big week bad guy

Chapter 38 The eldest brother is like a father

Chapter 38 The eldest brother is like a father
Now that he promised to support his sister, Zhao Xun naturally had to take practical actions.

Don't look at him as a girl with a baby voice, she is very clever.

If Zhao Xun was just thunderous and rainy, little loli would definitely be able to see it.

Besides, Erlang and Sanlang were indeed a little too much, and Zhao Xun really wanted to take this opportunity to teach them a lesson.

If the tiger doesn't show off its power, you will treat me as a hellokitty.

Well, the prestige of the eldest brother still needs to be maintained.

Erlang Zhao Chun and Sanlang Zhao Lian are both Zhao Xun's brothers from the same father and mother, different from those concubine brothers.

That's why they dare to be so arrogant.

But one thing is one thing, the two of them absolutely dare not make mistakes in front of Zhao Xun.

But Zhao Xun rushed to the backyard in a hurry, and went straight to Qingfeng Hall where Zhao's children were studying.

The sound of reading can be heard from afar.

Erlang and Saburo should be studying at this time.

Zhao Xun straightened his clothes and strode into the hall.

Mr. Kong, who was invited by Zhao's Academy, was reciting the classics, and the students who read a sentence followed him.

In addition to Erlang and Sanlang, Zhao Xun has eight younger brothers who were concubine.

But Zhao Xun is not very close to them, at most they are familiar.

What made Zhao Xun feel angry was that Erlang and Sanlang dozed off, their heads were shaking, and they might knock on the desk at any time.

On the contrary, those younger brothers who were concubine were reading seriously.

Zhao Xun thought to himself that there is no need to find a reason, just go ahead.

"Cough cough."

Zhao Xun cleared his throat, then cupped his hands at Mr. Kong and said, "Mr. Kong, my father ordered me to come and supervise their studies, but I didn't think that Erlang and Sanlang would dare to be lazy, so I asked Mr. Kong to borrow a ruler."

Mr. Kong was obviously stunned.

Of course he knew that Zhao Chun and Zhao Lian were lazily sleeping, but he always turned a blind eye to such things.

After all, a top honorable family like the Zhao family doesn't need to take the imperial examinations to stand out and shine. As the heir of the Duke, it's fine to just eat and die.

In this era, birth is everything. Zhao Chun and Zhao Lian were born with a golden spoon in their mouths, and they are destined to be prosperous and wealthy for a lifetime, with no worries about food and clothing.For them, the meaning of reading is to know how to read and write.

But Cheng Guogong obviously didn't think so, otherwise he wouldn't have sent his son Zhao Xun to supervise.

Mr. Kong was suddenly moved.

After all, it is the Duke of the country, this realm is really extraordinary.

"My son, there is no need for that, Erlang and Sanlang are still young"

"Mr. Kong, they did something degrading and must be punished."

Zhao Xun saluted Mr. Kong again, and resolutely said: "I also ask Mr. Kong to complete it.

Mr. Kong no longer hesitated, nodded slightly and said: "So let's do it according to the son."

After speaking, he took a few steps forward and handed the ruler to Zhao Xun.

Zhao Xun didn't hesitate, and picked up his ears to wake Erlang and Sanlang up.

When the two met, it was Zhao Xun who was in front of them, and subconsciously shivered.

"Big Brother"

Zhao Chun and Zhao Lian have always been in cahoots, and naturally it is impossible for one to hold on to the other.

Coupled with the fact that Zhao Xun's son is quite prestigious, the two who were guilty of thieves instinctively retreated.

"Father invited a great Confucianist like Mr. Kong to teach you the articles of saints. Is this how you learned? Today I will teach you a lesson for father."

Zhao Xun waved the ruler aggressively, scaring Erlang and Sanlang into frothing.

As for those concubines' younger brothers, they acted as if watching the excitement was not a big deal.

They were not less bullied by Erlang and Sanlang in the past, and now they can see Erlang and Sanlang being beaten, and they are naturally very happy.

"Brother, we know we were wrong."

Facing the stern Zhao Xun, the two confessed their mistake with tears.

"Now that I know I was wrong, why did I do it earlier? Lie on the desk with my butt pouted."

Zhao Xun is not forgiving.

Zhao Chun and Zhao Lian had no choice but to look at each other and then leaned down on the table with unwilling upper bodies.

Zhao Xun took a deep breath, picked up the ruler and drew it towards the two's buttocks.

After one person is drawn, another person is drawn, and one side is drawn before the other.

After all, Zhao Xun is a practitioner, although he has restrained most of his strength, Erlang Saburo still screams and howls like ghosts and wolves.

Zhao Xun's concubine younger brothers enjoyed it very much, and Mr. Kong also enjoyed it.

Erlang and Sanlang are usually confident and do not take reading as a serious matter at all, and now they are suffering.

Although Erlang and Sanlang were crying and shouting, Zhao Xun showed no intention of pity, and took twenty rulers each in one breath before stopping.

At this moment, Erlang and Sanlang were already crying with snot on their faces, seeing Zhao Xun stop, they immediately began to rub their buttocks regardless of their manners.

"Mr. Kong, let me take them out and teach them a lesson."

Zhao Xun saluted Mr. Kong.

"Your Majesty, please go ahead."

"Still rolling over."

Zhao Xun glared at Zhao Chun and Zhao Lian.

He just kept his hands on the scale, at most he would swell Erlang Saburo's buttocks, and he would be fine after a few days.

He wanted to teach the two of them a lesson through this matter, let them study hard, and the most important thing is not to bully the girl.

Erlang and Sanlang followed Zhao Xun out of the school, and walked to a deserted space, Zhao Xun said in a low voice, "Do you know why my brother beat you today?"

Zhao Chun and Zhao Lian cried, "Because we didn't study hard and slept lazily. Don't worry, brother, we will never dare again in the future."

Zhao Xun shook his head and said: "This is one of the reasons, but not all. The other reason is that you bully the small with your big ones, and bully your own sister. Erlang, did you steal Danshu's ice cream to eat, Sanlang, did you go to Did Danshu spit in her noodle bowl?"

The two wanted to deny it categorically, but seeing Zhao Xun's fierce face, they were afraid of being spanked again for annoying him, so they hurriedly said: "Brother, we know we were wrong, we will never dare to bully my sister again."

"That's good, remember what you said. Father may indulge you, but brother will not. If you dare to make mistakes again, be careful of your flesh and blood."

After Zhao Xun warned, he waved his hands and said, "Go back to study."

After Zhao Xun completed the task, he went to Xiao Luoli to ask for credit.

As soon as she saw the little loli, she rushed towards her.

"Brother Xun hugs, brother Xun hugs!"

Zhao Xun picked up the little meat ball and kept rua, just like rua cats.

"Danshu, my eldest brother just went to the school and taught Erlang and Saburo a good lesson. They will definitely not dare to bully you again in the future."

Zhao Danshu tilted her head halfway, and asked with a smile: "How did brother Xun teach them?"

Hiss, tilt your head to kill.

Love, love.

"Brother spanked their buttocks with a ruler, and they screamed in pain."

"Brother Xun is the best."

The little girl knew all of Zhao Xun's weaknesses, so Rainbow fartted and pinched Zhao Xun to death.

This is the real boss.

(End of this chapter)

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