Chapter 35
Emperor Xianlong made a decree that the case of Wang Zhongyi was transferred from the Ministry of Punishment to the Yamen of Bad People for trial.

For a while, there were discussions between the ruling and opposition parties.

Where is the bad guy?It was an institution set up to supervise all officials. Compared with the Ministry of Criminal Justice, which was in charge of criminal justice and interrogation, the unscrupulous people seemed to have escaped too much from the Dazhou criminal law system.

But maybe this is what Emperor Xianlong wanted?

All in all, Emperor Xianlong had taken the weight and made up his mind. No matter how the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty jumped up and down, this will would never be changed.

Didn't Feng Hao want to interrogate Wang Zhongyi, just give him a chance.

However, for Wang Zhongyi, the person concerned, the mood has changed a lot.

He knows best what a bad person is in the yamen, and if he enters there, no matter how wronged he is, he can be tortured into a trick.The key depends on whether the bad guys want to be dealt with fairly.

But for Wang Zhongyi, this is already a fait accompli, since he can't refuse, he might as well lie flat.

When Zhao Xun learned that Shuozhou Jiedu Envoy Wang Zhongyi had been transferred from the prison of the Ministry of Punishment to the Yamen of Bad People, he was overjoyed.

He obviously underestimated Feng Hao's strength. Feng Hao's father is really too strong, so strong that people are enviable.

One day, will Zhao Xun have a chance to become such a strong man?Can you change the court situation and the direction of important events by yourself?

Zhao Xun knows that in any era, if he wants to be successful, there are three important points.

One is the ability to be strong.

If the ability is too poor, you will no longer be able to flatter, and it will not help you to have both sides.

The second is to have a thick skin.

Thick-skinned people can do many things that ordinary people can't do, and they can often maintain extremely strong suppression.

The third is to have a background.

Needless to say, after all, anyone in power wants to use their own people and acquaintances.Acquaintances use it with relative confidence.

As long as one of these three points occupies one of them, it is very likely to get ahead.

Zhao Xun barely took three.

So if he can't get out, God will look down on him.

Of course, what he needs to consider right now is how to find out the truth of Wang Zhongyi's case.

This matter is not only about the appointment and dismissal of a Shuozhou Jiedu envoy, but about the court's attitude towards Shuozhou officialdom.

If it is true as the official who impeached and denounced Wang Zhongyi said, today's Shuozhou is already Wang Zhongyi's hall of speech, and if he knows that there is a Jiedu envoy but does not know that there is an emperor, there must be a bloody storm next.

Politics has never been pure, but has a lot of private goods.

It's nothing more than one faction using high-sounding reasons to kill the other faction, and then arranges for its own people to take over.

Zhao Xun was also dazed by anger at first, but when he calmed down, he felt that things could never be that simple.

Everything happened so coincidentally and so suddenly, as if someone had arranged it in advance, and someone would detonate it at every node.

Now among the bad people's yamen, Zhao Xun is the most favored person by Feng Hao, so even if he was caught drinking last time, Feng Hao still chose to let Zhao Xun handle the case this time.

This child's way is a bit unpredictable, but it can always bring people surprises.

What Feng Hao needs now is not to follow the rules to investigate the case, what he needs now is not to say anything surprising, but what he needs is a ground-breaking discovery.

Now that the matter has come to this point, there must be no scruples about offending others.

The meaning of the existence of bad people is to do things for the emperor, no matter how many courtiers they offend, they will not hesitate.

Zhao Xun brought a roast leg of lamb to the prison for bad people.

The roasted leg of lamb was sent from Lanyue Pavilion by someone from Wangcai. The roasted leg was shiny, plump and juicy.

The reason why Zhao Xun came to the prison with the roast leg of lamb was because he knew that people who had been stationed at the border for a long time liked it.

It's a pity that there are still many restrictions in the cell, otherwise Zhao Xun really wanted to bring Wang Zhongyi a whole roasted lamb.

In his opinion, the most important thing for Wang Zhongyi to treat each other honestly is sincerity.

As long as Zhao Xun sincerely strips himself to Wang Zhongyi, Wang Zhongyi will slowly let go of his guard and tell Zhao Xun some useful information.

As for the arguments made by the official censor, Zhao Xun didn't believe a word, but at least he didn't believe them all.

"My lord, Zhao Xun, the villain in Qingpao, is in charge of hearing this case. When we met for the first time, I brought a leg of lamb as a gift."

Outside the cell, Zhao Xun smiled with his hands behind his back, narrowing his eyes slightly.

No matter whether he is in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice or in the cell of bad people, the cell where Wang Zhongyi is detained is a single room.

This is the rule for treating senior officials, there is nothing to say.

But this lamb leg made Wang Zhongyi somewhat unexpected.

"How do you know that I like to eat leg of lamb?"

"It's not easy? Master Wang has been stationed at the border for a long time, and Shuozhou borders Mobei. There is an endless prairie, the prairie is covered with green grass, and there are countless cattle and sheep."

Zhao Xun felt that his ability to draw pictures was really strong, and the sense of the picture came out all at once.

"It's different from the Central Plains, where the eating habits like to eat meat, and it's beef and mutton. So there should be no doubt that Mr. Wang likes to eat leg of lamb."

Wang Zhongyi nodded slightly as he agreed with Zhao Xun's explanation.

"However, I can't figure out why bad people would send a mere green robe to interrogate me."

Immediately, Wang Zhongyi changed the subject abruptly, revealing a trace of displeasure in his tone.

This is also normal.

In the feudal dynasty, equality of positions was emphasized, even in interrogation.

At any rate, Wang Zhongyi was also an envoy of Jiedu. In his opinion, the people who interrogated him should be officials like Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, Minister of Dali Temple, and Bad Shuai, but in the end it was only a Qingpao who came forward.

The official position system of bad people is very clear. In addition to the high-ranking bad handsome, there are four categories of purple robes, scarlet robes, green robes, and white robes.

Apart from Baipao, Qingpao is the lowest status bad person, but Baipao is a helper, that is, a temporary worker.

No wonder Wang Zhongyi felt upset.

This discomfort can be felt through the prison door.

Zhao Xun didn't rush to answer, but asked Wang Zhongyi a question.

"Master Wang, what do you think is the most important thing in Chang'an?"

"Nature is ability. Only capable people can gain a foothold in Chang'an."

Zhao Xun nodded and said: "That's it, because I am the most capable, so Master Feng will send me to try this case."

Wang Zhongyi had black lines on his face and was almost choked by Zhao Xun.

In fact, Zhao Xun had a way of asking this question, because no matter what answer Wang Zhongyi gave, he could immediately answer it.

Wang Zhongyi thinks that ability is important, and Zhao Xun can say that he is very capable.

Wang Zhongyi thinks that family background is important, and Zhao Xun can say that his background is extremely deep.

Wang Zhongyi thinks that appearance is important, and Zhao Xun can say that he is so handsome that it makes one's scalp tingle.



(End of this chapter)

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