big week bad guy

Chapter 324 The Poor Will Think Change

Chapter 324
There is no doubt that the more allies there are, the higher the combat power will be.

But at the same time it also brings another problem, that is the management cost.

An efficient manager can manage a group of allies well, so that there will be no fatal conflicts between allies.

Not so with ineffective managers.

Not only are they unable to control their allies, they don't even have the ability to mediate when conflicts arise, they can only watch their allies conflict.

This will not help even forming a strong alliance.

And Zhao Xun obviously hopes that he can be an efficient manager.

This is not an easy task, and it is definitely not enough to rely on lip service.

So Zhao Xun hopes to contact the major tribes as much as possible, and then learn more from the brothers and sisters, and do his best as much as possible.

As long as you have a clear conscience, there is nothing to regret.

Harnek, the troll leader, and Jota, the orc chieftain, reunited again.

As a tribe split from the half-orcs back then, the trolls and half-orcs can be said to have the same root and origin.

The reason why the trolls split from the orcs back then, apart from political differences, was that the most important reason was that the food supply back then was not enough to feed all the tribesmen.

If some people did not leave the territory to fend for themselves at that time, the entire tribe would be in crisis due to food shortages.

The most obvious is that they will fight over food.

Even fighting to the point of endless death.

This is of course the worst situation, so it can be said that there was no way for some trolls to leave at that time.

Of course, the division of the troll tribe from the half-orc tribe belongs to ancient times, and it is almost a matter of the last era.

Except for the same orc blood flowing in the blood of the two tribes, they have basically diverged in many places.

There are differences in living habits, diet structure and even language.

But when the two tribes meet, the excitement is still there.

"Ruota, my brother, so you are here too."

"Hanike, is it really you? I really can't believe that you also led your people to the continent of Alan Lore."

"Haha, didn't you come too, there is no way. You don't know about the Alan Lore continent. The situation is so bad, if we don't go to explore the new world, we really have no way out. We have to be responsible to our clansmen and future generations, we have no choice."

The troll leader Hanick sighed long and said: "The current situation is actually very unfavorable to us. As far as I know, many tribes from the continent of Alan Lore have come to this world through the portal of darkness. They come to Some of them are ahead of us, so they will definitely seize the opportunity, and we have to work harder if we want to catch up with them."

"The Corruptor will come after him, won't it?"

Jota asked a question that made the troll leader Harnik extremely depressed.

"Yes, the Corruptors will come after them sooner or later. They are like a group of flies, and they will follow there if there is meat. How beautiful the Eren Lore continent was at the beginning, but it was still ruined by these guys They are dissatisfied with ruining the Alan Lore continent, and now they have set their sights here again. What a bunch of goddamn guys."

The troll leader Harnik clenched his fists tightly, his fangs trembling slightly with anger.

Both trolls and orcs are tribes with absolute power, and their hard power is far stronger than their opponents.The reason why they are at a disadvantage in the confrontation with other tribes is mainly because their brains are not enough.

This is also impossible.

You must know that the brain capacity of the troll family and half-orcs is small, which should be the result of natural selection during the evolution process.

As the old saying goes, what is gained is what is lost.

If you want to gain an advantage over others in one aspect, you must make a trade-off in another aspect.

It is impossible for a tribe to have all of them.

Specialization of one aspect also enables miniaturization of other aspects.

Just like trolls, they have a frenzied attack frequency, which allows them to tear their opponents to pieces in a matter of seconds once they turn on the berserk mode.

Their fangs and claws can pierce armor, let alone normal flesh and blood.

The goblin's special skill is strength.

Their muscles are very strong, and when facing the enemy, they can have a strength of several hundred catties with a single punch.

If the opponent does not dodge and is hit by a punch, the consequences will be very serious.

It is very likely that the bones were directly smashed to pieces.

Orcs and trolls have come together, which is of course good news for them.

After all, they were the same tribe in ancient times and had the same interests, and the reason for their differentiation later was also the result of natural selection.

Now they have gathered together again, which shows that this is destiny, this is destiny.

They can report to the regiment again to keep warm and fight the enemy together.

"Actually, I'm more worried about the Dark Wizard than the Corruptor."

Ruota's words caused the troll leader Hanik to fall into deep thought for a while.

"Black wizards are indeed a very difficult problem. Their black witchcraft is far more powerful than ordinary magic. I once asked the priests in the tribe to study it, and they couldn't easily crack the black witchcraft."

The troll leader Hanick sighed: "I just don't know which side these black wizards are on. After all, they were separated from the human kingdom back then. As ancient magicians, they should still have the most basic skills. Is it ethical?"

Ruota shook his head and said: "This is not necessarily the case. You should never overestimate the human race. These guys are a group of profit-seeking things. Don't forget how many times the human race kingdom alliance has split. Their split has nothing to do with ours. The split is not the same. Our split is because the ancestors did not have enough food to feed the whole tribe at that time, so they made natural selection under forced circumstances. Some tribes chose to leave, which not only reduced the pressure on the whole tribe, but also made them I can survive by myself. But what about human beings? Which dispute among human beings is not because of more benefits? They are already fed and clothed, so they should live an honest life, right? But they don’t, they are still greedy wants to get more.”

Ruota's words caused the troll leader Hanik to nod frequently.

"Yeah, these guys are really greedy. I've never seen such a greedy tribe. Maybe these guys really deserve to be punished by God, let them also taste the pain of the separation of wives and family members killing each other. "

"I heard that this time the crown prince of Casper Kingdom, Harry Bosman, is also here?"

A word from the troll leader Hanik immediately made Jota nervous.

"Prince Harry Portsman? He stayed in Ellen Lore dishonestly, what did he come here in person? How many people did he bring?"

"I don't know the exact number of people, but there must be no fewer. After all, he is also the future heir of the Casper Kingdom. His safety must be the most concerned thing for the entire Casper Kingdom. You can know Haribo without thinking about it." Prince Ciman will bring a group of entourage to guard."

The troll leader Hanick swallowed a mouthful of spit and said: "These guys are a bunch of scumbags. They obviously have good wine and food in Alan Lore, but they want to come here to seek guilt. It's not like they can't survive, why bother to get out of this place?" One step."

Ruota pondered: "In the short term, it is true. The Casper Kingdom is currently the most stable in the entire human alliance. Even if the Corruptors invaded, they did not actually invade much of their territory. This is of course thanks to them. Has the most powerful group of magicians in the entire human race. Only magic can defeat magic. Corruptors also rely on magic to invade, which can explain why they have been able to persist for so long. But in the long run, they made this choice I'm not surprised at all."

After a short pause, Ruota continued: "Think about it, they are still able to barely support it because there are other tribes in the continent of Alan Lore, anyway, these tribes will also disperse the Corruptors in some ways." Attention. Even if it is only a small part, it is enough to give the human race of Casper Kingdom a chance to breathe. But all this changed completely after the opening of the Dark Portal. After the opening of the Dark Portal, almost everyone realized This is a shortcut to a new life. If they can travel through time and space through the Dark Portal and come to a brand new world, they will have the opportunity to completely get rid of the control of the Corruptor and no longer have to survive in the cracks. This is for everyone It is a huge temptation. So we can see that all the tribes, including us, have embarked on the journey, and we have all opened the door of darkness to explore a new world."

After swallowing a mouthful of spit, Ruota continued: "So, the guys from Casper Kingdom must have noticed this. They are very cunning, and they must plan for their future after they realize that they have no potential allies. Otherwise, if all the tribes of Alan Lore are evacuated, how can they resist the invasion of the entire Corruptor Alliance alone?"

"It seems to make sense."

Harnik nodded and said: "So, even the Kingdom of Casper, the most powerful kingdom in the continent of Allen Lore, does not have the confidence to resist the Corruptor alone. So we have come to this new world, and we have actually saved ourselves."

"It's true. It doesn't make much sense to just change a world to explore, but we may be able to find more powerful practitioners in this world. These practitioners are far stronger than ordinary people, and they are stronger than us in Allen. All the cultivators encountered in the Luoer Continent are stronger. With their participation, perhaps the whole situation will be different."

Ruota's voice suddenly became high: "I can feel that the combat power of individuals here is higher than that on the continent of Alan Lore. Of course, they also have weak individuals, but generally speaking, their single combat power is higher They are even better. Especially their practitioners, whose fighting power is far beyond comparison."

"It's just that they are willing to accept us?"

Troll Harnik looked a little dejected.

"After all, we trolls and half-orcs are at a disadvantage in terms of appearance. If they think we look scary and deliberately avoid us, what should we do?"

"That possibility is not ruled out."

The half-orc chief Ruota narrowed his eyes slightly: "But it's up to people, some things may have completely different results if they work hard."

"I think as long as we try our best, it may change their perception of us. After all, people in this world have never seen us before. We are a completely new tribe to them. In this case they It might be a little bit of a surprise at first, but after spending time with us they realize we're not bad-hearted guys."

"I hope so. But if other tribes approach them first and speak ill of us there, it will be bad."

Troll Harnik offers another possibility.

This possibility will undoubtedly deal a devastating blow to the trolls and half-orcs.

"Well, these are beyond our control. All we can do is to do our part well. As for other things, we will leave them to God."

"Well, now it seems that's all there is to it. By the way, are you going to Chang'an?"

"Of course, it is said that Chang'an City is the center of their world and the most prosperous place. We have come to a brand new world, so we naturally want to explore their essence. If we don't go to Chang'an City, it means we have never been to this world. world."

"This is indeed the truth, so I think we may have the opportunity to contact their rulers. If they get the approval of their rulers, many things will be much simpler. Maybe we will get a private land, maybe we will be accepted by them Asylum. Or maybe we'll be absorbed by them as part of the tribe."

"Tsk tsk tsk, this sounds really exciting."

The troll leader Harnek is not as far-reaching as the half-orc chief Jota imagined.

But in his opinion, if there is such a day, it will be a good thing for the whole tribe.

Surviving in a big alliance is much easier than going alone.

"Then let's stop procrastinating and hurry up. I asked the priestess to do some divination. There are already other tribes who have arrived in Chang'an before us. But they didn't enter the city. They must have encountered something. question."

The words of the half-orc chief Jota made the troll leader Hanick nervous again.

"Like this, it seems that we really have to work harder."

"Well, the goal is Chang'an, and there is no other meaning. No matter whether this Chang'an city is really like the myths and legends, we have to see it with our own eyes. If we haven't seen it with our own eyes, we It's impossible to be willing, right?"

"Yes, old brother, let's go on the road together, so that we can have a caretaker along the way."

Casper Crown Prince Harry Botsman has been in a shaky mood lately.

Because he felt that he was treated poorly by the academy.

This feeling is not the first time it has appeared, but it has exploded to its peak in recent days.

The guys in the academy obviously valued the elves and dragons more, and even the later dwarves got some kind of support from them.

On the contrary, it is the most powerful human race in the continent of Allen Lore, who is not welcomed by them.

This makes Casper Crown Prince Harry Botsman feel a little incredible.

The same is the human race, why do the human race still have prejudices against the human race?
He hasn't judged him yet, but the other party has judged them instead.

What's the point?
Casper Crown Prince Harry Botsman is beyond comprehension.

Seeing that His Royal Highness has been in a gloomy state, Baron Guos stepped forward to dissuade him: "Your Highness, there are some things that we cannot decide. I think our best choice at the moment is to have a good relationship with them as much as possible. After all, it is absolutely impossible for us to enter Chang'an City right now. If the people from the academy hadn't chosen to take us in, I'm afraid we wouldn't even have a place to stay. From this point of view, they are not useless."

"Although that's what I said, but compared with the treatment of other tribes, I feel that I am out of breath."

Crown Prince Caspar Harry Botsman shook his fist angrily and said, "Comparing people to others, it makes people mad. The elves and dragons are fine, after all, they are high-ranking tribes. But why are those dwarves being punished by those in the academy?" The guy's preferential treatment? How can this group of lowly dwarves have the right to enjoy better treatment than us?"

It is universal to suffer from inequality rather than scarcity.

Caspar Crown Prince Harry Botsman's emotions were a little difficult to control for a while.

"Your Highness, maybe the academy values ​​dwarves' firearms? After all, their firearms can help the academy to defend Zhongnan Mountain to the greatest extent. Zhongnan Mountain is difficult to defend and difficult to attack. People who have firearms in the academy can be said to be It’s like a tiger with wings. It seems that the situation of the elves is similar. The reason why the elves are trusted by the academy is that the academy wants to rely on their archers to help defend, right?”

It was fine if Baron Guos didn't say this, but as soon as he said this, the anger of Crown Prince Caspar Harry Botsman was instantly aroused.

"It doesn't make sense, it really doesn't make sense. If this theory is followed, then they are friendly to the dragons and hope to use their giant dragons to help defend? After all, the dragon flames spit out by a giant dragon are far sharper than firecrackers, bows and arrows." .”

"Although you don't want to believe it, this is probably the truest thought of everyone in the academy."

Baron Guos sighed.

Dear Prince, when will you grow up.

In the continent of Erenlore, in the kingdom of Casper, you may be a prince who is loved by thousands of people.

But here, in the new world, your princehood is of no use.

Not only is it impossible to make the other party look up to you, but it may become a drag.

"What about us, we humans have magic, why don't they pay attention to us?"

Prince Harry Botsman regretted it shortly after he asked the question.

Because he realized what the problem was.

"It's because of the Dark Wizard, isn't it?"

Baron Guos sighed in his heart, it seems that His Royal Highness actually knows it well.

"Dark wizards are indeed the main reason. Their rebellion to a large extent forced us to re-establish the image of the kingdom's magicians. If we can't keep the black wizard group under control, we can't convince The new allies believe us. Because they may be guessing whether we deliberately arranged for the dark wizards to defect. At the critical moment, these dark wizards will come back and stab them severely."

While Baron Goose knows it hurts to say that, he knows it's time to teach Prince Harry Portesman that lesson.

It is impossible for His Royal Highness to live in his fairy tale world forever, and he also needs to look up at the right time to see the outside world.

Maybe the outside world is dark, but this is also real.

It is impossible for a person to paralyze himself all the time.

"How is it possible? How could we deliberately arrange such a drama? What are they thinking?"

Prince Harry Portesman shook his head in surprise.

"How can they think of us like this, what good is it for us to arrange for the dark wizard to betray the kingdom?"

"Your Highness, maybe they think we are contacting the Corruptor in this way?"

Baron Guos's grasp of people's hearts is far stronger than this underage prince. In his opinion, since an ally wants to fight side by side with them, he must investigate this ally clearly and clearly.Anything unclear will be fatal to soldiers.Because it means that they are likely to be backstabbed at a critical moment.

Of course, looking at it now, His Royal Highness is unwilling to believe this.

"The Corruptor? There is a mortal hatred between our Casper Kingdom and the Corruptor. Even if anyone chooses to form an alliance with the Corruptor, our Casper Kingdom will not!"

Now Prince Harry Portesman was almost speaking in a growling tone.

"Your Highness, please calm down."

Baron Guos Xindao, why does His Royal Highness Prince always think from his own point of view, why can't he think from the point of view of others?

Is it that hard to think differently?

Alas, maybe this is a common problem of those who have been in the top position for a long time.

They see far away, but their perspective will not change, because deep down in their hearts only they are the most noble.

In comparison, others seem to be worthless.

"Calm down, how do you tell me to stay calm. These guys don't treat us as human beings at all, you tell me to stay calm?"

Prince Harry Botsman walked around in the tree house anxiously.

The small space made him feel oppressed and cramped at this moment, and he wished he could just tear down the roof.

"His Royal Highness, maybe as time goes by, after they get familiar with us, the situation will be different."

The words of Baron Guss did not make Prince Harry Portesman feel even better.

He still feels very depressed.

"Wait, just wait. Apart from waiting, is there no other way for us? Apart from waiting, can't we take the initiative? Baron Guus, that's not what I want to hear."

His Royal Highness is such a irascible little boy.

Baron Guos made such an evaluation helplessly in his heart.

Of course, he would never say these things, because this would cause His Highness the Prince's fragile heart to suffer another severe blow.

"Your Highness, I think our best choice at the moment is to wait. Of course, if you really want to ask for a change, maybe we can try this method."

Baron Goos walked up to Prince Harry Portsman's ear and whispered in a low voice.

Prince Harry Portsman became ecstatic when he heard the words.

"Why didn't you say it earlier? This plan is very clever. If we can succeed, we can definitely show off in front of these guys. It can also make them realize our strength."

Baron Guos smiled wryly in his heart.This plan is a no-brainer, and it can only be regarded as a middle-to-bottom strategy.If His Royal Highness hadn't forced him again and again, he wouldn't have spoken out.

But now that His Royal Highness has made an evaluation and decision, Baron Gus knows that he has no choice.

There is no other way but to go all the way to the dark.

"Your Highness, don't be in a hurry, and arrange according to the planned nodes. Only in this way can we guarantee the best results."

Baron Guos repeatedly urged.

"Don't worry, I'm not stupid."

Prince Harry Portesman spread his hands.

"Junior brother, don't run away. Why are you acting weird recently? You run away whenever you see me. Am I that scary?"

The second senior sister, Liu Yingying put her hands on her hips and made a roar like a lion from the east of the river, which really scared Zhao Xun a lot.

Good guy, Second Senior Sister has turned on the berserk mode.

Zhao Xun secretly groaned in his heart, but he still had a smile on his face and said: "Look at what you said, why don't you run away? I don't have the intention of running away. Besides, the second senior sister is so beautiful, I can't wait to stare at her." .”

When it comes to praising dog licking, Zhao Xun is definitely at the level of a king, and he resolved the crisis with just a few words, which made the second senior sister Liu Yingying feel very comfortable.Of course, the second senior sister is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He knew that there was something in Zhao Xun's words, so he raised his eyebrows and said: "Forget it, I will spare you this time. Come quickly, I will teach you how to knit a sweater."


For a while, Zhao Xun's face turned ashen, and he didn't know what to say.

Good guy, Second Senior Sister is really a ruthless person.

"Second Senior Sister, I don't think there is any need for knitting this sweater."

Zhao Xun smiled bitterly and said, "I'm a boy. Knitting sweaters should be something girls do. If I'm seen knitting sweaters here, I'll be laughed at by my brothers and sisters."

"What are you talking about? Knitting sweaters is something girls do. Can't you boys knit sweaters? Besides, I knit sweaters for Yao Yan, and you can knit sweaters for the county magistrate Yonghe. What's the difference?"

Second Senior Sister Liu Yingying's barrage of questions stumped Zhao Xun.

He really didn't know how to answer.

"Uh, Second Senior Sister, I really didn't mean that, I just... I'm not very flexible in my hands and feet."

Zhao Xun couldn't find a suitable reason for a while, so he had to come up with a temporary prevarication.

He cried out in his heart to save the child, let's see how anxious the child is.

But God obviously didn't hear Zhao Xun's urgent cry, and didn't give any feedback.

"The hands and feet are not very flexible? If you are not flexible, you need to practice even more. Is there anyone who is flexible in their hands and feet from the beginning? Have you ever heard of it? Let me tell you, little brother, this sweater is the most able to hone people's character. Because during this period of time you can’t do anything except sit here and knit a sweater. In my opinion, this is more effective than sitting in meditation. Junior brother, don’t look down on this sweater, it may improve your practice. Go up a step and directly reach the third rank."

For a while, Zhao Xun suspected that he had heard it wrong.

Second Senior Sister, are you serious?
Relying on sweaters to break through?

He has heard that watching the sky breaks through the realm, and grid bamboo breaks through the realm, but he has never heard that knitting a sweater can also break through the realm.

Could it be said that everything can break through?
No matter how I think about it, Zhao Xun feels a little ridiculous.

"Little brother, if you don't believe it, forget it, but let me tell you. Second senior sister, I feel that I have made a big breakthrough in my realm recently. Before, I felt that I was still a layer of window paper away from the first grade. Now I It was found that this layer of window paper has been pierced more than half."

real or fake?

Does sweater really work like this?
Could it be that the second senior sister said it deliberately in order to trick him into knitting sweaters with her?
Zhao Xun felt that this possibility was very high at the moment.

"Second senior sister, so you are already a first-rank?"

"Basically, I think my realm has really improved after marrying Yao Yan. I don't know if it's the effect of knitting sweaters or other aspects."

The second senior sister Liu Yingying spread her arms and said carelessly.

Zhao Xun was speechless for a while.
There should be no relationship between the second senior sister and Yao Jianxian.
Forget it, forget it, these are not things he should think about.

He tentatively thought it was the effect of sweating.

"Okay, then I'll give it a try. But there is one thing I have to say first. Second senior sister, I really don't lie to you. My craftsmanship is very stupid. If the knitted sweater is too ugly, you are not allowed to knit it." Say me."

"Don't say it, don't say it, you are my little sweetheart, Second Senior Sister, and it's too late for me to love you, so why would I say you?"

Seeing that Zhao Xun finally gave up resistance, the second senior sister Liu Yingying smiled like a flower.

"Let me tell you, you may feel bored at first, but when you really immerse yourself in it, you will find that knitting a sweater is really a very comfortable thing. The process of knitting can make you People really calm down, tsk tsk tsk, this feeling is really amazing."

Good guy, after hearing the description of the second senior sister, Zhao Xun has always been a little interested.

"Second Senior Sister, is it really so interesting?"

"Of course, why did I lie to you?"

The second senior sister Liu Yingying gave Zhao Xun a blank look and said, "To tell you the truth, the most comfortable thing about knitting a sweater is the feeling of selflessness. Every stitch and thread, your attention is focused on knitting the sweater, and the rest You don't pay attention at all."

"Okay, let's get started then."

Zhao Xun was indeed moved by what the second senior sister said.

"Junior brother, what color do you like? I see that the skin of the county magistrate Yonghe is very fair. With such fair skin, she must look good in a green sweater. Or you should choose green."


Zhao Xun shook his head repeatedly and said, "Green is unnecessary, she likes purple in Taiping, I think I'll knit a purple sweater for her."

"Well, that's fine too."

Second Senior Sister Liu Yingying nodded with a smile and said: "Little Junior Brother, I really have you. You are really a good and careful boy. Unlike Yao Yan, who is as thick-hearted as a pillar, he doesn't even know what color I like. Can't remember."

Zhao Xun was helpless, and quickly diverted the topic away: "Well, Second Senior Sister, how did this acupuncture method come about?"

He didn't want to continue this topic, otherwise Yao Yan, the Bamboo Forest Sword Immortal, would chase him all the way in a short time.

Facts have proved that knitting sweaters is not only a physical work, but also a mental work.

Even though Zhao Xun has maintained absolute concentration, he still can't keep up with the rhythm of the second senior sister Liu Yingying.

It's too difficult, isn't it?

After weaving for an hour or two, Zhao Xun only felt that his waist was sore and his back hurt, which was really uncomfortable.

"Second Senior Sister, can we take a break?"

Zhao Xun thought to himself, good guy, there is also a rest time for handicraft classes, it is impossible to knit sweaters with the second senior sister and not even have a rest time.

If this is the case, Zhao Xun really can't last long.

"Rest? Well, in fact, I don't think I'm too tired at all. If you feel tired, I think you still lack exercise. This hand exercise is different from other places. You have to exercise every day. But if you fall a little , it will be very difficult to connect again.”

The words of the second senior sister Liu Yingying made Zhao Xun dumbfounded for a while.

"I'll make a note of it. But Second Senior Sister, your needlework is really good, threading the needle like flowing water. Yao Jianxian's ability to marry you is really a blessing from his eight lifetimes of practice."

Zhao Xun didn't miss any chance to flatter, and he always took Liu Yingying very comfortably.

"Haha, even though I know you kid is deliberately praising me, I still feel very comfortable."

Second Senior Sister Liu Yingying spread her hands and said, "Little Junior Brother, if everyone could be like you, this world would definitely be a better place."

Haha, it seems that his tactics have worked.

"Second Senior Sister, do you like milk tea?"

Seeing the victory in the first battle, Zhao Xun wanted to continue to exert his strength to distract the Second Senior Sister's attention.

"milk tea?"

"Yes, milk tea."

Zhao Xun instinctively swallowed a mouthful of spit, and then continued: "Milk tea is very different from the tea we usually drink. Its main raw material is milk and other seasoning ingredients. Of course, tea is also essential. But In my opinion, the taste of milk tea is more milky, and girls love to drink it."

Zhao Xun deliberately acted playful, just to draw out the girlish heart of the second senior sister.

Sure enough, after hearing Zhao Xun's description, Second Senior Sister Liu Yingying's eyes shone with longing.

"Hearing what you said is so good, I really want to try it."

Good guy, this is exactly what Zhao Xun wants, he is afraid that the second senior sister Liu Yingying won't want to drink, as long as he wants to drink, his chance will come.

"Okay, then I'll make it for you now."

"Uh, but aren't we knitting? You can't be distracted while knitting."


Zhao Xun thought to himself that the second senior sister is really persistent, she still hasn't forgotten to knit her sweater at this time
"This sweater, you can do it anytime, right?"

He smiled and said, "Second Senior Sister, there are only food and love in this world that can never be let down. After taking a break after all, it won't be a problem if I make you a cup of milk tea, right? Don't worry, it won't take long Time."

Zhao Xun continued to grind softly and hard, but he used the formula of grinding characters to the extreme.

"Okay, then I'll give you time for a cup of tea."

The second senior sister Liu Yingying finally let go with a wave of her hand.

Zhao Xun also breathed a sigh of relief at the moment.

It's not easy, it really isn't easy.

He had waited so long for the words from his second senior sister Liu Yingying, and finally he got it.

OK, then it's his turn to perform.

Zhao Xun quickly ran to the nearby bamboo building and began to prepare the raw materials.

Zhao Xun is not cramming temporarily, but has been preparing to make milk tea from the beginning.

Although some raw materials are lacking in this era, substitutes can be used.

Milk tea itself has many kinds of flavors, and it is not static.

As long as the milk tea made by Zhao Xun can please the second senior sister, then the goal will be achieved.

In Zhao Xun's opinion, there is no girl who does not like to drink milk tea. If there is, it is because the taste of milk tea is not authentic enough.

It can be said that Zhao Xun has read countless milk teas, and he knows the tastes of all kinds of milk teas.

He also knows the taste of the second senior sister very well, so he will definitely be able to make an intoxicating milk tea.

Second Senior Sister, just wait, the milk tea I made will definitely make you feel so delicious!
It is the dream of many people in this life to realize the milk tea itself.

And Second Senior Sister, you can do it easily, thank you for meeting me.

Facts have proved that Zhao Xun's craftsmanship is still very exquisite, and the time required for a cup of tea is neither too long nor too short, and he has prepared a cup of milk tea with a complete color, fragrance and taste.

Carefully bringing the milk tea in front of Second Senior Sister Liu Yingying, Zhao Xun smiled like a treasure: "Second Senior Sister, come and taste it."

It was the first time Liu Yingying saw milk tea, and she was very curious.

She only took a sip, and felt her mouth was filled with a very strange fragrance.

This taste is hard to describe and hard to describe, but it just makes people unforgettable.

"Little brother, this taste is too delicious!"

Liu Yingying felt like she was about to shed tears for a moment, how could the younger brother be so likable.

The taste of this milk tea really matches her taste.

"Drink more if it tastes good. If it's not enough, I'll make it for you."

Seeing that the second senior sister Liu Yingying likes this milk tea, Zhao Xun can finally let go of his hanging heart.

It's fine if you like it, it's fine if you like it.

At this moment, Liu Yingying has long been immersed in the world of milk tea and can't extricate herself, and has long left the matter of knitting sweaters behind.

She hurriedly said: "Little brother, hurry up and do it, make more, and bring it to the senior sister and the others to taste."

Zhao Xun thought in his heart, what a guy, Second Senior Sister Liu Yingying is really reliable.

Even at this time, I still haven't forgotten the other disciples of the academy.

It's really touching.

"Okay, I'll go right away and try to make more than a dozen cups at a time."

Compared with knitting sweaters, making milk tea is already a very happy thing.

Zhao Xun sighed that he was out of the clutches of the second senior sister, and naturally disappeared in a flash.

Just making more than a dozen cups of milk tea at a time is not a small project, and Zhao Xun is busy next time.

But making desserts is always an exciting thing.

Zhao Xun couldn't help humming a ditty.

(End of this chapter)

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