big week bad guy

Chapter 132 A Bold Inference

Chapter 132 A Bold Inference (The third update! Please subscribe, please ask for a monthly pass!)
During the meal break, Zhao Xun chatted with Jia Xingwen and Wangcai.

"Brother Jia, why do you think His Majesty suddenly wants to hold a banquet in Furong Garden? There are so many forbidden royal gardens in the northern city, Daming Palace is also suitable if it is not possible. Furong Garden always feels almost meaningless."

It's not that Zhao Xun despises Furong Garden.

But in general comparison, compared with other imperial forbidden gardens, Furong Garden is not at the same level in terms of scale and ostentation, or the number of large-scale banquets held in recent years.

Emperor Xianlong has also been the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty for decades, so it is impossible not to understand this truth.

Zhao Xun felt that there must be something hidden in it.

"This... I don't know either."

Jia Xingwen sighed and said: "Actually, it is possible that it is just a thought of His Majesty. How can we speculate on such a matter. Ming Yun, let's think about the case carefully."

Zhao Xun nodded.

Jia Xingwen didn't want to say more, and Zhao Xun didn't want to ask more questions.

"Actually, I have always felt that it is too far-fetched to explain it with the monsters of the Demon Sect. What we see may not be true."

The reason why Zhao Xun said this was partly because of his intuition, and partly because of the accumulated experience after investigating several major cases in succession.

The blindfold method couldn't be easier to use in the practitioner's world.

Maybe an ordinary magic trick can fool the most experienced operatives and even the chief investigator.

Others are fine, but Zhao Xun is a practitioner.

It is impossible for him to think about problems along the lines of ordinary people.

"And Li Daochang also felt that everything was weird, and the coincidences were too concentrated."

Zhao Xun pulled out Li Chunfeng to prove his point of view.

For him, the old magic stick in Qin Tianjian is naturally very convincing.

After all, they are responsible for monitoring the abnormal changes around Chang'an City, and will warn the royal family in time if there is any change.

"So, someone is actually deliberately leading us to think in this way?"

"It's hard to say, but I think it's very likely."

Zhao Xun took another sip of wine and said with emotion: "At least judging from the current situation, this case is still very complicated."

"The other party sneaked into the Furong Garden at this time for the Jiedu Envoy's capital banquet, right? I just don't know if he wants to assassinate His Majesty, or which Jiedu Envoy."

"Well, this possibility is not small, so we must hurry up and investigate, and there is not much time left for us."

Zhao Xun filled his stomach with the fastest speed, and then quickly returned to the file library to start looking at the files again.

For him, time is the most precious right now.

At three poles in the sun, Zhao Xun was woken up by Wangcai.

Last night, he searched the file library all night, and fell asleep on the table at dawn, but he still couldn't find the magic that fit his deduction.

Although Zhao Xun is an eighth-rank cultivator, his willpower is far stronger than ordinary people, but he is so strong that even an iron man can't bear it.

Zhao Xun went out to wash up with red eyes, and then had breakfast with Wangcai and Jia Xingwen.

While eating Zhao Xun, he recalled all kinds of strange arts he had seen last night in his mind.

These strange arts flashed through Zhao Xun's mind like a revolving lantern.

In the Western Tantric Dual Practice, it seems that it can help people imitate the exercises of other cultivation systems?
He vaguely remembered that there seemed to be such a thing, but he couldn't be sure.

Zhao Xun rubbed his eyes, trying to make himself more sober.

The power of a practitioner lies in the fact that he can search in the vast sea of ​​knowledge and pick out information that is useful to him.

Even those memories that have been dusty for many years can be brought out by them, not to mention the things they just saw last night.

Zhao Xun quickly recalled that fragment of memory.

This confirmed his judgment that this kind of strange art does exist.

Zhao Xun picked up the scarf and wiped his mouth, then immediately turned around and rushed towards the archives.

Wangcai on the side yelled again and again: "Brother Mingyun, at least I'll check after eating."

Zhao Xun would not pay attention to these.

At this moment, in his eyes, there is only the Western Regions Esoteric Sect Dual Cultivation Art.

In fact, when he investigated the Nanfeng case, he had already had a basic understanding of this aspect, but he hadn't delved deeply at that time.

Thinking about it now, this aspect is really frightening.

Zhao Xun carefully looked back at every detail, and found that it was really probably the work of Princess Xuanhuai.

If it was Princess Xuanhuai who turned into a monster of the Demon Sect to attract everyone's attention in order to get revenge, what is her real purpose?

It is true that with Princess Xuanhuai's understanding of the Royal Forbidden Garden, she can easily avoid the heavy guards and prohibit her from sneaking into the Hibiscus Garden, but it is impossible for her to do all this just for demonstration.

There is only one possibility for Princess Xuanhuai to take the risk, and that is to rescue her lover, that is, Nanfeng.

Nanfeng is now imprisoned in the imperial city, but Princess Xuanhuai plans to enter the Furong Garden to make trouble
Tune the tiger away from the mountain!Princess Xuanhuai did this to divert the tiger away from the mountain!

Zhao Xun gasped.

This really caught him by surprise.

If you think about it carefully, everything will become clear.

The more noise Princess Xuanhuai made in the Furong Garden, the more the attention of the imperial court and even the imperial army would be drawn to this imperial forbidden garden in Nancheng.

In this way, the guard of the imperial city in the north will be relaxed, and Princess Xuanhuai will have more room to maneuver, and she will have more opportunities to rescue Nanfeng.

It seems that Princess Xuanhuai has really become a practitioner through double cultivation.

Since Nanfeng can delay aging to the extreme through double cultivation, Princess Xuanhuai can naturally do the same.

Zhao Xun has never thought in the direction of Princess Xuanhuai.

But now it seems that Princess Xuanhuai is the biggest suspect!
After thinking clearly about this, Zhao Xun excitedly rushed out of the document library and headed straight for the second floor where the bad guy Feng Hao was.

Feng Hao is reading a secret report at the moment, which is an urgent report sent back from the Western Regions by an unscrupulous informant.

The Western Regions are very far away from Chang'an, thousands of miles away.

If it is delivered by human transportation, it will be impossible to deliver it in a year or a half.

The report Feng Hao received was sent by a bad person using the teleportation technique.

But teleportation has a huge backlash against practitioners.

Practitioners below the fifth rank will lose more than half of their cultivation when using teleportation.

Even a high-level cultivator will be seriously injured by this.

Therefore, practitioners will not easily use teleportation unless it is absolutely necessary.

Feng Hao frowned more and more as he watched, finally sighed deeply and shook his head.

At this moment, he heard the sound of footsteps going up the stairs, he quickly put away the chorus, and regained his calm face.

"This subordinate pays respects to Master Feng."

Soon Zhao Xun appeared in Feng Hao's line of sight, and he walked up to Feng Hao respectfully and crossed his hands.



(End of this chapter)

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