry dragons, but Narud didn't know who they were shooting at, because the world ship under his feet couldn't actually prevent the enemy from boarding the ship.

Had the Narud been able to activate the worldship's primary weapon system now, the Void cannon and accelerated high-energy particle spheres would have instantly reduced the wretched ship to ashes.

Naganaga must use an avatar to enter the real world, and must accept the shackles of the laws of the universe.Even the Xel'Naga spaceships had to be manned, and Narud couldn't go past them and order the worldship to fire on Augustgrad, at least not now.

Things changed too suddenly. If he knew this earlier, he should have firmly controlled the battleship, or opened the authority of the artificial intelligence monitoring system, so that the world ship could fire autonomously like a mad bull.

Not only that, he didn't have time to place a hybrid in the world ship, and he couldn't make the Naganaga world ship fire on itself, which was not within the scope of the original design considerations.

All of these things are not good for Narud, but if he had known the danger, he would never have taken the risk to come to Keha.It's just that it's too late to say anything now, he is already a turtle in the urn.

The Naganaga world ship is shaped like a lance with gauntlets, and was formerly an abandoned space hulk.Narud peeled off the main part of the world ship from the thick meteorite covering as if repairing a precious cultural relic, exposing the bright green hull, and then repaired the damaged part with composite materials, and rebuilt it layer by layer. It is as difficult to build the deck and lay the compartment baffle as to rebuild the magnificent temple of the past between the remaining colonnades of the Parthenon.

Today, the main body of the world ship is concentrated in the conical bow and stern, connected by a relatively slender cylindrical midship, which looks like a viewing corridor leading to the glass ecological garden.But even so, the hull part was unusually large, imposing, and gracefully curved, and each deck could hold a hundred Imperial battlecruisers.

Xel'Naga's thorough understanding of aesthetics and Narud's persistence in this made his world ship elegant, beautiful and shocking, shining under the brilliant light of stars.

No wonder Narud was sure that Augustus would be ecstatic after seeing this world ship.In fact, Augustus is indeed very happy, but he must use it with confidence after solving her creator, just like those emperors who ordered the artisans who built their mausoleums to be buried alive.

Narud did not expect this.

Narud is currently on the bridge above the bow command deck. From here, he can overlook the battlefield, and he can also see the wide bow deck and battle deck below the bridge.

Looking back, an attack force composed of large mechas and heavy infantry appeared on the deck below. Their red and black power armor was particularly eye-catching in the vivid green light of the world ship.These soldiers advanced very fast, but it could be seen that they were still very cautious, as if there were hideous monsters hidden in every corner of the world ship.

He wished it was true.

When he turned his head, a Protoss troop in orange and white armor also appeared, marching hand in hand with the Tyrann Empire army.

That is the army of the Purifiers, a group of mechanical protoss who are not afraid of death. These mechanical protoss are another form of "worm swarm". Among the many protoss factions, only they still have a strong military force , a force that Narud had never expected.

Amon despised these mechanical protoss, just as he despised everyone, but Narud didn't see it that way. He believed that the Purifier protoss was a potentially huge threat, even far beyond the Tyranid Empire.It turned out that Narud was planning to drive a wedge between humans and the Purifier Protoss, weakening the power of the latter, but now he can't.

Putting aside the incomprehension and resentment in his heart, Narud made up his mind not to admit defeat, and this world ship is still his home field.

In the process of repairing the Xel'Naga world ship, Narud used the Xel'Naga relic materials collected from all over the universe, and even the hulls of other Xel'Naga spaceships, because using most of the materials of humans is like using And uniform yellow mud to repair the ironclad ship.

The worldship is home to several intact Xel'Naga temples, which over the years have replenished the weakened avatar of Narud with lost energy and now power the massive warship.The Xel'Naga World Ship is loaded with eight Xel'Naga Kinetic Engine Engines, possessing terrifying void energy, which could have been used to directly open a void gate in the present world.

At this moment, the facilities of the Xel'Naga Temple and the crystals that store energy are still continuously providing void energy for Narud. With such an increase in energy, he can show the tip of the iceberg of Xel'Naga's power.

With the blessing of this power, he will be invincible.

Although the Xel'Naga could return to the void even with the death of the avatar, the narud would never let it go.

Narud is not afraid of death, but he may have to leave this mighty worldship to the Tyranid Empire as it does not have the ability to destroy her.If so, it would be the biggest mistake Narud has ever made.

More protoss and terran forces emerged on the bow deck of the worldship, the Dharam Protoss - an allied army of templars and dark templars.These Templars now clipped their own nerve bundles, tying the ends of the severed nerve bundles with shiny metal crystal ornaments like their Sacoolas kin.

The Dalam Protoss sent their most powerful psionic warriors, the Archons and Dark Archons, among which the green light rippling with hazy shadows represented the rarer Twilight Archons.

The Twilight Archon is very powerful. It is a fusion of a templar and a dark templar. These protoss warriors from different protoss factions have established a life-and-death relationship during the years of fighting side by side, and are ready to sacrifice at any time Own.

Narud felt threatened by these terrifying psionic creatures, and by this time he had drawn considerable void energy from the xel'naga temple in the world ship, making the grotesque and hateful vision of the void behind him even more powerful. of like substance.At the same time, countless streams of void energy are coming from all directions, converging on Narud's body, like thin and dense green silk threads, making him look like a weaving net spider.

He summoned a terrifying hurricane that swept across the bridge deck, and the raging void energy eroded and stripped the majestic hull of the world ship, but those ignorant fools still boarded the ship through the floating ladder and the acceleration ramp inside the ship. The bridge, which contains both humans and protoss.

Also included is Artanis, the high-ranking executive of the Dalam Protoss, Tassadar's hand-picked successor, an unconvincing young Akirian Protoss.Amon originally valued this protoss leader much more than Augustus Mengsk, but since he has already got Tassadar, it is not worth mentioning.

Alarak, the first ascendant of Tadarin, stood on the other side of Artanis, and on the other side was a Nerazim female warrior and a strange-looking mechanical protoss.

Narud could vaguely recall who Alarak was. He might have a high position among the Tadarin protoss and was mighty, but to Narud he was just an insignificant figure.

Alarak declared that Amon had betrayed his people and was determined to avenge the Dark God, even at the cost of an alliance with humans.But Amon didn't care about it at all, which was the greatest contempt.

But what surprised Narud the most was that among these protoss, there was a slender human woman who was particularly eye-catching.

Sarah Kerrigan wore a slim baby blue dress and her fiery red hair was pulled into an elegant bun, as if she was just here for a party.

It's just that she is the queen of the empire, so she shouldn't have come here at all.

But since Augustus was crowned emperor, Kerrigan hadn't made a move in seven or eight years, and maybe his hands were itchy.

For some reason, this human being posed an even greater threat to Narud, and he even suspected that the other party could no longer be called a human being.

"Narud, you have betrayed your emperor and your people!" Artanis came to Narud in the face of the raging psychic storm, and the slightly straightforward words seemed to be unrecognizable. The opponent is an inhuman void creature.

"The Son of Sacoolas will pay in blood," Vorazun said.

"Draw your sword, you monster!" Talandar said.

"Very well, this is a Rakshir ceremony." Alarak lit the bloody blade.

"Are you trying to escape your miserable fate?" The longer the time dragged on, the better it would be for Narud, so that he could accumulate more strength.

But if Augustus is willing to destroy the temples and charging crystals in the world ship, Narud's power will be significantly weakened.

"No, I am the master of my own destiny." Alarak said to Narud: "In this matter, I have the final say."

"Kill him!" Kerrigan didn't say anything else, and started to strike first.

 It seems that the comments are not displayed recently. It seems to be this time every year.

(End of this chapter)

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