big week bad guy

Chapter 1144: Stealth and Shelter

In such a situation, Zhao Xun must stay focused at all times.

Because the Faceless Ones could infiltrate at any time.

Any slightest omission will lead to the deterioration of the situation.

This is what Zhao Xun does not want to see.

At this point, Zhao Xun must pay attention to every detail, so that he can at least ensure that there will be no all-round crotch stretching.

"Junior brother, do you feel that the atmosphere in the academy has become different recently?"

"Yes, I feel that the disciples in the academy have become very motivated recently. Not only the inner disciples, but also all the outer disciples."

"Yes, this is a good signal, at least it shows that we can maintain our own rhythm now."

Zhao Xun is actually a very sensitive person.

No matter how trivial it is, as long as there is a change, he will feel it immediately.

In Zhao Xun's opinion, the three thousand outer disciples of the academy are the so-called hidden power.

If given the chance, Zhao Xun definitely hopes to be able to convert it well.

The fight against the Faceless Men cannot rely solely on the so-called inner disciples. Everyone needs to play their own role.

Otherwise it’s really easy for someone to catch a loophole.

If this is really the case, it will definitely fall into a place of no return.

In fact, today's academies theoretically have no room for error.

Once many crises occur, it will really bring about a series of chain reactions.

"So, now we should build the statues first. As long as there are enough statues of Confucian saints in the past, we can deter most of the faceless men and cyberpunks."

Yes, until now Zhao Xun still believes that there is more than one faceless man.

In addition to the one he saw before, there should be many others hidden.

In addition to the faceless men, there are also cyberpunks.

These guys are no less threatening than the Faceless Men.

In this case, constant gaming is the key to victory.

If you cannot control the most critical part in this situation, the whole person will become extremely embarrassed.

"So, the essence of the problem is deterrence. As long as we can complete this deterrence, we don't have to worry about anything."

At this stage, Zhao Xun's grasp of his mentality has become more and more proficient.

It's a very delicate state for him to fight against the Faceless Men and Cyberpunks.

If there are any flaws, you may fall into a state of absolute fear.

Therefore, Zhao Xun must actively grasp all of this.

"The essence of the matter is that the other party wants to invade the Great Zhou world. Their goal is not just the academy, but they hope to completely expand the dark forces to the entire Great Zhou world."

"Well, at this stage, it is difficult for ordinary people to understand."

At this moment, Zhao Xun could be said to have analyzed the details extremely thoroughly.

For him, there must be no hesitation.

Because even the slightest hesitation may lead to changes in the situation.

The general trend of the world is changing rapidly.

Even the slightest change can cause the entire situation to drastically change.

"At this moment, the more we must unleash the full potential of the statue. For us, we must ensure absolute stability."

Zhao Xun's mentality is already very stable at this moment.

"Come on, I must grasp all this. I must control my mentality as much as possible. I hope everyone can do the same."

In this way, Zhao Xun must be cautious enough and work hard enough to search out the hidden things.

If a problem does arise, it must be a huge problem.


After taking a deep breath, Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan calmed down his mood.

"If that's the case, the next thing we have to do is to find out and fill in the gaps and make up for all the shortcomings."

Third senior brother Long Qingquan's thinking has always been very clear.

For him, if he can actively control his emotions in the future, he will definitely be able to defeat the Faceless Man.

"Yes, let's finish building the statue first. This is the first and most important step. If this step is not done well, other things will not be of much significance."

In Zhao Xun's opinion, since a mansion is to be built, the foundation must be laid first. After that, consider decorating.

If you put the cart before the horse, the effect will definitely not be very good.

That's how it goes a lot of the time.

"Actually, it's not that difficult to build a statue. The most important thing is that we have to grasp the differences. If we can't do this, it's really not easy."

"Hahaha, we should calm down now. Once the mentality is good, we can basically perform at our best."

The situation among the academy disciples is actually quite subtle. Zhao Xun is a person who plays an adjustment role. But in the end, you still have to rely on the whole.

The final state of the academy depends on all the disciples of the academy, not just individual people!


"So, things are not that complicated."

Zhao Xun smiled and said: "Everyone, let's start giving it a try. You may feel a little uncomfortable at the beginning. But you will eventually get used to it."

Every moment, Zhao Xun is trying new possibilities.

If you can improve your personal strength in this way, it will definitely be perfect.

A lot of times that's how things work, it's not that complicated.

"I also plan to make an invisibility shield. This way everything can be hidden when necessary."

"Hahaha, that sounds awesome."


Zhao Xun actually has a lot of expectations for these details.

After all, once you can gain enough experience, you will at least be invincible.

As for other things.

Zhao Xun didn't think it was that complicated.

Many times you need someone who has the courage

Opportunity to get your hands dirty.

Now it seems that Zhao Xun is doing very well.

"Come on, I'm already looking forward to it. How to make this invisible protective shield? We still need some help after all."

Third senior brother Long Qingquan was quite excited.

For him, it had been a long time since he had tried stealth.

In this case, it is natural to keep trying.

"Well, you can make more nodes. Once you have enough nodes, the hidden protective shield will be more useful."

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, he always says what he wants.

In front of his third senior brother Long Qingquan, Zhao Xun would not have any reservations.

As long as they can work together, they will be able to create a very strong hidden protective shield.

Zhao Xun is very confident about this.

According to Zhao Xun, the prerequisite for building a hidden protective shield is to create some nodules in time.

Once you have these nodules, you can build a big cover.

"Okay, I think the rhythm is correct now. As for the effect of the hidden protective shield we make next, no one knows."

The more times like this, the more important it is to grasp one's core elements. In this way, at least there won't be too big a problem.

"Come on, let's try it first. If it turns out to be unsatisfactory, there will be other ways."


Zhao Xun was quite cautious at this moment.

At this time, you must not start talking big words.

If you act too hastily, your rhythm will be interrupted.

This is very bad.

Zhao Xun hopes that he can always maintain a high mood.

Therefore, the rhythm must be grasped and cannot be interrupted no matter what.

"It seems to be getting better."

The cover of concealment was gradually put up.

Although the final shape was very different from what Zhao Xun expected, it was not that strange.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it looks pretty good."

"Yes, it seems the effect is pretty good now."

"Should we go in first and try?"

The final effect still depends on practice.

If the practical effect is very good, Zhao Xun plans to let more academy disciples try it.

At times like this, it is even more important to control your emotions.

At least at this unique moment, Zhao Xun can practice in his own way and ensure that the academy is on the right pace. "The next step is actually not that complicated."

"As long as everyone exerts force in the right position, we can give the opponent the harshest blow."

Under the urging of the Faceless Man, the mechas assembled as quickly as possible.

The mechas of the entire cyberpunk planet gathered in front of them in a short period of time, which made the faceless man quite excited.

The Mecha Legion is his greatest confidence.

With these mechas, cyberpunks have a guarantee.

At least they won't show too much pressure, but can put pressure on their opponents in all directions.

Invading the world of Dazhou is a plan he has already made, and he will definitely not change it easily.

But now it seems that he can at least optimize some details.

Many times it is necessary to focus on details.

A lot of surprises happen when you can focus on the details.


"Let's try it now. When the mecha army gathers together, it will definitely destroy everything and form a storm."

At this moment, the Faceless Man can be described as complacent.

For him, the duel with Zhao Xun was not as complicated and difficult as imagined.

As long as you start trying, you can start an endless conquest.

At times like this, the Faceless One needs to stay in good condition.

Status really matters.

Even people like the Faceless Men who claim to have no opponents still need to adjust their condition to the best.

If something really went wrong, he would have a chance to adjust instead of falling directly into the abyss without any chance to react.

The Faceless Man knows that Zhao Xun is a Confucian sage of the time, so he must understand Zhao Xun's weaknesses in time to prevent him from connecting with other Confucian sages of the past.

"Tsk tsk tsk"

"bring it on."

"Fight, mecha army!"

At this moment, the mecha army has fully possessed various characteristics.

As long as the Faceless Man can knead them together, it is guaranteed to bring great pressure to the opponent.


"Zhao Xun seems to have been aware of it to a certain extent. Then he will definitely not sit still and wait for death."

The more times like this, the more Faceless Men need to control their rhythm.

If Zhao Xun is blindly suppressed, the situation will only become more complicated.

At this time, the Faceless Men need to break the balance.

"Tsk tsk tsk"


Watching the various mecha legions begin to form a combined force, a smile began to appear on the faceless man's lips.

It's really not easy at this moment.


"Let's get started, I'm going to start my journey to conquer the entire universe again."

Although he knew it would be difficult, the Faceless Man was grateful that he finally had the chance to start.

Death will come and all will end.

Dust to dust, dust to dust.

At this moment, basically everything will be silent.

"Zhao Xun, Zhao Xun, I will let you rest for a few days. When my mecha army arrives, you will definitely feel what cruelty is."

It is impossible for the Faceless Men to tolerate themselves facing extreme threats.

Opponents of Zhao Xun's level must be nipped in the cradle as much as possible.

If Zhao Xun really becomes stronger, God knows what he will do.

This is intolerable.

"Come on, I want to see what other tricks you can come up with."

The more times like this, the more you need to control your emotions, at least not to let your emotions be affected too much.

At this stage, you must do things that ordinary people cannot do in order to be invincible.

"Okay, this hidden protective shield is completely finished."

Zhao Xun is still quite excited at this stage.

However, compared to the previous period, his mood has calmed down a lot.

People always have to return to reason.

When everything returns to reason, various details can be handled more rationally.

"Hahaha, congratulations, little junior brother. In this way, we can relieve a lot of pressure."

"Yes, with this hidden protective cover, not to say it is foolproof, but at least you won't face too much pressure."

At times like this, it is even more important to control your emotions.

"Tsk tsk tsk"

Not everyone can control what they should do at this stage.


Every moment, Zhao Xun is improving his characteristics, which can bring some completely different experiences.

At this stage, Zhao Xun actually has a lot of experimentation.

"bring it on."

"Let's enter this area and give it a try first. See if it's suitable for staying here for a long time."

Staying long is key.

After all, in the face of an invasion, you must ensure your own absolute safety.

It is easy to cause problems if you stay like this for a long time.

Stability is more important than anything else.

Not to mention that you have to live there for a year and a half, but at least ten days and a half cannot be a big problem, right?

If even this time cannot be guaranteed, Zhao Xun feels that it is inappropriate.

"Now it seems that we should build more outer layers of protective gas shields."

Zhao Xun felt a big difference after entering this area.

At this moment, he has a lot of optimization directions.

"Well, there's nothing wrong with me, little junior brother. There's no problem in seeking stability at times like this."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Zhao Xun was so excited during this period.

With the support of his third senior brother Long Qingquan, Zhao Xun was able to start the operation without any worries.

Although he may still encounter difficulties, Zhao Xun will not feel any pressure in this way.

If there's a problem, go solve it, it's not a big deal.

"Actually, we are still very good at controlling our emotions at the moment."

Zhao Xun paused for a moment and said: "What we have to do is to arrange induction nodes in every corner. This way, we can make timely adjustments to problems at any time."

"But there is one thing. What if the Faceless Man uses his mecha to fight hard?"


"It's really hard to say."


"Once the mecha is hardened, the problem will become extremely complicated."

"It is possible for them to directly destroy this protective shield. No matter how many things we build, we will be limited. The destructive power of the mecha is really too powerful."

Zhao Xun still has lingering fears about mechas.

The current strength of the academy is not enough to completely resist.

If the mechas really come together and form a terrible combined force, it can easily cause immeasurable consequences.


Therefore, you must control your emotions at this stage.

"Junior brother, I think we still have to build as many nodules as possible at this time, so that the stability of the protective shield will be much enhanced."

Third senior brother Long Qingquan was quite delicate at this moment.

He can help Zhao Xun think of many unexpected things.

It is actually quite good to be able to check for leaks and fill in the gaps at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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