big week bad guy

Chapter 295 Emperor Xianlong's Accountability

Chapter 295 Emperor Xianlong's Accountability (Super chapter of nearly 20000 words)
One will be incompetent, exhausting the three armies.

After the defeat of the three top cultivators, the coalition forces withdrew their troops.

At this time, the purpose of retreating is to stop losses in time and avoid greater damage.

Because they know very well that they can only lose more if they continue to fight.

The coalition forces came together because of their interests. Now that the war has failed, the coalition forces naturally have no possibility of continuing to exist.

The northern barbarians, southern barbarians, and Dongyue Jiange scattered like birds and beasts in an instant, and each returned along the original road.

The worst was Wei Wuji.

When he came to Chang'an City this time, he thought he was fishing in troubled waters, and took advantage of the chaos to sneak into the palace and kill Emperor Xianlong.

But he didn't expect everything to be taken into consideration by the head of the mountain.

The head of the mountain deliberately gave him a chance to confront Zheng Jie, and Wei Wuji also used the expansion technique without hesitation.

Wei Wuji has an absolute advantage against Zheng Jie.

But so what?
After using the expansion technique, Wei Wuji was just like a target, and his flexibility was greatly reduced.

The head of the mountain only needs to step hard on this target, and Wei Wuji can only cry and howl.

Of course, Wei Wuji suffered from the wheel battle, but even if he didn't fight Zheng Jie first, but gathered up all his strength to fight the mountain chief, he still didn't have much chance of winning.

After this battle, Wei Wuji would never have any thoughts of fighting with the head of the mountain.

He understood that there was a huge gap between himself and the head of the mountain.
The situation of the Nanban witches and Gu masters is relatively better.

Apart from being slapped in the face by the head of the mountain, he didn't suffer any substantial harm.

In fact, as long as you don't feel embarrassed about face slapping, it is others who are embarrassed.

Among the super cultivators themselves, the witches and Gu masters are also ranked at the bottom.

There is no shame in not beating the mountain leader.

And for Nanban, it is acceptable even if Chang'an is not captured.

Because they will further evacuate to Jiannan Road next.

Although Jiannan Road is not comparable to Gyeonggi Province and Jinguan City is not comparable to Chang'an City, they are already extremely rich.

You must know that the southern barbarians were driven into the vast mountains 1000 years ago.

They were able to survive for thousands of years under extremely harsh conditions, and now they have managed to kill them out and occupy Jiannan Road, so they are already very content.

Of course, the premise is that they can defend Jiannan Road and Jinguan City, otherwise they have to go back to their mountains and live in caves.

With the character of the people of the Great Zhou who must pay back, after being so humiliated by the Southern barbarians, they will definitely not accept it, and they will definitely do their best to fight back.

So now for the Nanman people, the most important thing is to return to Jiannan Road as soon as possible, and build up fences as much as possible to wait for the Zhou army to rush.

The transition between offense and defense is sometimes so subtle.

As for the northern barbarians
Life is not easy.

Although the main force of their army did not suffer any serious losses during this expedition, they also looted a lot of things.

But returning to the grassland in despair at this time is obviously not a wise choice.

Because the reason why they chose to go south at this time instead of the autumn that the grassland tribes usually choose was because of the severe drought on the grassland.

The drought is just too severe.

Neither people nor animals had water to drink.

The river dried up, and even the dead grass could not survive.

If you don't go south, you will die.

That's why Ashina Zhuo insisted on going south regardless of the opposition of the great master of Mozong.

Now they have looted gold and silver treasures, but if they return to the grassland, it is impossible for the gold and silver treasures to turn into food and water.

So everything is back to square one.

But if they didn't go back, the Da Zhou army who came back to their senses would probably go up to them and beat them up.

After all, for the people of Dazhou, they had had enough humiliation and the invasion from the barbarians.

Therefore, the northern barbarians must evacuate in time.

If they fell into the encirclement of Da Zhou's army, they would have no possibility of escaping.

Daming Palace, Zichen Palace.

Emperor Xianlong sitting high on the dragon chair had a cold expression.

He stared coldly at Wang Zhongyi who was kneeling in the hall, as if he was looking at a corpse.

For Emperor Xianlong, the most unacceptable thing he could do was to be betrayed.

Especially by courtiers.

As Shuozhou Jiedu envoy, Wang Zhongyi was able to watch the northern barbarian army slip away from under his nose, which made Emperor Xianlong feel incredible.

Moreover, although Wang Zhongyi led his troops south to serve the king immediately, he never had a direct conflict with the northern barbarians from the beginning to the end.

Doesn't this explain something?

"Wang Zhongyi, are you convicted?"

After a long time, Emperor Xianlong opened the golden mouth.

As far as Emperor Xianlong was concerned, he had already decided in his heart that Wang Zhongyi was a traitor.

So no matter what Wang Zhongyi said, it would not change his judgment.

Even so, Emperor Xianlong still wanted to see what Wang Zhongyi would say.

Wang Zhongyi's back was already soaked in cold sweat.

He knew too well what Emperor Xianlong was like.

This majesty's mind is smaller than the nose of a needle. Although he is the emperor, he holds grudges just like the woman with bound feet in the village.

But anyone who he thinks deserves to die will definitely not be able to escape.

Wang Zhongyi had already been sent to a big prison before, if it wasn't for the bad guy Zhao Xun who picked up the cocoons and picked the gold from the sand, and finally helped Wang Zhongyi out of trouble, Wang Zhongyi might not be able to live to this day.

At that time, Wang Zhongyi was accused of collaborating with the enemy and treason.

Now Wang Zhongyi is facing the same accusation, but the bad person who helped him save the day is gone.

This made Wang Zhongyi feel very uneasy.

The king wants his ministers to die, and his ministers have to die.

If Emperor Xianlong really wanted him to die, Wang Zhongyi had no chance of surviving.

But Wang Zhongyi was not reconciled.

He really didn't do anything, why should he bear this unwarranted charge.

This was obviously a deliberate arrangement by the northern barbarians, who wanted to kill him with a knife to get rid of him.

During Wang Zhongyi's garrison in Shuozhou, he reorganized the army and activated the blood of Shuozhou people to the greatest extent.

Through repeated appeals, he made all Shuozhou men understand their responsibilities.

None of the men in Shuozhou were cowards. They dared to fight one-on-one with the northern barbarians, and they dared to be the first to charge when the two armies confronted each other.

If Wang Zhongyi died, the imperial court would send another Shuozhou Jiedu envoy. If this new Jiedu envoy didn't buy into Wang Zhongyi's tricks and started his own business again, wouldn't Wang Zhongyi's efforts for so many years be in vain.

Therefore, Wang Zhongyi absolutely cannot accept his unjust death like this.

He wants to express his heart to Emperor Xianlong.

"Your Majesty, I'm guilty. I didn't capture the movement of the northern barbarians in the first place, and I failed to stop them before they went south. As a result, the northern barbarians approached Chang'an City and disturbed the holy car. I deserve death."

"Hmph, Wang Zhongyi, you're really good at avoiding important things."

Emperor Xianlong snorted coldly, his eyes were so sharp that they could almost kill people.

Emperor Xianlong was naturally not a good friend, so he said directly: "I see that you are clearly communicating with the Beiman secretly, to support the bandits."


Hearing this, Wang Zhongyi only felt his head explode.

Why did His Majesty the Emperor say that? In His Majesty's mind, is Wang Zhongyi such a person?
"Your Majesty calm down, I have absolutely no intention of doing so."

Wang Zhongyi exclaimed: "I have been in Shuozhou for three years, and I have devoted myself to training troops, so that one day I can have a hearty battle with the northern barbarians. My Dazhou cavalry is not as good as the northern barbarians, so I ordered horses to be raised. Raise war horses that can fight well. My Zhou soldiers are not good at long-distance raids, so I strengthened their daily training. Everything I do is to fight against the barbarians on the grassland to the greatest extent."

What Wang Zhongyi said was heartbroken, but to Emperor Xianlong's ears it was tantamount to sophistry.

In his heart, he had already determined that Wang Zhongyi was guilty.

Even if he did not communicate with the prairie barbarians in secret, he did not support the bandits.

Just because he allowed the prairie barbarians to bypass his defense zone and go south directly is a capital crime.

The prairie barbarians were very mobile. After bypassing Shuozhou, they went south and soon reached the vicinity of Chang'an City.

After that, the prairie barbarians did not immediately attack the city, but began to plunder in Gyeonggi Province, near Chang'an City.

Where is Wang Zhongyi at this time?
If Wang Zhongyi led his troops to Chang'an to rescue King Qin in time, then Emperor Xianlong would be more or less tolerant of him.

But the problem is no.

Even if Wang Zhongyi led the Shuozhou army to arrive, and stationed face to face with the prairie barbarians, he did not launch a charge.

This made Emperor Xianlong unacceptable anyway.

Emperor Xianlong was a person who valued loyalty very much, but also a very suspicious person.He will never use anyone he considers to be disloyal.

Besides, he had already given Wang Zhongyi a chance.

Wang Zhongyi really disappointed him too much.

"Come on, put him down."

Emperor Xianlong waved his hand, and two inner guards stepped forward to drag Wang Zhongyi away.

"Your Majesty, I have been wronged, I have been wronged. I have no intention of collaborating with the enemy and treason, let alone the reality of collaborating with the enemy and treason. Please learn from your majesty!"

Emperor Xianlong was too lazy to listen, allowing Wang Zhongyi's voice to become smaller and smaller until it disappeared completely.

The imperial city, the Yamen of bad people.

The yamen was shrouded in a depressive atmosphere.

The retreat of the enemy troops was something to be celebrated, but none of them were happy.

This includes Zhao Xun.

The reason is simple, Wang Zhongyi is in prison.

As soon as the enemy army withdrew, Emperor Xianlong summoned King Qin's general Shuozhou Jiedu envoy Wang Zhongyi to enter the palace.

In the end, it didn't matter that he entered the palace, Wang Zhongyi was directly imprisoned by Emperor Xianlong on the charge of collaborating with the enemy and treason.

Zhao Xun knew Wang Zhongyi quite well, and this person can be regarded as an old acquaintance of Zhao Xun.

Back then, Wang Zhongyi was framed by Prime Minister Zuo, and almost died.

It was Zhao Xun who peeled off the cocoon step by step, and finally pulled Wang Zhongyi back from the gate of hell.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Zhao Xun is Wang Zhongyi's savior.

I thought this was over.

But who knew that Emperor Xianlong began to turn over old scores again.

Can this dog emperor who is not a son of man be able to do some human affairs?
Zhao Xun was numb.

Of course he knew that being an individual was indeed a great challenge for Emperor Xianlong.

Wang Zhongyi's charges this time are exactly the same as last time, and it can only explain one thing, that is, in Emperor Xianlong's heart, the last incident has not been completely revealed.

Perhaps in Emperor Xianlong's heart, Wang Zhongyi was just an unlikable guy.

That's right, people like this who only know how to lead soldiers to fight and don't know how to flatter and flatter will really not please the emperor.

But Emperor Xianlong didn't need to deliberately suppress or even slander Wang Zhongyi, right?
Although the contact between Zhao Xun and Wang Zhongyi was not long, they knew each other very well.

He knew that Wang Zhongyi was a very straightforward person, definitely not the kind of old man who pretended to be a pig and eat a tiger with a deep palace.

Anyone who said that they rebelled against Zhao Xun believed it, but Wang Zhongyi did not believe that he would rebel against him.

Was Emperor Xianlong's head caught by the door, or was it flooded?

At this moment, Zhao Xun has already greeted Emperor Xianlong and his female relatives in his heart, and he can't wait to go up and slap him two big mouths in person.

Of course, Zhao Xun knew that this was impossible, at least not yet.

Today's Zhao Xun is not strong enough, if he really does this, the old eunuch Zheng Jie will definitely not sit idly by.

This guy is the most vicious, but he is also very loyal to Emperor Xianlong.If Zheng Jie saw someone attacking Emperor Xianlong, he would definitely call back immediately.

Even if Zhao Xun really wanted to slap Emperor Xianlong in the face, he had to wait until his strength became strong enough.

Now he relies on the academy and the protection of the head of the mountain.

But the academy and the head of the mountain can't protect him for a lifetime.

After all, people still have to rely on themselves, and cannot place their hopes on others.

"tsk tsk"

Wangcai took a sip of tea and said with emotion: "This is really unpredictable. Who would have thought that General Wang Zhongyi would be imprisoned again. These big men really look good on the surface, but if they are unlucky, they will drink Cold water clogs my teeth."

"Wangcai, please don't say a few words, haven't you seen Mingyun so uncomfortable?"

Jia Xingwen said from the side.

"Well, I see."

Wangcai stuck out his tongue and said to himself.

"It's okay."

Zhao Xun smiled wryly and said, "It's not Wangcai's fault."

For Zhao Xun, the most important thing now is how to rescue Wang Zhongyi, not to greet Emperor Xianlong's family.

"Where is General Wang imprisoned now?"

As the saying goes, know yourself, know your enemy and win a hundred battles.

Only by fully understanding the current situation and situation can we make targeted arrangements.

"Punishment Prison."

Jia Xingwen gave the answer immediately.

Zhao Xun nodded.

You can always choose to trust Jia Xingwen.

"The words of the Ministry of Justice are really troublesome. I am not familiar with the Ministry of Justice. It seems that it is impossible to solve this matter by myself."

Zhao Xun shook his head, then turned to Wangcai and said, "Wangcai, do you think if I ask Master Feng to take action, will he agree?"

"Master Feng?"

Hearing this, Wangcai's head shook like a rattle.

"Master Feng probably won't be willing to make a move."

There is absolutely no need for a close minister of the emperor like Feng Hao to offend the emperor for Wang Zhongyi.

What's more, Feng Hao has caused a lot of trouble recently.

Emperor Xianlong must have been very angry about the incident in the Western Regions. Tens of thousands of Anxi troops retreated back to the sandbar and handed over the Anxi Protectorate to the 36 countries in the Western Regions.

Had it not been for the critical situation in Chang'an at that time, Emperor Xianlong might have issued an imperial decree to hold him accountable.

"How do you know if you don't try?"

Zhao Xun obviously did not intend to give up easily.

To him, Feng Hao is still a decent person with a bottom line.

Decentness does not mean rigidity, and decency does not mean loneliness.

In Zhao Xun's view, Feng Hao is a person with a round outside and a square inside.

In dealing with many things, Feng Hao is very artistic and smooth.

But in fact, Feng Hao also has his own principles in his heart.

This principle is that it must be good, it must be fair and just.

If anyone touches his bottom line, Feng Hao will choose to retaliate without hesitation.

Of course, this matter is a bit complicated.

Because the emperor was involved.

Emperor Xianlong's attitude was very subtle, he threw Wang Zhongyi into the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice without hesitation, but he did not order the Ministry of Criminal Justice or even the three divisions to interrogate him.

It can only be said that this dog emperor's mind is really powerful, and he understands that cold treatment is the best choice at this time.

After all, Wang Zhongyi can be regarded as a famous official, and there should be many colleagues in the court, even old friends.

These old friends will definitely try their best to help Wang Zhongyi, so they will not hesitate to offend Yan Zhizhi.

If Emperor Xianlong chooses the three divisions to interrogate at this time, then these close friends of Wang Zhongyi will definitely jump out to speak out for Wang Zhongyi one by one.

But Emperor Xianlong chose to deal with it coldly.

This makes these people unable to exert their strength and have nowhere to exert their strength.

It was as if he had accumulated enough strength to hit the cotton with a punch.

Emperor Xianlong could even choose not to go to court.

This should be regarded as a routine operation for this dog emperor who is not a son of man.

As long as Emperor Xianlong chooses to avoid his edge, the courtiers have no good way to deal with it.

The only option is to write a memorial to defend Wang Zhongyi.

But there is also a problem in this way, that is, Emperor Xianlong also has back hands.

He can choose not to watch it.

Once Emperor Xianlong chooses to keep the memorials and not publish them, then these memorials will be like mud cows sinking into the sea, and it will be difficult to hear any news.

Emperor Xianlong has the initiative, as long as he doesn't want to watch, no one can force him to watch.

If he doesn't go to the court, doesn't accept courtiers' requests to see him, and doesn't read memorials, the courtiers have no other options.

The only option is to go to the gate of the Daming Palace and cry and remonstrate.

At this time, Emperor Xianlong still has a trump card, which is the court stick.

The court rod is a nirvana for dealing with disobedient ministers.

The so-called court rod is simply spanking.

This is very consistent with the feudal ethics of the monarch, the minister, the father, the son, and the son.

The emperor can spank his ministers, the father can spank his son, and the husband can spank his wife.

To put it bluntly, it is a way to declare authority and strong position.

In this way, Emperor Xianlong could frustrate some of his courtiers, and also made other courtiers who wanted to speak out for Wang Zhongyi think twice before acting.

After all, for these people, some are really close friends of Wang Zhongyi.

These people did not have any other intentions in speaking out for Wang Zhongyi.

As for the others, it's just to gain a good reputation.

Such things as a good name are favorites of officials.They cherish fame like a feather.

If they can win the reputation of a direct minister, they are willing to let them do anything.

Of course, Emperor Xianlong would not give them this chance.

After all, not everyone can bear the court stick.

Once the board was hit, those with weaker bodies couldn't hold it anymore.

Therefore, there are countless people who suffer from hidden diseases, and it is not uncommon for them to die.

You don't even have your life, so what's the point of fame?
Therefore, Emperor Xianlong could suppress 90.00% of Wu's courtiers just by relying on this set of three companies.

There are only a handful of those left.

But in Zhao Xun's opinion, Feng Hao is one of them.

After getting along for such a long time, Zhao Xun admires Feng Hao's personality.

So he decided to give it a try.

Bad people are on the second floor of the government office.

Bad handsome Feng Hao sat down at the desk with a serious expression on his face.

"You want me to intercede for Wang Zhongyi?"

Feng Hao was not surprised at Zhao Xun's request.

Zhao Xun is still as old-fashioned as ever, and is very keen on helping others.

Even if this person has no interest relationship with him, it doesn't matter.

This is precisely the most rare thing in the court, and it is also what Feng Hao values ​​​​Zhao Xun the most.

In a place where fish and dragons are mixed together like the imperial court, the driving force is nothing more than profit.

When there are interests, there will be party struggles, and there will be party unity and dissent.

These guys are spitting and spattering in the court, fighting for blood and blood, and what they are looking for is nothing more than a profit.

And Zhao Xun is just the one who can jump out of it and ignore the interests at all.

This is very valuable in the imperial court.

"Yes, my subordinates hope that your lord can speak out for General Wang."

Without any hesitation, Zhao Xun said impassionedly: "General Wang is a hero of the Great Zhou Dynasty. His subordinates once retrieved all files related to General Wang from the archives. It was found that General Wang led the Shuozhou Army to defeat the northern barbarians several times. , achieved a great victory. Such a utterly loyal person said that he would choose to cooperate with the enemy and treason, and the subordinates did not believe it."

Feng Hao was silent, and sighed after a long time: "Not only you don't believe it, but I don't believe it either. But is it useful, does anyone care? It doesn't matter whether you or I believe it, it doesn't matter whether the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty believe it or not, the key is whether your Majesty believes it or not. .”

Feng Hao shook his head: "Our Majesty is the most suspicious, especially for a leading general like Wang Zhongyi. General Wang commands a hundred thousand Shuozhou Army, and the combat power of the Shuozhou Army can be surpassed even in the entire Great Zhou Dynasty." The one in the top row. Under such circumstances, His Majesty will have trouble sleeping and eating without any accidents. What's more, the barbarians on the prairie are now marching southward and aggressively attacking?"

Feng Hao analyzed: "Ming Yun, do you still remember that I once told you that Your Majesty hates the type of person?"

"What kind of person?"

"A man who thinks he's smart."

Feng Hao paused and said: "Those who play tricks and think they are smarter than His Majesty will most likely not end well."

Feng Hao has been in the officialdom for too long, so long that he has met countless people.

Most people can die, but there is an exception.

This kind of person is the so-called smart person.

Because Emperor Xianlong is also the type of monkey spirit, he will never allow someone to be smarter than him.

As an emperor, he can use the power in his hands to deliberately suppress them. Most of those people have disappeared, and even if they are still in the court, their sense of existence is extremely low.

"Then, is Master Feng willing to speak up for justice?"

Zhao Xun actually understood what Feng Hao said.

But the question is, is Feng Hao willing to make a move?
After such a long speech, it would be in vain if he retreated in the end.

"Of course I would. Because of morality."

Zhao Xun couldn't help feeling warm when he heard this.

The word morality...

A good one because of the word morality.

Not because of friendship, not because of interests, but just because of morality, it is almost extremely rare in the whole court.

Zhao Xun couldn't even think of anyone other than Feng Hao who could do this.

What kind of awareness is this.

"Thank you, Master Feng."

"You don't have to thank me, at least not now."

Feng Hao said with a faint smile: "If I rescued General Wang, it's not too late to thank you."



Daming Palace, Zichen Palace.

Emperor Xianlong rubbed his forehead while listening to Feng Hao's impassioned speech.

He thought that many people would rebuke Yan Zhizhi for Wang Zhongyi's matter, but he never thought that it would be Feng Hao.

The reason is also very simple, Feng Hao is not handsome, he is the emperor's minion.

How could it be possible for a minion of the emperor to offend the emperor for a criminal?
Unless he doesn't want to mess up.

But Feng Hao did come today.

This made Emperor Xianlong feel puzzled.

"You said Wang Zhongyi was wronged?"

Emperor Xianlong's gaze was so cold that he could almost eat people.

"I feel that there are many doubts in this case, so we should discuss it in the long run."

Feng Hao is tight-fisted.

"It's a long-term plan."

Emperor Xianlong snorted, and then said: "Then tell me, how should we make a long-term plan?"

For Emperor Xianlong, bad people were very important eyes and ears.Unscrupulous people and internal defenders are his right-hand men, his eyes and ears.

With bad people and inner guards, Emperor Xianlong would not become deaf and blind.

This is very important.

Because the most worrying thing about being an emperor is being ostracized by his courtiers.

Those courtiers kept saying that they were loyal to the emperor and patriotic, and they were wholeheartedly for the country and the country.

But all they think about is how to seek benefits for themselves and their family.

In their eyes, the emperor is just a tool man and a marionette.

Of course Emperor Xianlong was not stupid, so he would never let the officials fool him.

"It is necessary for the three divisions to interrogate."

"Joint trial by the three divisions..."

Emperor Xianlong pondered for a moment, then slowly let out a breath: "It's not bad."

"Then what about bad people, what role should bad people play in it?"

"It depends on His Majesty's intention."

Feng Hao said very cautiously: "Usually, only major cases appointed by the government require bad people to try them. Generally, the three divisions will try the case."

Emperor Xianlong heard the words and nodded.

"Then let the three divisions interrogate."

Although Emperor Xianlong wanted to kill Wang Zhongyi directly at this moment, but the necessary procedures still had to be followed.

Emperor Xianlong didn't want to be stabbed in the back.

Although the emperor has many privileges, he cannot override the law.

At least not too obvious, too blatant.

After all, face is still important.

"Your Majesty is wise."

Feng Hao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

For him, this is already the best result, and it is completely acceptable.

Emperor Xianlong would definitely not agree to have the case heard by bad people, and it would be the most ideal result to be able to have the three divisions join the trial.

"Your Majesty, if you have nothing else to do, I will retire."

"Go back."

Emperor Xianlong waved his hands wearily.



After Feng Hao left the palace, he returned directly to the villain's office.

The first thing he did when he returned to Yamen was to summon Zhao Xun.

"Master Feng, what's the result?"

Zhao Xun is still very concerned about the Wang Zhongyi case.

"I just came back from the palace, and the results are pretty good."

Wang Zhongyi then told Zhao Xun what Emperor Xianlong had said.

"I'm afraid it's not good for the three divisions to interrogate."

Zhao Xun is not very optimistic about the so-called joint trial of the three divisions, and the reason is very simple.

Whether it is the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Dali Temple or Yushitai, they are all licking dogs.

The Censor Terrace is slightly better, but these Censors are not speaking from the perspective of fairness and justice, they are purely to win a good reputation.

From the joint trial of these three divisions, Zhao Xun can basically imagine the result.

This result can definitely satisfy Emperor Xianlong, but it may not satisfy Zhao Xun.

"Master Feng, can't we fight for the bad guy to take charge of this case?"

"I'm afraid not."

Feng Hao shook his head and said: "Your Majesty is also testing me to see if I am Wang Zhongyi's cronies. At this time, I don't want to be too obvious."

Zhao Xun could understand what Feng Hao meant.

At this time, Wang Zhongyi was like a bait set by Emperor Xianlong.

Whoever would rescue Wang Zhongyi would most likely be Wang Zhongyi's cronies.

Feng Hao has tried his best to help Wang Zhongyi, but it's not easy to involve himself.

"Your Majesty's mind is like a bottomless abyss, which makes it impossible to figure it out."

He shook his head and said: "I think this is the case, don't use too much force."

Feng Hao's words made Zhao Xun feel a little desperate.

Even a powerful minister like Feng Hao has nothing to do when facing the mighty Emperor Xianlong.

Because the power in his hands was given to him by Emperor Xianlong.

Emperor Xianlong could give him power, and of course he could take it back.

This is the fundamental reason why Feng Hao can be extremely strong in front of the officials, but can't argue with Emperor Xianlong.

Now it can only be like this.

I just hope that the joint trial of the three divisions can have a good result.



Wang Zhongyi was thrown into the cold prison of the Ministry of Punishment.

Although it is a single room, it still makes people feel extremely depressed.

This is the second time Wang Zhongyi has been thrown into prison.

At the first time, Wang Zhongyi felt that he must die, but he was saved by Zhao Xun in the end.

This time is the second time. It is said that once is raw and twice is familiar.

Wang Zhongyi now knows which position is more comfortable to sleep in.

This is really a great irony.

Wang Zhongyi knew that in his capacity, the interrogation would definitely not be easy, at least it would be a joint interrogation by the three divisions.

Basically, there will be no results without half a month or even a month.

So there is no need to worry now, there is no way to worry.

Wang Zhongyi had a clear conscience, so he didn't worry about his own life.

Keeping the clouds open to see the moonlight, there will be a good result.



"Shan Zhang, what do you mean this battle is not over?"

Zhongnan Mountain, Haoran Academy.

In the two-story bamboo building, Long Qingquan waited respectfully and asked in a deep voice.

"The northern barbarians have retreated, the southern barbarians have retreated, and the Eastern Yue Jiange has retreated, but what about the west?"

The head of the mountain put his hands behind his back and looked towards the west pointingly.

"Shanchang, do you mean the 36 countries in the Western Regions?"


The head of the mountain paused and said: "The 36 countries in the Western Regions have already approached the sandbar. With the current strength of the sandbar, it may be difficult to stop them."

"But now that Chang'an has freed up, won't the imperial court send troops to reinforce it?"

"That's too late."

The head of the mountain shook his head and said, "Something will happen within ten days."



"Jianzheng, you are so noble, you forget things."

Internal servant Zheng Jie came to Qin Tianjian in person, facing the supervisor Yuan Tiangang, he said meaningfully: "Your Majesty invited you into the palace to drive out ghosts."

Recently, the Daming Palace is not peaceful, and it is often haunted by ghosts.

Emperor Xianlong didn't take it seriously at first, but he didn't believe that something evil had indeed entered the palace until he saw the ghost himself.

Emperor Xianlong's first reaction was to find Zheng Jie. After all, Zheng Jie was the person he trusted the most, and he was also a super master.

But the problem is that ghost hunting is not what Zheng Jie is good at.

There are specializations in martial arts, Zheng Jie is good at fighting, and he is proficient in martial arts.

Zheng Jie is good at killing people, but he is really not good at catching ghosts.

So Zheng Jie recommended a person to Emperor Xianlong——Yuan Tiangang.

As the supervisor of Qin Tianjian and the national teacher of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Yuan Tiangang's status and seniority in the Taoist sect are quite high.

Catching ghosts is something the Taoist sect is good at. Although Yuan Tiangang's identity is a bit of a talent for catching ghosts, but luckily he can solve problems quickly and neatly.

Haunting in the palace is not a joke, and Emperor Xianlong's mood is very fragile recently, Zheng Jie didn't want any accidents, so he notified Yuan Tiangang immediately.

Yuan Tiangang also readily agreed at that time, saying that he would go to catch ghosts as soon as possible.

But the fact is that Yuan Tiangang did not come as promised.

I am afraid that only Yuan Tiangang dared to release the pigeons of His Majesty the Emperor.

"Duke Zheng was joking."

Yuan Tiangang smiled slightly and said, "Poverty is waiting for someone."

"Wait someone?"

Zheng Jie frowned and said, "Who are you waiting for?"

"My little nephew, Qinglian."

Yuan Tiangang said calmly.

"Daoist Qinglian?"

Zheng Jie was somewhat surprised by this name.

In terms of cultivation level, Qinglian Dao is far inferior to Yuan Tiangang in the long run.

One of the two is Super Grade and the other is Second Grade.

It can be described as worlds apart.

As for seniority, Yuan Tiangang is also above Qinglian.

What did Yuan Tiangang wait for Qinglian to do.

Seemingly seeing what Zheng Jie was thinking, Yuan Tiangang smiled lightly and said, "Actually, Qinglian's ability to catch ghosts is superior to mine."


Zheng Jie exclaimed: "Is it true?"

"Of course it's true. Why did Pindao lie to you?"

"In that case, what about Daoist Qinglian?"

"My little nephew was recently accompanying his apprentice to comprehend the Taoist scriptures. He said he was not free and told me to wait."

"... "

Now Zheng Jie was completely speechless.

His face was flushed red, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

The majestic Emperor Zhou actually wanted to wait for a Taoist priest?
This is really a big joke in the slippery world, which has never been heard before.

"Who is his apprentice?"

Zheng Jie still did not give up and asked directly.

"The bad guy Zhao Xun is also an old acquaintance of Zheng Gong."

Yuan Tiangang smiled slightly.

"Of course he's also the adoptive son of the poor."

Yuan Tiangang bit the word "Yizi" very hard, as if he was deliberately emphasizing it.

"Zhao Xun Zhao Mingyun?"

Zheng Jie couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

"If it's really him, it's easy."

Zheng Jie was silent for a moment and said: "You can ask him to enter the palace together. He is a bad person and has the right to enter the palace."

"Is that okay?"

Yuan Tiangang obviously didn't expect Zheng Jie to say that, and while stroking his beard, he said leisurely: "Then I'll go and talk to him."



Qinglian Temple.

Wu Quanyi sat cross-legged, and sitting next to him was the bad guy Zhao Xun.

These days, Zhao Xun has been meditating with Wu Quanyi to learn the true meaning of Taoism, and he has gained a lot of experience.

I have to say that the mentor is indeed an expert in this field.

After some guidance from his mentor, Zhao Xun has gradually been able to comprehend the core of the true meaning of Taoism.

This is completely different from just knowing the fur.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a black dot appearing in the sky.

The black spot was getting bigger and bigger, and Zhao Xun could clearly see that it was a flying sword.

A person stepped on the flying sword.

This person is none other than Yuan Tiangang.

"Why is foster father here..."

Zhao Xun murmured.

This was more or less beyond his expectation.

Not long after, Yuan Tiangang jumped off the flying sword, and walked to Wu Quanyi and Zhao Xun lightly.


"Uncle Master."

Zhao Xun and Wu Quanyi got up one after another and saluted Yuan Tiangang respectively.

"You don't need to be too polite, I'm here this time to ask when Qinglian will enter the palace."

"Enter the palace?"

"That's right, have you forgotten to enter the palace to catch ghosts?"

Wu Quanyi suddenly realized.

"If you don't tell me, I forgot."

He paused, and then continued: "Ghost hunting is very important. But I'm halfway through the lecture to my apprentice. Look here."

"Haha, I've thought of that a long time ago."

Yuan Tiangang said with a smile: "It's okay, you just bring Zhao Xun into the palace together."

"I have already asked Mr. Zheng what he meant, and he has agreed."

What the hell!

Countless alpacas floated past Zhao Xun's heart.

He thought to himself, you big guys settled down in a few words, have you asked my opinion?
It's just...

Of course Zhao Xun himself did not want to enter the palace.

As soon as he saw Emperor Xianlong's face, he felt like throwing up.

If it wasn't for the rescue of Wang Zhongyi, he wouldn't even want the bad guy Feng Hao to plead with Emperor Xianlong.

But now he actually wants to follow his mentor into the palace to catch ghosts.

Good guy, it is inevitable that we will meet Emperor Xianlong.

If Zhao Xun had a chance to choose, he would definitely choose to refuse without hesitation.

But he knows he doesn't.

So he could only reluctantly agree.

Think of it as going to see the supernatural powers of the teacher.

After all, this is the specialty of Daomen.

If Zhao Xun didn't know how to go out in Ghostbusters, he would inevitably be laughed at.

You don't need to be overwhelmed by too many skills, and it won't hurt you to learn more skills.



After entering the palace, Zhao Xun immediately felt the strange atmosphere.

"Master, why do you think it's eerie?"

"It is said that there are ghosts in the palace, can it not be gloomy?"

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi said something that made Zhao Xun wish he could hit tofu.

"Where is the specific haunted place?"

"There are all harems. At first it was the East Sixth Palace, then the West Sixth Palace, and finally even the Zichen Palace."

It was the dead eunuch Zheng Jie who answered the call.

At the beginning, Zhao Xun didn't have much affection for Zheng Jie, and now he hates him even more.

In his opinion, Zheng Jie is completely a licking dog of Emperor Xianlong, and he belongs to the kind of existence with no bottom line.

Zhao Xun never wanted to see such a person.

He had to chat and laugh with Zheng Jie under pressure, it was really disgusting.

"So, this ghost should have existed long ago."

Wu Quanyi said lightly: "It's just been suppressed by Yang Qi, so I didn't break free."

"Daoist Qinglian, Tianshi Yuan, let's go to the East Sixth Palace first."

Zheng Jie didn't seem to want to make more comments, but walked directly to the east.

Seeing that he had no choice, Zhao Xun rushed forward.

Now that you're here, it's natural to find out what happened.

Ghost hunting?It sounds really interesting.



The East Sixth Palace is more lively than the West Sixth Palace.

Generally speaking, the palaces in the west are mostly lived by concubines who have fallen out of favor, or are cold palaces.The palace on the east side is where the concubine Chong lived.

This can be seen not only from the scale of the palace but also from the number of palace servants.

Under the guidance of Zheng Jie, Yuan Tiangang, Wu Quanyi, Zhao Xun and others came to Huining Palace one after another.

Huining Palace is the head of the East Six Palaces, and the earliest news of haunting came from Huining Palace.

The owner of Huining Palace is Concubine Pan, to be precise Concubine Pan Gui.

Concubine Pan was very favored, and her status in the palace was second only to the empress.

Now that the position in the middle palace is hanging, Concubine Pan Gui is the real queen.

Having said that, it is still so bad after all.

Women are also very concerned about status, so Concubine Pan Gui has always been brooding.

She often urged Emperor Xianlong to make her queen, and Emperor Xianlong was obedient to her in other matters, but Emperor Xianlong did not agree to this matter, he would rather keep the position of empress hanging.

Of course, these court matters were all told by Li Taiping, the magistrate of Yonghe County, to Zhao Xun.How much of it is true and how much is false, Zhao Xun doesn't know.

Thanks to foster father Yuan Tiangang and mentor Wu Quanyi for not using mind-watching techniques, otherwise if they knew that Zhao Xun was still gossiping at the moment, they would definitely vomit blood in anger.


Zheng Jie was very familiar with Huining Palace. He came to the gate and said quietly: "Please come in. This is the residence of the beauties of the harem. It is reasonable to say that men are not allowed to enter. But you are here to catch ghosts. It has been specially approved by His Majesty, but you should still be in awe."

Zhao Xun was disgusted by Zheng Jie's face
Damn, this dead eunuch can't be a human being?
Be in awe, be in awe of a hammer.

Ordinary Shengdou ordinary people who have never seen the world may still be fooled by Emperor Xianlong who is high above him, thinking that this is the real emperor of the real dragon.

But in fact, there is no real high or low in this world.

They are all artificially created.

People are not livestock, and they don't need famous blood to breed.

Just like Zhao Xun, who came from the lineage of the most honorable Cheng Guogong and was born with a golden key in his mouth, but he never felt secretly ecstatic because he was from the Zhao family.

Because he knows very well that he is not fundamentally different from others.

The same is true for the emperor, the emperor is just the head of the nobility.

Emperor Xianlong could fool the ordinary people, but if he wanted to fool Zhao Xun, he was thinking of farting.

Of course, Zhao Xun will still show basic respect on his face.

The other two didn't seem to have much of a cold either.

After all, they are all Taoists.

The core of Taoism is to be quiet and inaction.

What is important is that the environment follows the heart and governs by doing nothing.

Emperor Xianlong asked them to condescend to catch ghosts, they were already showing great face.

"Pan Guifei has been disturbed recently, please keep your voice down."

Before entering the main hall, Zheng Jie reminded again.

Good guy, do you need to be so deliberate.

Zhao Xun called out to be an expert in his heart.

They won't do anything to Concubine Pan, she's obviously a second-hand product...

The three followed Zheng Jie into the main hall, and immediately smelled a strong fragrance.

It's ambergris.

Zhao Xun immediately smelled it.

After arriving in this world, apart from going to the toilet, the two things that Zhao Xun can't bear the most are no wifi and incense.

No matter what kind of fragrance it is, no one can stand it if it is smoked for a day.

The incense is so strong, this Concubine Pan still has a strong taste.

Going around the screen and walking into the Nuan Pavilion, Zhao Xun immediately saw Concubine Pan Guifei lying on the bed of the beauty.

This Concubine Pan has a plump figure, and her skin is as fair as Hetian jade, without a single wrinkle. She should be 26 or [-] years old.

"Slaves see Concubine Pan."

Zheng Jie knelt down and kowtowed in front of Concubine Pan respectfully, which made Zhao Xun slander in his heart.

Good guy, you are also a super master, although you are physically disabled, you should be strong, how can you be so contemptuous of yourself.

Those who despise themselves are despised.

Even if you despise yourself from the bottom of your heart, others will treat you as a slave even more.

At first Zhao Xun thought that Zheng Jie was just kneeling and licking Emperor Xianlong, but he didn't expect that he would also start kneeling and licking the imperial concubine.

Zhao Xun couldn't help but underestimate Zheng Jie again.

"For the poor, see Concubine Pan."

"The next official sees the empress."

Both Yuan Tiangang and Wu Quanyi just nodded slightly as a salute.

As for Zhao Xun, he crossed his hands.

This is a very normal etiquette in Dazhou, and it is far better than Zheng Jie kneeling down every now and then.


Concubine Pan Gui slightly parted her vermilion lips, and said softly.

It can be seen that Concubine Pan Gui is very haggard recently, and she must be haunted by ghosts.

From this point of view, there is really not much difference between the so-called nobles and ordinary people.

Is it that the emperor and concubine are bothered by not being able to sleep?
"Several of you should have heard about it. Recently, ghosts suddenly broke out in the palace for some reason, and the palace was disturbed so much that I couldn't sleep or eat. I also asked Zheng Gong to come and see, and said that there were indeed many evil things. But Zheng You are not good at catching ghosts, so I troubled the two priests... and Mr. Zhao."

Holy crap, Concubine Pan Gui knows me?
Zhao Xun was shocked.

This Mr. Zhao's name is very inexplicable.

But if you think about it carefully, it should be that Emperor Xianlong often talked about Concubine Pan.

After all, Concubine Pan Gui is a favorite concubine, and it is common for her to accompany the king. It should be normal to hear something about Emperor Xianlong's evaluation of his courtiers.

Well, it seems that Emperor Xianlong should have a good look at Zhao Xun. He should describe Zhao Xun as a graceful, suave, and extremely handsome young man.

So Concubine Pan Gui could recognize Zhao Xun the first moment she saw her.

After all, there are not many handsome people like Zhao Xun in this world.

"Pan Guifei doesn't need to worry, let the poor Taoist take a look."

The first to speak out was Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, and there were really two big bosses who really didn't have a place for him to speak.

"Master, please."

Wu Quanyi walked towards the Nuan Pavilion after obtaining the permission of Concubine Pan Gui.

This is very important, you must know that this is the concubine's bedroom, or Emperor Xianlong's favorite concubine's bedroom.

If there is a little carelessness and rumors spread, the green grassland above Emperor Xianlong's head is no joke.

Although Daoist Qinglian is very casual on weekdays, he is still very clear about these important matters.

"Master Daoist, this Nuan Pavilion was the first to be haunted by ghosts."

"Pan Guifei, tell me carefully when it appeared."

"The third day of this month."

"What does that ghost look like?"

"I can't see my face, I'm wearing white clothes, I walk like I don't have feet, I'm always floating..."

Concubine Pan Gui trembled as she spoke.

Zhao Xun thought to himself, good guy, this sounds like someone pretending to be a ghost.

Who is the ghost who can't see the face fooling?



There are various indications that Concubine Pan Gui was fooled by someone pretending to be a ghost.

Emperor Xianlong should be fooled together.

The child is silent and strange, that is in the real world.

Dazhou is a world where practitioners and monsters run side by side.

Nothing is unusual here.

Emperor Xianlong and Concubine Pan must be aware of this.

That's why they feel abnormal fear when they are pretended to be ghosts.

Then again, if you don't do bad things on weekdays, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door in the middle of the night.

It seems that Emperor Xianlong and Concubine Pan Gui should have done a lot of bad things.

This is also in line with their personality.

Of course, these are all derived from Zhao Xun's observation and speculation of the details.

Everything has to be decided by the ghost-hunting expert mentor Qinglian Daochang.

Wu Quanyi observed carefully in the Nuan Pavilion, and then said firmly, "There are no ghosts here."

Sure enough, the mentor is indeed an expert.

Seeing that Daoist Qinglian agreed with his own judgment, Zhao Xun felt very stable in his heart.

It should be fine.

"No ghost? How could there be no ghost?"

Concubine Pan Gui, who was originally quite dignified, suddenly turned pale and her face was distorted.

Seeing this, Zhao Xun said in harmony: "Mother, we have to listen to professionals if there are ghosts or not. As the saying goes, there is a priority in learning, and there is a specialization in art. My master is a first-class Taoist ghost-hunting celestial master, he said If there are no ghosts, then naturally there will be no ghosts."

Zhao Xun helped Wu Quanyi stand on the platform, Wu Quanyi was naturally very satisfied.

Well, as expected of the apprentice he taught himself, he is dear, and he knows that he loves the master.

Of course, at this moment, Wu Quanyi also had to show his own strength and stop Pan Guifei's mouth.

Otherwise, if it goes on like this, this case will be impossible to handle.

"There are indeed no ghosts here, only dead souls."

Pfft, Zhao Xun almost spit out when he heard this.

He wondered if his teacher could stop panting, it was very difficult for him to do so.

He had just praised his mentor, but his mentor just said so.

He wanted to know the difference between a ghost and a dead soul.

"The so-called ghosts generally refer to evil ghosts and fierce ghosts. These are transformed from dead souls. Dead souls cannot be saved, so they keep accumulating grievances and finally become fierce ghosts. But not all dead souls will become fierce ghosts, because dead souls usually Everyone will be reincarnated. This is why people chant scriptures and pray for him after death."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi continued: "Generally speaking, the seven days after a person's death is a critical period. Whether a dead soul can be reincarnated or not depends on this period. If it stays in the human world and there is no one to guide it, it is very likely that it will become an orphan. soul, and finally transformed into a ghost."

Concubine Pan Gui was already pale with fright.

She swallowed a mouthful of foam and said, "Then, in your opinion, will this dead soul really become a ghost?"

"There is a tendency."

Wu Quanyi nodded and said every word.

"Ah this."

Concubine Pan Guifei instinctively leaned back, her face pale with fright.

"Then what should we do?"

"Don't panic, Pindao can save him."

Wu Quanyi said confidently.

"Okay, that's really great. Daoist Priest Qinglian is here."

At this moment, Zhao Xun looked at his teacher with eyes full of admiration.

The teacher is indeed his idol, and he will give him the nickname of "Little Ghostbuster" in the future.

Just relying on the master's ability to catch ghosts, there is no problem in making a living on it.

"Little Martial Uncle, come and help me set up a feast."

This was said by Wu Quanyi, Taoist priest of Qinglian, who turned to Yuan Tiangang.

At this moment, the Great Zhou Guoshi didn't have any airs at all, but nodded slightly.

Daoist Qinglian chanted while swaying with the dust whisk.

"Thousands of filth, evil does not exist; thousands of demon kings, protect life and body. Overcome the difficulties of the three realms, relieve the five sufferings of hell, return to the Taishang Sutra, and meditate on the Jishou ceremony. Jishou Qingxuan Lord, Taiyi saves the suffering, nine Sit on the head of a lion and try to save the lonely soul."

Then Yuan Tiangang continued: "The gods of the ten directions are as numerous as sand and dust, and they transform into the ten directions to save heaven and man, entrust energy to gather merit, and save sinners with one voice. , There is no rest in chanting, there is no pause in returning to the body, great blessings will be enjoyed in heaven, there will be no sound of suffering in hell, the fire will become the Qing Dynasty, the sword tree will turn into Qian, ascend the Zhuling Mansion, descend to the Kaiguang Gate, overcome the difficulties of the Three Realms, and go to the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty sky!"

The uncle, nephew and nephew recited the scriptures separately, and after some relief, a golden light appeared in the palace.

Daoist Qinglian Wu Quanyi finally showed a smile on his face: "Okay, the wronged soul is on the road."

Hearing this, Concubine Pan Guifei, whose complexion was pale, breathed a sigh of relief.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never believe that priests really have the supernatural power of chanting sutras.

But now she admires Daoist Qinglian and Jian Zheng completely.

"Thank you two, thank you two Taoists."

"Pan Guifei doesn't need to be too polite. If there is nothing else, we will leave."

After coming out of Huining Palace, Zhao Xun asked curiously: "Who is that wronged soul, teacher, don't you dare to be interested?"

Daoist Qinglian rolled her eyes at Zhao Xun and said, "As a teacher, I am here to save people. Why care about these things. Besides, there are countless souls who died tragically in this palace. It doesn't make any sense for you to care about this."

Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, and what his teacher said made sense, the ghost hunting is just a small episode.

Now that the task is completed, Zhao Xun should focus more on rescuing Wang Zhongyi.

This unlucky Shuozhou Jiedushi has already entered the palace for the second time.

It seems that this guy really had an offense against Emperor Xianlong, if he is released, it is better not to come to Chang'an.

With Emperor Xianlong's heart, he might really be able to kill Wang Zhongyi in a fit of anger.

Zhao Xun looked down on Emperor Xianlong from the bottom of his heart.

This guy only dared to hide in his nest. Emperor Xianlong only dared to hide in the palace when the coalition forces of northern barbarians and southern barbarians besieged the city, and he didn't even dare to go to the top of the city to boost morale.

Such an emperor is really despised.

If there is a chance, Zhao Xun must eliminate harm for the people.

The progress of the criminal department's trial of the case is very fast.

As long as it was a case that Emperor Xianlong cared about, they could always try it as quickly as possible.

In terms of kneeling and licking to show Emperor Long's ability, the Ministry of Punishment can definitely rank in the forefront of the three divisions.

Since Emperor Xianlong had a clear tendency, the Ministry of Criminal Justice was also very inductive when trying the case, and deliberately induced Wang Zhongyi to plead guilty.

But Wang Zhongyi also understands very well, no matter what, he does not plead guilty.

He knew very well that as long as he confessed his sin, he would surely die.

Not only is he bound to die, but even his cronies and relatives in his family will also die.

So no matter what, he will not let go.

The officials of the Ministry of Punishments were furious when they saw this, and immediately ordered the sentence to be executed.

Wang Zhongyi is not afraid.

Anyway, he is also a third-rank practitioner, with a very good foundation.

As long as the opponent's punishment does not penetrate his sea of ​​consciousness, his body will not suffer irreversible damage.

It has been a long time since the coalition forces of the 36 countries in the Western Regions approached Shazhou City, but they have not attacked the city for a long time.

On the one hand, they are worried about the hundreds of thousands of troops that have come to the city, and on the other hand, they have received reliable news that they can surrender without fighting.

This is the highest state in the art of war of the Central Plains people.If it can be achieved, why use force?
After all, siege is not as simple as talking about it, it will bleed to death.

When fighting in the wild, the coalition forces are relatively better, at worst, everyone swarms up.

At that time, no one will blame anyone.

But siege is not the case.

There is always a sequence in the siege, the first to attack the city and the second to attack the city are not at the same strength.

Then no one is willing to rush to the forefront and be cannon fodder.

This is also human nature.

Moreover, although the 36 countries in the Western Regions are called 36 countries, in fact, a country is the size of a city in the Central Plains.

It is better to call it a city-state than a country.

In such a city-state, the larger ones can gather more than ten thousand people in armor.

Those who are less can only gather a few thousand people.

That is really a human life is worth gold.

One dies and one less, so we must cherish and use it.

So when they learned that there was a chance to take Shazhou City without bloodshed, they would rather wait.

In the city, Anxi Jiedu made Liu Lin look dignified.

He would rather take the responsibility on his own and take the Anxi Army away from the Western Regions because he didn't want to watch this elite army be consumed to death.

But now that they have arrived at the sandbar, the rebels from the 36 countries in the Western Regions are still chasing them mercilessly like a pack of vicious dogs.

This made Liu Lin feel unacceptable.

He can't go back any further.

Unable to hold on, Anxi retreated to the sandbar.If the sandbar can't be held now, why should he continue to run?Go to Liangzhou?
If that was the case, even if the emperor didn't kill him, he would have no face to live in this world anymore.

"Brothers, these rebels are bullying too much. We can't wait any longer, we will fight them to the death!"

"Yes, fight them to the end!"

"Fight with them, fight!"

"Yes, kill one to earn one, kill two to earn a pair."

The Anxi Army is the pride of the Great Zhou, and the pride of the people of the world.Now that they've regained their strength, it's time to show their real skills.

They want to make these rebels feel sorry.

"My servant, He Chun, is an envoy sent by His Royal Highness King Wei."

A man with a face from the Central Plains walked into the large tent of the Chinese army of the 36-nation coalition in the Western Regions.

The man was so handsome that he even had powder on his face.

As soon as he entered the tent, he attracted everyone's attention.

"You are finally here, we have been waiting for you for a long time."

He Yanwoer stared at He Chun coldly.

"So, in the words of you Central Plains people, you are rude."

"Haha, yes, I was rude. So I will send you a big gift to make amends."

"Then where are the presents?"

Seeing that He Chun's hands were empty, He Yanwoer asked with some displeasure.

"The gift is far away in the sky, but it is close at hand."

He Chun pointed to the direction of Shazhou City outside the hood.

"I am willing to give Shazhou City to the general for His Royal Highness King Wei."

"Hmph, how do I know if what you said is true or not. Your King Wei is King Wei of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Why did he help us beat our own people, and why did he give us the sandbar?"

Heyan Wall is not stupid.He immediately recognized the logical problem in He Chun's words, and asked persistently.

He Chun was not in a hurry, he had already made preparations before he came, and had already prepared all the drafts.

Now it's just time to say what you've prepared.

"The emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty is now in a daze, the prince has no virtue, and the king of Wei wants to replace him. But the strength of His Royal Highness King Wei is not enough to win the Central Plains. So he hopes to get allies. You are the best choice."

He Chun said without hesitation.

Wei Wang Li Lian's fief is in Liangzhou.

Liangzhou and Shazhou are the two ends of the Hexi Corridor.

It can be said that if they get the support of the coalition forces of the 36 countries in the Western Regions to take Shazhou and Guazhou in one fell swoop and then march along the Hexi Corridor, they will be able to meet in Liangzhou.

From this point of view, King Wei's wishful thinking was indeed well done.

"You mean King Wei wants to rebel?"

He Yanwall raised his eyebrows.

He understood what the other party meant.

The King Wei of the Great Zhou Dynasty was unwilling to be a vassal king stationed on one side, but wanted to climb that dragon chair to have a good time.

But his own strength is only tens of thousands, even if he recruits soldiers within Liangzhou to survive, he can only gather a hundred thousand troops.

Of course, this patchwork mob is no match for the elite troops of Gyeonggi Province defending Chang'an.

Therefore, King Wei must have allies, and borrowing troops is the best choice.

Who can the king of Wei borrow troops from?
Apart from the Allied Forces of the Western Regions, there are almost no other options.

Because the northern barbarians are already attacking Chang'an.

"It's not treason, it's on the side of the Qing emperor."

He Chun cleared his throat and emphasized.

"In our opinion, it means one thing."

He Yanwoer said coldly: "Tell me, what can King Wei offer us?"

"The king of Wei brought tens of thousands of troops from Liangzhou, and they are now stationed in the city."

He Chun swallowed a mouthful of foam, and then continued: "These Liangzhou troops swear allegiance to His Royal Highness King Wei to the death, and only obey His Highness King Wei's orders. I am the temporary commander of this army."

"just you?"

He Yanwoer stared at He Chun for a long time, and then laughed loudly: "Is there no one in the Central Plains?"

He really couldn't connect the commander-in-chief of the first army with the sissy Central Plains person in front of him.

Although the other party came to discuss cooperation with them, Heyan Wall still couldn't hold back his presumptuous ridicule.

"You Central Plains people are all good-looking people hahaha."

His big laugh drew jeers from the other barbarian generals.

"Yeah, you people from the Central Plains are all some scumbags, a bunch of donkeys who only know how to play with women."

"Haha, yes, it's best for your own people to beat your own people, but it's a mess for outsiders."

He Chun's complexion turned livid for a moment.

He really didn't expect these western barbarians to be so rude.

In any case, he was also an envoy sent by King Wei.

He did not come all the way to Shazhou to listen to the ridicule of these barbarians from the Western Regions.

"Ahem, everyone, please be respectful. We, King Wei, are here to discuss cooperation with you. Cooperation is based on mutual respect."

Heyan Wall raised his hand, signaling the generals to stop.

"Okay, let's talk about your thinking in detail, how to win Shazhou City."

"That's simple. The army in the city is mainly composed of the local garrison in Shazhou, Anxi Army, and Liangzhou reinforcements. The remaining two armies are completely defenseless against our Liangzhou reinforcements. As long as we suddenly open the city gate and cooperate with you inside and outside, take Shazhou It’s an easy thing to do.”



He Chun spoke wantonly, spitting stars everywhere.

But He Yanwoer, the commander of the 36-nation coalition in the Western Regions, sounds like He Chun's self-indulgence.


"Well, it's over."

"That's it?"


He Chun was embarrassed.

"Ahem, do you think this plan is unreliable?"

He Yanwoer sighed and said: "Do you think you are stupid or I am stupid, or are the Shazhou Garrison and Anxi Army stupid? Even if they have no defense against you, they still have a basic defense system, right? They How could it be possible to watch you doing whatever you want in the city?"

It turned out that this was what he was worried about.

He Chun thought it was something, since they were worried about this, there was nothing to worry about.

"General, don't worry, we have our own way, and we can guarantee that the inside and outside will cooperate to welcome the army into the city."

He Chun knew that he didn't need to say too much to He Yanwoer, he just needed to explain to him that he could fulfill his promise.

Judging from the current situation, what Heyanwall's army lacks is a hole. As long as he can help the Western Regions Allied Forces open the city gate, the army will definitely be able to take Shazhou City under the attack.

"How can I trust you?"

Heyan Wall narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked very deeply.

This issue is also the issue that Heyan Wall is most concerned about right now.

The reason is also very simple, what if the other party is just acting in a play?
What if this is all negotiated by the Da Zhou army?

What if they believed it was true, and the original "allies" suddenly stabbed them when they attacked the city?
These possibilities are not impossible.

As the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces of the 36 countries in the Western Regions, He Yanwoer must be responsible for the safety of the coalition forces.

"You're worrying too much."

Seeing that He Yanwoer was worried about this, He Chun smiled and said: "I'm afraid you don't understand us people from the Central Plains. Do you know that I have already handed over all the old things to you just now. If I make other promises, I won't do it." It doesn't matter how many. But what I just said is a huge handle. As long as you hold this handle in your hands, you don't have to worry at all. "

Heyan Wall frowned straightly: "What's the handle?"

These Central Plains people talk around, like a bitch.

Heyan Wall was always very annoyed.

"It is His Royal Highness the King of Wei who intends to take the position of Great Treasure, and wants to raise troops to Qingjun's side."

He Chun smiled and said, "With this handle in your hands, do you think we still have a way out?"

Heyan Wall was silent.

So that's what he said.

The Central Plains Dynasty seems to really value this.The court's wariness against vassal kings is also quite high.

Ordinary vassal kings had to obtain special approval from the court if they wanted to enter the capital, otherwise they might be charged with treason.

This is not a joke, it may lose its head in minutes.

It has to be said that in terms of power struggle, all places are common.

He Yanwoer knew that it was the same in the Western Regions.

Many kings and princes fought and even fought each other for power and position.

Finally made a very miserable end.

King Wei chose to take this step and indeed there was no way out.

There is no turning back when the bow is opened, so King Wei can only go one way to the end.

"Okay, I'll just trust you once. When will I do it?"

Heyan Wall said very seriously.

Time is very important to him.

Only when the time is determined can the next plan be implemented.

"Three days later."

He Chun had been prepared for a long time and paused.

"Okay, then make an appointment to do it in three days."

"It's a word."

Shazhou City.

Now there are nearly 20 troops in the city, plus the original 30 people, a total of [-] people, crowding the small Shazhou City to the brim.

Unlike the Central Plains people, the men in the Hexi Corridor seem to have an inherently optimistic attitude.

Even with hundreds of thousands of enemy troops surrounding the city, they didn't feel any change in their lives.

Generally speaking, you should eat and drink.

In the night on the sandbar, Liu Lin, the governor of Anxi, ordered hundreds of sheep to be slaughtered and roasted to reward the army.

Don't look at hundreds of sheep slaughtered in one go, but there are actually not many left in the mouths of each soldier. More is to taste something new and make a tooth sacrifice.

If you want to be full, you still rely on baked naan.

When it comes to roasted naan, we have to talk about the roasted naan from the Western Regions.

The baked naan is really burnt and shiny, brown inside and out.

Just looking at it from a distance makes people salivate.

"Tsk tsk, Chief Protector, we respect you with this glass of wine!"

"That's right, Chief Protector, we respect you with this glass of wine!"

"Without you, it would be impossible for us to leave the Western Regions alive."

"That's right, Chief Protector, without your leadership, we would have been killed by the barbarian rebels in the desert and the Gobi Desert long ago."

What the generals said is true.

At that time, the mood of the Anxi army was very low, and almost no one thought that they could successfully escape the siege and interception of the rebels.

If Liu Lin hadn't kept up the tone, morale would have collapsed long ago.

Sometimes it's just a short breath, if you can bite, everything is possible, if you can't bite, everything will stop.

"What are you talking about. These are what I should do. Come on, it's a man who drank this glass of wine!"

"The Great Protector is right, come on, let's drink this cup to the brim!"

"Yes, let's drink this cup to the brim!"

"Drinking wine and eating meat, this is life."

"Yes, one day we will be able to return to the Western Regions under the leadership of the General Protector."

"But, I want to go back to Chang'an. My mother-in-law and children are all in Chang'an. When I just left Chang'an, my children couldn't speak, and they should be half my height now."

"What the hell are you talking about? A man should have pride and ambition. How can he act like a little girl."

"Yes, I am happy today, don't say such bad things."

The Anxi army is very grouped, and another meaning of grouping is that they are not allowed to leave easily.

It is impossible for anyone to leave the Anxi Army without the consent of Liu Lin, the general guard.

According to the rules of the Anxi Army, unless you are seriously injured and can no longer fight the enemy, you must continue to serve as a soldier.

The scene was awkward for a while.

Liu Lin cleared his throat and said, "Stop talking about this, let's eat and drink."

At the same time, on the other side of Shazhou City, the Liangzhou Army is stationed.

In the big camp, He Chun was carefully planning his actions in the near future.

According to his plan, he would first order people to set fire to Shazhou City, and then launch a surprise attack under the cover of the fire.

The Anxi Army and Shazhou Army who were sleeping soundly should have hurriedly gathered at this time.

This left enough time for He Chun and the Liangzhou Army.

During this time, He Chun could order the whole army to break open the city gate.

As long as the gates of the city are opened, the Allied forces of the Western Regions can enter the city smoothly.

He Chun didn't need to worry about the next thing.

With the combat power of the Allied Forces in the Western Regions and the Liangzhou Army's ability to deal with the Shazhou Army and the Anxi Army, he felt that their chances of winning were at least [-]%.

Taking the sandbar means a lot to them.

Because this is the gateway of the Great Zhou to the outside world.

With control of this place, the troops from the Western Regions will be able to pour in continuously.

With this steady stream of fresh troops joining in, His Royal Highness King Wei's plan can be achieved.

He Chun can also make great contributions because of this, so it is not difficult to confer the title of Marquis and Prime Minister.

"The luminous cup of wine and grapes, if you want to drink the pipa, immediately remind me. Drunk on the battlefield, Lord Grim, a few people have returned from ancient times."

In Liangzhou Wei Wang's mansion, Wei Wang Li Lian recited a poem written by Zhao Xun, and then laughed loudly.

His fate was changed because of this person, so he naturally hated Zhao Xun from the bottom of his heart.

But I have to say that Zhao Xun is quite talented in poetry and can make such amazing poems.

Wei Wang Shangwu, when he was in Chang'an City, he often showed his strength through polo matches.

Unlike Chongwen's prince and Qi Wang, Wei Wang firmly believed that only with a large army in his hands could he control his own destiny.

And what is the use of raising so many literati?

After being driven to Liangzhou by his father, Emperor Xianlong, King Wei had lost the right to compete for the throne in the eyes of the world.

But Wei Wang himself did not give up.

Because the king of Wei knew very well that the people of Liangzhou were strong and strong, and it was also the place where the Great Zhou raised war horses.

As long as he is determined to cultivate power, it is not difficult to pull up a powerful army in a short period of time.

The purpose of training the army is not to guard the border to resist the barbarians, but to give him a chance to compete for the position of supremacy.

King Wei is very ambitious, and he will never bow down willingly.

Until the last moment he believed he had a chance.

Now this opportunity made him wait.

The Western Regions fell, Jiannan fell, and Chang'an was besieged.

This is the rhythm of chaos in the world.

Good mess!
If the world is not chaotic, the king of Wei will have no chance at all.

But as long as the world is in chaos, King Wei's opportunity will come.

Liangzhou is located at the eastern end of the Hexi Corridor. It is the only way to go to Chang'an via the Western Regions, and it is also an important node of the Silk Road.

Therefore, the best choice for King Wei to attack Chang'an and seize the throne is to form an alliance with the 36 countries in the Western Regions.

The 36 countries in the Western Regions have not been fuel-efficient lamps since ancient times. The reason why they have surrendered to the Great Zhou in the past hundred years is because the Great Zhou is very strong.

But they didn't respect Da Zhou from the bottom of their hearts.

So as long as Da Zhou showed the slightest flaw, they would show their fangs and rush forward to bite fiercely.

What King Wei has to do is to provide them with this opportunity as much as possible.

The 36 countries in the Western Regions have hundreds of thousands of troops, while the army under the command of King Wei is only tens of thousands.

Combined, these armies are a formidable force.

They are fully capable of attacking Chang'an in one fell swoop.

Therefore, King Wei must draw this force to his side.

He sent his confidant He Chun to lead troops to reinforce Shazhou.

On the one hand, it is a gesture to respond to the imperial court's will.

On the other hand, it is secretly deployed in order to seize the sandbar.

He Chunming's ostensible identity was that of a general commanding reinforcements.And secretly, his identity is the envoy of the alliance with the armies of 36 countries in the Western Regions.

What He Chun brought with him was the will of King Wei.

King Wei also believed that they would be willing to form an alliance with him.

The most important thing for the Hu people in the Western Regions is profit.

Whoever can provide them with benefits, they will do things for them willingly.

To some extent, both sides can be said to get what they want.

The king of Wei borrowed soldiers, and the promise he could provide was wealth.

At that time, after they take Chang'an, King Wei can ascend the throne as emperor, and as for the 36 countries in the Western Regions, they can loot all the gold and silver treasures in Chang'an city.

In Wei Wang's view, gold and silver are irrelevant.

As long as he can ascend to the position of supreme, the whole world will be his from now on, so he cares about gold and silver.

Thinking of the resplendent Daming Palace in Chang'an City, King Wei felt unable to control his emotions.

He was already imagining the scene when he was sitting on the dragon chair in Zichen Hall overlooking the officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

He sat on the dragon chair and accepted the worship of all the officials. It felt really cool.

Jiannan Road.

The southern barbarians who retreated to the middle of Shu returned to Jinguan City under the leadership of the leader of the witchcraft master.

Originally, he was worried that there would be pursuers along the way.

It turns out he was overthinking it.

After the siege of Chang'an City for more than a month, the soldiers and civilians in the city were exhausted to the extreme.

They suddenly got out of trouble, and they had no intention of chasing them.

This gave the Nanban army a chance to breathe.

This point is crucial.

Because they take time to lay out.

Only by closing the sword gate can they guard the gate of Shuzhong.

And only by guarding Jinguan City, can they guarantee the prosperity of the tribe to the greatest extent.

Living in the depths of the vast mountains for a long time, the southern barbarians have adapted to a poor life.

It is natural to be ecstatic to get rich at first glance.

But it is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.

The southern barbarians could not go back.

It is absolutely impossible for them to easily give up the wealth they have obtained now.

As long as they guard Jiannan Road, they will be able to live a life of debauchery and debauchery.

So why fight Chang'an?
Even if Chang'an is defeated, it will probably have to share the benefits with the northern barbarians and the Eastern Yue Jiange.

How much will be distributed is still unknown.

It's better to guard your own one-third of an acre of land.

At least those interests are their own.

"Pass down the order. Keep all the checkpoints in Shu."

The leader of the Nanman witches and Gu masters knew very well that the road to Shu was difficult and dangerous.

As long as these critical passes can be guarded, there is no need to worry about the troops from Gyeonggi attacking in.

Back then, Bashu sword sage Yang Zhishui held back an army of [-] at Jianmen Pass by himself.

As long as they can follow suit, they will be able to defend Jiannan.

It is said to be prepared for danger in times of peace, and it is said not to be arrogant and extravagant.

Life is short, but only a few decades.

Even if practitioners can extend their lifespan, it is impossible to truly achieve eternal life.

So having fun in time is the most important thing.

If you don't take the time to enjoy it, you will be sorry for yourself.

Especially after this battle of Chang'an, the leader of the Nanman shamans and Gu masters has completely recognized his own strength.

There are no tigers in the mountains, and the monkeys are kings.

In the absence of a strong enemy, the leader of the Nanban witches and Gu masters can still dominate the king, but it is almost impossible to win against someone whose cultivation level is higher than him.



(End of this chapter)

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