big week bad guy

Chapter 1181 Confusing

Chapter 1181 Confusing

The situation in Yongzhou Forest of Steles is very different from what Zhao Xun imagined.

The dilapidation of the Forest of Steles was beyond his expectation.

Although he and a group of outer disciples had worked together to use clearing techniques to clear away the dust on the remaining stele, the words engraved on it were so worn that they could not be read.

This is really a bit embarrassing.

If you can't read the words on the stele, it's impossible to know what the stele represents. There is no way to collect the context and awe-inspiring righteousness.

It can be said that this is a series of chain reactions.

Therefore, in this case, you need to plan some details reasonably and peel off the cocoons as much as possible.

Things are definitely not that simple.

So the whole process requires everyone to be in a good state.

In this way, a lot of unnecessary trouble can be solved.

Wangcai was obviously a little scared at this time and subconsciously took a step back.

But it’s not too late to see all this clearly now.

“The situation is quite complicated”

Dust was flying for a while.

Zhao Xun was also a little confused.

"This is indeed a bone burial ground. There are so many bones under the stone monument!"

In Zhao Xun's view, they still had time.

Zhao Xun's execution ability is still full, and he has cleared ten stone tablets in just one hour.

He knew very well that the most important thing to do at this time was to stay calm.

There are countless bones in the pit!

Zhao Xun was shocked by everything that happened in a short period of time!

"Brother Mingyun, what should we do next?"

What he needed to do next was explore the surrounding stone tablets further.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk! This is indeed a burial ground!"

Zhao Xun held his chin with one hand and thought carefully about the countermeasures.

At this moment, Zhao Xun is really facing a big challenge.

The turbidity here is really too strong.

He was really helpless.

Zhao Xun felt that the atmosphere here was very wrong before, but now it seems that it is indeed the case.

"Actually, we might as well try to clean up the perimeter at this time. After ensuring safety, we can start exploring. We've come here, and it's definitely not appropriate to give up at this time."

Zhao Xun was stunned at this time. He thought it was a bit weird here, but he really didn't expect it to be a burial ground.

Zhao Xun's discovery shocked him.

After some preliminary cleaning, Zhao Xun felt that the turbidity here was much lighter.

If the turbidity is allowed to rage, exploration will not proceed.

After determining the idea, the next most critical thing is practice.

For Zhao Xun, this process is actually the most important.

Wangcai couldn't sit still at this time, spread his hands and asked in a deep voice.

Zhao Xun glanced at the surface, and then used his sword energy to break through the ground directly.

"So, in fact, we should control the most critical details from the beginning, right? Only in this way can we have the most basic advantage and not be led by the opponent. So now we have to carry out the inspection of these stone tablets. Some basic observations.”

"We have to try to dig it out from the ground next."

"Well, let's split up."

"Okay, the atmosphere here is relatively better."

"Let me think."

Zhao Xun quickly clarified his thoughts at this moment, and immediately prepared to use Haoran's righteousness to calm down the surrounding atmosphere.

If the situation of the stone stele here is exactly the same as the previous one, Zhao Xun will need to think about it more carefully.

People can only make the most reasonable judgments when they are calm, otherwise it is really easy to be affected by off-site factors.

"So are we going to explore further next?"

In this way, the situation becomes extremely clear.

If he cannot solve the problem at hand, is it possible that it will lead to a crisis of trust?

The details represented by the stele are actually not that important.

Once such a situation really occurs, it is no joke.

Soon Zhao Xun dug a deep hole.

"So is it really possible that Haoran Zhengqi is around here?"

Wangcai's whole person became confused.

If Haoran's righteous energy is really here, how can it coexist with the turbid energy?

This is simply not logically consistent.

"Well, the context sensor stone can't be wrong. Since the context sensor stone points us to this direction, it means there is indeed a context here."

Zhao Xun did feel a little bit big-headed.

But now he really has no better choice but to continue exploring.

You’ve come here, but you can’t give up halfway, right?

If that's the case, how can they explore the world when it's so big?

You know, they have to gather all the righteousness they have, and not a single bit will be left.

So Zhao Xun must make a good start.

"Everyone should try our best. This way, even if you don't find anything in the end, you won't regret it."

Zhao Xun thought for a while and said resolutely.

After a thorough search, Zhao Xun finally found signs of context in the mountains behind the Forest of Steles.

It's weak, but better than nothing.

Zhao Xun walked towards the back hill of the Forest of Steles without hesitation.

A group of disciples from the outer chamber of the academy followed closely.

"Brother Ming Yun, the smell here is getting stronger and stronger."

"Indeed, I can obviously feel that the context is starting to get stronger."

The further you go deeper into the back mountain, the more obvious this feeling becomes.

"Actually, Haoran's righteousness does not completely exist in the world. In some cases, it is also in a free state. We now need to collect the free Haoran's righteousness. Of course, we must first find the context."

There is always a sequence to this.

Once the order is wrong, the meaning of exploration will also change.

"Well, the cultural context should be in this direction. There can be no mistake. The current state of the cultural context induction stone is very stable."

Zhao Xun still trusts the contextual induction stone.

Through this period of exploration, Zhao Xun found that the judgment of the context sensor stone was usually correct.

"Hahaha, then let's continue exploring."

At this moment, Zhao Xun's mentality has become very smooth, and he should not be affected by foreign objects in a short period of time.

In this way, the condition of the disciples in the outer chambers of the entire academy will become much better.

"Everyone, please follow closely. There is a line of sky ahead. We have to pass through it."

The sky is narrow enough. To pass through such a narrow area, bone reduction surgery must be used.

Fortunately, the academy disciples are very proficient in mastering this spell. Zhao Xun doesn't need to say much, they will all use it in a timely manner.


"It's so comfortable."

Occasionally using the bone shrinking technique can make the practitioner's muscles and bones more flexible.

Zhao Xun also felt refreshed after trying it.

"Well, it's really enlightening."

After Zhao Xun passed through the sky, he saw a gorgeous sea of ​​flowers.

"So beautiful!"

Wangcai was also shocked after seeing this scene.

"This is the most gorgeous sea of ​​flowers I have seen in a while."

"Brother Mingyun, is the cultural context hidden in this sea of ​​flowers?"

Wangcai blurted out a question when he saw the context sensing stone begin to shake violently.

"Most likely."

Zhao Xun nodded and said: "If the cultural context is really hidden in this sea of ​​flowers, all we have to do is dig it out!"

Zhao Xun is full of confidence at this moment.

"Hey everyone, what are you waiting for? Let's get started."

Wangcai shouted, and a group of disciples from the outer rooms of the academy immediately started to take action.

"It seems the situation is far more complicated than imagined."

After some digging, Zhao Xun did not find the context as expected.

This puzzled him.

Context Sensing Shi Mingming pointed here, so there shouldn't be anything wrong.

"Brother Mingyun, is there another mechanism here?"


Zhao Xun nodded and said: "There should be a lot of institutions here. We must eliminate all these institutions so that we can find the context." At this moment, Zhao Xun's thinking was relatively clear.


Zhao Xun began to recite the Apparition Technique.

The function of this spell is to make all organs visible in the shortest possible time.

In this way, it can be said to be clear at a glance.

"Golden Ray Formation!"

After using the apparition, Zhao Xun immediately noticed the Golden Thread Array.

The core of this array is to use some fine and silky Qi threads to block the progress of the practitioners.

The average practitioner doesn't even notice what's going on.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, so actually what we have to do at this time is to remove these hairsprings as much as possible."

At this moment, Zhao Xun began to explain the process to a group of disciples from the outer rooms of the academy.

Only by clarifying the process first can we get twice the result with half the effort.

If you don't even know the process, you will be like a headless fly.

"But Confucian Sage, if these gossamers invade our skin, will there be any hidden dangers?"

After the hairspring invades people's skin, it will become tighter and tighter.

Once the hairspring cannot be removed, the practitioner's cultivation will be greatly restricted.

This will only make the situation more dire.

"So you should protect yourself from the beginning."

Zhao Xun paused and said: "At the beginning, you try to use Haoran's righteousness to form a barrier. This barrier does not need to be very thick, just make sure that the hairspring does not invade the body."

After Zhao Xun said this, he started to demonstrate.

In order for the disciples in the outer chambers of the academy to have a clear understanding, it is best to be able to teach through words and deeds.

Wangcai can be said to be the most careful observer at this time.

He looked around and roughly understood.

"This is easy!"

Wangcai did it again, and Zhao Xun nodded happily.


"Everyone should do this according to Wangcai."

It must be said that Wangcai is a very talented person. It's just that most of the time he is too lazy to fully realize his talent.

Once Wangcai is able to calm down and study something, it is often when he explodes.

"As long as everyone forms a barrier, you can then try the quality of this golden thread array."

Zhao Xun didn't believe that this golden thread formation could block the disciples from the outer rooms of the academy.

At present, it seems that this is just a small episode.

"So! We must work hard. In this way, we can go straight to Huanglong!"

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

What Zhao Xun has to do at this time is to maximize his status.

As long as he does this, he doesn't have to worry about other things.

"Come on. Everyone focus."

Under the leadership of Zhao Xun, the outer disciples of the academy performed at a superb level.

Their status was immediately maxed out, easily breaking through the limitations of the Golden Thread Formation and taking a step further.

Of course, it seems that there are other restrictions behind the Golden Thread Formation.

"Well, I didn't expect this Holy Spirit Formation."

One link after another, this was far beyond Zhao Xun's expectation.

"Brother Mingyun, what should we do now?"

"Naturally, I will continue to work hard. At this time, you can't give up halfway."

Having already come to this point, Zhao Xun must have seen the context.

"The core of the Holy Spirit Formation is to interfere with practitioners and make their souls become chaotic. So we must keep our souls awake as much as possible. As long as there is no interference from the Holy Spirit Formation, everything will be stable. "

Zhao Xun took a deep breath and said, "Do you understand?"

It has to be said that the comprehension and execution ability of the academy disciples are still very strong.

Even if he is an outside disciple!

At this moment, they implemented Zhao Xun's instructions to the maximum extent.

The function of the Soul Awakening Technique is to resist the interference of the Holy Spirit Array.

So far, the effect seems to be very good.

"Well, so what everyone actually has to do is move through this area as quickly as possible."

Too late and things will change.

The longer you stay here, the more likely it is that something unexpected will happen.

Passing it as quickly as possible is the way to go.

"Well, it seems that things are going much smoother than I imagined."

Zhao Xun paused for a moment, then stepped forward.

"The context should be in this area."

After some exploration, Zhao Xun made the most basic judgment based on the context sensor stone.

"So dig down."

Zhao Xun began to use magic to dig, which was much easier than using ordinary manpower.


Wangcai saw this and followed suit.

Soon, a deep pit was dug out of the ground.

Zhao Xun began to focus on digging deeper.

"Wenwen, I have seen Wenwen!"

"Come on, let's further dig out the entire context."

We have reached this point, all we have to do is give in to the last tremor.

Zhao Xun Wangcai and a group of disciples from the outer rooms of the academy formed a joint force.

The context was revealed in an instant.

This context is even much bigger than Zhao Xun imagined.

"So... next we need to break down the context and absorb its awe-inspiring righteousness."

At this moment, Zhao Xun's thinking was still very clear, and he was not carried away by a little achievement.

"Well, Brother Mingyun, please summon the chessboard space first."

"it is good!"

“There is no discrimination without distinction.”

Zhao Xun recited the formula without hesitation at this moment, and then summoned the chessboard space.

At this moment, there is already a lot of Haoran righteousness in the chessboard space.

But compared to its capacity, there is still a lot of margin.

"Next, let's try to use the board space to make articles."

Zhao Xun knew that as long as they used it properly, they could absorb all the righteousness in the world.

Of course this requires some skills, but it's not difficult.

"Absorption Technique!"

Zhao Xun used the absorption technique without hesitation at this moment.

You will feel a little uncomfortable at first.

But the feeling soon dissipated.

Zhao Xun became quite strong.

Wangcai and others also performed very well.

Soon, the awe-inspiring righteousness of Wenmai was decomposed and absorbed into the chessboard space by them.

"Finally finished."

After the success, Zhao Xun was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

In his opinion, what he has to do at this time is to lead a group of academy disciples to continue exploring.

You must not stop at this time, otherwise it will be easy to lose the rhythm.

"Well, the situation is actually not as difficult as we imagined."

Wangcai's mentality also became very good at this time.

"Let's continue to explore. If we all work together, we can still see hope."

Once you get to this point, you must work hard to the end.

Zhao Xun did not expect that Wangcai and others would be in such good condition, so he was naturally very pleased.

"Doing good deeds without asking for reward."

Zhao Xun put his hands behind his back and said resolutely: "We shoulder the responsibility, so we must try our best!"

(End of this chapter)

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