big week bad guy

Chapter 1200 Calabash Well

Chapter 1200 Calabash Well

During the rapid fall, Zhao Xun used Haoran's righteous energy to form a very stable air cushion, hoping to use this method to prevent himself from being hurt as much as possible.

After all, no one knows how long it will fall at this time.

To be on the safe side, you should still make adequate preparations.


This situation was completely unexpected by Zhao Xun.

You can't be careless at this time.

As long as he is not afraid, he can ensure that his mentality will not be unbalanced.

Gradually, Zhao Xun was able to slow down his fall and ensure that he was in a balanced state throughout the process.

In the end, Zhao Xun regained control of his body again.

This is particularly important.

Because in this way, he will no longer be affected by the influence of the vitality of heaven and earth here.

Finally, Zhao Xun landed smoothly.

Looking from the bottom up, it is obvious that this is a well.

It's just that this well is larger than a normal well.

However, Zhao Xun has no time to lament at the moment. His top priority is to adjust his condition as soon as possible and try to get out of here.

After all, he just heard the cry for help from his third senior brother Long Qingquan.

Third senior brother Long Qingquan must be in danger.

Under this situation, Zhao Xun must adjust as much as possible to keep himself and his third senior brother Long Qingquan safe.

You really can’t leave things to chance in this situation because you never know what’s going to happen next.

Zhao Xun always likes to take the initiative in his own hands.

In this way, no matter what situation we face, we will not be too passive.

"The Great Search Technique."

"Only by clarifying the topography of this well can we explore it further. If we cannot even accomplish this step, everything will be meaningless."

Zhao Xun's grasp of details is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The core of the Great Search Technique is to use Haoran's righteousness to actively collide. If it can collide with the boundary, it will be fed back to the practitioner.

In this way, practitioners can figure out the topography of the area in the shortest possible time.

Although it may not be completely accurate, it is pretty much the same.

"It looks like it's a gourd-shaped well."

Zhao Xun came to a conclusion after some preliminary exploration.

"I have to find the exit quickly. The longer I stay here, the more dangerous it becomes."

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person.

There was really no reason for him to waste his time here.


Zhao Xun recited a mantra, and then his natal sword flew towards him.

Zhao Xun jumped onto the natal sword very lightly, and immediately began to soar upward.

He knew very well that ascension could not be achieved overnight.

But even in this state, it is difficult to maintain a peaceful enough mentality.

Zhao Xun had to make adjustments again and again to prevent himself from being affected by distracting thoughts.

The more times like this, the more Zhao Xun needs to ensure that he always has a peaceful mind.

"Fly. I'm fearless."

Zhao Xun repeatedly gave psychological hints.

For him, everything he did at this moment was foreshadowing.

As long as he has a clear conscience, he will be able to fly.

As Zhao Xun flew higher and higher, the light began to become clearer and clearer.

Zhao Xun could clearly see the shape of the clouds in the sky and even distinguish some details.

“This is it”

Zhao Xun jumped hard, and as a trace of light cracked, Zhao Xun jumped out of the only gap.

"Finally seen the light of day again."

At this moment, Zhao Xun was filled with emotions.

Most people couldn't understand what he was thinking, but Zhao Xun himself knew it very well.

The first thing he needs to do now is to find his third senior brother Long Qingquan.

If he and his third senior brother Long Qingquan were separated, it would be difficult to fulfill the previous agreement.

"Third Senior Brother"

Zhao Xun shouted, but no one responded.

Zhao Xun frowned and thought.

“There is no discrimination without distinction.”

At this moment, he could only summon the Pipi Shrimp White Dragon in the chessboard space.

For him, the sense of smell of Pipi Shrimp and White Dragon is the key to solving the problem at the moment.

Only through Bai Jiaolong could he find his third senior brother Long Qingquan!

For Zhao Xun, there is no other choice.

Even if there is only a glimmer of opportunity, he will try his best.

Facts have proved that the strength of Pipi Shrimp Baijiaolong is still strong enough.

Relying on his keen sense of smell and the memory of his third senior brother Long Qingquan, this guy led Zhao Xun in pursuit.

Finally, in a huge mine, Zhao Xun met his third senior brother Long Qingquan.

It's just that the third senior brother Long Qingquan's condition is obviously not very good at this moment.

"Little Junior Brother"

Although the voice was very weak, Long Qingquan could still see Zhao Xun.

"Be careful, there is danger here."

Zhao Xun couldn't care less about this and ran towards his third senior brother Long Qingquan without hesitation.

Just when he was only a few dozen meters away from his third senior brother Long Qingquan, four black dragons rushed over from all directions.

"Tiesuo Mountains."

Zhao Xun's reaction was quick enough and he shouted out the formula without hesitation.

For a moment, the black iron rope entangled the four black dragons together. Under Zhao Xun's continuous casting, the rope became even more twisted.

If Zhao Xun didn't react quickly enough, he would probably be attacked by these four black dragons.

But fortunately, he maintained an absolute vigilance.

Therefore, he can react very quickly when the opponent makes a sneak attack.

In this case, Zhao Xun actually doesn't need to be too entangled, he just needs to maintain the most peaceful mood.

"So essentially these things rely on sneak attacks to gain advantages, right? This is really stupid."

"Try your best."

While Zhao Xun was reciting the mantra, he helped his third senior brother Long Qingquan up. He glanced at it and saw that Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan had no obvious external injuries. Then it seems that the third senior brother must have suffered internal injuries.

"How do you feel now, Third Senior Brother?"

"It's okay, at least I can still move."

Third senior brother Long Qingquan gave a wry smile and said, "Junior brother, don't worry about me. Let's leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible."

God knows what will happen next.

The best option at this time is to leave as soon as possible.

Zhao Xun nodded, then helped his third senior brother Long Qingquan onto the back of the Mantis Shrimp White Dragon, and then jumped on himself.

"Pippi Shrimp, let's go."

Bai Jiaolong had a spirit and immediately took Zhao Xun and his third senior brother Long Qingquan away from the place of right and wrong.

But when they flew over the ruins, huge airflow fluctuations swept them into a whirlpool.

Zhao Xun was dragged into the depths before he even had time to react.

In this place, which was similar to the link between time and space, he felt a feeling that was almost torn apart.


This feeling is really excruciating.

Even with Zhao Xun's cultivation level, it would be difficult for him to withstand such huge pressure.

He endured the pain and took himself and his third senior brother Long Qingquan as far as possible to the exit, but at this moment his vision suddenly went dark and he lost consciousness.

When Zhao Xun woke up again, he saw his second senior sister Liu Yingying.

"Second Senior Sister?"

Zhao Xun really felt a little confused.

So good, how could he see Second Senior Sister?

Could it be that what he saw before his eyes were all illusions?

Apart from this, Zhao Xun really couldn't find any reason to explain.

"Second Senior Sister, why are you here?"

"Junior brother, I'm afraid you really fainted. This is the academy. Where would I be if I weren't here?"

Second senior sister Liu Yingying touched Zhao Xun's head and said, "It's better now. When I just found you, your whole body was hot."

"Um, Second Senior Sister, did you just say that I am in the academy now?"

"Of course, although I don't know how you came back. But I can definitely tell you that I found you and your third junior brother in the bamboo forest of the academy."

Second senior sister Liu Yingying raised her eyebrows and said, "So, what exactly happened to you?"

"Well, it's a long story."

The last memory that Zhao Xun could recall was that he and his third senior brother Long Qingquan were sucked into a black hole.

At that time, he felt a tearing pain all over his body.

Zhao Xun desperately tried to break out of the black hole, but it was all in vain.

No matter how hard Zhao Xun tried, he was firmly trapped in the black hole.

"It's too difficult, it's really difficult."

"I don't know how I came out. But it is obvious that the black hole helped us complete interstellar travel, and then we returned to the academy."

Zhao Xun is really not very clear about the specific process, but the final result is still good.

If you just look at the results, everything is quite perfect.

Second senior sister Liu Yingying nodded and said, "Junior brother, don't think too much. Take a good rest for a while. Wait until you have recovered your health before thinking about other things."

Zhao Xun nodded.

His body is very weak now.

His condition was unstable after a long interstellar journey.

In this state, the best option is to recover as much strength as possible.

Now is not the time to fight hard. As long as he can return to his best condition, he won't have to worry about not having the chance to fight hard in the future.

But now, he must ensure that he is in the best possible condition.

"Are you okay, Third Senior Brother?"

"Don't worry, the third junior brother is in better condition than you."

After all, Zhao Xun is a top practitioner. As long as he takes good care of himself, he will be able to recover in a short time.

Ten days later, Zhao Xun had returned to the state before departure. As for the third senior brother Long Qingquan, his injuries were minor and he has recovered as before.

"Third Senior Brother, I still don't understand how we returned to the academy. Logically speaking, this journey should be very tortuous. But I don't think it is like this at all."

Zhao Xun felt very confused. What he needs at this time is someone who can help him answer his questions.

But it was obvious that this person was not Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan.

"Haha, junior brother, you are making things difficult for me. The current situation is that we have no idea what happened here. In short, the result is good. Isn't that enough?"

"Well, that's the truth, but I just feel a little unwilling. After all, the current situation is really complicated for us. We finally came into contact with the legendary ancient lotus platform, but we didn't have the chance to touch it. I don’t know when the next time we want to find the Ancient Lotus Terrace will be.”

Zhao Xun's confusion is not completely unreasonable.

After all, the factors that Zhao Xun can control at this stage are quite limited.

"Just calm down. After all, we still have to deal with a lot of situations. This should be regarded as an appetizer at most."

Zhao Xun didn't know how to answer what Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan said.

"I just don't know if the leader of the Faceless Men knows about this. If the news leaks out and this guy finds out, it's no joke."

Zhao Xun knew very well that the leader of the Faceless Men was not a fuel-efficient lamp.

After the origin of the power of darkness was destroyed by Zhao Xun, the leader of the Faceless Men would definitely pay more attention to this ancient lotus platform.

"Don't worry, the faceless leader cannot have such good luck every time. Junior brother, you must believe me. As long as we follow our own pace, the faceless leader can only smell Eat shit."

After this action, Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan became extremely confident.

"Okay then, let's search for the ancient lotus platform slowly. With the experience last time, I believe we will become more confident next time we encounter the ancient lotus platform."

Now he is no longer as anxious as he was at the beginning.

Once you get into the opponent's rhythm, it won't take long for you to completely enter a passive state.

This is unacceptable.

"So the root of the problem is that we were too impatient before. We just need to adjust our mentality and everything will be fine."

Zhao Xun has really grown up a lot now.

It wasn't a big deal to him.

As long as the academy disciples can keep up with his pace, there is actually nothing to worry about.

The most taboo thing at this moment is not having confidence in yourself.

In this way, many opportunities will be lost.

There are still many things they need to do after returning to the academy.

As long as the adjustment is perfect enough, you can reach a whole new realm.

By then, the possibility of Zhao Xun finding the leader of the Faceless Men will become higher and higher.

"So actually the most important thing at the moment is to go to the Academy Library and obtain useful information as soon as possible. As long as we obtain enough information, we can clarify the hidden information of the Ancient Lotus Terrace."

Zhao Xun knew that there must be a lot hidden behind this. Since they can't figure it out at once, they might as well delay it for a longer time.

As long as they can continuously obtain information, they will be able to make breakthroughs.

"Well, I think so too. Junior brother, you are more experienced in the academy library, so I can leave this difficult task to you."

At this time, the third senior brother Long Qingquan simply became a hands-off shopkeeper, pushing two, five, and six, and was happy and carefree.

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