big week bad guy

Chapter 30 White Zombies

Chapter 30 White Zombies

Likes gather together and people are divided into groups. Zhao Xun is originally a literary youth, so he naturally likes to get along with literary youths.

The literary accomplishment shown by Li Jianye made Zhao Xun interested in continuing to chat with him.

The two exchanged cups and cups, and had a good talk.

After a short time, I was already slightly drunk.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Zhao Xun got up to say goodbye.

Generally speaking, getting along with Li Jianye today is still very pleasant. There are many friends and many paths, let alone the son of Prince Qi.

Whether it is status or resources, Li Jianye is top-notch.

Zhao Xun felt that it would be useful to get a place for His Royal Highness in the future.

When the horse galloped all the way back to the bad person's office, the evening drum was already sounding.

Zhao Xun breathed a sigh of relief.

After the evening drum, there is a curfew. Although the bad guys and the watchmen are the only ones who can walk on the streets after the curfew, Zhao Xun still doesn't want to cause trouble.

Otherwise, it would be a troublesome matter if one were to get to the bottom of it.

But he said that after he returned to the government office, he saw Jia Xingwen and Pan Wangcai's gloomy and troubled faces, and his heart skipped a beat.

"Brother Jia, what happened?"

"Wu Ci is dead."

Jia Xingwen said with great grief: "He should have been dead for several days, but the body was only discovered today.

Wu Ci is the dark chess of bad people. Compared with those bad people who live on the bright side, the living environment of dark chess is worse, and there is a possibility of sudden death at any time.

Once their identities are exposed, their lives may be in danger.

But it is precisely because the bad guys have these hidden moves that they can obtain a lot of useful information and play the role of monitoring the officials.

Zhao Xun only heard Jia Xingwen mentioned Wu Ci on weekdays, and he didn't know much about him, so he asked, "Brother Jia, where was Wu Ci's body found?"

"It was in Changlefang, which was originally his area. He should have been killed after his identity was exposed."

Jia Xingwen clenched his fists tightly, his veins bulged, and his eyes were full of anger.

"Where is the body now?"

"It's in the yamen."

"Brother Jia, please don't get excited. Let's go look at the corpse first and see if we can find any clues. Wangcai, stay here and come to me immediately if you need anything."

Zhao Xun felt helpless, he didn't expect that when he went to Leyouyuan for a banquet, this kind of thing happened in the Yamen of bad people.

Those who dare to kill bad people in Chang'an City must be either rich or noble.

What made Zhao Xun even more uneasy was that he vaguely felt that the death of the supervisory censor He Yuanshan was behind this incident.

I hope it's all just overthinking.

It can be seen that Jia Xingwen and Wu Ci have a very good personal relationship, Zhao Xun will definitely do his best to investigate and give Jia Xingwen an explanation.

Bad people have their own big prisons, and prisoners who were killed are interrogated every day, and their bodies are temporarily parked in the morgue.

Wu Ci's body was also there.

Zhao Xun and Jia Xingwen hurriedly arrived, Zhao Xun took a deep breath and lifted the white cloth covering the corpse.

Seeing the tragic state of the corpse, Zhao Xun couldn't help but gasped.

The corpse was thin and shriveled, with a pale complexion, as if it had been sucked dry.

Totally a corpse!
Zhao Xun tried his best to calm himself down, and then asked: "Brother Jia, has the body been examined by Wu Zuo?"

Jia Xingwen choked with sobs and said, "After the examination, there is not even a spot on this corpse, let alone a wound."

"It's not like being injured to death by a person at all, but like a monster."

Jia Xingwen was obviously agitated, and his whole body was trembling.

Zhao Xun frowned, carefully thinking about various possibilities.

There are monsters in this world, otherwise Jia Xingwen wouldn't think it was done by monsters after He Yushi's tragic death.

But this is only a possibility, not to say that the corpse must be sucked dry by a monster if it is a mummy.

It is said that seeing is believing and hearing is believing.

But in the world of practitioners, what you see may not be true, because it may be a deception.

Everything still has to be judged after the autopsy.

With the previous experience, Zhao Xun did not have much confidence in the work of the bad guys.

"Brother Jia, come and help me find some hot charcoal ash, and spread it on the ground. I have a way to restore the body."

Restore the body?
Jia Xingwen was skeptical.But he had already seen Zhao Xun's ability before, so he turned and left with the attitude of giving it a try.

Time to show real technology!
Zhao Xun tried his best to recall the details he saw in the autopsy classics in his previous life, and sorted out the details one by one.

When Jia Xingwen found the hot charcoal ashes, he said loudly: "Brother Jia, spread the hot charcoal ashes on the ground, just as long and wide as the corpse."

After finishing speaking, he took the thin cloth covering the corpse, covered it on the hot charcoal ash, and then took water to spray the cloth slightly damp.

"Brother Jia, let's put the body on it and lie on our backs."

The two lifted one side and placed Wu Ci's body on top of the wet cloth.

"Take a piece of cloth and cover the head, face and limbs. Then sprinkle hot charcoal on the corpse, and then cover the corpse with a soaked cloth."

After one operation, Zhao Xun was already dripping with sweat.

Now that the corpse has been sandwiched by hot charcoal ash and thin cloth into the shape of three plus two, the next thing to do is to wait.

"Brother Jia, we have to wait for an hour now. By then, the flesh of the corpse will definitely become soft. Now it's time to rest for a while. By the way, is there any hot vinegar in the yamen?"

"Hot vinegar? What do you want hot vinegar for?"

"Go get it anyway, I have a wonderful use."

Zhao Xun paused, and then continued: "By the way, take some green onions, pepper, salt, white plums, and distiller's grains."

Now Jia Xingwen was even more confused.

This is not cooking, what to do with so many ingredients.

But now he has full trust in Zhao Xun, no matter what Zhao Xun says, he will do it.

After about a moment, Jia Xingwen found some materials, Zhao Xun did not hesitate to mix them together and mash them, made them into pancake racks and heated them on the fire.

When an hour was up, the flesh of the corpse began to soften. Zhao Xun first scrubbed the corpse with hot vinegar, then lined the corpse with paper, and then scalded the corpse with high-temperature baked pancakes. Then, scars appeared on the neck of the corpse.

Wu Ci was strangled to death!
In order to cover up the truth, the murderer turned Wu Ci's body into a mummy, so that bad people think it was done by a monster!
The details of this case are exactly the same as those of the imperial censor He Yuanshan's murder. Zhao Xun would not believe it if he said it was not done by the same gang!
"Who killed Wu Ci, I must find him out!"

Jia Xingwen roared wildly, completely losing control of his emotions.

Zhao Xun comforted from the side: "Brother Jia, I will definitely investigate to the end with you, and there will be a day when the truth comes to light."



(End of this chapter)

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