big week bad guy

Chapter 299 The Dog Emperor Kneel Down For Me

Chapter 299 The Dog Emperor Kneel Me Down (Super chapter of nearly 20000 words)
Zhao Xun's heart is like an arrow.

Although he knew that his teacher, Daoist Qinglian, was very reliable, and his family members should have been transferred to Zhongnanshan Academy by now, but Zhao Xun still wanted to see his relatives with his own eyes, so that he could be completely relieved.

Zhao Xun refused to ride a horse, but chose to ride a dragon.

The speed of the two can be said to be a sky and an underground.

As for Wu Zhenqing and other officials, just tell them to ride back slowly.

Anyway, they have nothing important to do in a short time.

The brothers and sisters in the academy can fly with the sword, and generally speaking, their speed is about the same as that of Zhao Xun riding a dragon.

"This speed is really awesome."

Zhao Xun patted Pippi Xiabai Jiaolong's shoulder, and said with a harmonious smile, "Come on, Pippi Shrimp."

Pippi Shrimp snorted excitedly, rubbing his head against Zhao Xun from time to time.

"Come on, try to fly to Gyeonggi-do before sunset."



Feng Hao used the teleportation technique to teleport the body of King Wei to Chang'an City.

Now King Wei's head has been sewn onto the corpse.

The corpse was also embalmed, so it was not decomposed.

The corpse was sent to the palace immediately after being transported to Chang'an City.

When Emperor Xianlong saw his son's body, his anger surged again.

He told himself over and over again not to be angry, but to restrain himself.

But now the emotions have completely collapsed, completely out of control.

He lay on Wei Wang's body and wailed loudly, just like those old people who lost their orphans.

"Please forgive me, Your Majesty."

Internal servant Zheng Jie couldn't bear to see Emperor Xianlong like this, so he comforted him.

"go away!"

Emperor Xianlong roared like a beast.

Zheng Jie was taken aback.

He has served Emperor Xianlong for so many years, and he has never seen Emperor Xianlong lose his composure like this.

What happened today?
"His Majesty…"

"I'll say it again, go away!"

Emperor Xianlong roared almost hysterically.

Zheng Jie was silent.

He could understand Emperor Xianlong's mood at the moment.

Zheng Jie left the Nuan Pavilion silently, bowed and backed out.

He wanted to give Emperor Xianlong time to accompany King Wei alone.

This is a moment when a father is alone with his son.



Emperor Xianlong almost stayed up all night.

Early the next morning, the maids and eunuchs were shocked because they found Emperor Xianlong lying on the dead body of King Wei and fell asleep.

The palace people hurriedly helped Emperor Xianlong up and put him on the bed.

They didn't dare to disturb Emperor Xianlong, and then they quietly left the hall.

At this moment, Zheng Jie, the internal servant, happened to arrive at the Zichen Palace, and when he saw the palace people approaching on tiptoe, he stepped forward and asked.

"How is it, Your Majesty is awake?"

"Reporting to Duke Zheng, His Majesty should have just fallen asleep. He was lying on the body of His Highness King Wei, and we just helped His Majesty to sleep on the bed."

Zheng Jie felt a pain in his heart when he heard this.

Your Majesty, you say you don't love King Wei, but you actually love King Wei so much.

Maybe this is the father.

Although the emotion of the royal family will fade a lot, it was completely activated after the death of King Wei.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I won't disturb His Majesty's rest. Remember, if His Majesty wakes up, please notify me immediately."

"As ordered."



"Finally home!"

Zhao Xun was exhausted after riding a dragon all the way.

But the moment he saw Zhongnan Mountain, his fatigue was swept away.

Since all his family members had been transferred to the academy, Zhao Xun naturally went straight to Zhongnan Mountain instead of going to Chang'an City first.

He can't wait to be reunited with his family.

"Little brother, your speed is really like lightning. We tried our best to fly with the sword and couldn't keep up."

After Zhao Xun arrived at Zhongnan Mountain behind, Long Qingquan couldn't help complaining.

For Long Qingquan, it was really embarrassing for a dignified second-rank practitioner to be slower than a sixth-rank junior.

Of course, Senior Sister and Second Senior Sister can still keep up with Zhao Xun's speed.

So when Long Qingquan said these words, senior sister Xiao Ning and second senior sister Liu Yingying cast contemptuous glances without hesitation.

Long Qingquan was extremely embarrassed.

"Uh... that's all, I will study and practice lightness kung fu more in the future."

There are also skills to speak of Yujian flying.

The faster you fly, the more skill you need.

Generally speaking, the lightness kung fu of high-level practitioners is not too bad, so as long as Long Qingquan puts more effort into it, he will be able to increase his flying speed.

"Let's not talk about that, let's meet the head of the mountain first."

Now that they have returned to the academy, the first thing they need to do is to meet the head of the mountain.

This is the self-cultivation of an academy student.



On the second floor of the bamboo building, Zhao Xun looked quite serious.

He bowed to the head of the mountain, and then sighed: "Thanks to the teacher this time, otherwise I really don't know where to put my family."

"You also have to thank Daoist Qinglian, if he hadn't forcibly used the teleportation technique, your family members would not have come to Zhongnan Mountain so easily."

"Well, what my teacher said is very true."

Rely on friends when you go out, and rely on your master at home.

I have to say that Zhao Xun's two masters are extremely reliable.

Not only is his strength outstanding, but he also knows how to protect the calf.

With them by his side, Zhao Xun feels at ease.

"Forget it, we don't need to be in such a hurry to reminisce about the past between master and apprentice. You should go and see your family first."

"Thank you, teacher!"

Zhao Xun clasped his fists gratefully at the head of the mountain, then turned and left.



According to the guidance of Yao Yan, the bamboo forest sword fairy, Zhao Xun came all the way to his family's residence.

This is a whole piece of bamboo building, and there is no problem in arranging a hundred people.

Good guy!
Zhao Xun secretly marveled in his heart.

Unexpectedly, there is such a blessed land in the academy, and he has not found it after coming to the academy for so long.

"Thank you Yao Jianxian."

Zhao Xun cupped his fists at the Bamboo Forest Sword Immortal, and then strode into the bamboo building.

"Father, mother, I'm back!"

Like many wanderers who have returned home after studying abroad for many years, Zhao Xun wanted to throw himself into the arms of his family at this moment.

"Brother Xun is back, brother Xun hugs!"

Zhao Xun never thought that the first one to rush out would be little loli Zhao Danshu.


The little guy must have gained a lot of weight, and with such a sudden bump, Zhao Xun was knocked back a bit.

Zhao Xun hugged little Lolita into his arms, and patted his back lightly.

"How about it, do you miss your brother?"

"Brother Xun, why have you been there for so long? People miss you so much."

Little Lolita kept rubbing her head against Zhao Xun, and said coquettishly: "Daddy said you caused a disaster, so we all have to move to Zhongnan Mountain. Brother Xun, what kind of disaster did you cause?"

"Well, it's a long story."

Zhao Xun sighed and said, "I'll tell you later. By the way, where are the parents?"

"It's in the house, it should be taking a nap."

"Oh, that's it. Then I'll wait for a while, and wait until they wake up before going in."

Zhao Xun said in a deep voice, "Will I tell you a story while this is here?"

"Okay, brother Xun is the best, I like listening to stories told by brother Xun the most."

Little Lolita's big eyes flickered.

"A long time ago, there was a prince who fell in love with a princess, but that princess was enchanted..."



After finally coaxing little Lolita to sleep, Duke Cheng Zhao Yuan and his mother happened to wake up too.

Zhao Xun carefully carried his sister into the room, and the moment he saw his parents, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

After putting his younger sister on the bed, Zhao Xun stepped forward and saluted his parents by pushing the golden mountain and the jade pillar upside down.

"Father and mother, your son's unfilial piety has caused you to suffer."

Things got to this point, Zhao Xun knew he couldn't be kind.

He feels the most sorry is the family.

He felt really sorry that his father and mother had to take refuge in the academy at such an advanced age.

"Stupid boy, what are you talking about? Father knows that you are doing the right thing. Everyone can be punished for the king of Wei's conspiracy. Besides, there is such a past between you, even if you don't kill him, the king of Wei will not let you go." of."

Cheng Guogong Zhao Yuan has been in the court for many years, and he is very clear about this mess of the royal family.

He knew very well that the main reason why the king of Wei hated Zhao Xun was that Zhao Xun had ruined his good job of competing for the crown prince.

"It's good for us to live here in Zhongnan Mountain for the time being, it's just a summer escape."

Mother Zhao Liushi also answered from the side.

Zhao Xun felt warm in his heart, he knew that what the elder said was comforting him.

Sometimes family affection is so magical that people can't help but do things for their loved ones.

"Father, my child suddenly thought of something. What if Emperor Xianlong... What if His Majesty suddenly asks where our family has gone?"

Zhao Xun asked with some embarrassment.

He himself doesn't care, but he can't just sit back and watch his father and mother be controlled by Emperor Xianlong who is not a son of man.

In other words, as long as his parents and family are not in danger, Zhao Xun can safely deal with the storm in the court.

No matter what move Emperor Xianlong made, he could catch it.

"It's simple. Our family has a separate business in Zhongnan Mountain, so we said that the whole family came to escape the summer heat."

"But what if the imperial court sends someone to check it out?"

"It's impossible for the imperial court to know exactly how many villas I have in Zhongnanshan."

Zhao Yuan said very calmly: "Your Majesty must be angry with our family now. So no matter what we say, Your Majesty will not be satisfied. What we should do now is to avoid the edge temporarily. When the turmoil passes and the situation calms down, it will be It's time to go back to Chang'an."

Zhao Xun breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

I didn't expect my father to see this matter so clearly, and he had already thought of the inside and outside of the situation.

"Okay, then parents will have to work hard during this time."

Zhao Xun paused and said, "I thought about it, since my son has returned to Chang'an, he must go to the palace no matter what."


Hearing these words, Cheng Guogong Zhao Yuan, who was originally very calm, suddenly panicked.

"Xun'er, don't be overthinking it."

Zhao Yuan was very nervous and said: "Your Majesty is angry now, wouldn't it be inappropriate for you to enter the palace at this time?"

"This matter will be settled sooner or later. My son can't hide in Zhongnanshan Academy for the rest of his life, can he?"

Seeing Zhao Xun's resolute attitude, Zhao Yuan could only sigh: "Forget it, you can make up your own mind."

Zhao Yuan recalled that the day after his son crawled out of the coffin, the emperor also issued a decree for Zhao Xun to enter the palace to face the saint.

At that time, Zhao Xun was also accused of bullying the emperor, and the situation was not much better than it is now.

Now that I think about it, my son was able to get through that catastrophe safely. He is a man of great luck, and there must be gods protecting him in the dark.

So Zhao Yuan didn't think it was so dangerous this time.

What's more, His Majesty should also be concerned about the attitude of the head of the mountain.

If he really wanted to kill Zhao Xun, the head of the mountain would definitely not let him go.

At that time, the head of the mountain will enter the palace, and the palace's restrictions will be in vain, even Zheng Jie, the internal servant, will not be able to protect him completely.

Emperor Xianlong's status is respected, he is the supreme in the world, so naturally he would not be willing to do this exchange with Zhao Xun.

So it seems that Zhao Xun should not be in danger of his life.



When Zhao Xun stepped into Chang'an City again, his mood was somewhat complicated.

He could imagine Emperor Xianlong's mood at the moment.

It is indeed not the most suitable time to enter the palace at this time.

But he decided to do it anyway.

Because Zhao Xun wanted to settle this matter.

His journey across the Great Zhou started with this incident, so it should naturally end with this incident.

Zhao Xun wants to resign.

What this official does is boring, and he is exhausted physically and mentally.

Since it's boring, why do you want to be an official!
Why force yourself to do something you don't like?
Life is just a few dozen years, but it is just an experience card for decades, so you have to hurry up to experience the good part, why should you disgust yourself.

As for whether Emperor Xianlong would agree with Zhao Xun, he didn't care.

Regardless of whether Emperor Xianlong agrees or not, he will never be an official again.

Entering the imperial city, entering the palace city, Zhao Xun is very chic.


"Your Majesty, the bad guy Zhao Xun asks for an audience!"

"His Majesty!"


Ever since he saw King Wei's body, Emperor Xianlong's state seemed a little dull, and he would often think about some things that he didn't have.

Zheng Jie was very distressed, but there was no good way.

After all, Emperor Xianlong had just experienced the pain of losing his son.

"What did you just say, my friend?"

"Your Majesty, the bad guy Zhao Xun asks for an audience."


Emperor Xianlong's emotions suddenly exploded, and his chest heaved sharply.

"How dare he enter the palace to meet His Majesty, does he really think that I dare not kill him?"

Although Emperor Xianlong was a mean and ungrateful person, he doted on his children quite a lot.

Even if King Wei really rebelled against him, Emperor Xianlong probably would not kill him, and more likely imprisoned him within a high wall.

But Zhao Xun beheaded King Wei without hesitation!

Looking at the corpse of King Wei whose head was separated and stitched together, Emperor Xianlong felt disgusted.

Zhao Xun!

How dare you!
"Bring him an audience!"

Emperor Xianlong clenched his fists tightly and ordered sharply.

"Let the bad guy Zhao Xun see you."

"Let the bad guy Zhao Xun see you."

"Let the bad guy Zhao Xun see you."

In Zichen Hall, the eunuchs chanted one after another.

For a moment, Zhao Xun only felt refreshed.

"It's time to wrap things up."

Zhao Xun shook his robe, and then stepped up the steps.

For him, this is the most critical moment in his life. Whether he can completely get rid of the shadow of Emperor Xianlong and get rid of the influence of the court depends on today.

His steps were very steady, and he walked to the platform step by step.Looking at the incomparably majestic gate, Zhao Xun strode forward without hesitation.



Zhao Xun resolutely entered Zichen Palace.

A year ago, he stepped into this hall for the first time, and now that he entered again, it was time to make a break.

Walking around the screen to Nuan Pavilion, Zhao Xun saw Emperor Xianlong with red eyes.

Emperor Xianlong's gaze could not conceal an extremely strong killing intent.

"The bad minister Zhao Xun pays his respects to His Majesty."

Zhao Xun made a cross-hand salute to Emperor Xianlong, but did not kowtow.

It wasn't his disrespect.

According to the etiquette system of the Great Zhou Dynasty, ministers do not need to bow down to the emperor on occasions such as the Great Court Meeting, offering sacrifices to heaven and earth, and enthronement ceremonies, but only need to cross hands.

The eunuchs and other slaves who kneel when they see you.


Seeing Zhao Xun being so bold, Zheng Jie yelled, "Zhao Xun, why don't you kneel before you!"

"Zheng Gong, let me call you Zheng Gong. You mean I'm being rude, right? But as far as I know, in the Great Zhou Dynasty, except for various grand ceremonies, the courtiers need to kneel down to worship, and other occasions only need to cross hands salute That's it. Did I understand it wrong?"

Zhao Xun's rhetorical question made Zheng Jie completely stupid.

He had no idea that Zhao Xun came prepared.

Thinking about it now, what Zhao Xun said seems to be true.

"Zhao Xun, you are guilty!"

This time it was Emperor Xianlong's turn to get mad.

He had already imagined the scene when he saw Zhao Xun countless times, but Emperor Xianlong still felt extremely angry when this day really came.

"What is the crime of the minister?"

Zhao Xun's next sentence stunned Emperor Xianlong.

"you you!"

Xianlong trembled with imperial anger, pointing at Zhao Xun for a long time speechless.

"It's a rebellion, it's really a rebellion, are you going to rebel?"

Emperor Xianlong completely lost the demeanor of an emperor, like a widow at the entrance of a village yelling at her.

"Your Majesty may have made a mistake. It was the king of Wei who rebelled, not the minister."

Zhao Xun didn't want to sprinkle salt on Emperor Xianlong's wounds, but Emperor Xianlong committed suicide by himself.

He bullied so much that Zhao Xun couldn't stand it anymore.

"Death! Come, someone, take down this rebellious person for me!"


Zhao Xun said coldly: "Your Majesty must give a reason to punish the minister's crime, right? Does Your Majesty hope that a hundred years later, there will be an unwarranted crime recorded in the history books?"

Unnecessary means that there may be.

This crime was the crime that Song Gaozong Zhao Gou and Qin Hui had convicted Yue Fei.

At the beginning, Yue Fei devoted himself to serving the country, but ended up in a tragic death, and countless people felt sorry for him.

It was precisely because no crime could be found that Zhao Gou and Qin Hui created this crime creatively.

Of course, Emperor Xianlong would not know the allusion of Yue Fei Qin Hui Zhao Gou.

But he understood the literal meaning of unwarranted.

Emperor Xianlong sneered and said: "What a sharp-tongued guy, you really think I dare not kill you, right?"

"I don't want your majesty to bear the eternal infamy. In addition, I will resign this time when I enter the palace."


Emperor Xianlong laughed loudly and said, "Do you think you can still walk out of the palace alive?"

"Haven't you heard a saying that the king must die if he wants to die?"

Emperor Xianlong's tone was very cold, and he stared coldly at Zhao Xun in front of him: "If I want you to die, can you live? Kneel down for me!"

Emperor Xianlong has completely exposed his terrifying fangs at this moment, and no longer makes any cover up.

Zhao Xun laughed loudly and said: "I only kneel to the parents of heaven and earth. I kneel to the king because the king represents the sky, and you are not worthy at this moment!"

Not worthy to be king!

When Emperor Xianlong heard these four words, he felt his scalp explode.

"Good guy, it's really reversed. The big companion took him down."

Emperor Xianlong knew that Zhao Xun was a practitioner now, and his cultivation level was not low.

So for the sake of safety, he directly ordered Zheng Jie to take the man.

Zheng Jie is a super master, and when Zheng Jie made a move, Zhao Xunduan didn't even have room to resist.

Seeing that Zheng Jie really flew up, Zhao Xun almost blurted out.

"Old people don't speak martial arts."

Then he used the protective cover unique to sixth-grade Confucian practitioners.

This protective cover can last for a stick of incense, during which time it remains invincible.

Zheng Jie made a fuss to save face.

After all, he is also a super master, but he has nothing to do with Zhao Xun, an ordinary practitioner.

Zheng Jie couldn't help but secretly scolded the academy practitioners for being shameless for having such a unique skill.

Zhao Xun is very nervous in his heart, he can calm down now, but the invincible time is only a stick of incense.

What to do after a stick of incense?
Benefactor, Shanzhang, you should come out sooner.

If he doesn't come out again, his little life will be gone.

It has to be said that Zhao Xun still underestimated the shamelessness of Emperor Xianlong.

Originally, he thought that the evidence of King Wei's treason case was conclusive and the dust had settled.Under such circumstances, it is impossible for Emperor Xianlong to be a demon again.

But now it seems that Emperor Xianlong has no so-called propriety, righteousness, integrity and shame at all.

He completely regarded the Great Zhou court as the private weapon of their Li family, and regarded the courtiers as cattle and horses.

Such a king is not worthy of being a king, let alone serving Zhao Xun.

So he was right to come today, to make a cut earlier and completely leave the court.

But the question is how to get out?
At this moment, an explosion was heard in the sky.

Then a huge human figure appeared above the sky.

Zhao Xun looked up and saw the face of the head of the mountain, and couldn't help feeling warm in his heart.

That's great, as long as there is something wrong with the head of the mountain, it's not a big deal, he definitely doesn't have to worry about his life.

"Lee Seung-ki, kneel down!"

What Shan Zhang said next shocked everyone.

Li Chengji is the name taboo of Emperor Xianlong.But the number of occurrences on weekdays is almost zero.

The name of the emperor is taboo that the courtiers can read. If the courtiers collide with the emperor's name, they have to avoid changing the name.

I'm afraid that even Emperor Xianlong himself doesn't remember what his name is?
Because this name is just a code name, and it doesn't appear often yet.

In other words, anyone may forget.

Emperor Xianlong looked up instinctively, but was startled when he saw that it was the head of the mountain.

"Lee Seung-ki, kneel down!"

Emperor Xianlong felt that an invisible force was pressing on his shoulders, and his knees softened for a moment, and he fell to his knees with a plop.

Not only did he kneel down on the ground, but he was also kowtowed by Shan Changfa, in an embarrassing gesture with his buttocks raised and his head bowed.

"You foolish lord bullied the old man. If the old man doesn't show his power, do you think the old man is a sick cat?"

The voice of the head of the mountain was extremely majestic, but Emperor Xianlong felt it was full of humiliation.

He had never experienced such humiliation and embarrassment, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Today, the old man is in charge. The old man doesn't bother to be an official. Today, he resigns from office and returns to the academy to clean up. He has nothing to do with your bullshit court. You must not make things difficult for him and his family in the future, otherwise the old man will call you the throne." It's like sitting on pins and needles."

Immediately, the phantom of the head of the mountain stretched out a hand, and said in a harmonious voice: "My boy, let's go!"

Although Zhao Xun has always thought that the head of the mountain is the cutest person, but today he thinks it is especially obvious.

The head of the mountain only needs a phantom to appear in the palace, and it can scare Emperor Xianlong to the ground.

When a prehistoric force was suppressed, Emperor Xianlong could bow his head and kneel down soundly.

Cool, really cool.

The coolest thing is that the head of the mountain directly warned Emperor Xianlong not to disturb him and his family after Zhao Xun resigned, otherwise the head of the mountain would not let him go even if Emperor Xianlong hid in the ends of the world.

From the beginning to the end, Zheng Jie, the dead eunuch who loyally protected the lord, dared not say a word.

In fact, it should be said that there is no strongest, only stronger.

It stands to reason that the dead eunuch Zheng Jie is strong enough, right?
But in front of the head of the mountain is a weak chicken.

It is also a super product, why is the gap so big?
Zhao Xun is very grateful for the choice he made back then.

If he hadn't chosen to become a disciple of the academy under the sect of the head of the mountain, but had chosen to take some imperial examinations, he might have become Emperor Xianlong's plaything by now, let him play with him at will, right?
There is nothing wrong with the saying that men should be in the right line.

However, Zhao Xun told his family the good news of his resignation immediately after returning to Mount Zhongnan with the head of the mountain.

Cheng Guogong listened to Zhao Xun's narration of his process of entering the palace to face the saint, and he was dumbfounded in surprise.

"My son, did my son really say that? Your Majesty didn't make things difficult for you?"

As an honorable man, Cheng Guogong Zhao Yuan still has an instinctive sense of fear for Emperor Xianlong.

To put it bluntly, this is blood suppression.

He knew that it would not be easy to change his father's habits for a while.

"Father, that's what the boy said. Naturally, Emperor Xianlong refused, and even threatened the boy. At this time, the head of the mountain appeared. To be precise, the phantom of the old man, the head of the mountain, appeared."

Zhao Xun looked very excited, rubbing his palms repeatedly and said, "Father, do you know how excited my son was when the head of the mountain shouted, Li Chengji, kneel down for me? Emperor Xianlong, who is usually high and mighty, kneels directly On the ground, buttocks pouted, head bowed, like a slave."

Zhao Xun's words made Cheng Guogong frightened.

It can be seen that the son has lost the slightest respect for His Majesty, and his words are full of disdain.


"Of course it's true, what did the boy lie to you for?"

Zhao Xun spread his hands and said: "The head of the mountain warned Emperor Xianlong not to embarrass me and our family again. Emperor Xianlong dare not even fart."

Zhao Xun continued proudly: "After this incident, we can rest assured. At least Emperor Xianlong dared not target our family openly. But to be on the safe side, you and your mother should not return to Chang'an City during this period. We The whole family will live in the academy."

Although the head of the mountain has clearly warned Emperor Xianlong.

But according to Zhao Xun's experience, to the extent that Emperor Xianlong is not a son of man, he is likely to do all kinds of extremely sinister things.

In order to prevent Emperor Xianlong from doing bad things secretly, Zhao Xun still felt that he should stay in Zhongnan Mountain for a longer period of time.Observe the situation first.

If the situation improves, it will not be too late to go back to live.If the situation is not very good, it is all right to live in Zhongnanshan forever.

Anyway, Zhao Xun has resigned now, so he has plenty of time.

"For now, that's the only way to go."

It can be seen that Zhao Yuan felt a little helpless in his heart.

This is understandable.

The Zhao family is a family of princes and ministers, and they are the first-class nobles in Chang'an City.

But Zhao Xun completely offended Emperor Xianlong this time, and there is no room for change in a short time.

Although the head of the mountain had clearly warned Emperor Xianlong, Zhao Yuan knew that with Emperor Xianlong's character, he would definitely not let it go.

In this case, the best choice is naturally to leave Chang'an City, a place of right and wrong, and live in Zhongnan Mountain, a secluded place for a period of time.

This is not only for himself, but also for the Zhao family.

"Father, you treat the academy as your own home. The head of the mountain is a very nice person, and so are the brothers and sisters. If you need anything, just ask them, and they will definitely try their best to satisfy you."

Zhao Xun has long regarded his brothers, sisters and even the head of the mountain as family members.

With them around, Zhao Xun's sense of security and happiness are off the charts.

"Well, don't worry my son, I will adjust it for my father. By the way, you have to thank the head of the mountain."

Zhao Xun quickly responded: "Yes, thanks to the rescue of the head of the mountain, the boy was able to turn the danger into safety."

Anyway.The head of the mountain can be regarded as Zhao Xun's savior, and he has saved more than one time.

It was only natural for Zhao Xun to express his gratitude to the head of the mountain.

"Master, please accept my apprentice's respect. Thank you, Master, for saving your life."

Inside the bamboo building on the second floor, Zhao Xun gave a big salute to the mountain chief respectfully.

The head of the mountain stroked his beard and smiled lightly: "Okay, okay."

Shan Chang can be said to be proud of his spring breeze now.

He had just defeated the High Priest of the Demon Sect, the Nanman Witch and Gu Master, and the Dongyue Sword Master, and now he has deflated the Emperor Xianlong, the supreme human being in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Is there anything in this world that the head of the mountain can't do?

In Zhao Xun's view, the head of the mountain is simply a perfect incarnation, almost everything can be done easily with just a hook of the head of the mountain.

"Well, Xiao 72's kindness is accepted by the teacher."

While stroking his beard, the head of the mountain said leisurely: "You have worked hard this time, so it's good, you can draw a clear line with the imperial court, and you don't have to worry about it in the future."

In Shan Chang's view, Emperor Xianlong is a complete pervert.

As a king, he doesn't have the bearing of a king at all. All he thinks about is power struggles, which makes the whole court a mess.

When the upper and lower are effective, the imperial court pursues a kind of extreme self-interest from top to bottom.

It seems that something is not worth doing if it has no benefit.

This made the head of the mountain feel very disgusted.

This is also the reason why the head of the mountain has been reluctant to intervene in the secular government affairs of the court.

It's not that you can't intervene, but that you don't bother to intervene.

If the head of the mountain really intervened, wouldn't he have brought himself down to the same level as Emperor Xianlong?
How pretentious is the head of the mountain, a person who regards himself as noble, naturally cannot allow himself to be compared with Emperor Xianlong.

This is simply an insult to personality.

Of course, the head of the mountain has always been silent, and some people will think that he is indisputable.

In fact, the head of the mountain is a fight, as long as it involves personal interests, the head of the mountain will undoubtedly fight to the end.

This time, the head of the mountain used the phantom to clearly inform Emperor Xianlong, and told the world that no one in my academy should try to move. If anyone dares to move, the head of the mountain and the academy will do it.



"Shan Zhang, now I can only live in Zhongnan Mountain. In fact, I have always wanted to ask you a question, but I have never found a suitable opportunity."

Zhao Xun hesitated again and again and said in a deep voice.

"You said."

The head of the mountain seemed to have expected that Zhao Xun would say this, so he said leisurely.

"It's about the Dark Portal."

Zhao Xun swallowed and spit: "Tu'er has been having some bizarre dreams recently. These dreams are not separated from each other, and they are opposite to each other. These dreams are connected with each other, and they can even be connected into a network. Before Tuer I asked Daoist Qinglian, and his explanation was also vague."

Zhao Xun's mind is the No. 1 practice in the world.

If there is one person who can explain the matter of the Dark Portal clearly, then this person must be the head of the mountain.

"The Dark Portal is an ancient legend."

The head of the mountain seems to be very clear about this legend, and he said calmly: "The legend is a long, long time ago. There is a connection between this world we live in and another world, and this connection is called the Dark Gate."

After a short pause, seeing that Zhao Xun was still listening carefully, the head of the mountain continued: "At that time, people from the two worlds could walk back and forth through this door to communicate. Until one day, a group of people walked out of that door. Demons. These demons eat and bite everyone they see, hurting countless creatures.”

Shan Chang sighed and said: "The emperor has no choice but to turn to Meng Sheng for help."

"Meng Shengnai was the number one cultivator in the world at that time. Facing the crowd of demons dancing wildly, he had no good way at the moment. He could deal with one demon, ten demons. But when facing hundreds of demons, he seemed a bit weak Not caught."

The head of the mountain looked very helpless.

"Then Meng Sheng thought of a way. He sealed the door of darkness with a Confucian talisman. Since then, demons have never come out through the door of darkness, but in the same way, our world and the parallel world are also The opportunity to communicate was lost."

The head of the mountain spread out his hands and said, "It's over for the teacher."

Um?That's all for now?
Zhao Xun cried out in his heart.He thought to himself that he hasn't heard enough, is this the end?

"Men, if this is the case, why does the high priest of the Demon Sect still want to open the door of darkness?"

Zhao Xun almost blurted out.

"What did you say?"

The head of the mountain was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "You said that the high priest of the Demon Sect wants to open the door of darkness?"

"That's right, this apprentice also accidentally saw this fragment of consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness of a cultivator of the Demon Sect."

Zhao Xun recounted to the head of the mountain how he learned about this episode.

"That's it, Master Shan."

Zhao Xun spread his hands.

"The High Priest of the Demon Sect really has the ability to open the door of darkness"

Shan Zhang's mood suddenly became serious, which made Zhao Xun feel his scalp tingle.

What does it mean that the high priest of the Demon Sect really has the ability to open the door of darkness?

If Rushanzhang really said so, as long as the high priest of the Demon Sect opened the door of darkness and died with them, wouldn't the world be destroyed?
After all, with Meng Sheng's strength, he can only seal the Dark Gate, but cannot completely destroy it.Can the Mountain Chief completely destroy the Dark Portal?

Zhao Xun didn't know.

But he knew that if the head of the mountain could not destroy this dark door, it would be a disaster for this world.

No wonder the head of the mountain is so serious.

"The Demon Sect has the same origin as the black wizards in that world."

The head of the mountain took a deep breath and said: "Master, I even suspect that they are two clones of the same system."

The head of the mountain paused and said: "There are very few records about the black wizard in that world, but one thing is certain, the black wizard can summon dead things."

Hearing this, Zhao Xun couldn't help but gasped.

As the head of the mountain said, the situation is indeed not optimistic.

The Demon Sect and the Dark Wizard have the same origin, so they can naturally perceive everything that happened in that world.

The High Priest of the Demon Sect, as the existence with the highest level of cultivation among the Demon Sect, would definitely not just sit back and watch the head of the mountain and the academy occupy the number one position in the world.

They can't counterattack by their own strength, the best way is to drive away the tigers and devour the wolves.

As long as they can successfully open the portal of darkness, they will be able to release those fearsome black wizards.

"The legendary devils and demons are summoned by black wizards."

The head of the mountain continued: "Devils and dark wizards do everything they can to destroy everything in the world. They want to destroy all good things in the world."

After a short pause, Shan Zhang let out a long sigh: "Little 72, if the high priest of the Demon Sect really opens the door of darkness, it will be a catastrophe for Da Zhou and the whole world."

Now the head of the mountain somewhat understood why the high priest of the Demon Sect and the northern barbarians would evacuate so decisively.

Because they still have backhands.

For them, attacking Chang'an City was just a trial.

It would be the best if we could win Chang'an City in one fell swoop.It doesn't matter if you can't take it down, as long as you can open the door of darkness, let alone Chang'an City, even Zeguo, the whole Da Zhou, may become a devil.

"The mountain chief, what should we do now?"

Zhao Xun is really panicking now.

This High Priest of the Demon Sect is really a vicious person.

He knew that opening the door of darkness and releasing the black wizard would summon countless demons, and the demons would do harm to the world, but he still resolutely chose to do so.

This kind of person is really terrible.

"Find the High Priest of the Demon Sect and kill him before he opens the door of darkness."

The head of the mountain said without hesitation.

The coldness of the mountain chief made Zhao Xun's heart tremble.

In Zhao Xun's impression, the head of the mountain has always been very kind.

Rarely has he acted so cold.

It seems that the High Priest of Mozong really touched the bottom line of Shanzhang, just like Emperor Xianlong touched the bottom line of Shanzhang.

That's right, people like the high priest of the Demon Sect who can ignore the interests of the people of the whole world for their own sake are indeed punishable by everyone.

The head of the mountain is the leader of the practitioners in this world, and the head of the mountain is the only one among all the practitioners.

If the head of the mountain did nothing, the others would not know what to do.

So at this time, the head of the mountain has to stand up no matter what.

He must set an example and must guide a group of practitioners and people with lofty ideals.

Only in this way can practitioners and common people in this world see the light of righteousness.

"Shan Zhang, the High Priest of the Demon Sect should be hiding in the depths of the grassland. The grassland is like the sea, and you can't see the edge at a glance. If we search blindly, it will be too difficult to find the High Priest of the Demon Sect."

But if you want to kill the high priest of the Demon Sect, you must first find him.

This is not a simple matter, it is tantamount to searching mountains and seas.

Go ahead to dangers.

Knowing it can't be done.

It takes some courage to do something like this.

However, what Zhao Xun lacks most is courage.

For Zhao Xun, now the head of the mountain has helped him untie all the shackles, and he can fully devote himself to the work of searching the high priest of the Demon Sect.

Of course, the High Priest of the Demon Sect should not be too blind, otherwise it would be counterproductive.

Zhao Xun felt that this matter should be considered in the long run.

Now that he finally returned to Mount Zhongnan, he should spend some time in the academy to cultivate himself.

The years are quiet and good, because someone is moving forward with heavy burdens.

Zhao Xun cannot live up to these people who are going forward with heavy burdens, and must ensure that every step he takes is efficient enough.

Prince Luca ran to the garden of the palace in the dark more than once, and came to the legendary door of darkness to see what happened.

But he couldn't see anything he wanted to see, because the royal knights would always find him the first time and take him back to the palace.

When Luca stepped on the marble floor, he could obviously feel a strange feeling.

Kick, kick, and tread, as if the ground is hollow.

Prince Luca came to the bedroom very reluctantly, then he jumped onto the bed and covered himself with the quilt.

"His Royal Highness, it's time to go to bed."

Maester Taylor bowed and saluted.

"Please, please Maester Taylor, can you tell me another story?"

"Bedtime story?"

Bachelor Taylor was taken aback for a moment, apparently unable to believe that the reason His Royal Highness could not sleep was because he wanted to listen to stories.

"Yes, please tell another story. Just tell the story of the world beyond the Dark Portal."

Prince Luca seemed to have a natural interest in the legend, and he was hooked on the story after Maester Taylor mentioned it once.

But Bachelor Taylor was obviously reluctant to mention this story, he shook his head and said, "Sorry Your Highness, I can't tell this story anymore?"


"Because it's a taboo at court."

Bachelor Taylor said in a low voice: "His Majesty the King once issued an order that no one is allowed to mention the Dark Portal and the world beyond the Dark Portal."

"But you still said it."

"Uh, that was a slip of the tongue."

Bachelor Taylor said with some embarrassment.

"It's okay, it's really okay. You only tell me, I won't tell others casually. "

Prince Luca tucked his back and looked expectantly at Maester Taylor.

I don't know if he was moved by Prince Luca's sincerity, or he was worried that he would be retaliated by the boy after rejecting Prince Luca, so he told the king.

In short, Bachelor Taylor sighed, and finally decided to tell Prince Luca the story that had been dusty for many years.

"A long time ago, there was a dark wizard named Burgos. He was very powerful in magic and was very good at using witchcraft."

Bachelor Taylor tried his best to sound calm and relaxed, but this topic inevitably made the atmosphere treacherous.

"One day, the black wizard was walking on the wasteland, and he encountered a storm. The storm was very strong, and it fell for a whole day and night. The black wizard encountered a dilapidated thatched hut on the wasteland, and he entered the thatched cottage without hesitation. Room."

Bachelor Taylor paused for a moment, swallowed and said, "As a result, he found a crystal ball in the thatched cottage."

Bachelor Taylor took a deep breath and said, "He picked up the crystal ball. As a result, a beautiful woman's face appeared in the crystal ball."


Prince Luca shouted involuntarily.

"The black wizard Burgos was fascinated by the woman in the crystal ball. He was at the mercy of the woman. Under the woman's order, after the heavy rain ended, Burgos came to a seaside. There was a crashing sound on the cliff."

Prince Luca was taken aback when he heard this.

Why does this place sound so familiar?

It's Valais Farhan!
Prince Luca suddenly realized the problem.

"The place he finally came to was the city of Valais Fahan?"


Bachelor Taylor took a deep breath and said, "Of course, Valais Fahan was not what it is now. At that time, Valais Fahan was a small fishing village, dilapidated and inconspicuous. There were no people from a distance. Kind of like looking up."

"Well, so what happened next?"

Prince Luca asked curiously.

In his opinion, the origin of the city of Valaifahan may be related to this black wizard named Burgos.

"Later, dark wizards rarely came to the Dark Portal in Vallefa."

Bachelor Taylor said in a deep voice: "He opened that door and walked in. Then the earth spun and the sky dimmed. After an unknown amount of time, the black wizard came out from that door again, this time he mastered infinite power. He created the city of Valle Fahan."


Prince Luca couldn't believe his ears.

"Bachelor Taylor, did you just say that he created the city of Valai Fahan? But wasn't Valai Fahan created by the ancestors of our family?"

"Your Highness, this black wizard is your ancestor."

Bachelor Taylor looked at Prince Luca, and felt that this prince from the people was a little silly.

"The black wizard is the ancestor of the royal family, so His Majesty the King forbids people to mention this past event in the court. Because this past event is somewhat disgraceful."

Maester Taylor said in a low voice as much as possible.

Although no one will come to eavesdrop outside Prince Luca's room during this time period, it is better to be cautious in everything.

"It was so"

Prince Luca murmured.

"Because the Valaifarhan royals have taken so much power from the Dark Portal, they've kept quiet about it. Because they're afraid that others will take as much power from the Dark Portal as they did back then to fight them , to take their place at Valais Farhan."

Bachelor Taylor sighed and said, "Okay, that's the end of this story for today. Your Highness, you really should go to sleep. Oh, remember, please abide by our agreement, don't mention what I said today. s story."

"Sure, Maester Taylor."

Prince Luca nodded dully and assured.

For him, what he heard today took a long time to digest.

Bachelor Taylor seems to have opened a new door for him, from which he can draw a lot of nutrition.

But this is also a temptation, and now he is looking forward to opening the door of darkness.

He is looking forward to the world on the other side of the Dark Portal.

Although the ancestors forbade people from opening the Dark Portal, Luca should have privileges after the royal family, right?
Being an official for thousands of miles is just for food and clothing.

Since Zhao Xun doesn't have to worry about food and clothing, it doesn't matter if he doesn't work as an official.

It's not bad enough to have such a mean and ungrateful boss as Emperor Xianlong who has to be on guard all day long.

Since Zhao Xun returned to Zhongnan Mountain, he immediately felt relieved and refreshed after staying in the academy.

Boys, you still have to be nice to yourself.You can't treat yourself badly.

The time in the academy is always good. In addition to practicing exercises and exhaling righteousness every day, Zhao Xun writes novels to earn extra money.

Although Zhao Xun resigned, Wangcai was not affected.

Liao Zhai is still popular, Zhao Xun must take advantage of this wave of enthusiasm to make a fortune.

An industry like a writer is actually quite miserable.After ten years of cold windows, no one asked, and once he became famous, the world knew it.

If you don't take advantage of the popularity and make more money, don't you wait until you are out of breath before making money?

At that time, no matter how good your writing is, no one will read it.

This point, Zhao Xun, who was born in a liberal arts class, is very clear in his heart.

The current situation is actually very good for Zhao Xun.

Without the disgusting boss Emperor Xianlong, after resigning from office, Zhao Xun can devote all his energy to practicing and writing books.

This energy is completely enough.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, but some things still need to be considered for himself.

After all, he and Emperor Xianlong are now torn apart, and even his whole family has to hide in the academy to avoid disaster.

In this case livelihood becomes a consideration.Although the Academy will not charge too much money from Zhao Xun's family, but this kind of thing still needs to be conscious.

No way, Zhao Xun will not give it if they don’t want it.The head of the mountain gives face, so Zhao Xun has to be sensible.

Of course, Zhao Xun did not dare to fall behind in terms of cultivation.

Finally able to live with the head of the mountain, with such a great god by his side, if Zhao Xun didn't know how to use it, it would be unreasonable anyway.

The head of the mountain is also very happy to teach Zhao Xun some very practical tips on cultivation.

After all, Zhao Xun is a disciple that the head of the mountain is very optimistic about, so it is reasonable to give some advice.

These small cultivation skills may not allow Zhao Xun to reach the peak of his cultivation level in a short period of time, but they can still lay a solid foundation for Zhao Xun's cultivation path.

In many cases, practitioners are fighting for basic skills.

As long as the basic disk can be stabilized, the final cultivation level will not be too bad.

"Little 72, do you know what is the biggest obstacle in your practice now?"

Inside the bamboo building on the second floor, the head of the mountain asked leisurely while eating the lychees he had just brought from Lingnan.

"Ask the head of the mountain to enlighten me."

Zhao Xun's attitude was very respectful.

"Your biggest obstacle is not aptitude or other things, but your demons."

"Heart demon?"

Hearing this, Zhao Xun was stunned.

He obviously didn't expect this answer.

"The so-called inner demon refers to your obsession. If you don't get rid of your obsession, you will hesitate to do many things."

The head of the mountain sighed and said: "And you must maintain your original mind all the way in your practice. If your original mind changes, many other things will be affected."

Zhao Xun, who listened to the mountain chief's words, was covered in clouds and mist, and hurriedly asked: "Then mountain chief, my apprentice, how can I get rid of my demons, or how can I keep my heart."

Some things are easier said than done.The head of the mountain said it simply, but Zhao Xun really did not know how much effort he would have to put in.

"Well, it's difficult to say, and easy to say."

The head of the mountain said leisurely while stroking his beard: "My dear disciple, don't be in a hurry, you can eat a lychee first, and I will talk to you slowly as a teacher."


Zhao Xun slandered in his heart that the head of the mountain is really a top foodie.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems to be true. Lingnan is far away from Chang'an, and it is well known that only Lingnan can eat lychees.

In this way, even someone as strong as Shan Zhang will be very curious about this fruit from the southern country.

As soon as the lychees are delivered, in order to satisfy the desire of the appetite, it is natural to have a good meal.


Zhao Xun peeled a lychee, and then put it into his mouth, sucking the juice of the lychee with gusto.

In fact, Zhao Xun himself also likes food very much, and he never refuses fruit, especially the fruit from the south.

Like mangoes, lychees, strawberries, cherries, coconuts, anyone who comes is welcome.

In Zhao Xun's opinion, the biggest difference between northern fruits and southern fruits is that the northern fruits taste harder and more sour.The southern fruits are softer and sweeter.

The difference in taste between these two directly determines that Zhao Xun prefers to eat southern fruits.

"Wow, it's delicious, it's delicious."

At this moment, Zhao Xun also fully exposed the essence of foodie.

The head of the mountain who was watching laughed loudly.

"Little 72, you still have the nerve to say that you are a teacher. Look at you now, your mouth is watering."


Zhao Xun felt embarrassed for a while.

No, no, no, it won't be so embarrassing.

Is his eating really so indecent?
"Shan Zhang, my apprentice has finished eating, now you can speak."

Faced with Zhao Xun's urging, the head of the mountain was not annoyed at all.

He smiled lightly: "Actually, this practice is the same as eating fruit. You like to eat lychees, but you don't like to eat pears. But these lychees are not often available. When there are no lychees and only pears, do you eat them?"

Facing the mountain chief's aggressive question, Zhao Xun didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Does the head of the mountain think that this disciple should eat?"

"It depends on you. If you are a teacher, of course you will choose to eat pears. The reason is also very simple."

The head of the mountain paused for a while, and then continued: "Because eating pears is better than eating nothing. This is the heart of Taoism. If you can understand this, it will be of great benefit to your practice."

Holy crap, although Zhao Xun listened to the cloud and mist, he felt that it made sense.

Or how to say that the head of the mountain is an expert, even if the words are so cryptic, it still makes people feel unfathomable.

"That is to say, the head of the mountain hopes that I will not only delve into one direction of practice, but can multi-pronged and blossom in multiple places?"

"Of course."

Seeing Zhao Xun's understanding is so strong, the head of the mountain nodded in satisfaction.

"Many times we think that we must specialize in practice. Only in this way can we shine in a certain field. But in fact, this is wrong."

Shan Chang stroked his beard and said, "Cultivation in the world is one family. Don't look at the division of so many categories. But in the final analysis, they are all differentiated. He said that the sect and Confucianism seem to be completely different, but Many methods and determinations lead to the same goal.”

The head of the mountain spoke very carefully, and Zhao Xun listened very carefully.

Good guy, not everyone has the opportunity to eat the small stove opened by Shan Chang alone.

Zhao Xun got such an opportunity, so naturally he should seize it.

"Shan Zhang, this disciple still has a doubt, I hope Shan Zhang can answer."

"You said."

"The apprentice will always encounter some bottlenecks during his practice. These bottlenecks make the apprentice extremely annoying. Can you skip these bottlenecks?"

Practice is not a smooth road, but extremely rugged.

When encountering obstacles, normal people will want to take shortcuts.

But shortcuts are not so easy to take.

At least so far, Zhao Xun can feel many obstacles and difficulties.

"It's simple, just leave it alone."

Shan Changyun said calmly: "All the obstacles you think are actually not obstacles in the end, and all the difficulties you think are actually not difficulties in retrospect."

Fuck, the head of the mountain has been speaking more and more profoundly recently, and Zhao Xun sounds so powerful.

"But it's not easy to leave it alone."

It's like you know that there are difficulties here, but tell yourself not to look at it and don't care about it. You will feel guilty to some extent, right?

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, but this feeling did appear many times.

"Little 72, do you know why you are stuck at the sixth grade now?"

Shan Chang suddenly changed the subject.

The words of the head of the mountain really hit the nail on the head.

What Zhao Xun is most concerned about now is naturally the level of cultivation.

People living in this world will inevitably be classified into various grades.

Cultivation level is just one of them.

Just like there are three, six, and nine grades of people, the nine-rank cultivation base hierarchy is also to better divide the realm of practitioners.

Zhao Xun is now at the sixth rank, neither low nor high.

Although it is not bad for him to be promoted to three ranks in a row this year.But the foundation is still so weak that Zhao Xun is still far behind his brothers and sisters in terms of absolute strength.

This more or less made Zhao Xun feel a little ashamed.

I won’t talk about the three elder sisters, the second senior sister, and the third senior brother.

After all, they entered the academy early to worship under Shanchang's sect, so it is only natural that they have a higher level of cultivation.

Zhao Xun didn't dare to imagine that he could reach the cultivation level of the second rank in a short time.

But the sixth senior brother and the tenth senior brother can be compared after all.

The Sixth Senior Brother and the Tenth Senior Brother had good aptitude and good comprehension, so their cultivation level had already been promoted to the fourth rank and reached the realm of advanced practitioners.

Zhao Xun still hopes to be promoted to the fourth rank.

Because this is a very important step for practitioners.

As long as this step is taken, Zhao Xun will open the door to a new world, and another village will be brightened.

So Zhao Xun is looking forward to the advice from the head of the mountain.

"If you think about it this way, is it the difficulty of Confucian practice where you are stuck?"

The head of the mountain stared at Zhao Xun closely, staring at Zhao Xun a little faintly.

"That's right, the Confucian practice method is relatively fixed. But the more so, the more difficult it is for disciples to find a breakthrough."

"So, why don't you change your mind?"

The head of the mountain paused and said: "It is said that stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. If you change your mind, maybe the problem will be solved."

The words of the mountain chief made Zhao Xun suddenly enlightened.

"That is to say, we can use Taoism's Heart Art to solve Confucian problems. We can also use Confucian Heart Art to solve Taoist problems. In this way, we can achieve the goal of mutual improvement?"

Common improvement is easy to say, but it is really difficult to do.

Zhao Xun has always felt that these cultivation systems seem to be fighting each other, and it seems that no one agrees with the other.

Zhao Xun suffered from mediation, it was unbearable.

"Yes, if you can understand this, it will not be difficult to improve your cultivation level."

The words of the head of the mountain really made Zhao Xun very happy.

He has reached the gate of the mountain.

"Remember, don't try to force it deliberately. It doesn't matter if you find that this road is blocked, just go on another road. Cultivation is nothing more than trial and error. The higher the ability of those who try and make mistakes, the higher the realm they can achieve .”

Practice is trial and error?

Zhao Xun was stunned for a moment.But after thinking about it carefully, he felt that Shan Chang's words made sense.

Yes, isn’t practice just trial and error?
Zhao Xun just puts too much emphasis on getting it right once.

But it's really hard to get it right the first time.Even if he is as strong as a mountain, he should have made many detours and bumped into walls when he practiced, right?

Even if the mountain chief was later promoted to the super-grade realm, wouldn't he still be trial and error afterwards?
After all, there are so-called rules in the Ninth Rank practice realm system, but there are no rules at all after being promoted to the Super Rank, or it is the practitioners themselves who make the rules.

This is also the reason why the head of the mountain, the high priest of the Demon Sect, the Nanman Witch Gu Master, and the Dongyue Sword Master are both super-level practitioners, but their combat power is so much worse.

To put it bluntly, super-grade practitioners rely on understanding.

Whoever has a higher comprehension ability will naturally be able to comprehend more things.

Naturally, the higher the level of cultivation, the higher the level.

"Little 72, you have to remember, don't be afraid of going wrong. If you go the wrong way, you just turn back. There is nothing wrong with being wrong. I am afraid that you will be afraid of making mistakes and thus close yourself up. This is the first step for a practitioner. It’s a big taboo, if you walk into a dead end, it’s hard to get out.”

The head of the mountain spoke very seriously and earnestly, and his eyes never left Zhao Xun from the beginning to the end.

Zhao Xun nodded and said, "Shan Zhang, this disciple has written it down."

"Give it a try when you go back today and see if you can make a breakthrough."

"Follow orders, Chief Shan."

The words of the head of the mountain undoubtedly planted a seed in Zhao Xun's heart, and Zhao Xun believed that one day this seed would take root and sprout.

When Zhao Xun returned to his residence, he began to try to break through obstacles with the determination of other cultivation systems.

It has proven to be very effective.

At this moment, Zhao Xun's insurmountable barrier seemed so easy to cross.

"Good guy, if I knew this, I should have asked the head of the mountain earlier. How many detours have I taken over the years."

Zhao Xun felt helpless in his heart.

You want to save face and kill people.

If he hadn't had such a good face back then, maybe his current level of cultivation would be even higher.

"It seems that in the future, I should ask the old man Shanzhang for advice. After all, the old man Shanzhang has eaten more salt than I have eaten."

If someone starts a small stove, Zhao Xun's growth rate will also increase accordingly. I believe it will not take long to finally reach the fourth rank.

"Now, I can be considered free to do a big job. Since it is Wenquxing descending to earth, it is natural to show the strength that Wenquxing descends to earth. I can't make people laugh."

Zhao Xun also has a very strong personality. He believes that in time he will become the pride of the academy and the pride of the head of the mountain.

"I seem to have touched the threshold of the fifth-rank realm!"

Zhao Xun was very excited!

This is the latest time he has come into contact with the fifth grade during this period of time!
If he can be promoted strongly, it will be considered a considerable achievement during this period of time.

"Strike while the iron is hot, we must strike while the iron is hot, and strive to break through today."

Cultivation is not an easy and simple thing, if you catch the opportunity, Zhao Xun must not miss it.

The news of the great victory at Shazhou spread to the capital, and Emperor Xianlong finally showed a gleam of joy on his gloomy face.

The death of King Wei was a great blow to Emperor Xianlong.

Seeing Emperor Xianlong getting thinner day by day, Zheng Jie felt very uncomfortable.

He was afraid that His Majesty the Emperor would not be able to figure out what would be good or bad, if it really happened like this, there would be chaos.

Emperor Xianlong's level of power and skill was at its peak.

In the past 30 years, the court has been as stable as Mount Tai under the control of Emperor Xianlong, without any waves.

But right now is an eventful time, if Emperor Xianlong really has any accident, a series of chain reactions will appear.

It is inevitable that the kings will be the first to fight for power.

Although the crown prince is strong, the kings are not easy-going lamps.

It is about the position of supreme, and no one among the kings will give up until the last moment.

After all, the temptation of power is too great, one is a ruler and the other is a minister is really a world of difference.

But as long as Emperor Xianlong is in good health, he will be under control if there is no problem with his health.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty. Congratulations to Your Majesty. Tens of thousands of rebels in the Western Regions were wiped out in one fell swoop in the Battle of Shazhou, which can be said to have severely damaged the rebels' vitality. Since then, their strength has been greatly reduced, and our army's recovery of the Western Regions is just around the corner."

Zheng Jie is very good at flattering, and he always makes Emperor Xianlong look like a fairy.

For Emperor Xianlong, this great victory was tantamount to blowing the horn of the Dazhou army's counterattack.

The recovery of the Western Regions is just around the corner.

"As long as I take down the Western Regions, I will be able to avenge my shame!"

Emperor Xianlong clenched his fists, and secretly vowed that this time, he would give these beards at both ends of the first mouse a lesson and look at them.

"Pass the decree, order Liu Lin to take advantage of the victory and pursue, strive to regain the Western Regions, and make meritorious deeds!"

At this moment, Emperor Xianlong was glad that he treated Liu Lin coldly, neither blaming nor rewarding.

Under such circumstances, Liu Lin would naturally be grateful to Emperor Xianlong.

This time Emperor Xianlong was right.

Feng Hao was in a complicated mood.

Zhao Xun's astonishing resignation made Feng Hao not know how to deal with it for a while.

After all, Zhao Xun was brought out by himself, and Feng Hao felt very uncomfortable just resigning from his position as a bad person.

But he also knew it was inevitable.

Because Zhao Xun killed the King of Wei, he had already torn face with Emperor Xianlong.

Whether the king of Wei rebelled or treason, he is a prince after all.Emperor Xianlong could dispose of King Wei at will, but Zhao Xun did not have this power.

It can be said that Zhao Xun really broke the taboo this time.

Resignation may be the best option.

There is nothing wrong with resigning.But Zhao Xun's way of resigning from office was a bit too direct.

Without hesitation, he entered the palace and slapped Emperor Xianlong in the face, and even moved the old man Shan Zhang out.

No matter how you look at it, it is not giving the emperor face.

Feng Hao can only hope that Zhao Xun will be lucky in the future.

After all, they have a friendship, and Feng Hao also hopes that Zhao Xun will have smooth sailing in the future.

With the protection of the head of the mountain, Zhao Xun's road should be easy, right?

"Senior Brother Six, can you stop telling me about Feng Shui Kanyu, I'm really not interested"

After experiencing the novelty for the initial period, Zhao Xun gradually realized the sadness of living in the academy.

Zhao Xun has the youngest seniority and the most junior qualifications.

Let alone the head of the mountain, any senior brother or sister can handle him.

The brothers and sisters called, Zhao Xun naturally couldn't ignore it.

In this way, Zhao Xun is either practicing martial arts with the elder sister, or arranging flowers with the second elder sister, or listening to the third elder brother bragging, listening to the sixth elder brother's lecture on geomancy and geomantic omen, and making paper figurines with the tenth elder brother.

This is really hopeless.

But Zhao Xun didn't dare to resist, because essentially there was nothing wrong with what they did.

"Junior brother, don't be impatient. Do you know how difficult it is to master Fengshui? I won't teach other people even if they want to learn it."

The sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou saw Zhao Xun like this, so he put on airs as a senior brother.

"Uh, but I really don't need these."

"Why can't it be used!"

Upon hearing this, the sixth senior brother quit.

"Didn't you always want to go to Mobei to find the high priest of the Demon Sect? If you go to Mobei like this, you must be like a headless chicken with black eyes."

The Sixth Senior Brother said mercilessly: "The Mozong practiced the technique of the most yin. If you practiced the technique of Fengshui and Kanyu, it would be very easy to find them."


Zhao Xun was surprised when he heard this.

"You're saying that we can find the High Priest of the Demon Sect by relying on Feng Shui Kanyu!"

Zhao Xun was extremely excited.

Since the head of the mountain said that the high priest of the Demon Sect and the black wizard have the same origin and are likely to open the door of darkness, Zhao Xun vowed to find him.

Although Zhao Xun couldn't beat the high priest of the Demon Sect, but the head of the mountain could beat him.

Shan Zhang is a cultivator of top luck, and he simply doesn't know how to lose if he goes head-to-head with the High Priest of the Demon Sect.

"Thank you Sixth Brother for your suggestion."

Zhao Xun was extremely excited.

"Senior Brother Six, continue talking quickly, I want to learn geomancy and feng shui."


Now it was Lu Guangdou's turn to be speechless.

Lu Guangdou pondered for a long time and Fang Lang said: "You have to remember, what our geomancy and feng shui art is about making the best use of the situation. It must not be forced."

After a short pause, Lu Guangdou said in a deep voice: "If you want to learn Fengshui, you must first meditate. You must have no distracting thoughts in your mind."

"Come, meditate with me."

Lu Guangdou said lightly.

"it is good."

Zhao Xun followed Lu Guangdou and began to meditate.

"Empty yourself and get rid of all distracting thoughts. Be mindful of nothing else."


Zhao Xun obeyed.

"What do you see?"

"I saw the vast prairie."

"Cows and sheep appear in the meadows blown by the wind."

"Go ahead."

Lu Guangdou is guiding Zhao Xun forward.

Zhao Xun felt that this feeling was very strange.

He seemed to be dreaming, but the dream was very real.

"What's ahead?"

"It's a sparkling lake."

"Go around."

"What do you see?"

"There are many golden fish in the lake, and there are birds with red wings by the lake."

Zhao Xun swallowed and spit.


Lu Guangdou's expression changed.

"The bird with red wings is a good omen, go and grab a feather from it."

"it is good."

Zhao Xun walked up to the big bird and pulled off a feather.

The feather instantly turned golden, extremely resplendent.

The sixth brother Lu Guangdou's guidance was very effective, and Zhao Xun saw many things that he couldn't see normally.

There are sunny ones, and some very dark ones.

Zhao Xun can see all the ghosts and sprites.


For a moment, Zhao Xun felt that this geomancy and feng shui technique was really miraculous.

"If you want to find the high priest of the Demon Sect, it is the easiest and most convenient way to find the evil spirit."

Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, paused and said, "So you have to practice hard, and you must achieve superb skills."

"Good sixth brother."

Zhao Xun was very excited, even full of energy.

Practicing Fengshui Kanyu all day is a great challenge for Zhao Xun.

Not just physically, but mentally as well.

Looking at the evil things all the time makes people feel sick to the stomach.

Zhao Xun must learn to control his emotions and not be easily influenced by foreign objects.

But rest is always needed. For Zhao Xun, the best way to rest is to listen to the second senior sister Liu Yingying play the piano.

Both Liu Yingying and Zhulin Sword Fairy Yao Yan are good players at playing the qin, and it would be even better if the two qin were combined.

Ordinary people are naturally without blessings, but Zhao Xun is special.

Zhao Xun is a junior brother who is loved by everyone, and flowers bloom when they see flowers.

In ordinary households, the youngest is always the most favored.

The same applies to colleges.

Basically, as long as Zhao Xun speaks, the brothers and sisters will not refuse.

Zhao Xun seems to have a magical nature, which makes people love him very much.

Second Senior Sister naturally wouldn't refuse Zhao Xun's request, and even specially formed a group with Bamboo Forest Sword Immortal Yao Yan.

This combination is also absolutely perfect, definitely the strongest lineup.

As soon as the experts make a move, they will know if there is any.

The piano skills of Second Senior Sister and Zhulin Sword Immortal have always been much higher than those of all the luthiers in the Duke's Mansion.

Zhao Xun listened to it and enjoyed it so much that he wanted to die.

"Little brother, don't just be intoxicated. Learn the essence of it!"

Seeing Zhao Xun's intoxicated state, the second senior sister Liu Yingying said angrily.

"What, you can have the essence of playing the piano?"

"Nonsense, playing the piano can interfere with a person's mind, especially the mind of a practitioner, making them lose their combat effectiveness in a short period of time."

The second senior sister glared at Zhao Xun and said, "You think I like playing the piano for no reason, right? Junior brother, remember, for a practitioner, anything that has nothing to do with cultivation is a waste of time."

"Tsk tsk, thank you Second Senior Sister for your advice, little 72 has learned this time."

I have to say that the words of the second senior sister are really quintessential, and Zhao Xun has learned a lot from them.

"Then you should learn more. Freezing three feet is not a one-day cold, and it is not an easy thing to learn to master this piano skill."

The second senior sister puffed out her chest arrogantly, with a very smug expression.

"Second Senior Sister, there is a sentence that I don't know whether to say or not."

"Since you think it's inappropriate to say it, then you don't have to say it."

Zhao Xun almost lost his temper when he heard this.

This second senior sister doesn't follow the routine at all.

"Uh, Second Senior Sister, you really know how to joke, but I still want to say it."

"Then what are you talking about, why are you playing with these flower boards with me here?"

"Uh, actually, I just want to ask if playing the piano can interfere with the Mozong practitioners?"

The second senior sister said that playing the piano can interfere with practitioners, and Mozong practitioners are also practitioners.

So in theory, playing the piano is also effective for Mozong practitioners.

But Zhao Xun still wanted to confirm it again.

"Of course it works, and the sound of the zither is heavenly for the cultivators of the Demon Sect."

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

Zhao Xun was shocked.

This zither practice technique is actually Tianke against the Demon Sect!

This is too cool, right?

You must know that Zhao Xun made up his mind to go to Mobei to find the trace of the high priest of the Demon Sect.

So he specifically asked his brothers and sisters for advice.

The sixth senior brother taught him the art of geomantic omen, and the second senior sister taught him the practice of piano music.

What Zhao Xun learned is very aimed at cultivators of the Demon Sect.

But that alone is not enough.

Zhao Xun still has to learn more skills from his brothers and sisters.

Zhao Xun never fights unprepared battles, because in his opinion, it is no different from suicide.

Before he went to Mobei, he had to practice his internal skills hard to make sure there was nothing wrong.

"Little brother, don't be so arrogant, you have nothing to go to Mobei to find the high priest of the Demon Sect? Even the head of the mountain is not sure that he will be able to find him."

Seeing Zhao Xun following behind him like a follower to learn art, the third senior brother Long Qingquan was numb.

Zhao Xun didn't feel the slightest bit of embarrassment, he smiled and said, "Isn't this my response to the old man's call from the head of the mountain? What the head of the mountain advocates is teaching without discrimination, so each brother and sister specialize in something different. .I can't go to bother the old man every time, can I? So I can only ask my brothers and sisters to suffer more."

Long Qingquan rolled his eyes and said: "You boy is really good at speaking, if I refuse to accept anyone, I will obey you."

"Forget it, what do you want to learn?"

Long Qingquan found that he couldn't say no to Zhao Xun, so he could only agree to teach Zhao Xun his unique skills.

"Of course I want to learn swordsmanship from my third senior brother."

Zhao Xun said without hesitation.

"Learn sword?"

"That's right, the third senior brother is very good at swordsmanship. I will definitely gain a lot from learning swords from you."

When it comes to flattering Zhao Xun's ability is really unique.

Long Qingquan shook his head again and again and said: "I can't learn it, I really can't learn it. Come on, come on, I will show you a set of sword skills first."

Long Qingquan shouted for the sword to come, and the Buried Flower Sword automatically flew out of the scabbard and flew into his hand.

In fact, Long Qingquan didn't value the title of Sword Immortal at all.What he values ​​more is the connection between himself and the sword.

This kind of connection is sometimes very strange, which can only be understood but not expressed in words.

"The way of the sword is simply the way of the heart. The unity of the sword and the heart is the highest level of the way of the sword. As long as you can reach this level, you will be able to defeat a hundred with one."

"With one against a hundred, isn't the Great Sword Immortal against one against ten thousand?"

Zhao Xun recalled the legend that Yang Zhishui, Bashu Sword Immortal, held back a hundred thousand troops at Jianmen Pass almost by himself, and questioned almost instinctively.

Long Qingquan rolled his eyes and said: "Who told you that? One against ten thousand, there is some exaggeration in it. Not to mention anything else, just talk about physical strength, I'm afraid I won't be able to withstand it."

"My teacher, Daoist Qinglian, told me."

Zhao Xun specially emphasized.After all, he had too many masters, not just one at all.

It's easy to make trouble in this situation, so it's better to make it clear.

(End of this chapter)

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