Chapter 375
Zhao Xun knew very well that the persuasion of Odysseyka was very weak at this time.

Because Odysseyka is obviously angry, and is getting angry.

At this time, no matter how reasonable the hype is, it sounds no different from farting to Odyssey.

But Zhao Xun still wants to persuade.

There is no way, who told him to be the liaison between the academy and the Alan Lore tribe.

Since he has played this role, he must play his due role.

Otherwise, I really feel sorry for my identity.

Of course, the human race has gone far at this moment.

Especially Harry Botsman, the prince of the human race, still maintains considerable rationality and restraint.

As long as Prince Harry Botsman is not impulsive, Zhao Xun can try his best to mediate the conflict between Odysseyka and the Casper royal family.

There is nothing that time cannot fix.

If anything, it's because it hasn't been long enough.

Time is the healer, as long as it's long enough, long enough to soothe everything, then it's ok.

To Zhao Xun's relief, after some hard work, it seems that Odysseyka, the Elf King, has been persuaded by him, at least in a short period of time.Next, it depends on how the situation develops.

After returning to the academy with sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou, third senior brother Long Qingquan also finished his sword practice.

He leaned over and saw Zhao Xun and Lu Guangdou frowning, he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

"Hey, what's wrong with you, little brother? And why are you in the same state as little brother?"

"Oh, third senior brother, don't mention it."

Lu Guangdou said with a bitter face: "You don't know how dangerous the situation just now is. If it weren't for the resourcefulness and adaptability of the younger brother, it might really turn into a big fight."


Long Qingquan was really taken aback.

"What happened, tell me quickly."

Seeing that the third brother Long Qingquan wanted to know so much, Zhao Xun cleared his throat and told him.

Because he knew very well that it was impossible to hide this kind of thing.

And he didn't intend to hide it from the third senior brother.

Zhao Xun told the third senior brother what happened concisely, and Long Qingquan was really surprised when he heard it.

"This is really something I didn't expect. But it is obvious that someone is deliberately sowing discord. They chose the elves to start, is it because the elves have a tendency to swing in history?"

"more or less."

Zhao Xun smiled wryly and said: "Anyway, that's how I understand it. As the saying goes, you have to pick up the soft persimmons. In the academy alliance, are there any persimmons that are softer than the elves? I'm not talking about theirs. The low combat power does not mean that they have a small number. After all, the elves in these two aspects are still recognized as having advantages among the major tribes of Allen Lore. I say they are soft persimmons, mainly because they are expressing their wishes They are not so strong and subjective at the time. So they are easy to be led by the nose, and it is easy to go astray.”

In fact, Zhao Xun's words were already very polite.

If it is more straightforward, the image of the elves will be even worse.

"Hey, I guess this is probably a trick of the Corruptors. Seeing that they couldn't break through our defense line, they began to think of outside tactics. If they really took advantage of the loopholes here, it would really not be worth it."

"Who says it's not. So third brother, do you have a better way?"

When Zhao Xun saw the third senior brother Long Qingquan coming, he thought he should learn more from him.

After all, the third senior brother is old here, and he has quite a lot of experience.

"this one"

The third senior brother Long Qingquan started to do his signature chin-lifting action again.

As long as this action is done, it means that he has started to think about the problem.

The third senior brother who fell into the thinking mode is quite handsome.

Zhao Xun couldn't bear to disturb him, and waited cautiously aside.

I hope the third senior brother can come up with a way to get the best of both worlds.

After about a cup of tea, the third brother Long Qingquan slapped his head fiercely and said: "Little brother, we have it!"

"Huh? Third senior brother has a solution?"

I still have full confidence in Long Qingquan and Zhao Xun, and the third brother's little head is still quite clever.

As long as you give Third Senior Brother enough time and space, he will never let you down.

"Isn't the Corruptor planning to start with the elves? They will definitely come again after they have tasted the sweetness once. After all, this time only created a rift between the elves and the human alliance, and did not widen the rift. If you really want to The detonation of contradictions, the Corruptor still needs to spend a lot of thought."


"Third senior brother, don't you want us to sit on the sidelines?"

"Of course!"

Third senior brother Long Qingquan showed a very gratified smile.

"My little brother understands me. What I mean is to wait and see. Now that the Corruptors have already focused their attention on the elves, what we have to do is to put more effort in this area. Otherwise, wouldn't it be that we are going astray? "

Long Qingquan swallowed, and then continued: "Actually, the situation is not as complicated as we imagined. After all, the Corruptors can only use this sneaky trick to test us. If they were really powerful, they would have been aboveboard Called in. But you have also seen the situation, at least they can't get any cheap in front of the mountain chief. So as long as the mountain chief is in charge, we don't have to worry about confronting the enemy head-on. If the corrupters want to sow discord, we will hide In the dark, wait for them to appear before rushing out to capture them."

"The corruptible ones are probably tempted by illusions. It is unlikely that this deity will be in danger."

"Probably so."

For Zhao Xun's judgment, Long Qingquan still agrees.

In his opinion, this is actually not a problem.

"But even if it's an illusion, we still have to capture it. It's impossible to let an illusion come and go freely in the forbidden area of ​​our academy, right? That's too bad for morale. And the heart knot of the Elf King Odysseyka needs to be untied after all. ... If we can't help him to untie this knot, even if he doesn't show it now, there will be problems sooner or later in the future."

Long Qingquan's logic was very clear, and he didn't panic at all.

He pursed his lips and said, "Little brother, this time we shouldn't have too many people, too many will easily scare the enemy. Of course, it can't be too few. If there are too few, it is easy to miss him. After all, the Corruptor can The person sent to infiltrate into the hinterland of the academy is definitely not an idle person. He must have some skills. We still have to give him the respect we deserve. Otherwise, it will be easy to let the tiger go back to the mountain."

The head of the mountain looked at the bamboo forest in the academy in a daze.

For him, this is already the second time that he has faced the upcoming World War I so cautiously.

The first time was 20 years ago.

At that time, the head of the mountain was not No. 1 in the world.

But since that battle, Shan Chang's position as the number one in the world has been established in one fell swoop.

Since then, Shan Chang has been invincible all over the world for 20 years.

Moreover, it is basically the heroes of the world who take the initiative to challenge the head of the mountain.

Shan Chang sits firmly in Zhongnan Mountain, one fights one, two fights one pair.

No one is an opponent of the mountain master, even the few remaining great masters in the world are still hard to come by.

In the eyes of the head of the mountain, Grand Master is just a title of a level, and it is a very vague level.

In a real sense, there are also distinctions between great masters and masters.

There are great masters whose realm reaches the sky.

Some great masters barely surpassed the first-rank line.

During the gap, not many people really understand.

The head of the mountain is the great master who can reach the sky.

He knew that he was still some distance away from truly achieving the realm of harmony between man and nature, but for now, he could already be considered invincible.

But this time, the head of the mountain felt hesitant for the first time.

First hesitation in 20 years.

The reason Shan Zhang hesitated was because he wasn't sure if he could beat the man.

This person is not Wu Aolis, the leader of the undead clan, nor Jeffron, the patriarch of the demon clan.

Not even Augustine, the head of the Dark Wizard, but that man.

Yes, that man, Satan!
Many people are afraid to bring up Satan's name.

Because Satan means darkness, means death.

When Satan comes, the world is often a scene of destruction.

But the head of the mountain is not afraid.

He just felt a little confused, who was stronger between him and Satan?
Although the head of the mountain hadn't met Satan yet, he couldn't wait to have a fight with Satan.

After all, in the past 20 years, although the head of the mountain has played countless games and been challenged by countless juniors, he has never played heartily and enjoyed it once.

This is simply unacceptable for a person who is obsessed with martial arts.

Now is the opportunity.

The strength of Satan may be stronger than the sum of all the opponents Shanchang faced before.

Under such circumstances, the head of the mountain will also be a little uncertain.

Can he win?

Or will Satan win?
Or is it that no one can really gain the upper hand?

Will a draw be the greatest possibility?

If it is a draw, can he accept it?

Questions flashed through Shanzhang's mind, he was really not sure, at least for now he couldn't give an answer.

Practitioners rely more on instinct in battle, even those who are at the level of Shanzhang.

Therefore, in the face of some extremely special situations, it is particularly important whether the head of the mountain can show strong enough execution power and whether he can take the lead in the face of Satan.

If he could gain the upper hand from the very beginning, then the whole battle would be on the side of the Academy and Shanzhang.

Conversely, if Satan takes the lead in the first place, then Satan and the Corruptor will be on the winning side in this battle.

The change of offensive and defensive trend is too fast, so fast that it is unimaginable.

At least in Shanzhang's view, the gap between him and Satan is not that great.

Maybe it's the difference between one move and one move.

The difference between victory and defeat is only a few millimeters.

The reason why the head of the mountain acted so calmly when facing Wu Aolis and Jeffron was mainly to confuse the opponent.

After all, the head of the mountain is also very aware of the importance of momentum in a battle.

If the head of the mountain can overwhelm the opponent in terms of momentum from the beginning, the next duel will be easy.

But the more this is the case, the more the head of the mountain knows that he can't blindly put pressure on himself.

If the pressure is too great, it is easy to produce too much effect.

The more you have to do at this time, the more empty you are.

As long as you can let go, the mentality of the mountain leader will not be affected.

"So, our plan can be said to be seamless."

After discussing with all the brothers and sisters in the academy, Zhao Xun's confidence increased greatly.

Their plan has considered various possibilities from the very beginning. It can be said that no matter what attack mode the Corruptor Alliance adopts, the academy can effectively deal with it.

"But junior brother, we can't be blindly arrogant. After all, the enemy is still in the dark. We need to be more or less cautious."

Sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou has always been cautious.

In his opinion, the Corruptor Alliance still has some strength.

Although they don't want to have a head-on conflict with the academy early, if the academy pushes them to a corner, they will definitely fight to the death.

If a dog is in a hurry, he can jump over the wall, let alone a person.

The third senior brother, Long Qingquan, had a completely different attitude.

Long Qingquan has always been used to being arrogant and conceited.

He never took the Corruptor Alliance seriously.

In his opinion, the so-called Corruptor Alliance is nothing more than a bunch of clowns.

These guys seem to be powerful, but they are actually superficial.

Otherwise, why didn't they dare to launch a serious attack on the academy a few months after they arrived in this world?

In the end, you have to wait until Satan gives the order to die before you dare to commit the crime with the attitude of giving it a try?

Generally speaking, this is still caused by insufficient strength.

Insufficient in strength, so I feel guilty, I dare not fight openly, only dare to play some off-the-board tricks.

However, off-the-market moves also require strength to support them.

In the absence of strength, even external moves cannot form effective suppression, and naturally they will be at an absolute disadvantage.

"Third senior brother, I'm afraid we will have to work harder during this time. Since the Corruptor has already set his sights on the Elf King Odysseyka, we naturally have to surround him at all times for emergencies. Of course we can't show it too clearly. At least the face It can’t be revealed, otherwise it’s easy to startle the snake.”

Although Zhao Xun and the others have finalized all the plans, they still need to be more cautious in specific operations.

"Well, don't worry, junior brother. I'm the best at this kind of thing."

Long Qingquan patted his chest and assured him: "Let's not talk about some small thieves, even if Satan came in person, I'm not in vain. What is the most powerful thing in our academy? Naturally, it is awe-inspiring spirit. Awe-inspiring spirit is plain It is the courage not to be afraid of everything. As long as there is awe-inspiring spirit, then everything is demons and ghosts, not worth mentioning."

Long Qingquan was so proud that he couldn't help leading other disciples to become more confident.

Now there is really nothing to keep, just do it.

Zhao Xun couldn't help feeling his blood boil.

(End of this chapter)

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