big week bad guy

Chapter 108 The 3rd Brother's Discovery

Chapter 108 The Third Senior Brother's Discovery
The third senior brother was willing to accompany him, so Zhao Xun secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he knew that the Yuzhen Temple had already been visited by people, but Zhao Xun was worried that something would happen again.

With a high-quality practitioner by his side, he is more or less at ease.

In fact, Zhao Xun originally suggested that the academy youth group go together, but the third senior brother said that the sixth senior brother and the tenth senior brother were called away by the mountain chief, so Zhao Xun had to give up.

He clearly remembered the location of Yu Zhenguan.

Back then, he and Jia Xingwen lived in danger in Yuzhen Temple, and their lives were hanging by a thread. They left a deep impression on them, and I'm afraid they will never forget them in this life.

The third senior brother Long Qingquan was very relaxed, with a trace of curiosity in his relaxation.

As an incoming student of the academy, the third child, he often receives instructions from the head of the mountain.

Long Qingquan really didn't pay much attention to the general Yin of the Demon Sect.

He accompanied Zhao Xun this time because he was really interested in Princess Xuanhuai's past, and secondly, he also wanted to help Zhao Xun get rid of his obsessions and demons.

What happened 60 years ago has already been settled. Today, Emperor Xianlong is not in a hurry, so Zhao Xun is in a hurry to do something.

Of course, academy disciples still have to have a strong style, so Long Qingquan won't say it directly.

After about a stick of incense, the two came to Yuzhen Temple.

I haven't seen it for nearly a month, and this Yuzhen Temple has become dilapidated.

The gate of the Taoist temple has long been damaged, and the walls of the main hall have also collapsed to varying degrees.

The yard was overgrown with weeds, a sign of barrenness.

Zhao Xun looked around and found that there were still many traces of the fight left in the yard.

It has to be said that in terms of fighting, Wu Quanyi, a mentor who has entered the second rank, is indeed very strong.

Zhao Xun was very envious just that the ten thousand swords returned to the sect.

"Junior Brother, is this the Yuzhen Temple you mentioned?"

Long Qingquan seemed to smell something strange.

"That's right, third senior brother, that's where we found the corpse leader and other yin things."

Zhao Xun still has lingering fears when he recalled the scene at that time.

If it wasn't for the timely help from his mentor Wu Quanyi, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

"It's strange, I have been cultivating in Zhongnan Mountain for more than ten years, why have I never seen this Yuzhen Temple?"

Long Qingquan frowned, lost in thought.

After a long time, Long Qingquan slapped his head suddenly: "I know, this Taoist temple is definitely not created by illusion, so there is only one explanation left."

The third senior brother aroused Zhao Xun's appetite but didn't continue talking, which made Zhao Xun very anxious.

"This Taoist temple has long been dilapidated. It didn't fall after you fought fiercely a month ago."

Long Qingquan analyzed it very seriously: "One month is not enough time for a prosperous Taoist temple to decline. Unless it has been in decline for decades."


After hearing the third senior brother's analysis, Zhao Xun gasped.

If it is true what the third senior brother said, wouldn't it further prove that Princess Xuanhuai has a relationship with the Mozong?

Could it be said that Princess Xuanhuai fell into a demon when she led her hair to practice 60 years ago?
No, this proves nothing.

First of all, no evidence that Princess Xuanhuai is still alive has been found so far.People from the Demon Sect can live longer than ordinary people by practicing different arts.

If it can be proved that Princess Xuanhuai is still alive, it can indeed prove from the side that Princess Xuanhuai is related to Mozong.

Secondly, he has no way to conclude that this Yuzhen Temple must be the Yuzhen Temple that Princess Xuanhuai led to practice.

All the problems are back to the original point.

Perhaps if we want to unravel this mystery, we still have to start with Nanfeng.

"and many more."

Long Qingquan seemed to have discovered something suddenly, closed his eyes and began to feel the vitality fluctuations in this Taoist temple.

After a long time, he suddenly opened his eyes and rushed towards an old locust tree in the courtyard.

Long Qingquan poured his true energy into his fist, and smashed his fist towards the tree trunk.

But with a bang, the trunk of the old locust tree was smashed and fell heavily to the ground.

Zhao Xun was shocked by the sudden action of the third senior brother.

Although he knew that the third senior brother was a strong man who had stepped into the second-rank realm, he did not expect him to have such amazing strength.

This is simply One Punch Man, the boss is so terrifying.

"Little brother, look, this tree trunk is empty."

Long Qingquan said lightly: "My guess is right, this Taoist temple should have been dilapidated for a long time. This locust tree didn't shed its leaves because it was late autumn, but it was already dead."

Zhao Xun nodded.

According to what the third senior brother said, it can match the time when Princess Xuanhuai led the practice here 60 years ago.

"You said you were looking for someone?"

Long Qingquan changed the subject abruptly.

"Who is this guy?"

Zhao Xun blurted out without hesitation: "Nanfeng, this person is the head of Princess Xuanhuai back then. Back then, the empress killed more than a hundred faces raised by Princess Xuanhuai. It is said that Nanfeng survived and had a baby with Princess Xuanhuai." had a child. I think that's a clue."

Long Qingquan nodded, and seemed not at all interested in gossip about the royal family of Great Zhou.

"In that case, let's start with Nanfeng. What have you found now?"

Zhao Xun did not hide anything, and revealed all the information about Nanfeng that he had found in the archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the past few days.

"From the West"

The third senior brother muttered in his mouth.

"Maybe you can ask Junior Brother Fifteen, he is Chang'an from the Western Regions."

Fifteen brothers?

Zhao Xun was a little surprised.

When he first came to the academy to meet his senior brothers and sisters, he didn't remember seeing this fifteenth senior brother?

At that time, he thought that the fifteenth senior brother had also traveled abroad.

"Fifth Junior Brother has been practicing Zen meditation, it's normal if you haven't seen it."

Seeing Zhao Xun's confused face, Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan explained.

"However, don't expect too much. The Western Regions are vast, and what you're asking about happened 60 years ago, so Junior Brother Fifteen may not be clear about it. But it's worth a try."

Zhao Xun nodded and said, "I will follow what the third senior brother said."

The two brothers and sisters of the academy left Yuzhen Temple and rushed back to the academy.

At this moment, in an inconspicuous thatched cottage in Haoran Academy, the head of the mountain is leisurely tasting tea.

Opposite him was a monk who had been ordained.

The monk is sitting in meditation.

He has no other distractions and is as calm as water.

The head of the mountain didn't mean to disturb him.

Until the monk himself opened his eyes.

"Master, I just saw a Buddhist temple in the Western Regions again."

"This is your demon."

The head of the mountain said lightly.

"How to get rid of demons?"

"Only by cultivating great tranquility."

Great Tranquility is a major practice in Buddhism, and those who have achieved it can not be disturbed by any emotions.

The head of the mountain advocates teaching without discrimination, so he will not interfere with the specific practice of the disciples, but will give suggestions at an appropriate time.



(End of this chapter)

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