big week bad guy

Chapter 249 Zhao Xun's Coping Arrangement

Chapter 249 Zhao Xun's Coping Arrangement (4000 words in two chapters)

In the end, the police brought more than ten people who had contact with Jieligu.

This number was within Zhao Xun's expectation.

Because in his opinion, since Jieligu is a remnant of the Demon Sect and an informer and spy planted by the northern barbarians in Chang'an City, he will definitely keep a low profile in his daily life and try his best not to contact the neighbors. not in contact.

Because he is a barbarian from the North after all, his accent cannot be changed in a short time.

More to say more wrong, less to say less wrong, not to say good.

For Jie Ligu, the most important thing is to keep silent as much as possible and not attract everyone's attention.

Otherwise, it is likely to get burned.

After interrogating the dozen or so people, Zhao Xun confirmed his guess once again.

It seems that there are no clues to be drawn from these people.

Seeing that Zhao Xun was about to leave, County Magistrate Kou, who finally came to his senses, quickly greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Lord Zhao, if there is a need to step down as an official, just ask, and the next official is willing to share the worries of Master Zhao anytime and anywhere."

Zhao Xun turned his head and smiled noncommittally at the sycophant as a response.

After returning to the villain's office, Wangcai and Jia Xingwen greeted him immediately.

"Mingyun, you're back. You've been away for half a day, but you've worried me to death."

Jia Xingwen pointed to the sun and said rather complainingly.

It was noon when Zhao Xun went out, and they were still eating.When Zhao Xun came back, it was already sunset.

"Yes, Brother Mingyun, your status is different now. Although His Majesty has not appointed you, it is clear that you are the agent of the bad man's yamen. You are the only leader of so many people. If you disappear, whose orders can we listen to?" .”

The two talked to each other, but Zhao Xun didn't complain, but smiled and said: "This time it's my fault, I went out too hastily. But do you know what I found?"

Zhao Xun judges cases like a god, and Wangcai and Jia Xingwen know better than anyone else.

And they also knew very well that Zhao Xun relied on his intuition to decide the case.

Sometimes they couldn't stop their intuition, that's why they didn't stop Zhao Xun at noon.

Thinking about it now, Zhao Xun must have made a major discovery.

"Ming Yun, tell me quickly."

Jia Xingwen had long been unable to restrain his excitement and curiosity, so he asked in Zhao Xun's ear.

"I found a remnant of the Demon Sect."

Zhao Xun didn't hide it either, Wangcai and Jia Xingwen were both his good brothers and the people he trusted the most.

In front of the two of them, he will not hide anything.

"The remnants of the Demon Sect?"

Jia Xingwen frowned and said, "You mean, you found clues about people in the Demon Sect?"

"That's right, it should be a spy from the northern barbarians in the capital. This person is called Jie Ligu, and he suddenly disappeared yesterday. I also saw the records about him, so I rushed out suddenly."

Zhao Xun slowly explained: "This Jieligu lives in Xingshanfang. And Xingshanfang is under the jurisdiction of the Wannian County Government. So I went to Wannian County as a matter of course and asked Wannian County The county magistrate assisted me in finding out the whereabouts of the missing Jieligu."

Zhao Xun paused for a while, and after the two had digested it, he continued: "Later, we went to the place where Jieligu lived before. Guess what, it was a shanty town where poor people gathered. The conditions inside Very bad, Kou county magistrate almost vomited. You didn’t see his uncomfortable look. Of course, these are not important, the important thing is that I smelled evil spirits in the place where Jieligu lived.”

When he said this, Zhao Xun instinctively looked at Jia Xingwen.

Jia Xingwen laughed loudly and said, "Okay, Ming Yun, you've just graduated."

Zhao Xun was not annoyed at being taken advantage of by Jia Xingwen, he smiled and said: "Yes, so I immediately judged that there is something wrong with Jieligu. I ordered everyone who had contact with Jieligu to be taken to the Yamen for investigation. Inquiry. But after some inquiries, no substantive clues were obtained."

With his hands behind his back, Zhao Xun looked as if everything was under control.

"This confirms my judgment even more. A person who comes into contact with so few people and doesn't talk about important matters must be a well-trained spy. This person must be a spy of a northern barbarian planted in Chang'an City .”

Zhao Xun said very seriously, but he still doesn't know where this secret work is hiding until now.

"The top priority is to find this person as soon as possible. The whereabouts of this person are very important. Only after we find him can we use him as bait to dig out all the secret work of other northern barbarians planted in Chang'an City."

Hearing this, Wangcai and Jia Xingwen have completely understood Zhao Xun's thinking.

Jia Xingwen nodded and said: "Ming Yun, just tell us how we can cooperate with you. Just mention it, as long as we can do it, we will try our best to cooperate."

"It's only now that I understand that it is unreliable to count on others. The Wannian County Yamen can't be counted on. You order the brothers in the bad people's Yamen to follow the records of the Fangshi that Jie Ligu used to go to. Once I search, I don't believe that a living person can really disappear without a trace."

Zhao Xun absolutely does not believe that Jieligu has disappeared.It is impossible for even a member of the Demon Sect to master such a terrifying and strange art.

So Jieligu must still be in Chang'an City.

Moreover, Zhao Xun felt that most of Jieligu was not too far away from Xingshanfang, and it was probably in Xingshanfang.

This trick is called black under the light, which means that the more dangerous the place is, the safer it is sometimes.

Because from the analysis of common sense, most people think that this plan does not hold water.

Of course, Zhao Xun is not sure that it must be so.It can only be said that his intuition guides him to search from the inside out.

"Okay, no problem. I'll take care of it."

Jia Xingwen, who is also a bad person in the scarlet robe, took this responsibility as a matter of course.

As for Wangcai, he was in a hurry.

"Brother Mingyun, what about me, what should I do for you?"

"Wangcai, help me check the people who have bought a large amount of rice noodles recently, and see if there is any suspicious behavior among them."

As a talent cultivated by a top merchant family, Wangcai immediately understood Zhao Xun's intentions.

"Brother Mingyun, do you want to see who is hoarding goods?"

Zhao Xun nodded in relief and said, "Those who know me are prosperous."

The ultimate goal of the northern barbarians sneaking into Chang'an City is to cooperate with the outside world to help the barbarian army going south to take this world-famous city.

Just spreading rumors is definitely not enough, so the most likely thing these guys do is to hoard goods and raise the price of food in Chang'an City to create panic.

Once the panic spreads, they will probably succeed if they stir it up again.

The human heart is always the most unpredictable.

Even Zhao Xun couldn't directly find out who was the undercover agent of the northern barbarians in the vast crowd.

But through the arrangement of various parties, he gradually found some clues by casting a net for investigation.

"Judging from the current situation, there are a total of three grain stores that are buying a large amount of rice. I ordered people to investigate their backgrounds, and it turned out that they basically all have northern backgrounds."

What Wangcai said was very natural, but it was very different in Zhao Xun's heart.

"Northern Background"

Zhao Xun thought about it carefully: "The north is very big and wide. Which place do you mean by the north?"


Wang Cai said without hesitation.


When Zhao Xun heard these two words, it was like being struck by lightning.

"If I remember correctly, Shuozhou should be the defense zone of Jiedushi Wang Zhongyi, right?"


Wang Cai nodded and said: "This Wang Zhongyi can be regarded as our old friend. Shuozhou is indeed his defense area. I heard that this time the northern barbarians went south in a large scale and bypassed Shuozhou."

"Tsk tsk."

Jia Xingwen, who had been keeping silent all this time, couldn't help but say this time: "So, this matter has something to do with Wang Zhongyi again."

Zhao Xun quickly stopped this unreliable inference: "Don't rush to judge. You forgot the results of our investigation last time. What you see may not be the truth, but may be the appearance, or even the possibility It is an illusion. From this point of view, we are still very likely to be misled."

After Zhao Xun mentioned this, the two of them remembered the past when they investigated the Wang Zhongyi case last time.

"That's true. The result of the Wang Zhongyi case was really unexpected. Who would have thought that the powerful left minister would be behind the scenes."

Jia Xingwen sighed and said, "It can only be said that you know people and face, but you don't know your heart. Prime Minister Zuo looks so loyal, but I didn't expect him to be a traitor."

Zhao Xun thought to himself that this is because your knowledge is short, rebels pretend to be loyal ministers, and loyal ministers pretend to be rebels, it is nothing more than a game.

In the end, it’s all about the results.

The process doesn't matter as long as the result is good.

After all, this is an era of consequentialism.

"Brother Mingyun, what should we do now, have you ordered someone to seal up these grain shops?"

As soon as Wangcai finished speaking, Zhao Xun raised his hand and said, "Wait a minute. I want to put a long line to catch big fish."

"Long-term fishing for big fish?"

Wangcai was taken aback for a moment.

"Why put a long line to catch big fish?"

"in this way."

Zhao Xun called Wangcai to come over with his ear, and then said in a low voice.

"Miaozai, Miaozai. Brother Mingyun, you are really a schemer."

After Wangcai heard it, he was always in admiration.

Zhao Xun waved his hand and said, "It's nothing. Just wait and see, these guys will show their fox tails sooner or later."

Li Taiping, the head of Yonghe County, and his party finally returned to Gyeonggi-do after a long journey.

The journey went smoothly for them, but when they arrived outside Chang'an City, they found that the atmosphere was very unusual.

Originally, Chang'an City was an extremely prosperous city, with countless caravans coming and going every day.

But now not only can't see the caravan, there are not even a few people.

"Go ask someone and see what's going on."

Seeing that the gate of the city was closed, Li Taiping, the head of Yonghe County, felt extremely puzzled.

"As ordered."

A fourth-rank cultivator clasped his fists and strode towards the gate of the city.

If you don't ask, you don't know, but when you ask, you are really shocked.

It turned out that the reason why the gates of Chang'an City were closed during the day turned out to be martial law.

When he reported the news to Li Taiping, the magistrate of Yonghe County, this dignified clan woman also felt unbelievable.

You know, she has lived for more than ten years, and there is only one time in her impression that Chang'an City was under martial law.

That time was the rebellion of King Yong, and Grandpa Huang ordered martial law throughout the city to hunt down the remnants of the rebels.

But only this once.

Li Taiping knew that the martial law in Chang'an City must be something major.

So what exactly caused the majestic Chang'an City to be forced into martial law?

"Ask again and find out why the martial law is imposed. If someone reprimands you, show them this token."

Li Taiping took out a token and handed it to the fourth rank guard.

This token is the exclusive token of the Qi Palace, which symbolizes the identity of the Qi Palace.

Those who see this token are like seeing King Qi.

"As ordered."

The fourth-rank cultivator turned and left after taking the token.

After about a cup of tea, he went back and forth, and said respectfully to Li Taiping: "His Royal Highness, it is the northern barbarians who have gone south, and many northern barbarians have mixed into Chang'an City. The imperial court ordered the entire city to Martial law, at the beginning it was only allowed to enter but not to exit, but now it is not even allowed to enter.”

"What? Northern barbarians."

Li Taiping, the head of Yonghe County, couldn't believe his ears when he heard this.

In her mind, the northern barbarians have always been a very illusory concept.

When she was very young, she heard her father tell stories about the northern barbarians.

In the mouth of the father, the northern barbarians are a group of barbarians who drink blood and drink blood.

These guys live on the northern grasslands and live by water and grass.

When the autumn is fat and the horses are fat, they will send their troops south to plunder the Central Plains.

The northern barbarians are good at riding and archery, and even children as young as they are can complete the action of archery on horseback.Therefore, their cavalry is very strong. Whether it is a single soldier or a joint attack, the Central Plains cavalry is far from their opponent.

This is not only true of the Great Zhou Dynasty, it is true of almost all Central Plains dynasties.

In contrast, the northern barbarians are not good at positional warfare, especially not good at siege warfare.

Lacking siege weapons, they can only look at the city and sigh.

Often they could only plunder some small counties with not too high walls, and most of them plundered villages.

So this time the northern barbarians went south in a big way, and they came for Chang'an City?
How can this be?

You must know that Chang'an City is the most powerful city in the world.

Countless people, countless soldiers, countless defensive equipment.

Facing such an almost indestructible city, why did the northern barbarians attack?
Why do they have self-confidence, why do they have courage?

Li Taiping found it hard to understand.

"Are you sure you didn't make a mistake?"

Li Taiping confirmed again and again.

"It's true to report to the county lord. That's what the guards guarding the city said. He scolded me at first, but after I took out the token you gave me to Prince Qi's mansion and revealed my identity, he He answered me respectfully."

"I see."

Li Taiping murmured: "Then did you ask him if we can enter the city?"


The fourth-rank cultivators showed embarrassment when they heard the words.

"The subordinates have asked him, and they said that no matter who they are, they can't be put into the city. This is His Majesty's order."

The fourth-rank cultivator paused and said: "However, he also said that Prince Qi told them that if they meet you returning to the capital, they can let you go to Huangzhuang outside the city to take refuge for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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