Chapter 137 The big drama is staged (the third update! Please subscribe, please ask for a monthly ticket!)
For the nobles in Chang'an City, today is definitely a feast.

Not only the envoys of the major festivals gathered here, but also the princes of the major clans and vassals who stayed in Chang'an also attended the banquet according to the order.

Emperor Xianlong was naturally the finale.

He didn't come out until everyone was looking forward to it.

The imperial army cleared the way, and Emperor Xianlong, surrounded by a group of court ladies and eunuchs, arrived at Furong Garden on his imperial chariot Shi Shiran.

The originally noisy and lively scene suddenly quieted down, and it would not be an exaggeration to describe it as silence.

These powerful people in Chang'an City and even in the Great Zhou Dynasty were not worth mentioning in front of Emperor Xianlong.

All are ants in front of the imperial power.

"His Majesty the Emperor is here!"

Following the servant's chanting, everyone knelt down to welcome the holy driver.

Emperor Xianlong sat on the imperial chariot, squinting slightly to scan the dignitaries who were kneeling on the ground.

It's so cool, this kind of contempt for everything feels really cool.

He is the symbol of Da Zhou, and everything revolves around him.

Before that, Emperor Xianlong was worried that there would be assassins in Furong Garden to disrupt the situation.

But now it seems that the bad guys are cooperating very well with the Jinwu Guards and the Longwu Army. Although the murderer who killed the palace lady has not been found out, the murderer should not dare to jump out to commit murder in a short time.

Of course, Emperor Xianlong believed that this had an inseparable relationship with his natural nobility.

Huanghuang Tianwei must have deterred this ant-like assassin.

The speed of the imperial chariot was very slow. It seemed that Emperor Xianlong deliberately asked the palace people to slow down so that the officials could kneel down for a while longer.

These Jiedu envoys are usually domineering officials of the frontier, and they even regard themselves as local emperors.

Emperor Xianlong wants to let them know who is the real ruler of the Great Zhou today.

As for the relatives of these feudal kings, Emperor Xianlong was not too worried.

Most of the vassal kings who stayed in the capital were Dazong, that is, his heirs, and the Biezhi clansmen were basically driven to the vassal land by Emperor Xianlong.

Although these favored heirs of Emperor Xianlong were nobles, their words and deeds were strictly monitored, and if they violated the rules, they would be beaten by Emperor Xianlong.

For Emperor Xianlong, both inside and outside the court were under his control.

So what about feudal princes and envoys, aren't they just chess pieces?
After a long time, the imperial chariot finally stopped.

A eunuch had already arranged the dismounting stool covered with yellow silk.

Emperor Xianlong, who had adjusted his state, got up from the imperial chariot and stepped down.

The whole process was neither fast nor slow, reflecting the supreme majesty of the emperor everywhere.

He walked slowly to the upper throne, then lifted the hem of his robe and sat down.

After scanning the kneeling courtiers for a while, Emperor Xianlong issued a majestic decree: "Be flat."

The crowd waited until they slowly got up.

"Today's banquet starts immediately, all my loves, please take your seats."

Emperor Xianlong issued an imperial decree, and the Jiedu envoy and all the vassal kings sat down at the table.

Then Emperor Xianlong clapped his hands.

I saw two rows of young women in palace attire filing in.

Accompanied by the sound of silk and bamboo orchestras played by court musicians, they began to dance lightly.

For this banquet, I don't know how long the Imperial Palace Liyuan and Lefang Division have been preparing for.

This time they took a deep breath and must show it well in front of the emperor.

Emperor Xianlong was sitting upright, resembling a statue.

The format and process of the banquet was as boring as Zhao Xun expected, without any new ideas.

What the royal family values ​​most is the etiquette system, and within this restricted framework, it is difficult to come up with something that catches people's eyes.

But these are not things that Zhao Xun needs to pay attention to.

Right now, he only cares about when and how Princess Xuanhuai will enter the arena.

In his opinion, Princess Xuanhuai has two choices.

One is to sneak directly into the Furong Garden, hold Emperor Xianlong hostage in public, and hold the emperor to order the officials.

Princess Xuanhuai is a member of the royal family, so she will not be affected by the ban.

She has also cultivated with Nanfeng for many years, and her cultivation level will definitely not be bad.

Nanfeng is a third-rank Buddhist realm, so Princess Xuanhuai's strength should be roughly the same.

Such a strong person, ordinary palace guards cannot stop her, and may not even notice her coming.

But Zhao Xun felt that it was unlikely that Princess Xuanhuai would enter the arena in this way.

The reason is very simple, there must be hidden masters around Emperor Xianlong.

Don't tell others, Zheng Jie is always by his side.

Really pushed to the point of desperation, the old eunuch, who is known as the super-level practice realm, can slap Princess Xuanhuai on the ground with one slap.

Even if Princess Xuanhuai seized the opportunity and really kidnapped Emperor Xianlong, so what?

Emperor Xianlong can agree to Princess Xuanhuai's request first, and then look for opportunities to escape.

With Emperor Xianlong's character of vengeance, as long as he is allowed to escape, he will definitely ask the imperial army to capture Princess Xuanhuai and put him in prison.

In this city of Chang'an, no one can influence Emperor Xianlong's will.

So Zhao Xun felt that even if Princess Xuanhuai made a move, she would not choose to be in the Furong Garden.

The reason why there was such a big commotion in the Furong Garden last time was to attract people's attention and attract the attention of the imperial army.

If Zhao Xun's guess is correct, Princess Xuanhuai wants to open up the plank road and secretly hide Chen Cang.

Her biggest goal must be to rescue Nanfeng.

According to Zhao Xun's knowledge, Nanfeng is currently being imprisoned in the imperial city.

One north and one south, the distance is long enough to give Princess Xuanhuai room to operate.

Of course, this is just Zhao Xun's guess. No one knows which one Princess Xuanhuai will choose until the last moment.

But Zhao Xun is not worried, because he also invited a lot of backup.

The support group represented by the brothers and sisters of the Academy should be in place by now.

As long as they hold all the main points, Princess Xuanhuai will have no chance to rob Nanfeng.

In the net of heaven and earth jointly laid by all the big shots, Princess Xuanhuai has no chance of winning at all.

As for the Furong Garden, Zhao Xun had other backers besides the Forbidden Army.

His mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi will make a move at critical moments.

Even though Princess Xuanhuai has crossed the third-rank threshold, she is still a weak chicken in front of second-rank practitioners.

Even though the two are only one rank behind, the difference in strength of this rank is huge, as if the difference is worlds apart.

After laying out for so long, it's time to close the net.

Zhao Xun would not pay attention to the past disputes of the royal family, but he could not accept that Princess Xuanhuai killed ordinary people in order to achieve her goals.

Those palace people are also a life, and they were raised by their fathers and mothers, so they died so tragically.

Perhaps in the eyes of these nobles, they are just ants or leeks?

But Zhao Xun doesn't think so.

Zhao Xun firmly believes that all people are born equal, and no one has the right to arbitrarily deprive them of the right to survive.

If you make a mistake, you will be beaten, and if you are beaten, you will stand at attention.

Even members of the royal family are the same.



(End of this chapter)

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