StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 765 The Terrifying Tyranids

It should be said that Malan did not expect to scare the Tyran Empire with just these words.

Compared with the Tal'darin protoss, humans are primitive, weak, lacking in courage, and useless, but their leader is the toughest and most determined ruler in the Koprulu sector, and of course, so is his army.

Even the pretentious Alarak had to admit that a figure like Augustus Mengsk could indeed be regarded as a great conqueror of the Tyranids, almost on a par with high-ranking lords.

Ever since the second son of the Mengsk family ascended the throne, all the imperial fleets have either been fighting or preparing to fight. Regardless of the earthlings, rebels or aliens, they have never been afraid of anyone. Even Eamon has to endure it. Two slaps. The generals under him also followed the same example, all of them were aggressive, and none of them was a coward.

At least in Tal'darin's eyes, Augustus Mengsk probably looked like this.

"Did they respond?" Malan felt that this time was enough time for the imperial commander's clerks and staff to reach an agreement amidst the noise. Even in Tal'darin's view, what he just said could be regarded as You're welcome.

If the Tal'darin protoss have one thing in common with other distant protoss that separated at least thousands of years ago, it is the same arrogance. It's just that the Tal'darins have always bossed around those below them and bowed to those above them.

Malan expected that the Imperial Army commander would angrily question why he was attacking this Imperial territory. At that time, he would only have to point out contemptuously that if the Tal'darin was really responsible, the place would have become a scorched earth. The void cracks all over Beisher can also be seen from high-altitude orbit. He must be blind to not see that this is Eamon's doing.

But, I know how stupid humans can be, so I'm not surprised. And I am generous and upright. If you admit that the flood has washed away the Dragon King Temple and withdraw your troops, I will not be able to follow the peace treaty and send an elite army to help the Tyran Empire deal with Amon.

"Not yet." A lower-level upgrader pointed to Malan the psychic link communication device on his arm guard and swore.

"Not yet!" Malan repeated loudly, as if she heard a definite lie.

The protoss can easily decipher human communication codes and send them messages in many more sophisticated ways. The other party cannot even block the communication, so there is no reason why they cannot receive it. There was only one possibility, and the other party didn't want to respond at all.

At this moment, Malan's eyes shrouded in blood suddenly flashed with fierce light, making all the low-level Tal'darin servants present flinch. Even those promoted who acted as staff and capable generals did not dare to touch them. brow.

But it would be embarrassing if someone from the Tyran Empire didn't answer. Could it be that as soon as he said a harsh word, he turned around and licked his face and said you had misunderstood.

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

"My master, you are too impatient." The promoted Natsu was tall and thin, like a skeleton wrapped in a thick crimson robe. Natsu is a powerful Ascendant. As humble as he is to Malan, he is also cruel and ruthless to his Death Apostle slaves.

"You should wait." If the skeleton could talk, it would be like this: "If these humans want to die, you can grant them."

"Really?" Malan stared coldly at the extremely flattering upgraded person in front of her.

Although there was no response from the human side yet, they did not stop their movements at all.

The fleet detectors showed that the number of Tyranid Empire warships that had jumped into Byshel's orbit was still increasing. In this short period of time, as many as twenty Imperial Navy squadrons had been assembled, and there were even more attached ships. In thousands.

The gap between the two sides is so huge, and Malan's few weak warships are no match for them. The aircraft carriers he left in orbit in outer space just stayed away from them at first, but now they will not rush towards them to seek death under any circumstances.

All in all, it was definitely not something that the few people he had at hand could handle easily.

This also shows that these Tyran Empire people are not here to deal with Tal'darin, because with their military strength in Baishir, there is no need to mobilize such troops.

After slaying Amon's evil incarnation in Aiur, Korhal finally recovered and began sending fleets to support the remote colonies. During the War of Armageddon, these worlds were either abandoned or languishing in Amon's wrath.

"Of course it's absolutely true." Natsu didn't know anything about it, but he turned a blind eye and continued to flatter him.

"Then wait a little longer?" Malan really wanted to twist off this fool's head.

Malan had reason to suspect that this man wanted to set himself up and start a war with humans directly. He would never be as stupid as he appeared, and he was just pretending to be deaf and dumb. In the chain of promotion, some people rise step by step through sheer strength, while others reach high positions through trickery.

Assuming that Malan not only failed to bring back enough terazine to satisfy the high-ranking lords, but also lost a large number of men in Beisher, his power and prestige would definitely be greatly damaged. By then, those who are on both ends of the spectrum may not be able to support themselves as allies in the Rak'sir ceremony.

And if he is even more unlucky and dies directly here, then this greedy man who is afraid of death can reach the sky in one step in the Holy Chain without initiating Rak'sir.

"But I'm afraid you must make a decision immediately, Malan, the fourth ascendant." Anacor, another of Malan's capable generals, was a low-level cultist not long ago. His status depends entirely on his master's respect, so he naturally knows that he should To whom allegiance is given.

Anacol further pointed out on a rising holographic tactical map: "The landing forces of the Terran Empire are coming in full force. They are approaching from all directions, and all the detectors along the way have been shot down. At the same time, humans are constantly sending heavy armored infantry and infantry combat mechas. These weapons have powerful firepower and are enough to fight against the vanguard mechas."

"I don't know what their intentions are, but they are definitely not here to reminisce with you. This brave army has raised the flag of General Alexey Stokov of the Tyranids."

Malan cursed a few Tal'darin curse words and immediately ordered to prepare for war, because he really knew who this person was and what his style was.

Over the years, even Ta'darin has heard about Lieutenant General Stukov's reputation and knows that he is an extraordinary tactician, but that is not important. What is important is that he strikes hard enough and leaves no room, even for Malan. All heard.

With an order, the Tal'darin base began to boil, and groups of Tal'darin stalkers appeared from the teleportation platform. They strode forward with their slender mechanical legs, and their bodies were covered with blade-like spikes and horns. When they moved, they looked like a stream of blood, like slender spiders forged by machinery.

Hundreds of Tal'darim fanatics have ignited their blood blades, ready to go through fire and water for the Fourth Ascendant. In Tal'darin, the lower-level protoss are often more eager to prove themselves, and their enthusiasm for the chain of ascension makes them willing to die generously.

This is a powerful force, enough to crush any enemy who dares to stand in its way.

However, Malan still didn't want to start a war. He came to Baishel to plunder terazine resources, not to have a meaningless and unclear fight with the Tyranids.

Tal'darin can't afford to stay early without any benefit, and Malan is not an ignorant and reckless person.

At this moment, there is still a peaceful scene here. The air is filled with the smell of fresh vegetation and the rust of the Terrazine gas spring. Groups of Tal'darin detectives are coming and going between the Protoss Hub and the Terrazine Altar. , tirelessly transporting the purple gas compressed to the size of a cube.

Bysheer is dotted with ancient ruins of the stars, and there are creations from the glorious era everywhere. Giant towers of all kinds of glory penetrate into the deep purple terrazine fog. In the fog, there are all kinds of strange lives, as well as Emon. The brutal and brutal minions of the void, including many native creatures and even humans who have fallen into madness.

At this time, the sound of human troops firing could be vaguely heard, and bright firelight flickered in the dense fog.

If she had a mouth like a human being, Malan would definitely feel dry at this moment.

Of course there is nothing scary about humans, but death is scary.

The spectacular fusion wake of the Imperial battlecruiser was already visible in the sky, like an orange-red sword looming in the fog.

The Tyranid Empire's warships are getting bigger and bigger, and their armor and firepower are getting more powerful. Many years ago, they were just scrap metal and a swarm of buzzing flies to the protoss. However, the technology of these scrap metals has advanced rapidly. The largest ones among them are truly behemoths, and can easily rain death.

Even if Malan has power comparable to that of a demigod, and can crush a warship with just her spiritual power, she still cannot reach these giant steel ships in orbit. Humans are an extremely tenacious race. They were originally just struggling to survive between the Protoss and the Zerg. They were once on the verge of extinction. Even if they finally won, they often ended in a tragic victory.

And before long, Korhal could always raise a new fleet, and it would be much more powerful than before.

At the end of the day, it's better to win badly than to lose everything.

At this moment, a rumbling roar came from the horizon, playing a movement of steel and fire. The fire that erupted when the Yamato cannon fired occupied half of the sky in an instant. Along with the terrifying hurricane, huge light pillars rose from the ground like fountains, and even the thick fog was blown away in an instant.

The huge Gorgon-class battlecruiser descended below the atmosphere, projecting countless hot and dazzling laser beams, sweeping across them wantonly, just like the white cold light cast on the blinds when the sun rises in the morning. But this cold light can ignite forests and oceans in an instant, creating large areas of scorched earth, like spears of light dropped.

The flames soared into the sky and burned for miles and miles. Not many things could survive such a devastating blow.

The Tal'darins looked at the sky in surprise, and began to be glad that the human target of attack was not them.

The movement when the Terran Empire fleet was bombing everywhere was really much more lively, with gongs and drums beating and swaggering through the city.

Malan was happy to sit on the bridge and watch the enemy's planet turn to ashes, but the reverse was another story.

"They destroyed the entire Akanla ruins." Anacor reminded Malan: "The next one is probably here."

"Master, we are not a match for these humans yet." A Dead Apostle was intimidated by Malan's authority and could not help but tremblingly suggested: "Why don't we each take a step back and make peace."

"Send another message to the human flagship, saying that Malan, the fourth ascendant of Tal'darin, requests to speak to the supreme commander of the Terran Empire here. This is related to the peace of humanity and the protoss." Malan followed suit.

If Malan still had a Tal'darin mothership in his hands, he would naturally have a chance to escape unscathed, but the stingy high-ranking lord would not allow it to be left alone at such a critical juncture.

He just regretted that he didn't bring enough manpower. If he could command the death fleet, would he be so angry?

Malan began to suspect that Alarak knew that the Terran Empire was planning to regain Baishir at this time, and just took this opportunity to get rid of him.

But for Alarak to be so targeted, is he really worthy?

"I have already complied with your order." Naz said: "But I believe that Alexei Stokov will still ignore it. In fact, he can blame Taldarin for firing first, or Put the blame on Aemon, the god of darkness.”

"Fourth Ascendant, many outposts have been destroyed by the Tyranid Empire army." A low-level Ascendant sent a clear image returned by the detector to Malan.

An outpost built with crystal towers, photon turrets and warp gates had just been overrun by the Tyranid Empire's army. The dozen or so Tal'darin Protoss stationed here had either been beaten to powder by siege tanks or had been massacred. Sieved.

Just like those people coming out of the imperial recruitment posters, the imperial soldiers in lavender power armor shuttled quickly through the jungle, and the heavy Zeus tanks that crushed the trees looked like roaring beasts.

The Odin mecha, which is made of a single piece of cast titanium steel, fires like a roaring steel giant. Only destructive creations like the God of Punishment Walker can compare with it.

"Don't fight back!"

Malan couldn't help but recall the passionate exchange between Emperor Augustus and the high-ranking lord. The former ridiculed Tal'darin as just a wild monster race refreshed on the map. When Alarak figured out what this meant, It's a good thing I didn't break the defense.

Malan once thought he knew enough about humans, but he now knows that was terribly wrong.

He realized that in the eyes of humans, even if he was not the initiator of all the tragedies in Beisher, he was definitely a group of shameless people who took advantage of the situation.

Tal'darin has a long-standing feud with the Tyranid Empire. The so-called peace treaty is only a temporary ceasefire. The two sides can only temporarily reach military cooperation when facing Amon together.

Once the threat from the void ceases to exist, everyone knows that sooner or later the war between them will restart.

I don't know when the bugs in the eyes of the Tal'darin protoss have grown to the point where they can eat people.

I bet you don’t dare to make the first move, but do you think I dare to kill you?

"Add one more thing, let's say that we have nothing to do with anything that happens here, and we have never harmed a human being. We should put aside all disputes and deal with Eamon together." Malan looked around and already made up his mind to let Throw all the men in front of you who saw your embarrassing scene to die.

"Not only that, I will also send an army, and the command will be entirely given to you."

Malan hoped that Stukov would just show off his force and defeat the enemy without fighting, because even if the opponent really wanted to kill him, Alarak would never stand up for him, and he might even write a letter to Austria. Gustus, thanked him for eliminating the weak in Tal'darin for him.

Unlike the Nerazim protoss, there are no strong family ties in Tal'darim society, nor is there much brotherhood among the eldest sons of the All-Aiur.

It is up to the High Lord whether the Tal'darim will seek vengeance against humanity for the destruction of a mere border outpost, or set aside the entire destruction of the Neon Crusade.

You have to earn your face by yourself. If you can't defeat you, you will be useless. This is Tal'darin's iron rule.

But what kind of face does Malan have? Alarak can go to the Tyranid Empire and Durham for help in killing Marash, so why should he be a coward?

Sure enough, after Malan took such a low profile, the communication with Stukov's flagship was finally connected.

"Dear Fourth Ascendant, I'm really sorry. There was a small problem with our communication system just now."

Alexey Stokov finally appeared, wearing a uniform with a black velvet collar and a large-brimmed hat with a five-star badge with a skull and two rows of oak leaves.

"What's going on!" He lit a cigar, looked at a blond young man next to him, and asked.

The handsome young man was wearing the uniform of a Marine staff officer, but around his waist was a Mamluk sword and an electromagnetic pistol. The red golden wolf badge on his chest further indicated his distinguished royal status.

Considering his age, this person can only be Valerian Mengsk, the son of Prince Arcturus. He is the most popular person in the next generation of the imperial royal family. Everyone has to call him Prince Valerian wherever he goes. .

"Our communicator must have been flooded with water just now. This is a common thing, general." Valerian said seriously: "They work sometimes and sometimes don't work. They are not as useful as the protoss ones."

"So that's it." Malan knew that the other party was mocking her, but he didn't care because he had a good temper.

His greatest advantage is his ability to bend and stretch.

If they had known that Malan was so full of drama before, and was arrogant at first and then respectful later, Stukov and Valerian would have been happy. (End of chapter)

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