big week bad guy

Chapter 268 The Bastard Prince

Chapter 268 The Bastard Prince (4000 words, two in one chapter)

"God bless, I should pray that this linen robe doesn't smell like salted fish... Do you know the way back, boy?"

Ravel's swirling brown eyes made Luca feel uncomfortable. The boy nodded at him and rushed into the wooden building impatiently.

This building was built by the Earl for Uncle Zeman, at least that's what he said.Whether it is an aristocratic mansion or a mixed residence on Crab Island in Valais Farhan, most of them are made of stone because of the materials taken from the mountains. Although such a wooden building is not conspicuous, it is still rare.

The light in the room is very dark, and there are scattered iron buckets with various paints.Luca walked carefully among them, for fear of accidentally knocking them over.

Zeman was sitting on a high chair and was painting the background color. Seeing his nephew coming in, he kept writing and cleared his throat: "Put the letter down. You can stay overnight if you want."

Zeman intends to keep his nephew to stay. Although the Earl will return home tonight, he probably won't come to his small wooden building.He only summoned him across the cobbled path to his bedroom when he needed himself.

"No, Uncle." Luca quickly waved his hand, "I'm going to find Giotto, he also lives on this street."

"Giotto? Who is he? Well, whatever, but I have to remind you not to get too close to these noble young masters..."

The old Zeman was completely immersed in his own creation, and Luca also retreated to a square table and sat down with interest. It was still early, and he could have a full meal, and then rested for a while and waited for Giotto to come to him, just like as usual.

The table is full of various dishes, most of which have not been touched.Old Zeman often didn't think about food and tea when he was painting, and the servants left after delivering the food, and waited for the sun to set before delivering fruits, vegetables and fragrant tea.

Although he had just eaten fried potatoes and salted fish, Luca still couldn't resist the temptation of this table of delicacies.He picked up a gelding leg and took a hard bite, the fat dripped from the corner of his mouth, dripping onto the table drop by drop; the fat goose was roasted until it was golden brown, its neck so high that it looked like a domineering man My lord, not to mention the sweet boiled milk mixed with honey, mead and salt..."

After a full meal, Luca poured himself a glass of ale, shook the glass like Uncle Zeman, and drank it down.

I'm a big man, and only big men drink ale like that!
Maybe one day I'll be a knight, Luca thought, and I'll gallop down the roads of Valais Farhan on a white horse, cheered by girls.

Luca felt his eyes sinking, the plate in front of him expanded and contracted, and finally turned into a hammer and hit him on the bridge of the nose...

When he opened his eyes again, he was stunned by the resplendent curtain wall.

He rubbed his eyes, stood up and looked around. On one side of the long hall was glazed floor-to-ceiling windows, and on the other side were relief pictures of ancient gods.

Two closed golden wooden doors stood majestically in front of him, with a portrait of Alexander I carved on them.

Luka took a deep breath, the solemn and sacred atmosphere made him a little at a loss... What should he do?Why is he here?Countless questions came to his mind at the same time, and the young man stood there blankly, not daring to take a step.

The sound of the bell made Luca tremble, and the boy realized that it was sunset now.The golden wooden door opened slowly, and four guards in white robes walked out first with long swords in hand, separating on both sides of the door.Immediately afterwards, countless lords and adults in purple costumes came out in a file, and bursts of laughter came from time to time. "Luka!"

Just as the boy was about to take his right foot, he heard a crisp sound and froze in place.

It's Giotto!
Luka was secretly happy, and walked forward quickly.He stopped two steps away from Giotto and looked at him in surprise.

I saw Giotto wearing a red velvet dress, light yellow trousers from the waist down to the ankle, and a Caspian sword at the waist. Even a blind man would not turn a blind eye to the seven rubies inlaid on the hilt …

Luca swallowed a mouthful of spit, looked up and saw two golden leopards vividly embroidered on the family emblem on Giotto's chest.

He turned out to be a prince!
Luca was momentarily taken aback.Even the poorest of the crab island people do not know the badge of the double-headed golden leopard.

If there is a man with a double-headed golden leopard embroidered on his chest, kneel down and kiss the soles of his feet.

Luca remembered what the old monk had said to him, and knelt down on one knee.

"Out of the storm they come, prosperity and peace."

Giotto lifted the trembling Luca, jokingly said, "Why don't you know me?"

"Ah Giotto, my lord, my lord . . . what should I call you?"

"Your Highness!" The kind-hearted voice sounded in the boy's ears.

"Oh, yes! Of course, Your Highness! Please forgive me." Luca never imagined that the boy in front of him turned out to be a prince.He guessed that Giotto was a nobleman, perhaps an heir to a count or something, but he couldn't guess that he was a prince!

"He is saluting you, you are also a two-headed golden leopard like me!" Giotto looked at Luca with a smile, completely ignoring the startled eyes of everyone present. "As you say, you come from the storm."

If Luca hadn't eaten a whole leg of lamb, he would have passed out by now.

"I'm sorry, you, oh...I mean you..."

Luka stepped back subconsciously, but was held down by a thick palm.

He almost screamed out.

"Prince Luca, maybe I should call you that."

Luca turned around, only to see a burly middle-aged knight saluting to him.He was wearing a set of dark green leather armor, and a light yellow cloak was hung on the leather armor, making this knight even more majestic and mighty.

The young man carefully observed this strange face—high nose bridge, deep-set eye sockets, long blond hair, and an inconspicuous brown beard...

I don't know who led it, and there was a burst of cheers in the palace hall.

"Long live Gallipoli, long live King Karl, long live Prince Giotto, long live Prince Luca..."

Long live Prince Luca?Was he also a Prince of Valaifahan?
Surrounded by the courtiers, the boy and Prince Giotto walked forward along the hall of mirrors. It was so beautiful, the boy thought, and the dense air was so beautiful that he could suffocate him.

The rain poured down.

The rain falls along the golden dome, forming a curtain wall in front of the colorful curtain of the palace.

Truglin hurried along the promenade, inadvertently taking a look at the beautiful scenery in the rain.Frenzotis had warned him that something big would happen in the near future after the fall of Saint Linta, but he ignored it...

The beams and pillars on both sides of the corridor are covered with hideous gargoyles. There are hundreds or even thousands of them.No one knows when these gargoyles were carved. Maybe there were these sacred works when the city of Vernaquite was founded, or they were brought from the east when Duke Emanel married Princess Lore. escort.

"The Eastlanders love gargoyles as the Valaifarhan love smoked fish."

Truglin stopped in front of the church, and after a long time the small window on the stone door opened, and an old woman stretched out her head and said softly, "He's not here, you can go."

"Gods, only a maester can save Burna!" Truglin stepped forward and shouted loudly: "Summer is coming, if the ghouls are reborn from the barren land, plague and death will follow."

The old woman shook her head: "Ghouls have been extinct for 1000 years, and perhaps the mob needs to be cared more about than these filthy adults."

Truglin was not reconciled: "The bachelor said he saw filth, and only devout prayers can remove it..."

"Prayer won't take away anything, and your lord should probably sharpen his arms instead of sitting in front of the church and reading scriptures."

Truglin was filled with rage, but reason eventually prevailed.He was a Frenzotis man, he told himself.If this old guy didn't say this, he would have asked the Guards to take her down.But there was some truth to what she said.Brna is a confederated kingdom, and although Vernaquite City is the most powerful, it cannot decide everything.

"The saint is always merciful to all living beings." Truglin's lips parted lightly, without any emotion.

"Sometimes saints need more mercy." The old woman's face was full of sarcasm, and she slammed the stone door shut.

Crazy, this old man is completely crazy, even the servants in the temple are crazy!
He turned and walked away quickly, with a rage that could burn the filth of the sanctuary.

Since Purna is a kingdom abandoned by the gods, he thought, let the gods go to hell.

Truglin had nothing else on his mind right now.

If there is an afterlife, thought Giovanni, it must not be a damned knight of the royal family.

Even if Holy Lord Silvia heard it, she would definitely agree with him.

Flowers and flames, shields and storms, the guardians of the kingdom's dignity offer their honor, wealth and even life, from the moment they put on the white robe, they are with the sun, the moon and the stars...

Giovanni and his colleagues in white robes have recited these bullshit oaths countless times. The archbishop made them swear, and King Karl made them swear. Even the untouchables of Crab Island who live in dirty corners think they are the king's loyalty. Minion.

Hey, if one day he could fight King Karl in a duel, he'd stick his spear through the fat pig king's navel, fuck that oath!
Giovanni tightened the leather armor, put on the shiny golden face helmet, and walked towards Minia Palace in dejection.He was selected to be the martial artist of His Royal Highness the newly promoted Prince, which meant that he had to bow his knees in front of a half-big man all the time, and greet him with a smile on his face to please him.He may not use a spear, he may not even use a sword.

I heard that he is an illegitimate son, a damned king, when he was young, he sowed countless flowers, but when he was old and frail, his father's love overflowed, so he brought the illegitimate son into the palace. There are more princes than crabs by the Red River these days.

Giovanni was not a jester to please his lord, never was—especially to a bastard.

"Hey, Francisco, Duke Iron Fist, I guess you are here to meet Prince Luca."

Giovanni stepped forward quickly and greeted the Duke of Iron Fist "enthusiastically".The middle-aged man in lake blue velvet in front of him is short and thick, and he is a little bald. His two deeply sunken eyes are no different from those of dead fish. His appearance is far from being handsome, but he has a noble personality. last name!These days, you only need to have a noble surname to be a duke!
"Perhaps the true god heard His Majesty's call and instructed me to be the master of His Royal Highness."

The answer of the Duke of Iron Fist was as expected by Giovanni, yes, he is the prince's martial artist, and he still needs a scribe, and who is more suitable for this position than the "knowledgeable" Lord Iron Fist?
"The true god may take a nap," Giovanni changed the topic: "But he will wake up eventually."

"Of course, maybe we can train His Royal Highness to be a qualified knight in two years. I mean, oh, princes are knights, aren't they?"

Yes, all princes are knights, even if they are bastards, thought Giovanni.

"Yes, knights can only be canonized by knights, and I happen to be a knight." Giovanni spread his hands and said softly: "I just don't know the temperament of this highness, I mean, Prince Suna missed and shot to death the first time he hunted. Viscount Lumby, and His Majesty Maximilian's crossbow accidentally aimed at Countess Barbara's ass..."

"Prince Luca has all the makings of a good knight."

The Duke of Iron Fist coughed twice: "The golden leopard has two heads, one symbolizes bravery and the other represents humility."

"They protect justice and help the weak... Well, my lord duke, I know the oath of these knights better than you. I have to say that if we continue to talk like this, His Royal Highness may be unhappy!"

Giovanni stretched out his hand to invite, and the Duke of Iron Fist nodded and walked to the door first.

The Asia Minor Palace has been around for a long time, but it has been rejuvenated after a break.They walked slowly through the flower beds and the four-eyed fountain, under the watchful eyes of many guards.

"What a beautiful little building!"

The palace was originally built by the Duke of Norton. Later, the conqueror William I blasted the gates of Valais Farhan with trebuchets and cannons. The Gallipoli family also became a royal family smoothly, ruling this rich and prosperous East country.

"You who are knowledgeable must know that this palace is a hunting palace. King William always stays here for a few days every autumn hunting. Some people say that he hides in the golden house here, and there is another saying, tsk tsk, he likes to enjoy Teenage boys..."

Giovanni enjoyed the pleasure of this indulgence, and if indulgence was the devil, he would have sacrificed himself to him.Palace life is too depressing, and sometimes he even feels that he is not as good as a bitch.Yes, a prostitute sells her body, but apart from the title of royal guard, how much more noble is he than a prostitute?
The cramped environment makes people crazy, enough, he often said to himself, enough!
Asia Minor is just a palace, although it is only more than ten miles away from the royal city, but the palace is just a palace.The environment here is much more relaxed, and what he has to serve is just an illegitimate child.

If King Karl really likes his illegitimate son why doesn't he just take him to the palace, this illegitimate son got the title of prince but that's all.

(End of this chapter)

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