big week bad guy

Chapter 154 Killing the Evil Gentry

Chapter 154 Killing the Evil Gentry (Fifth update! Please subscribe, please ask for a monthly pass!)
"My lord, he fainted."

The yamen servant rushed to Zhao Xun to report.

"Get water and splash it awake!"

Zhao Xun ordered coldly.

This He Liancheng was really a waste, he passed out after only ten blows.

The yamen servant obeyed, took a ladle full of water from the water tank at the entrance of the lobby, and poured it on He Liancheng.

He Liancheng woke up violently from the cold water.

He looked around and realized that he was still in the yamen.

"Ah, please forgive me, my lord, please forgive me!"

At this moment, He Liancheng was no longer as arrogant and domineering as before, and begged for mercy.

How could Zhao Xun spare him so easily, he ordered in a deep voice, "Keep fighting."

The yamen servants started fighting again, yelling loudly.

He Liancheng kept crying, with snot and tears all over his face.

After thirty sticks, He Liancheng's buttocks were bloody.

The yamen servants pulled up his trousers, dragged him up and knelt to answer.

"I'll ask you again, what are you doing mining saltpeter for?"

Inspector Liang had already torn his face apart, and he no longer had any scruples.

He slapped the gavel, scaring He Liancheng into a shiver.

A playboy who was raised in a deep house since he was a child, how could he have been frightened like this before, and he told the whole story like beans poured out of a bamboo tube.

"It turns out it was really for making gunpowder"

Zhao Xun murmured.

But the reason why the He family made gunpowder is really weird.

They are for grave robbery.

Hanzhou is an ancient city with a very long history.

900 years ago, it briefly served as the capital of the Great Qi Dynasty.

This kind of ancient city is rich in underground tombs, and it is possible to dig ancient tombs with just a shovel.

But if you want to dig the tombs of princes and emperors, it is undoubtedly unrealistic to rely on manpower.

Either there are powerful practitioners who enter the tomb with different techniques, or they use gunpowder to blow open the stone gate to enter.

Although the He family is a wealthy local family, they don't have such strong practitioner resources.

Can only rely on gunpowder to blow open the gate of the tomb.

According to He Liancheng's confession, the He family has robbed more than 100 large tombs over the years.

Zhao Xun was shocked when he heard this.

The He family is already a top wealthy family in Hanzhou, and the family has a big business and is not short of money.

But under such circumstances, the He family was not satisfied, and even engaged in such an act of robbing tombs that both people and gods outraged.

What's even more frightening is that the local government didn't take care of it, or didn't dare to take care of it.

Zhao Xun looked at Liang Cishi and found that Liang Cishi had a look of shame on his face.

Terrible, really terrible.

However, Governor Liang is at most an accomplice, and his problems are investigated by the court.

But the He family's crimes must be punished immediately, otherwise everyone will follow suit, so there is no justice.

"Inspector Liang, what do you think about this case?"

Zhao Xun wanted to see if the governor of Liang still felt ashamed.

As long as he is a little bit ashamed, he will not protect the He family.

Sure enough, Governor Liang cleared his throat and said, "The He family has committed a heinous crime. How dare you rob the tomb and disrespect the ancestors. Come on, seal up the He family, and send all men, women and children to prison."

Zhao Xun nodded and said, "The governor of Liang is fair and strict, and the imperial envoy will report the truth to the court. As for these moth villains, those who deserve to be killed should be exiled, and there is no need for any mercy."

Zhao Xun's words were meant for Governor Liang.

The meaning couldn't be more clear, don't have any fluke thinking about protecting the He family.

Zhao Xun will stay in Hanzhou City until the case is fully understood.

Zhao Xun would not leave without seeing the head of the He family's chief criminal Fufa fall to the ground.

Governor Liang naturally understood what Zhao Xun meant.He has been immersed in the officialdom for many years, and he has long formed his own set of judgment standards.

See people talking, see ghosts talking.

At this moment, he can't protect the He family. If he wants to minimize the loss, he can only distance himself from the He family as much as possible.

It can be said that the harder he dealt with the He family, the higher the possibility of a lenient punishment.

After all, he didn't directly participate in the He family's mining of saltpeter to make gunpowder to blow up tombs. If he could enforce the law impartially and make meritorious deeds, the imperial envoy wouldn't arrest him, would he?
"Brother Mingyun, I never imagined that a mere local family would be so bold as to rob more than 100 tombs in a row."

When Wang heard about this strange case, he was shocked.

"People's hearts are like an abyss."

Zhao Xun said with emotion: "People's greed is infinite, and the greed will be stimulated even more when they have benefits. Some people can restrain it, so they become saints. Some people can't restrain it, so they fall into darkness."

Wangcai listened with his head tilted. Although he didn't quite understand the meaning, he seemed to think it made sense.

"Brother Mingyun, are you going to watch the execution? Caishikou is already full of people."

"No, I'm not interested in this occasion."

Zhao Xun has always believed that torture is not an end, but a means, a means to teach people to be kind.

Punish evil and promote good, this is the meaning of the existence of the law.

execution ground.

A dozen of the chief criminals of the He family were pressed on the guillotine, their expressions in a trance.

They really didn't expect their fate to be so ups and downs.

Not long ago, he was well-clothed and well-fed, but now he was sent to the execution ground to be a beheaded ghost.

Regret them so regretful.

If they were given another chance, they would never mine saltpeter for gunpowder to rob graves.

But they have no chance.

A person has only one life, once lost, there is no possibility of reappearing.

"Kill him, kill these evil gentry!"

"A son of a bitch, bullying men and women can do all kinds of evil. Bullying the living is not enough, but even the dead are not spared."

In the Great Zhou, the deceased is the Great.

The status of the dead is often higher than that of the living.

Disrespect to the dead, disrespect to ancestors is absolutely not allowed.

"Chop off their heads!"

"Kill them!"

The onlookers were excited and threw the rotten vegetables and rotten eggs in their hands to the execution ground.

The He family prisoner was beaten all over his face, but his expression was numb and he didn't respond.

The poor executioners looked contemptuous and subconsciously backed away.

But some rotten vegetable leaves and rotten egg residues still fell on them.

"The time has come for the execution."

The supervisor looked up at the sky and saw that it was already [-]:[-] noon in the middle of the sun hanging, so he threw out a lacquered red bamboo stick and ordered sharply.

The executioners then pressed the prisoner's head on the chopping board, swung their big knives and chopped off the prisoner's neck.

But hearing a popping sound, the prisoner's neck was cut off in response.

The head rolled to the ground like a ball, and blood spurted out and splashed on many onlookers.

The executioner brought the severed head up for public display, while the corpse was left unattended.

The common people were stimulated into ecstasy for a while.

"Kill the evil gentry, kill them all!"

"Good kill, good kill!"

"Master Inspector is wise, His Majesty the Emperor is wise!"

For these people who eat melons, they don't care who they can kill.

As long as you can continue to get a sense of stimulation, that's enough.



(End of this chapter)

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