StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 750 The fight against the Legacy of the Void was not in vain

Augustus did not wait long, and the direct dialogue with Tassadar himself was immediately connected. Obviously, any communication request from the Emperor of the Tyranid Empire would be given the highest priority by Durham.

The holographic image outlines Tassadar and the ruins of the temple behind him. Among the huge stone pillars that are blackened by the flames, the templars standing with rustling cloaks and swords are reminiscent of those famous figures in the history of the protoss. Ancient heroes.

Artanis - even when Tassadar's life and death were in doubt, he still insisted that he was a high-ranking executive and not the Archbishop of Durham. He was giving orders in Tassadar's place on the other side.

When Kara no longer exists, the protoss must regain the older Kalani language. This is as difficult and twisted as a whale that has evolved fins learns to walk again. Fortunately, Artanis is the first to learn to walk. A protoss who has adapted to all this, he can cope with the aggressive Tal'darin with ease.

But everything looked calm, and Augustus could still catch a glimpse of the Xel'Naga artifact in the corner, which was emitting cobalt blue light. Although it was once used to bind the will of a god, a use far beyond its endurance in a way it was never designed for, it is still functioning normally.

"Tassadar." Augustus said immediately: "You must be careful. I suspect that Amon is about to launch a surprise attack on the temple."

"If that's the case, then his first target will be the Xel'Naga artifact. To seize the artifact, or at least interrupt the charging process of the artifact, in order to"

"Prevent the release of Nova Impact." Tassadar said what Augustus wanted, as if he could detect the opponent's thoughts through the screen: "In that case, we will not be able to massacre Ai in a short period of time. The zerg in your system."

"We're going to be in a long, hard fight."

"Only this can explain why the swarm is still reluctant to retreat even though it knows that Nova Impact is starting. It must be that they think they still have a chance of winning." Augustus nodded and said: "Because they ignored the Xel'Naga As a result of the artifact, Eamon has already lost the golden fleet. And he will definitely not make such a mistake again."

Augustus must have imagined what he would do if he were Aemon and still wanted to win.

This is obvious. At the beginning of the war, Amon was sitting on the two forces of the Golden Fleet and the Dominator Swarm, which were the two strongest combat powers of the two races standing at the apex of the galaxy.

At that time, Amon's enemies were just a ragtag army put together by the protoss and a ridiculous fleet of humans, arming their own armies by shoddy manufacturing and scavenging. Since we have an absolute advantage, this war does not require any superfluous tactical arrangements. We can win by concentrating our forces to launch an attack.

But now, the situation is completely different.

The golden fleet was now out of Eamon's control and stood on his opposite side, equivalent to half of its strength joining the hostile side.

At the same time, Eamon's original plan has basically gone bankrupt. He has lost the incarnation to return to the world, and can no longer easily end the cycle of the universe.

However, Eamon still has the power of the insect swarm in his hands, and the ratio of the enemy's strength to our own has only changed from an absolute advantage to an equal strength. He is not completely defeated.

The biggest unstable factor is the Xel'Naga artifact.

Based on the current strength comparison between the insect swarm and the protoss, it would be tantamount to wishful thinking for the former to achieve an overwhelming victory by relying solely on a frontal offensive before the Nova Impact was launched. Perhaps before being promoted to become a Xel'Naga, Amon was not an expert in the military field, but he was obviously neither blind nor stupid.

If Amon wants to win, or at least give this battle a reason to continue, he must solve the problem of the Xel'Naga artifact immediately.

When Augustus was about to say something more to Tassadar, he noticed that the ground beneath his feet was clearly shaking. Either it was the aftermath of some kind of orbital weapon, or it was a huge beast. caused.

"Augustus, I have to leave for a while now." After Tassadar said that, he immediately left the communication channel. It seemed that this matter was urgent enough that he needed to handle it personally:

"You're right. The detectors around the temple show that an army of hybrids suddenly appeared from the void rift and is approaching the temple. The weakest hybrid among them is stronger than Mal."

On the other side, Artanis was also shouting: "Executor, summon more Templars."

At this time, even Augustus could hear a scream of terror that seemed to tear his soul to pieces.

"Fortunately, Eamon didn't have time to come up with these things while we were on the ground." Tychus was also standing behind Augustus and couldn't help but say.

However, their current situation is not necessarily better than that of Tassadar. The vast space in front of the Backwater Marshal is full of zerg with fangs and sharp teeth. Their bloody and terrifying bright red carapace makes There was a cold air coming from the top of people's heads. Farther away, a Leviathan spits out swarms of bile worms and eggs waiting to hatch, and a group of mutalisks are transforming from wriggling cocoons into brood lords.

The Deadpool Marshal has used up all the space torpedoes, cruise missiles or other weapons that can be thrown into the enemy's face, and there are not many carrier-based aircraft left. Other Imperial warships are also facing the same dilemma, but their artillery fire is still equivalent Powerful, a majestic machine made of steel that continuously spits out wrathful flames.

Every once in a while, the Yamato cannon will fire an earth-shattering salvo. At any time, such a salvo was fruitful.

On the main tactical screen on the other side, the colors and symbols representing various forces are colliding and devouring each other, like a group of weird snakes made of color blocks. The green arrow marked as the Imperial Fleet is passing through a dense field of red dots and converging with the Golden Fleet.

"Are you still worried about Tassadar?" Raynor was not worried at all: "He is."

"The best strategist and the best warrior in the entire Protoss Empire." Augustus said for Renault.

"I never said that." Renault opened his mouth: "Also, we have succeeded once. No matter what the reason is, you cannot conclude that we will fail this time."

"That's enough!" Augustus didn't even notice that his voice was getting louder: "The Star Spirits used to think that Al's coordinates would never be discovered and would never fall."

"Damn Jim! We will never know how the enemy finally killed us!"

"Poor Zeratul, this matter will never get over. Say less that may make the old man sad." I am afraid that only Reno dared to speak to Augustus like this: "Your Majesty, you'd better calm down. Otherwise get off my bridge."

"Sorry, Jimmy." Augustus realized that he was impatient: ".I will apologize to Zeratul."

Although this was rare, Augustus was sometimes unable to control his emotions when the pressure was too much. Now when he thinks about the possibility of failure, he is no longer so calm and composed.

"Zeratul also needs to know what's going on, right?" Tychus complained: "When we were still in the temple, we didn't think Amon could win there."

It stands to reason that if Tassadar's most elite warriors cannot defend him, it will be useless for anyone to replace him.

Moreover, the main force of the Golden Fleet occupies Aiur's high-altitude orbit and can provide precise fire support at any time. In addition, they can mass-jump buildings and troops from warships in low-Earth orbit.

In the area that the psychic matrix network can cover, the protoss army's timely battlefield delivery capability is enough to support them in winning every war that must be won regardless of the cost. "How many days have you not slept?" Renault asked suddenly.

"One day and one night, okay." Augustus said, "Maybe I should have a cup of black tea and then go to sleep. Even if someone stabs me in the butt with a knife, they can't wake me up."

"I never knew black tea had such uses." Tychus mused.

At this time, Tassadar finally returned.

There was a layer of dust, maybe blood, on Tassadar's armor. It looked like he had just gone into battle and beheaded an enemy, and now he was back on the screen.

"If you can't hold it, Tassadar." Augustus immediately advised the other party: "You'd better take the Xel'Naga artifact and leave as soon as possible."

"You might as well let him die." Renault muttered softly.

"I'm afraid it will be a little difficult." Tassadar said honestly: "I have fully estimated the difficulty of this matter, but the actual situation is still beyond my imagination."

"No matter what, as long as we can persist until the Nova Impact is activated, we can win." Augustus imagined that the situation may be completely different from theirs at that time. The outside of the temple now is probably full of hybrids, Tassa Dar's words were a bit difficult to handle.

Augustus was finally relieved.

"Or at least force them back." Raynor added: "When the fire reaches their butts, the zerg know how to run for their lives."

"What does Eamon want?" Tychus suddenly asked.

"Chaos." Augustus said: "He needs to create more chaos, and the more people die, the better. And Amon can use this to obtain enough protoss and zerg bodies, and take the opportunity to rebuild his own Incarnation.”

"As long as Eamon doesn't die, we won't have a good day." Renault said: "Compared with him, even the master and the cerebrate can communicate easily."

The Deadwater Marshal continued to move forward, concentrating its firepower forward.

A fleet of Phoenix fighter jets as elegant as swans jumped into view, so close that Augustus could even see the pilots wearing golden helmets. In comparison, there are very few fighter jets in the empire. Among their pilots, those who are still alive today, even those who were originally unknown, have become ace pilots.

The Protoss Ark, the Pride of Otalis, is only about a hundred miles away from the Deadwater Marshal, and at this distance, the former is also surprisingly large.

Over time, the Pride of Altaris and the Spear of Adon nearly destroyed each other. These unparalleled Arks of Fire were as large as a small continent that had been ripped away from the planet, and the scars left in their battles It's also asteroid-level.

When Augustus looked over, an area at the center of the Pride of Otalis was still shrouded in a ball of blue flames, which was obviously caused by the leakage of the energy conduit and was closer to the psychic flame.

The situation of the Pride of Altaris is not optimistic either. Her plasma shield has faded, and countless airdrop pods are being thrown on it, like a dark rain. Each empty bag is the size of a car and looks no bigger than a drop of rain.

On an ark that can take off and land aircraft carriers and deploy colossi on a large scale, every battle is extremely large-scale.

When Augustus understood that standing here was of no use, he handed over the command to Reno and really went back to sleep.

Augustus found a foldable command chair on the bridge. Even though there was still gunfire outside, he lay down and fell asleep.

When he woke up, the battle was already over. The Deadwater Marshal is sailing between a row of Imperial battlecruisers. Every officer on the bridge looks like he has escaped from death. Everyone is already very tired, even Augustus is not sleeping. They also had no energy to cheer or speak.

"How's the situation?" Augustus didn't even see Reno, but he still caught Tychus who was fiercely dealing with a sweet bar and artificial protein sauce.

"The zerg ran away before Nova Impact was activated." Tychus said angrily: "There is not a single worm within half a light-year around here."

Easier than Augustus imagined.

"Where will they go?" Augustus asked himself.

"Imagine this," Tychus said. "In the backyard of the person you hate most in your life."

"I hope it's Mike Liberty," Augustus said. "And Nick Shaw, Markie Borden, Christie Dodge, Juan. My list is thirty feet long."

"I think I've heard enough." Tychus spread his hands: "You are the emperor, you can chop off their heads."

"If I were not the Emperor of the Tyran Empire," Augustus said, "I would have killed them long ago."

"Okay, Tychus, I'm going to find Tassadar and prepare the spaceship immediately."

"Can't you just let me take a break?" Old Tychus was no different from a cow or a horse in the eyes of the emperor.

Fifteen minutes later, Augustus's spaceship set off. In addition to mankind's own fighter planes, there were more than two hundred Phoenix fighters escorting him.

The ship landed on a mountain overlooking the entire plain, where Tassadar, Zeratul, and Artanis were standing.

Where they were looking, large buildings were rising from the ground, extending from the mountains along the coastline to the vast inland, including some architectural wonders that could be seen even from space. Then, the flowing river composed of light connected the crystal tower, the Protoss Hub, the warp gate, the control core, and the Templar Documentation Hall. Under the beautiful and charming light curtain, giant lawns and lakes were dotted Among the glittering cities.

No one could have imagined that a day ago, this place had just been devastated by war and was still in ruins.

Building a city is never easy, but in Augustus' eyes, the protoss were working some kind of magic.

The protoss told Augustus that they warped the building directly from Aiur, so where did the things that were warped to Aiur come from? (End of chapter)

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