big week bad guy

Chapter 228 Yao Yan's Request

Chapter 228 Yao Yan's Request (First update! Please subscribe, please ask for a monthly pass!)

"Yes or no."

The head of the mountain gave an ambiguous answer, which caught Yao Yan by surprise.

"how do I say this?"

Yao Yan obviously couldn't accept such a result, so he asked directly.

"If they can survive the time that the Corpse Kun is summoned for a stick of incense, nothing will happen. Otherwise."

"Otherwise what?"

"Otherwise I'll have to do it myself."


Yao Yan didn't know what to say for a moment.

With the strength of the mountain leader, it is indeed possible to take someone's head from a distance.

You don't even need to use the mountain chief's body, just use a clone phantom.

But the question is, if he is really pushed to that point, does it mean that the situation is already very critical?

Yao Yan couldn't help worrying about Liu Yingying.

Even if the head of the mountain can guarantee that Liu Yingying will not die in time, it seems that things like injuries are inevitable.

This was unacceptable to Yao Yan no matter what, not to mention Liu Yingying was injured, even if a hair was damaged, Yao Yan couldn't accept it.

After all, it was his true love.

"Shanchang, is there any way for me to appear in Ningzhou immediately?"

Although he knew the hope was slim, Yao Yan asked without hesitation.

"Huh? Do you know what you're talking about?"

The head of the mountain said calmly: "The teleportation technique can only transmit extremely thin paper, but you want to transmit the body to Ningzhou?"

Yao Yan sighed and said, "It's not like you don't know that if I had been to Ningzhou, I would have beaten those beasts, but if a clone phantom got there, I'm afraid it won't change anything. I can rely on a clone phantom to beat those beasts." You are the only one who can change the general situation."

The head of the mountain was flattered by Yao Yan indiscriminately, and he thought it was very useful.

While stroking his beard, he said leisurely: "Actually, it's not impossible, it's just that there are no more than three people in the world who have mastered this spell."

Yao Yan burst into ecstasy when he heard the words.

As long as there is a way, he is afraid that there is no way!
"Shanchang, please tell me, as long as I can ferry me to Ningzhou, I am willing to pay any price."

"Speaking of which, this is also related to the talisman formation. Chang'an City is a large formation, you know that?"

"I have heard a little bit. The formation created by Meng Sheng back then has been guarding the city of Chang'an. In this way, demons and evil spirits will not dare to approach Chang'an, and the people will be protected from disasters."

"In addition to Chang'an, there is also a big formation in every road in the world, and the big formation of Jiangnan Road is in Ningzhou."

The head of the mountain said very calmly: "So, as long as you can use these two large formations for teleportation, it is not difficult to send you from Chang'an to Ningzhou."


Although Yao Yan didn't fully understand it, he actually understood a general idea.

What Shan Chang meant was that Ningzhou also has a large formation similar to Chang'an City, which can use the strong connection between the two large formations and use the practitioner's unique spells to transmit.

"It's just that there are some risks. There may be distortions in the transmission process, which means that you may not be in Ningzhou but in other places."

Shan Chang added a sentence that made Yao Yan almost spit out his old blood.

"What, you mean that I may not have arrived in Ningzhou?"

This conclusion was really hard for Yao Yan to accept.

"That's right, it's possible that you were teleported to the Western Regions, or you were teleported to Jiannan Road."

The head of the mountain sighed and said: "This is the reason why the large teleportation array cannot be used to transport people stably. Otherwise, where would the army need to travel thousands of miles, wouldn't it be enough for the practitioners to use the teleportation array to teleport directly?"

Yao Yan thought about it carefully, and what Shan Zhang said was very reasonable.

Although practitioners in this world pose a great threat to the secular court, they have not completely suppressed or even replaced the secular emperor after all.

There are many reasons for this. In the final analysis, practitioners are also flesh and blood, and practitioners also have limits.

Although this limit seems far away and difficult to reach, it is real after all.

If the teleportation technique can transport troops without limit, it will be a great change for the national war.

Countries with more practitioners can use the teleportation technique to overcome the time difference, and the possibility of winning the battle will be greatly increased.

The side with fewer practitioners will be very passive and can only defend passively, and the possibility of final defeat will be very high.

There are many laws between heaven and earth that don't seem to make so much sense at first glance, but when you think about it carefully, it seems that God is trying to balance something.

It is also difficult for Yao Yan to explain all this, but he just feels that there seems to be a destiny in the dark.

"I'd like to give it a try."

After a long silence, Yao Yan still made a decision.

After all, Liu Yingying is his true love, the one who gave up his dream of cultivating immortals and fell into the world.

He left Jiannan Road for Liu Yingying, came all the way to Chang'an, and even settled in Zhongnan Mountain.

He has guarded Liu Yingying for so many years, and it is impossible for him to ignore Liu Yingying when she is most in danger.

So even though he knew it was very risky, he decided to give it a try.

"it is good!"

Shan Chang cast a approving look at Yao Yan.

"As expected of the Sword Immortal in the Bamboo Forest, this pattern is indeed beyond the reach of anyone."

"It's just that teleportation is not my strong point, so I have to ask someone to help."

"who is it?"

"Qin Tianjian Jianzheng, that is, Yuan Tiangang, the national teacher of the Great Zhou Dynasty."

When Yuan Tiangang heard the call from the head of the mountain, his first reaction was not to respond.

But if you think about it carefully, this seems to be too unstructured.

At any rate, both of them are top practitioners, and both of them are barely in the Great Zhou camp, so they should help each other.

So Yuan Tiangang came to Zhongnan Mountain directly stepping on the mahogany sword.

After meeting with the head of the mountain and learning of the head of the mountain, the supervisor of the Qin Tianjian regretted it.

"Teleportation teleporter? The head of the mountain really has you. How did you come up with this idea?"

"During extraordinary times, we should do extraordinary things. Originally, I wanted to use the clone illusion to solve the problem, but the Bamboo Forest Sword Immortal still felt uneasy, and insisted on going to Ningzhou to be the flower protector in person, and to do heroic things to save the beauty. I really can't bear it and can only agree to help him. After thinking about it, thinking about it, isn't it you who is good at teleportation in the boundary of Chang'an City?"

The head of the mountain spoke slowly, as calmly as a breeze, as if using the teleportation technique to teleport people was a simple matter.

Yuan Tiangang wanted to roll his eyes when he heard this, but he could only give up because of his status as the head of the mountain.

"You make me think about it."

Yuan Tiangang didn't immediately agree, but he didn't refuse either.

After contemplating for a long time, he asked again: "How is the cultivation level of the person who is going to be teleported? Can he withstand the distortion of true energy during teleportation?"

(End of this chapter)

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