StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 81 The 1st Ceasefire Agreement

Chapter 81 The First Ceasefire Agreement

According to the scheduled combat deployment, Augustus's Heavenly Demon Special Tactics Team hid the spaceship and then walked to the assembly point in the mission briefing, leaving the two Heavenly Demons and the pilot Jack to guard the spaceship.

The hemisphere of Meinhof is as barren as the moon, and the strong wind mixed with gravel and gravel wantonly erodes the rocks with severe weathering marks on the surface.

At this latitude, the change of seasons is not obvious.The nights are dry and cold, and the fragile skin tends to dry out and crack, and when the sun rises, the temperature rises too high and too fast, so the houses here emphasize airtight insulation.

The original modular prefab buildings were quickly replaced by Meinhof's characteristic stone buildings.

Unobstructed, vast plains that can be seen at a glance are not common here. High mountains, low hills, small highlands and the depressions and valleys between them constitute the main area of ​​this area. topography.

The CMC-300 power armor that the Augustus troops replaced half a month ago can easily cope with this complex terrain. The data on the HUD display on the helmet visor is constantly beating, On a slowly rotating three-dimensional topographic map, green dots represent friendly troops that have already landed.

The dark gray armor of the Devil of Heaven is a good protective color on the Meinhof, and it is difficult for the Kymerian fighters in the sky to notice the small troops moving thousands of feet below.

Augustus was not the first to arrive at the assembly point, where a resocialization platoon was already waiting.

Gathering together during a battle against Kel-Morian would amount to folly, with jets and missiles capable of accurately destroying a massed army from miles away.After a brief exchange with the commander of the resocialized force, Augustus put a certain distance away and ordered his men to spread out and crawl among the depressions and rocks.

Warfield, who has been fighting side by side with the Demon of Heaven, did not disembark and went to the front line in person.Overall responsibility required him to remain on board.

As the commander of the No. 30 Third Ground Assault Division and several senior officers suddenly retired before the start of this battle, a group of officers like Warfield who fought bravely and performed military merits were continuously promoted within a month.

Now he is a lieutenant colonel, serving as the deputy captain of the battlecruiser Iron Justice, and he has a new marine brigade under his command. The soldiers are mainly from the fringe worlds such as the main star of Antiga and the Sara galaxy.

——In mid-October 2488, the situation of the Kailian War became clear. The Kelmorians had lost control of their once huge and powerful mining empire, and the Tyrann Federation was winning the war.

Kel-Morian's campaigns on many planets had failed, and these campaigns, which lasted several years, ended in victory for the Tyranid Federation forces.

A large number of Ke Morian troops were wiped out by the whole organization, and the remaining troops retreated to the core territory of the alliance.The Tyranid Federation has regained almost all the lost ground, and the ensuing fierce counterattack wiped out the last remaining dignity of the trade union government. Several planets with a population of more than one million were destroyed by nuclear bombs, and more fringe mining planets fell.

Although the sudden retirement of a group of senior military officers at this time is indeed very surprising, there are not a few people who are overjoyed. Some officers who were born in nobles but showed extreme incompetence in the war gloated because of jealousy, while others were thinking about whether We should take this opportunity to fabricate more meritorious deeds to share the extra cake.

After a series of reviews by the Federal Central Security Agency, the headquarters of the Federal Intelligence Service, and the Tarsonis Secret Police, Arcturus and his followers retired smoothly without too many twists and turns.

Augustus guessed that the application of multiple technologies, such as the full installation of CMC-250 and CMC-300 power armor, the large-scale production and service of Wraith fighters, and a new round of transformation for the Arc Light main battle tank. The whole brigade of resocialized soldiers who feared death and the whole brigade went into battle was an important reason for Camerian's defeat.

The main reason is the difference in size. The Tyrannian Federation has far more colonies and population than the Kymerian Federation, and it is at an advantage both economically and militarily.If it weren't for the early days of the war, the old aristocratic officers of the Federation who had never experienced war were caught off guard by Camerian's tough and decisive offensive, and most of the Camerians were brave and good at fighting, the Battle of Kailian shouldn't have dragged on so long. Long.

When another company of the No.30 [-]rd Ground Assault Division arrived, Augustus went with them to a Kelmorian industrial park that the Fleet Command had preset to capture.

They climbed up to a high ground in front of the assembly point and ran southward for about a mile. The huge industrial building clusters and towering furnaces built along the mountain suddenly appeared in Augustus' eyes.

Different from residential buildings, the factory buildings in Kelmorian are mostly geometric buildings with simple lines, cuboid industrial factory buildings made of cold gray steel plates and cylindrical condensing towers.The geometric buildings of different heights on the hillside are stacked in layers, and the outermost fence has an electrified barbed wire.

The large crystals mined from the nearby mines will be transported to the industrial area through the mine rails, and the cut Ardian crystals will be loaded and transported to the ground launch port of Meinhof.

Before these three forces launched their attack, the Tyrann Federation's bomber formation had already destroyed the few bunkers and defense facilities in the industrial complex.According to intelligence, there is no Kelmerian defenders here, and the workers must have been evacuated in advance, so Augustus and others only need to occupy an uncontrolled factory.

It sounds simple, but based on past experience, all the commanders above the platoon level believed that they would definitely encounter blocking.After discussing with several other lieutenants, Augustus decided to abandon the original battle plan, bypass the main entrance of the industrial park, and directly blast the wall to attack from the other two directions.

Augustus's Demons of Heaven attacked from the south, and after Zander used dynamite to blow down a section of the wall, the first squad was the first to break in as the vanguard.But the facts proved that the information this time was quite reliable. Not only were there no resistance troops, there were no people.

Before disembarking, they had heard that the Kel-Morians would fight to the death when their homes were invaded, and often a whole family of men died in battle.But now they are giving up the entire industrial park.

"These groundhogs who only hide in potholes and pull crystals know how to be afraid?" Josephine who was standing next to a centrifuge room said contemptuously.

"I'm afraid... things are more complicated than you imagined." Renault pointed to the wall behind him.

Josephine turned around and saw a holographic projection screen on the wall that was playing a certain video repeatedly.The video has no sound, only a scrolling subtitle:

After discussing with the independent government, the Moria Workers' Federation unanimously decided to agree to the Tyrann Federation's comprehensive ceasefire agreement that will take effect at 10 am on October 30. This will be the first ceasefire agreement since 8.The agreement will last for one standard Earth month, all
"Damn it, it seems that I said it too early, we can go home next month!" Renault shook his head.

"The war is over?" Tychus was dismayed that his chances of making a fortune had diminished.

"Brace yourself, Tychus," Augustus said, looking at the gleaming Ardion crystals inside the workshop that had yet to be removed.

"We're an occupying force now."

(End of this chapter)

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