big week bad guy

Chapter 316 The Vajra Grandmaster from the Western Regions

Chapter 316 The King Kong Grandmaster from the Western Regions (nearly 20000 words super chapter)
Zhao Xun couldn't believe that his dream would become a reality.

When he saw the huge dragon, which was extremely strong and could cover the sky and the sun with its wings outstretched, he was dumbfounded.

There really is such a big dragon...
Zhao Xun swallowed a mouthful of spit, and forced himself to calm down.

The question he thinks of now is how to communicate?

After all, the language of the two parties should be incomparable, right?

Zhao Xun tentatively asked: "Who are you? Where are you from?"

Surprisingly, the other party was able to understand.

"Although I think the language you speak is very strange, I still want to remind you that I have the ability to automatically convert all languages."

Without any hesitation, Lauren said straight to the point.

Hiss, is it so scary?It has the ability to automatically convert languages.

This is a top-level strange technique.

In Zhao Xun's opinion, this ability is no worse than those of calling wind and rain.

Because human nature is to communicate constantly.

It is easy to have poor information without communication, and some people are born to use poor information to do things.

"Uh, it's much simpler to say this, but you haven't answered my question yet, who are you? Where do you come from?"

Zhao Xun repeated again.

"We are dragon people, from the continent of Alan Lore."

Lauren said flatly, without any emotion in his tone.

"Tsk tsk."

Sure enough, Zhao Xun really gave the right information.

These guys are really from the far away continent of Ellen Lore.

There is no doubt that the two worlds were originally parallel to each other.

Without the Dark Gate forcibly linking them together, it would be impossible for Zhao Xun to see the people of the Dragon Clan and the fantasy dragon in his life.

But now all this has become a reality.

"Very well, it's not rude to come and go, then I will introduce myself."

Zhao Xun cleared his throat and said, "I'm from Da Zhou, my name is Zhao Xun. This is Zhongnan Mountain within the jurisdiction of Chang'an, and the specific location we are in is Haoran Academy. I'm also a disciple of the mountain chief, the kind who enters the house."

Zhao Xun introduced himself very simply and simply, with a frank appearance.

There is really nothing to hide. Since we have to meet sooner or later, it is better to meet sooner than later.

"Maybe we've met somewhere, you look familiar."

Lauren said in a deep voice.

Fuck, isn't it, not you, he also feels this way?

Zhao Xun said why he looked familiar, so that was the reason.

Maybe we met in a dream?
Maybe they don't know each other, just a glimpse?
I don't know, Zhao Xun really doesn't know.
"Maybe it's because we are destined."

Zhao Xun found a reason that couldn't be more vulgar, but it was very versatile.

Lauren nodded slightly and said, "That's a good reason, I like it."

Zhao Xun felt that it was necessary to start some in-depth exchanges, so he asked tentatively: "You came to our world through the portal of darkness, right? Are you dragons not the only ones who came through the portal of darkness?"


Lauren said decisively: "Everyone wants to explore the new world very much, so they can't wait to walk through the corridor and open the door of darkness."

"What tribe are the people here?"

"I don't know the specifics, but there may be trolls, orcs, elves, humans, dwarves. Of course, there are also undead and demons."

Lauren thought about it carefully.

Good guy, it's really exciting!
Zhao Xun is really convinced now, it is clearly a battle in the Western Fantasy World.

In this kind of chaotic battle, various forces take turns to fight, who can have the last laugh?
Zhao Xun suddenly felt like he was shooting a TV series or movie.

"There should be a distinction between good and evil, right?"

"of course."

Lauren said very seriously: "The undead and demons are invaders. Their purpose is to kill people of all other races, and at worst they will turn all people of other races into slaves."


Sure enough, wherever they went, these two races were all evil forces.

Probably because they are ugly.

It's not their fault to be ugly, but it's their fault to be ugly and scary.

"Are the undead and demons so powerful?"

"They are indeed very powerful because their souls are polluted. They believe in the God of Darkness, that is, the devil. They have sold their souls to the devil in exchange for a lot of energy."

Why does this sound so familiar?

Well, it is the way of the Mozong.

The high priest of the Demon Sect is actually similar to a dark wizard.

"Can't you win together?"

"Combined together, it is barely possible to draw, but it is impossible to win. This is a powerful tribe that obtains power from the Devil's Eye."

Roren sighed and said: "That's why we chose to escape. The continent of Alan Lore has been polluted. Demons and undead ruled there. Except for a few independent states, basically most of the land is in their Rule under the power of lust."

Zhao Xun was terrified after hearing this.

"So if they come after them, there will still be a fierce battle?"

"Yes, the Great War is inevitable."

"So I have another purpose here, and that is to form an alliance with you."

Lauren said very simply.

"Uh, an alliance?"

Zhao Xun didn't expect that the other party came here just to form an alliance.

"I'm afraid I can't make the decision. I have to ask other people's opinions."

Zhao Xun spread his hands and said, "Please forgive me."

"It's okay."

Lauren's attitude is very good.

After Zhao Xun turned and left, he went straight to the bamboo forest.

"Elder Sister, Second Senior Sister, Third Senior Brother, I'm back."

After Zhao Xun came to the bamboo building, he greeted immediately.

"I just saw the Dragon Clan."

"Dragon Clan? Emperor Xianlong is here?"


Zhao Xun had to say that the brain circuits of the third brother Long Qingquan were very strange.

How did Emperor Xianlong get connected with the Dragon Clan?

No one really thinks that the emperor is the real dragon emperor, right?No way?No way?
"Tsk tsk, no, it's a tribe from another world. They can tame dragons, so they often travel on dragons."

"What kind of dragon?"

Sixth Senior Brother Lu Guangdou asked curiously.

"The black-winged dragon is so big"

Zhao Xun made a gesture.

This reminded him of a sentence, Kun is so big that it cannot be stewed in a pot.

"tsk tsk"

"They want to form an alliance with us to fight against demons and undead."

"Wait. What do demons and undead mean?"

The third brother Long Qingquan only felt dizzy.

"Little brother, please slow down, the rhythm is too fast and I can't keep up."


Zhao Xun had no choice but to slow down and said: "That's it, their world is called the Alan Lore Continent. There are many tribes in that world, and the evil ones are the undead and demons. They keep encroaching on the territories of other tribes. That's why they I want to explore new worlds through the Dark Portal."

After Zhao Xun finished speaking, all the brothers and sisters began to discuss with gusto.

"Tsk tsk tsk is really interesting. It seems that we can consider forming an alliance. But compared to forming an alliance, I am more interested in what the demon and the undead look like."

Demons and undead are obviously the dark forces that the younger brother said.

They not only invaded the homes of other races, but also wantonly hurt the people of other races.

Such a tribe should be vicious, three-headed and six-armed, right?

"Don't think about it yet."

Zhao Xun seemed a little helpless.

"The most important thing right now is to make a quick decision. If I decide to form an alliance, I will go and talk to them right away. I feel that according to this progress, the undead and demons will attack soon."

"Uh, okay, junior brother, you can take full responsibility."

The third brother Long Qingquan simply delegated power to Zhao Xun.

In his opinion, Zhao Xun is very experienced in dealing with these things, and professional people do professional things.

This is what the junior brother himself said, and Long Qingquan deeply believed it.

"We agree to form an alliance, provided that your people abide by the rules here."

Zhao Xun asked openly and honestly.

In his view, since an alliance is to be discussed, the two sides must treat each other honestly, and there is no need to hide it.

"Well, no problem."

Lauren simply agreed.

"We will abide by the rules here and will not go beyond."

"Okay, then welcome to come to Zhongnan Mountain and come to the academy."

Zhao Xun felt relieved.

In fact, he was also very nervous.

Because the head of the mountain is still recovering from his injuries, it is a problem to resist the high priest of the Demon Sect with the current strength of everyone in the academy, let alone the undead and demons.

With the strong support of the Dragon Clan, I feel more or less at ease.

"Where do we live?"

Lauren asked in harmony.

In his view housing is a primary issue.

Only when they live well can the clan members have a sense of belonging, and they will work hard in future wars.

"It's in the back mountain, come with us."

Lauren said softly, "Okay."

"Although the house is simpler, it is still very unique."

Lauren roughly turned around and said to himself.

"Having a break here may help relieve our weary bodies."

Rest is essential.Only when you are rested can you have the strength to fight.

"Don't think about combat, first get familiar with the environment here."

"This is the most beautiful place in the entire Chang'an City. You must not want to leave after staying here for a long time."

"Well, if you have something you don't understand, come and ask me again, I'm more than happy."

Zhao Xun turned around and left after bringing him there.

He knew that at this time, he had to leave enough space for the other party.

"Tsk tsk tsk, little junior brother really has you. Just a few words and a few words made a strong support."

"Yeah, now we are even more powerful and we are no longer afraid of the devil sect and black wizards."

"There are also undead and demons, let them eat farts?"

Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan waved his fist excitedly.

Long Qingquan is the one with the most stress these days.

He has to pretend to be the head of the mountain, and he has to pretend to be so lifelike that no one can see his flaws.

Otherwise, the entire academy will face a catastrophe.

This is not a joke, so Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, can be said to have put all the pressure on his shoulders.

But he can't say that he can't complain, he can only bear it slowly.

But now he finally doesn't have to suffer silently.

The little junior brother is really striving to make such a powerful ally.

Long Qingquan once saw those giant dragons with his own eyes.

These are big, grumpy guys.

With them in the academy, the chances of winning have increased a bit.

"This swamp is too big."

The high priest of Mozong wiped the sweat from his forehead and let out a long sigh.

"Can you do it?"

Augustine, the leader of the black wizard, expressed doubts about the High Priest of the Demon Sect.

"You said this is the road to the south, the road to Chang'an, but we have been wandering around here for more than ten days, but we still can't get out."

"Yeah, what the hell is going on, if this continues, we're going to be crazy."

Francis also started complaining.

"Don't worry."

The high priest of Mozong wiped his sweat again: "I'm going out soon."

Not being able to use teleportation is really troublesome.

If he could use the teleportation technique, he would have arrived by now.

But these words cannot be said by the high priest of the Demon Sect to the black wizards, because the black wizards are obviously angry now.

If you say something you don't like to hear at this time, it will really set you on fire.

Of course the high priest of the Demon Sect would not do such a foolish thing.

He still needs the dark wizards now, so of course he has to try his best to please them.

Moreover, the high priest of the Demon Sect is now in a difficult situation, so he can only bite the bullet and persevere.

Hope to have a good result.

The high priest of the Mozong secretly begged the God of Darkness to bless him in his heart.

The Zichen Hall of Daming Palace.

Emperor Xianlong looked at the reports sent back from all over the frontier, and felt a little settled.

Emperor Xianlong was panicked when he learned that foreign races invaded through the Dark Gate.

If Zheng Jie hadn't tried his best to comfort Emperor Xianlong, he might really be overwhelmed.

Later, Emperor Xianlong suppressed the fear in his heart and ordered all the ministries to return to King Jingqin.

This includes not only frontier troops such as Anxi Army and Jiannan Army, but also recruits from Jiangnan Road.

For a time, hundreds of thousands of troops were marching towards Chang'an.

Emperor Xianlong's hanging heart can be considered to be let go.

"Companion, it stands to reason that the army is enough now, but if there is a real fight, can the practitioners withstand it?"

The lack of practitioners is the eternal pain in Emperor Xianlong's heart.

Especially now that the academy is on the opposite side of the imperial court.

"There's really no good way to do this."

Zheng Jie said truthfully.

"We can only make good use of the existing strength."

"Well, I see."

Emperor Xianlong sighed: "Now this is the only way to go. If you have the Tao, do your best and listen to the fate. I believe that the fate is still on my side."

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Zheng Jie quickly flattered us and said, "Actually, the current situation is still very good for us. As long as we don't waste our time fighting and stick to it, we will definitely be able to hold on."

After all, there are large formations and restrictions in Chang'an City.

As long as they strictly guard against death, the possibility of defending is extremely high.

"The situation is improving now, Your Majesty still needs to take care of the dragon body. You alone are the blessing of all people in the world. As long as you are in Jiangshan, you will be there. As long as you are in Dazhou, you will be here."

Qian Chuan Wan wears flattery and does not wear it, Zheng Jie's flattering is very useful to Emperor Xianlong, he stroked his beard in satisfaction and said: "I hope so."

"The night fell, and the land was dark. All the creatures hid underground, and then the storm continued for several months."

Zhao Xun told the story to the little loli Zhao Danshu very seriously, and it can even be described vividly.

"That's it. People who hid underground have evolved superpowers. They have supernatural hearing, extraordinary eyesight, and extraordinary sense of smell. They can hunt any prey, and they can hunt prey that is far stronger than themselves."

When Zhao Xun said this, he found that the girl was a little panicked, so he comforted her: "Sister, don't be afraid. These are all stories, and it's all over, it's over"

He patted Zhao Danshu on the back lightly and hummed the legendary nursery rhyme.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, Huluhulu Mao can't be scared, Hulu's head is scared for a while."

Gradually, under Zhao Xun's comfort, Zhao Danshu calmed down.

She is like a docile kitten, snuggling tightly to her brother's side to seek a sense of security.

What an insecure little guy.

Soon little Lolita fell asleep, Zhao Xun picked her up and put her on the bed, and covered her with a quilt.

Zhao Xun then walked out of the house and went straight to the ink wash pool.

I don't know if I don't go, but I was shocked when I went.

I saw Pippi Shrimp White Flood Dragon and Dark Wings giant fire-breathing dragon sticking together like glue.

Zhao Xun's eyes widened, he was shocked!

This is simply a pure friendship that transcends species!
"Pippi shrimp, let's go!"

For some reason, Zhao Xun felt a little bit of jealousy.

Although there is only a trace, it still exists.

Zhao Xun can't lie.

Bai Jiaolong has a spirit, and he noticed something strange.

It immediately rushed to Zhao Xun's side and rubbed its head against Zhao Xun, as if it meant it was wrong and asked for comfort.

Well, there is really nothing we can do about him.

Zhao Xun had no choice but to pat Pippi Shrimp on the head, and then jumped up lightly.

"Good guy, it's really boring."

Zhao Xun couldn't laugh or cry when he saw the giant fire-breathing dragon with Dark Wings drooling not far away.


Zhao Xun shouted, and Bai Jiaolong soared into the sky.

Not far away, the giant fire-breathing dragon, Dark Wings, was unwilling to be lonely when he saw this, and followed up with his flickering big wings.

"Still chasing after him."

Zhao Xun was speechless.

He helplessly patted Bai Jiaolong Pippi Xia's head and asked, "Do you want him or me?"

Bai Jiaolong had a spirit and hummed.

Zhao Xun was just stupid.

No, no, this is acting like a baby.

"You won't say you want everything, will you?"

Bai Jiaolong Pipi Shrimp was still humming, Zhao Xun was completely conquered now.

Hey, what can I do with you?

"Forget it, I won't stop you from interacting with it anymore."

A heavy rain poured down, and the high priest of the Mozong was drowned.

Although top practitioners can rely on true energy to evaporate the rain, they still have that sticky feeling.

This annoyed the High Priest of the Demon Sect.

Of course, what annoyed him even more was the endless complaints from the dark wizards.

Really enough.

It's not his fault to get lost, why let him bear everything?
He's just doing what he's supposed to do.

"I feel the smoke ahead, that is, the popularity. Let's go and have a look."

Practitioners also have to eat.

They were so hungry after traveling for so long.

The high priest of the Mozong led a group of black wizards to the front to see what happened.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but it just blows your hair when you look at it.

"Where is there any human habitation here, it is clearly a swamp!"

Augustine felt strangely outraged, he felt cheated.

And the one who lied was the High Priest of the Demon Sect.

Or rather he was lying to them all along.

"But I clearly saw the fireworks, isn't that rising smoke from cooking?"

The High Priest of the Demon Sect was stunned.

"That's marsh gas! And the heat rising from the hot spring!"

Francis sneered from the sidelines.

"Where is the rising smoke!"

The high priest of the Mozong blushed when he heard the words, he really felt that he had been humiliated.

But it's not anyone else's fault, it's all his fault.

If you want to blame, blame him for not mastering the skills of life proficiently.

As a top practitioner, as a super master, the High Priest of the Demon Sect has a very high status among the barbarians in the entire Mobei grassland.

The reason why he lost the sparkle of life was because he was so well supported that he didn't have to run around for life.

Chai, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, tea, these things that are closely related to life have been left behind by him.

He doesn't have to think about it, he doesn't have to worry about it, he doesn't have to fight for it.

As time goes by, he is also separated from life and becomes lifeless.

When a person becomes a fairy or a demon and loses his humanity, he can no longer be called a human being, and it is impossible to see the details of ordinary life, and naturally he loses his fireworks.

The high priest of the Mozong felt that what the black wizards said was correct, he had indeed lost the most sensitive thing.

"Perhaps we should have not listened to you since the beginning."

Augustine said coldly.

"We thought you were an aboriginal here, and you should know more about the situation here than we do. But now it seems that you are completely leading the way blindly. It is the biggest mistake for us to follow you."

As the chief black wizard, Augustine's statement made other black wizards complain and attack the high priest of the Demon Sect.

The high priest of the Mozong felt extremely wronged.

Although it was true that he did not lead everyone to the right position, it would be wrong to say that he led the way blindly.

Their purpose is obviously the same.

The high priest of the Mozong also began to regret it at this moment.

Why did he have to lead the group of black wizards here in the first place?

This is really driving away tigers and devouring wolves.

The High Priest of the Demon Sect took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

Calm down, he must remain calm at this time, and he must not have the slightest impulse to go.

Because with his current strength, it is impossible to defeat this group of black wizards.

If he showed the slightest disdain and hostility, he would probably be torn to pieces by these black wizards in the next moment.

If they were singled out, the High Priest of the Demon Sect felt that he had a great chance of winning.But with more than one enemy, he has almost no chance of winning.

Of course, the High Priest of the Mozong didn't want to die so tragically, so what he had to do now was to obey these black wizards as much as possible.

Of course, he was only obedient on the surface, but in his heart he was thinking about how to find a suitable time to get out.

This is very important.

The high priest of the Mozong just wanted to use the dark wizards, but he didn't want to become a pawn of the dark wizards instead.

This primary and secondary relationship must not be messed up, if it is messed up, the world will be turned upside down.

Bless the God of Darkness, I hope there will be a good result.

Zhongnan Mountain, Haoran Academy.

Gradually, the academy disciples got used to living with the Dragon Clan.

When these dragon people from the continent of Allen Lore rode the fire-breathing dragon soaring under the blue sky, what they did was to quietly admire it.

Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, is the one who appreciates the scenery the most.

As an academy student who has traveled all over the world, Lu Guangdou has seen all kinds of scenes, but he has never seen this kind of dragon.

This dragon can really breathe fire.

At first he thought it was the little junior brother joking, but when he really saw the flames spouting from the dragon's mouth, the shock was indescribable.

Lu Guangdou didn't know why this phenomenon happened.

Maybe it's because of the body structure of the dragon itself?

He was curious, but he didn't know how to ask.

Of course, this kind of thing can't be said too directly, but if you want to beat around the bush, Lu Guangdou's character is not suitable.

So Lu Guangdou decided to find a middleman.

Zhao Xun is naturally the best choice.

"Junior brother, go help and ask why this giant dragon breathes fire."

Zhao Xun saw that the Sixth Senior Brother looked thirsty for knowledge, and explained with a smile: "You don't even need to ask, I'll know."


"Because a long, long time ago, when the first dragon appeared in their world, the dragon still ate its prey raw. One day, there was a sudden thunder and lightning, and a bolt of lightning struck a tree. In an instant, the dead tree died. It was ignited. The fire spread along the grassland, and many cattle and sheep were directly roasted. The smell of the barbecue was blown by the wind, and it was blown to the dragon. After the dragon smelled the fragrance, he was intoxicated for a while.

It has never smelled such a good smell, and all it can think about is how to make its prey smell like this.

But it still doesn't work after many attempts.

So the giant dragon, like God's request, can let it have the ability to breathe fire, so that it can roast and eat the prey it captures anytime and anywhere.

"God promised it?"


Zhao Xun nodded and said, "God agreed with the giant dragon when he saw it was pitiful, and gave it the ability to breathe fire. Since then, the dragon has become a giant beast that can breathe fire."

"Sounds really legendary."

Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, said with emotion.

"Well, I just said that casually, as a joke."

Seeing the seriousness of the Sixth Senior Brother, Zhao Xun couldn't hold back anymore.

"Haha, Brother Six, don't worry about it."


Now the sixth brother Lu Guangdou is really unhappy.

He flicked his sleeves angrily and said, "How can you make such a joke, junior brother, you are really going too far!"

"Uh, Senior Brother Six, you are really angry. How about this? I will make seaweed egg drop soup and vegetable salad for you tonight, which is very healthy and weight loss. Senior Brother Six, I heard that you have been losing weight recently, haven't you? Encountered a bottleneck? Let me tell you, there is a full set of plans for weight loss. But in general, just keep your mouth shut and open your legs. Sixth brother, you are a high-level practitioner, so the amount of exercise you do every day is a must Guaranteed, so I don't have the slightest doubt that you move your legs. But shut up."

Zhao Xun chuckled, the meaning was self-explanatory.

Lu Guangdou was embarrassed now.

Indeed, he can hardly control his own mouth, but it is mainly Zhao Xun's fault.

In the beginning, Lu Guangdou's appetite was very fixed.

But since Zhao Xun began to study various recipes, Lu Guangdou seemed to have opened the door to a new world, and he was out of control.

Zhao Xun often preaches in the academy that only food and love can not be let down.

Good guy, this is clearly to let everyone let go of eating.

I have to say that Zhao Xun's craftsmanship is really superb.

Sometimes Lu Guangdou suspected that the head of the mountain wanted to accept Zhao Xun as a closed disciple, not because Zhao Xun was really a star of Wenqu and had a great talent for Confucianism, but because Zhao Xun was very talented in cooking.

It is well known that the head of the mountain likes food. The head of the mountain took Zhao Xun as his apprentice, maybe he wanted Zhao Xun to cook for him in different ways all day long.

If this is the case, it is absolutely impossible.

Of course, these are just Lu Guangdou's own guesses. In the absence of conclusive evidence, it is impossible for Lu Guangdou to attack Zhao Xun just because of a mere guess.

Overall, he didn't keep his mouth shut.
The corners of Lu Guangdou's mouth twitched slightly, he hesitated for a long time and then sighed: "Junior brother, this is what we have for dinner? Seaweed and egg drop soup, what kind of vegetable salad do you add? Will that be enough?"

Zhao Xun hurriedly said: "Senior Brother Six, don't you understand this? Can you have enough for dinner? Of course not! There is a saying that eat a good breakfast, eat a full lunch, and eat less dinner. Nowadays, many people only eat Both meals, dinner are on a diet. Do you know why?"

Sixth Senior Brother Lu Guangdou shook his head blankly.

"That's because you didn't exercise after dinner, and you slept in the house soon. The food you ate was not digested and eventually turned into fat."

Zhao Xun still has a good basis for saying so.

In contrast, ancient people had fewer activities at night, and most people went to sleep directly when it got dark.

Good guy, the food you eat is nestled in your stomach, so why not grow meat?

"Can't you eat some rice noodles? Cooking cakes are also fine."

Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, was still trying to struggle.

"Of course not!"

Unexpectedly, Zhao Xun waved his hands decisively and said: "Rice noodles, cooking cakes? Sixth brother, do you know what you just said?"

Zhao Xun didn't give Senior Brother Six a chance to speak, and directly clicked: "Have you heard of a carb explosion? If you eat these things, it will be a carb explosion!"

Zhao Xun first gave the sixth brother Lu Guangdou a popular science on what carbohydrates are, and then started a brainwashing weight loss plan.

"Shut up is a must. It's not to stop you from eating, but to let you control your diet and eat as little carbohydrates as possible. If you can't do this, then I'm sure that even if you lose weight, you will eventually lose weight. Still have to bounce back.”

Zhao Xun's words made Lu Guangdou extremely painful, as if he was wearing a mask of pain.

"But if you don't eat staple foods such as rice and noodles, what should you do if you get hungry in the middle of the night? Don't you have to get up to find something to eat?"

Lu Guangdou swallowed and spit.

"how could be?"

Zhao Xun shook his head and said, "Senior Brother Six, what about your self-control? You are a powerful practitioner. A practitioner can control his emotions. If you are really hungry, enter the state of meditation. This state is a low-consumption state. Mode, gastrointestinal motility will also be slowed down, so you won’t feel hungry naturally.”

For a moment, Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, didn't know what was going on. Although he didn't understand, he felt very powerful!

What the younger brother said seems to make sense.

"Junior brother, it's really boring to enter the meditation state. Are you sure you want to keep it like this?"

"Of course not."

Zhao Xun said decisively: "When you feel hungry, you can enter the meditation state. If you are not hungry and don't need to eat, then naturally you can do whatever you want."


Lu Guangdou felt that he seemed to understand what Zhao Xun meant, and nodded silently.

"Actually, it's not as complicated as you imagine. As long as you control your emotions and grasp your emotions, these things will come naturally."


"Okay, I won't bother Sixth Brother you are meditating."

After saying that, Zhao Xun turned and left.

Leaving the bamboo building, Zhao Xun saw the white dragon Pipi shrimp and the giant fire-breathing black dragon of Dark Wings together.

Good guy, it’s not that he hasn’t declared to Pippi Xia, Pippi Shrimp doesn’t have a long memory
Forget it, don't talk about it.

If it wants to get tired of it, it can get tired of it. Zhao Xun is still willing to believe in this friendship that transcends species.

The most urgent task for Zhao Xun right now is to quickly discuss with Luo Lun how to fight against the group of black wizards, undead, and demons.

It is obviously not enough to rely on the big formation that was set up in the academy before.

But he said that when he found Lauren, the guy with dragon blood was fishing freely.

Lauren has obviously adapted to the relaxed and comfortable life in the academy.

Zhao Xun had to say that such a leisurely environment like the academy is not available anywhere.

"How's your rest?"

Zhao Xun warmly stepped forward to say hello.

"Well, it's not bad."

Lauren turned her head and smiled sweetly.

Damn, don't come to this kind of routine.

Zhao Xun thought in his heart that he was not good at this.

After clearing his throat, Zhao Xun tried his best to calm himself down: "That's right, I'm here today to learn more about dark wizards, undead and demons from you. As the saying goes, knowing yourself and your enemy is invincible. Only the right Only when the enemy fully understands and attaches importance to it can he occupy a sufficient advantage from the very beginning."

What Zhao Xun said was concise and clear, straight to the point.

"The current situation is indeed a bit complicated."

Lauren pondered for a while and said lightly: "It's okay if it's just a dark wizard, but if you add undead and demons, everything will become unusual. It's too long to talk about their history, I Just briefly."

Lauren said lightly: "A long, long time ago, there were not so many strange races in the Ellen Lore continent. Basically, elves, humans, dwarves, dragons, half-orcs, and elves coexisted."

Lauren seemed to see an incomparably perfect picture, and was very excited.

"It was really the best era at that time. Although there were occasional small frictions among all races, everyone could exercise restraint and not allow these small conflicts to escalate. They were relatively harmonious with each other. That At that time, the dragon clan was much more prosperous than it is now, and it should be the most popular among everyone. The elves are similar, and we often communicate and compete together. The elves are very good at shooting bows and arrows. They usually live in the forest, and archery is for hunting. So their adults basically have very good arrow skills."

Luo Lun tried his best to slow down his speech, so that Zhao Xun could hear a lot more clearly.

This is very important because no one wants to hear such important information and stories.

"Later, some people in the human race were greedy for magic, learned witchcraft, and became wizards. Some of the wizards harbored evil intentions and eventually became dark wizards."

Wait, what is the origin of the dark wizard?
This is very different from what Zhao Xun expected.

Creatures like black wizards are really outrageous, and black wizards can even hurt mountain chiefs.

Although many of them fought against each other, it was still beyond Zhao Xun's cognition.

In Zhao Xun's cognition, the head of the mountain is an invincible existence.

How could the invincible mountain leader be defeated, even with one enemy and many enemies?
But the fact is that the head of the mountain was indeed defeated and injured.

From this angle, the strength of the black wizard can be clearly seen.

They are far stronger than Zhao Xun imagined.

"Dark wizards have evil intentions, so they are not satisfied with what they get. They want to grab as much power as possible, so they come into contact with demons."

Lauren spoke very carefully, for fear of missing any details.

"To be precise, the way they contacted the devil was a bit unexpected. Because they believed in the God of Darkness. And the devil was also descended from the God of Darkness. So the link between them is the God of Darkness. It can be said that the God of Darkness is a bridge. "

Lauren shook the fishing rod while talking.

"When they first came into contact with demons, the dark wizards were also full of curiosity. They had never seen such a magical creature. In their view, demons are incomparably perfect existences. Their bodies are perfect, their strength is perfect, and everything is perfect. It's perfect. It's rare to see so many traits in one type of person at the same time, but demons do have them."

It can be seen that Lauren is still a little envious, but an excellent person can control his emotions.

Lauren's envious look flashed back, and then he returned to a calm state.

"Later, the dark wizards had frequent contact with the demons. Since the demons live in another dimension, the dark wizards can only use black witchcraft to create a passage for the demons to come to the continent of Alan Lore."

"This passage is the portal of darkness?"

Zhao Xun asked almost instinctively.


Lauren nodded and said, "This passage is the Portal of Darkness. To be precise, the Portal of Darkness was created for them to come to this world. It's just that the dark wizards did not expect that the people who came to this world through this door Not only demons, but also undead."

Lauren's mood was obviously not right.

Zhao Xun keenly grasped this point, and asked with great concern: "Are you okay?"

Good guy, it's fatal to be in a bad mood at this time. Zhao Xun doesn't want this to happen, interrupting his cognition of the Alan Lore continent.

"Well, I'm fine, let's move on."

Lauren said lightly: "In the beginning, only demons came, but after about ten years, the undead began to set foot in this world."

After a short pause, Luo Lun said concentratingly: "I don't know how the undead tribe found this door, maybe they have some contract with the demons. In short, after the undead tribe set foot on this continent, the relationship between them and the demons immediately It's so hot. How do you say something?"

"Birds of a feather flock together."

Zhao Xun said without hesitation.

"Yes, that's what it means."

Lauren nodded in satisfaction.

"I'm still getting used to your language system, your logic."

Although he and Zhao Xun can chat smoothly now, there are still some gaps in logical thinking.

This gap in logical thinking is reflected in the language that sometimes the words do not express the meaning.

This is not because a certain word cannot be used, but simply because of a logical problem.

"The demons and the undead have the same stink, and they soon formed an alliance to invade the continent of Alan Lore."

Lauren's mood was obviously depressed at this time.

Although he didn't personally experience that era, judging from the news passed down from the ancestors of the Dragon Clan, he could feel the despair.

Feelings of desperation didn't come from the start.

At the beginning, the dragon clansmen were very confident. They firmly believed that they had enough strength to fight against the undead and demons.

Because there are not only them, but also humans, dwarves, elves, and even trolls and orcs.

The rift in the past seemed so insignificant at this moment.

They can gather together for the common interests of everyone and form an alliance with the outside world.

"The first to create the alliance was the emperor Yaze of the human race. At that time, human beings had not yet divided into many kingdoms. At that time, there was only one empire in the Alan Lore continent, and that was the Heji Empire. About 1000 years ago, this huge empire It collapsed suddenly. One of the most important reasons for the division of this empire is the invasion of undead and demons."

Lauren swallowed a mouthful of spit, and said in a deep voice: "The speed of the undead and demon invasion exceeded everyone's imagination. The human race had the most extensive territory at that time and had countless people. Naturally, they suffered the greatest losses. Yes. Can you imagine the despair?"

Luo Lun stared at Zhao Xun, seeing that Zhao Xun didn't say a word, he said in harmony: "Facing an enemy far stronger than oneself, it is impossible to rely on oneself to defeat it. Only by forming an alliance can we have the strength to fight. Not completely one mind, they each have their own ideas."

"For example, elves, they live in the forest, and the forest is generally enchanted. In this case, as long as demons and undead invade, they will be backlashed to the greatest extent."

Zhao Xun interrupted: "Excuse me, does it mean that the elves are a [-]-year-old boy?"

"What does Erwuzi mean?"

Lauren was stunned.

"Uh, it means traitor."

Zhao Xun thought to himself, it seems that Luo Lun obviously hasn't fully understood the deep meaning of these words.

Although he may recognize the word, he cannot understand its meaning.

It seems that Zhao Xun will still try to take this into consideration in the future, and don't throw out some words with rich connotations.

"Indeed, the elves are traitors to the Alliance."

When talking about this, Lauren clenched his fists.

Roren gritted his teeth and said, "Of course, they didn't attack other allies, but chose to stand by. But because of their decision, the alliance's troops were insufficient, unable to directly face the onslaught of demons and undead."

Zhao Xun thought he couldn't see it, shouldn't the elves be a noble existence in all fantasy systems?

Can thick eyebrows and big eyes do such a thing?

Zhao Xun felt a little unbelievable.

If it is a half-orc, it is easier to understand the troll's rebellion against Zhao Xun.

But it was the elves who rebelled, which is really speechless.

"So then a great battle broke out, a great battle to establish the situation and divide the pattern?"

Zhao Xun deduced the way according to Luo Lun's train of thought.

"That's right, the battle lasted for half a year, and the flames of war spread to almost all places in the continent of Allen Lore."

Lauren's emotions have calmed down.

Because he realizes that these are things that have passed 1000 years ago.

1000 years is long enough to smooth out a lot of things.

In 1000 years, the wound has healed and scabbed.

"So who is the most damaged race?"

Zhao Xun was still very curious about this.

In his opinion, the human race ruled the most powerful empire at that time, so the damage should be the most serious.

But the result was a bit shocking.

"It was the Orcs who suffered the most."

Roland said in harmony: "Because most of them live in the wilderness, there is no high wall to rely on to escape in this kind of place. After the invasion of demons and undead tribes, the first to attack is the wilderness and wilderness. Therefore, half-orcs suffer severely damaged."

"Did they not resist?"

"Of course they resisted. Not only did they resist, but they resisted fiercely. Half-orcs are naturally aggressive and aggressive, and their emotions are extremely high. They want to prove themselves by splitting their opponents with their battle axes."

Lauren said to himself: "But it's obviously futile. Because their electrical strength is completely different from that of the undead and demons."

"So what happened in the end?"

Zhao Xun felt as if he was listening to a long storytelling, and was very curious about what happened afterwards.

"In the end, the half-orcs were really no match for the invasion of the demons and the undead, so they could only choose to sign a contract. Of course, the contract is extremely humiliating, but they can only do this for the continuation of the group. In order to survive the group, even if it is a humiliating condition, they will Acceptable. But the seeds of hatred have been planted in their hearts since then. Since then, the half-orcs have been sworn enemies with the undead and trolls."

"So they continued to trouble demons and undead for the next 1000 years."

Lauren said lightly: "But the effect is minimal. The strength gap between the two sides is really too big. If you don't fight at the beginning, it will get bigger and bigger. After the undead and the demons conquer other groups, the half-orcs will not even fight against each other." There is no chance of a comeback.”

"Who has the most to lose except the orcs?"

"It's the Dragon Clan."

Lauren smiled wryly, and said self-deprecatingly: "Our Dragon Clan enjoyed infinite glory back then, and we seemed to be the first race. But later..."

Lauren choked up a little when he said this.

"We were almost wiped out in that great war! If some ancestors hadn't fought to the death, people today might never see the dragon again."

"Uh, isn't the dragon clan a natural gram against the undead?"

Zhao Xun was somewhat surprised by this.

In his opinion, the scorching heat of Dragon Flame is enough to melt the undead.

"You mean Dragon Burn?"

Lauren sighed and said: "Dragon Flame is indeed very targeted, but it is not omnipotent. Because undead can also use magic..."

Undead also have magic?

Damn, this is simply disregarding Wude!
Good guy, the end is not to give others a way to survive.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it is understandable that the undead have evolved magic, because the continent of Allen Lore is a world full of magic.

In this world, almost everyone knows magic. If the undead don't know magic, isn't it too unpopular?
"Tsk tsk..."

"They used magic to create a giant wall of frost. This giant wall of frost can effectively block the dragon flame. The dragon flame can only melt a part of the giant wall of frost at most, but it cannot melt all of the giant wall of frost."

"Can you imagine the despair?"

Lauren looked gloomy.

"This means that we have lost the sharpest weapon, and the undead can still rely on their fangs and claws to tear us apart."

"But dragons can fly in the sky?"

Zhao Xun still felt a little puzzled.

"If you can't fight, can't you run?"


Luo Lun shook his head and said, "I can't run away. Do you think we are the only ones who have dragon rides? The undead can ride dragons too!"

Can the undead also ride dragons?
For a moment Zhao Xun was dumbfounded.

"The dragon they rode was dead, but it was given life again by black magic. We call the newborn dragon the Death Dragon. Its body is covered with various holes, but it can flap its wings. Goofy, it's amazing."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Zhao Xun kept a low profile the whole time, allowing Luo Lun to spit and spit everywhere.

"So you were hunted down all the way? How did you escape in the end?"

"A small number of our ancestors fled all the way north, and finally fled to a place called the Sea of ​​Death."

Lauren said lightly: "This sea of ​​death is very hot, the temperature of the sea water is enough to cook eggs. There are no living things in the sea. Our ancestors fled to the top of the sea of ​​death by riding a dragon, but the undead race chased to the edge but It's not chasing."

"Their death dragons are afraid of the heat rising from the sea of ​​death. The heat can directly melt the ice on their wings. Then they will lose their balance and fall into the sea."

Lauren said with emotion, "Perhaps this is the so-called destiny."

"Our Dragon Clan should not be exterminated in the fate. In the end, we also survived by relying on our tenacious willpower."

good guy...

It's really inspiring.

"It seems that every race is not easy. It is good to be able to persevere until the end."

"Who said it wasn't..."

Lauren paused and said, "Actually, apart from the Orcs and Dragons, the Humans are the ones who have suffered the most."

"At that time, the human race was a very powerful empire, and later it was divided into countless small kingdoms. Many small kingdoms were only small and as big as city-states. Even if they wanted to form an alliance later, it was very difficult because it was difficult to choose A reliable leader. The kings of these small kingdoms do not obey anyone, and they all think that they are the strongest."

Zhao Xun deeply agrees with this.

This is also a common problem of human beings, right?

"Of course there are some races that are less affected."

Needless to say, Zhao Xun could guess who Luo Lun was talking about.

It must be the twenty-five boy of the elves.

To say that the elves are really unpopular.

Obviously, the appearance has a huge advantage, but he has to be a traitor.

To be a traitor, you have to be prepared to be scolded and stabbed in the back.

"The elves are affected very little, and their territory is located in the woodland. The ban in the woodland has a natural blocking effect on the undead and demons."

"I'm afraid this is not the decisive factor, is it?"

Zhao Xun does not think that the elves can be preserved to the greatest extent and are less affected because of this.

It shouldn't be difficult to break the ban in the forest with the strength of the undead and demons, right?

"Indeed. I think it's the demons and the undead who want to support a puppet on the continent of Alan Lore."

This explanation makes sense.

Because the demons and the undead have just arrived, although they are very powerful, but because they don't know much about the continent of Alan Lore, they can only stabilize their position by supporting puppets.

When they have fully adapted to the continent of Allen Lore and everything here, they can kick away the puppet they supported with their own hands.

"What happened later? Did the demons and the undead show their fierceness later?"

Zhao Xun asked curiously.


Lauren nodded and said: "In the beginning, the life of the elves was really easy, but then the undead and the demons became more brutal, and they pressed on to the elves' territory step by step. At this time, the elves realized that they were captured by the demons. Playing with the undead."

"But at this time, no one is willing to help them, to help a traitor. Because everyone hates the shamelessness of the elves. If the elves hadn't chosen to stand by and join the battle of the alliance, perhaps it would have been a completely different result. .”

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

The demons and the undead are really sinister enough, and they are really tolerant.

Forbearance is needed when forbearance is needed, and when he is sure that he is invincible, he kicks his former little brother away.

This is really the ultimate profiteering.

"So the elves couldn't stand it anymore and decided to explore the new world through the Dark Portal."


"I don't find it strange that the elves pass through the Dark Portal. This is reasonable."

Luo Ren paused and said: "So we have to face not only dark wizards, undead and demons, but also other enemies."

This situation is really complicated enough, and the entire Allen Lore continent is in chaos.

These guys didn't stay well in the continent of Allen Lore, but they came to Dazhou through the Dark Portal and wanted to make trouble, which is simply too outrageous.

Zhao Xun is very clear that now the Dragon Clan is a reliable ally.

But relying solely on the Dragon Clan might not be enough.

"Is the human race trustworthy?"

Compared with dwarves, elves, trolls, and half-orcs, Zhao Xun obviously trusts humans more.

"That depends on what kind of human race you are dealing with."

Luo Lun did not immediately give Zhao Xun an answer, but asked Zhao Xun back.


Now Zhao Xun was stunned.

"Is there any difference?"

"Of course."

Lauren said decisively: "The tempers and temperaments of the human races in different kingdoms are completely different, and their thoughts are completely different. It's better for you to calculate separately."



"The names of these families are really confusing enough, I'm about to faint."

After Luo Lun gave Zhao Xun some popular science about the surnames of the main families in the Human Kingdom of Alan Lore, Zhao Xun realized that he definitely couldn't hold so many things in his mind.

It's too difficult, it's really too difficult, save the child.

"Can you say the abbreviation, I mean these names are really too convoluted..."

Zhao Xun smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know how you wrote it down, but I really can't remember it."


Now it was Lauren's turn to feel embarrassed.

"Okay, I'll try my best."

When a person is already familiar with a surname system and suddenly asks him to simplify it, it is undoubtedly a difficult thing.

Lauren has made many attempts, but the results are not very good.

"Forget it, I'll just use letters instead."

Lauren had already given up trying, and began to use the initials to replace the names of the royal family of the famous human kings in the mainland of Alan Lore.

This made Zhao Xun feel better.

"Ah, I didn't expect them to have so many dramas."

Zhao Xun smiled bitterly and said, "It seems that I should think carefully about it."

Anyone who can become a king must have dark corners in his heart.

Because Yangmou alone is not enough to become a king.

If you want to become a king, you must at least ensure that Yangmou's conspiracy can come at your fingertips.

And the descendants of these kings are naturally handy in playing tricks.

If you cooperate with these guys, you may be cheated at any time.

But now Zhao Xun and the others don't have much choice.

If even the human race can't choose them, what else can they choose?
"Let me think about this matter carefully and see how to choose the most suitable one."



The head of the mountain feels that he is much better these days.

Looking at a bamboo forest outside the window, he was in a good mood.

If his judgment is not wrong, his current strength and cultivation base have recovered to at least [-]%.

Ninety percent is not too small, and it is already close to the peak of the mountain leader.

In fact, there is also a range for practitioners to exert their strength in fighting duels.

This range has both an upper limit and a lower limit.

Sometimes it may reach the upper limit if it performs well, and sometimes it may touch the lower limit if it does not perform well.

Generally speaking, the range of this shock will not be very large.

But sometimes it may fluctuate violently due to various factors such as emotional fluctuations.

As for breaking the lower limit or breaking the upper limit, it cannot be said that there are no such things, but it does rarely happen.

Shan Zhang can actually leave the customs now.

But he didn't want to show up so soon because he wanted to see how his disciples would behave in his absence.

Especially the little 72 Zhao Xun.

Every move of Zhao Xun has been watched by the head of the mountain, and the head of the mountain really wants to see how Zhao Xun is growing.

The head of the mountain is really cultivating Zhao Xun as a successor, so he will do his best to mention Zhao Xun.

As for the high priest of the Demon Sect and the black wizard, the head of the mountain could clearly feel the approach of the other party.

These guys are getting closer and closer to Zhongnan Mountain, and they are also getting closer to Haoran Academy.

"It seems that a fierce battle is inevitable in the near future."

If it was more than ten days ago, the head of the mountain might still be a little worried.But now he has no worries at all.

Because he has basically recovered.

It is impossible for a healthy mountain leader to lose to any opponent without underestimating the enemy.



"Tsk tsk tsk...Little brother, your skills have improved again!"

Long Qingquan was the first person to taste Zhao Xun's Liangpi craftsmanship, and he was full of praise for a while.

"This taste is amazing. When you mix it with spicy peppers, all the flavors go in."

It was the first time for Long Qingquan to taste this delicacy, and he enjoyed it very much.

"Uh, third brother, if you like to eat, eat more."

"By the way, little brother, what is the name of this delicacy you just made?"

"It's called Liangpi!"

Zhao Xun said bluntly: "Actually, there are many kinds of cold noodle, such as rice noodle, noodle noodle, rolled noodle noodle, water noodle noodle..."

Zhao Xun started drooling while talking.

Even he himself felt a little embarrassed.

"Tsk tsk tsk...then what do you call this kind of thing!"

The third senior brother looked very good, his mouth was full of greasy food.

"This is rolling's very strong."

The third brother Long Qingquan nodded frequently and said: "It is indeed very strong, chewing very vigorously."

"Uh, I'll go to the other senior brothers and sisters to have a look, third senior brother, take your time."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Xun left the bamboo building directly.

Hey, it's really cool to be a little culinary expert.

Zhao Xun is very sure that his cooking skills can conquer the stomachs of all the brothers and sisters.

If they conquered their stomachs, it would not be difficult to conquer their people.

Zhao Xun walked out humming a song, and happened to see the second senior sister walking towards him.

What a coincidence!
"Little brother, what are you holding in your hand?"

"Liangpi, a delicacy that has just been researched. Second Senior Sister, this is the most suitable time to eat Liangpi. It is neither hot nor cold, and you won't feel uncomfortable."

Zhao Xun sent the Liangpi to the second senior sister Liu Yingying like a treasure, and Liu Yingying picked it up and smelled it, "It smells so good!"

Well, can it not be fragrant, Zhao Xun thought to himself, this is his exclusive chili oil, very attractive.

With this superb chili oil, the taste of the whole Liangpi has been upgraded a lot.

"Second Senior Sister, try it quickly. This cold noodle tastes best when it is just mixed. After a long time, the taste will change."

"it is good."

Facts have proved that even the little fairy can't resist the temptation of the best food.

Liu Yingying only took a sip and was intoxicated.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Little brother, how did you prepare the seasoning? It's really delicious."

Liu Yingying seemed to have opened the door to a new world, and ate it out of control.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"It's so fragrant, this taste is really amazing."

"Uh, this seasoning is actually nothing special, maybe it's more suitable for Second Senior Sister's appetite."

Want to tell me something?

Think more.

This is Zhao Xun's ability to settle down, so naturally he can't reveal it easily, even to his brothers and sisters.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Once this appetite is opened, it will be difficult to put it away. It seems that I am going to feast on it today, a sin and a sin. From now on, it seems that I will have to eat salad and seaweed egg drop soup for a period of time."

Second Senior Sister Liu Yingying said with some hesitation.

After all, the figure is still very important to girls.

It's cool to eat, but it's too difficult to lose weight once you gain weight.

"Uh, second senior sister, enjoy it slowly, and I'll go to other senior brothers and sisters for a walk."

Zhao Xun knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, so he ran away immediately.



After struggling from the swamp, the entire group of dark wizards felt exhausted.

The relationship between them and the High Priest of the Demon Sect also dropped to freezing point.

But they are still relying on the High Priest of the Demon Sect to lead the way, so they can't turn their backs yet.

Forbearance, even if there is more anger in their hearts, they have to endure.

"Isn't it here yet?"

After enduring it for a long time, the black wizard Augustine really couldn't bear it anymore.

"How long will it take to arrive?"

Faced with Augustine's urging, the High Priest of the Mozong seemed very embarrassed.

"Hurry up, it's almost here. Don't worry, wait a little longer."

"How long will we have to wait!"

Francis started to freak out again.

"We have wasted so much time following you around here, but there is still no result."

"Uh, it's almost there."

The High Priest of the Demon Sect has no good way to deal with it now.

He knew that the other party's anger had reached a peak, and if the conflict could not be eased, it would obviously lead to irreconcilable results.

"We're going to get weaker and weaker if we go on like this."

Augustine said seriously.

As a dark wizard, the greatest ability is to rely on magic to drive black witchcraft.

But in a world without magic, it is too difficult to practice witchcraft.

And every time witchcraft is used, the loss will be one point more.

If you can't find a way to replenish it quickly, the loss of witchcraft will be too great.

Augustine couldn't just sit back and watch this happen.

"Mount Zhongnan has awe-inspiring righteousness, which is very similar to your magic. If you can steal awe-inspiring righteousness, it may be able to replace the magic you lost."

"Anything like that?"

Augustine was obviously very interested in this, and asked in detail: "Then how can we steal the luck of Haoran Academy?"

The high priest of Mozong said in a deep voice: "This is simple, you just need to sneak into the academy and open your sea of ​​consciousness."

"Consciousness sea?"

"Uh, it's your magic cavity."


"If that's the case, then it's really meaningful to go to Zhongnan Mountain."

Augustine's face softened slightly: "There should be a lot of grandeur in the academy, right? It's enough for all of us to absorb and fill it up."

"Sure enough."

The High Priest of the Mozong swore: "Awe-inspiring righteousness generally exists in places with many scholars, and Haoran Academy is a place where scholars from all over the world gather. There are a lot of scholars there and they are all elites, so there will be a lot of awe-inspiring righteousness. Inexhaustible, but at least enough to fill us all up."

"Okay, this time we are going to suck up all the Haoran Qi in Haoran Academy."



Emperor Xianlong has recently become obsessed with praying for Buddha.

Buddha and Tao are different.

Taoism is the native religion of Da Zhou, while Buddhism is the foreign religion.

The teachings of the two are different, and their attitudes towards the world are quite different.

The reason why Emperor Xianlong abandoned Taoism to seek Buddhism was because he was completely disappointed in the supervisor Yuan Tiangang

Yuan Tiangang, as the national teacher of the Great Zhou Dynasty, was highly regarded by Emperor Xianlong.

And Yuan Tiangang often loses the chain at critical moments.

Yuan Tiangang always retreated habitually when Emperor Xianlong needed him to step forward the most.

This made Emperor Xianlong very angry and puzzled.

Why is that?
Could it be because of fear of the mountain chief?
But there is actually no irreconcilable contradiction or conflict between the head of the mountain and him.

If not because of the mountain, what is it?
Emperor Xianlong didn't want to think about this issue any more, but simply put this contradiction behind him for the time being.

"Your Majesty, you must meditate before praying to the Buddha, and you must not be distracted. If your mind is disturbed, the Buddha you seek will naturally be disturbed."

"Buddha can throw away all distracting thoughts. I really want to know why."

"Because the Buddha's heart is good."

"Buddha is very benevolent, he can save all sentient beings."

"Is it different?"

"The way is different. The way is inward, and it seeks the purity of the heart. But the Buddha is outward. To be more clear, one of the two is in the world, and the other is out of the world."

"The Buddha is closer to the world?"


"Huh, in this case, I seem to understand a little bit."

"How long will it take for me to become a Buddha? It is said that the Buddha can live forever?"

"Becoming a Buddha depends on chance, even His Majesty may not be able to become a Buddha."


Emperor Xianlong's complexion was bitter, very helpless.

"Is it because my aptitude is not enough?"

Emperor Xianlong was actually very clear in his heart.

Although he knows that he is the Son of Heaven, the Son of Heaven sometimes has limits.

He can't do many things completely from his own heart, but must consider many factors.

"Your Majesty, that's not the case. Your Majesty is very talented and has roots of wisdom."

"What's the problem?"

Emperor Xianlong was very confused.

"The problem lies in the study of the day after tomorrow. Buddhism, like Confucianism and Taoism, need continuous learning to fill in knowledge. If you can't keep learning knowledge, it's the same as talking about armies on paper, and you won't get the way after all."

"But I have a lot of time to deal with every day, and the time I can spare to study Buddhism is limited."

"Your Majesty has no worries, and you don't need to spend too much time. You only need to set aside one or two hours a day to study Buddhism."

"Is one or two hours enough?"


Emperor Xianlong finally showed joy on his face when he heard the words.

"That's good. From now on, I will set aside one or two hours every day to study. If there is anything I don't understand, I will ask Master Huiyan."

"Excellent, excellent. Your Majesty has such wisdom and is so diligent. In time, he will surely become a Buddha and become a saint."

"Then I will borrow auspicious words from Master Huiyan."

"If Your Majesty has nothing else to do, the poor monk will leave."

"Okay, I'm going to study Buddhism too."

After Master Huiyan retired, Zheng Jie, the internal servant, came up to him and asked with concern: "Your Majesty, is this monk reliable? I heard that he comes from the Tantric School of the Western Regions, and his research is all crooked. What if he misleads Your Majesty?" Yes."

"Don't worry, buddy."

Emperor Xianlong didn't take it lightly and said: "I think this Western Region Tantra is very reliable, it is completely different from the Taoism in the Central Plains. The Western Region Tantric Buddhism is very open, if possible, I hope to learn more about it."


Zheng Jie saw that his persuasion was ineffective, so he could only clear his throat and said, "Then your majesty must be more careful. If there is any eccentric situation, please tell the minister in time, and if there is any discomfort, please inform the minister in time."

Zheng Jie was very worried about the safety of Emperor Xianlong. The safety of Emperor Xianlong was not only his own safety, but related to the common people in the world.

To put it bluntly, if Emperor Xianlong died due to some unforeseen circumstances, the entire political situation of the Great Zhou Dynasty would change dramatically.



Zheng Jie is very clear about the nature of Tantric Buddhism in the Western Regions.

However, Emperor Xianlong was completely unaware of the danger.

Zheng Jie was really anxious to death.

Just in response to the old saying, the emperor is not in a hurry for eunuchs.

Sometimes Zheng Jie complained for himself, he didn't have to fight like this at all.

He could not force Emperor Xianlong to do what he was unwilling to do.

But even though he said that, Zheng Jie still couldn't say it when it came to his mouth.

He grew up with Emperor Xianlong, and he has a very good understanding of the emperor's temperament.

He knew that if he didn't even care about it, then no one in this world would really care about it.

If you are angry, you will still have to stand up for the court when it comes time.

Emperor Xianlong lay flat and he couldn't lie flat.

After leaving Zichen Palace, Zheng Jie returned directly to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The first thing he did when he came to the office was to order a thorough investigation of Master Huiyan.

Not only the information on his face must be checked, but also the information in the dark must be checked inside and outside.Even if they dig three feet into the ground, they have to find out his family background to see if he poses a threat to Emperor Xianlong.

"His Majesty…"

This is the only thing this servant can do for you, I hope you will hold on!


Feng Hao returned to Chang'an!
After a month's long journey, he successfully led a group of troops back to the imperial capital of Great Zhou.

At this moment, Feng Hao had mixed feelings in his heart.

On the one hand he felt a little excited.

After all, he has made great contributions to Da Zhou this time.

The recovery of Jiannan Road can be said to have solved the imperial court's serious troubles.

After this incident, at least for a short period of time, they no longer have to worry about the threat from the Nanman.

The leader of the Nanban witches and Gu masters was killed on the spot by Feng Hao.

His disciples and grandchildren all scattered as a result.

The current situation is very favorable for Da Zhou.

As long as they don't fight to the death and defend the city, they can keep the peace.

Feng Hao entered the city on a tall horse, feeling the welcome from the people.

It's just that he always felt that something was missing.

There seemed to be a hint of indifference in the atmosphere of joy.

Why is this Chang'an City so unfamiliar?
Feng Hao didn't know if it was because of Zhao Xun's absence.

Zhao Xun has been living in seclusion in the Haoran Academy in Zhongnan Mountain since Emperor Xianlong resigned after angering him.

The long separation made Feng Hao miss Zhao Xun a little bit.

The time before leaving Chang'an was actually fine, but at this moment when Feng Hao returned to Chang'an again, those memories from that year flooded towards him like a tide.

It is probably because he has just experienced a big battle. After escaping from the dead, Feng Hao has learned a lot, and he cherishes those so-called people and things even more.

"I don't know if I will have a chance to meet Zhao Xun again in this life."

Feng Hao knows that he and Zhao Xun are two types of people after all.

Zhao Xun can give up fame and fortune for the one he loves.But Feng Hao can't.

Feng Hao knew very well that it was impossible for him to truly abandon these things.

The temptation of fame and wealth is too great.

Learn the arts of literature and martial arts, and sell it with the emperor's family.

Now that Feng Hao has tasted the sweetness of power, it is naturally impossible to give up the power he has acquired.

There is nothing wrong with enjoying power itself, at least Feng Hao thinks so.

Maybe it's just that Zhao Xun's way of dealing with problems is very different from his.

But that's a personal matter.Feng Hao is not too good at interfering with other people's thoughts.

It's all random.

Feng Hao knew that instead of breaking up with Zhao Xun on this issue at such a time, it would be better to let it go.

At this time, it is the wisest choice to silently send blessings to Zhao Xun.

"I hope Zhao Xun is all right."

Feng Hao muttered silently in his heart.

"If we meet again in the future, as long as we are not opponents."

Feng Hao is very afraid that one day he will stand on the complete opposite side with Zhao Xun.

This is something he can't accept anyway.

As long as it is not an opponent, everything is easy to say.



Daming Palace, Zichen Palace.

"Your Majesty, Feng Hao is back, please see him."

After hesitating again and again, Zheng Jie took a step forward and clapped his hands.

"I know."

Emperor Xianlong rubbed his forehead and said, "Tell him to wait a little longer. If I want to see him, I will summon him."

Zheng Jie was stunned.

Emperor Xianlong became unknown to him.

In his impression, Emperor Xianlong should be a person who likes to play tricks.

When Feng Hao returned from Jiannan Road this time, he actually seemed indifferent, and he didn't care what Feng Hao did in Jiannan at all.

Zheng Jie felt that this was very incredible.

What happened during this period?
Or what kind of ecstasy soup did Master Huiyan pour into Emperor Xianlong?

Zheng Jie felt confused for a moment.

Maybe it's time for him to speak to His Majesty.

"Your Majesty, Feng Hao is the Great General Who Conquers the South, and he has contributed a lot to recovering Jiannan this time. Logically speaking, His Majesty should summon him immediately."

"What did you just say?"

Emperor Xianlong couldn't believe his ears.

What Zheng Jie said just now made him feel a little unbelievable.

"When is it your turn to teach me a lesson? You are just a slave of mine. Can a slave teach a lesson to the master?"

Emperor Xianlong's words made Zheng Jie feel extremely strange.

Emperor Xianlong had never spoken to him like this, never said such hurtful words.

House slave?Eunuchs are indeed royal family slaves, but is it necessary to say so?How hurtful this is.

Zheng Jie felt as if his heart had been stabbed, and blood spurted out from the wound involuntarily.

"Your Majesty is just chilling for the soldiers."

At this time, Zheng Jie also completely let go.

He knows he no longer needs to worry.

"The soldiers sacrificed their lives for the imperial court and His Majesty. They threw their heads and blood for Da Zhou. Does His Majesty even have time to see them? If so, who will dare to serve Da Zhou and die hard?"

Zheng Jie's question stunned Emperor Xianlong.

"Do you know what you just said?"

"Your Majesty, of course I know what I just said. On the contrary, does Your Majesty still remember the sun, moon and stars on his shoulders?"


Emperor Xianlong was furious.

"How dare you talk to me like that!"

"Do you think I've let you because I'm afraid of you? Or do you think I can't do without you? Just because you're a super cultivator? To tell you the truth, Master Huiyan is also a super master!"

what? !

Zheng Jie was stunned.

Master Huiyan is a super master.I see…

It turns out that Master Huiyan is the leader of Tantric Buddhism in the Western Regions and the legendary Vajra Buddha.

No wonder His Majesty's temperament has changed drastically recently.

It turned out that he was bewitched by this guy.

The esoteric sects of the Western Regions are best at crooked ways. They must have poisoned His Majesty to let His Majesty act according to their wishes.



(End of this chapter)

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