big week bad guy

Chapter 274 Yuanshen Out of Body, Feng Hao Overcomes the Enemy

Chapter 274 Yuanshen Out of Body, Feng Hao Conquers the Enemy (4000 words two in one chapter)

No, no, no.

Could it be that these wizards really used ancient secret techniques?

In order to prevent him from using secret techniques at the cost of sacrificing his lifespan to create an indestructible Qi wall?

At this moment, Feng Hao was really desperate.

If everything is true, with his strength, it is impossible to break through this Qi wall.

So what should we do now?
Just watch these wizards chanting spells and waiting to die?
At this moment, Feng Hao found that the soldiers of the Anxi Army had undergone obvious changes.

Their eyes became extremely red, and then their eye sockets became sunken, and they became crazy.

"I can't hold on for long, I can't hold on for long. If this continues, I really can't hold on for long. Ah, ah, I'm going to become a sinner of the Anxi army. I'm not reconciled, I am not reconciled."

The chief guardian Liu Lin watched the scene in front of him helplessly, his whole body was not well.

The powerful spell of the great wizard caused the Anxi army to lose its combat effectiveness as a whole.

Under such circumstances, the Anxi army was unable to make a legitimate defense at all, and instead began to kill each other.

This is the last situation Liu Lin wants to see, because it means that this Anxi army is completely out of control.

"Demonized, they are demonized!"

A delinquent shouted loudly, his eyes full of fear.

He is a fourth-rank practitioner, but he can also see the power of this witchcraft.

It is impossible for ordinary mortals to escape the control of the spell, they can only watch their souls being demonized, and then do all kinds of things that ordinary people can't imagine.

"What to do, what to do now?"

"There is no other way than to interrupt the spellcasting of a group of wizards."

The bad guy sighed.

Liu Lin's expression darkened.

Now all his hopes are pinned on Feng Hao, hoping that this second-rank practitioner can turn the tide and change his fate against the sky.

But is it really possible?
Liu Lin felt a little unsteady.


Liu Lin turned his head and looked in the direction of the sandbar.

Maybe reinforcements will come?

Heyan Wall witnessed all this happened before his eyes, and his heart was full of joy.

"Haha, the invincible Anxi army? Chicken tile dog, but so ears."

He Yanwoer glanced at the Western Region Tantric dual cultivators next to him, his heart filled with disdain.

It seems that it is really an eternal truth that it is better to ask for others than to ask for oneself.

Originally, He Yanwoer also hoped that these two masters of the Tantric School of the Western Regions would be able to play the role of surprise soldiers, but it turned out that the two of them were defeated by that bad person.

In the end, he had to rely on Heyan Wall himself.

I have to say that this ancient witchcraft is really easy to use.

He Yanwall said with emotion in his heart.

"Give me another stick of incense time, and I can kill them all. You don't have to do it yourself, just watch them kill each other. It's cool, it's really cool."

Heyan Wall just wanted to laugh out loud, but then his smile stopped abruptly.

"The primordial spirit is out of the body! He actually has the primordial spirit out of the body. Is he crazy? At this time, the primordial spirit is out of his body! This is to lose his life!"

Feng Hao's soul has indeed gone out of his body.

Because he is convinced that at this moment, he has no other way except to get out of his body.

There is only one way to stop this witchcraft.

Practitioners of Wuzong have a reserved spell, that is, the out-of-body spirit.

When the primordial spirit is out of the body, it can pass through any restriction.

But the price is that the battle must be completed within the time of a stick of incense, otherwise the soul may be scattered.

If the physical body is injured, the primordial spirit may not be able to return to the physical body.

In short, although Yuanshen's out-of-body can turn the tide, there is almost no way out.

Feng Hao has completely ignored his own life and death at this moment, just to save Anxi Army.

After Feng Hao's Yuanshen passed through the defensive air shield, he rushed straight towards a group of wizards from the Western Regions.

These wizards from the Western Regions looked astonished, obviously they did not expect Feng Hao to be able to penetrate their blockade.

At this point in time, it's clearly fatal.

Wizards are not good at moving, especially in the state of casting spells, it is even more impossible to move at high speed to protect themselves.

Before they even had time to call for help, they found that Feng Hao had already arrived in front of them.

One palm, one punch.

Feng Hao poured all his anger into his hands.

This powerful blow caused all the wizards to fall.

As soon as the wizard fell, the curse and witchcraft stopped abruptly.

The casting of the spell was interrupted, and the soldiers of the Anxi army who were half demonized returned to their normal state instantly.

"What happened to me just now? Why can't I remember anything?"

"Yeah, what happened just now, I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"How do I remember it as if we were killing each other."

"Hiss, no way, we are the best robes, the worst brothers. How could we kill each other?"

"It's witchcraft, it's witchcraft that affects our sanity. We don't even know what we're doing."

"Hey, it's terrible. Fortunately, Master Feng interrupted such a terrifying witchcraft, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

"Yes, let's go and guard Master Feng's body."

The bad people under Feng Hao's command reacted at this moment, and immediately gathered around Feng Hao's body spontaneously.

Before Feng Hao Yuanshen returns to the physical body, they will do their best to guard Feng Hao's physical body.

"Kill him, kill this practitioner."

Heyan Wall growled loudly, like a wounded beast.

All his plans were ruined by this man.

Why is he?Why did he kill more than a dozen wizards by himself?
Yuanshen out of body?

How dare you?
Under the order of Heyan Wall, the coalition forces of the 36 countries in the Western Regions were finally dispatched.

They aggressively attacked, heading straight for Feng Hao's body.

They want to completely crush Feng Hao's body into dregs!
"Protect Master Feng!"

As the bad guys approached, a group of Anxi Army soldiers also surrounded them.

"Protect Master Feng!"

People's hearts are fleshy, and just now when they were most in danger, it was Master Feng who stepped forward to protect them.

Comparing their hearts to each other, they also want to protect Master Feng when he is in danger.

"Anxi's army will not retreat!"

"No retreat! No retreat! No retreat!"

"The Anxi Army fought to the death!"

"Fight to the death!"

"Fight to the death!"

"Fight to the death!"



A fierce battle began between the Anxi Army surrounding Feng Hao's body and the coalition forces of the 36 Western Regions.

The fighting spirit of the generals of the Anxi army was instantly aroused at this moment. They refused to take a step back and vowed to fight to the end.

As the chief protector, Liu Lin was in charge of dispatching the entire army, while the unscrupulous people were responsible for guarding all major intersections to prevent sneak attacks by practitioners from the Western Regions.

Heyan Wall was furious when he saw this.

How dare these overreaching things dare to act like a chariot, how dare they stop their army!
"Go ahead and kill them all."

At this moment, Heyan Wall has been completely dazzled by anger.

At this moment, he just wants to prove that he is worthy of the position of commander in chief of the coalition forces.As for how many people and soldiers will die next, he doesn't care at all.

With the superiority of the 36-nation coalition forces in the Western Regions, there is no need to worry about so many, just pile up the number of people.

At this moment, none of the soldiers dared to refuse Heyanwall's order, and they all obeyed.

Because the military law team was behind them, anyone who dared to desert would be beheaded on the spot.

No one wants to disobey the Shangguan at this time.

Amidst the rumbling drums, a group of coalition soldiers approached the Anxi army.

This is a large-scale shopping spree, and there are no tricks to use, relying on hard power.

The shopping is about to start, and everyone is holding back their energy.

One hundred steps, fifty steps, thirty steps.

Hand-to-hand combat, hand-to-hand bloody battle!
The moment the two sides touched, the rocks immediately stirred up.

The trump card of Dazhou's Anxi army is the Modao team.

Mo Dao's hands are all selected men who are powerful, muscular, and eight feet tall.

Mo Dao is as tall as a man and weighs thirty catties.

All the people and horses were killed with one blow.

Generally speaking, Mo Dao is used to deal with cavalry, but at this moment, using Mo Dao to deal with infantry will also have good results.

"Kill the enemy, kill the enemy, kill the enemy!"

"In, in, in!"

Mo Dao Shou was all extremely brave, facing the enemy army, he only advanced but never retreated, and he displayed the aura that belonged to Anxi's army.

"Fight to the death, fight to the death, fight to the death!"

The wolf nature of the generals of the Anxi army was fully drawn out, and they had no fear at all in the face of an enemy army that was several times their own, and kept expanding their advantages.

Practitioners on both sides were severely injured in this battle and were unable to play their due roles, so it became a battle that belonged to ordinary soldiers and iron-blooded men.



Mo Dao opened the way with his hands, but he killed a bloody road.

The coalition forces of the 36 countries in the Western Regions had been fighting hard, but they had been killed so badly that they had already scurried away like birds and beasts.

"Prince Guard, look over there!"

A soldier alertly spotted a cloud of yellow dust rising from the east.

"Is it a sandstorm?"

"Probably not, the sandstorm is not like this."

"The sound of hooves, it's the sound of hooves!"

"It's reinforcements coming, reinforcements!"

Liu Lin clenched his fists and said excitedly.

"Haha, haha, hard work pays off, we finally made us wait."

For Anxi Jun, this is definitely a moment of great significance.

This support army came from the east, so there was no doubt that it was the Shazhou Army.

As long as the Shazhou Army arrives, they won't even have a numerical disadvantage.

Morale ebbs and flows, and the Anxi army will undoubtedly win.

"Kill the enemy and serve the country! Kill the enemy and serve the country!"



"We are under siege..."

He Yanwoer muttered to himself in despair.

From the beginning of full of confidence to the current despair, there is only one hour in total.

Although the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, it is difficult for Heyan Wall to accept such a big change in a short period of time.

"General, why don't we withdraw our troops."

Seeing that He Yanwoer was in a trance, the soldiers hurriedly reminded him dutifully.

Now that you choose to withdraw your troops, you can withdraw in time. If you wait until the opponent forms a siege, it will be difficult to leave.

"Let's withdraw troops."

When Heyan Wall finally said these three words, he was relieved.

He's been under too much pressure all the time.

Heyan Wall has always wanted to eat Anxi Army in one bite, but in the end he found that he has such a big appetite but not such a big ability.

It is not easy for people to recognize themselves, but Heyan Wall must do it now.



"Withdraw the army, the enemy army has withdrawn!"

Seeing that the coalition forces in the Western Regions began to withdraw, the soldiers excitedly said to Liu Lin.


Liu Lin let out a long sigh of relief.

"Prince Guard, do you want to pursue?"

The personal soldiers were obviously fully mobilized, and they were eager to try.

"Don't chase after poor thieves."

In the past, Liu Lin would definitely order the pursuit.

This is in line with his character.

But now that the Anxi army had just narrowly escaped death, Liu Lin had also experienced a lot in the past month or so.

He understood many things.

Nothing matters except life and death.

Although it is said that the shroud of horse leather is the best destination for a soldier, it also depends on whether the sacrifice is worth it.

Blind death will only make people laugh, and no one will remember it at all.

"By the way, how is Mr. Feng? Follow me to take a look."

Only then did Liu Lin think of Feng Hao.

Fangcai Feng Hao stepped forward at a critical moment, forcing his soul out of his body and interrupting the wizard's curse.

It can be said that Feng Hao pulled Anxi Jun back from the gate of hell by his own strength.

Such a great kindness Liu Lin naturally remembers in his heart, and of course the first concern right now is Feng Hao's health.

After all, once a practitioner's primordial spirit goes out of his body, it will cause great damage to his cultivation and body, and it is difficult to recover in a short time.

However, Liu Lin led his troops to rush to Feng Hao's side, and seeing Feng Hao sitting cross-legged on the ground, with a sallow complexion and pale lips, he couldn't help being surprised.

"Master Feng, how are you? Are you all right?"

Liu Lin was worried that Feng Hao was running out of fuel, so he stepped forward and asked with concern.

"It's false that there is no serious problem, but it won't die for a while."

Feng Hao smiled wryly and said, "Don't worry about me, has the enemy retreated?"

"The troops have retreated. They still had the will to fight, but they ran away with their tails between their legs when they saw the sandbar reinforcements coming."

"That's great, I'm relieved."

Feng Hao looked very tired: "To be honest, if the opponent's cultivator exerted a little more force just now, I'm afraid I won't be able to withstand it."

"Don't think too much about it now, let's withdraw to the sandbar for a long-term plan."

Liu Lin is still very rational.

Even if the coalition forces of the 36 countries in the Western Regions were driven away, he knew very well that the Anxi Army would not be able to complete the counterattack in a short period of time and would not be able to regain the lost ground.

In this case, the best choice is to lead the troops back to the sandbar for rest.

After resting for a month, the soldiers regained their strength, and they could counterattack the Western Regions at any time.

Where there is life, there is hope.

At this time, you must not be impulsive.

"Okay, I'll listen to the guardian."

Feng Hao nodded silently.

Although the situation in the Western Regions is not good, it is not too bad either.

At least the lives of these [-] soldiers were saved.

[-] soldiers are [-] fire seeds, and if there are fire seeds, a raging fire may be ignited at any time.

You can always trust the Anxi Army, and you can always trust the combat effectiveness of the Great Zhou Army.

Feng Hao has done his best, he only hopes that the situation in Chang'an can be stabilized.He only hoped that the academy and Taoism could stand on the court's side, and he only hoped that after returning to Chang'an, he would see the mountains and rivers in good health.



(End of this chapter)

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