big week bad guy

Chapter 152 Liu Neng Suicided

Chapter 152 Liu Neng Suicided

The corner of the quarry manager's mouth twitched slightly, his expression a little flustered.

Although his expression disappeared in a flash, this micro expression was still captured by Zhao Xun.

He knew there must be something tricky about it.

"This lord is joking, we are digging mountains and quarrying rocks here, so there will be no murders."

Zhao Xun said in a deep voice, "Liu Neng worked in your quarry, right? He died in your quarry five days ago. You won't deny that, right?"

Hearing the word Liu Neng, the quarry manager instinctively twitched his face, but quickly concealed his panic.

"Liu Neng, he is indeed working in our quarry. He hanged himself a few days ago."

Zhao Xun glanced at Liang Younian, the governor at the side, and this statement was consistent with the government's qualitative version.

But Liang Younian had almost confessed to Zhao Xun. Zhao Xun was sure that there was something hidden in this case, so how could he listen to the words of the quarry manager.

He just needs to know the whole process of Liu Neng's killing now.

"Did he commit suicide by hanging himself? An examination will tell. What about Liu Neng's body?"

The quarry manager forcefully forced a smile on his face and said, "You're joking again, how can this body not be buried forever? Even in the late winter, it will stink. Liu Neng's body has been buried long ago, in a thin-skinned coffin It's still a group of people. Look at this..."

Zhao Xun smiled coldly when he heard this: "Buried? Well, I will open the coffin for an autopsy."

"Ah this."

The quarry manager obviously didn't expect Zhao Xun to be so persistent, he obviously came prepared.

He was a little confused for a moment, not knowing what to do.

"My lord, the dead are the most important. Since Liu Neng has already been buried, we really shouldn't bother him anymore."

"Liu Neng died for no reason. The sufferer has already sued this official. If this official is worthy of this official robe no matter what."

Zhao Xun is a very principled person. Since he has made up his mind, he will not change his mind easily.

Maybe he can't help everyone, or he can't help, but at least he has to deal with what he encounters and sees, and he has to be right with his conscience.

Perhaps for people in this era, conscience is not important, but it is very important for Zhao Xun.

This is the principle, this is the conduct.

The quarry manager had a bitter look on his face, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

He looked at Governor Liang, but Governor Liang subconsciously turned his head away and did not make any substantive eye contact with him.

"Okay, the villain will take the adults to visit Liu Neng's tomb."

The quarry manager had no choice but to nod in response.

After Liu Neng's case was closed, his body was hastily buried in a sandy field overgrown with weeds at the foot of the quarry.

When Zhao Xun was brought there, he saw several lonely graves.

Liu Neng's tomb is located in the innermost part.

He strode closer and saw a tombstone made of wood, on which was written the tomb of Liu Neng, a quarryman.

Obviously the tomb is new.

Zhao Xun turned around without hesitation, and said in a deep voice: "Excavate the grave, open the coffin for autopsy."

He was an imperial envoy, so Governor Liang naturally dared not respond, and quickly ordered the left and right to move.

More than a dozen people dug enthusiastically for a long time, and finally dug out the coffin.

When the lid of the coffin was opened, everyone backed away, fearing that they would get bad luck.

Only Zhao Xun stood there without moving at all.

He is a person who climbed out of the coffin, what else is scary.

It was late winter, and Liu Neng's body didn't decompose very much.

Zhao Xun saw the strangle marks on his corpse's neck at a glance.

At first glance, it was indeed hanged.

But Zhao Xun knew that there was probably something strange about it.

"Take out the body."

Since Zhao Xun has decided to investigate to the end, he is naturally responsible for this case and must start with every detail.

Although the yamen servant in Hanzhou City was very reluctant, he held his breath and took out Liu Neng's body and laid it flat on the ground.

Zhao Xun walked up to him without hesitation, and squatted down.

When he was in Chang'an City, he experienced many major cases and dealt with a lot of dead bodies, and now he has no taboos.

Although the experience cannot be regarded as rich, it is indeed a lot.

He first carefully checked Liu Neng's whole body, and found that there were no obvious wounds.This proves that at least Liu Neng did not die from trauma.

As for poisoning
Zhao Xun thinks it is unlikely.

If Liu Neng really died of poisoning, even if the body didn't show it at the time, it would have turned black and discolored after a few days.

But now Liu Neng's corpse is well preserved, and the skin color of the corpse is not too weird except for the slight darkening and some corpse spots on it.

Zhao Xun felt that there was no need for an autopsy.

Instead of dying from trauma or poisoning, what else could be done?
Bewitched to death?

Zhao Xun felt that this possibility was not very high.

First of all, Liu Neng is just an ordinary quarryman, who would play a trick on him?
Secondly, Hanzhou is located in a remote place, far from a big city like Chang'an, so it is very difficult to find a voodoo master.

But after excluding all these possibilities, it can basically be judged that Liu Neng really died of suffocation.

Could it be that there was a problem with Zhao Xun's judgment?
There is another detail that Zhao Xun didn't notice before.

He leaned over and examined Liu Neng's neck carefully.

He found that the scar on Liu Neng's neck was a little weird.

For a person who hanged himself, the cord marks only reach behind the left and right ears, which are dark purple in color, his eyes are closed, his mouth is open with teeth exposed, his tongue sticks out, and his hands are clenched tightly.

However, the eyes of Liu Neng's corpse were opened, the palms were also stretched, the strangle marks on the throat and neck were very shallow, and the tongue did not stick out.

Obviously, it was strangled to death and then disguised as a suicide by hanging!
Fortunately, only five days had passed since Liu Neng's death. If it had been longer, even if Zhao Xun opened the coffin for an autopsy, most of the corpses would have rotted away.

Then it was really dead.

"You guys are so courageous, you dare to commit murder! You haven't really done it!"

He sternly reprimanded him, causing the quarry manager to fall to his knees with a plop.

"Sir, forgive me, my lord, forgive me!"

"The villain is just following orders, it's all arranged by the boss, it's all arranged by the boss."

Although Zhao Xun already had psychological expectations, it was still difficult to accept the truth for a while.

"I order you to tell the truth in full, and if you conceal a word, you will be severely punished."

The manager of the quarry knew that it was difficult to conceal, so he told the whole truth like beans pouring out of a bamboo tube.

What a rich and unkind family!It's so black-hearted.

If I hadn't heard it with my own ears, I wouldn't have believed it when I saw Zhao Xun with my own eyes.

The He family in Hanzhou, right? This time you are all dead.



(End of this chapter)

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