big week bad guy

Chapter 322 The Exploration of the Great Master of the Western Regions

Chapter 322 The Exploration of the Great Master of the Western Regions (Super chapter of nearly 20000 words)
Another day full of energy and refreshment!

Zhao Xun got up and stretched, trying to make himself excited.

The reason why he maintains this state every day is because he will constantly give himself psychological hints.

This kind of psychological hint can make people in a state of excitement all the time.

This is very important, because a person's attitude and emotion will not only affect himself but also those around him.

Zhao Xun doesn't want to be a disseminator of negative emotions.

This is bad.

"Wake up early and eat a good meal."

Zhao Xun soon started to make breakfast by himself, first ordered a bowl of noodles and then poured a full glass of milk.

Making breakfast and eating breakfast also has a so-called sense of ritual, which helps to cultivate a yearning for life.

In Zhao Xun's view, life will treat you as you treat life.

You have been venting negative emotions to life, and life will return negative things to you.

And if you can stay positive, life will give you positive things in return.

"Well, the taste of this poached egg is really good..."

It seems that he will cook more healthy meals in the future. Although fried food is delicious, it is too unhealthy.

Although Zhao Xun is not yet at the age of health preservation, it is no problem to start health preservation early.

"Junior brother, you still have the mind to have breakfast here, there is a fight over there!"

Sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou rushed over in a hurry, which startled Zhao Xun.

"Senior Brother Six, what happened?"

Zhao Xun was taken aback by the sixth senior brother, and the remaining half of the poached egg fell into the bowl in an instant.

"It's starting to fight, that Lauren from the Dragon Clan rode a black dragon out of the academy and chased him to the Elf Clan's camp and started fighting!"


Zhao Xun gasped when he heard the words.

This is too scary, isn't it?
If what Brother Six said is true, then he has to go and see it quickly.

If the situation is allowed to develop, it is really possible to get out of control.

"Okay, I'll go take a look."



But it was said that Zhao Xun and his sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou chased them out of the academy and arrived at the residence of the elves.

After seeing the scene in front of them, they all opened their mouths in surprise.

"Good guy... This is really good... Unexpectedly, a fire was ignited."

After hearing this, Zhao Xun rolled his eyes: "What ignited the fire, it is clearly the dragon flame."

Zhao Xun gave a very professional term, and Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, was taken aback when he heard it.

"It's the flames emitted by giant dragons. Don't you know that dragons can breathe fire?"

Zhao Xun spread his hands and said, "When the dragon is angry or receives the master's order, it will spew out flames without hesitation. It is not unusual to cause a big fire like this."

"How could you make such a deadly move? It's too cruel."

Sixth Senior Brother Lu Guangdou could only feel shivering.

This dragon flame was sprayed on the resident of the elves, if it was sprayed to other places, it would be...

Fortunately, Long Yan didn't spray the academy, otherwise the academy would suffer.

"I really didn't expect that Lauren would be the one to do it first."

Zhao Xun's words contained a hint of helplessness and disappointment.

In his view, there are certainly contradictions between the dragon clan and the elves, but the contradictions are far from irreconcilable.

Moreover, Luo Lun has always maintained basic restraint. Zhao Xun felt that as long as the elves did not take the initiative to provoke the two sides, it would be impossible to fight.

But the fact is that Lauren led the Dragon Clan to make the first move.

Zhao Xun didn't fly on a dragon this time, but the Sixth Senior Brother who was flying on Minghong Dao and Yujian came all the way.

Time is running out, but it's not too late.

When Zhao Xun came to the core area of ​​the conflict, he saw the black-winged dragon at a glance.

This guy's size is really too big, even if he sits cross-legged with his wings closed, he still looks like a hill.

"Roren, what's going on?"

Zhao Xun quickly stepped forward and asked.

"do not come…"

Luo Lun was very vigilant, and Zhao Xun could see obvious hostility in his eyes.

What happened?
What happened overnight?

Zhao Xun felt puzzled.

"Don't get excited, talk well if you have something to say, and don't break out into conflict."

Zhao Xun said this to both Lauren and Elf King Odysseyka.

He could see the anger in the eyes of the Elf King Odysseyka, as if it could kill a person!

How did the situation become like this?Zhao Xun is unknown now.

But he knew that at this time, the conflict must be eased, and the conflict between the two sides must not be intensified.

"Ask and see what he has done? Did it by one person? He flew to our camp on a black dragon, and wanted to burn us to death with dragon flames while we were asleep. If our guards hadn't discovered it in time, I'm afraid many of us have died tragically by now."

Odysseyka sternly reprimanded Lauren's behavior.

"Roren, why on earth are you doing this?"

At this time, you can't be biased, you must present the facts and make sense.

Zhao Xun knew this truth very well, so he questioned the party who was wronged from the beginning.

Obviously Lauren was wrong.

"Because I want revenge!"

Lauren's eyes were red, as if possessed by a demon.

"You haven't been ruined by these elves, you can't understand my pain. My people and I should have lived happily together, but because of the elves' betrayal and the invasion of the Corruptor, our home was destroyed. If it weren't for these The elf stabbed the knife in the back at a critical moment, it certainly won't be like this."

Lauren was very emotional, and all the muscles in his body were trembling.

At this moment, the elf king Odysseyka in the distance sneered and said: "Red mouth and white teeth, you are not here to confuse people. What does it mean that our elves are stabbed in the back, and what is our betrayal? The invasion of the Corruptor is also our How can you put all the responsibility on me if you don't want to see it?"

Seeing that the two sides were about to start a scolding battle or even fight, Zhao Xun quickly blocked it: "Don't be impulsive, talk well if you have something to say, there must be a misunderstanding here."

Although Zhao Xun said so on the lips, he actually slandered in his heart: I thought it was some new contradiction, so it turned out that it was these old sesame seeds and rotten millet that went around.

"Misunderstanding? What kind of misunderstanding can there be? If you do it, you have to admit it. Can they still deny it?"

"Stop spitting blood, what have we done? Don't confuse people here and damage the image of our elves."


Zhao Xun is really about to collapse now.

"Senior Brother Six, do you have a solution?"

Sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou smiled brightly: "What can I do, I'm afraid there is no one in the academy who can handle the things that you have done well, junior brother."

"Then what should we do, let's take Lauren back to deal with it coldly?"



Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, admits that the junior brother Zhao Xun can always find the most suitable solution at the moment.

Taking Lauren away is indeed the best way to reduce the smell of gunpowder.

It's just easier said than done.

Lauren was originally a dragon, so it can be said that he is infinitely powerful.

Not to mention he also has a dragon as bodyguard.

"Making a miracle happen, it would be great if the tenth junior brother was here."

Zhao Xun thought right, tenth senior brother Xu Rong is not only a fool, but also a fool with infinite strength.

Such a strong man, if he makes a move, it is really possible to subdue Lauren and his giant bodyguard, the black-winged dragon.

But tenth senior brother must be in the academy now.

Far cannot quench near thirst.

Zhao Xun is very difficult now.

"Or Yao Jianxian is also fine."

Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, continued to analyze.

Bamboo Forest Sword Immortal Yao Yan is the most powerful cultivator in the academy besides Shanzhang.

Under the premise that the mountain chief retreated to recuperate his injuries, if Yao Jianxian could make a move, he would definitely be able to play the role of Dinghaishenzhen.

But only if...

The premise is that Yao Yan, the Bamboo Forest Sword Immortal, can sense it.

I don't know if the Sixth Brother's mouth was opened, or what, but the bamboo forest sword fairy Yao Yan really came with the sword at the next moment!
At this moment, Zhao Xun was very excited.

Good guy, Yao Jianxian still has the responsibility.

Yao Yan's image in Zhao Xun's mind suddenly grew a lot.

"Yao Jianxian, come and help us take Luo Lun and Heilong away!"

Zhao Xun hurriedly asked Yao Yan for help.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect you kid to be really good at tossing."

Yao Yan said this to Luo Lun.

He didn't talk nonsense with Luo Lun, but simply swung his sword to draw a circle, and then surrounded Luo Lun and his black dragon in the circle.



"What kind of magic is this!"

For a split second Lauren found himself trapped.

He doesn't understand why, but the current situation is that the actions of him and the big black dragon are restricted.

The circle drawn by the swordsman has a very strong restrictive force, and Lauren can't get out at all!

Angry, he is really angry!

But no matter how angry you are, it's useless. If you are inferior to others, you can only be arranged, and you will be arranged clearly!

What's even more frightening is that the next thing Roren discovered was that it wasn't just a circle, but a ball.

The ball rose slowly, lifting him and the big black dragon together.

It can even move!

It was so terrifying.

Roren gave up after symbolically hitting the invisible wall a few times and finding no results.

He knew that with his current strength, he couldn't open the wall cover at all.



The situation is getting more and more complicated.

Although they have now successfully controlled Luo Lun, the leader of the Dragon Clan, Zhao Xun realized that this matter was very strange.

Lauren is a man of good character and has always been rational.

He suddenly became angry and hurt people, threatening the entire elves and even the human race of the neighboring Casper Kingdom.

If Zhao Xun and the others arrived a little later, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Although the people are under control, the next thing they have to do is to find out the reason for the sudden change in Lauren's mood. Only in this way can they clear the fog and find the real culprit.

"Senior brother, what do you think is the reason?"

A group of bigwigs sat around, but Zhao Xun still instinctively wanted to ask the third senior brother for his opinion first.

After all, Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, is known as the academy's most intelligent star, and he has played the role of chief think tank officer for quite a long time.

"Use the mind-observing technique first."

Long Qingquan frowned and suggested.

Although he doesn't know whether the mind-watching technique will be effective, but first use it as a respect.

What if it works?

"Well, I can only try."

Zhao Xun then turned his gaze to his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi, and said in a harmonious voice: "Master, I have to trouble you again."

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi curled his lips and said, "What's the hard work? It's not hard. Anyway, being a teacher is just a matter of moving your fingers. I just don't know if it will be effective or not, and will it mislead your judgment."

Seeing what the mentor said, Zhao Xun quickly smiled and said: "No, the mentor is one of the two. With the mentor here, we will definitely be able to find out the truth."

"Your little mouth is really sweet."

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi couldn't bear Zhao Xun's flattery, so he shook his sleeves and walked straight towards Luo Lun who was trapped by the restraint.

The last time Wu Quanyi entered Luo Lun's sea of ​​consciousness, he didn't see many useful things, but was misled instead.

This made Wu Quanyi very vigilant, for fear of making another mistake.

So this time Wu Quanyi looked very carefully from the very beginning.

He looked at it layer by layer, not in a hurry.

After reading one layer, uncover a layer of film, and then continue to look at the next layer.

Everything went smoothly at first, until Wu Quanyi saw the first floor and found that the clip here was empty.

How is this going?This is unreasonable.

Wu Quanyi knew very well what went wrong, and it seemed that a section of Lauren's memory had been artificially erased.

"Hey, come and see, there is a piece of memory here that has been erased, which means that someone has invaded his sea of ​​consciousness!"


Zhao Xun couldn't help gasping when he heard the words.

Luo Lun's memory was artificially erased, and he was able to go deep into the academy as if no one was there, and invade Luo Lun's sea of ​​consciousness and erase his memory in an environment full of experts. This person's strength cannot be underestimated.

Zhao Xun felt that this person's strength should be at least one rank.Possibly even a grand master.

If it's a grand master...

Although Zhao Xun is unwilling to think in this direction, there are only a handful of great masters in the capital, and the only ones Zhao Xun can think of are Zheng Jie and Yuan Tiangang.

After all, only these two great masters are related to the imperial court and Emperor Xianlong.

The other great masters are unlikely to have anything to do with the court.

"Men, do you think it was done by the Grand Master?"

"It's hard to say, it's very possible in terms of strength. But there is no evidence."

"Or maybe a hidden master."

Yao Yan, the Bamboo Forest Sword Immortal, interjected, "If he is a master of concealment, it would be very difficult for us to find his trace."


Zhao Xun only felt that his head was as big as a bucket.

This master of secret shots really knows how to hide himself.

All the clues seemed to be bypassed by him on purpose.

From this point of view, this person wanted to sneak into the academy from the very beginning, erase Lauren's memory and implant hatred.

This person's purpose is so clear, nothing more than wanting to cause disputes and muddy the water.

The target he chose to attack was Roren, the leader of the Dragon Clan, indicating that he did not want to see the academy form an alliance with the tribes in the Alan Lore continent.

This person is likely to be Zhao Xun's potential opponent.

"Is there a way to restore this memory?"

Zhao Xun knew that intruders would leave marks, so this master erased a memory of Lauren.As long as they can restore this memory, they can then figure out the identity of this person.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult."

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi sighed and said: "If you want to restore the memory, you have to be a top-level wizard or a charmer. I am afraid that I am not competent as a teacher."

Zhao Xun seriously suspected that he had heard it wrong.

What did the teacher just say?
He said that he was too young to be competent?
In Zhao Xun's impression, Wu Quanyi, the benefactor and Daoist Qinglian, has always been a very strong existence.

There is almost no situation where he admits to being subdued.

But what happened today, even the mentor thought it was difficult to restore the memory?

It seems that this is really difficult.

Zhao Xun knew that things that his teacher found difficult must be really difficult to achieve, so he no longer forced himself.

"But it's not easy to find this top wizard and rune master?"

"of course."

Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan took over the conversation.

"You don't have to think about the top-level wizards, junior brother. It's better to talk about the top-level rune masters. There are three in Chang'an City alone."

Zhao Xun was shocked.

There are so many top rune masters in Chang'an City?
Although he knew that Chang'an City was the place of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, he was somewhat surprised.

"Senior Brother Third, you're not joking, are you?"

The third brother Long Qingquan rolled his eyes a few times and said: "Are you kidding? Do you think I mean it like a joke? Your adoptive father Yuan Tiangang is one of them, and he is also the top rune master. The other two runes One of the teachers works in the imperial palace and is Emperor Xianlong's imperial painter, so you don't have to think about it. There is also a painter named Han Bohu, who is a down-and-out painter who once helped Taoist Qinglian repair the great formation in Chang'an .”

"Han Bohu?"

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi was shocked when he heard this name.

He was surprised and not surprised, because although he knew that Han Bohu was a very powerful rune master, he didn't know that he was a master-level powerhouse.But if what Long Qingquan said is true, Han Bohu is actually at the same level as the great painter in the palace and Yuan Tiangang.

If it is not easy to make an analogy, Yuan Tiangang can be used as a benchmark.

There is no doubt about Yuan Tiangang's strength, so it is enough to show that Han Bohu is also very strong.

"That's right, it's him. Daoist Qinglian, you have a long history of friendship with him, so as long as you are willing to speak, he will definitely be willing to come."

The third brother Long Qingquan respected Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi very much, which was also his habit for so many years.

Long Qingquan will show great respect to seniors and strong people.

"Well, if it's him, I'm sure I'll invite him here."

Han Bohu is addicted to alcohol, in Wu Quanyi's view, as long as he takes out a pot of good wine, he can let him go with him.

Of course, as long as Han Bohu can restore this memory and help them find the mastermind behind the scenes, then let alone a jar of wine, even a whole wine cellar will be worth it.

"That apprentice is here to wish his teacher success soon."

Zhao Xun quickly offered a flattery.

In his opinion, Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi is very reliable.

Therefore, he believes that there will be results soon.

And now all they have to do is wait.

Chang'an City, the north entrance of the West Market Archway.

In an unremarkable restaurant, Han Bohu was drinking.

His drinking movements are very unrestrained and unrestrained, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he drinks like a cow.

Taoist Qinglian Wu Quanyi walked in with his hands behind his back, laughed loudly and said, "It's been so many days, I can't imagine you are still so greedy."

"Old Wu?"

Han Bohu turned his head to look, and saw that it was Wu Quanyi who came, and he was completely drunk for a moment, only feeling refreshed.

"Old Wu, why are you here?"

"Why can't I come?"

Wu Quanyi laughed loudly and said: "To tell you the truth, I came here to ask for something from you, so I brought a jar of good wine, the best apricot flower stuffing, you come and taste it."

Han Bohu didn't see him either, he immediately stepped forward and unsealed the wine jar, and then poured out a glass.

"Well, it smells so good."

Han Bohu was not in a hurry to drink the cow drink, but carefully asked Xinghua Niu to sniff it.

"This taste is really amazing."

"Yeah, I've been hiding this wine for a long time, and I wouldn't be willing to take it out if I didn't come to see you."

"Apricot flower brew, apricot blossom brew, the taste is really amazing."

Han Bohu couldn't bear it anymore, he put the fine apricot blossom wine into his mouth immediately, and drank it all in one gulp.

"Drink slowly, and no one will grab you. Drinking so fast will hurt your body."

Wu Quanyi couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

He has known Han Bohu for such a long time, and Han Bohu really hasn't changed at all.

You can call him childish, or you can call him genuine.

In short, Wu Quanyi felt very comfortable getting along with such a person.

"How is it? How does my jar of apricot flower stuffing taste?"

Of course Wu Quanyi knew that this altar was high-quality wine, but he just wanted to hear Han Bohu say it himself.

That spontaneous sense of pride is very refreshing.

"Shuang, it's really cool. I didn't expect that there would be such a superb wine hidden in your hands. Tell me, how many other good wines have you hidden?"

Han Bohu stared straight at Wu Quanyi, like a drunkard looking at the bartender.

"Haha, of course I have hidden a lot of fine wine. If you want to drink, there is a chance."

"Speaking of which, why did you come to me this time to ask for something?"

"Look at what you said, if I ask you for nothing, I can't come to see my old brother?"

"Come on, there's no need to pretend between us old brothers, and don't fix these vain things."

Han Bohu smiled brightly and said, "I don't eat good wine and food for free. You are the master of the Three Treasures Palace. Tell me, please ask me to do something."

"Hey, old brother, you are sensible. Let's put it this way, I met a foreigner whose memory was partially erased in the academy. His sea of ​​consciousness was obviously invaded, and the intruder simply took the Part of his memory was removed. I was wondering if you could help get that part back."

Wu Quanyi didn't mean to hide anything in front of Han Bohu, but said straight to the point.

Han Bohu was silent for a moment and said: "I know you can't drink this wine for nothing. In my opinion, it is not impossible to restore this memory, but it will take a lot of energy. Just this jar of wine is not worth my trip."

Wu Quanyi rolled his eyes when he heard that.

"Just make an offer."

"Ten altars, ten altars of the best apricot flower wine, I promise to restore his memory."


Wu Quanyi almost fainted from anger.

He does have ten altars of apricot flower wine, but this is all his family property.

If he gave away all the ten altars of wine, it meant that he really wanted to give all the old bottoms to Han Bohu.

He is really distressed.

"Why, don't want to? Forget it, I didn't force you."

Han Bohu's attitude really annoyed Wu Quanyi, but after thinking about it carefully, he really had no chance to choose.

Even if Han Bohu is a lion, he still has to admit it.

But now he is asking Han Bohu.

It can be said that Han Bohu has completely grasped him.

Wu Quanyi swallowed a mouthful of spit, and forced himself to say: "Yes, of course I am willing. If you have something to say, talk about it. Besides, isn't it just ten altars of apricot blossom brewing? Compared with our brotherhood, these ten altars of wine What counts?"

"Is that right, when are we leaving?"

A strange smile appeared on the corner of Han Bohu's mouth, and he asked softly.

"It's here."

Wu Quanyi brought Han Bohu to the mountain gate of Haoran Academy, and nodded casually.

"Good guy, it doesn't look surprising from the outside. I didn't expect this place to be the address of Haoran Academy, a sacred place in the minds of scholars all over the world."

Han Bohu looked around carefully. He looked around and still didn't find anything unusual.

"Of course it doesn't look unusual on the outside, but there's something else going on inside."

Wu Quanyi clapped his palms, only to see the originally invisible restriction instantly appear.

"Good guy, this is amazing."

Han Bohu is a rune master himself, so he is naturally very interested in things like prohibition.

I saw him walking closer and observing carefully.

"Ahem, I said, Old Han, don't waste your time here. The business matters, the business matters."

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi thought to himself that he had already boasted in front of his disciples, if he failed to bring Han Bohu to him, there would be no place to put his old face.

"Don't worry, I'm just looking at it casually, and I won't delay your business."

Han Bohu patted his palms lightly, then walked to Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi and said, "Let's go in."

"it is good."

Daoist Qinglian gently read the word "Open", and saw that the academy's restriction was instantly opened.

Han Bohu walked in satisfied.

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi followed closely behind.

"It is said that the academy is a place of beauty and beauty, and seeing it today is really extraordinary."

"Haha, when the old man came here for the first time, he was amazed again and again. He felt that the head of the mountain really knows how to enjoy and finds a place."

Wu Quanyi stroked his beard and said: "However, these are all externalized things after all. Whether they can be cultivated or not depends on their true skills."

"That's natural."

The two walked together, and after a short time, they came to the bamboo forest.

"It is said that bamboo grows naturally in the south because they are suitable for the humid climate in the south. Countless literati and scholars in the past dynasties tried to move bamboo to the north, but they all failed. They found that bamboo could not adapt to the cold and dry climate in the north. The climate, even if it is planted, it will turn yellow in a short time. Even if it is a family of kings, grandsons and dignitaries, it is difficult for bamboo to grow well. I have never seen such a whole bamboo forest in the north. And it still looks lush and lush. The head of the mountain is really a god."

Han Bohu sighed with emotion, and Wu Quanyi also echoed him.

"Yeah, maybe it's because of the aura of the academy here. The aura nourishes the bamboo so that the bamboo can survive in the north, and it grows extremely well."

Wu Quanyi swallowed and said: "But we still don't pay attention to these details, there are more important things waiting for us right now."

"Haha, this is the third time you have urged me today."

Han Bohu knew that if he wanted to stay any longer, Wu Quanyi would jump his feet anxiously, so he nodded and said, "Let's go."

"How about my good apprentice, I brought you here as a teacher."

Beside the ink wash pool, Wu Quanyi said to his apprentice Zhao Xun as if asking for credit while stroking his beard.

"The mentor is unparalleled, and the apprentice admires it."

Zhao Xun hurriedly sent a flattery, making his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi smack like a celestial being.

Thousands of wears, no flattery.

Since everyone likes to hear good things, Zhao Xun picks up good things to say.

Anyway, he is the closest person to him.

"Haha, okay, Old Han, you have seen Zhao Xun, right? At that time, he was still working among bad people and was in charge of repairing the talisman array in Chang'an City. Who would have thought that he would be forced to resign after only half a year."

"Men, I resigned on my own initiative."

Zhao Xun can agree on other things, and let Daoist Qinglian talk about them, but he has his own principles on this matter.

In Zhao Xun's view, he resigned on his own initiative.

Regardless of whether one is active and the other is passive, the gap is actually quite huge.

Voluntary resignation means that Zhao Xun has actively stepped out to explore, while passive dismissal means that Zhao Xun has lost the courage to explore.

"Okay, resign on your own initiative, you resigned on your own initiative."

Of course Wu Quanyi knew that Zhao Xun was feeling uncomfortable, so he hurriedly made amends along the lines.

"Actually, there is nothing to worry about. After all, this matter has passed. There is no one between you and the court and the emperor."

"Yeah, things have changed for a long time. But that's good, I don't have any scruples. I was worried about Taiping's safety, but now that I have taken Taiping to the academy, the dog emperor has nothing to worry about. Check and balance mine."

"Cough cough."

Wu Quanyi coughed and said, "Let's start to restore the memory."

He thought to himself that Han Bohu was brought from the West Market at the cost of one jar, no, ten jars of apricot flower wine.

Don't talk about it here, let's get down to business.

"it is good!"

Since Han Bohu drank Wu Quanyi's wine, he naturally had to do something.

He walked to Wu Quanyi's side and asked in a low voice, "Where is he?"

"In the grove behind this inkwell."

Wu Quanyi pointed in the direction of the grove.

After they brought Luo Lun back, they temporarily detained him in the grove, and sealed off the surrounding area of ​​the grove.

In this way, no matter what skills Roren uses, he cannot easily break through the restriction and run out.

"Well, okay, I'll go and have a look."

Han Bohu seemed very confident, and walked towards the grove with a pace.

Zhao Xun hurriedly followed behind, and Daoist Qinglian and the third senior brother also followed.

It's not that they don't trust Han Bohu, but that Han Bohu is a talisman master, very good at talisman formations and consciousness, but his combat effectiveness is not strong.

Although there was a talisman formation between the two of them, if anything happened and Luo Lun really hurt Han Bohu, Wu Quanyi and the third senior brother Long Qingquan would feel very sorry.

Zhao Xun thought to himself that he didn't pay attention before, and today he must see how the grand master-level rune master entered the sea of ​​consciousness to restore his memory.

There was nothing unusual about Han Bohu when he got started, he just used his true energy to forcibly shake away the suspended impurities around Luo Lun, but then his soul came out of his body and directly poured into Luo Lun's sea of ​​consciousness!

This move shocked everyone including Zhao Xun.

Good guy, this Han Bohu's way is too wild.

As soon as the experts make a move, they will know if there is any.

Although this way seems a bit wild, Zhao Xun is sure that Han Bohu has real kung fu.

Generally speaking, a practitioner will not easily force his soul out, because the physical body will be in a passive state of being beaten.

If an enemy attacks and destroys his physical body, making it impossible for the primordial spirit to return to his body, the consequences will be unimaginable.

But Han Bohu dared to do this because he knew that there were many top practitioners around him who would definitely protect his physical body.

Zhao Xun guessed that the reason why Han Bohu wanted to pour all the primordial spirit into Luo Lun's sea of ​​consciousness was because he wanted to see more clearly.

Since Lauren's Sea of ​​Consciousness has been invaded, traces will definitely be left behind.

No matter whether it is a powerful practitioner, it is impossible to completely erase the traces.

The reason why some people can't see clearly what the traces are is because their Taoism is not deep enough.

If it were a master-level rune master like Han Bohu, he would definitely be able to see clearly and clearly.

Of course, Lauren's resistance was still very strong.

This is not only derived from his dragon blood, but also from his own protection mechanism.

However, Han Bohu would not give him a chance to react, and went straight into Lauren's Sea of ​​Consciousness Center.

In this way, even if Lauren wanted to resist, it would be futile.

It's impossible for Lauren to penetrate into his own mind and tear himself apart, right?

After Han Bohu entered Lauren's sea of ​​consciousness, he began to search slowly.

According to the information Wu Quanyi gave before, Luo Lun's sea of ​​consciousness was invaded by someone, and the intruder deliberately erased that memory.

This somewhat means that there is no silver 300 taels here.

As long as Han Bohu finds this erased blank memory, he can proceed to the next step.

But it is not easy to do this.

Because the sea of ​​knowledge is so long, even a search like searching mountains and seas would take a long time.

At this moment, Han Bohu needs perseverance and endurance.

The two are indispensable, if he has the slightest hesitation, he is likely to get nothing.

But he is a rune master after all, and his ability to concentrate is a must.

In fact, as long as Han Bohu is willing, he can easily search for more than a dozen hours.

Of course it didn't take that long this time.

After nearly an hour of searching, Han Bohu finally found the erased memory in Lauren's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Here, I finally found it."

Han Bohu looked very excited, he immediately came to this layer of memory fragments and carefully repaired them.

Restoring memory is not an easy task, because it requires a lot of patience and superb technology.

Even a small mistake may lead to the wastage of previous efforts.

Han Bohu forced himself into a super sensory state.

In this state, his mental power can be highly concentrated, and it is impossible for any external sound to disturb him.

Han Bohu is familiar with every operation, link, and step of restoring memory.

He only needs to follow the steps step by step, and he will definitely be able to restore Lauren's erased memory.

It is nothing more than a matter of time.

While Han Bohu was carefully restoring his memory, Long Qingquan, Daoist Qinglian, Zhao Xun, Lu Guangdou and others were all guarding Han Bohu's body.

Although I know that most likely nothing will happen, but I am not afraid of [-], just in case.

They have the responsibility to guard this physical body for Han Bohu, waiting for his primordial spirit to return to his body.

The wait is long and agonizing, especially when you don't know exactly how long you'll have to wait.

The scorching sun hung high, and everyone started to sweat under the exposure.

Zhao Xun's physique is prone to sweating, and he is already sweating profusely at this moment.

"Oh my god, if you keep roasting like this, it must be cooked."

Although these words are exaggerated, they are enough to show how vicious the poisonous sun hanging high in the sky is.

"Little brother, hold back. We have to wait for Han Bohu to come out."

About an hour later, Han Bohu finally recovered his soul.

The moment he saw Han Bohu's body trembling, Zhao Xun was so moved that he almost burst into tears.

It's not easy, it's really not easy.

"Senior Han, how are you doing?"

Zhao Xun stepped forward and asked with concern.

"The situation is not optimistic. The layer of his memory that was erased has been completely erased. I have tried to restore it just now, but the result of the restoration is not satisfactory."

Zhao Xun's mood dropped instantly.

He knows exactly what that means.Han Bohu is a grand master-level rune master, if even he can't restore the memory, Zhao Xun really doesn't know who else he can turn to.

Foster father Yuan Tiangang?
just forget it.
Zhao Xun knew very well that although Yuan Tiangang was his adoptive father, he never really treated Zhao Xun as a foster son from the beginning to the end.

The reason why Yuan Tiangang recognized Zhao Xun as his adopted son at the beginning was because he was competing with the head of the mountain.

It was impossible for Yuan Tiangang to watch the head of the mountain snatch Zhao Xun away, so he forced himself to recognize the adopted son.

It can be said that Yuan Tiangang made an alternative plan.

After getting along for such a long time, Zhao Xun also realized that Yuan Tiangang is an extreme egoist.

Such people take their own interests very seriously.

Once his interests are damaged or threatened, he will stop the loss in time.

There are many ways to stop loss, but the simplest and most direct way is to give up the person or thing you invested in.

Zhao Xun felt that he had been given up by Yuan Tiangang.

From the moment he broke with Emperor Xianlong, Yuan Tiangang should have given up on Zhao Xun.

In other words, the bond between Yuan Tiangang and Zhao Xun should have been broken at that moment.

So Zhao Xun would not open his mouth to beg Yuan Tiangang.

In his opinion, Yuan Tiangang would never agree at all. This is a completely self-defeating behavior.

So now all hope is concentrated on Han Bohu.

"But it's not completely irreparable, I need time, more time."

Good guy, why is Han Bohu so out of breath?

When Zhao Xun heard Han Bohu's words, he almost lost his temper.

But as long as Han Bohu didn't say that it was hopeless and impossible.

As long as there is even the slightest possibility, Zhao Xun is willing to wait.

He believes that there will be a good result, and he believes that good things are near.

"Senior Han, don't worry, just follow your pace. We can afford to wait."

Even if they can't afford to wait for this time, they have to say that they can afford to wait, and they must not put pressure on Han Bohu.

The half-orc chief Ruota stared at the desert not far away, wondering if there was a problem with his judgment.

"How could it come back again? Have we been going around in circles for such a long time?"

Half-orc priestess Zacharina also looked solemn.

Although half-orcs have rough skin, thick flesh and strong physique, they cannot withstand the consumption of such a long time in the desert.

The desert consumes people in various levels and directions.

The simplest is the blow of the mind.

When entering the desert at the beginning, almost everyone had a strong will to get out of the desert.

But as time goes by, people's emotions will change, and different people will have different differentiations.

A small number of them will become crazy and very neurotic, and they will jump up and attack others as soon as their nerves are touched.

There are also a small number of people who will become very taciturn and will completely close themselves into a small circle.

The half-orc chief Ruota could clearly feel the changes in his people.

They are very brave warriors, and they dare to face the powerful enemies of any tribe on the battlefield.

But in the face of this desert that they couldn't get out of, the soldiers were also on the verge of collapse.

Jota knew it was inevitable.

But he couldn't let the situation continue like this.

If the situation continues like this, it won't take long for his clansmen to be unable to hold on.

"Zakarina, now we must find a certain direction, all of us are hanging by a thread. Use your most powerful witchcraft, don't hesitate any longer."

Zacharina did not respond, but remained silent.

As a half-orc priestess, Zacharina is familiar with all kinds of witchcraft.

These witchcrafts may be used in different places, but they have a common feature, that is, the blood of living people or animals is required for sacrifice.

The more blood the priest gets, the clearer the guidance from the gods will be.

"The most powerful sorcery requires the blood of a hundred of the strongest kin, and so much that it will kill them."

"But if we can't get the guidance of the gods, all of us will die in this damn desert. At that time, more than 100 people will die. Besides, if you just bleed them, people may not necessarily die."

The half-orc chief Jota had a fierce dispute with the priestess Zacharina.

Ruota is the chief of the entire half-orc tribe, and what he has to consider is not just the issue of dozens of 100 people, but the life and death of tens of thousands of half-orc tribes.

He was the one who made the decision to bring his tribe to migrate to the continent of Alan Lore.

Now he is responsible for bringing the clansmen out of here safely.

"If you must do this, go find a hundred warriors, find a hundred warriors who are willing to risk their lives."

Zakarina knew she couldn't compete with Jota.

Jota's seniority allows him to order Zacharina to do anything, even if it means sacrificing her own life.

Zacharina knew Jota would order it if necessary.

She didn't even have the slightest doubt about it.

"Okay, I'll go find someone."

Jota has no doubts about being able to find a hundred warriors. Orcs are warriors, they dare to face death and blood.

As long as it is beneficial to the entire tribe, they will do it.

"People, we have a problem right now, we're stuck in this damn desert. We have nothing to eat or drink, and if this continues it's going to get worse. We'll get dehydrated, then hallucinate, and finally have Died in the desert. The priestess Zacharina thought of a way, that is to ask a hundred warriors to donate their blood. The priestess can use these blood to sacrifice to the gods and ask the gods to guide us. As long as the gods are willing Give us guidance, and all problems will be solved.”

Jota slightly adjusted the words of the priestess Zacharina to make it sound more convincing.

Of course, he deliberately downplayed the risk of offering blood sacrifices, because in his opinion, this would help the clansmen relax.

"I am willing, chief, I am willing to sacrifice blood."

"Chief, I am willing too, let me come."

"Chief, add me, I will definitely do it."

Sure enough, shortly after Jota launched the call, the entire half-orc group immediately responded positively.

Chief Ruota nodded in relief upon seeing this.

He just said that his people are all warriors, and it is impossible to evade responsibility.

At this moment, Ruota was very pleased.

"Don't crowd, don't crowd, we only need 100 people."

Ruota emphasized again and again: "Only one hundred warriors are needed, and don't squeeze the rest."

Within a short period of time, a hundred half-orcs formed a team.

Jota glanced at Priestess Zacharina, who naturally understood what he meant and nodded silently.

Zacharina took out a large basin, and then a leech from a small, close-fitting jar.

She relies on leeches to suck her blood.

"Come one by one."

Zacharina said without any emotion.

The orcs then slowly stepped forward.

One by one, they walked up to the priestess Zacharina, and stretched out their strong arms full of tendons.

Zacharina didn't hesitate either.

It was their own choice, no fault of hers.

If the leech sucked their blood dry it was their life, and if the leech did not suck their blood dry it was their life.

She dropped a leech on the forearm of an orc.

The leech, which was still in a semi-sleeping state, was instantly activated.

It desperately sucked up the half-orc's blood, and its body swelled rapidly.

At this moment, Chief Ruota found a phantom flashing near Zacharina.

The phantom was not very clear, but he could vaguely see something clearly.

It seems. Seems like a map?

Yes, this is a map.

There is no doubt that this map can guide them out of this ghost place and lead them out of the desert.

Ruota is very excited now.

Apparently the gods have manifested themselves.

Now what they have to do is to take as much blood as possible to sacrifice.

As long as the leech sucks more blood, the phantom will become more real, and the map will become clearer.


At this moment, a half-orc warrior who had been sucked by blood sucked too much fell to the ground, kicking up a lot of dust.

But Jota didn't show any emotional changes.

He knew very well that he could not hesitate at this time, not even the slightest hesitation.

A heart of stone is an essential quality for a chief.

As the blood of a hundred strong orc warriors was sucked dry by leeches, the somewhat blurred picture became clear in an instant.

The half-orc chief Ruota stared at the map in front of him, the corners of his mouth finally raised slightly.

The gods finally appeared, and finally began to guide them.

The gods marked them on the map. As long as they followed the route guided by the gods, they would be able to walk out of this damn desert smoothly.

It's not easy, it's really not easy.

They walked around in this desert for an unknown amount of time, and they just felt that they were not well.

If it drags on, Ruota really can't imagine how serious things will happen.

Although orc warriors are loyal warriors, hunger can drive a man mad and do things far from normal.

But now everything is fine.

They will soon be able to get out of the desert and head towards the prosperous city of Chang'an.

He is very clear about the prosperity of Chang'an City. Compared with the place where the orcs used to live on the continent of Alan Lore, it is simply going up and down every day.

There are also many rich and prosperous places in the Alan Lore continent, but none of these belong to half-orcs.

Half-orcs can only live in a barren land, where water and food are very scarce, and only the most tenacious can survive.

But it's obviously unfair to do so.

Because half-orcs deserve the same treatment as other tribes, and should not be exiled to a place where birds don't shit to fend for themselves.

The world's prejudice against half-orcs is so great that the whole half-orc tribe lived in great pain for quite a long time.

Jota made a very important decision, he decided to lead the tribe to a brand new world.

In this world, all prejudice can be eliminated, one can live completely according to one's instincts, and one no longer needs to look at other people's faces.

Ruota seemed to have seen a better tomorrow beckoning to them.

At this time, this tone must not be vented.

"His erased memory has largely been restored."

After Han Bohu's hard work, Luo Lun's erased memory has been restored.

And Luo Lun also seemed to have remembered something terrible, and looked at Han Bohu not far away in horror.

"Someone, someone hacked? My brain?"

"It's your sea of ​​consciousness."

Han Bohu corrected: "It should be done by a Supreme Grandmaster. Although I can't confirm his identity yet, there is no doubt that this person is a Supreme Grandmaster. This person is powerful, but his methods are vicious. Don't talk about it." Wu De. Once I know who he is, I will definitely announce it in the world and ruin his reputation."

Han Bohu's attitude is undoubtedly the attitude of everyone in the academy.

Especially Zhao Xun can be said to be deeply convinced.

In Zhao Xun's opinion, for a person like a great master, the level of practice and character should be equally important.

If there is only a level of practice but no character, such a person does not deserve to be admired by people in the world.

There is no doubt that the guy who sneaked into the academy and erased Lauren's memory was a villain.

If he was an honest gentleman, why would he use such vicious means? The key point is that he didn't even dare to leave his name, which really made him look down on him.

"So Lauren is fully recovered now?"

Zhao Xun asked with concern.

"Yes or no, he can recall most of them, but there is still a small part that cannot be retrieved immediately."

Hearing this, Zhao Xun gasped.

What is this operation?What does it mean to retrieve most of the memories but not all of them?

This operation is too good.

Zhao Xun felt that he couldn't accept it for a while.

"How are you feeling, Lauren?"

Zhao Xun then turned to Luo Lun and asked in a deep voice.

"I just feel like my brain is stuffed with something, and I feel drowsy."

Lauren felt the pain, shook his head and said, "What happened? I really don't know."

"Don't worry, let's stabilize first."

Zhao Xun knew that at this time he could not continue to force Luo Lun, if he continued to force Luo Lun, it is very likely that Luo Lun's mentality would explode directly.

The best choice at this time is to let Lauren calm down.

As long as Lauren can adjust himself, then everything will be fine.

On the contrary, if Lauren couldn't adjust himself, no matter how hard an outsider tried, it would be futile.

"Okay, then you rest first, don't think about it."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Xun turned and left with a group of people.

This is not an easy task, but if he can survive, Zhao Xun believes that Luo Lun will become stronger than before.

Humans are like this, going through all kinds of things all the time.

Some things may seem confusing, but as long as you see through it, it's not a big deal.

But it does require a process.

Zhao Xun decided to give Luo Lun this time.

"Junior brother, if it must be done by a great master, then I'm afraid it really has something to do with Emperor Xianlong."

After returning to the bamboo building, Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, began to analyze in a deep voice.

"Maybe it's not Yuan Tiangang and Zheng Jie, but it must have something to do with Emperor Xianlong. Because our academy has no enmity with anyone, the only person who can have a rift is Emperor Xianlong."

"Well, probably about the same."

Zhao Xun deeply agrees with the analysis of the third senior brother Long Qingquan.

It has not been a day or two since Emperor Xianlong stopped being a son of man, and with his character, it is impossible to bear it.

At present, Emperor Xianlong is the most likely behind-the-scenes black hand.

But the identity of the Grand Master remains a mystery.

If you can't solve this mystery, everything will still be confusing.


The sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou looked very confused.

"It is said that the leader of the Nanman witchcraft master has been killed, so it can be ruled out. The high priest of the demon sect? The sword master of Dongyue Jiange?"

Lu Guangdou first thought of these two people.

The reason is also very simple.

Both of them had participated in the battle against Chang'an.

Compared to Dongyue Sword Saint, Lu Guangdou thinks that the High Priest of the Demon Sect is more likely.

Because Wei Wuji was too afraid of the head of the mountain and the academy.

Under such fear, it is unrealistic for him to sneak into the academy at night, forcefully invade Lauren's sea of ​​consciousness and erase his memory.

The possibility of the words of the high priest of the Demon Sect is not small.

Because this guy once joined forces with the group of black wizards to seriously injure the mountain chief in the void space.

The high priest of the Mozong knew very well that the head of the mountain was injured, so he sneaked into the academy to find out the truth?
It happened that he met Lauren, so he invaded his sea of ​​consciousness and deleted part of his memory.

It must be so, the more Zhao Xun thought about it, the more he felt that his analysis made sense.

Zhao Xun didn't know why the high priest of the Mozong didn't choose to kill Luo Lun but just deleted part of his memory.

Maybe it was because the High Priest of the Demon Sect didn't want to make too much noise?Maybe he just came to test it out?
Zhao Xun really didn't know.

But no matter what, this is a major discovery for Zhao Xun.

"For the time being, let's think it was the work of the High Priest of the Demon Sect."

Zhao Xun said seriously.

"If this is the case, it means that the High Priest of the Demon Sect and the group of black wizards have successfully arrived in our world."

"Hiss, did he discover the truth this time?"

"It's hard to say."

Zhao Xun shook his head and said: "The head of the mountain has been retreating, so he guessed that the high priest of the Demon Sect was also very confused, because he couldn't detect the breath of the head of the mountain. And as long as he didn't notice the breath of the head of the mountain for a day, he would be fine for a day. Don’t dare to act rashly.”

The head of the mountain is really the supreme powerhouse in this world, even an absolute strongman like the High Priest of the Demon Sect is afraid of the head of the mountain.

This kind of fear is engraved in the bones, and it is absolutely difficult to eliminate in a short time.

Zhao Xun forced himself to calm down.

Don't panic, he must not panic.

And he also knew that the head of the mountain had already recovered. Compared with his brothers and sisters, he should be more calm.

"Let's be more vigilant these days, and don't be blindly confident and optimistic."

Zhao Xun felt that there was a high possibility that the intruder was the High Priest of the Demon Sect.

Because this guy has a habit of invading other people's dreamlands.

Zhao Xun's dream has been invaded more than once.

"We take turns to keep watch to ensure that no one will sneak into the academy and cause damage due to our negligence. As for whether this super strong man is the high priest of the Demon Sect, time will give us the answer."

Zhao Xun felt that it was meaningless to guess these things now.

Instead of spending their energy on guessing these, they might as well think more about how to ease the relationship between the major tribes in the Alan Lore continent.

The relationship between the elves and the dragons was not good in the first place, and it dropped to freezing point during this conflict.

In this case, there is an urgent need for an intermediary who can explain the situation clearly to avoid escalation of the conflict.

Now that the enemy is at hand, they need to be united with the outside world, and they must not fight in the nest.

"Well, as long as the matter is clarified, someone with a heart sneaked into the academy to do evil, intending to sow discord. As long as we explain the situation to the elves, they must be able to understand."


Bamboo Forest Sword Immortal Yao Yan nodded.

"Actually, I don't think it's a big deal. They are all men. In fact, it's okay to talk about many things."

"Yes, Junior Brother. I will leave this matter to you. I am optimistic about you."

The third brother Long Qingquan didn't know when he touched Zhao Xun's back, and lightly patted Zhao Xun's shoulder.

What is this for?
Why is the pressure all of a sudden on Zhao Xun's side?
And why did Zhao Xun feel that it was only natural for him to be the mediator?
"Then I'll try my best, but if it doesn't work, I still have to take action."

Zhao Xun spread his hands helplessly.

What can he do?He can only do this step.

Who told him to have the lowest seniority?

The academy is also a place that pays attention to seniority, and he can only bear with his inferior qualifications.

That's all, it's not really a big deal.

It's nothing more than a waste of words.

"That's the way it is. It's actually a misunderstanding."

Zhao Xun's tongue was full of lotus flowers, and he explained the specific situation to Odyssey the Elf King.

To his surprise, Odysseyka acted calmly.

This can't fix Zhao Xun.

Originally, he had already prepared a long draft, and when Odysseyka started to complain, he started to persuade.

But who knows that Odyssey has no intention of arguing at all, so what might Zhao Xun do?
"Uh, don't you have anything to ask?"

"Ask, ask what?"

The Elf King Odysseyka sighed and said, "Actually, I felt that this guy's behavior was not normal from the very beginning. He is usually very restrained, how could it be possible that he suddenly went crazy? This is not in line with common sense. .”

Zhao Xun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He was relieved that Odysseyka could think so.

"Yeah, someone with a heart is sowing discord. He is afraid that the world will not be chaotic. He is very afraid that we will unite. Because he knows very well that if we really unite, our strength will be quite amazing. In this way, he will have no chance. So That's the only way he can choose."

After Zhao Xun finished speaking, Odyssey continued, "I don't think this person is necessarily from your world."

Hearing this, Zhao Xun was really surprised.

Not necessarily from our world?

The Elf King means that this person may come from the continent of Alan Lore?
Speaking of which, he really didn't think in this direction before.

Everyone in the academy, including Zhao Xun, has always believed that the murderer is likely to be a certain grand master.

But now it seems that the murderer is also very likely to come from the continent of Allen Lore.

If this is the case, it can explain why he invaded Lauren's Sea of ​​Consciousness instead of everyone in the Academy.

"Do you have anyone to guess?"

"It's hard to say."

The Elf King Odysseyka shook his head and said: "There are many people with this strength in the Alan Lore Continent, and there are many who have enmity with the Dragon Clan. It is too difficult to analyze who did it based on the existing clues. "

Odysseyka's words made Zhao Xun fall into silence again for a while.

Hey, after all, it is still difficult to deduce who made it.

This person is very cautious, has been hiding very well, and will not reveal his identity easily.

"Well, let's stay vigilant for now. Whether this person is from Alan Lore or our world, he is our current enemy. Since he can come once, he can come a second time. We must be cautious To prevent him from causing further damage."

"Tsk tsk..."

The Elf King Odysseyka nodded: "I also have the same intention, so I decided to send out sentries to carry out uninterrupted rotations to ensure timely response to any disturbances."

"That's good, as long as we can be cautious, there will be no problem."

Zhao Xun nodded and said, "As for the Dragon Clan, I hope you can save face and stop pursuing it."

"I didn't want to pursue it at first. I was really angry at first, but after I figured it out, I knew that someone with a heart was provoking me, so naturally I wouldn't do it again."

The attitude of Elf King Odysseyka is quite surprising, at least Zhao Xun was surprised.

"It's really good of you to think so. Although you have had grievances before, after all, it has been so long, and there is no point in holding on to it. I mean, let's just turn the page, so that everyone is very happy." It’s easy. After all, what we need now is unanimity, and we can’t fight each other anymore.”

"Well, that's what it means."

The Elf King Odysseyka nodded and said: "The current situation is still very unfavorable to us. Corruptors are not easy to deal with. They are very bloodthirsty and like to kill. Once they are targeted by them, it is very difficult to escape matter."

"Tsk tsk, it looks like we really have to hug each other to keep warm."

Zhao Xun is already very satisfied to be able to talk about this level.

The current situation itself is not good for them. Only by uniting can they resist powerful enemies.

When Zhao Xun brought back the news that the Elf King Odysseyka had forgiven the leader of the Dragon Clan, Luo Lun, to the brothers and sisters in the academy, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not easy, it's really not easy.

"Great, the big battle is imminent, and a fire in the backyard is not a good thing. It's a happy result for everyone. I just don't know how far the old man has recovered."


Zhao Xun thought to himself that although he knew the truth, he couldn't tell it.Really anxious baby.

Of course, he was still at ease.

But brothers and sisters are not necessarily so.

Although they have been sheltered under the wings of the head of the mountain for a long time, losing this shelter suddenly will undoubtedly make everyone feel a little at a loss.

These reactions are normal.

Hold back, you must hold back, and you must not tell the news that the head of the mountain has recovered.

"Junior brother, is it true that your marriage with the county master Yonghe is over?"

Elder Sister Xiao Ning asked a question suddenly, which stumped Zhao Xun.

What's happening here?
Why did it suddenly involve his marriage?
Zhao Xun is not too old at this age, so there is no need to do anything to urge the marriage, right?

He is really too difficult.

"Er, elder sister, I think we should wait until the battle is over. We don't need to be so anxious about marriage."

Zhao Xun's attitude made Xiao Ning nod her head and said, "It's good that you know what's in your mind. I think this kind of thing should be rushed sooner rather than later. You see, your second senior sister and Yao Jianxian are sticking together like glue all day long, how nice it is. "

Being cueed for no reason, Second Senior Sister Liu Yingying blushed instantly.

"Master! What are you doing?"

"Well, isn't it? Well, sometimes I really envy you all."


Everyone present felt embarrassed now.

The master sister is also true, which pot is not open and which pot to carry.

All right, why do you want to say this all of a sudden.

"That's all, that's all. You young people don't want to listen, so I won't say anything."

Xiao Ning helplessly shook her head.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Elder Sister, if I have nothing else to do, I will go to accompany Taiping first."

Zhao Xun thought to himself that this scene is really too embarrassing, he can't continue to stay here, and wait for an opportunity to get out quickly.

"Go, it's best to be with her. She is living in the academy with no relatives, and you are her only support."

The elder sister Xiao Ning suddenly became very gentle, which made Zhao Xun feel a little uncomfortable.

"Uh, okay, please rest assured, Senior Sister."

When walking back through the bamboo forest, Zhao Xun suddenly found a figure in the bamboo forest.

Instinct drove him to catch up, but Zhao Xun found that this person was none other than the head of the mountain.

"The head of the mountain? The apprentice pays homage to the head of the mountain."

Zhao Xun was sure that this person was the head of the mountain and not Long Qingquan, the third senior brother.

Although the third senior brother used the disguise technique to pretend to be the head of the mountain, he should be in the bamboo building.

If this is inferred, the person in front of him is undoubtedly the head of the mountain.

"Okay, dear apprentice, you have done very well recently, I am very comforted by the teacher.

Hearing that the head of the mountain praised Zhao Xun, he felt very happy.

"Thank you, teacher."

"Do you know why the teacher has been refusing to show up?"

"The apprentice doesn't know, but the mentor naturally has his own reasons."

Zhao Xun thought in his heart that he should ask the questions that should be asked, and he must not ask the questions that should not be asked.

Although the head of the mountain is very amiable, he is also a supreme power after all.

Still have to save face.

"As a teacher, I want to fish."

The head of the mountain said quietly.


Good guy.

Zhao Xun called out to be an expert in his heart.

Fishing is okay.
In an instant, Zhao Xun suddenly had a bold idea.

The head of the mountain wants to use himself as bait.

The world's martial arts have been competing for second place for more than ten years or even decades, because the mountain leader is really too strong.

The mountain leader is so strong that almost everyone is interested in being number one in the world.In other words, everyone who is interested in the No. [-] in the world has been hammered by the head of the mountain.

Humans have long memories, so they will naturally be afraid of being hammered.

So they will force themselves to suppress their desire to be competitive and choose to live with it.

Gouqi is sometimes not a derogatory term, but a judgment based on the situation.

Therefore, when the head of the mountain is healthy, they absolutely dare not provoke the head of the mountain.

Only when the head of the mountain is injured or has health problems, they will move their minds.

Now the head of the mountain deliberately created this opportunity.

Zhao Xun even wondered if the head of the mountain hadn't been so seriously injured in the first place.

The reason why the head of the mountain chose to retreat is also for the people of the world to see.

It's just that Shan Zhang's acting skills are so good, and his acting is so real that even the disciples of the academy didn't notice it.

Tsk tsk tsk, Shan Zhang's acting skills are so good, it's really natural, it's a pity not to learn acting.

Zhao Xun secretly complained in his heart.

"Master, is this fish big?"

"Of course it's a big fish, and there's more than one. If you want to catch a big fish, you have to cast a long line."

Zhao Xun took a deep breath.

The head of the mountain really has a lot of appetite. It looks like he wants to wipe out the hostile forces.

But this is also in line with the character of Shan Chang and his old man.

"Student, as a teacher, I still can't show up now, because those big fish have already started to move."

Although the head of the mountain has not come forward, he actually has a good grasp of the situation.

He actually knows exactly who wants to play tricks on the academy.

"The mentor strategizes and wins thousands of miles, and the apprentice admires it."

Zhao Xun hastily patted his ass.

"You, just help the master coax your senior brothers and sisters, don't make them suspicious.

The head of the mountain stroked his beard and said leisurely: "As long as your brothers and sisters are not suspicious, there will be no problem."

Jessica, the young patriarch of the werewolves, switched to human form.

Following his action, all the clansmen also switched from wolf form to human form.

The wolf form is good for traveling.

But in Jessica's view, the human form is more suitable for interacting with other races in this world.

Especially humans.

Although the people in Chang'an City were very tolerant, Jessica knew very well that they couldn't use too much force as soon as they came up.

In this way, it is easy to be directly rejected.

Because the residents of Chang'an will think that they are monsters from far away.

It takes a process for people to adapt, and it is impossible to ask too much at the beginning.

"Patriarch, how long is it from Chang'an City?"

A young werewolf asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know, maybe there are still three or five days, maybe there are more than ten days, who can say for sure. But it should be soon, I can clearly smell the smell of people."


Jessica's words surprised everyone.

You must know that the smell of people is the most sensitive to werewolves.

Because in the continent of Allen Lore, they are often squeezed out by other ethnic groups, and the culprit among them is the human race there.

The human race on the mainland of Alan Lore is very greedy.

Not only do they own powerful kingdoms, but they also invade the territories of other ethnic groups.

Almost all tribes have suffered from them.

Werewolves are the worst. In Jessica's memory, they have been expelled by humans more than once.

That kind of memory is very humiliating, and it is unforgettable in this lifetime.

Jessica has been banished by humans more than once.

That kind of memory is deeply rooted and unforgettable.

Jessica still vaguely remembered that his father was trapped in the black forest by a human wizard and tortured to death.

It was an elderly witch, who seemed to have a natural hatred for werewolves.

Jessica didn't know why they wanted to hate.

The werewolves hadn't done anything to them either.

Could it be because of those ancient legends?

But those are just legends.

There are also vampires in the legend, but Jessica has never really seen such a creature.

Jessica felt that these were deliberately concocted by people with a heart, and the essence was to arouse hatred among the major ethnic groups.

In this way, the major tribes will kill each other, and it is not known who will benefit from it.

Jessica is well aware that the werewolves are a small tribe compared to other tribes.

If they want to survive, they must exert their desire to survive as much as possible.

They were struggling to survive in the cracks in the continent of Alan Lore before.

It is still the same today.

Because those guys from the mainland of Alan Lore will also travel to this world through the portal of darkness.

The only difference is that there are also local forces in this world.

As long as these local forces exist, the tribes chasing after Alan Lore will not dare to be too presumptuous, but will try their best to behave with their tails between their legs.

This is undoubtedly the best for the weak side and the werewolves.

I hope the dignitaries of Chang'an City can accept them.

Jessica, the young werewolf patriarch, is ready to make any sacrifice.

Compared with the interests of the whole group, the interests of individuals are simply not worth mentioning.

"Your Majesty, the poor monk has already provoked conflicts between the academy and the foreign race. We can watch the fire from the other side. But who would have thought that at this time, a master suddenly appeared and restored the memory of the leader of the dragon clan who was invaded by the poor monk in the Sea of ​​Consciousness."

Master Huiyan patiently explained to Emperor Xianlong.

In his opinion, the development of the situation was somewhat beyond his expectations.

Originally, he thought that apart from Shanzhang and Yuan Tiangang, no one in Chang'an City would have such supernatural powers.

Even Zheng Jie doesn't have this ability.

But who would have thought that there would be a hidden boss.

This hidden boss is at least at the level of a grand master. He usually doesn't show his mountains and dews, but he plays a pivotal role at critical moments.

Emperor Xianlong frowned, his eyebrows were almost blended together.

"The holy monk means that there is still a fourth great master hidden in Chang'an City? Can you find out his identity?"

The most unbearable thing for an emperor is that someone else is sleeping soundly beside the couch, and he is still a top powerhouse.

A mountain chief is enough to give Emperor Xianlong a headache.If there is another one, Emperor Xianlong doesn't need to sleep anymore, he can just think about how to avoid being chased and killed every day.

"It's not difficult."

Master Huiyan said in a deep voice: "But it will take a lot of manpower. And it will definitely be known to everyone. Your Majesty probably doesn't want to see such a situation, right?"

"Of course."

Emperor Xianlong nodded and said: "It's better to keep a low profile as much as possible. If possible, I hope that as few people as possible will know about this matter."

Emperor Xianlong still had to face.

Although he often does some unbelievable things, he must at least be able to see the past on the bright side and not go too far.

Emperor Xianlong knew very well that as an emperor, decisive killing was a must.

Otherwise, it is easy to be used by villains to threaten the regime and rule.

But on the basis of ensuring this point, it is a bit difficult to maintain his image as a wise gentleman.

"Since we can't track it down openly, then we know to track it down secretly. This way the speed of the tracking will be slower, and I hope His Majesty understands. However, in the end, we can still find out who this hidden master is."

Master Huiyan gave Emperor Xianlong a fairly acceptable answer.

"Well, that's fine too."

Emperor Xianlong wanted to find out this hidden boss no matter what.

In his opinion, even if this hidden boss is unwilling to work for him, it doesn't matter if he is loyal to the court.

But Emperor Xianlong must know who this is, so that he can take precautions early, so that he will not be at a loss for a while when he is suddenly attacked.

As an emperor, you must not put all your cards on one person, because it is easy for the situation to collapse in an instant.

For example, now Emperor Xianlong is balancing the relationship among Yuan Tiangang, Zheng Jie, and Master Huiyan.

One day, if Feng Hao can reach the realm of a super master, it will change from a three-legged confrontation to a four-legged confrontation.

To be an emperor is to put it bluntly.

As long as you can do this well, other things are not important.

The emperor does not need to personally charge into battle, nor does he need to take the head of a general out of ten thousand like the Grand Master.

All he needs is to arrange for someone else to do things for him.



(End of this chapter)

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