big week bad guy

Chapter 32 Cultivation Wizards

Chapter 32 Cultivation Wizards
It turned out that Wu Ci was Wu Quanyi's nephew.
The world is really small.

However, if you think about it carefully, you can understand that Chang'an City seems to have a large population, but the number of people standing on the top of the pyramid is actually very limited.

These people have an unusual status as ordinary people and occupy most of the resources, so there will naturally be more connections between them.

Of course, at the same time, the risks they face are far higher than ordinary people.

Wu Ci is a bad person, and he should know that he will face death one day.

But he still resolutely chose this path.From this point of view alone, he is worthy of admiration.

"Master, what clues did you investigate?"

Wu Quanyi did not answer Zhao Xun immediately, but remained silent for a long time.

"This incident is not as you imagined. At the beginning, the teacher also felt that Ci'er was killed by Wang Zhongyi. After all, it happened that he was returning to Beijing to report on his work at this time, and time was very sensitive. If Ci'er had some evidence of him, he It's not impossible to send people to kill people to silence them. But..."

Wu Quanyi paused for a moment, and his eyes shone brightly: "Since everyone can think that the murderer is Wang Zhongyi, then what is it if he did something stupid?"

Wu Quanyi's words made Zhao Xun fall into deep thought.

That's right, if all the evidence points to Wang Zhongyi, then Wang Zhongyi still has to bear tremendous pressure to kill Wu Ci, isn't it because he is afraid that others will not know that he is a guilty conscience, so he almost writes the word murderer on his face?

At any rate, Wang Zhongyi is also a Jiedu envoy, so it's impossible that he doesn't even understand this simple point.

According to detective theory, the most apparent things are often not the truth.

"But Master, if the murderer wasn't Wang Zhongyi, who would it be?"

"You have to check it slowly. It's useless to be impatient."

Wu Quanyi sighed and said: "You don't need to worry about this matter, the teacher will investigate with you, no matter what, the teacher will give Ci'er an explanation."

After a short pause, Wu Quanyi seemed to feel something. He stared at Zhao Xun for a while and then said, "Ming Yun, has your cultivation improved?"

Zhao Xun hurriedly said: "Master, to be honest, after entering the villain's office, Brother Jia helped me wash the marrow. After washing the marrow, I became a rank-[-] soldier."

Wu Quanyi nodded slightly and said, "No wonder, let me take a look at it."

After finishing speaking, Wu Quanyi stepped forward and placed his palm on Zhao Xun's Tianling cover.

Zhao Xun felt offended, but he couldn't say anything more.

After all, in this era, one day is a teacher and a lifelong father.

At any rate, Wu Quanyi was considered his master, so he still had some power.

Holding his breath and concentrating, Wu Quanyi entered Zhao Xun's sea of ​​consciousness, just like the first time.

Although it is not like the magic sticks of Qin Tianjian who can observe the mind, a practitioner like Wu Quanyi can easily swim in the sea of ​​consciousness of others.

After a long time, Wu Quanyi suddenly opened his eyes, which were filled with doubt and surprise.

"Ming Yun, the zhenqi in your body is very strange. It seems that there are two strands of zhenqi. These two strands of zhenqi compete with each other, and neither of them obeys the other. According to my teacher, it is very likely that it is the influence of dual cultivation."

Well, double repair
Of course, this dual cultivation is not the dual cultivation of the other.

Zhao Xun slightly nodded and said: "Master's words are true. Apart from stepping into the threshold of martial arts, my disciple is also working hard to study the "Insights of Wen Zong's First Knowledge" that you gave me. I didn't have time to tell you at that time, student In the sea of ​​consciousness, I saw Chang'an City and Haoran Academy."

Wu Quanyi narrowed his eyes slightly, looking thoughtful.

"Go on."

Zhao Xun didn't dare to hide anything, so he told everything about what he saw.

"Chang'an City and Haoran Academy seem to be in the desert. Just when I was about to get close, there was a strong wind, and I couldn't see anything clearly between the flying sand and rocks. But I could feel a voice in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness reciting poetry."

"Recite poems."

Wu Quanyi fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he said with emotion: "Miaozai, it's really wonderful. Mingyun, did you feel hot and dry afterwards? But after holding your breath and concentrating, you will feel quiet again?"

"It does feel like this, master, how do you know?"

"That's it. Wu Zong's practice is to rely on blood and actual combat to improve, and Wen Zong's practice is to focus on concentrating ideas to improve strength. You are indeed dual cultivation now, but the two cultivation systems are not completely compatible, so you sometimes feel a little awkward. It's awkward. But it seems that your own physique is very special, and you can blend it ingeniously."

After Wu Quanyi finished speaking, Zhao Xun suddenly realized.

No wonder he sometimes felt that there were two forces in his body competing with each other. It turned out to be the true energy of Wenxiu and Wuxiu.

"Master, what should that disciple do now?"

Zhao Xunsheng was afraid that he would become obsessed because of both civil and martial arts. He is still very young, and he has not married more than a dozen beautiful wives and concubines. How could he become obsessed?
"Forget it, since you and I are masters and apprentices, it is impossible for a teacher to sit idly by. Although the civil and military practice systems have their own ways, in the end, they all lead to the same goal. It is not difficult to seek common ground while reserving differences. As a teacher, I will teach you the breath of Taoism. Use channeling to adjust the breath in your body so that they can get along with each other in peace."

Zhao Xun was overjoyed when he heard this.

In the practice system of this world, Taoism can be said to be unique.

Among them, the most critical is the Daoist breath guidance technique.

This thing is more like a way for practitioners to maintain their health. It can make people practice calmly.

This is still very necessary.

After all, with Zhao Xun's mentality, if he allowed the true qi in his body to fight, he might collapse.

"Thank you, master. I dare to ask another question. Where is my cultivation level now?"

Zhao Xun looked at Wu Quanyi pitifully, just like a writer on the street who was full of expectations and asked the editor for his follow-up.

"As for Wuxiu, you are still in the ninth-rank martial pawn state, very solid."

Zhao Xun was taken aback for a moment, this is very solid and heart-warming.

"As for the realm of literary cultivation, you have already entered the rank, and it is between the ninth rank and the eighth rank."

Wu Quanyi said very seriously: "According to common sense, there should be no concept of grades in the practice system, but your situation is a bit special. If your literary cultivation level is ninth grade, but your realm is obviously higher than ninth grade , but if you say that you are an eighth grade, it seems that you are missing another layer of window paper."

Wu Quanyi pondered for a moment and said: "So as a teacher, I can only confirm that your current level of literary cultivation is between the ninth rank and the eighth rank, and it is closer to the eighth rank."

Zhao Xun was ecstatic in his heart, he thought he was a waste of cultivation, but he never thought that he had such a talent for cultivation.



(End of this chapter)

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