big week bad guy

Chapter 197 Dongyue's Conspiracy

Chapter 197 Dongyue's Conspiracy (Second update! Please subscribe, please ask for a monthly pass!)

After dozens of rounds, the demon king Aigu has shown signs of fatigue.

It was already inferior to Wu Quanyi in strength, and just now it was forced to use all its strength just to fight against the guard transformed by Wu Quanyi's sword intent. If it continued to fight, it would eventually be exhausted.

At that time, even if it wants to run, it will be impossible.

Instead of waiting to die here, it is better to run while you still have strength.

The demon king Aigu is a very realistic monster, knowing that it is difficult to continue, he immediately flew to the sky.

"What is this big bat going to do?"

Brother Hanhan Ten asked in doubt.

"A moth to a flame kills itself."

Seeing this, the third senior brother urged Feijian to go straight towards the demon king.

The Flower Burial Sword is not domineering, but the sword intent is very fierce.

Although Long Qingquan himself was entangled by other monsters, Feijian was not affected at all.

The demon king Ai Gu ran very fast, but no matter how fast he was, he couldn't be faster than Feijian.

It only felt a chill behind it, turned its head to look, and saw a flying sword directly passing through its left wing, piercing a huge hole.

Whoops, so scary.

The demon king Ai Gu wailed, and felt his body fall extremely fast.

It couldn't control its own body at all, because the flying sword contained the most yang aura, which completely sealed its evil aura.

Ai Gu only felt that his whole body was filled with lead, extremely heavy.

It fell extremely fast, and a moment later, a huge deep hole was smashed into the ground.


But after hearing a loud noise, smoke and dust rose everywhere, and dust filled the air.

"Go Qinglong!"

Wu Quanyi, Taoist priest of Qinglian, still did not give up the attack. Under his order, Qinglong immediately bit the demon king's throat.

"Keep alive, don't kill him!"

Wu Quanyi knew that the information possessed by the Demon King must be much more useful than the Snake Lin beast they had captured before.

Ningzhou is just a corner of the southeast coast, and solving the monster problem here is just the beginning, and there are countless monsters waiting for them to eliminate.

Only by hearing enough useful information from the demon king's mouth will it be of great help to their next actions.

Seeing that the demon king was captured, all the monsters lost their desire to continue fighting.

"Hiss, hiss."

They hang their heads like defeated roosters.

"The overall situation is set."

Zhao Xun breathed a sigh of relief seeing this scene.

It's still a big guy who is reliable, and my mentor will always be a god.

After a group of monsters bowed their heads and were captured, Zhao Xun and others led their troops back in victory.

"The imperial envoy is mighty, the imperial envoy is brave!"

All the soldiers cheered.

In their eyes, Zhao Xun is like a god descending from heaven.

Without Zhao Xun, the folks in Ningzhou don't know what it would be like to be harmed by monsters.

But immediately after the arrival of the imperial envoy, they led them to launch a counterattack.

Things that they never dared to think about in the past are now done.


What about monsters?
They are just a group of bullying dogs, and they are no different from livestock in essence.

After witnessing the sight of monsters entering the city, Wan Cishi was so surprised that he couldn't describe it.

"My lord, how to deal with these monsters?"

"Wait for the officer to interrogate the demon king to see what he can find out. The rest of the monsters can be executed."

For Zhao Xun, establishing prestige right now is very important.

Whether it is a human or a monster, they are all essentially the same.

Only by taking advantage of this matter to establish his prestige can he completely establish his absolute dominance in the southeast coast.

When you walk the talk, others will be convinced.

"Your Imperial Envoy is wise! This is the luck of the people of Ningzhou and the people of Jiangnan!"

Wan Cishi flattered him without a trace.

"Inspector Wan, the government should make a big publicity about the capture of the monster on Niutuo Island, so as to encourage the people. Just leave other matters to me."

Zhao Xun can't say anything to Wan Cishi, he can only go to the end.

Fortunately, Wan Cishi is also an emperor who understands Zhao Xun's meaning very quickly, and retreats knowingly.

But Zhao Xun took out the chessboard space immediately after returning to the room.

The demon king is now tied up with a demon rope and imprisoned in the chessboard space.Zhao Xun thought about it and entered it.

Although the mentor and the third senior brother were not there, there was Bai Jiaolong.

This guy is very sharp, and it is no problem to deal with a demon king who is tied up with a demon rope.

When the demon king Ai Gu saw Zhao Xun appearing in front of him, an angry look immediately appeared on his face.

"Why did you come here, the winner and the loser fall into your hands, and you will be killed or cut as you please."

Zhao Xun was quite surprised.

This guy can speak human language, he deserves to be a demon king, but he is not ordinary.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Zhao Xun leaned forward and said, "You are the demon king, I ask you a few questions and you'd better answer them truthfully, so as not to suffer from flesh and blood."

"Hmph, if you want me to betray His Majesty the Demon Emperor, don't even think about it!"

Zhao Xun was speechless, this fellow is really a loyal dog.

Isn't everyone so stupid and loyal in this era?
As with humans, so with monsters?
"If you don't speak, I can make you speak."

Zhao Xun learned the art of controlling beasts from his mentor Wu Quanyi. Although it was only a quick course, it was enough.

Coupled with the mind-watching technique he already knew, together he can enter the sea of ​​consciousness of the demon king.

The demon king Ai Gu resisted very much, but he couldn't stop him at all.

The art of imperial beast made him as docile as a husky.

Zhao Xun found that the sea of ​​consciousness of monsters was quite different from that of humans.

"The sea of ​​consciousness of monsters is wider, but it means that it is more difficult to find useful information."

Zhao Xun murmured.

"Looks like I'll have to search carefully."

Zhao Xun is like a small boat floating in the sea, very small.

If you don't use the magic search, you don't know when you can find it.

Fortunately, Zhao Xun learned the big search technique when he was in the copy library, and he can search in a large range based on some keywords.

Zhao Xun immediately used magic to start a large-scale search.

This feeling is very strange, Zhao Xun felt as if he had been electrified.


Before, they got some keywords from the mouth of the Snake Lin Beast. Although there is not much information, it is better than nothing.

After about a stick of incense, when Zhao Xun was almost desperate, he suddenly saw a picture.

The master of Dongyue, the sword sage Wei Wuji appeared on the demon mountain above the East China Sea and chatted with the demon emperor!

As for what they were talking about, Zhao Xun couldn't hear clearly.

hiss!Zhao Xun took a deep breath.

The meeting itself was shocking enough.

Wei Wuji actually colluded with monsters.

Dongyue has really come into play!
This is what Zhao Xun is most afraid of happening.

But when this thing really happened, Zhao Xun found that everything could be explained.

He had been wondering before that even if the northern barbarians and the Demon Sect reached an agreement with the southeast monsters in advance, after all, the distance was so far away that it would be difficult to form real assistance for a while.

Now that Wei Wuji entered the arena to act as a link and middleman, the Monster Beast Clan did have enough reason to make up their minds.



(End of this chapter)

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