big week bad guy

Chapter 245 The capital shakes

Chapter 245 Jingshi Vibration (4000 words, two in one chapter)

"What, the northern monsters are going south!"

In the Zichen Hall of Daming Palace, Emperor Xianlong was both surprised and angry.

He was surprised that the northern monsters dared to be so presumptuous.

What made him angry was that Shuozhou did not notify the warning at all.

What is this Wang Zhongyi doing for food!
In a fit of rage, Emperor Xianlong threw all the porcelain that could be seen in the hall over and over again, still feeling puzzled, he threw the memorial on the imperial case and dropped it to the ground.

The maids and eunuchs all hid outside the hall, and no one dared to touch His Majesty the emperor at this time.

"Your Majesty, rest your anger."

At this moment, Zheng Jie, the internal servant, walked slowly to Emperor Xianlong, and said in a deep voice: "There may be other hidden reasons in this matter, Your Majesty need not be so angry."

"You tell me not to get angry? Companion, tell me, how can I not get angry! He is a governor of Shuozhou, and he doesn't know how to let monsters slip away from under his nose. Tell me what I want him for." .”

Xianlong's imperial chest heaved sharply, and it took a long time before he managed to calm down: "Big Companion, tell me if he is intentionally taking revenge on me for putting him in prison in Chang'an City, and wrongly blaming him?"

"Your Majesty is overthinking. The envoy Wang Jiedu is loyal and dedicated to the country. How could he do such a thing without a king or a father?"

Zheng Jie sighed and said, "Based on my servant's humble opinion, this must be a monster using sorcery to avoid the search of the Shuozhou Army."

Emperor Xianlong snorted coldly and said: "Anyway, this is his dereliction of duty. What should I do now? Many of the troops defending the capital were transferred to the Western Regions by Feng Hao. Now Chang'an is empty of troops. It is too late to order all the sects to enter Jingqin King. Also, do I not want to lose face?"

"Your Majesty, in my humble opinion, maybe it can be so."

Zheng Jie lowered his voice and said: "First, order the soldiers from Gyeonggi Province to gather to do the top, and then order Wang Zhongyi to rush to help the capital. This way, the risk can be minimized, and the number of people who know about it can also be controlled to the minimum."

Zheng Jie's words can be said to have reached Emperor Xianlong's heart.

As an emperor with high self-esteem and self-esteem as a wise and powerful emperor, Emperor Xianlong cared about his own face very much.

If the whole world knows that Chang'an's troops are empty, and the monsters wreak havoc, it will be like entering a land of no one. It will make Emperor Xianlong feel more uncomfortable than killing him.

The plan proposed by Zheng Jie is much easier to accept.

Although after hundreds of years of development, the Fubing system has become in name only, but it still exists after all.

Now that the army cannot be recruited in a short period of time, they can only rely on the government soldiers to support them.

After solving this urgent need, think about the next thing.

"Just do as you said. In addition, ask Qin Tianjian to ask Zheng Yuan Tiangang to enter the palace to face the saint."

After Emperor Xianlong finished speaking, Zheng Jie hesitated and said, "Your Majesty, Heavenly Master Yuan has been in retreat for the past few days."

Emperor Xianlong was taken aback when he heard this, and a sullen look flashed across his face.Immediately, he waved his hand and said: "Forget it, I will go to see him in person. Put on the Qin Tianjian."

Although Qin Tianjian is also in the palace, it is quite a distance from Zichen Palace where Emperor Xianlong lived.

Emperor Xianlong was anxious to see Yuan Tiangang, but in fact he wanted the Taoist school to show an attitude.

He can't invite the head of the mountain, but after all, the Taoist sect has a mutually beneficial and symbiotic relationship with the imperial court.Yuan Tiangang himself also served as the supervisor of Qin Tianjian in the court, enjoying the name of Tianshi.

Therefore, Emperor Xianlong felt that as long as he spoke, Yuan Tiangang would still be willing to help him guard Chang'an.

Zheng Jie was by his side, which made Emperor Xianlong feel very safe.

After all, he was going to bargain face-to-face with a super-grade powerhouse, and with another super-grade practitioner by his side, he would be more confident.

As for Yuan Tiangang and Zheng Jie, who is better at fighting, in fact, Emperor Xianlong didn't think about it at all.

In his opinion, the two can't fight each other.

After about a stick of incense, the Luanjia of Emperor Xianlong arrived at Qin Tianjian.

Li Chunfeng went downstairs to meet him in person.

"Meet Your Majesty."

"Li Daochang is exempt from courtesy, where is Yuan Tianshi?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the teacher is cleaning up upstairs."

"Forget it, I will go upstairs to visit in person."

Emperor Xianlong was in a hurry, and he didn't care too much, so he left all the guards and went straight upstairs.

The Huntian Tower was very high. Emperor Xianlong climbed up quickly at first, but he became more and more tired as he climbed, and finally he was out of breath. He had to be helped by Zheng Jie to continue climbing.

Time is not forgiving.

Emperor Xianlong laughed at himself.

If it was more than ten years ago, it would not be so difficult for him to climb the stairs.

But now
In the end, after a lot of effort, Emperor Xianlong climbed to the top of the Huntian Tower.

He saw Yuan Tiangang sitting on the lotus seat at a glance, stepped forward slowly and cleared his throat: "Master Yuan, I am bothering you."

Counting the Great Zhou Dynasty, there are not many people who can make Emperor Xianlong so polite.

Yuan Tiangang certainly has a place.

The Taoist celestial master slowly opened his eyes and said with a slight smile, "The poor Taoist has seen His Majesty."

Although he said so, he didn't mean to get up at all.

However, Emperor Xianlong was not angry at all, but nodded with a smile.

"I heard that Yuan Tianshi is retreating to practice Taoism. It is I who bothered you. But the matter is very important, and I must come."

"Why is Your Majesty here?"

Ming people don't speak dark words, Yuan Tiangang knows that Emperor Xianlong is the master of the Three Treasures Palace.

For the Emperor of Great Zhou to come here in such a hurry, there must be a big change in the capital.

"To be honest, it's because of the northern barbarians and monsters going south."

Emperor Xianlong said in a heavy tone: "Wang Zhongyi, the envoy of the Shuozhou Festival, was ineffective in doing things, and he even watched the monsters go south. I have no other way now, the capital is empty, and I can only call in the soldiers from Gyeonggi Province to fight first." Go ahead, then issue an imperial edict to order Wang Zhongyi to lead troops into Beijing to rescue him. But the army alone is definitely not enough. The reason why the northern barbarians are so rampant is relying on monsters."

When Emperor Xianlong said this, Yuan Tiangang naturally understood.

"Actually, Pindao also predicted this hexagram just now, but he didn't expect it to come so soon."

Yuan Tiangang pinched his fingers and said: "It should be five days at the earliest, seven days at the latest, and the monsters will come to the city."


Emperor Xianlong gasped when he heard the words.

So fast?
Is the wind blowing under the monster's feet?

"So Yuan Tianshi thinks how should I arrange it?"

"Your Majesty, there is no need to panic."

Yuan Tiangang said: "At the beginning of the construction of Chang'an City, Meng Sheng set up three large formations in the city, which were responsible for guarding the outer city, the imperial city, and the palace city. Even if monsters attack in large numbers, they are unlikely to break through Meng Sheng The prohibition array that has been set up can only be humiliated."

Emperor Xianlong frowned, feeling very complicated.

It wasn't the answer he wanted to hear.

As an emperor, he certainly knew that there were three large formations in Chang'an City.

But the problem is that it is too passive and aggrieved to only rely on three large formations for defense.

At any rate, he is also the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty. He claims to be the emperor of the ages. How could he be willing to be a turtle and be beaten passively?

"Should we just be on the defensive?"

Emperor Xianlong hesitated for a moment, but still asked tentatively.

"Not necessarily."

Yuan Tiangang saw through Emperor Xianlong's thoughts at a glance, and said lightly: "If necessary, the Taoist sect will take action to punish the monsters."

Hearing these words, the stone hanging in Emperor Xianlong's heart can be regarded as falling to the ground.

"It's so good, it's so good. I feel at ease after hearing Yuan Tianshi's words."

After finishing speaking, Emperor Xianlong got up and said in a harmonious voice: "I won't bother Tianshi Yuan, drive back to the palace."

After saying that, he flicked his sleeves and turned to leave.

After Emperor Xianlong left, Yuan Tiangang asked Li Chunfeng beside him: "Chunfeng, have you brought everything that I asked you to bring to Zhao Mingyun before I became a teacher?"

"Report to my mentor, verbatim."

Li Chunfeng said respectfully.

"That's fine, that's fine."

Yuan Tiangang nodded, and said with great satisfaction: "It seems that Zhao Mingyun has really grown up. This time is the best test for him, and he will know his quality once he tries it."

In recent days, the atmosphere in Chang'an, the capital, suddenly became tense.

They were only allowed to enter but not to exit, and martial law was enforced throughout the city.

The square walls between the major squares and cities are normally closed, and there are only two hours a day for people to enter and exit.

For a time, rumors spread in the city.

Some said that the northern barbarians were going to attack southward in a large scale, and some said that wars broke out in the Western Regions, and the disaster spread to Guanzhong.

It is also said that the barbarians of Jiannan Road revived, rebelled and captured the middle of Shu, and planned to attack Chang'an along the Shu Road.

There are various rumors.Some of them are true and some are false, and it is not surprising to hear bad people's ears.

"Brother Mingyun, tell me, are the northern monsters really approaching the city?"

People in the city have been in a state of panic these past few days, and Wangcai couldn't eat well or sleep well.

This is extremely rare.

You know, Wangcai is notoriously nervous.

Even if the sky is falling, he probably won't have the slightest reaction.

But because the northern barbarians and monsters went south in a large scale this time, they panicked and lost their minds.

From Zhao Xun's point of view, this is indeed very funny.

"I think it's very possible. Think about it, the northern barbarians are good at riding horses, and with monsters as companions, they must be invincible when riding. I don't think we will have a big battle in a few days. "

Zhao Xun is not very nervous, mainly because he has grown a lot with the experience in Ningzhou.

Today, he is able to remain calm, and now that he was in charge of the situation alone, he can now consider the situation as a whole, instead of just starting from one side.

Besides, when Zhao Xun was in Ningzhou, the only people Zhao Xun could rely on were his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi and a few brothers and sisters from the academy, but now Zhao Xun has the entire academy, the entire Taoist sect, and the entire capital army behind him.

What else is he afraid of?

Wangcai is really a piece of mud that can't support the wall.

"It doesn't seem to be the same this time. It seems that the monsters have been prepared for going south, otherwise they would not have found those dozens of monsters in the city. What should they do if they cooperate with each other?"

I have to say that Wangcai has hit the point.

The best strategy for a military strategist is to surrender without fighting.

Be it monsters or humans, whoever can do this is the greatest success.

"Well, people from the Jinwu Guard and Wucheng Bingmasi are conducting an all-night search. I believe these monsters won't be able to hide for long."

The manpower of bad people is already limited, and not long ago, most of them were transferred by bad handsome Feng Hao and taken to the Western Regions.

Therefore, it is unrealistic to expect bad people to conduct a full inspection.

"what do you mean"

Wangcai swallowed and said, "How about we watch a play?"

"Can't say that either."

Zhao Xun spread his hands and said, "It's that we have to learn to allocate our physical strength reasonably, and only take action when we are most needed."

The most important thing Zhao Xun has learned these days is that he cannot do everything by himself.

Even a god can't stand such a creation, not to mention he is a man of flesh and blood.

You must learn to be willing and let go, so that you can gain a lot.

"Well, if the monster really comes in, you have to protect me."


Zhao Xun said without hesitation.This is one of his few good brothers, and even the father of the gold master. How could he be willing to watch Wangcai die.

"Mingyun, something is wrong with Mingyun."

At this moment, Zhao Xun saw Jia Xingwen rushing in with a sad face.

He hurriedly got up to greet him: "Brother Jia, what's the matter? Don't worry, drink a sip of water first, and speak slowly."

Zhao Xun picked up a teacup and handed it over, saying with concern.

Jia Xingwen took the teacup and drank it down: "It's the people in the city, and many of them are rushing towards the imperial city. They seem to be afraid of monsters and northern barbarians going south, and want to hide in the imperial city. I think some of them have already made contact with the imperial city." There is a conflict between the Jinwu Guard and the soldiers and horses of the five cities, so go and have a look."

Zhao Xun was really taken aback when he heard the words, and hurriedly rushed outside the government office.

Get on the horse, ride the horse and raise the whip in one go.

Zhao Xun's intuition told him that this matter was not simple.

When Zhao Xun and others arrived in front of the gate of the imperial city, they saw a crowd of black and white crowds.

These people gathered outside the gate of the imperial city, raising their arms and shouting loudly.

"Let us in, we want to enter the imperial city."

"Yes, we don't want to stay in the outer city and wait to die. There are many monsters hidden there, which may devour us at any time."

"We don't want to wait to die, we want to take refuge in the imperial city. Let us go in."

The soldiers of Jin Wuwei and Wucheng Bingmasi held golden weapons in their hands and stared at them intently.

"Don't be foolish, the imperial city is something that grassroots like you can enter if you want. Back off quickly, if someone dares to rush into the imperial gate without authorization, don't blame us for being rude."

A general of the Jinwu guard sternly said.

"Bullshit, everyone, don't listen to him. We will die if we stay in the outer city. Only by rushing into the imperial city can we avoid disaster. Everyone fights with them. Only by rushing into the imperial city can we survive."

"Yes, everyone fought with them, fought hard!"

"We don't want to die, we want to live!"

"Live, live, let's go. Fight them."

The emotions of the people were aroused, and they were about to rush towards the Jinwu Guard soldiers who were waiting in full battle.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhao Xun rushed to the front and shouted: "Everyone wait a moment, please listen to me."

(End of this chapter)

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