Chapter 345 The Werewolf Comes to Dream (Super chapter of nearly 20000 words)
Zhao Xun and the others rushed away in high spirits, and returned dejectedly.

It can be said that he was beaten by the society.

Judging from the current situation, it is not easy to figure out the trajectory of the cat people.

Because they will deliberately mix the smell and spread it everywhere.

In this way, it is difficult for Zhao Xun and others to track the cat-human race by smell.

It is unrealistic to rely on other methods to track the cat people.

For a moment Zhao Xun was confused, he didn't know what to do.

So right now it's time to ask Shan Chang and his old man.

Shan Chang is an old man who knows things like a god, so he must have a way.

Two-story bamboo building.

Zhao Xun and third senior brother Long Qingquan walked in one after another.

"Disciples see the head of the mountain."

The two rushed up the mountain to carry their luggage respectively.

"Well, sit down."

The atmosphere in the academy is very peaceful, and there are not so many hierarchical regulations.

"You went to track and investigate the whereabouts of the cat people this time. What was the result?"

The head of the mountain behaved very kindly like a grandfather next door.

"Back to the head of the mountain, disciples are already trying their best. We finally caught up with the cat people. But they are very vigilant and seem to realize that we are following them. So they deliberately left scents in all directions. In this way Then we have no way to track it down."

The third senior brother Long Qingquan also said with emotion: "Yes, we really tried our best, Mr. Shan. But this cat-human race is really full of tricks."

"... "

"Tsk tsk tsk, so they are already aware of our existence."

The head of the mountain stroked his beard and said leisurely: "So you are back?"

"Yes, our clues have been cut off, and there is no point in continuing to stay there. So I want to come back and hear what you have to say, Master Shan."


The head of the mountain took a sip of tea and said with a half-smile: "If you say it this way, most of them actually came to Mount Zhongnan, otherwise they wouldn't be so afraid of being followed by us. Because they can realize that you are the disciples of the academy."

"Can the cat people realize that we are academy disciples?"

Zhao Xun felt a little unbelievable.


The head of the mountain said without hesitation: "The cat people's sense of smell is extremely sensitive. They can distinguish various situations from the smell. But the teacher is still not sure what they think. They are likely to go to Zhongnan Mountain. coming, but it does not mean that they will definitely come to Zhongnan Mountain. It is also possible that they are coming to Chang'an City."


Zhao Xun was confused.

"If you go to Zhongnan Mountain, you should go to the Academy, if you go to Chang'an City, you should go to the imperial court."


The mountain chief nodded.

"In fact, most of the tribes went to Chang'an City first. It's just that they found out that Chang'an City didn't intend to accept them, so they chose to come to Zhongnan Mountain."

What Shan Chang said made Zhao Xun feel very embarrassed.

The academy is like a spare tire.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

The third brother Long Qingquan also interjected: "Shan Zhang, do we still want to fight for this cat-human race?"

"Of course I do."

The head of the mountain said without hesitation: "The cat-human race plays a very important role in the Corruptor."

"If we can win them over from the Corruptor, then everything will be fine."

The head of the mountain paused and said: "This is the best way to sanction corruptors."

Although Zhao Xun didn't understand it very well, he believed in the words of the head of the mountain.

"Well, if you don't want to use it for the enemy, just win them into your own hands."

"Tsk tsk..."



"So the next thing to do is take a hot bath."

Zhao Xun jumped into the bamboo tube happily.

The bamboo tube was already filled with hot water, and Zhao Xun felt the pleasant feeling.

It's so comfortable.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it would be really great if I could live like this every day. Compared with eating and sleeping in the open, this kind of life is not too pleasant."

No comparison no harm...

Although Zhao Xun was taking a bath, his mind still didn't stop.

"In the future, there will definitely be a steady stream of people pouring into this world. I'm afraid the situation will become more complicated by then."

"Fortunately, now we have figured out their routine..."

"The next step is to make some targeted trade-offs."

"If it is suitable, we can try to absorb them, so that the academy alliance can grow stronger."

Zhao Xun is looking forward to it.



"I didn't expect the guys from these academy to be so inflexible, so I gave up."

"Yeah, who would have thought that they would be so vulnerable. I have to think about whether I want to continue to Zhongnanshan."

"If we form an alliance with such an ally, it really has no future."

"If they really have this strength, we must think about it carefully."

The members of the cat-human clan discussed in deep voices.

But it is difficult for them to discuss why they talk about each other.

As it currently stands, it will only confuse the situation.

"Everyone stop. Let me say a few words."

"I think we can't change our direction. We can still go to Mount Zhongnan. On the one hand, Chang'an City is not far from Mount Zhongnan. If the academy proves that the mud cannot support the wall, then we can still choose the imperial court."

"Secondly, I don't think the academy is as vulnerable as it appears this time. It's just an appearance, and we can't take it seriously."

"If we change our established strategy because of such a trivial matter, it will be unreasonable anyway."

"Then we really still go to Zhongnan Mountain?"

"Go, of course. As I said, this strategy will not and cannot be changed. It is nothing more than that we can pay more attention to it, so that even if we make any temporary adjustments, it will not appear too difficult."

"What about the hunt of the werewolves?"

"They are basically with the Academy."

"We are of the same origin as werewolves, and they have no reason to embarrass us. I think they just put on a show and have no real intention to break with us. We don't look at the face of the monk or the face of the Buddha. We were a family thousands of years ago. It could be a big fight."

"You mean he's showing off to the people in the academy."

"Yeah, that's what I mean. It's nothing to worry about just showing off."

"If that's the case, then there's really nothing to worry about."

"I'm afraid that the werewolves will go all out. Their sense of smell is very sensitive. If they really want to investigate, we're afraid we won't be able to get away with it."

"Don't worry, they won't investigate seriously. This matter will be completely overturned soon."

"Next, we will use all our energy to find out the relationship background of the major tribes in this world. Only in this way can we gain a place here."

The setting sun is like blood!

Wu Aolis looked at a moderately large city in front of him, and gave the order to attack.

This is the closest city to Chang'an City, and it is also the last supply station before Wu Aolis attacks Chang'an City and Zhongnan Mountain.

For the undead clan, if the army of the dead wants to continue indefinitely, they must have new sources of soldiers.

Apart from the old rotting corpses and bones in the cemetery, the best way to replenish the source of soldiers is the corpses of people who have just died.

Except for the villages and cities that have been wiped out by the plague, the only way to replenish a large amount is to launch wars.

For the undead, this is as simple as cooking a home-cooked meal.

Wu Aolis didn't have the slightest emotional fluctuation, it was as if he was giving a normal order.

In other words, he is a killer machine with no emotions.

He will carry out the orders of Satan, and he must carry out the orders of Satan.

Only in this way can he survive, it's that simple.

The situation on the Demon Race side is not much worse.

In order to survive, they must do everything they can to satisfy Satan.

Don't look at how powerful they are when facing other tribes.

But in fact they are Satan's pawns.

Satan wants to crush them as easily as he crushes an ant.

Uoris knew this well.

Survival is never easy, especially when facing death.

And Satan is the god of death.

Wu Aolis has never been so afraid of a person, but facing Satan, this kind of fear once made him unable to eat or sleep.

As long as he thought of Satan's incomparably gloomy face, as long as he thought of that frightening look in his eyes, Wuoris would shudder.

Therefore, he must not offend Satan, and he must not do things that make Satan dissatisfied.

Wu Aolis knew very well that conquering the Great Zhou world was not an easy task.

The patron saint of this world has never been a court, let alone an emperor, but their ruler-the head of the mountain.

The Head of Academy Mountain!

The head of Haoran Academy, the old man known as Shanzhang seems ordinary, but in fact he has a unique skill.

Even the top masters can't take advantage of the confrontation with it.

It is said that the high priest of the Demon Sect who was allied with the black wizard once had a round of confrontation with the head of the mountain, and was blasted to the point where he was completely bruised.

If they hadn't relied on the advantage of numbers to sneak attack, the head of the mountain would have no fear of all of them!

That's why Wuoris is so cautious.

He will take every step to the extreme, because he is very aware of how frightening the enemy will be when he is about to face a strong man.

No one wants to be an opponent with such a top powerhouse.

So is Uoris.

But this is Satan's order, so no matter who is in front of him, Vooris will wipe them out without hesitation.

Wu Aolis knew very well that as long as the head of the mountain was eliminated, there would be no threat in front of him.

Only relying on other people in the academy is not enough to fight against the extremely powerful Corruptor Alliance.

The charge of the dead army alone is enough for them to drink a pot, not to mention the high demons joining.

These are purely advanced creatures, and one of them can be equivalent to the strength of a first-rank master.

Well, it seems that people in this world like to use numbers to divide strength.

In Wuoris's opinion, this is an extremely stupid way, and only undeveloped low-level people like to do it.

But it doesn't matter, all of this will be completely over after this battle of conquest, completely shuffled, and completely restarted.

All backward civilizations will eventually be conquered by advanced civilizations.

"For some reason, I've been feeling restless recently. Brother Six, please help me to see if there is something wrong with me."

When Zhao Xun returned to the academy after tracking down the whereabouts of the cat-human clan, he felt uneasy, and his whole state was not right.

So he was worried that some evil spirit had invaded, and immediately called the sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou to help him diagnose and treat him.

Sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou is not only proficient in the technique of Fengshui Kanyu, but also very good at the technique of Qi and Huang.

Zhao Xun has a lot of trust in the sixth senior brother. In his opinion, as long as the sixth senior brother can help him with diagnosis and treatment, he will be at ease.

"Well, little brother, don't move around, just sit like this. Let me help you take a look."

The sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou is quite serious and responsible.

After Zhao Xun was asked to pose, he could use his tricks.

The art of Qi and Huang pays attention to seeing, hearing, asking and knowing, and one cannot be missing.

Anything less will make people feel that something is missing.

"Okay, Sixth Senior Brother."

Zhao Xun obeyed the orders of the sixth senior brother, because he knew that the medical skills of the sixth senior brother were not only famous in the academy, but also in the whole Chang'an city.

All he has to do is to be obedient.

As long as he doesn't move around, with the level of the sixth senior brother, he can definitely see what's wrong with him.

"It's strange, it's really strange. I looked around and didn't find anything wrong with you, little brother."

Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, propped his chin, feeling extremely puzzled.

"Could it be that I got it wrong? Impossible. I, Lu Guangdou, never get it wrong, whether it's medical diagnosis or geomantic geomantic omen."

Lu Guangdou felt very strange.

"Uh, Sixth Senior Brother, could it be that the evil has already invaded my body, so I can't feel it?"

"I can't do that. Even if the evil spirit has invaded your body, I can still feel it."

Lu Guangdou shook his head and said: "But judging from the current situation, I can't feel any abnormality in your body, not even the slightest. You are completely like a normal person now. No, you are originally a Normal people."

The sixth brother Lu Guangdou quickly made a conclusion, which made Zhao Xun want to cry without tears.

"No, Sixth Senior Brother, you can't make a mistake, right? I'm a normal person now? There's nothing wrong with it? Really?"

"Well, anyway, from what I've seen so far, it's true. As for whether I've missed something or not. It's really hard to say right now."

Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, looked a little dignified.

"Uh, what should I do now, Sixth Senior Brother? Help me, save the child, I just feel a headache."

"Okay, then I'll give you some prescriptions to soothe the nerves and refresh the mind. The key to treatment is to prescribe the right medicine. Now you don't have any other symptoms. It's just that you feel restless and have a headache. Prescribe such a medicine."

"Uh okay."

Zhao Xun felt a little disappointed, but he knew that this was the best choice at the moment.

"Little brother, don't think too much, you are actually in a very good state now. The reason why you have bad feelings may be because you were too nervous when you went out to track the traces of the cat people. This is also a normal thing, I don't think it is necessary Too worried."

The sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou did not forget to comfort Zhao Xun before leaving, which made Zhao Xun feel very moved.

"Well, thank you Sixth Senior Brother."

"Well, I won't bother you, you should pay more attention to rest."

After finishing speaking, Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, left the room.

When Zhao Xun was the only one left in the bamboo building, he couldn't help thinking carefully about the next thing.

The next most important thing is to adjust your state.

In addition to taking the calming and refreshing medicine prescribed by the sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou, Zhao Xun also had to recite some Taoist thoughts silently.

This is very useful for calming him down.

This is the most useful thing taught to him by his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

When Zhao Xun felt upset, he would recite this mental method again, and it turned out that it was successful after repeated trials.

Let's try it first, if it's not enough, we can only ask our mentor Qinglian Daochang or Shanzhang to do it himself.

Zhao Xun was in the endless plain, and he could clearly feel his position.

This is a complete plain, with no end in sight.

There was a smell of blood in the air.

It seems that a hunt has just ended.

Zhao Xun looked very vigilant, looking around for the predator.

Obviously, it's not safe around here.

If he wanted to get out of danger completely, Zhao Xun had to determine his position first.

Otherwise, he will always be in danger.

This is not a joke.

Once he was besieged by predators, Zhao Xun would be in danger with two fists.

Of course, Zhao Xun's biggest problem now is not only this, but he can't determine what the predator is.

Is it a beast, a monster, or something else?
Today's Da Zhou world is no longer the world that Zhao Xun is familiar with.

Danger is everywhere, and killers are everywhere.

These guys may be ferocious beasts with green faces and fangs, or they may be ghosts with extremely ghostly movements.

It is more likely to be the army of the dead of the undead clan, and the high-level demons of the demon clan.

Zhao Xun couldn't determine what was threatening him for a while, so he was still searching carefully.

"Well, it would be great if sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou was still here."

Although Zhao Xun knew that this was a dream and he would not be in real danger, he still hoped that his brothers would be by his side.

In this way, he can completely display his fists without any scruples.

Otherwise, he would have to devote half of his mind to deal with the predators who might rush out at any time.

Although these predators could not kill Zhao Xun, they were able to drive Zhao Xun out of his dream.

This is what Zhao Xun never wants to see.

Because he felt that this dream was very important to him.

This dream contains very important information.

If this information is lost, Zhao Xun will not be able to deduce something for a long time to come.

"Hold on, don't be impulsive, as long as I don't move, the predators won't dare to act rashly."

Zhao Xun kept giving himself psychological hints.

He knew that panicking at this moment was the stupidest thing to do.

As long as he can hold the situation and force the predator to show up, he will take the initiative.

Anyway, he has nothing to fear, this is his dream, this is his home field.

In theory, everything he saw was just an illusion.

These illusions may be cleared at any time.

And the moment all the illusions were cleared, Zhao Xun's dream was over.

It's that simple, there's nothing to be afraid of.

For Zhao Xun, the most frightening thing is the end of the dream.

He has nothing to fear so just keep exploring.



There was a burst of wolf howling, coming from all directions, one after another.

Well, Zhao Xun can be sure that this is the sound of howling wolves.

He is very sensitive to this voice.

Howling wolves can be quite frightening.

And it's not just one or two wolves, it's a whole pack of wolves.

Zhao Xun didn't panic at all.

Because he knew he was only dreaming.

For a practitioner who can successfully master his dreams, what he sees is just what they want to see.

It's just that these images reappeared in a completely different way after reorganization.

So Zhao Xun felt a little strange in such a completely unfamiliar environment.

tsk tsk.
Zhao Xun thought to himself, it seems that this is really interesting.

What he was curious about was what kind of wolf would appear soon.

The different species of wolves are actually quite different.

There are huge differences between gray wolves and coyotes or coyotes, not only in size, but also in other behaviors.

But no matter what wolf he was facing, Zhao Xun was fearless.

My dream, my home field, what am I afraid of?

Confidence is of course a good thing, especially in such an environment.

Zhao Xun tried his best to calm down and prepare for the challenge.

If you want to fight, I will fight.Who loves whose grandson.

Zhao Xun has never been cowardly when facing a powerful practitioner, but now facing a group of beasts, there is no possibility of being cowardly.

Come on, it's best if you go together, so I can enjoy it.

"Wow, woo woo."

The pack of wolves didn't seem to intend to launch an attack immediately, they were circling around Zhao Xun, trying to keep pulling him away in this way.

It turns out that doing so works.

Because it can confuse the opponent to the greatest extent.

The wolves just don't know yet that the enemy they're facing is an impossible-to-kill human.

"It's a mystery. People with real strength don't toss back and forth like this. The more you push around like this, the more it shows that your strength is lacking. Wolves are still different from cats. Cats stand The top of the food chain is basically directly on top. When hunting, wolves will also formulate tactics to get their prey into their ambush circle."

Now Zhao Xun really wanted to see how these wolves would deal with him.

Finally, after a long trial, Zhao Xun saw the first wolf in the field.

It was a giant wolf with silver hair all over its body.

The reason why it is called a giant wolf is because the shoulder height of this wolf is more than one meter, almost catching up with the height of an adult.

Good guy, the gray wolf is not so tall, is it really a wolf, or a variant of a wolf?
Zhao Xun was a little uncertain for a while.

If it's a variant of a wolf, is it possible that it's a werewolf?

After all, the figure of a werewolf after transformation is much larger than that of ordinary wolves.

After this idea came out, Zhao Xun felt that it was still very possible.

But the werewolf protection will appear in his dreams?

Or, why did the werewolf become his threat?

Zhao Xun didn't know, he felt very strange.

It stands to reason that the werewolf is already his ally.

The current relationship between the werewolf leader Jessica and Zhao Xun is quite harmonious.

If it is said that there will always be cracks in this kind of relationship, then Zhao Xun is too difficult.

Can you really believe in friendship?
"Well, the most difficult thing in the world is to face this kind of time, right?"

Zhao Xun tried his best to calm down, he really wanted to see if the person in front of him was a werewolf.

But at the moment when the giant wolf rushed towards him, Zhao Xun woke up from his dream.

He could clearly feel that he was thrown out by something, and the huge impact made Zhao Xun feel very desperate.

"Why do I have this dream? Isn't this dream a bit too bizarre?"

Zhao Xun didn't know what to say for a while, but he couldn't completely and accurately judge the reason why the werewolves appeared in his dream just from these fragments.

What happened recently is really too bizarre, Zhao Xun can explain it clearly.

Confused, it just makes people feel too difficult.

Zhao Xun definitely couldn't ask Jessica.

He managed to cultivate a good relationship with the werewolves. If he told Jessica about this at this time, the trust they had cultivated so hard would collapse in an instant.

For a moment, Zhao Xun felt that the only person he could find was Wu Quanyi, his mentor Qinglian Taoist priest.

Anyway, Daoist Qinglian is also an expert in dream interpretation, so there is nothing wrong with asking him to interpret dreams.

Soon Zhao Xun appeared in front of the bamboo building where his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi was.

The mentor maintained a pretty good condition, although the last time he followed Zhao Xun to find the giant's trace, Taoist Qinglian complained a few words about the bad food and sleeping in the open.

But actually he still loves Zhao Xun very much.

Some people just have a knife mouth and a tofu heart.

Although she looks fierce and fierce, her temperament is gentler than anyone else.

"Master, is it convenient for me to come in?"

"Well, my boy, come in."

After Zhao Xun came to the bamboo building, he kept very restrained, and asked again and again before he dared to come in.


Zhao Xun is as obedient as a child, not to mention how good he is.

"Master, I just had a nightmare. I can't understand what happened in the dream, so I specially want to ask you to see if you can explain it."

"Well, let's hear it."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi was very peaceful.

This attitude made Zhao Xun very happy.

"Master, I dreamed that I was deep in a vast wilderness that could not be seen at a glance. In this wilderness, I could clearly see many weeds that were as tall as a person, and some creatures that lived on the grassland. But I can smell the smell of blood. Obviously, there has just been a hunt here not long ago. Master, I can feel that the predators are around me, and there are quite a few of them. There should be a A large group. Tuer is not afraid, because Tuer knows this is in a dream. It is impossible for Tuer to be killed. So Tuer wants to lure these predators to see what kind of predators are invading out of my dreams."

Zhao Xun paused for a while, swallowed a mouthful of spit to moisten his throat, and then continued: "Later, I heard a wolf howl. It was exactly the same as the howl of wolves we often hear. At first, there was a cry, and then Two beeps, three beeps. Obviously, Tuer was surrounded by a pack of wolves. But Tuer was not alarmed. It would be the best thing if the wolves appeared. Tuer had been expecting the wolves to show up. But the wolves seemed They are very organized and disciplined, and they have no intention of showing up at all. The apprentice feels very puzzled, what happened? Why didn't the wolves show up? Did they notice something?"

Zhao Xun said to himself, "Just as I let down my vigilance a little, a giant wolf with silver-gray hair rushed out from somewhere. I was really surprised."

"The size of this wolf is very huge, much larger than gray wolves. Tu'er knows that this is impossible in nature. It is impossible for a wolf to reach such an exaggerated size, so Tu'er suspects that this is a wolf. The wolf form switched out by the werewolf."

Speaking of this, Zhao Xun was equivalent to talking about the main point, trying to raise his voice and said: "Because I have seen the appearance of a werewolf after transforming, the two forms are really very similar. This is really surprising. .”

Zhao Xun said such a great deal at length, and his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi has always acted as a listener.

Of course Zhao Xun was very grateful.

But what he needs at this moment is not only to listen carefully, but also to hear some practical suggestions and some analysis.

"Master, what do you think?"

Zhao Xun thought to himself, well, I've finished the lecture, and the next step is to see how the teacher analyzes it.

At any rate, he still explained all the key points. With his teacher's ability to interpret dreams, he should be able to explain all this easily, right?
"In the teacher's opinion, this is indeed a werewolf. But I don't think the werewolf intentionally invaded your dreams."

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi said leisurely while stroking his beard: "Generally speaking, the invasion dreams we talk about happen when there is a clear purpose. This means that there is a line between the invaded and the intruder. It is impossible to break the bond. It is meaningful to invade at this time. But there is no doubt that the state of your dream this time is unlikely to match this. You said that the scene in your dream is a wilderness, so you It should be looking for something that exists in the wilderness. And the werewolf should not like the wilderness environment? They have no reason to exist here. It can only be said that you have brought your own illusion."

Why did Zhao Xun feel that the more he listened, the more confused he became?

Or is it that the angle and direction of the teacher's narrative are different from what he thought before?
After all, with the qualifications of a mentor, the experience of interpreting dreams can definitely see many points that Zhao Xun can't see.

If the mentor conducts an in-depth analysis along these points, he will indeed be able to give many novel viewpoints.

"What you mean is that it's not that the werewolf invaded my dream on its own initiative, but because I brought in some stereotypes or opinions about werewolves, so that they pieced together into my dream."

"That's right. You think about it every day and dream at night. You've spent too much time with the werewolf recently, so it's inevitable that it will make him dream."

The attitude of the mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi is very clear.

The werewolf would not take the initiative to invade his dreams.

Everything is Zhao Xun thinking too much.

Thinking by day and dreaming by night is definitely not for nothing.

"Well, if this is the case, disciple will be able to understand."

Zhao Xun finally solved a knot in his heart.

He has great trust in his teacher, Daoist Qinglian, since his teacher said so, there must be a reason for his old man.

"So what should I do next, try not to think about the werewolf clan anymore? Because if you continue to think about it, you will probably still dream about it?"

"Yes, if you keep thinking about werewolves during the day, you will have a lot of memories about werewolves in your sea of ​​consciousness. In this way, you will inevitably see werewolves in your dreams gone."

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi said leisurely: "So the best choice is not to think about it at all. As long as you don't think about it, you probably won't dream about them. Of course, this is not absolute. It can only be said that the probability of doing so is very high." Big."

"Well, I have made a note of this, and I will strictly follow my mentor's instructions."

Zhao Xun still listened to the opinions of his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi very seriously.

It is said that an old family is like a treasure.

Zhao Xun has two elders in his family, if he has two treasures.

Shanzhang and Taoist Qinglian are both old, but they are also top-notch practitioners.

Zhao Xun can still learn a lot by following their side.

"Master, I still have a question. Can cat people really be able to predict the future? I heard Jessica say it so mysteriously, and I always feel that there is a legend in it."

Zhao Xun had heard a long story about the cat people from Jesseka, the leader of the werewolf clan, and it can be said that the state of the cat people was erratic.There seems to be a layer of fog on their bodies, making outsiders look distant and legendary.

But since it is a legend, it has elements of legend, not every part is true.

It's just that Zhao Xun doesn't know how much of it is deduced.

"Well, Master, I understand what you mean."

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi clasped his fingers lightly and said: "Although I don't know the history of this cat-human race as a teacher, I can also figure out some details from your few words. You said before that this cat-human race can predict the future. Right? This is also the key to the corrupting Alliance of Corruptors who value them so much and hopes that they can be merged into the Alliance of Corruptors. Let me say this as a teacher, maybe there is a real element in it. Because if something is completely groundless If so, then the rumors will soon be self-defeating. Since the fact that the cat people can predict the future can exist for so long and has been passed down, it shows that they really have two tricks. Besides, the leader of the werewolf tribe, Jesse Ka also has no reason to lie to you. You can be said to be devoted to them. When his territory faced a joint invasion by orcs and trolls and was provoked by them, it was you who stood up for them. So he No matter from which angle you look at it, there is absolutely no reason to lie to you. Do you understand what it means to be a teacher?"

Master Qinglian said so much in one breath, Zhao Xun basically understood it.

"Master, what do you mean, cat people can really predict the future?"

Hiss, this is too scary.

If the cat people really have this kind of super power, doesn't it mean that everyone of them is a magic stick?

You must know that not all practitioners can predict the world of the Great Zhou.

Generally speaking, Taoist people have an innate advantage in mastering this skill.

But it doesn't mean that practitioners in the Taoist sect can predict the future.

Opening the eyes of the sky is much more risky than using the mind-observing technique and the grand-observing mind technique. If you are not careful, you will easily face an extremely embarrassing situation.

It would be ridiculous to be directly punished by Tianzhu or backlash.

Therefore, the higher the level and the more powerful the Daoist practitioner, the less he dared to risk too much trouble to open his eyes to predict the future.

Even if they are not counterattacked after seeing the secret, most of them will lose their lifespan.

It can be said that this is a thankless thing.

Therefore, top masters like Yuan Tiangang generally would not rush to spy on the secrets.

He would only give it a try unless he was forced to the point of no choice, or Emperor Xianlong, a dog emperor who was not a son of man, ordered him to die.

And what about the cat people?
Can all cat people see the future?
Does that mean they are all prophets?

If that's the case, that's fine.

This is simply the most buggy talent.

After maxing out this talent, who would dare to line up with them?

Your subsequent routes and actions will be counted to death, and you can only submit obediently.

"Oh, it's really difficult."

Zhao Xun wondered for a while: "Then don't we have to win over the cat-human race? If we can't let the cat-human race join the academy alliance, then they are likely to join the Corruptor alliance on the opposite side. I'm afraid It’s a situation that no one wants to see.”

"That's true."

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi nodded and said: "One is going down and the other is going up, and the strength of our competitors has risen sharply because of this. This is something that none of us want to see. However, there are some things that we can't decide. As a teacher I think it’s better to let nature take its course, and just do your best to obey the destiny.”

Anyway, Daoist Qinglian is also a Taoist.

Taoist practitioners pay attention to the way of Taoism and nature, pay attention to governance by doing nothing, pay attention to conforming to the law of all things, and conform to the growth law of all things.

There is a saying that twisted melons are not sweet.

Although it is the best choice for the academy to win over the cat people.

But if the cat people want to join the Corruptor Alliance wholeheartedly, then there is no need for them to hang themselves on this tree.

This will only throw the entire academy alliance into chaos.

Clan members of those other college alliances will hold a grudge for this.

After all, they were the first to join the academy, and the academy didn't care so much about them, but they were very attentive to a tribe that had just arrived, which was not too big—the cat-human tribe.

There is no harm without comparison. In many cases, it is not the shortage but the inequality.

Once they have the idea of ​​comparison, the dissatisfaction will flood in like a tide.

At that point the situation will spiral out of control.

This is by no means what everyone wants to see.

"Tu'er has made a note, and I will try my best to fight for it, as long as I have a clear conscience. But if they are really unwilling to join, Tuer will not force it."

Zhao Xun said very seriously.

In the next few days, Zhao Xun continued to dream about werewolves one after another.

But he listened to the persuasion of his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi, and he will no longer deliberately think about such things.

Because he knew very well that these were all brought into his dream because he thought too much.

Thinking by day and dreaming at night, this is by no means just for fun.

Only by calming down can we think better about problems and deal with crises better.

Now the academy needs him, and the league needs him.

Zhao Xun can't let himself go to a dead end, let alone let some objective things affect his mentality.

In any case, Zhao Xun must remain calm, because only when a person is in a state of absolute calm can he make reasonable judgments and make appropriate decisions.

Of course, in addition to daily reading of classics and practicing exercises, Zhao Xun still has to cook some delicious food.

Cooking this thing can really relieve stress, and it can soothe people's emotions very well.

Zhao Xun has a deep understanding of this after experiencing so much.

When they were tracking giants and cat-humans outside, they basically slept and ate whatever they caught.

It's good to be able to roast wild boar late, and it can be said that there is no pursuit of ingredients and cooking methods.

But, it's different now.

After returning to the academy, the cooking environment has improved a bit.

With such a good cooking environment, if Zhao Xun can't devote himself to it and cook one or two good dishes, wouldn't it be a disappointment to such a good environment?
Zhao Xun is a person who cherishes the present very much, so he will try his best to make every dish well, and he will live up to the sky, youth and even himself.

Well, so what kind of dish are you going to make today?
Before that, Zhao Xun had cooked all kinds of dishes, including delicious and authentic home-cooked dishes, as well as feasts that looked exquisite and attractive.

Judging from the evaluations of the brothers and sisters in the academy, the home-cooked dishes are very good, but the big meals are obviously more popular.

In fact, this is also understandable.

Because compared with home-cooked dishes, big meals far exceed in terms of appearance and delicacy of cooking.

This is not to say that home-cooked food is not delicious, it can only be said that big meals are indeed more attractive.

In this case, no matter what, Zhao Xun already had the answer in his mind.

As for cooking, it's not a shame to choose what you like.

If a chef wants to be truly favored and loved by diners, he must please the tastes of diners.

For example, if a diner is obviously a vegetarian but you cook him a steak, no matter how delicious your steak is, the vegetarian diner will not be satisfied.

Furthermore, for a person who obviously likes to eat noodles, if you go to make rice for him, it is impossible for him to like to eat it.

Doing what you like is actually respecting each other's taste.

To respect each other is to respect yourself.

Well, what Zhao Xun wants to think about now is what kind of feast should he make?

This big meal must be something he is good at, and it must be something that the brothers and sisters have never eaten before.

If they eat the dishes they have already eaten, they will find it boring and tasteless.

So, after much deliberation, Zhao Xun felt that making a dish of fish and chips should be a good choice.

For fish, there are ready-made ones in Zhongnanshan.Potatoes are also stockpiled in large quantities.

So there is no need to worry about the ingredients.

Zhao Xun's only concern is whether this dish will be too simple.

Although fish and chips is a famous dish, neither the recipe nor the complexity of the side dishes are high.

It's hard to please everyone in this situation.

Zhao Xun tried his best to engage in a fierce ideological struggle in his heart, evaluating whether this dish could successfully capture the taste of his brothers and sisters.

But he thought about it and couldn't come up with a result.

If you don't try something, you never know what will happen.

Well, then why bother, let’s just get started.

Fish and chips should be the easiest one to make since Zhao Xun has made so many feasts, and there is no difficulty at all.

However, Zhao Xun still followed the spirit of a meticulous craftsman, and started to fry it very well.

To do one thing, you must do your best to do it well. This is Zhao Xun's motto.

It is also his life creed.

In life, there is nothing to be more proud of than doing everything right in front of you.

These things may be trivial things, but when they accumulate together, they will make people feel extraordinary and satisfying.

Well, this bowl of chicken soup tasted very strong, so Zhao Xun decided to drink it up in one gulp.

"Well, if I have the opportunity in the future, I must try fried food more. Although this thing is not so delicate, it is really easy to satisfy people."

Zhao Xun was humming a little song while frying the food, not to mention how happy he was.

Life is all about being happy.

Happiness is also a day, and sadness is also a day, so why do you always have to live with a face?

This is not good.

Zhao Xun's cooking speed is still very fast, and he quickly fried a few fried fish.

After putting the plate aside, Zhao Xun was about to start frying French fries again.

French fries are actually a test of technology.

If it is not done well, it will make people feel too burnt, or if it is not fried thoroughly, it will make people feel like eating raw potatoes, not to mention, it must be frowning desperately.

The combination of fried potatoes and fried fish may seem a bit incongruous at first glance, but in fact this is a traditional dish.

Of course, when Zhao Xun finished a plate of fried fish and potatoes, he always felt that something was missing.

After thinking about it, he realized what the problem was. It seemed that some other colors were missing on the plate.

Color matching is very important in the arrangement.

The fried fish and potatoes are all golden yellow. Looking at the golden yellow of the whole plate at a glance, of course it will feel a little awkward in visual appreciation.

But if you add some other colors, this feeling will disappear soon.

Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, and decided to put some ready-made broccoli on the plate for decoration.

The broccoli is green and the golden color of the fish and chips is perfect.

Of course, this dish alone is definitely not enough.

The brothers and sisters are now being teased by Zhao Xun.

As long as Zhao Xun doesn't serve hard dishes, they will definitely complain.

In order to avoid this situation, Zhao Xun still decided to make a hard dish to stop the mouths of the brothers and sisters.

Well, what kind of hard dishes should I make?

Boiled fish!
Boiled fish is Zhao Xun's favorite dish, the spicy feeling is the most refreshing, and it is a delicious dish.

A boiled fish Zhao Xun can eat three bowls of rice.

This is still guaranteed. If you are extremely hungry, it is not a problem to eat four or five bowls with a big appetite.

Of course, it is not enough to have hard vegetables without soup.

Zhao Xun's favorite is pimple soup.

Seaweed egg drop soup is also good, but it is not easy to get seaweed these days.

So drinking a bowl of pimple soup and sweating is also a good choice.

Now that you have decided to make soup, of course you must prepare the raw materials.

Tomatoes and eggs are essential, plus some gnocchi and a little chopped green onion.

Tsk tsk just smells delicious.

Well, in addition to these, cold dishes are also an essential part.

Earlier, Zhao Xun preferred to make salads, honestly speaking, because salads are more suitable for most people.

In fact, there are many kinds of cold dishes that Zhao Xun can cook, such as squashed cucumbers, mixed vegetables, cold preserved eggs, and celery and bean curd sticks.

These may only be regarded as home-cooked dishes, but in terms of taste, they are not inferior to those big dishes.

After all, no matter how delicious the dish is, if you eat it all the time, you will get tired of it.

Sea delicacies are no exception.

But if it is appropriate to add some delicious cold dishes as a spice, it would be great.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, but judging from the current situation, his food pairing is definitely in the forefront.

After all the dishes are prepared, the soup can also be served.

Zhao Xun carefully examined his masterpiece again, not to mention how proud he was.

Well, brothers and sisters will definitely be very satisfied now.

Seeing such delicious food, they couldn't have the slightest hesitation, and they would definitely pounce on it to feast on it.

No one can resist the temptation from delicious food, and with so many delicious foods rushing in front of them at once, no one can resist it.

Not only a gourmet like Senior Brother San, but also an honest person like Senior Brother Hanhan Shi who is not picky eaters would probably salivate, right?

In many cases, what you eat is a taste.

If this taste can satisfy people, then the whole meal process will be very happy.

Zhao Xun knew that he had to have something to advocate and admire, and he couldn't just pile up all the dishes in one go.

This will make the brothers and sisters dazzled for a while.

And in the case of difficult choices, they will also feel very uncomfortable.

After all, with so many delicacies, which one should they eat first?

Therefore, Zhao Xun had to serve the dishes one by one, so that not only would the brothers and sisters not fall into the difficulty of choosing, but also let them feel the pleasure of eating dishes one by one.

As for the order of serving, the cold dish must be the first appetizer.Afterwards, you can serve fish and chips, followed by boiled hard vegetables, and finally some pimple soup.

Last but not least is the dessert part.

As for what to make for dessert, Zhao Xun didn't think about it for a while.

Dessert is the most technical test.

It can easily turn off your appetite if you choose poorly.

Before, Zhao Xun captured the stomachs of many brothers and sisters by relying on a tiramisu cake, and then made innovations based on this.

It can be said that the desserts are the most satisfying part of the dishes prepared by Zhao Xun among the brothers and sisters.

As a matter of course, Zhao Xun should work harder to make more delicious desserts.

Hmm, how about a black forest cake?
Since the brothers and sisters like to eat tiramisu cake, most likely they will not refuse the Black Forest cake.

Well, it's up to you.

"The core of the Black Forest cake is chocolate. Fortunately, I have mastered the craft of making chocolate, and I have prepared a lot of preparations in advance. Otherwise, it would be too late to make chocolate on the spot."

"The Black Forest Cake is perfect as the finishing dessert. Next, we have to consider drinking a little wine to push the atmosphere to the extreme."

What kind of wine do you want to drink?
Rice wine is definitely not good, the taste is too strong and too high.

The rice wine was a bit off.

So come on to the wine.

Wine belongs to the type suitable for men, women and children, and the alcohol content is not too high. After drinking a few glasses, it will make people feel very good.

Well, it was decided to be wine.

Zhao Xun had brewed wine before, so now this is ready-made and can be used directly.

Wine paired with some biscuits, wow, that's it.

Zhao Xun's mouth is watering just thinking about it.

Oops, you have to pay attention to your image.

Anyway, he is also a top chef now, if brothers and sisters see him drooling, it will damage the image of this chef.

Of course, Zhao Xun must try his best to keep his image as a chef.

After all, this image was created by him with great difficulty.

How can the gold-lettered signboard be taken off so easily?

Anyway, Zhao Xun has to make some delicacies that satisfy everyone.

"It's time for dinner, it's time for dinner. Senior brothers and sisters are all here. Today's dish was made by myself after two hours of busy work. Come and taste it, everyone, and see how it tastes?"

Zhao Xun's words are of course exaggerated.

It took him more than an hour to cook a table of dishes. Of course, if the time for preparing dishes was included, it would definitely be more than that.

But Zhao Xun didn't think this process was very long, because he enjoyed every minute and every second of cooking.

"Oh, little brother, we all feel a little embarrassed to hear you say that."

The third senior brother Long Qingquan scratched his head when he heard this, his saliva was about to flow down.

Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, also had his eyes glowing.

Food is something that no one can refuse, let alone the food made by the younger brother Zhao Xun himself?
Which of the dishes made by the younger brother is not a classic?
Every dish is basically able to capture the stomachs of brothers and sisters.

Food can make people feel relaxed and happy, and food can make people feel happy.

Food can make people face life with a better and more positive attitude.

So Lu Guangdou couldn't wait to face this table of delicacies.

"So, little brother, when can we start?"

"Well, let's have an appetizer cold dish first, and then try other side dishes. For example, this fish and chips. This fish and chips is a dish I just made recently, and the taste is still very good. I myself I also tasted it, and I dared to share it with you after I confirmed that it was really good. Of course, these are just side dishes. The real hard dish is boiled fish. Spicy boiled fish! The taste of this spicy boiled fish is not ordinary Ah, just one sip is enough to make people want to stop. Uh, Brother Six, don’t drool. Pay attention to your image, pay attention to your image. Mr. Pian Pianjia, Ruyi young man, image is very important. After eating the boiled fish, we You can drink the soup. I prepared the pimple soup, paired with the dessert Black Forest Cake, um, it’s so easy!"

Zhao Xun described the picture so beautifully that all the brothers and sisters were drooling greedily.

Although Zhao Xun mentioned before that they should pay attention to the image problem, it is obvious that the brothers and sisters did not have the leisure to pay attention to such trivial problems.

Well, if you have the chance, why pass it up?

In Zhao Xun's view, the brothers and sisters are now a pack of hungry wolves.

Looking at this posture, he could finish all the dishes he made in minutes.

"Uh, I'm not going to say more, I'm going to serve the food."

Zhao Xun knew that the best choice at this time was to talk less and do more.

If the speed of serving food is too slow, there will definitely be complaints.

Zhao Xun didn't want to be complained by his brothers and sisters for no reason, so he better serve the food quickly.

He is an extremely hardworking person, so he will use the fastest speed even when cooking.

Of course, when Zhao Xun brought the prepared dishes to the seniors one by one, the seniors completely ignored their image.

They rushed towards these delicacies one after another.

Well, just looking at the posture is enough to be enviable.

In this world, there are only food and love that cannot be let down.

Of course, it is impossible for Zhao Xun to just watch from the sidelines, he wants to join in and become one with the brothers and sisters.

This is the best choice and the most suitable choice.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

The brothers and sisters and Zhao Xun had already had enough food and wine, leaving only a mess on the table.

Zhao Xun kept rubbing his belly, because he ate too much, his round belly was like a balloon full of air.

The status of the brothers and sisters is not much different.

It can only be said that the dishes made by Zhao Xun taste so good that no one can control the unicorn arm.

"Junior brother, you will have to change your recipe every now and then. Look, you have completely whetted our appetite after changing a few dishes."

Third senior brother Long Qingquan burped, and said enviously: "It would be great if I could have the exquisite craftsmanship of your junior brother, I can be completely self-sufficient."

"Uh, third brother, do you want to learn how to cook? If you really want to learn how to cook, I can teach you."

Zhao Xun's attitude is still very good.

In his opinion, cooking is not a difficult task, the key is to put your heart into it.

If you can put your heart into it, it's not too difficult to make complicated dishes.

And cooking requires emotion.You really treat cooking as a thing of great enjoyment, rather than simply treating it as a job.

There is an essential difference between the two, and the taste of the dishes made is also very different.

"Of course, little brother, of course I want to learn to cook. In fact, when I was very young, people around me said that I had a talent for cooking. It's just that I didn't care about it at that time. I put all my I put all my energy into my practice, and devoted myself to becoming a world-renowned great swordsman. In the end, I did it. My flower-burying swordsmanship is now well-known in the Jianghu. Even the little guy who is new to the Jianghu should have heard of it The title of Burial Flower Sword Art. But I sacrificed a lot for my cultivation, and the one who sacrificed the most was naturally giving up my culinary skills, which might have been perfect. Junior brother, you don’t know how regretful I am.”

The third brother Long Qingquan talked more and more emotionally.

"Little brother, cooking shouldn't be easier than cultivating, right? I think I paid so much for practicing at the beginning, and now I can pay the same for cooking. Don't worry, little brother, just throw out any unique skills. I will try my best to practice.”


After hearing such an emotional narration by the third senior brother Long Qingquan, Zhao Xun's eyes were slightly moist.

The third brother seems to be a man of temperament.

As long as you want to cook well, it is definitely not enough to rely on enthusiasm.

From Zhao Xun's point of view, there is nothing wrong with the enthusiasm of the third brother Long Qingquan, but there is nothing wrong with his talent.

After all, the third brother Long Qingquan himself said that when he was young, people often commented on his talent for cooking, and wanted to drag him away to learn how to cook.

All that is left is concentration.

Concentration is really very important for cooking.

If a person has no concentration, it is easy to overturn during the cooking process.

Specifically, when cooking a dish that requires slow work and careful work, it is too eager because of lack of concentration.

Too much haste and one has to speed up.

And the time required to make that dish will be shortened, and the taste will naturally be much worse.

Therefore, when necessary, you still have to show some concentration.

Does third senior brother Long Qingquan have this concentration?

Zhao Xun wasn't sure, judging from the current situation, the third senior brother seemed to be very eager.

But he still had to agree to teach the third senior brother cooking skills.

After all, the qualifications of the third senior brother are older than him, and his status in the academy is far better than Zhao Xun.

As the youngest of the academy, if Zhao Xun wants to make a success in the academy, apart from pleasing the head of the mountain, the three most important people he needs to please are the senior sister, the second senior sister, and the third senior brother.

The eldest sister's words are easy-going and easy-going, which is the best way to coax her.

Although the second senior sister Liu Yingying is a ghost, but Zhao Xun helped match her with Yao Yan, the bamboo forest sword fairy, and investigated and reconciled in time when they almost had a "marriage change" after their marriage. It can be said that he has a good relationship with the second senior sister. Yeah.

So, Second Senior Sister Zhao Xun doesn't have to worry.

The only thing he needs to worry about is Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan.

The third senior brother is an extremely proud person, even when he is walking, he likes to hold his proud head up.

It is said that before Zhao Xun entered the Haoran Academy and became the student of Shan Zhang and his old man, the third senior brother Long Qingquan was Shan Zhang's favorite and most beloved disciple.

But after Zhao Xun entered the academy, all this changed.

The head of the mountain became more fond of the youngest.

Zhao Xun also felt the feeling of incomparable love and care.

But when the newcomers are proud, the old ones will be frustrated.

There is no doubt that Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, is such an old man.

The third senior brother, Long Qingquan, must be extremely disappointed in his heart.After all, Shan Zhang used to love him the most.

But since the junior brother Zhao Xun came, not only the head of the mountain, but almost everyone in the academy focused on Zhao Xun.

Although the third senior brother Long Qingquan didn't say anything, he still felt a little awkward in his heart, right?

Therefore, Zhao Xun needs to be more cautious when dealing with the relationship with his third senior brother Long Qingquan, and he must not be careless in the slightest.

Otherwise, Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan might misunderstand or even misinterpret Zhao Xun's meaning.

For someone as strong as the third senior brother, there is still some jealousy towards Zhao Xun in his heart, right?

Alas, so as long as the third senior brother Long Qingquan made a request, Zhao Xun had no reason to refuse, and it was impossible to refuse.

Cooking this kind of thing is not a big deal.

As long as the third senior brother is willing, Zhao Xun can teach the third senior brother all the cooking skills he has mastered.

I believe that with the talent and hard work of the third senior brother, learning how to cook is an easy task.

Silent all night.

The next morning, Zhao Xun was woken up by the third senior brother, Long Qingquan.

Undoubtedly, Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan has not forgotten what Zhao Xun once said.

Zhao Xun agreed to teach him how to cook!
This made third senior brother Long Qingquan excited all night!

Although not sleeping for a day or two would not have much impact on practitioners, Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan still felt a little sleepy.

But the excitement can support him to stay focused.

Zhao Xun woke up in a daze, saw the third senior brother Long Qingquan standing outside excitedly, and immediately understood the purpose of the third senior brother's visit.

"Uh, third senior brother, you got up really early. I haven't woken up yet."

"Oh, little junior brother, it's already high in the sun. You are still sleeping, you are wasting your life. Get up soon, we have a great time to enjoy, and we can waste all the time sleeping."


Zhao Xun was speechless for a while.

After all, what the third senior brother Long Qingquan said made sense, and he couldn't find a reason to refute it.

"Well, I think it doesn't matter if you eat earlier or later. The most important thing is to be happy. Right, third brother?"

Zhao Xun explained in embarrassment, and then went to wash up.

It didn't take much time to wash up, Zhao Xun came out soon, and followed the third brother Long Qingquan out of the bamboo building.

"Now let's make breakfast. Uh, it should be breakfast. It shouldn't be noon yet."

Zhao Xun breathed a sigh of relief after confirming the current weather.

Breakfast is much easier than lunch.

It would be really embarrassing to ask him to teach third senior brother Long Qingquan how to cook lunch as soon as he came up.

After all, Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, had never been in the kitchen before.

Such an arrogant guy taught him to cook a big meal as soon as he came up. He must not be able to do it well, and he will feel frustrated if he can't do it well. This is not good news for the third brother Long Qingquan's culinary journey.

Zhao Xun must ensure that the third senior brother Long Qingquan is in a gradual learning process, and he must ensure that the third senior brother Long Qingquan's self-confidence is in a state of full improvement.

If you can do this, then many things will not be a problem.

If Zhao Xun can't do it, it is obvious that the third senior brother Long Qingquan will fall into a vicious circle. Not only may he not be able to cook satisfactory dishes, but it may also dampen the third senior brother Long Qingquan's enthusiasm for cooking.

This is what Zhao Xun does not want to see anyway.

"Okay, Junior Brother, I'm ready. So what shall we do next?"

Third senior brother Long Qingquan seemed a little at a loss, rubbing his hands non-stop.

This made Zhao Xun feel a little embarrassed.

Uh, in the past, it was the third senior brother who taught him the way of cultivation, while Zhao Xun belonged to the one who was studying on the sidelines.

Now the situation is exactly reversed.It turned out that the third senior brother was the one who studied, while Zhao Xun was the one who taught.

This kind of role change is still a bit too sudden, and Zhao Xun felt a little unacceptable for a while.

"Well, let's fry toast first. Frying toast looks simple, but it is still a test of skill."

Zhao Xun paused, and decided to start teaching from the simplest part.

In this way, as long as the third brother Long Qingquan can learn it, he can increase his self-confidence to the greatest extent.

This is of considerable benefit for him to learn to cook other hard dishes later.

Otherwise, with the arrogant temperament of the third senior brother Long Qingquan, I am afraid that he will lose interest in cooking in a short time.

This is a situation that Zhao Xun does not want to see anyway.

"Okay, tell me how to do it."

"Pour the butter and cheese into the pan and heat it. Be sure to heat it evenly so that the butter and cheese can fully melt together."

Zhao Xun carefully explained each part. Although these are very simple, for a cooking rookie, every step is a test.

Whether Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, can remember what Zhao Xun said in his heart determines how good his fried toast is.

If the third senior brother can do a good job as chieftain, at least it proves that the third senior brother Long Qingquan is listening carefully to Zhao Xun's lecture.

Zhao Xun can also feel a little relieved about this.

On the contrary, if the third senior brother can't even make such a simple fried toast, it means that he really doesn't have any talent in cooking.

So Zhao Xun will try his best to make the third brother Long Qingquan give up learning to cook.

There are always things that people are good at and things that they are not good at.

Take the third senior brother Long Qingquan as an example. He has already advanced so much in the practice of swordsmanship that he can even be regarded as a hero in his own right, so it is understandable that he is lacking in cooking skills.

Of course, Zhao Xun will not make such a blind conclusion, at least in his opinion, the third senior brother Long Qingquan can still have the strength to try.

If it proves that he really can't do it after trying it, that's another matter.

But Zhao Xun can't directly deprive third senior brother Long Qingquan of the right to try, it's unfair to him.

"Okay, that's it, right? Melt the butter and cheese and let them mix together evenly."


Zhao Xun nodded frequently.

Not to mention, judging from what the third senior brother Long Qingquan has done now, the third senior brother Long Qingquan still looks quite good.

The cheese and butter are well melted, and then the toast can be put in for frying.

"Put in the toast, third senior brother. Remember to put it on the side. Carefully put one side in first, and then put in the other side. This way you won't splash the oil stars."

Zhao Xun knows that there are many different ways to fry toast, and some people like to coat both sides of the toast with egg wash when frying toast.

It is said that the taste of the fried toast will be better.

But Zhao Xun has never tried it, he prefers to eat this kind of authentic taste.

I saw the third senior brother Long Qingquan carefully put a piece of toast into the pot full of melted butter and cheese according to Zhao Xun's instructions, and the aroma wafted into his nostrils for a while.

"That's right, that's the taste."

Zhao Xun commented very satisfied.

It seems that the third brother, Long Qingquan, is really talented. It is really good to be able to make toast like this for the first time.

"Senior brother, the next thing you have to do is to fry all the toast as much as possible. But you must avoid frying both sides evenly and brown, and you must not fry it. If that is the case, the whole piece of toast will be fried. The taste will be ruined."

Turning the other side can be said to be the first problem that the third brother Long Qingquan faced.

If it is not turned well, the taste of the toast will definitely be greatly affected.

"Don't worry, Junior Brother, I have practiced swordsmanship for many years, and the strength of this unicorn arm is still guaranteed. A mere pair of chopsticks is as light as a silver needle in my hand, and it couldn't be easier for me to control it."


Zhao Xun didn't know what to say for a while.

Judging from the current situation, Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan has indeed done a good job.

Then he can only give some encouragement.

After all, it is still up to the chef himself to cook.

"Okay, I'll wave the flag for you, third senior brother, from behind."

Zhao Xun teased with a tactful smile.


The third senior brother Long Qingquan couldn't hold back a little, and burst out laughing.

"Little brother, little brother, you really know how to joke."

I have to say that the third senior brother Long Qingquan is very serious in his work, which is very similar to Zhao Xun.

Or how to say it is not a family, do not enter a door.

The fact that Zhao Xun and the third senior brother Long Qingquan were destined to worship at the door of the old man Shan Zhangtao is enough to show that they are destined.

They are tired of logging, so naturally there are many similarities in their personalities.

This is not surprising.

The next thing Zhao Xun has to do is to observe as much as possible the omissions in Long Qingquan's action of frying the toast, and then give some suggestions in a timely manner.

I believe that with the understanding of the third senior brother Long Qingquan, he will be able to do better and better.

Soon the third brother Long Qingquan fried all the toast.

Zhao Xun glanced at it and confirmed that there was no burnt blackness in the toast, then he gave a thumbs up and praised: "Brother San did a great job. Look at how well these toasts are fried. I never thought This toast can be made so well."

"Little brother, do you mean that I can't make such a good toast?"

"Uh, no, no, what I mean is that even my technique can't make such a good toast, but third senior brother, you did it the first time you made it, which makes me feel admirable."

Seeing that the third senior brother Long Qingquan understood the wrong meaning, Zhao Xun quickly explained from the side.

Oh, you really have to pay attention all the time when communicating with Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan.

If you are not careful, you may say the wrong thing.

This is not a joke.

In case the third senior brother really misunderstood, then Zhao Xun would be about to cry without tears.

"Well, it looks like this. Junior brother, the fried toast is ready too. What are we going to do next?"


Zhao Xun scratched his head and said, "Next, let's make some fried eggs. Fried eggs and toast with milk, this is the standard configuration."

"Okay, then tell me how to do it."

"Omelettes are very simple. There are single-sided or double-sided omelettes. As for omelets, which are a bit complicated, we don't have to make them for now."

Zhao Xun swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then said: "Senior brother, look, let's make a one-sided omelet first, and one-sided omelette is the easiest."

Zhao Xun is going to make a demonstration first.

He simply added oil to the pan, and then put the beaten eggs into the oil pan for frying.

Since he is now cooking eggs on one side, there is no need to turn them over, and the frying process is very simple throughout the day.

"Well, it looks very simple."

The third senior brother Long Qingquan watched Zhao Xun doing simple things with gusto, and his hands were itchy for a while.

"Well, a single-sided fried egg is almost like this. Just estimate the time and just take out the fried fried egg."

After Zhao Xun finished everything, he handed the tools and shovels to the third senior brother Long Qingquan, and encouraged him: "Third senior brother, you can try it too."

"it is good!"

Third senior brother Long Qingquan seemed extremely excited.

What the little junior brother said made him even more eager to try.

"Little brother, is it like this?"

The third senior brother learned from others, and followed the gourd to draw a scoop.

Following Zhao Xun's example, he carefully cracked an egg into the pan, and then started to fry it.

Frying one-sided eggs does not need to be fried, so it is very simple.

The third senior brother Long Qingquan silently remembered the time in his heart, as soon as the time came, he would take out the eggs.

Well, this smell is really delicious.

The taste that Zhao Xun can't refuse the most is the taste of fried eggs.

This taste is simply too intoxicating.

So far, the third brother Long Qingquan has done a very good job.

Zhao Xun was very satisfied.

"Well, what should we do next?"


Zhao Xun paused and said, "Since you've done one-sided frying so well, let's go directly to the next step, double-sided frying is ready."

Zhao Xun took a deep breath and said, "Senior brother, right now, you just turn the fried egg over. Be steady and ruthless, and be quick."


The third brother Long Qingquan has practiced for many years, so of course he can understand the importance of fast characters.

The tendon on his unicorn arm trembled slightly, and then the fried egg under the shovel turned over and fell into the pot again.

What is shocking is that there is not even a drop of oil splashed in the pot during the whole process.

tsk tsk.
The performance of the third brother Long Qingquan made Zhao Xun feel that the talents are indeed interlinked.

The third brother was able to make such a huge breakthrough in martial arts practice, which shows that his understanding, judgment, and execution are top-notch.

Such a person will definitely perform very well when cooking.

Zhao Xun was a little thankful that he had just agreed to teach the third senior brother how to cook.

This is equivalent to picking up a favor for nothing.

With the culinary talent of the third senior brother, Zhao Xun didn't need to deliberately explain anything, the third senior brother would be able to enlighten himself.

And if Zhao Xun does not agree to teach the third senior brother to cook, Long Qingquan will be able to realize the way by himself sooner or later.At that time, he would not have accepted Zhao Xun's favor.



(End of this chapter)

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