big week bad guy

Chapter 1155 Return to Cyberpunk

The Faceless Men know that if the mecha army wants to exert its strongest combat power, it must have an injection of evil power from beginning to end.

The more evil force is injected, the stronger the mecha's combat effectiveness will be.

No matter when and where, the Faceless Men hope that the mecha can exert its greatest strength.

In this way, he must inject evil power into the mecha in batches.

The workload is still huge. If there are any gaps in some details, it will cause problems with the overall rhythm.

The leader of the Faceless Men knew that this was still quite difficult.

But at this point, he really couldn't have any hesitation.

Emotional changes can cause problems in many areas.

At this special moment, everyone needs to control their emotions.

"After the dark power and mecha are combined, you don't have to worry about anything."

The leader of the Faceless Men is still very confident in the dark mecha.

In his opinion, even if he encounters many problems in the process, it will not affect him too much.

People have to constantly adjust their tactics.

From the perspective of the leader of the Faceless Men, his advantages can be reflected in all aspects.

"Zhao Xun has been putting pressure on us, so we have to retaliate in kind. If we can't restrain him at this time, he will intensify his efforts. When have cyberpunks ever suffered such humiliation?"

Zhao Xun's advantage is essentially that he is a very strong person.

As long as you give him a chance, he will try to limit your performance as much as possible.

So now the leader of the Faceless Men must change his thinking.

"I must constantly restrict Zhao Xun's movement. As long as his movement is restricted, I don't have to worry so much. I must give full play to the potential of all dark power. It's time for cyberpunks to exert their strength. It's time."

Reasonable solutions to problems after encountering them can bring a completely different experience.

Zhao Xun put pressure on the leader of the Faceless Men, so they had to respond in time.

"Come on, we must try our best to influence their state and output as much as possible. The dark forces will never retreat."

"I must mobilize all cyberpunk people. Only in this way can we put the greatest pressure on the other party."

"Looks like it's time to rally."

From the perspective of the Faceless Man, this is the time when he must concentrate on gathering.

At times like this, we need to unite more.

In this way, there is basically no need to worry about the intervention of the academy.

Otherwise, it is easy to be affected by the presence of the academy.


In this special period, the Faceless Man no longer intends to hide himself, and must exert his strongest strength.


Zhao Xun was really stunned when he saw this information in the academy library.

To him, everything seemed so sudden.

"It means that the Faceless Men will let the cyberpunks inject evil power into the mecha to enhance the mecha's aggressiveness."

Zhao Xun's perception and understanding are very strong. When he encounters a problem, he will try his best to solve it.

"In this case, if you want to eradicate the evil force, you must think about the problem from a cyberpunk perspective."

Zhao Xun knew that things were not easy to handle. If things were allowed to develop, the final result would definitely become quite difficult.


"It seems I have to try my best to influence the Faceless Men's methods."

This process will definitely not go smoothly, and Zhao Xun needs to show a certain attitude from the beginning.

Only with the right posture can you defeat your opponent.

"Third Senior Brother, how do you think we can interfere with the Faceless Men?"

"this one"

The third senior brother scratched his head when he heard this.

In his view, they were in a blind spot during this period.

If you cannot get out of the blind spot for a long time, you will only fall deeper and deeper.

"Sneak into their consciousness?"

As a top practitioner, Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan has never lacked imagination.

At this time, if you can sneak into the opponent's consciousness, it will be easy to deal with the details. But it's certainly not simple either.

"You can give it a try."

Zhao Xun's thinking is still very clear.

Since Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan proposed this plan, he felt that he should give it a try.

"Now it seems that there is basically no need to worry about the faceless men invading our sea of ​​consciousness. We should also treat others in their own way."

Zhao Xun had been invaded by faceless men in the sea of ​​​​consciousness more than once before, and he was still affected to some extent.

At present, Zhao Xun must make certain adjustments to make his opponents feel this pain.

"Hahaha, this is what I've been waiting for."

Third senior brother Long Qingquan stepped forward and patted Zhao Xun on the shoulder, saying in a deep voice: "That's what we should do."

"Tsk tsk tsk"

"So let's give it a try. The effect should be good."

Zhao Xun looked very relaxed at this moment.

In his opinion, as long as he can deal with it proactively, the final result should be good.


"In fact, the other party should be on guard next time. As long as the other party intervenes, our effectiveness may be greatly reduced."

"Tsk tsk tsk"

"Actually, it's not that complicated at the moment. Just follow your feelings."

"Yeah, that's right. It's useless even if we think too much at this time."

Zhao Xun smiled and said, "So it's better to just follow your feelings."

Zhao Xun has never been a hypocritical person. In his opinion, following one's own heart is also a training that a top practitioner should have.

As long as he can restrict his opponent immediately, he will be able to achieve very good results in the end.

As for what the outcome will be, it’s not too good to say.

But if there are any changes, he will make adjustments according to the situation.


"Let's go and see."

Zhao Xun is still very hopeful for the future.

In his opinion, the academy has a bright future.

"Can it be successful?"

"It doesn't seem to be going well. We've encountered quite a few problems."

Zhao Xun frowned and withdrew from his state of consciousness.

"At present, it seems that the other party is on guard and has set up a barrier in advance. As a result, we will not be able to enter their sea of ​​consciousness in time."

There is a very subtle door between Zhao Xun and the Faceless Man.

Sometimes this door is open and sometimes it is closed.

This door is currently closed.

If Zhao Xun wants to open this door, he needs to think of other ways.

"Well, so the problem is still big. The Faceless Man is really a thief. In this case, it will not be that simple for us to succeed."


At this moment, Zhao Xun fell into deep thought.

He knew he had to think differently.

It seems that it is really difficult to directly enter the other party's sea of ​​consciousness.


"Or we can try a new idea and enter the cyberpunk world through the Twin Gate."

"The Gate of Twins. It doesn't seem impossible."

"So, the situation is actually quite ideal, right?"

"I can only say that it's not that bad. The advantage of passing through the Twin Gate is that we can bypass our opponents."

"Well, things become much easier after bypassing the first line of defense."

"Come on, in that case let's give it a try."

At this stage, Zhao Xun focuses on the control of details.

In his opinion, there is still a lot of danger in the Twin Gate.

If you want to completely shield yourself from risks, you need to think of countermeasures from the beginning, rather than thinking of solutions when you encounter risks.

If that were the case, it would be too easy for a crisis to occur.

"Okay, let's enter the Twin Gate from the third floor of the Academy Library. There is a nodule there."

"Okay!" Zhao Xun and his third senior brother Long Qingquan were mentally prepared.

To them, traveling to the Twin Gates is no big deal.

As long as the psychological defense is in place, nothing too bad will happen.

"By the way, we'd better communicate with other people, so that there won't be too much danger. Even if there is danger, they can rescue us in time."


"Junior brother, you are so considerate that I actually forgot about this matter."

"Actually, this plan is quite good."

"Then tell Senior Sister and Second Senior Sister. They are the two strongest. They will really resist if something happens."

"Well, I also think that Senior Sister and Second Senior Sister are the most reliable candidates at the moment."

"Junior brother, third junior brother, are you going to pass through the Twin Gate?"

Senior sister Xiao Ning was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

"Yes, we can only find the Faceless Man through the Twin Gate. We must plan in advance now so that we can ensure nothing goes wrong."

Zhao Xun's mind has been made up.

In this case, he would not hesitate at all.

"Okay, it looks like you've made your decision, little junior brother."

At this moment, Senior Sister Xiao Ning will not come out openly to oppose Zhao Xun.

As long as they can protect themselves, senior sister Xiao Ning will not say anything more.

Second senior sister Liu Yingying put her hands on her hips.

"So, junior brother, you already have a plan? What will you decide to do if you really encounter the Faceless Man?"

Compared with the senior sister, the second senior sister Liu Yingying is more lenient.

"Absolutely. I think we must stop the Faceless Man from using his evil power. No matter what method we use, we will do our best."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, actually the situation is really not very complicated. As for Second Senior Sister, just relax."

At this time, Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan also started to help.

"Okay, okay. Now that you've all talked about it, I won't say anything more."

"But be sure to stay safe."

"Well, if we are in danger, we will tell you in time. Then you can just think of ways to rescue us."

Zhao Xun, senior sister Xiao Ning and second senior sister Liu Yingying said this matter in the hope that they could help themselves and third senior brother Long Qingquan in a timely manner to protect themselves.

With this supportive person, they no longer have anything to worry about.

It is here.

Zhao Xun was not surprised when he saw the Twin Gate.

This door looks like an ordinary door from the outside.

What Zhao Xun and the others have to do is to enter the cyberpunk world through this door as much as possible.

Although in theory there is no big problem, it is not a trivial matter if danger does arise.


Zhao Xun must try his best to explore and be as foolproof as possible.

"We'd better use invisibility to hide first. This way at least we won't be immediately exposed to the enemy after entering the cyberpunk world."

Until now, Zhao Xun still doesn't know what the future holds, so the best choice is to become invisible first.

Zhao Xun has heard the saying that being invisible equals being invincible more than once.

In his opinion, as long as he can deal a sufficient blow to the enemy, he can help the academy overcome the difficulties.


"Now it seems that being invisible is indeed the best way."

"Come on, don't hesitate."

In an instant, Zhao Xun and his third senior brother Long Qingquan used the invisibility technique.

Both of them are invisible.

This spell is nothing to top practitioners.

As long as they can reasonably resolve the crisis, it's worth it.

You have to take that step after all.

So Zhao Xun was the first to be a crab eater.

"Well it looks like things are going pretty well."

At this moment, Zhao Xun has arrived in the cyberpunk world.


"Getting better."

Third senior brother Long Qingquan also started to take steps at this time.

This is not as difficult as imagined.

Once you really take the first step, everything will fall into place.

"Hahaha, we have really entered the cyberpunk world."

"Let's move forward."

After seeing his third senior brother Long Qingquan, Zhao Xun finally let go of his hanging heart.

For him, as long as he can avoid a direct conflict with the other party in time, it is enough.

Before meeting the leader of the Faceless Men himself, Zhao Xun felt that it would be better to keep a low profile for mourning.

"No matter what happens, don't reveal yourself for a while."


Zhao Xun and his third senior brother Long Qingquan had actually reached a certain consensus before they came.

However, Zhao Xun still felt that it was necessary to remind Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan.

As long as the third senior brother Long Qingquan doesn't suddenly fall ill due to a sudden fever, they still have great hope of being able to sneak directly into the vicinity of the leader of the Faceless Men.

Although Zhao Xun does not know the specific location of the leader of the Faceless Men, they can roam without damage.

Ahead is a very tall tower.

Zhao Xun only glanced at it and let him go.

In his opinion, one must be as low-key as possible at such times.

There are too many dead souls hidden in this tower. If you enter rashly and are affected, you will easily suffer backlash.

They have a heavy responsibility this time, and they must not make mistakes.

Third senior brother Long Qingquan imitated Zhao Xun's behavior when he saw him.

As long as there is no fierce conflict, they will most likely continue to remain invisible and sneak in this way.


At this time, I suddenly saw a will-o'-the-wisp ignited.

"Tsk tsk tsk"

"So you don't actually need to care about these things. What we have to do is to go to the location where the leader of the Faceless Men is as much as possible."

Zhao Xun used his mind to communicate with the third senior brother Long Qingquan, and then the third senior brother Long Qingquan expressed his agreement.

The less trouble, the better.

As long as the leader of the Faceless Men can be found in time, their mission may be completed.

Ahead is an underground river, and there are many mechas gathered along the river.

It's just that these mechas haven't been awakened yet.

"So, are these mechas going to be used to attack us in the future?"

"Absolutely. Mechas should be the Faceless Man's trump card. His willingness to gather mechas at this time shows that he really hopes to launch a general attack."


"So if you want to truly kill the mechas, you need to kill the leader of the Faceless Men, right? Otherwise, there will be an endless supply of mechas."

"Yes. We definitely can't just go looking for mechas to attack, otherwise we won't be able to stop."

"The current situation is actually not that bad. I think it is possible that the leader of the Faceless Men is in that direction."

After determining the direction, all you have to do is move forward without hesitation.

If there is even the slightest hesitation, it is easy to miss the opportunity.

"Now it seems that the Faceless Men probably didn't expect us to flash through the Twin Gate. We really caught them off guard."

"haha, yes."

Zhao Xun is still very satisfied with their routine.

With this sneak attack, they were able to take action before the leader of the Faceless Men.

Sometimes the battle is about a rhythm and an information gap.

As long as Zhao Xun and the others have the right rhythm, they can basically achieve an invincible state.

Even if the leader of the Faceless Men reacts, it is impossible to turn the situation around.

Zhao Xun has this confidence.

In terms of taking ten thousand steps back, it would not be difficult for Zhao Xun and the others to retreat unscathed.

Of course, it depends on how you perform on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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