big week bad guy

Chapter 16 The Decree

Chapter 16 The Decree
If the Great Zhou Empire is a chessboard, the son of that day, Li Chengji, is the one who laid out the chessboard.

Civil and military officials, traffickers and pawns are all pawns, and their fate is all in the mind of the emperor.

Since Jianzuo, Lee Seung-ki has firmly controlled the power for 27 years, and single-handedly established the rule of Xianlong.

Although this prosperous age is very controversial, Emperor Xianlong has always prided himself on being a wise king.

Any objection will be immediately suppressed by him.

When someone touched Emperor Xianlong's bottom line and endangered the imperial power, he didn't mind swinging the sword of the emperor, and he would not hesitate to lay down millions of corpses and bleed into rivers.

When Emperor Xianlong listened to Feng Hao's report, the cold light in his eyes made everyone in the hall hold their breath.

"Feng Hao, do you still remember the responsibilities of bad people?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the bad guys are the emperor's hawks and dogs, and everything is for the benefit of the royal family."

Feng Hao lowered his head, like a defeated rooster, not daring to look directly at Emperor Xianlong at all.

"Then, how did you become so poor, and what did you do? You don't even know that there are hidden ghosts among the bad people! If you're young, you're a cadaver, but if you're older, you're a bully!"

The word bully was like the last straw that broke the camel's back. Feng Hao couldn't bear the power of heaven, so he fell to his knees with a plop, kowtowing like garlic.

"The minister deserves death."

The bad guy who used to be arrogant and unruly in front of all officials in the past is now like a child who has made mistakes.

He didn't dare to argue, because he knew very well that everything he got was due to the emperor's appreciation.

The emperor can lift him up high, but he can also throw him down heavily.

All he has to do is absolute loyalty, absolute humility.Only in this way can we ensure that we will not fall down in the court.

"You are indeed guilty, but the crime does not warrant death. You have a good subordinate. That Zhao Xun really has something."

Emperor Xianlong clasped his fingers lightly, and let out a breath of foul air for a long time.

"I ordered him to join the bad guys to make him commit crimes and meritorious deeds. Now it seems that he has not disappointed me. Continue to investigate this case, and I want to see who is doing whatever he wants at the feet of the emperor!"

"As for Zhao Xun... I am very optimistic about him, and will make a decree to pardon him for his crime of deceiving the emperor. The previous things will be written off. He is a talent. You must train him well for me, and don't let me down."

Xianlong said meaningfully.

"I would like to obey His Majesty's will."

Feng Hao felt cold sweat, and replied very respectfully.



Bad people's office.

Zhao Xun and Jia Xingwen were brought in front of the bad handsome Feng Hao, and they saluted very respectfully.

To be honest, Zhao Xun felt a little guilty in his heart.

What he found was really surprising, and it was a risky move for Feng Hao to report this matter to the emperor.

The king's heart is unpredictable, who knows what Emperor Xianlong is thinking in his heart?

If it is blamed, Feng Hao and even the entire Yamen of bad people may not be able to afford it.

But judging from Feng Hao's complexion, it seems that the situation is not bad, at least not to the point of catastrophe.

After about thirty breaths, Feng Haofang spoke.

"Zhao Xun, your Majesty the Empress specifically mentioned you in front of the official. He praised you very much in words, and said that he would issue a decree to cancel your previous deception. You can continue to work in the villain's office with peace of mind. Go ahead. But this case is not completely over yet, you have to work harder and continue to investigate, and try to get to the bottom of it as soon as possible."

Zhao Xun was taken aback for a moment.

What does it mean?
Give a sweet date with a slap in the face.

This Emperor Xianlong is really proficient in the art of controlling subordinates.

But anyway, this is a good thing, at least he doesn't have to worry about it all day long.

"Master Feng, I don't know if I should say something or not."

"You said."

Feng Hao said lightly.

"Does this mean that the subordinates can make public appearances?"

"It's natural. Your Majesty's order, you can naturally show up in public. But bad people are special after all, even if you are not a hidden stake, you should not be too high-profile."

Hearing this, a stone hanging in Zhao Xun's heart can finally fall to the ground.

These days, he has been thinking about how to explain it to his family. This kind of thing can't be hidden for a while. It's impossible to live in the dark all the time, right?

Although it is better to be a shadow than to die, but people seek advantages and avoid disadvantages...

It seems that Emperor Xianlong still keeps his word, and he is not as extreme as a dog.

Zhao Xun showed value, and Emperor Xianlong also gave corresponding resources.

Freedom is now the resource Zhao Xun needs most.

"My subordinate understands."

Zhao Xun clasped his fists in response: "It's just that this matter involves a lot, and I hope Master Feng will support my subordinates."

Feng Hao nodded: "That's natural. Even if His Majesty doesn't say anything, I still have to clean up the house. You can just let it go and ask Lao Jia if you don't understand anything. He has been in the office of bad people for a long time. Basically, you know everything you need to know. If someone dares to make things difficult for you, come to me, and I will support you."

Zhao Xun was waiting for this sentence, and quickly cupped his fists and said, "Thank you, my lord."

The bad man's yamen is deep in water, if Zhao Xun blindly dips into it, he will probably drown.

Pulling the tiger's skin as a banner is the best policy.

With Feng Hao's backing, Zhao Xun has more confidence in handling the case.

As for Jia Xingwen, he cast an envious look at Zhao Xun.

Zhao Xun is really young and promising. He just joined the bad guys and handled a case and was appreciated by His Majesty and Master Feng.

This is bound to have a bright future.

But this is also good for Jia Xingwen.

After all, after Zhao Xun joined the bad guys, it was Jia Xingwen who "led" him all the time. Speaking of which, Jia Xingwen counted him as half a master.

Zhao Xun's scenery, Jia Xingwen will also follow the scenery.

As long as Jia Xingwen tied Zhao Xun to death, would he worry about not being able to be promoted to the Scarlet Robe in the future, would he honor his ancestors?



"Brother Jia, I have to go back to Duke Cheng's mansion first. It's really unreasonable to not go home for so long. Just wait for me for a day, and the next day I will return to the government office to investigate the case with you."

Zhao Xun returned home like an arrow, and said very eagerly.

"That's good. Since His Majesty has written off your crimes, you don't need to worry about anything. But go and come back quickly, you boy are not allowed to be lazy. It's not the holiday yet."

"Don't worry, being pushed to this position, I can't retreat even if I want to."

Zhao Xun said half-jokingly.

"Brother Jia, you have to be careful yourself. I'm afraid there are many people waiting for us to be unlucky. Protect yourself."

Being human in two lifetimes, Zhao Xun thinks he has a clear understanding of people's hearts.

People's hearts are sinister, especially in such a dangerous environment as bad people's Yamen, it is always good to be more prepared.

He wanted to be a playboy for a lifetime, but he was helplessly drawn into the whirlpool.

Whatever it is, if it comes, it will be safe.

Since he joined the bad guys, he took advantage of the situation. After washing his marrow, Zhao Xun really wanted to see where his limit was.



(End of this chapter)

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