big week bad guy

Chapter 100 Visiting the door

Chapter 100 Visiting the door
Zhao Xun felt an uncontrollable ecstasy in his heart.

If what the mentor said is correct, then wouldn't he be one body with two blossoms, oh no, three blossoms!
No matter whether it is Wenxiu, Wuxiu or Daoxiu, as long as Zhao Xun has one level of cultivation, the remaining two types will also be promoted to the same level in the near future?

Is this too strong?

Of course, this point of view has yet to be confirmed, and Zhao Xun will have to go to Yuan Tiangang or the head of the mountain to confirm it when he finds the opportunity.

"But it seems that the more you practice, the harder it is to advance?"

Zhao Xun raised a question.

"It's natural."

Wu Quanyi nodded and said: "It is the easiest thing to be promoted from the ninth rank to the eighth rank. But if you want to promote from the eighth rank to the seventh rank, it is more than ten times more difficult."

Zhao Xun gasped when he heard the words.

What the hell, how long will it take for him to advance to the seventh rank?
"By the way, brat, Master, I heard that you are investigating the case of Princess Xuanhuai recently?"

Wu Quanyi suddenly changed the subject, and took the initiative to mention the "grave robbery case" that shocked the government and the public.

"Back to Master, it is true."

Zhao Xun nodded and said: "This case is indeed a bit strange. The disciples went to the tomb together with a few seniors from the Academy, and several colleagues from the bad guys. Later, Daoist Li Chunfeng came to help, and there was nothing except killing a 魃Nothing was found, not even the coffin of Princess Xuanhuai."

"Princess Xuanhuai..."

Wu Quanyi paused and said: "This is also a famous person."

"Master knows Princess Xuanhuai very well?"

"How could it be? My teacher and Princess Xuanhuai are dozens of years behind. They are not of the same generation at all. But I still hear a little bit."

Wu Quanyi shook his head and said.

Oh okay…

Zhao Xun couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

"If you want to investigate the case, you can try to investigate from the Wei family."

Wu Quanyi still gave his own suggestion.

"Princess Xuanhuai married the Wei family back then, and although Wei Yunli, the son-in-law, died suddenly, the Wei family is still a first-class noble family in Chang'an."

After a short pause, Wu Quanyi continued: "Since you are ordered to investigate the case, it is reasonable to go to the Wei family to inquire."

"Thank you for your guidance, Master."

Zhao Xun said quickly.

Wu Quanyi's thoughts coincided with Zhao Xun's previous thoughts, and he also felt that Wei's family should be the starting point.

"It's getting late and it's time to have dinner. Let's go after eating a bowl of noodles. I'll give you something to eat as a teacher."

Zhao Xun: "..."



After eating the glutinous rice noodles cooked by his teacher Wu Quanyi, Zhao Xun left Qinglian Temple and went straight to Changlefang.

The Wei family's house is located in the northeast of Changlefang, only one street away from Wang Zhongyi's house.

Zhao Xun felt very complicated when he revisited his old place.

At the beginning, he also thought that the murderer of Wu Ci was Wang Zhongyi, but in the end he found out that the real murderer was the left minister Chen Liangfu.

Things are far from being as simple as they appear on the surface, especially in Chang'an City.

Even if the water surface is calm, countless unknown things may be happening underwater.

The gods fight, and the fish in the pond suffer.

If you want to protect yourself, you have to become a strong man in the absolute sense, so that even a Ninth Five-Year Lord like Emperor Xianlong can't easily hurt you.

The Wei family house occupies a very large area, and the gate is also very grand.

Zhao Xun went straight up and knocked on the door.

Not long after, a porter opened the door, leaned out half of his body and said, "My lord, who are you looking for?"

"If the bad person investigates the case, please also report to the Patriarch Wei."

Zhao Xun didn't procrastinate, and went straight to the point.

The concierge's face changed slightly after hearing the word "bad person".

But he has seen the world anyway, and then he cupped his hands at Zhao Xun and said, "Please wait a moment, sir, let the villain go and report."

Zhao Xun nodded and waited in front of the mansion.

Even bad people cannot break into the house without the owner's permission.

Unless it is ordered to copy the house.

Zhao Xun only came to Wei's house this time to understand the situation, so naturally he had to behave kindly.

After about a cup of tea, the concierge left and returned.

He opened the door and crossed his hands respectfully at Zhao Xun.

"My lord, the head of my family is here to invite you."

Taking advantage of the situation, he made a gesture of invitation.

Zhao Xun shook his robe and stepped into Wei's mansion.

It has to be said that the Wei family is indeed the top family in Yongzhou.

The scale of this mansion is no less than that of an ordinary palace, and the level of luxury is even more luxurious.

The mansion is really too big, if there is no one with it, it will probably get lost.

It was late autumn, the vegetation in the mansion had already withered and yellowed, and the lotus in the pond had already withered.

Zhao Xun lost interest after glancing at it for a few times.

The concierge took Zhao Xun all the way quickly, and it took half a stick of incense to bring Zhao Xun to a bamboo building near the lake.

Zhao Xun looked up and saw the three powerful characters of Deyantang written on the bamboo building on the second floor, which seemed to be written by famous masters.

But this doesn't look like the home of the Patriarch.

Before Zhao Xun could ask, the porter cupped his hands and said, "My lord, the Patriarch is on the second floor, you just need to enter by yourself."

Zhao Xun nodded slightly as a thank you.

De Yantang, this name is really good.

Zhao Xun sorted out his appearance, and then stepped into the bamboo building.

Bamboo likes a humid and warm environment, so it mostly grows in the south, and it is difficult to survive in the north.

Therefore, general dignitaries like to use bamboo cutting as a material to build bamboo buildings, so as to express elegant sentiment.

The Patriarch of the Wei family should be no exception.



Wei Yanhan, the current Patriarch of Webster's in Yongzhou, is sitting in front of the desk, preparing a post.

He loves Jinshi calligraphy and painting, and is very keen on calligraphy.

Because he doesn't have an official position, Wei Yanhan has enough time to do what he likes.

After doing one thing for a long time, you will naturally become an expert.

Wei Yanhan's calligraphy can be regarded as a first-class existence in Chang'an City.

Zhao Xun quickly went upstairs and appeared in front of Wei Yanhan.

This is really a handsome man.

This was what Zhao Xun thought when he saw Wei Yanhan for the first time.

Of course, compared to Zhao Xun, Wei Yanhan is still much worse.

This is a man in his 40s, but because of his well-maintained skin, his skin is fair and firm without any signs of aging.

However, compared with the third senior brother in the Academy, Wei Yanhan didn't deliberately pretend to be young, and even grew a beard, so he could still tell his age.

Zhao Xun knew that Wei Yanhan, the patriarch of the Wei family, had not become an official, so he had been thinking about how to address him.

After thinking about it, Zhao Xun still used the safest wording that would not make mistakes.

"Weiss Bo, my nephew is bothering you."

The relationship between Cheng Guogong Zhao Yuan and Wei Yanhan is acceptable, and Zhao Xun called Wei Yanhan a world uncle, which is also justified.

"Master Zhao, please sit down. Come, show Master Zhao some tea."

However, Wei Yanhan acted very official, directly commensurate with his official position.

Seeing this, Zhao Xun smiled slightly, lifted the hem of his robe and sat down on the chair.



(End of this chapter)

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