big week bad guy

Chapter 359 The Attacking Corruptor

Chapter 359 The Attacking Corruptor

The patriarch of the undead, Wuoris, received orders from Satan again.

This made him extremely happy.

Satan is the most powerful ruler in the world of Alan Lore, and being able to do things for Satan is something that makes Wuoris feel extremely honorable.

Of course, what is more important is that he learned that the leader of the demon clan, Jeffron, was about to bring the demon clan to join him.

This greatly increased Wuoris' confidence.

For him, this is simply a great joy.

Once the Demon Race and the Undead Race converge, the Corruptor Alliance will completely gather together.

They are an extremely powerful alliance, and they can make up for each other's biggest shortcomings.

In this way, they will hardly be threatened by any.

This is very important.Because if it was just Wu Aolis himself, he would worry about being restrained by some tribes in the academy alliance when facing the academy.

But if you join the Demon Race, this part of restraint can be offset.

That's what coalitions do.

The alliance can make up for your biggest shortcoming to the greatest extent, so that you don't have to look forward and backward when facing opponents.

Just deal with the opponent you are dealing with right in front of you.The rest can be handed over to the allies.

Allies are absolutely trustworthy.With the addition of allies, everything is no longer a problem.

Wu Aolis was very excited, and he immediately began to make arrangements for the general attack on Zhongnan Mountain and the academy.

Although Satan has issued an order, although they are about to join the demon clan.But there are some things that Wu Aolis still has to ask and arrange in person.

He is used to arranging everything in an orderly manner before a big battle, because Wuoris knows very well that making preparations in advance can allow him to take the initiative in an absolute sense.

And if some preparations are not made in advance, it will be very troublesome to make temporary adjustments.

Wuoris has never fought unprepared battles.

He will consider every possibility as much as possible, and make a series of targeted arrangements to make the enemy feel uncomfortable.

First of all, the biggest advantage of the undead is the number advantage.

As long as there are corpses, you can summon the army of the dead without limit.

Even if the corpses of the army of the dead were crushed, he could continue to summon new ones, so there was no need to worry about the number.

So Wu Aolis decided to give full play to his advantages in this area to break through the academy alliance's first line of defense.

"At present, the largest number of people in the academy alliance should be the human race. This human army from the Casper Kingdom should have several thousand people. Many of them are knights, some are paladins, and some are magicians."

Wuoris silently recorded the composition of the human race, and then began further analysis.

He is not afraid of knights.

Although the knights have much higher combat experience than the general undead army, they do not have any advantage in number.

What kind of storm can a total of thousands of knights cause?
Wuoris knew very well that his army of undead and dead could hit the enemy to the maximum extent, and the elite knights would be exhausted.

So he wasn't worried about these human knights at all.

On the contrary, Wuoris is more worried about paladins and magicians.

This is also the old opponent of the undead.

Among them, magicians are the biggest threat, because they can not only pose a threat to the undead, but also cause the demons to suffer a serious blow.

As for the paladins, it is mainly a group buff, plus it has a huge deterrent effect on the undead.

The undead are conquered by the paladins.There is no doubt about that.

Wuoris also admitted this, so he will try his best to avoid a direct conflict between the undead army and the paladin army.

Of course, there is another point, that is, the undead are not only facing paladins.

There are also some high-level archers of the elves behind the paladins.

The magic arrows they shot were greatly enhanced by the blessing of the paladin's aura, and this was what Wuoris had to worry about and consider.

Once it is suppressed by the firepower of the magic arrows of the elves, the advancement of the undead army will be difficult.

No one wants to struggle while being constantly suppressed.

Even the army of the dead.

So sooner or later Wuoris will have to solve this problem.

If he cannot effectively solve this problem, the pressure he will face will increase.

It may not be obvious at first, but as it builds up, the stress can really be overwhelming.

Uoris knew they had little room for error.

If you can't suppress the enemy to a greater extent, it is easy to be backlashed.

The two big tribes, the human race and the elf race, are the issues they need to consider first.

There are still some issues that he must consider next.

That is the threat of the Dragon Clan.

The Dragon Clan is one of the oldest tribes on the continent of Allen Lore.

They have existed since the beginning of this world, and they have been multiplying endlessly, and they are called the sons of God.

Wu Aolis doesn't know whether the Dragon Clan is the son of God or not, but Wu Aolis knows one thing, that is, the dragon of the Dragon Clan is a big killer.

The killer weapon of the dragon is the dragon flame.

As soon as the dragon flame sprayed, the earth was scorched for thousands of miles.

In particular, the dead army of the undead tribe is basically the product of some corpses that have been enchanted, and they have almost no power to fight back against Longyan.

They will be sprayed into dregs by dragon flame in an instant.

Facing such enormous pressure, Wu Aolis felt bad all over.

The Corruptor's main force must not touch the dragon.

But this is very difficult to do.

The dragon can move as far as possible.

Because they are flying in the air.

Giant dragons flying in the air are basically not subject to too many restrictions, they can go wherever they want.

And if the undead race has to worry about the position of the dragon, they will be hindered everywhere.

It's so difficult, this is the disadvantage of facing a powerful alliance.

It's all right to be at a disadvantage on one side, but if you are at a disadvantage everywhere, the pressure you will bear is too great.

Wu Aolis doesn't know how much pressure they will have to bear if this continues, but judging from the current situation, the situation they are facing is indeed very severe.

"It seems that the dragon can only be handed over to the demon clan to solve it."

Wuorisi thought about it but couldn't think of a good way to deal with the dragon.

For the undead, the giant dragon is simply a skybreaker.

Expecting them to take the initiative to confront and solve the nemesis, that is definitely a difficult thing.

So Wuoris will try his best to ask the demon clan to help solve the dragon problem.

Demons are not so afraid of dragons, this is determined by the characteristics of the race.

Demons are born with flexibility, flexibility, and can fly!

There is a pair of huge wings growing on their backs, and they can fly into the air to fight if necessary!

This makes the biggest advantage of the dragon-flying lost.

So now the best choice for the Corruptor Alliance is to rely on the Demon Race to hold back the giant dragon of the Dragon Race in the Academy Alliance.

As long as the dragon is held back, the entire Corruptor Alliance will not face too much pressure.

The advantage of the Corruptor Alliance is that they can not only fight separately but also fight together.

They are a very tight, very strong alliance.

But the academy alliance is not the case.

As early as in the mainland of Allen Lore, those tribes basically existed with their own ghosts.

They also tried to form an alliance, but the effect was very mediocre!
Of course, some of the elves were the inner ghosts and stabbed them in the back at a critical moment.But it is fundamentally because these tribes do not trust each other.

Even if no elves jump out, other tribes will eventually jump out.

That's why the alliance of the major tribes of Alan Lore will fall apart.

But this is not the case with the Alliance of Corruptors. The Alliance of Corruptors is gathered together because of Satan's will.

They don't have to worry about the disintegration of the alliance at all.

As long as Satan is with them, they will always be the strongest allies.

The addition of the academy may increase the cohesion of the major tribes of Alan Lore, but it cannot be improved to the point where it can overwhelm the Corruptor Alliance.

At best, they can perfect their cohesion to a certain extent.

But the Uoris knew where their real weakness lay.

As long as a knife is stabbed at that weakness, no matter how strong a man is, he will not be able to bear it.

Human nature is all greedy and selfish, and no one wants to share it with an ally.

So this is why people often say that it is easy to share adversity, but it is difficult to share wealth.

When facing desperation, maybe they can still twist into a rope and hug each other to keep warm.

But as long as the situation is a little better, the situation will deteriorate instantly.

It was not caused by the Uoris, but by the tribes themselves.

At best, Wu Aolis played a fanning role on the sidelines.

He will do everything in his power to make the situation worse.

But the specifics depend on how bad these tribal alliances from the continent of Allen Lore will make the situation worse.

Wuoris looked forward to this day with great anticipation.

Because in his opinion, once the seeds of hatred are planted, they will continue to take root and germinate.

This is something that humans cannot stop.

It has to be said that the special training effect of the third senior brother Long Qingquan is quite good.

After some operations by the third senior brother Long Qingquan, Zhao Xun's current physical condition has been greatly improved compared to before.

This made Zhao Xun very satisfied.

The function of special training is to maximize the strength of the body, so that practitioners can better adapt to this body.

Because the strength of the body is constantly evolving and improving, even the owner of the body needs to constantly recognize it.

"Junior brother, you're almost done practicing now. Let's go and eat something."

Third senior brother Long Qingquan's stomach was growling with hunger, and he immediately suggested to Zhao Xun, rubbing his hands together.

"Uh, okay."

Zhao Xun always showed some helplessness.

For them, cooking is obviously more important than practicing.

If he could cook, Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan would definitely not want to practice.

Or in other words, the reason why Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, has always been willing to be Zhao Xun's training partner here is because Zhao Xun can teach him how to cook later, and cook a table of delicious dishes for him to feast on.

Even among brothers of the same sect, there is an indispensable interest relationship.

Zhao Xun couldn't help feeling dumbfounded.

Of course, for Zhao Xun to achieve today's achievements, the mountain leader's contribution is the first.But the third senior brother Long Qingquan's contribution is also great.

Zhao Xun is well aware of this.

So he has always respected Long Qingquan, the third senior brother.

As long as he has a chance, he will try his best to cook a delicious meal for Long Qingquan, the third senior brother.

There is a saying that if you want to conquer a man, the best way is to conquer his stomach first.

Zhao Xun deeply agrees with this.

He knew the third senior brother Long Qingquan very well, and this fellow was simply an extreme foodie.

Although human mountain heads can eat them, mountain heads can also eat them.

There is a big difference between being able to eat and being able to eat.

Those who can eat the most are called foodies, and those who can eat are often called gluttons.

It is obvious that the head of the mountain is a glutton, and the third senior brother is a foodie at most.

The difference between the two is still huge.

Zhao Xun is already working hard to make the third senior brother Long Qingquan change from a foodie to a gourmet.

But if the third senior brother Long Qingquan can't change this state by himself, then Zhao Xun has no good solution.

It can only be said that everything depends on oneself.

If the third brother Long Qingquan can resist the pressure and complete his transformation, then he will be the successor of the old man Shanzhang in terms of food appreciation in the future.

But if the third senior brother can't bear the huge pressure, then Zhao Xun has no good solution.

Anyway, everything he could do had been done.The next step is to see the performance of the third brother Long Qingquan himself.

"Little brother, what shall we eat today?"

As soon as he entered the kitchen, Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, immediately turned on the food mode.

He kept urging Zhao Xun, searching for the dishes Zhao Xun wanted to cook.

Because in his opinion, Junior Junior Brother Zhao Xun is simply an omnipotent person.

No matter what the dish is, Zhao Xun can always cook it differently.

There are all kinds of things.

Only the unexpected, there is nothing impossible.

Junior brother can make flowers from one dish to another, so Long Qingquan naturally has to give full play to his imagination.

He wants to think of all the dishes as much as possible.

Once the junior brother made these dishes, he had to get to the bottom of it and ask how the junior brother made these dishes.

"Uh, let's change our style today. I think we ate a lot of big meals a while ago. How about we change to snacks today?"


Hearing the word "snacks", Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan's eyes were able to shine.

He couldn't imagine it.

"Snacks are good. Junior brother, what kind of snacks are you going to make?"

"Uh, have you ever eaten flying cakes? It's just spinning the cake base and throwing it on the pan."

Zhao Xun explained carefully while dancing.

"Rotating and jumping is a bit like a whirling dance"

Zhao Xun didn't know whether his description was accurate or not, anyway, considering the current situation, he felt that Feibing was indeed similar to Hu Xuanwu to some extent.

"Uh, I've never eaten this kind of flying pancakes before. But judging by the description of my junior brother, it should be very fun, and it must be delicious."

(End of this chapter)

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