big week bad guy

Chapter 1150 The Faceless Man Reappears

Walking in Taixu Illusion requires absolute vigilance.

Because you never know what will happen next.

Zhao Xun had walked in the Taixu illusion before, so he knew that this time was extremely dangerous.

Only by ensuring the most basic state can we reach a new realm.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person.

He knows that the root of danger lies in the inability to correctly understand oneself.

Because of this, you will fall into an absolute dilemma.

"So, actually, you don't have to worry about too many things now. Just be yourself at this moment."

Once an accident occurs, you must respond immediately so as not to end up in an embarrassing situation.

For now, Zhao Xun is still able to control the situation.

But no one really knows how long it can last.


At this moment, Zhao Xun suddenly saw these stone statues starting to move.

"Good guy"

At this moment, Zhao Xun must remain absolutely calm and must not have the slightest impulse.

At this time, if Zhao Xun is impulsive, it will cause these stone statues to become alienated and cause backlash.

At this point, Zhao Xun could only calm down his mood.

Dealing with everything with a peaceful mind during this period can indeed bring extraordinary experiences.

This is not something that ordinary people can feel.

When the whole person becomes extremely peaceful, more things can be realized.

In other words, this is because human perception is amplified.

"Tsk tsk tsk"

Zhao Xun stepped forward, trying to feel everything.

In his opinion, the world is no different to him.

At this unique moment, Zhao Xun needs to reach out and touch everything.

“The energy here seems very different from other places in the world.”

After Zhao Xun gains this knowledge, he will work hard to explore other places.

Because he firmly believes that what you see is not what you get.

Only more in-depth exploration can make people understand which is true and which is false.

In this process, everyone's judgment will be completely different.

"Actually, this is the legendary ultimate illusion."

It is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish the ultimate illusion.

But Zhao Xun is different.


Zhao Xun was a Confucian sage of the time and had extremely powerful perception.

As long as he can gain enough perception, he can ensure that he will not be blocked.

"Danger is hidden in this nunnery."

Zhao Xun stopped when he saw a nunnery.

At this stage, he must ensure that he can have a unique cognition.

What will be in the nunnery? What is the difference between it and a temple?

Zhao Xun was still very curious at this time.

Curiosity prompted him to keep walking.

The more times like this, the more you need to fully grasp your own mentality and never give in easily.

"The root of everything lies in the gap in cognition. At least at this moment, there is indeed a gap in our cognition."

At this special moment, Zhao Xun already had a brand new experience.

For him, as long as he gets a new experience, he can completely have a new understanding.

Therefore, he must enter this nunnery.

No matter what is in this nunnery, it will not stop him.

Zhao Xun's desire to explore is quite powerful.

When he fully grasps all of this, he can stop worrying about too many things at all.

"This is the essence of the matter. I need to be brave and take this first step. It may seem difficult, but after you actually go through it, you will find that it is actually nothing more than that."

Zhao Xun's advantages are accumulated gradually, rather than being present at the beginning.

After reaching this level, there will basically be no impact.

At this stage, Zhao Xun must ensure that nothing goes wrong.

If he really encounters an accident, he must have a plan to withstand it.

"Phantom Group"

Zhao Xun summoned countless illusions.

This is also to protect yourself.


Zhao Xun knew that this way he would basically not have the slightest resistance.

That's how it goes a lot of the time.

When you can confuse your opponent, you are basically guaranteed to be foolproof.

Once your opponent doesn't know when and where to start, there won't be any problems.

Of course, there are still certain variables.

The biggest variable here is whether there will be faceless men.

It is entirely possible that the Faceless One will take advantage of this illusory realm to take action.

Once he really does this, Zhao Xun will have to face a huge crisis for a long time.

This is not a joke.

Zhao Xun is very aware of this guy's strength.

Although Zhao Xun had gained an advantage to a certain extent, there was no guarantee that he would be able to crush his opponent.

Zhao Xun knew very well that he and his opponent were actually evenly matched.

Once a huge state of chaos is created, the situation will only become extremely confusing.


Zhao Xun felt a cold breath coming from his back.

For a moment he couldn't describe this feeling.

"Good guy, it seems I should go deeper."

"Let's see what comes next."

Zhao Xun at this moment is completely different from before. He already has a unique temperament.

If he wants to be in a state to crush his opponents, Zhao Xun must stay as calm as possible.

People will not be affected by external objects when they are calm.

In this way, even if the Faceless Man really appears, Zhao Xun has nothing to panic about.

"It doesn't look like that's the case."

Zhao Xun took a deep breath, and then used Haoran's righteousness to start dispelling the evil spirits.

Then Zhao Xun stepped into the nunnery.


This nunnery is very different from what Zhao Xun imagined.

Originally, Zhao Xun thought that there would be many Buddha statues in the so-called nunnery.

But there are only a lot of stone monuments here.

There are many words engraved on these stone tablets in unknown characters.

Zhao Xun frowned and looked at it for a long time, still unable to see clearly.

"So who exactly is left here?"

At this stage, Zhao Xun took a deep breath and tried to calm down his mood.

The Taoist heart still cannot be broken.

"Let's see what happens next."

Now that things have come to this point, we can only continue on like this.

If Zhao Xun chooses to give up at this time, then all his efforts will be wasted.

This is something Zhao Xun cannot accept no matter what.

"I would rather see if the Faceless Men will appear."

In Zhao Xun's view, if the Faceless Man really appears, it proves that the entire Taixu illusion has been invaded.

Then Zhao Xun needs to change his strategy in time.

"The light shines brightly."

At this moment, Zhao Xun began to deliberately create a feeling of being shrouded in light.

This way he won't slack off at all.

As long as the evil spirits are close to him, Zhao Xun can suppress them tremendously.

In this way, you can ensure that you are taking the initiative in an absolute sense.

This is really important.

It's not that Zhao Xun is afraid of anything, but that he doesn't want everything to be in a state of chaos.

"Well, it seems there are really a lot of things hidden here."

Zhao Xun only glanced at it and knew that this area was not simple.

To ensure that the whole person is in a perfect state, one must actually have a unique experience.

"Ha ha ha ha."

"Sure enough, the Faceless One is indeed here."

After some searching, Zhao Xun found that the faceless man was in this area.

In this way, Zhao Xun was able to confirm that the Faceless Men had really invaded Taiyuan Realm.

"This guy is really not a fuel-efficient guy."

At this special moment, Zhao Xun used his breathing to give himself the ability to burst out his true energy at any time.

It sounds scary at first, but in fact it will be in an absolutely strong state.

It is important to adjust your status at any time.

The more you face a top powerhouse, the more so. When Zhao Xun faced off against Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrives and Irakanpur Noliha Chiathir, there was basically no chaotic scene. Because he can adjust his condition to the best from beginning to end.

"Hey, Faceless Man. Since you're here, you might as well come out and have a chat."

Zhao Xun actually started chatting with the Faceless Man.

Because in his opinion, this would allow the Faceless Men to relax their vigilance.

Once the Faceless Men relax their vigilance, Zhao Xun can gain more advantages.

This is sometimes the case in duels between two sides. The greater the advantage you show, the more opportunities the opponent has to make mistakes.

At this moment, not everyone can guarantee the details and will not make mistakes.

Even faceless men can be stupid under extreme circumstances.

Once the Faceless Man makes a mistake, Zhao Xun can then establish a certain advantage.

Although this advantage may not turn Zhao Xun into a victory, however.


At this stage, Zhao Xun began to have an aura of giving up to others.

Get rid of everything!

Zhao Xun always has this ability.

For him, as long as he has an advantage, he will be able to defeat any opponent.

"Zhao Xun, are you really not afraid?"

Sure enough, under Zhao Xun's stimulation, the Faceless Man finally couldn't bear it anymore.

The faceless man's voice was a little angry, and he seemed to be very dissatisfied with Zhao Xun's attitude just now.

In this case, Zhao Xun would indeed feel quite proud.

Because his purpose has been achieved.

In this way, Zhao Xun basically doesn't have to worry too much and just needs to quietly realize everything.

"Afraid? Why should I be afraid? Will you be afraid when you are the best in the world? Besides, who are you afraid of? Could it be that I am afraid of you? This is really funny."

Zhao Xun spread his hands with disdain and said, "It's not like I haven't fought you before. In fact, you do have some strength. But if you want to compare with me, you don't have the qualifications."

Zhao Xun is well versed in the true meaning of stimulating generals.

At this moment he had to anger the Faceless Men.

Only by angering the Faceless Man can he find a flaw and gain an advantage.

This process is still very subtle for chess players.

It is simply difficult for ordinary people to understand.

"Actually, this is what you want me to take out, right?"

Zhao Xun worked hard to take out the supreme holy object in the academy.

"This pen."

"Written the legend of the academy. You want to get this pen, but you don't know where I hide it. So you want to force me to take out this pen, right?"

Zhao Xun knew that chatting with the Faceless Man at this time was very beneficial. Not only could he lower his opponent's vigilance, but he could also use this opportunity to learn some useful things.

Although it may not be guaranteed to defeat the Faceless Man, it can always establish a certain advantage.

Everyone will have their own ideas during this period.


Zhao Xun will not reveal his flaws easily.

"Come on, let me see what happens next."

"What is the magic power of this pen?"

At this moment, the Faceless Man was also a little confused.

He didn't know what new tricks Zhao Xun would have at this moment.

"This pen can seal anyone."

There is some truth in what Zhao Xun said.

"Anyone can be sealed. So do you want to give it a try?"

"Then forget it."

"Besides, you don't have the ability. Otherwise, you wouldn't just talk here."

The Faceless Man actually remained calm.

At this moment, as long as he doesn't mess up, he won't be targeted.

"It's that simple. Whoever is stronger can have a unique experience."

"Actually, as long as I'm not bound by your awe-inspiring righteousness, I don't have to worry about anything."


"Then let's try it."

Zhao Xun suddenly burst out with a lot of awe-inspiring righteousness.

It created a turmoil in an instant.

"Stone Art."

The Faceless Man did not panic, but used stone statues to resist.

In an instant, countless stone statues appeared, creating a natural obstacle to Haoran's righteousness.

In this way, Zhao Xun's awe-inspiring righteousness would not be able to harm the faceless man in the first place.

"Good guy."

Zhao Xun sneered: "I didn't expect you to have such a hand."

"It seems that you have thought clearly and will fight to the end, right? In that case, let's give it a try."


Zhao Xun summoned countless holy images.

These are all Confucian saints or their disciples in the past dynasties.

At this moment, Zhao Xun can rely on these holy elephants to cause dimensionality reduction blows to the enemy.

However, the Faceless Man seemed to be well prepared and immediately formed a barrier.

"Be still."

At this moment, Zhao Xun felt a very terrible feeling.

Time seems to have stood still.

This must have something to do with the Faceless Men.

It's just that Zhao Xun won't be able to figure out why for a while.

"Good guy, I want to see what happens next."

Zhao Xun was already very calm.

He tried to get out of this still space.

But he found that things were not that simple.

"Damn it."

Zhao Xun has some very unique qualities.

This quality prevents him from being imprisoned by this static space.

But it is also difficult to completely get out of this area.

"Tsk tsk tsk"

Zhao Xun was actively exploring every moment, and after exploring an area clearly, he made some changes.


"It seems like these guys have started deliberately causing chaos."

“It’s necessary to get out of this trap.”

At this moment, Zhao Xun began to keep calm.

Because he was sure that if this continued, the situation would only become more complicated and confusing.


No one can completely escape the concept of time at this moment.

Even Confucian sages are the same.

"Is time imprisoned?"

Zhao Xun began to frown.

He realized the seriousness of the problem. If Zhao Xun cannot escape from the confinement of time at this moment, he should be permanently sealed here, right?


"Time Walks."

"Let's start strolling."

At this moment, Zhao Xun can definitely ensure that he will not be affected.

But he needs to start setting a course.

In this way, even if there is a problem with this route, he can still return to the original route without falling into a trap and being unable to extricate himself.

"Good guy"

It seems that this road is not as perfect as imagined.

After exploring for a while, Zhao Xun found that the situation began to change dramatically.

He felt that the light outside was getting darker and darker.

This seems to be a very special area.


"It's like we've reached the end of time."

This is the first time Zhao Xun has encountered such a situation.

He had never felt anything like this before.

I have to say that this faceless man still has a few tricks up his sleeve.

"Come out. If you are a man, come out and fight openly."

Zhao Xun was really losing his temper at this moment.

If the other party continues to spend like this, it will definitely be very detrimental to Zhao Xun.

"I want to see what happens next."

"Everything grows."

Zhao Xun prepared to use this spell to break the deadlock.

Although it seems difficult, you have to give it a try.

How do you know if you don't try it?

There is still hope for Zhao Xunjue's success.

Now he really can't be entangled anymore.


(End of this chapter)

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