Chapter 331 Werewolves come to vote (nearly 20000 words super chapter)
After the group of black wizards followed the high priest of the Demon Sect to Zhongnan Mountain for the first round of testing, they clearly felt the strong deterrent force of the academy.

Even if they didn't get close to the mountain gate of the academy at all, but wandered far away in the Zhongnan Mountain area outside the academy, they still felt a strong aura.

According to the words of the High Priest of the Demon Sect, this is arrogance.

The powerful awe-inspiring energy can deter opponents to a certain extent.

The reason why the high priest of the Mozong didn't choose to invade the academy immediately was because he wanted to experience for himself how sharp the awe-inspiring aura was.

He can roughly judge the prosperity of the academy from the strength of the awe-inspiring energy.

Because the awe-inspiring energy is ultimately exuded by the disciples of the academy.

The stronger the awe-inspiring spirit, the higher the rank and the greater the number of practitioners in the academy.

The thinner the awe-inspiring energy, the lower the rank and the fewer the number of practitioners in the academy.

This time, the High Priest of the Mozong felt a strong sense of arrogance.

This shows that the head of the mountain should be in the academy.

Although the head of the mountain may have been injured, the injury should have recovered well, otherwise the High Priest of the Demon Sect would not have felt such obvious arrogance.

In this situation, he really panicked.

Originally, he thought that they rushed to Zhongnan Mountain so quickly that they could strangle the mountain chief while he was still injured.

As long as they work together to kill the head of the mountain, the remaining disciples of the academy will be nothing to fear.

In the view of the high priest of the Mozong, there is no difference between the first rank and the ninth rank in front of him.

Even Yao Yan, the very famous Bamboo Forest Sword Immortal who lived temporarily at Haoran Academy in Zhongnan Mountain, still couldn't last a few rounds in front of him.

This is the case in the world of the strong, being strong can make the opponent only fear you.

Strength determines everything, the jungle of the jungle will survive.

This is no different from nature.

As long as Haoran Academy is leveled, they can completely free up their hands to deal with the Great Zhou court.

In the view of the high priest of the Mozong, the Great Zhou court that lost the protection of the Haoran Academy is like a piece of meat on a chopping board, which can be cut at will.

Of course, there are still a few strong people in Chang'an City.

Yuan Tiangang's strength should be similar to that of the high priest of the Demon Sect.

If it was a one-on-one fight, the High Priest of the Demon Sect would have no chance of winning.

But why singled out?

The High Priest of the Demon Sect is very clear that he has the most powerful team - the group of black wizards.

The combined efforts of a group of black wizards can even seriously injure the head of the mountain, let alone Yuan Tiangang.

The High Priest of Mozong even thought that as long as they have a proper layout, they can lure Yuan Tiangang into the game very well, and it is not impossible to kill Yuan Tiangang by then.

As long as Yuan Tiangang dies, no one in Chang'an City will be able to resist the invasion of the High Priest of the Demon Sect.

Zheng Jie?

This old eunuch is simply in vain.

The High Priest of the Demon Sect believed that Zheng Jie was not worthy of the title of Grand Master at all.

The reason why this guy can become famous all over the world is mostly because of the imperial court's propaganda.

The Great Zhou court needed such a strong man to guard the palace, so they touted Zheng Jie's strength.

In the eyes of the High Priest of the Mozong, Zheng Jie's strength is about the same as the peak of the first rank.

Super product?

This is simply the biggest insult to the word super product.

Zheng Jie is not worthy of being called a super product at all.

The High Priest of the Mozong even had the confidence to single out Zheng Jie to kill him, and there was no need for a group of black wizards to take action at all.

This confidence comes from his judgment on the strength of both sides.

But now everything is beyond the prediction of the High Priest of the Demon Sect.

Because Shan Chang's health is much better than he expected.

Even if the head of the mountain was not completely cured, he was at least [-]% cured.

Shanzhang, who has recovered [-]% of his recovery, is basically unbeatable in this world.

Even if the high priest of the Demon Sect united with the group of black wizards, it would not have any advantage.

Because this time they don't have a numerical advantage, on the contrary the academy has a numerical advantage.

Shanchang has countless disciples, and he is fighting at Haoran Academy's home court, so he has the advantage of restraint.

When the group of black wizards approached Chang'an City before, they had already been educated by the powerful prohibition of Chang'an City, and knew that it was not easy to provoke.

So even if Haoran Academy's restriction is weaker than that of Chang'an City, it is not something that the High Priest of the Demon Sect and the black wizard group can easily provoke.

But the consequences of the slightest mistake can be fatal.

It is impossible for the High Priest of the Mozong to risk his life, he firmly believes that waiting is the best choice.

But this undoubtedly angered the dark wizard community.

They trusted the High Priest of the Demon Sect repeatedly and let the High Priest of the Demon Sect lead the way.

But after arriving at Chang'an City, he found that Chang'an City could not enter.

After coming to Zhongnan Mountain, I found that the academy was unplayable.

After hitting a wall everywhere, the black wizards were very angry, and this anger naturally poured on the head of the high priest of the Demon Sect.

"Hmph, I thought you had everything under control, but I didn't expect it to be in vain in the end. With you like this, why did we rush, anyway, even if we come, we will have to wait for the Corruptor in the end. We might as well slowly go to Chang'an Let's go."

The anger of Augustine, the leader of the Dark Wizards, is understandable.

All the dark wizards including him have this feeling.

After working so hard to come here, the result is that they have to continue to wait for the Corruptor, and no one can bear it.

The high priest of the Mozong was very depressed, and he was not to blame.It can only be said that Shan Zhang's Taoism is too deep.

Even if it was such a serious injury, it was not affected at all.

It only took less than a month to basically recover.

In the face of a perfectly healthy mountain leader, no one can stand up to it.

"Well, I know that you are in a very manic mood now. But I still want to say, keep calm, you must stay calm at this time. Anger and mania will not solve any problems, but will make our previous opinions diverge. This There is no benefit for us to fight against the enemy in unison. Waiting now is indeed the best solution. The Corruptor should not take long to arrive. As long as we wait for the Corruptor, we can easily conquer the Academy with our joint efforts. Shan Although Chang is strong, he is hard to beat with four hands. Apart from him, there is no super master in the academy. Just relying on a group of first-rank and second-rank war scum to compete with us is simply a dream."

After the High Priest of the Demon Sect said a lot, he only felt dry mouthed.

He swallowed, trying to calm himself down.

He wanted to observe the reactions of the dark wizards.

In his opinion, as long as the dark wizards did not show obvious hostility towards him, it was acceptable.

As for the anger. After going through so much, it is impossible for anyone to calm down.

The High Priest of the Demon Sect can bear the anger.

"Hmph, that's easy to say. The opportunity is fleeting, so we'll wait here, won't there be any changes?"

Francis snorted and said: "In my opinion, if there is no interruption, you will be subject to chaos. Anyway, you should follow up in time. If you just wait, you will only become very passive. Do you think the academy Are they just waiting to die? They have already united many tribes. These tribes are not easy to use. They are all able to call the wind and call the rain on the continent of Alan Lore."

Augustine also answered: "Yes, the current situation is complicated and confusing. When we inquired about the news in Zhongnan Mountain, we have seen many tribes gather here. Among them are human race, dwarf race, elf race, and dragon race. If we wait , there will only be more in the future.”

Augustine's analysis makes sense.

The academy will definitely not sit still, they will definitely form an alliance to fight against the invasion of the powerful group of dark wizards and corrupters.

Many tribes in the continent of Alan Lore have come here through the Dark Portal at this moment, and they have become allies of the Academy, or at least potential allies.

Of course the High Priest of the Demon Sect knew this, but what could he do?

Does he want to say that since we disagree, we should just break up.

He didn't know anything about the Alan Lore continent, so he could only rely on the group of black wizards for introduction.

In this regard, he must be more humble, and only in this way can everyone be satisfied.

"Well, I don't know much about these tribes. Can you introduce some?"

The High Priest of the Mozong tried his best to sound as calm as possible.It won't be too oppressive.

"You really want to hear it?"

"of course."

In order to show his sincerity, the high priest of the Mozong spread his hands and said with a smile, "I would like to hear more about it."

"Okay, then let's start with the human race. The human race is the most successful tribe in the Alan Lore continent. They may not be the oldest tribe, but they must be the most successful tribe. Because they have the largest number of tribes and established They have established countless kingdoms. The footprints of their clansmen have spread all over the entire continent of Alan Lore, which is the envy of all other tribes. Or it can be said that even if the total number of other tribes is added together, they cannot compare with Alan Lore The number of humans on the mainland."

When Augustine, the leader of the black wizard, said this, he inevitably brought a hint of pride.After all, the black wizard also rebelled from the human race back then.

So the black wizard is essentially a part of the human race.

Even though they have parted ways with the Human Race Kingdom due to various factors, they can't change everything in their bones.

"The power of the human race comes from its guardians, that is, magicians. Magicians control extremely powerful magic, and relying on magic, they can defeat alien races that are far stronger than them. The most obvious ones are half-orcs, trolls, and bulls. People. These guys are several times the size of the human race, and their strength is much greater. If the human race competes with them brute force, basically there is no chance of winning. But the human race is not a fool, they will not fight these barbarians In a head-to-head duel, they evolved a magician, relying on the powerful spells of the magician to deal with these ferocious alien races. In this case, no matter how fierce the alien race is, they cannot match the magic of the human race."

Augustine, the leader of the black wizard, paused for a while, and continued after confirming that the high priest of the Demon Sect could keep up with him: "But the human race made a fatal mistake, that is greed. Greed makes almost all races want Fighting for power. All nobles want to be kings, and all commoners want to be nobles. Desire is endless, and desire can consume a person completely."

Augustine sighed and said: "No one wants to drift in the ocean of desire forever, but since they have already taken that step, they can't help themselves. Whether they can land depends not on themselves, but on luck. Some people are lucky Well, if they can gain fame and wealth, they can get what they have always hoped for. But some people are unlucky, so they can only go to perish. The human race is divided, and the human race kingdom has been divided from the first three kingdoms into dozens, hundreds of One. At this moment, the invincible and powerful Human Race Alliance has only a few small city-states left. Of course, the Kasper Kingdom is an exception, but their kingdom’s territory is not worth mentioning compared to the three kingdoms at their peak.”

When Augustine said this, there was a bit of anger in his tone.

It was really hard for him to understand why the human kingdom would actually split apart after all the good things happened.

"Uh, it sounds like the human race was expected to dominate the Alan Lore continent, right? But they lost to themselves in the end, to their own greed, jealousy and endless desires."


Augustine sneered and said, "The black wizards left the magic society because they couldn't understand these things. The magicians in the magic society were willing to be dogs for the kings and nobles of the kingdom. They had forgotten why they had to be A magician. All they think about is power, money. Because the king can provide them with these, so they are willing to be the king's lackeys."

Augustine looked very excited, which made the High Priest of the Demon Sect instinctively swallow a mouthful of saliva.

Uh, it sounds like there is no fundamental difference between the human race in Ellen Lore and the human race in Dazhou.

Everyone is fighting for profit, even killing each other.

After finally gaining some benefits, we have to grab more in order to keep the vested interests.

"The greed of the human race ruined them. They were expected to become the most powerful tribe, but it was too late. From the moment they killed each other, they would not be able to unify the Alan Lore continent."

"As for the dwarves, they are much better than the human race in terms of unity."

Augustine said in a deep voice: "Dwarves are very short in stature, which also created their inferiority complex. So they like to build tall castles, because this can help them resist foreign enemies. They researched various firearms for better The defense is better to defeat the enemy. But this also determines that they cannot expand on a large scale, and it is impossible to expand their territory infinitely. Therefore, the dwarves are after all just an inconspicuous small tribe on the continent of Allen Lore. Occupying a small place is content, and I don’t have any thoughts of fighting for the world. But it is enough to be an assistant and a deputy.”

The high priest of the Demon Sect is obviously much more interested in the dwarves than in the human race.Probably because he is a human race.People's curiosity about themselves is always limited, but they are naturally curious about other tribes.

"So what's so special about dwarves' firearms. I mean compared to ordinary bows and arrows."

"It's just worlds apart."

Seeing that the High Priest of the Demon Sect would ask such a stupid question, Augustine only found it funny.

"Bows and arrows cannot penetrate hard armor, even some leather armor. But firearms can penetrate them without a doubt. Moreover, the use of firearms does not need to be as complicated as bows and arrows. It can be used proficiently after a few times."

Augustine swallowed a mouthful of spit, and then continued: "Besides, firearms are often enchanted. So even if a practitioner is hit by a firearm, if he does not receive good medical treatment, he will not be able to carry it. I mean, once If you are hit, you must rely on magicians to save you. Do you understand what this means? There are not so many magicians in this world, and these magicians will not follow your ass for so-called rescue."

There was a hint of sarcasm in Augustine's words. The High Priest of the Demon Sect is also a smart person. How could he not hear it?
But it is really not suitable to argue with Augustine on such a small issue at the moment.

Since Augustine wants to say something, let him say it.

The high priest of the Mozong chose to listen obediently.

He didn't want to ignite the atmosphere that had finally calmed down again.

"Tsk tsk tsk, so the strength of the dwarves mainly comes from their firearms, right?"

"It's not the main thing, it's all from their firearms. If there were no firearms, their tribe would have been wiped out a hundred times long ago."

Obviously, Augustine disdained the dwarves.

"Not to mention the Corruptors, even Orcs can trample these dwarfs. But they do have firearms, which can protect them from harm to a great extent. Even the most powerful tribe If they want to attack the fortress of the dwarves, they have to think carefully before going out. It is no joke to anger the dwarves."


Let's stop talking about the high priest Xindao of the Demon Sect. It can be seen that the dark wizards don't like dwarves too much.

God knows what will happen if they continue to expand on this topic.

The High Priest of the Mozong didn't want unnecessary trouble.

"Let's talk about the elves next. This tribe is said to be the oldest tribe in the continent of Allen Lore, isn't it?"


Augustine nodded his head, approving the judgment of the High Priest of the Demon Sect.

"The history of the elves is indeed very long, and it is indeed very old. They come from a distant time. At that time, almost all tribes were in a state of bewilderment. They didn't know what they wanted, and they didn't know what they wanted. What is the direction of progress. They live day after day and night after night like this, living by instinct. But the elves are different. They are a tribe with high wisdom in ancient times. They know what the future of their tribe is , and will continue to forge ahead for the goal.”

It can be heard that Augustine's attitude towards the elves is obviously much better than that of the dwarves.

Many things can be heard by listening to a simple sentence.

"Well, since the elves are so powerful, why do they attract discrimination from all the tribes?"

"Discrimination? We don't discriminate against the elves, but their own behavior is shamed by the world. If they don't raise monsters like the demons, they must be the number one noble tribe on the continent of Alan Lore. But they It is true that this kind of monster has been raised. And this kind of monster has formed an alliance with the undead race to attack us."

The Dark wizarding community is ambivalent about the Corruptor.

On the one hand, they look down on the Corruptors, thinking that they are just a group of low-level creatures.

But on the other hand, they know that the Corruptor is their guarantee of conquering this world.

The two sides don't need to form an alliance, but the group of black wizards must rely on or use the Corruptor.

The Corruptors are numerous and powerful.

With them spreading fire in front, the dark wizards can work behind them, making the impossible possible.

This is not an easy task, and requires the Corruptors to be unaware of their true intentions.

But this is indeed the best choice for the dark wizards right now.

"So the elves are despised by people because they raised traitors—the demons."

"You can say that."

Augustine nodded and said: "Sometimes things are so miraculous. It is clearly the most holy and holy tribe that claims to be, but the most evil branch has appeared. It can be said that things will go against each other. Besides, I am really Can't think of a way to explain it."

Augustine's words convinced the High Priest of the Demon Sect.

Extremes can indeed explain many strange phenomena.

Sometimes it is clear that a dynasty is in its heyday, but it will collapse suddenly.

The disintegration of a powerful dynasty will undoubtedly make people feel unacceptable, but after careful analysis and thinking about it later, you will find that there are many potential factors for the collapse of the dynasty.

These potential factors have actually appeared a long time ago, but no one pays attention to them, or no one cares.

It's really embarrassing.

"I think, maybe we should try to divide their alliance. Since these tribes have their own interests that must not be shared by others, their alliance is very loose. As long as we use more effort, perhaps the cooperation between the Academy and these tribes will end gone."

Although the High Priest of the Demon Sect has not finished listening, judging from the history mentioned by Augustine, their test is actually very practical.

If an alliance is loose, if there are gaps everywhere, then it only takes a needle to pry the alliance to pieces.

"Let's talk about this later, from time to time. The alliance was indeed very loose in the mainland of Alan Lore, because everyone there has their own interests, and they can betray their allies for their own interests. But here, their interests In fact, it is consistent, that is to live. They don’t even have their own territory here, if they can’t unite and defeat the Corruptor, what’s yours and what’s mine are just a handful of dust.”

"Okay, what about the Dragon Clan?"

The high priest of the Demon Sect is also very curious about the Dragon Clan.

Mainly because this is the only tribe that can control flying dragons in the continent of Allen Lore.

Of course, there are dragons in the Great Zhou World, but they are very different from the dragons in the Alan Lore continent.

The dragons in Ellen Lore Continent are Jiaolongs, and Jiaolongs are generally inseparable from water.

Academy disciple Zhao Xun tamed a white flood dragon. The high priest of the Demon Sect had seen this white flood dragon with his own eyes, and knew that it possessed at least one rank of strength, which was far higher than that of its master, Zhao Xun.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with Zhao Xun's own cultivation level being too low.

Generally speaking, it is impossible for the master's cultivation level to be lower than that of the divine beast.

How many grades does Zhao Xun have now?
Fourth product?Or third grade?
The high priest of the Mozong didn't know, but in his opinion, Zhao Xun was a scumbag.

"The dragon clan has a long history, and it appeared almost at the same time as the elves."

Augustine said to himself: "In the distant past, the dragons and elves have been living in peace. They have their own territories, and the territories will not overlap. Until one day a giant dragon came to the territory of the elves and spit out A mouthful of dragon flame. The dragon flame quickly ignited the forest and caused a fire that could not be extinguished in a short time. This is the place where the elves have lived for generations. Deep feelings. Basically no one can bear this kind of humiliating provocation. So the elf king at that time declared war on the dragon clan. In my opinion, there is no problem with this. Some people are just arrogant and must be taught a lesson It took a while to realize that the sky is high and the earth is thick. The elves and the dragons fought fiercely, and it ended in the dragon's disastrous defeat."

When Augustine talked about this period of history, he was very excited when he talked about this period of history.

"So I was still shocked that the two tribes were able to come together in the end. But this also shows the strength of the academy from a side. With the academy as a bond and bridge, I think this alliance will continue to expand without limit .”

Augustine's words really shocked the High Priest of the Demon Sect.

This is precisely what worries him the most.

"You mean to say that this alliance is still possible to expand? Isn't there already four tribes, and can it expand?"

"Of course, this is where it is. The expansion of the alliance is a very normal thing. And with a strong leader, it is not difficult to achieve this. Think about it, even if you don't talk about half-orcs, The three barbarians, the tauren and the troll, and many other small tribes. After they came to this world through the portal of darkness, they were unaccompanied and didn’t know what to do. At this time, if the academy sends them Invitation, invite them to join the league, will they say no?"

In all fairness, the High Priest of the Demon Sect felt that they would not refuse.

The reason is simple, a ready-made alliance can form a shelter to the greatest extent, and can help them solve many hidden dangers and problems to the greatest extent.

They don't even need to pay too much to join this ready-made alliance, they just need to wave the flag and shout.

No one can refuse such a simple and joyful thing.

"So who are these little tribes?"

"That's really too many. Let's just talk about a few more famous ones, first of all the werewolves."

Augustine swallowed a mouthful of spit, his mouth was parched from the constant talking that even a dark wizard couldn't hold back.

"The biggest feature of werewolves is that they can switch to wolf form at night. Compared with human form, wolf form is more powerful in fighting power. Moreover, wolf form is very fast, especially at night, it is not difficult to walk a hundred miles overnight. It’s not impossible. In this way, even if they encounter danger and find that they can’t beat their opponents, they can switch to wolf form and escape. In this case, basically no one can catch them.”


The High Priest of the Mozong gasped when he heard the words.

It sounds like this werewolf can run very well.

It is indeed a wise move to run away if you can't beat it. It is definitely not a good choice to fight blindly at this time.

"So is there any possibility of an alliance between us and the werewolves?"

The tribes that have been persuaded by the Academy to join the alliance seem to be able to make them change their minds.

But in the view of the High Priest of Mozong, those who have not come to Zhongnan Mountain and have not joined the academy alliance can indeed try to fight for it.

"If you form an alliance with a werewolf, you can indeed try it. But I have to say one thing first. The werewolf tribe is one of the most unstable tribes. It is possible that he was talking and laughing with you one moment, and immediately with you the next moment. Flip."

Augustine shook his head and said, "So if you form an alliance with them, you may be backstabbed at any time. If they feel uncomfortable, they will launch a fierce attack without any hesitation, and they will not miss the old relationship."


The High Priest of the Demon Sect was really taken aback.

It seems that the temperament of the werewolves is indeed not very stable.

Would it be a good thing for such a tribe to be released to the academy to make friends with?

"The scale of the werewolves is very small, and the group has been unable to grow on a large scale for many years because they have a natural enemy-the eagle family."

Augustine switched his thinking very smoothly, without any procrastination at all.

"As the name suggests, the Eagles are eagles with wings. The Eagles can control their emotions very well, but when they face the werewolves, their most primitive instincts will be awakened. They will start hunting mode, very Hunt and kill all werewolves within sight as much as possible. Eagles have very good eyesight, ten times that of humans, and three times that of elves and dragons. So no matter where the werewolves go, they can locate them immediately, and Severely kill all the werewolves."


It does sound scary.

The high priest of the Mozong gasped.

"So the Eagles will come too?"

"Who knows. But if the eagle tribe appears, it will undoubtedly greatly curb the space of the werewolf tribe. So we may be able to play tricks. If the werewolf joins the academy, we will take the initiative to make friends with the eagle tribe. In this way, the mobility of the werewolves will be fully utilized. If we don’t come out, we can still have the natural sentinel of the Eagle Clan, whether it’s detective news or doing something else, we will take the lead.”

Augustine's analysis of the battle situation is obviously more in place.

The High Priest of the Demon Sect nodded frequently.

"In my opinion, let's do what you said. Since it is more beneficial to buy the Eagles, we should focus on them. As long as we can draw them to our side, it will be a serious blow to the academy alliance."

"Besides these tribes, the most famous tribe on the continent of Allen Lore is the giant tribe."

When talking about the giant race, Augustine's eyes were full of awe.

"Giant? There are still giants in the Alan Lore continent?"

The untimely question of the High Priest of the Mozong made Augustine sneer and said: "Of course there are giants. There are not only dwarves but also giants in the Alan Lore continent. The power of giants is far from comparable to that of other tribes. Let me just say that, giants Stand taller than the walls of your Chang'an city."

The High Priest of the Demon Sect was shocked at the moment besides being shocked.

The walls of Chang'an City are quite high.

When the High Priest of the Mozong personally led the northern barbarians to conquer Chang'an in one fell swoop, one of the difficulties he faced was how to take down the city wall of Chang'an City.

After all, the height of the city wall is really too big.

It is a huge test for the grassland tribes who are only good at riding and shooting but not good at climbing and siege.

Although the high priest of the Mozong finally ordered the sons of the northern barbarians to make a temporary ladder, the effect was not as good as expected.

The High Priest of the Demon Sect had no choice but to fight the mountain chief in person to attract the attention of the patron saint of Chang'an, and then let the disciples of the northern barbarians do their own thing.

"The giants are very big, and their strength is also very superior. Ordinary people can't compete with them at all. A giant can trample a house with one foot. A giant can crush a boulder with one punch. If it is not because they are few in number and Living scattered, the united giant is fearless."

"So the giants are indeed worthy of forming an alliance?"

"That's natural."

Augustine nodded and said: "The biggest advantage of forming an alliance with giants is that we have the vanguard of the battle. The reason why some alliances cannot last is because no one is willing to do the dirty work, and they are only willing to hide behind when they fight. There will naturally be people in the league who have emotions."

The high priest of the Demon Sect thought deeply: "In fact, the giant is not only responsible for the vanguard, he also plays a role in deterring the opponent. After all, when the local people see such a huge monster appearing in front of them, the fear in their hearts is beyond words. .”

"Well, so if giants come, we must try our best to fight for them. They are rough and thick, and they can't even breathe out dragon flames. So with giants, the dragon clan allied with the academy will be useless."

good guy.
Hearing this, the High Priest of the Demon Sect was overjoyed.

That's great too.

With the addition of the giant clan and the addition of the eagle clan, they can abolish the two potential generals of the opponent at once.

With such a counterpoint, what else can they fear from the academy?

Of course, the premise of everything is that they can persuade the Eagles and Giants to join.

Since it is necessary to recruit people into the group, it is natural to give enough benefits.

Otherwise, the world can also be up for sale.

If the academy gave them more benefits and they fell to the academy, the black wizards and the high priest of the Demon Sect would suffer a lot.

"Well, we will try our best to fight for the giants and eagles. As for the half-orcs, tauren, and trolls."

When mentioning these three tribes, Augustine, the leader of the black wizard, seemed a little hesitant.

"I haven't decided whether to add them to the alliance. The main reason is that the self-control of these barbarians is really poor, and they often get angry for no reason."

Augustine shook his head and said, "It wouldn't be beautiful if they suddenly exploded and hurt one of us."

"Yes, from this point of view, we still have a lot of work to do."

The high priest of Mozong said with emotion: "If we don't win over half-orcs, trolls and tauren, they will be a threat if they join the academy. So I think we should win them over if possible. Of course, the premise is that they can't have Hostility, we must ensure that we will not cause trouble after forming an alliance."

"easy to say, hard to do."

Francis couldn't take it any longer.

"The barbarians are the barbarians. Why do you think they were so miserable when they were in the mainland of Alan Lore? They are obviously full of tendons, but they just can't expand the group. It's not because of their bad temper. No one wants to be with them. People with bad tempers get along together. We are all alone, why should we get used to their bad tempers?"

Francis' sudden interruption caught Augustine in a daze.

"But they have survived to this day and indeed have their own way of survival. If we don't want to form an alliance with them, we must ensure that they will not form an alliance with the academy. It is best to be in a neutral state."

"Well, looking at it this way, this is indeed the best choice right now."

"To put it bluntly, these tribes are all up for grabs. We have to think about their psychology so that we can take the initiative."

Augustine started and concluded: "At this time, not only the patience of both parties is tested, but also the wisdom of both parties. Only those who have both can have the last laugh."

"Well, that seems to be the case."

"So we're going to be busy next time, let them pass on the previous things, we have to look forward."

"So, what was the purpose of His Royal Highness' actions before?"

Zheng Jie, the internal servant, was very puzzled by the prince's initiative to provoke the king of Qi, so he took the initiative to take the risk to come to the East Palace.

He is a super master, and he will not be discovered when he enters the East Palace.

But it's still dangerous.Because once someone sees it and spreads it out, both he and the prince will have a hard time.

"Gu is for His Majesty to see, so that he thinks that Gu and King Qi are just fighting on the surface as before. Don't Zheng Gong feel that it has been too quiet recently, and the quietness is a bit scary."

Prince Li Xiankun shook his head and said: "Gu sometimes wonders if His Majesty knows all about what we are doing. But after thinking about it carefully, he finds it unreasonable. If His Majesty already knew why he would be so conniving. Is it just for fishing? ?”

"But His Highness is also very risky to do so. At first, King Qi couldn't find a good angle to attack, but now he is given a chance."

Zheng Jie frowned, looking worried.

Prince Li Xiankun laughed loudly and said: "The opportunity given to him is to tell him to bite Gu. But what crime can he accuse Gu of? It is nothing more than that the prince has no virtue and beats his siblings. But this is not enough for His Majesty Gu's position as prince was abolished, so Gu is not afraid. What Gu is really afraid of is tranquility, because there are often real dangers hidden under the calm appearance. Therefore, Gu wants to make the noise louder and muddy the water .In this way we can easily deceive the world."

Although what the prince said was clear and straight, with a nose and a face, Zheng Jie still felt he could not agree.

He is a person who is used to being cautious, and he feels that he should be more cautious in everything.

There is a saying that is to be careful when sailing for thousands of years, especially on the eve of the palace change, you should be more careful.

But the prince took the initiative to provoke King Qi, isn't that equivalent to giving King Qi a chance to make trouble?

Although the crime is not very serious, it is always bad.

"The old slave still thinks that His Highness should be more careful. After all, there are only a few days left, His Highness, don't lose the big because of small things."

Until the last moment, no one knows whether the palace transformation will be successful.

It didn't matter to Zheng Jie himself, anyway, he only had such an old life, and he would lose it at worst.

But if the prince is deposed or even killed because of this, then Zheng Jie must die with regret.

But the crown prince insists on this, what can Zheng Jie say?

It's impossible for him to disobey the prince's wishes, right?

"Okay, Gu knows. Mr. Zheng came to the East Palace today, isn't it just to teach Gu?"

Prince Li Xiankun seemed a little impatient, and his mood was obviously getting a little louder.

"Why did His Royal Highness make such a statement? This old slave just wants to discuss the details of the incident with His Highness."

"Oh? Mr. Zheng, please tell me."

Seeing that Zheng Jie didn't come here specially for this matter, but just mentioned it in passing, Prince Li Xiankun's mood obviously improved a lot.

"Your Highness, the old slave's plan is to use the east gate as the starting point for the mutiny, and then join forces to storm the Zichen Palace. The north palace gate has also been taken care of by the old slave, but Duguyan's strength is not enough to rely on as the main force. He can contain a part of the palace. Forbidden Army, the old slave is very satisfied."

Prince Li Xiankun nodded at Zheng Jie's words and said, "Gu also thinks Zheng Gong and General Feng are more trustworthy. Is there anything I need to do?"

"The six officers of the East Palace should all obey the orders of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?"

"That's natural. These are the lonely relatives, so naturally they obey the lonely."

Speaking of the Six Rates of the East Palace, Prince Li Xiankun seemed very proud.

These are his confidantes, and they are all in a relationship with him.

So as long as Li Xiankun gives an order, Donggong Liu will definitely do his best for him.

"That's good. The old slave suggests that His Royal Highness, after the old slave leads the troops to take down the East Palace Gate, immediately lead the Sixth Commander of the East Palace to follow. As long as we can form a joint force, we can break through the blockade of the imperial army and break into the Zichen Palace as soon as possible. As long as We won the Zichen Palace, and if we control His Majesty, the big things will be settled."

Zheng Jie's thinking was very clear.

He knew that at this time, the effect of capturing the thief first was the best.

Changes are happening in the palace all the time, and it is best to end everything as soon as possible so that there will be no long nights and dreams.

Raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a while.

He is not worried about the inner guard, nor is Feng Hao's villain Zheng Jie.

The only thing he was worried about was the so-called Six Rates of the East Palace, that is, the prince's direct line team.

The embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed in the ant's nest.

Sometimes it is because of inattention to small things that the good situation is ruined.

Although Donggong Six Rate is the direct line team of the Prince of Donggong, Zheng Jie has no idea what the combat power will be.

I am afraid that only Prince Li Xiankun will be able to fully understand the combat power of the Six Commanders of the Eastern Palace, right?

Of course, Zheng Jie didn't have great expectations for the East Palace Six Rates, he just hoped that the East Palace Six Rates would not hold back.

"Don't worry Zheng Gong, I will do my best to cooperate with Zheng Gong when I am alone."

"That's good, that's good. The old slave has been eyelids twitching for the past few days, afraid that something unexpected will happen. If His Royal Highness can control the situation, the old slave will be relieved."

Zhongnan Mountain, Haoran Academy.

Zhao Xun was making supper alone.

Although the night was already dark, his hunger made him resolutely walk into the kitchen.

"Hey, I don't know when we can really fight. This kind of state of wanting to fight and not fighting really makes people feel too boring."

Zhao Xun felt that this state made people very depressed and emo.

Unfortunately, he has no one to tell.

Tell it to the head of the mountain, the head of the mountain is indeed a little overconfident, as if he doesn't take anything seriously.

Let's tell the third senior brother, the third senior brother is a broken mouth again, chattering non-stop, Zhao Xun thinks it is noisy.

Tell the senior sister and the second senior sister, they are both women after all, Zhao Xun feels unbearable.

Subconsciously, he still felt that some things should be resisted by men.

If you really can't bear it, let's talk about things you can't bear, but at least you have to resist first.

So Zhao Xun could only come to the kitchen to cook by himself.

The process of cooking can help Zhao Xun let go of everything and let himself go better.

This point is especially critical, because it can adjust emotions to the greatest extent.

If the emotional state is not adjusted properly, not only Zhao Xun will be affected, but also may bring bad emotions to others.

This is what Zhao Xun does not want to see anyway.

The academy is his closest people, he must control his emotions and not let his bad emotions affect his brothers and sisters.

What Zhao Xun cooked today was his favorite fried banana.

Although fried food is not very healthy.

But sometimes a little fried food can really heal the mood.

Fried bananas are actually not difficult to make, as long as you put your heart into it, you can do it well.

After frying a few slices of bananas, Zhao Xun felt refreshed.

But he still felt a little unfinished, so he planned to make some desserts to match.

"Well, let's make tiramisu. Anyway, the cake blanks are ready-made, and I made too much last time."

Tiramisu needs fresh cream, and he hasn't made it yet, so he decided to use yogurt instead.

Although the taste will be worse, this is already the best substitute that Zhao Xun can think of.

In the absence of raw materials, don't be too picky.At least finish it first.

Zhao Xun is a character who does what he says, and since he has decided to make tiramisu, naturally he will not hesitate at all.

But Zhao Xun filled a cake blank with yogurt, and then took a bite.

"Well, that's what it smells like."

For a moment Zhao Xun was satisfied.

Sometimes in life you don’t need so many luxury experiences, and sometimes you can enjoy a full sense of happiness just by satisfying your appetite.Zhao Xun finally understands this truth now. It seems that he will open a late-night kitchen and then a late-night restaurant in the future.

I believe that with his craftsmanship, the restaurant should be full of customers and line up.

Of course, the guests are mainly brothers and sisters.

There is nothing wrong with the fat and water not flowing into outsiders' fields.

I just don't know how the head of the mountain will feel.

The old man would never come to line up in person just to have a bite of late-night food, would he?

But isn't late-night cooking just a sense of atmosphere?
If you don't come to eat in person, even if Zhao Xun opened a small stove and made a good meal and sent it to Shan Chang and his old man, wouldn't it be interesting?
"Little brother, what are you doing? This smell, tsk tsk, is really amazing."

I rely on!

Zhao Xun was really taken aback when he heard the familiar voice of the third senior brother.

He turned around to confirm, seeing that it was undoubtedly the third senior brother, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, third senior brother. I know you are very good at lightness kung fu, but please make a little noise when you walk. It's really scary to make no sound at all."

Zhao Xun held his heart while making complaints. His heartbeat should have soared from normal to twice.

Fortunately, he is a practitioner, otherwise he really couldn't bear such a huge impact.

"That little junior brother, your performance is too exaggerated. Am I that scary?"

The third senior brother Long Qingquan is still dressed like a mountain chief, and even his beard is sticky exactly the same.

But coupled with his cynical look, it is difficult to connect him with the head of the mountain.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, what is the third senior brother doing in the kitchen in the middle of the night?"

"Of course it is to help you try new dishes. To be honest, little brother, now we are your exclusive dish testers, the kind who are on call. You can rest assured that we are here, whether it is We can try any dish to your satisfaction."


Zhao Xun was stunned for a moment.

The third senior brother is too straightforward, right?
"Actually, you don't have to worry. We won't spread the word even if we eat it. Don't you want to cook your own food? You can cook your own food with confidence. We are your solid backing."

The third senior brother rubbed his palms while looking into the kitchen.

"So, junior brother, what exactly is your new dish?"

Zhao Xun was left speechless by the third senior brother's smug look.

He knew that if it continued like this, there would be no results.

"Today I make sweet slices, one is fried banana and the other is tiramisu."

"I can hear this fried banana. What is this tiramisu?"

Third senior brother Long Qingquan was a little confused for a moment.

"Uh, tiramisu. You can think of it as a kind of cake, um, delicious cake."

Zhao Xun feels that his ability to explain is already very strong. At this time, the third senior brother should be able to understand, right? "

"Cake? Well, I'm not bragging. How much you make, I can eat it all in the time of a cup of tea."

What the third senior brother Long Qingquan said made Zhao Xun look black.

Is it so scary?
The third senior brother was so terrifying.

"Third senior brother, this is too cruel. As the saying goes, stay on the line every day, so that we can meet again in the future. Eat up all the cakes at once, and they will be gone when you want to eat them next time."

"What are you afraid of? Don't you have your little brother here? You can continue to make cakes for me to eat anytime, anywhere. Don't talk so much, just give me that tiramisu cake to taste."

Third senior brother's shame is really thicker than the city wall.

Zhao Xun was speechless for a moment.

He really didn't know what to say, so he scratched his head and said, "Forget it, let the third brother taste it first. You have to give an evaluation, and see where I am not good enough."

After Zhao Xun finished speaking, he reluctantly picked up the tiramisu cake, and handed it to the third senior brother.

The third senior brother took the cake and didn't care about the appearance, and immediately started to eat it.

Bite off half of the cake in one bite, which really scared Zhao Xun.

Good guy, the third senior brother is really as if he hasn't eaten for many years.

"Third senior brother, eat slowly and don't choke. Don't worry, no one will grab you."

Zhao Xun resisted the urge to swallow, and said to Long Qingquan, the third brother beside him.

"Little brother, the taste of this cake is really amazing. Really, it's so delicious."

The third brother Long Qingquan kept swallowing, and within a short while he finished the whole tiramisu cake.

Zhao Xun asked reluctantly: "Well, third senior brother, do you still need it?"

"Of course, I will do as much as I have. Don't feel bad, little brother."

"Okay, here's another piece, it's really just one piece."

But the third senior brother, Long Qingquan, ate all the fried bananas and tiramisu cakes, wiped his mouth and left.

Zhao Xun was left to look helplessly at the empty plate.

This disc is as bleak as his current mood, making Zhao Xun no longer have the urge to be a late-night kitchen or restaurant, especially the urge to be a cafeteria.

Good guy, if everyone eats like the third senior brother Long Qingquan, then no one can handle it.

If this is really a cafeteria, it will definitely be accompanied by people who don't even know their own mother and father.

Alas, let's be honest and cook lunch and dinner occasionally.

How much psychology can bear this.

"Little brother, here we come!"

Zhao Xun looked up, and saw senior sister, second senior sister, Yao Jianxian, sixth senior brother, tenth senior brother and other senior brothers and sisters rushing towards the kitchen.

这 是
Zhao Xun was stunned.

This is what to do.

"Junior Brother, I heard that you have developed a new dish. One is called fried banana, and the other is called tiramisu cake, right?"

"That's right, junior brother, we heard from your third senior brother. He said that these two desserts are delicious, so we must come and try them."

"Little brother, why is your complexion not so good? Do you feel uncomfortable? Your sixth brother is proficient in the art of Qihuang, why don't you let him help you diagnose and treat?"

"Little brother, how do you feel now?"

Zhao Xun felt his mentality explode instantly.

The mouth of the third junior brother is a deceiving ghost.

It was agreed that it would not be said outside, and that it was agreed to keep a secret for him, the third senior brother just forgot about it when he turned around.

Damn, with so many brothers and sisters, so many mouths, how on earth is Zhao Xun going to fill them up?
The key is that Zhao Xun is out of stock now.

Brothers and sisters want to try something new, which means that Zhao Xun has to do it now.

The fried bananas are okay, there are still some bananas, but the tiramisu cake is completely in a hurry.

He won't be asked to make cakes in the middle of the night, will he?

"Well, brothers and sisters, you see it's not too early, you should go back to bed in the middle of the night. I promise to make fried bananas and tiramisu cakes tomorrow, and then send them to you. Do you think this will work?"

Zhao Xun was already begging in a humble way.

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, when Zhao Xun opened his eyes and saw a ray of sunlight entering the room, he felt a sense of fear spontaneously.

His first thought was nothing but going to pay off the debt.

That's right, pay off your debts!Dessert debt owed by senior brothers and sisters!
Last night, he talked all kinds of things so that all the brothers and sisters who came here for dessert agreed not to eat tiramisu cake and fried bananas for the time being.But the premise is that Zhao Xun will make it up the next day.

At that time, what Zhao Xun thought was to solve the urgent need first, and then he didn't think so much.

Well now, it's time to pay off the debt.

There is a saying that there are too many debts, so of course Zhao Xun can also run away.

But this is not in line with his style and personality.

The persona of the little culinary expert who has finally stood up cannot just collapse like this.

So the best choice at the moment is to win the praise of the brothers and sisters as much as possible.

Alas, the early bird gets the worm, but the worm may not be able to eat Zhao Xun's mouth.

Zhao Xun got up helplessly to wash, then changed into a brand new clothes and went out.

But not long after he left, he saw Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, rushing over.

Zhao Xun's instinct was a thrill.

Good guy, Sixth Senior Brother can't do it, can't he, he went to the Zhulou residence early in the morning to block people?

This is too exaggerated.

Why bother, what trouble.
Zhao Xunqiang squeezed out a smile, trying to keep himself calm.

"That Sixth Senior Brother, you woke up really early. I just woke up and was about to make breakfast."

"What else to do earlier. Many people gathered outside the academy, saying they came from the mainland of Alan Lore, why don't you go and see it?"

Seeing that the sixth senior brother didn't come here for an early date, Zhao Xun breathed a sigh of relief.

But why are there so many people gathered outside the academy?
It shouldn't be a tribe that has already formed an alliance, otherwise the sixth senior brother would know each other anyway.So, the people who came should be the new tribe?

good guy.
Zhao Xun was helpless for a while.

Sixth Senior Brother, Sixth Senior Brother, can't you bring some good news.

Every time I come, a group of guys from the Allen Lore continent pour into the academy.

Zhao Xun was helpless, but he knew he had no choice at this time.

He is the only person in the entire academy who can understand the languages ​​of the various tribes in the Alan Lore continent.

If he doesn't communicate, there is really no suitable candidate.

Zhao Xun had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, "Then let's go and have a look."

Zhao Xun followed the sixth brother Lu Guangdou to the front of the academy mountain gate one after the other, and he saw a group of guys who looked very different from them.

These guys are strange looking, with dark, angular skin and curly hair.

seems to be of mixed race
Zhao Xun gave a preliminary judgment.

Judging from their faces, these guys are ruthless enough, so they shouldn't be easy to get along with.

Zhao Xun was already mentally prepared, but he still tried his best to calm down, and then said loudly: "You all come from the continent of Alan Lore, right? I don't know which tribe you are from?"

"We are werewolves."

The leader of the opponent said without hesitation.

Zhao Xun was very happy to see the smooth communication between the two parties without any obstacles.

But what the hell is this werewolf clan.Werewolves also have their own group?

Zhao Xun was dumbfounded.

In his impression, shouldn't werewolves be a group of supernatural creatures, the product of a mutation, and they even have their own group?
Seeing Zhao Xun's bewildered expression, the leader of the werewolf clan, Jessica, explained: "Our clan is small, and we are at the bottom of the Alan Lore Continent. So it's normal for you not to know, but this time we're holding an event. The clan migrated. When I arrived at Zhongnan Mountain, I hoped to form an alliance with you and fight against foreign enemies together."

The leader's thinking is still very clear.

Zhao Xun secretly commented.

For such a small ethnic group, if they want to survive successfully, they must survive in the cracks.

They must not show any disrespect to any large ethnic group, otherwise they are likely to be wiped out.

But even so, survival is down to luck.

Obviously the werewolves were lucky.

"Did you hear something?"

Zhao Xun scratched his head and said, "It is true that many tribes came to Zhongnan Mountain and formed an alliance with us before. You were not the first to come, and of course you should not be the last to come. I am just curious if you know something."

"Yes, we werewolves have a very strong sixth sense, so we can sense many things."

Jessica said to Zhao Xun without reservation: "We sensed that many tribes were pouring in towards Zhongnan Mountain, so we followed. You will definitely ask me, why we follow along to join in the fun, What I'm trying to say is, we're just doing what we have to do. Just tell me that an alliance with you would be the best thing to do right now, so I'm here."

This explanation is really convincing.

"What can you bring to the alliance?"

This is a question that Zhao Xun must ask. The alliance can protect the weak, but the weak cannot prostitute for nothing.

He has to show his worth.

Anyone who wants to obtain asylum has to pay, and there is no unilateral help and rescue.

"We can help the alliance sense potential threats. And our footwork is very good, the speed is extremely fast, and we can also play a role in contacting allies to inform them."

Jesseka knew that Zhao Xun was investigating him, so she couldn't have any reservations at this time, she had to show her strength without hesitation.Only in this way can Zhao Xun possibly take him in.

"Sounds good."

Zhao Xun nodded.

In terms of absolute power, humans, elves, and even dwarves and dragons are stronger than werewolves.

But the werewolves do have their own advantages, and this advantage is irreplaceable.

None of the above four major tribes has this characteristic of werewolves.

So adding the werewolves to the alliance is a good addition to the alliance's structure.

Zhao Xun had to say that Jesseka came at the right time.

If he came earlier, Zhao Xun might not accept him. If he came later, it might be too late to join the alliance.

But the werewolves came just at this point, so Zhao Xun had no reason to reject them.

"Well, if you join the alliance, can you live in peace with other tribes?"

This is the second question Zhao Xun must ask.

The premise of the alliance is that they must live in peace, even tribes with feuds such as elves and humans, elves and dragons must do so.

Anyone who can't do it will have to pack up and leave.

After all, this is an academy, and the people in the academy have the final say.

"No problem, our werewolves have always been tolerant. As long as our allies can tolerate us, we will definitely not provoke trouble."

Jessica knew that all she had to do now was to let Zhao Xun and the academy accept them first.As for the next thing, we can talk slowly.

And if Zhao Xun and the academy don't accept them, everything will be useless.

"Okay, then we will set aside an area in Zhongnan Mountain. You have to stay in this area, you can't walk around at will, and you can't interfere with other tribes. Can you do it?"

Zhao Xun felt that the werewolves still had special skills, and it would definitely be beneficial to accept them as allies of the alliance in the future.

If the werewolves were forced into desperation and thrown into the Corruptor Alliance to work as a minion, it would be a blow to the Academy Alliance.

"Of course we wish we could have our own territory."

Jessica waved her fist excitedly.

Although he is in human form at the moment, he is still full of tendons.

Zhao Xun coughed and said, "It's not your territory, it's just temporarily stationed for you."

"Oh, sorry, I was too excited just now."

Jessica quickly apologized, "I hope you don't mind."

"It doesn't matter, as long as you are safe and sound, I am very satisfied."

Zhao Xun said lightly: "Let's go, I will take you to your residence."

After settling down the werewolf group, Zhao Xun immediately returned to the academy with his sixth brother Lu Guangdou.

Lu Guangdou didn't say much during the whole process.

Zhao Xun felt a little curious.

"Senior Brother Six, why didn't you express any opinions? I thought you thought there was something wrong with my judgment."

"Haha, little brother, where are you thinking. As long as it is your decision, I will definitely support it without any reason. I just think that this werewolf clan is really as magical as it is in the legend?"

Lu Guangdou propped his chin and said: "I have been traveling all over the world for so many years, and I have done a lot of research on various monsters. Although these monsters have various shapes, they can't switch their forms. This is from Alan Luo The werewolves in the Er mainland can switch forms at will. This is a bit too amazing."

"Uh, that's what you're talking about. The situation in different worlds is definitely different. It's not surprising that werewolves can switch forms. But I'm curious whether they are mostly in human form or wolf form. "

"Should it be switched in a timely manner as needed?"

Lu Guangdou speculated: "Most of them will switch to wolf form when they are hunting or fleeing, so that they can run faster. But in normal times, I feel more comfortable in human form. Of course, these are just My own deduction, I'm not a werewolf either, certainly didn't know they'd be more comfortable in that form."

Lu Guangdou's words made Zhao Xun amused.

Good guy, sixth senior brother is really a cute kid.

"Well, regardless of these, as long as they can always exercise restraint and be used by me, it will serve as an alliance."

"It's just a little strange. Why did the Corruptors come so late? I mean that other tribes have arrived one after another. The Corruptors are supposed to be stronger than them and should come earlier. Or do they actually have passed through the darkness? It's just that we haven't figured out our details, so we don't dare to act rashly?"


"I think this possibility should not be small."

Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, rested his chin and analyzed carefully: "Think about it, didn't the black wizards come to attack Zhongnan Mountain a few days ago? But they didn't break out with us? It should be because they think they don't understand us. Bottom line, the outbreak of conflict at this time is not good for them, right? After all, we are playing at home, backed by Zhongnan Mountain and backed by the academy, and have the blessing of the ban."

Zhao Xun felt that the sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou's analysis was very reasonable, so he nodded and said, "I also think this is more likely. But sixth senior brother, what will happen if the Corruptors and the black wizards meet?" ?”

Furthermore, it was the situation that Zhao Xun was most worried about.

Once the Dark Wizard and the Corruptor merge, they will be a powerful force that cannot be ignored.

At that time, I am afraid that no matter whether it is from the major tribes of Allen Lore or the brothers and sisters of the academy, they will have to worry about it.

"They're not going to come together. At least not in a public alliance."

Lu Guangdou gave his own judgment.

"Because their core interests are different. Although the dark wizards also want to expand, they don't want to completely destroy the world. But the Corruptors are different. They want to make this world the same as the continent of Alan Lore. Angry. So I think dark wizards will take advantage of them at best."

"But even this is a huge test for us."

"There is no way around this. We have to face it sooner or later. The dark wizards are extremely cunning, and they will definitely not be the first to rush out. They will definitely wait until the Corruptor attacks aggressively, consuming most of our strength Time to act again."

"Oh, so we have to work together."

"Of course, I think that at least from the current point of view, Hurry's heart is still very neat. As for what will happen when the war really breaks out, no one can say in what direction it will develop."

Lu Guangdou stepped forward and patted Zhao Xun on the shoulder and said, "Little brother, you don't have to worry too much. I think we will win in the end. After all, we are the party of justice, aren't we?"


Zhao Xun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"So we just need to do our best to ensure the atmosphere of the league. As long as everyone's atmosphere is good, there will be no major problems."

After finishing speaking, Lu Guangdou scratched his head and said, "By the way, why did I forget, the dessert you agreed on, Junior Brother. You said yesterday that it was too late to make it in time, so you can't delay it today. There is a lot of time waiting for it. It's on."


Zhao Xun was speechless.

How to talk about the dessert again.

This is really a debt that must be repaid.

But he still wants to rest.

Sixth senior brother can't be a human being.

Your food now depends entirely on me alone.

If your little junior is exhausted, who will cook for you?

Of course, Zhao Xun would not say these words to Senior Brother Six.

At most, it's just a bit of slander, not even daring to say hello.

No way, Sixth Senior Brother is famous for his big mouth.

If something gets into his mouth and he spreads it like that, everyone will really know about it.

Zhao Xun didn't want to be besieged by the brothers and sisters of the academy, he couldn't bear it.

Who told him to be the youngest in the academy, with the least seniority.

Qi Wangfu.

Qi Wang Li Xiang frowned.

The prince's sudden attack made him unexpected.

Although it is not a big move, such a rash behavior as the prince is still surprising.

In the impression of King Qi Li Xiang, Dong Gong has always been a cautious master, and will not jump out to bite people unless it is absolutely necessary.

This time the prince was so reckless to attack the king, it seemed a bit wrong no matter how you looked at it.

"Father, could it be that the crown prince deliberately used this to confuse us and make us relax our vigilance?"

Under the cultivation of Qi Wang Li Xiang, the eldest son Li Jianye already possessed a certain ability of political thinking.

Li Jianye felt that the prince's abnormal operation and performance showed that there must be ghosts in his heart.

Of course, Li Jianye didn't know what the hell the prince was thinking.

"Well, this king also thinks this incident is too abnormal. The crown prince has no reason to attack this king at this juncture. He should be very clear that there are countless pairs of eyes staring at him now. At this time, when he is angry, Isn't it equivalent to treating yourself as a target and asking others to shoot?"

"Yeah, so my son thinks that the prince's move should be playing hard to get. He first used his reckless behavior to attract our attacks, and then let us relax our vigilance. Maybe the prince still has a backhand, and his backhand is what we really deserve. Pay attention."

Brothers fighting tigers, father and son soldiers in battle.

If we talk about who is more Qi Wang Li Xiangxin in Qi Wangfu, then I am afraid it must be Li Jianye, the son of Qi Wang.

If King Qi can remove the prince this time, he will be a strong contender for the crown prince.

And if King Qi can become the new prince, Li Jianye will benefit a lot.

Once King Qi ascended the throne and practiced Zuo, Li Jianye would automatically become the prince.

Therefore, Li Jianye will definitely do his best to help King Qi remove the prince, there is no doubt about this.

"Father, my son feels that we can't just focus on the East Palace right now, we need to pay more attention to Zheng Jie and Feng Hao. After all, these two are our biggest threats right now."

"Well, the king has already sent people to investigate outside the mansion of Zheng Jie and Feng Hao. If there is any disturbance, they will come back and report to the king immediately."

King Qi Li Xiang thought to himself while twisting the beads, "As for Your Majesty, I don't know what's going on recently."

"What kind of movement can there be with Grandpa Huang? It's not like studying and practicing with that demon monk Huiyan all day long. Sigh, to be disrespectful, Grandpa Huang is really not suitable to continue sitting on the dragon chair in this state. If the king Being able to replace it is a good thing for Jiangshan Sheji and the ancestral temple."

In the beginning, Li Jianye, the son of King Qi, kept his words somewhat concealed, but as his father King Qi Li Xiangtu revealed his true colors, Li Jianye didn't even cover up.

The father and son are now completely of one mind.

Now it's time to compete for the crown prince's position.

If they can gain power, then King Qi's lineage will turn the small sect into a large sect and soar into the sky.

"Father is indeed detached. This king is afraid that this move will affect the confidence of the Manchu civil and military in the court. After all, the world is becoming less and less peaceful. I heard that there are more and more aliens from another world. Some of them appeared in the suburbs of Beijing, mainly in the Zhongnanshan area."

Qi Wang Li Xiang suddenly changed the subject and mentioned a new incident that Li Jianye had never heard of.

"Eh? Father means that all the foreign races have gathered in Mount Zhongnan? But isn't Mount Zhongnan the site of the Academy?"

"It's because Zhongnanshan is the site of the academy that they will go."

Li Xiang sighed, and said leisurely: "The academy has played an extremely important role in today's mountain chief. The mountain chief is the core of the academy. So if the mountain chief is in danger, the academy will be in danger. Maybe these aliens sensed something, That's why they flocked to the academy at this point in time."


Although Li Jianye didn't understand it very well, he seemed to think it made sense.

"If this is the case, I'm afraid my son will understand. Should we do nothing now?"

"Of course you can't move."

Li Xiang said decisively: "What we want to fight for is the position of the crown prince, and we will not interfere with the academy. As long as the academy does not interfere in the dispute for the crown prince, we have no conflict of interest with the academy. Why should the king interfere with this? As for the academy Life and death have nothing to do with this king."

Qi Wang Li Xiang clarified the stakes in just a few words, which made the eldest son Li Jianye admire him.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, ginger is still old and spicy.

The father is indeed far ahead of him in terms of power struggle.

He still has a lot to learn.

"Father, let's keep a close eye on the situation in Chang'an City now. Whether it's the East Palace, Zheng Jie, or Feng Hao, as long as they make moves, we can report them to Grandpa Huang in time. Grandpa Huang cares about his children the most. Loyal minister, once Grandpa Huang finds out that the prince has a double heart, he will definitely abolish the prince."

"Well, this king is waiting for this moment."

Qi Wang Li Xiang kept twisting the beads in his hands, a smile appeared on his mouth.

The prince probably never dreamed that he had an informant beside him, and this informant is now the prince's concubine.

The people next to the prince's bed naturally knew the news first-hand.

Once the prince has any disobedience, King Qi must be the first to know.

At that time, regardless of whether it is Zheng Jie or Feng Hao, it is impossible to save the prince.

There is only one dead end for the prince.

The owner of the East Palace has not been changed for a long time, and it is time for a change.

King Qi's power in Chang'an is second only to the crown prince. Once the crown prince falls, he will naturally become a replacement.

Thinking of this, Qi Wang Li Xiang felt very happy.

As a prince, the temptation of the throne is irresistible in his life.

As long as there is a chance, they will desperately fight for it.

Not to mention that Qi Wang Li Xiang now has great opportunities.

He felt that his chances were at least [-]% now.

And the prince's chance is at most [-]%.

The situation has improved, and the victory is already tilting towards him.

At this time, what King Qi Li Xiang has to do is to be steady, and he must not get carried away.

His followers, supporters, and party members are all watching him. As long as he can stabilize, the Royal Qi Party will be able to stabilize.

Qi Wang Li Xiang firmly believes that he must have the last laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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