big week bad guy

Chapter 236 Changes in the Western Regions

Chapter 236 Changes in the Western Regions (First update! Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)

"Okay, okay, I'm joking with you as a teacher."

The head of the mountain stroked his beard and smiled calmly: "But you are a kind of lover, when did you meet the owner of Yonghe County?"

"Shan Zhang. See what you said."

Zhao Xun didn't know what to say for a while.

"That's all, let's not talk about this. You have gained a lot from going to Jiangnan Road this time. Not only have you achieved a breakthrough in the realm, but you have also found out the real purpose of the monsters invading the southeast."

The head of the mountain is the head of the mountain, and the speed of changing the subject is faster than that of a girl.

"Uh, actually it's not that clear. I just found out that there is Dongyue Jiange's support behind the Monster Beast Kingdom's rampage in the southeast. Dongyue Jiange Sword Master Wei Wuji is the most powerful practitioner in the world. If he enters the arena, then The Kingdom of Monster Beasts does have enough confidence."

The head of the mountain shook his head and said: "It's not just that. You don't know that Feng Hao, the bad commander, has led a group of practitioners and a soldier to defend Chang'an to the Western Regions a few days ago."


It was the first time Zhao Xun heard this news, and he was shocked.

A few days ago, he did receive a letter from the bad guy's office, and the letter was also transmitted using teleportation.

It is believed that Mr. Feng only asked him to thoroughly investigate the governor of Huangzhou, but he didn't mention anything about the Western Regions.

"Has something happened in the Western Regions?"

"It seems that those Buddhists and alien races in the Western Regions are not willing to be lonely."

Shan Chang's face was a bit stern.

"The Great Zhou has always been able to subdue the nations firstly by force, and secondly by practitioners."

The head of the mountain sighed and said: "But after so many years of singing and dancing, the army has been sparsely engaged in battle for a long time, and its combat effectiveness has long been incomparable. As for the practitioners, they may not be of the same heart as the court."

This topic is a bit heavy, but Zhao Xun knew that if he wanted to find out what happened, he had to listen to the head of the mountain to dig deeper.

"Disciple, do you know which part of the capital has the most practitioners besides the Academy?"



The head of the mountain shook his head and said, "It's the internal guard."

This time Zhao Xun was really taken aback.

"Internal servants? You mean those eunuchs and eunuchs in the palace are actually a group of practitioners with high martial arts skills and astonishing cultivation?"

"Not quite."

The head of the mountain shook his head and said: "Some of them are indeed practitioners, but the rest are ordinary people. But in terms of the proportion of practitioners, the palace has always been the highest."

"According to what you said, that is enough to overwhelm a group of practitioners."

Zhao Xun was a little puzzled.

Eunuchs are royal family slaves, so they are of one mind with the emperor.

With so many practitioners in hand, what else is there to fear in the royal family.

"Because of the rise of another force, it is the warrior system."

The head of the mountain said meaningfully: "A long, long time ago, probably at the beginning of the founding of the Great Zhou, there were very few practitioners in the army of the Great Zhou. Even if there were, they were rare. But as time went by, among the army There are more and more practitioners in the world. The number of their practice is completely different from that of Confucianism and Taoism. They rely on a brute force, which is the so-called Wufu system. These practitioners have a heart of iron and blood. The cultivation speed is very fast, and most of them can reach the fourth grade or above."


Hearing this, Zhao Xun gasped.

Sure enough, as the head of the mountain said, the martial arts practitioners are indeed the existence with the highest proportion in the entire Great Zhou.

From this point of view, it is indeed a bit out of balance.

"And at that time, Confucian practitioners were basically under the control of the imperial court. At that time, there was only the imperial examination. In order to obtain a bright future, scholars in the world could only sell themselves to the royal family and be driven by the royal family. It is the so-called learning Literature and martial arts are sold to the emperor’s family. It’s completely different now. In terms of literature, there are academies and imperial examination officials and students fighting against etiquette. In terms of martial arts, today’s festivals are too big to lose, and the imperial court still has no control.”

Shan Zhang's words were very meaningful, so Zhao Xun naturally listened carefully.

This actually involves the institutional issues of the Great Zhou.

The Great Zhou established the country with martial arts, but the martial arts at that time and the current martial arts are completely different concepts.

Back then, Wu referred to the old Fubing.

And now Wu refers to mercenaries.

One of the two is directly under the imperial court, and the other is under the command of the Jiedushi.

Jiedushi is now too big to lose its tail, which has a lot to do with the changes in this system.

Of course, Emperor Xianlong is proficient in the emperor's mind. He once beat up a group of Jiedu envoys through a feast of Jiedu envoys in Chang'an City, and even cut some of the envoy's power.

But this is actually a palliative, not a permanent cure.

If another emperor couldn't suppress the Jiedu envoys, everything would have to be returned.

"You mean that the army of the Great Zhou has essentially become the personal soldiers of the Jiedushi, so that practitioners in the Wufu system also obey the orders of the Jiedushi and are not dispatched by the court of the Great Zhou?"

The mountain chief nodded.

Xiao 72's understanding is very high, he is very pleased.

"That's why the Western Regions are ready to move. If it were 100 years ago, when the Great Zhou army marched in the Western Regions, they would only dare to hide in a corner, not even farting."

It can be heard that the head of the mountain is also very dissatisfied with this change, but he is not good at directly intervening in this matter after all.

Haoran Academy has always maintained neutrality and does not interfere with the imperial family's vulgar things. This is a principle.

"Then who is Master Feng taking to the Western Regions this time?"

"It's the forbidden army."

The head of the mountain said lightly.


Zhao Xun was really surprised at this time.

"Even the imperial army has been mobilized, this is to the point of being immortal."

Generally speaking, the Forbidden Army is strictly stationed near the capital.

Their responsibility is very clear, that is to defend the royal family.

Once the imperial army was mobilized, it meant that the situation had deteriorated to a certain extent, and Emperor Xianlong had to rely on the imperial army to control the situation, so as to prevent the situation from deteriorating and completely out of control.

"Then Master Feng, can he control the situation?"

"It's hard to say. If he really leads the team, I'm afraid it won't work."

The head of the mountain shook his head and said: "Feng Hao is only a second-rank practitioner after all, and there are many first-rank practitioners in the Western Regions. If he has no other trump cards, he will not be optimistic as a teacher."

Zhao Xun's mood suddenly became a little heavy.

"Then what should we do now? Just watch like this?"

Although Zhao Xun knew the academy's principles in his heart, he still found it difficult to accept for a while.

"The matter of Jiangnan Dao has already broken an exception for the teacher."

The head of the mountain paused and said: "Unless Da Zhou reaches the point of subjugation and extinction, I will not make any more moves as a teacher."

"The disciple understands."

Zhao Xun felt very uncomfortable, but he also understood that this kind of thing should not be forced.

He bowed respectfully to the head of the mountain, and then exited the bamboo building.

(End of this chapter)

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