big week bad guy

Chapter 383 Invasion of the Corruptor

Chapter 383 Invasion of the Corruptor (a super chapter of nearly 20000 words)
"Keep up with some, keep up with some."

Wu Aolis was very excited after watching the army of the dead arrive at a corner of Zhongnan Mountain via the Zhongnan shortcut.

At present, it seems that they have indeed bypassed the heavy restrictions of Zhongnan Mountain and entered the back mountain.

But at this moment, Wu Aolis did not dare to take it lightly.

Because entering Zhongnan Mountain was only the first step, and he still had a long way to go.

If you take even one wrong step, you will be doomed immediately.

The Corruptor Alliance has no other choice now, it must invade the hinterland of the academy without hesitation and start a fight with it.

Only when the situation is incomparably chaotic, can Satan possibly descend.

The coming of Satan is what Wuoris most hopes to happen now.

Because as long as Satan comes, the world will become dark, and as long as Satan comes, the rule of this world will change hands.

Great Zhou Emperor?

What kind of bird is that.

As long as Satan descends, Wu Aolis can kick Emperor Xianlong away with disdain.

The previous agreement between him and Emperor Xianlong can also be voided.

In this era of the jungle, no one cares about a contract.

"Maybe only when everything is over, people will realize who is the real master of this world. God of Darkness, you deserve to be admired by thousands of people. And those hypocritical rulers, let them fall into hell and suffer Let the fire of karma burn."

Wu Aolis was looking forward to the moment when Satan would come.

Because he knew that would be the moment that would change everything.

"Okay, even if this talisman is drawn, it can deter evil spirits after it is pasted. Ordinary corroders will feel a very strong burning sensation when they get close. The most important thing is that once someone invades We were also able to receive a warning and no longer have to worry about being burglarized."

Under the auspices of Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, the staff of the academy pasted up the amulets.

Zhao Xun was very excited.

This can be regarded as the first talisman he actually participated in drawing, right?
Although he also drew talismans with his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi before, but that was just a practice work, it was not counted.

Today, this is considered the most important talisman drawn in the face of the Corruptor's invasion.

If there are really corrupters invading, this Taoist talisman will notify them, just like the paper man made by the tenth senior brother.

Its practical value is quite high.

Although Zhao Xun knew very well in his heart that it was the fighting skills between Shan Zhang and Satan that ultimately decided the outcome of this battle.But they also have to do their part.

If everything is pushed to Shan Zhang and other old people, not only will Zhao Xun feel bad, but it will also make the situation uncontrollable.

After all, no matter how strong the head of the mountain is, he is not superhuman.

If a person is under siege and distracted, it is inevitable that there will be omissions.

If the head of the mountain showed his flaws and a group of Xiaoxiao seized the opportunity to attack him, Zhao Xun would not accept it anyway.

After all, the head of the mountain is a god-like existence, and it is impossible for Zhao Xun to accept that the head of the mountain is defeated.

So he will definitely seize every opportunity to draw talismans to repair the formation with his fellow brothers and sisters, and strive to repair the peripheral projects first.

Only in this way can he relieve Shan Chang's worries, and his heart will feel relieved.

After taking care of all the matters, Zhao Xun and others returned to the academy as planned.

Now that the sky is getting dark, it's time to make dinner.

After offering sacrifices to the Temple of the Five Viscera, consider the next thing.

Otherwise, if you are hungry, you will not be able to do anything.

After returning to the academy, he saw Yao Yan, the Bamboo Forest Sword Immortal, walking towards him with a frowning face.

Zhao Xun couldn't help feeling puzzled, stepped forward a few steps and asked, "Yao Jianxian, what's going on with you?"

"Oh, Zhao Xun, you don't know. I got into an awkward situation with your second senior sister again. You know the temperament of your second senior sister. She has a very hot temper. She is sure that even ten cows can't be pulled back. I saw that this is okay. If there is a real quarrel, it will definitely become unstoppable. So I thought, slip away first and then talk. Leave her alone at home and think carefully, and wait until she gets angry Let's see if the situation can get better. Sigh, how come this day has become like this. "

The words of Yao Yan, the Bamboo Forest Sword Immortal, made Zhao Xun unable to deal with it.

Uh, it looks like something's not right.

If the second senior sister's fiery temper is followed, it is really possible to make it impossible to end.

"Can I ask one more question, did you guys quarrel because of something?"

Everything has a cause and effect, and couples quarreling is no exception.

Although freezing three feet does not happen overnight, the accumulation of conflicts also has a process.

Quantitative change leads to qualitative change.

But after all, there is still a fuse. It is impossible for the two parties to start quarreling without any reason.

If that's the case, it's too ridiculous.

"Oh, what else could it be? I want a child, but your second senior sister won't allow it. She always says that after having a child, she won't have time to practice. What is the reason? My old Yao family is a single heir for three generations. I pursue It took so long to finally catch her up, but at this moment she told me that she doesn't plan to have children. I can't accept this no matter what. "


Hearing this, Zhao Xun began to feel sorry for Yao Yan, the Bamboo Forest Sword Immortal.

For a traditional man like Yao Yan, the concept of getting married and having children and carrying on the family line is extremely profound.

The second senior sister is also true, I don't see her being afraid of children on weekdays.

But it's really not easy for Zhao Xun to intervene in this kind of matter, after all, this is a private matter between the second senior sister and Zhulin Sword Immortal Yao Yan.

If Zhao Xun rashly intervenes, it may cause immeasurable consequences.

"I think, I'm afraid things can be divided into two sides. Sometimes we are too brainy, and one brain won't work. The second senior sister is indeed a bit extreme, but Yao Jianxian, I think you have to do it too." Think about the problem from another angle, such as how to make the second senior sister accept you as much as possible and accept your ideas as much as possible. It is inevitable for the couple to live in stumbling, and there will definitely be times of disagreement. The key is in this How to adjust your emotions when problems arise, so as not to be biased by emotions. If both parties are really angry, I have a good way, that is to deal with it for a while, and wait until both parties calm down before going to have a good chat Let’s chat. The matter between you and the second senior sister is indeed very difficult, but I don’t think it can be completely resolved. Come on, Yao Jianxian, I am optimistic about you.”

It's hard for an upright official to decide on housework, so Zhao Xun really has no other way to cheer Yao Yan up except to say some words of encouragement.

After finally confusing Yao Yan and second senior sister Liu Yingying's housework, Zhao Xun couldn't wait to rush into the kitchen with third senior brother Long Qingquan.

For the two who have been tired all day, what they want to do most now is to cook a delicious meal to reward themselves.

Zhao Xun has heard people say that food is the bottom line of a person, even the most tired and aggrieved person will feel much better after a full meal.

On the contrary, if a person fails to eat delicious food for a long time, the whole person's mood will be in a high state of depression.It is even possible to do some extreme things under high-stress emotions.

Food is the most important thing for the people, if you can't even eat enough, then the emotional collapse is indeed not far away.

"Little brother, what shall we cook tonight?"

"Huh? It looks like everyone is hungry, why don't we make something simple?"

Sometimes food doesn't need to be fancy, as long as it can be done in the right category, it can capture a person's stomach.

"Well, I also think that everyone is tired, so let's make some simple ingredients that everyone agrees to eat."

"I think we can make a stir-fried sesame meal. What do you think, Third Senior Brother?"

Pasta has always been Zhao Xun's forte, but he seems to have never demonstrated the making of Ma Shi in front of all his brothers and sisters.

In the final analysis, it is because Ma Shi is relatively small.

Zhao Xun was worried that his brothers and sisters would not buy it after he made it, which would affect Zhao Xun's reputation as a generation of cookery gods.

You know, things like food often require a sense of identity.

Maybe the food itself is indeed very attractive, but if it does not match the taste of the diners, it will still make people uncomfortable.

But this time, Zhao Xun decided to give it a try.

And the timing of his choice has also been carefully considered, which can be said to be just right.

Because the time when Zhao Xun chose to make fried rice was precisely when all the disciples in the academy were exhausted.

At this time, the brothers and sisters in the academy were all like wolves and tigers. After seeing the food, they wished they could tear the food into pieces.

Regardless of what they eat, at this moment, the mouths of the brothers and sisters are full of delicacies.

At this time, Zhao Xun's stir-fried sesame food should be able to receive unanimous praise without accident.

So, why does he not choose to make fried sesame seeds at this time?

There is only one chance, and Zhao Xun must seize it.

"Wow, junior brother, why do you mix tomatoes and eggs together and stir-fry sesame seeds?"

Seeing that Zhao Xun fried the tomatoes and eggs first, and then poured the sesame seeds into the pot, the third brother Long Qingquan was always puzzled.

He never thought about why his junior brother loves tomatoes and eggs so much.

Basically, the shadow of tomatoes and eggs can be seen in all mainstream dishes.

Even if tomatoes and eggs are not the main dish, they can still occupy a place.

It can be said that Zhao Xun really loves this combination.

"You don't know this, third brother, tomatoes and eggs are the perfect match when frying sesame seeds. The sour taste of tomatoes is absorbed by the sesame juice, and all the flavors go in. The taste is simply amazing. You Try it when the time comes, and I guarantee you will fall in love with it once you taste it, and you will love this deliciousness completely."


In an instant, the third senior brother Long Qingquan began to swallow his saliva.

Junior brother Zhao Xun's description was so tempting that even he couldn't resist the temptation.

"Little brother, is it really so delicious? Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and make it. I will be the first person to taste it, and see how delicious this fried mochi is. "

"Ahaha third brother, don't worry, the dishes I choose to cook will never be overturned. The dishes I dare to cook are all tried and tested, and they are full of color and fragrance. There is no bragging on the ranking list, and it can definitely be ranked in the top ten."

"Huh? Really?"

The more Zhao Xun said that, the more Long Qingquan felt anticipation, and his sense of anticipation was almost full in an instant.

Good guy, my junior brother is really an all-around fighter, he can cook any kind of dishes, no matter what kind of dishes.

It is really not easy for a person to achieve such a comprehensive level.

Little Junior Brother is really exciting.

"Third Senior Brother, it's almost done. I can collect the juice for a while. This is the most critical step to collect the juice. When it is done, the juice of the tomatoes can be completely infiltrated into the sesame. If not, then It will lead to too much juice, which will affect the taste of the diners. Pay attention to my movements, how can I make the juice more integrated into the Mashi."

Zhao Xun pays great attention to practical operation in cooking teaching. In his opinion, the quality of operation directly affects the deliciousness of dishes.

Perhaps sometimes a subtle action may determine the success or failure of a dish.

He hoped that Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, would study hard and not take any chances.

"Yeah, little brother, just do it, I'll listen and watch."

At this moment, the third senior brother, Long Qingquan, was staring intently at Zhao Xun, who was in charge of the spoon.

Zhao Xun's every move was carefully remembered in his heart.

In Long Qingquan's view, sometimes one action can really determine a lot.

Details determine success or failure. This sentence is absolutely suitable for cooking, without the slightest exaggeration.

Zhao Xun nodded and started finishing work.

A person who travels hundreds of miles is half to ninety, and the more critical it is in the end.

Zhao Xun didn't dare to take it lightly, but started to stir fry with all his attention.

It is really a technical job to collect the juice and stir-fry, so that the tomato juice and sesame food can be deeply fused, and it can make people feel the pleasure of exquisite food in just a moment.

Long Qingquan has been fascinated by watching from the sidelines.

He knew that the younger brother's culinary skills were superb, but he didn't expect that the younger brother's cooking skills could be so superb.

Every gesture is a master's demeanor.

Originally, Long Qingquan thought that he could learn cooking from his younger brother Zhao Xun, and he would be able to graduate in three months at most.

But now it seems that he only learned the superficial aspects of his junior brother Zhao Xun, but he didn't learn the essence.

He still has a long way to go to reach the cooking level of junior brother Zhao Xun, or even surpass the level of cooking skills of junior brother Zhao Xun.At present, it seems that what he has to do is to stay by the side of the junior brother seriously and learn the details of cooking.

Only by learning all these details can he truly become a qualified chef.

Otherwise, you will always be a half-danger with one bottle full and half bottle dangling.

This was not what Long Qingquan hoped for.

When Zhao Xun brought a plate of delicious fried sesame food in front of Long Qingquan, Long Qingquan couldn't control his emotions completely.

"Ah, it's really fragrant. Junior brother, I'm about to faint from the aroma before I even tasted this dish of yours. What kind of exclusive ingredients did you add in it? It's really fascinating what."

If other people say this, there will be more or less exaggerated elements.

But third senior brother Long Qingquan always had something to say.

Zhao Xun is very clear about this.

He took the rainbow fart from third senior brother Long Qingquan very satisfied, and said triumphantly: "Ahem, third senior brother, there is no need to boast so outrageously. Of course I know this dish is delicious, but I don't To the point of fascination?"

Although Zhao Xun said so on his lips, in fact, he was already happy in his heart.

Who in this world doesn't like to hear good things?

Even Zhao Xun is no exception.

Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan shook his head again and again and said, "Little Junior Brother, I'm not exaggerating at all. The taste of this dish is really amazing. If you don't believe me, you can take it now and let other people taste it and see them Comments on this dish are as different as mine.”


Zhao Xun thought to himself, Third Senior Brother, this is a bullshit.

"That's not necessary. Take out a plate and everyone tastes it with a chopstick. It's really not enough. I think it's better to put all the fried sesame food out of the pan and then taste it. That would be better."

"Well, that's fine, I'll listen to you, let's pack the sesame food first. See how this full pot can hold more than a dozen dishes, tsk tsk, everyone can feast on it now .”

The mochi that was put on the plate was quickly brought out.

A group of academy disciples who were already hungry rushed forward and started fighting for food.

I have to say that food is indeed attractive enough.

Many people cannot avoid temptation.

Of course, Zhao Xun still has to ensure the most basic order, and not let the brothers and sisters mess up.

"Everyone is queuing up and queuing up. Everyone has a share, and there will be no shortage of food. Everyone can get a share of more than a dozen plates."

After all, everyone is also a disciple of the academy, so we still have to abide by order.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be embarrassing for the academy and the head of the mountain?

It doesn't matter to Zhao Xun himself, but he doesn't want the head of the mountain to be disappointed.

"Well, little brother, the fried sesame food you made is really delicious. I have never tasted such delicious food."

The sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou only took one bite, and his whole body seemed to be seduced by his soul.

"Yes, junior brother, the taste of this fried sesame seed is too unique, it's sour and sweet, it goes well with rice."

Even Xu Rong, the always taciturn senior brother, had a smile on his face at the moment, and praised Zhao Xun's cooking without hesitation.

Seeing that everyone was satisfied with the food, Zhao Xun showed a gratified smile on his face.

It's not easy, it's really not easy.

He really didn't expect this dish to be so successful.

Although he knew that fried sesame food was a very good home-cooked dish, Zhao Xun never expected how popular it would become.

But the facts proved to him that this stir-fried sesame food is really the best, which makes people want to stop.

The disciples of the academy said it was good after eating it!
Zhao Xun is undoubtedly the happiest person.

Being able to feed all the academy disciples gave him a great sense of accomplishment.

"Everyone wants to drink something after eating, I'll make a drink for everyone."

"Would it be too greasy for milk tea? After all, the fried sesame food we ate has actually put a lot of oil in it."

"Yeah, I also think that drinking milk tea will be a bit too boring. So let's change to something lighter."

"Lighter? What's lighter?"

"Juice bar, just juice."

After a discussion, everyone came to a consensus.

boy, juice
Zhao Xun thought to himself that this choice is still very challenging.

Juice is generally subject to the fruit itself, and the taste and effect of the juice will vary greatly.

Some taste sweet and others are more sour.

As the saying goes, it is difficult to adjust.

Zhao Xun didn't know what juice to make for a while.

"How about I make a watermelon juice, which is sweet and refreshing."

Zhao Xun once heard a sentence and thought it made sense.That's making watermelon juice when you don't know what juice to make.Watermelon juice is arguably the most popular juice.Not only are the ingredients easy to obtain, but it is also easy to satisfy diners.

Because no one can resist the sweet taste of watermelon juice.

Sweet is really the most amazing taste, it can even inspire a sense of joy, the most satisfying.

Of course, the specific taste will only be judged by a group of senior brothers and sisters who have tasted it.

But Zhao Xun has full confidence in watermelon juice in his heart. He believes that his carefully crafted watermelon juice will surely conquer the taste buds of all senior brothers and sisters.

"Alright, alright, little brother, then go and make watermelon juice, we are all waiting."

At this moment, the brothers and sisters are all immersed in the deliciousness of fried sesame seeds and can't extricate themselves, they don't have much energy to focus on the watermelon juice.

Zhao Xun took the initiative to leave very interestingly, came to the kitchen alone, and began to prepare the ingredients.

Watermelon is stored in the ice cellar, just go to the ice cellar to pick it up when needed.

This can maximize the freshness of the watermelon.

There is no refrigerator in this era, and the ice cellar is a natural refrigerator.

Zhao Xun entered the ice cellar alone, carefully selected a suitable huge watermelon, and walked out of the ice cellar happily.

Then cut the watermelon and squeeze the juice.

Without a juicer, you can only squeeze the juice manually.

But it's undoubtedly a lot more fun.

After Zhao Xun cut the watermelon, he began to pound the juice, just like pounding garlic.

During the whole process, Zhao Xun was in a good and relaxed state of mind, humming a ditty the whole time.

Watermelon juice should be the entry point of all fruit juices.But the more this is the less likely to go wrong.

Drinks that meet the taste of the public are the most popular.

Of course, Zhao Xun's main purpose of making watermelon juice is not to make money.But he still has to ensure that the drinks he makes are liked by the majority of people.Only in this way can he maintain his reputation as the master chef of the academy.

Fame is something you will cherish very much once you get it.

Zhao Xun finally got such a title, so he naturally hoped to keep it for a while longer.

"After this watermelon juice is ready, I will be able to completely conquer my brothers and sisters. At that time, I will add another one to my drink list."

When Zhao Xun brought the freshly squeezed watermelon juice in front of the senior brothers and sisters, the senior brothers and sisters who had already eaten half full were rubbing their bellies beautifully.

"It's really cool. People who eat this fried sesame food are really cool. Junior brother, it's beautiful. We haven't eaten such delicious food for a long time."

"Who says it's not, or how can I say that junior brother is a dragon and phoenix among people. Not only is his cultivation talent very high, but his cooking talent is also excellent. Looking around, who among the young people in this world can compare to junior brother? Almighty."

"A man of talent is truly a man of talent."

Faced with the flattery of rainbow farts from his senior brothers and sisters, Zhao Xun willingly accepted it.

No way, who told him that he is so good.

"Ahem, brothers and sisters, come and taste the watermelon juice I've squeezed. It tastes great. After you taste it, you will definitely agree."


The third senior brother Long Qingquan burped, and his whole body was in extreme excitement.

He is quite confident in his junior brother Zhao Xun's ability to make drinks.

Since it is the drink made by the junior brother, the taste is definitely not bad.

Anyway, he's going to have a good taste.

"Okay, I'll try it now and see how it tastes."

The third senior brother Long Qingquan took the lead and took a glass of watermelon juice, and tasted it with gusto.

"Tsk tsk tsk, the taste is really good, very fresh and juicy. Junior brother has a heart."

Long Qingquan gulped down a whole cup of freshly squeezed watermelon juice in one gulp, then gave Zhao Xun a thumbs up in satisfaction.

I have to say that the third senior brother Long Qingquan's taste is quite high. The dishes made by Zhao Xunxin, whether it is staple food or other things Long Qingquan has eaten, all agree that they are good.

Zhao Xun nodded and said, "As long as the third senior brother likes it."

In fact, Zhao Xun is more concerned about the evaluation of other senior brothers and sisters now.

After all, the third senior brother basically has no suspense here, no matter what Zhao Xun cooks, the third senior brother will find it delicious.

"Master, what do you think of the taste of this watermelon juice?"

First of all, Zhao Xun set his sights on the big sister Xiao Ning.

Xiao Ning nodded in satisfaction and said: "Little brother, it's wonderful, it's wonderful. I've never had such a sweet fruit juice. Although it's watermelon juice, it feels extremely noble. It's like, just It smells like lychee."

For a while, Zhao Xun didn't know what to say about the evaluation made by the elder sister.

The taste of lychees?
Although it is said that lychee is a relatively precious fruit in this era, it is obviously inappropriate to use this as a comparison, right?

After all, lychee is mostly produced in the south, especially Lingnan, while watermelon can be widely planted, and its restrictions are obviously much smaller than other fruits.

"Is this a bit exaggerated?"

"No exaggeration, no exaggeration, absolutely no exaggeration. Little brother, you taste this taste, just one sip can make you feel ecstatic. I haven't tasted such a delicious drink for a long, long time. Little brother, you will definitely drink it in the future. Make this freshly squeezed watermelon juice a regular drink."

"Uh, no problem. Don't worry, Senior Sister."

Zhao Xun gave up and turned to the second senior sister Liu Yingying.

Not long ago, Second Senior Sister Liu Yingying had a conflict with Zhulin Sword Fairy, and she must be in a bad mood, so Zhao Xun was very cautious, for fear of offending Second Senior Sister.

"How about it, does it taste okay?"

"Well, junior brother, this tastes better and purer than the milk tea you made before."

The second senior sister, Liu Yingying, was in a much better mood than Zhao Xun imagined, which somewhat exceeded Zhao Xun's expectations.

"Uh, really? Second Senior Sister really thinks this freshly squeezed watermelon juice tastes better than milk tea?"

"Indeed. The taste of watermelon juice is purer, while the taste of milk tea is more mellow. It can be said that each has its own advantages. But I personally prefer watermelon juice. Little brother, I am not saying that I don't I like to drink milk tea. Milk tea is also delicious. But after trying watermelon juice, I prefer watermelon juice. Maybe others also like to drink milk tea.”

The second senior sister Liu Yingying was afraid that Zhao Xun would misunderstand, so she went around explaining for a long time.

"Haha, it's okay. Everyone's taste is different, and this is normal. Of course, Second Senior Sister, I think you can share your drinking experience with Yao Jianxian. I believe he will like it." .”

Zhao Xun thought to himself that this is the most critical moment, he must assist Yao Jianxian.

Anyway, he has a good relationship with Yao Jianxian, it is impossible to watch Yao Jianxian and Second Senior Sister, the newlywed couple, having a fight.

It is normal for young couples to quarrel, but they should control their emotions.

If you can't control your emotions well, and it really hurts your feelings, it's not beautiful.

"Well, I know, I know it in my heart, little brother."

Second Senior Sister's reaction was surprisingly calm.

Seeing this, Zhao Xun felt relieved.

As long as Second Senior Sister doesn't keep fighting, that's the best.

Zhao Xun was really afraid that the second senior sister would make trouble for them.

While all the disciples from the academy were enjoying delicious drinks, I saw Lauren trotting all the way to follow.

"Lauren, you're here just in time. Try my new watermelon juice."

Zhao Xun brought a cup of watermelon juice forward and said with a smile on his face.

"Stop drinking this watermelon juice, something big has happened."

Lauren had a sad face, with helplessness written all over his face.

Zhao Xun was really taken aback.

"What's the matter, what happened?"

"It seems that someone has invaded the camps of elves, humans, and other tribes. Judging from the traces left behind, it should be the Corruptors. But we haven't got any conclusive evidence, and we haven't captured the rioters alive. So we can't go down yet. Conclusion. The emotions of the major tribes are not very stable now. I hurried to explain the situation to you to prevent the situation from getting out of control."


Zhao Xun was really surprised when he heard this.

"You mean, we are being invaded now? It shouldn't be. We just inspected it not long ago. Now the protective cover of the academy and even the entire Zhongnan Mountain should not have any major damage. Even if it is a small damage We've already fixed it. I don't think there should be a big problem."

"I don't know that. But I suggest you go and have a look."

Lauren shook his head and said, "The current situation is indeed beyond people's expectations. I also didn't expect the Corruptors to invade so suddenly and so resolutely. But since the Corruptors really invaded, then we should be very careful." A good response is a positive response."

The sudden invasion of the Corruptor took no one by surprise.

This naturally included Zhao Xun.

Zhao Xun was extremely depressed.

It's like you lock all the doors and windows, and the enemy invades through the ground.

and many more
Could the Corruptor really be the Zhongnan Mountain that invaded through the ground?

Although this idea was only flashed by Zhao Xun suddenly, it has to be said that there is indeed a lot of possibility.

"Senior Brother Six, let's go to the scene and see if it is Zhongnan Mountain that the Corruptor invaded through the tunnel through the earth escape technique."

Zhao Xun still fully trusts the sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou. After all, in many cases, the sixth senior brother can explain why.Although sometimes it seems a little abrupt, but in general, the knowledge reserve of the sixth senior brother can still be supported.

"Okay, then let's go to the scene and take a look. Junior brother, don't be too anxious. The current situation can't be considered so bad, and it is still within the controllable range. Even if the Corruptor really invaded, it is only tentative .If they really made up their minds to invade, they would definitely not be at the current level."

"Well, let's go and see first."

The academy members quickly arrived at the scene of the incident under the guidance of Lauren.

At this moment, everyone's attention was on the human prince Harry Botsman who was not far away.

Harry Botsman even had blood stains on his cheeks, and his hair was disheveled, as if he had just experienced a life-and-death struggle.

Zhao Xun hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "What's going on?"

"Don't mention it. Not long ago, a Corruptor skeleton suddenly rushed into my residence and wanted to murder me. Fortunately, Baron Guus arrived in time. Otherwise, I would not only be a disfigured problem, but I might die."

When it comes to this, Prince Harry Portsman still has some lingering fears.

"Skeletons? Corruptors? Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure, this is what I saw with my own eyes, how could it be fake?"

Prince Harry Portsman seemed a little angry at this moment, he shook his sleeves and said, "If you don't believe me, I can ask Baron Gus to prove it."

"No, I trust you."

Zhao Xun quickly expressed his opinion to appease the angry Prince Harry Portsman.

From his point of view, Prince Harry Portsman is obviously in extreme anger at this moment.

If Zhao Xun still provokes him at this time, the situation may be completely out of control.

Thinking in another way, Zhao Xun can also understand Prince Harry Portesman's mood at the moment.

After all, Prince Harry Portesman has had a life-and-death experience.

Maybe he is only a few centimeters away from the god of death, maybe a moment of wrong choice may lead to his death.

Of course, he survived, and he eventually survived.

But at this moment, his heart must be filled with anger and fear.

"Is that skeleton still there?"

"There are only some bones left, which have been chopped into pieces by Baron Guos."

Prince Harry Portesman said without hesitation.

He spread his hands, looking a little impatient.

"The Corruptor is really good at picking targets. Capture the thief first and capture the king. If you kill me, the entire human army will be leaderless. The human race is the most critical existence in the entire alliance. If the human race is severely damaged The strength will also be seriously damaged."

"Indeed. But I'd like to see the remains of the Corruptor first."

Zhao Xun's attention was obviously focused on this aspect.

Prince Harry Portesman did not show disdain for this.

"Come with me."

Prince Harry Portesman turned around and started walking towards the residence with strides.

Zhao Xun hurriedly followed.

Sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou, third senior brother Long Qingquan and others also followed behind him.

Soon a group of people came to the residence of Prince Harry Portsman.

Zhao Xun saw that there were obvious signs of fighting and dragging outside the bamboo building, and fell silent for a while.

"Let's go in and see."

No matter how you say it’s here, you must pay close attention to the details before counting.

"it is good."

Prince Harry Portsman's mood has calmed down a lot now, and he took the initiative to lead Zhao Xun and others towards the inner room.

Soon they came to the inner room.

Prince Harry Portsman pointed to the corner: "The skeleton just popped up out of nowhere, and it was in that corner."


Zhao Xun confirmed again and again: "You mean, that skeleton came out of the ground suddenly?"

"should be"

Prince Harry Portsman was taken aback for a moment, then confirmed, "That's right, that's how it looks."

"So it's pretty much what I expected it to be."

Zhao Xun fell silent.

In his view, many times, many things have a cause and effect.

The Corruptor suddenly learned the art of escaping from the ground?

It's impossible, and it doesn't make sense.

The only explanation is that they got help.

The people who helped them were probably local people, probably from Chang'an.

Because only local people know the situation near Zhongnan Mountain well.

So who is running all this in the dark?
Zhao Xun couldn't give a clear judgment for a while.

Because judging from all the signs, this person's status and strength should be very high.

Ordinary people simply cannot complete such a large project.

Zhao Xun instinctively thought of a name, but he was unwilling to think in that direction.

This means that he and the academy have been completely betrayed.

Could it be the trick of the Great Zhou court?Or, could it be that Emperor Xianlong did something wrong?
Zhao Xun is quite familiar with Emperor Xianlong's temperament. This guy is a headstrong character who will always do whatever he wants, and he often does some unbelievable things.Zhao Xun felt that Emperor Xianlong's narrow-mindedness would probably form an alliance with the Corruptor to fight against the academy.Now the question is, how did the Corruptor get on line with Emperor Xianlong, or who is the dominant side of the two?
this point is very important.

Because this kind of alliance is formed purely because of interests.

In many cases, the dominant party is the party with stronger hard power.

Zhao Xun felt that Emperor Xianlong would definitely strive for a dominant position.

After all, he has been the emperor for so many years, and he is already used to bossing around. He certainly cannot accept losing his dominant position and making wedding dresses for others.

But can he fight for dominance?

This is indeed a question.

Who is beside Emperor Xianlong?

Feng Hao?Zheng Jie?Yuan Tiangang?Or is it the legendary Master Huiyan?

It has to be said that the names of these bigwigs are all thunderous.

But the problem is that the Corruptor is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Zhao Xun has seen the strength of Wu Aolisi and Jeffron, at least at the level of a great master.

Not to mention that there is a supreme power above these two, and that is Satan.

Although Zhao Xun has never seen Satan with his own eyes, just judging from the current rumors, Satan can definitely be regarded as an extremely powerful existence.

Satan's strength is all-round, even almost at the same level as the head of the mountain.

Such a powerful deterrent is there.

If Emperor Xianlong wants to gain dominance, he cannot avoid conflict with Satan.

It's fine if Satan doesn't make a move, but if he makes a move, people will be terrified.

Can Emperor Xianlong bear this risk?

Or is Emperor Xianlong willing to take this risk?

Zhao Xun didn't know.

"It's connected, everything is connected."

Zhao Xun said with emotion: "It should be that the imperial court and the Corruptor formed an alliance, and then the imperial court helped the Corruptor successfully invade Zhongnan Mountain. Only in this way can we explain why the Corruptor suddenly appeared, and only in this way can we Explaining the ban on Zhongnan Mountain is useless to them."

Zhao Xun obviously looked a little desperate when he said this.

Because in his view, this is a kind of betrayal.

The court betrayed them, and so did Emperor Xianlong.

Could it be that the Academy was so envied by the imperial court?
Although Emperor Xianlong is not a son of man, his mind is not so small, right?

No, no, it should be that he overestimated Emperor Xianlong.

Some people are as narrow-minded as a needle nose.

Emperor Xianlong should be such an existence.

This guy is very vengeful and extremely double-standard.

Many times Emperor Xianlong would make some puzzling actions.

It is often difficult to understand with common sense, but it can be explained by bringing in the character of Emperor Xianlong who must revenge.

Of course, even so, Zhao Xun didn't think that the whole of Chang'an had betrayed them.

Because the imperial court could not replace Chang'an, and Emperor Xianlong could not represent it even more.

These high-ranking rulers thought they could represent all the people, but they were wrong.

They are nothing but a group of parasites living on the country and the people.

The meaning of their existence is stealing and plundering, and it is just stealing and plundering.

Take Emperor Xianlong as an example, he probably thought it was a matter of course that he was supported by all the people in the world, right?

At this moment, Zhao Xun was really angry.

But he didn't lose his mind with anger.

"If it is as I analyzed it, then the situation we are facing is actually very serious. Because although the Corruptor doesn't know Zhongnan Mountain, the Great Zhou court or the Great Zhou royal family knows Zhongnan Mountain well."

What Zhao Xun said was not an exaggeration to be sensational.

Because as an emperor, Emperor Xianlong had many palaces in Zhongnan Mountain.

There are many Huangzhuang near these palaces.Every year when the time comes to save time, Emperor Xianlong likes to bring his favorite concubine to Zhongnan Mountain to escape the summer heat.

This habit ended this year.The main reason is that the relationship between Emperor Xianlong broke with Zhao Xun and the head of the mountain.

Under such circumstances, it is naturally impossible for Emperor Xianlong to risk his wealth and life.

You must know that if the head of the mountain is angered, even if Emperor Xianlong has a few great masters to protect him, his life may be in danger.

The situation in the palace should be better, but in Zhongnan Mountain everything is unknown.

Based on Zhao Xun's understanding of Emperor Xianlong, this guy probably wouldn't take any risks.

But this still cannot change the fact that Emperor Xianlong knew Zhongnan Mountain very well.

If there is a shortcut from Chang'an City to Mount Zhongnan, then Emperor Xianlong, as the king of a country, would definitely know about it.

It's a pity that Emperor Xianlong's virtue as the king of a country was at a disadvantage.Otherwise, there will be no confrontation between the academy and the imperial court.

It can be said that Emperor Xianlong caused all this.

If it weren't for Emperor Xianlong's self-willedness, the situation would not have deteriorated to this state anyway.

But complaining these days is pointless.

Because things have happened.

The best way to do it right now is to be proactive.

"Senior Brother Six, should we investigate now to see if there is a nearby tunnel leading directly to Mount Zhongnan?"

"Well, it should be done this way. And I guess there may be more than one tunnel. So we should pay more attention."

Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, said worriedly: "How about we call all the disciples who entered the academy, and then we will search in groups. The traces of the tunnel should still be obvious, at least we can clearly identify it at the exit."


After hearing this, Zhao Xun nodded and said: "So the best way for us now is to find the tunnel exit as soon as possible and block it, right?"

"Yes, it is enough to block the exit of the tunnel immediately after finding the exit. But one thing to note is that the exit of the tunnel must not only be blocked, but also be enchanted. Only by doing this can we guarantee that they will not try to reach Zhongnan Mountain through these tunnels again."

Zhao Xun couldn't help but feel a little bitter when he heard this.

He just drew a talisman with the sixth senior brother in the actual process not long ago, and he didn't expect it to come in handy so soon.

But this also further confirms the sentence, that is, too many skills do not overwhelm one's body.

In many cases, only by making more preparations can we have the strength to fight in the face of danger.

There is nothing wrong with preparing more.

"Okay, let's do what you said, Brother Six."

At this moment, Prince Harry Botsman asked: "Don't you need our help? We can easily recognize the breath of the Corruptor."

"Well, you send some people with us to help us find the location of the tunnel exit."

Zhao Xun saw that Prince Harry Portesman was so enthusiastic, and it was hard to ignore his kindness, so he suggested from the side: "In this way, you can confirm it through the smell, and we will block it according to the exit position of the tunnel. It can maximize the increase efficiency."

Efficiency is still very important, especially in the current stage.

The Corruptor has already tentatively invaded. If the Academy Alliance is still procrastinating at this time and cannot respond harshly immediately, the result will be as bad as can be imagined.

When necessary, the strong also need to show their fists and tell others that they are not easy to bully.

Of course the academy is very strong, but the disciples of the academy never like to express themselves.

But right now the enemy has already bullied him to the head, and it is absolutely impossible to bear it any longer.

If you can't bear it, naturally you don't need to bear it anymore.

Want to invade Zhongnan Mountain through tunnels?Don't even think about it!

There are times when knowing the truth is more painful than not knowing the truth.

Because when you don't know the truth, you always have illusions.

But after knowing the truth, he had to face the reality alone.

The reality itself is cold and cruel, but fortunately, Zhao Xun doesn't need to face it alone, because he still has his brothers and sisters.

The brothers and sisters are his greatest support at the moment.

Of course, the head of the mountain is the reliance of all the people in the academy, the mainstay.

But Zhao Xun and others still dare not take the initiative to bother the mountain chief until their lives are at stake.

Good steel should be used on the blade. If the good steel is used up from the beginning, what should we do at the critical moment?
Isn't that just staring blankly?

Of course Zhao Xun didn't want that.

So he decided to support the academy with his brothers and sisters.

Of course, there is also the support of the human race from the distant Alan Lore Continent.

The prince of the human race, Harry Botsman, still expressed his considerable responsibility this time.

He agreed to cooperate and provided selfless support and assistance.

This moved Zhao Xun very much.

After all, for a cultivator, he has already seen through the so-called power struggle.

As a prince of the human race, Harry Botsman's heart is much higher than Emperor Xianlong's.

Emperor Xianlong had always been narrow-minded, and he even did not hesitate to join forces with foreigners to fight against the academy, which is simply shameless.

Of course, Zhao Xun also knew very well that this time Emperor Xianlong was determined not to die.

So they can't have any chances, and must take into account all kinds of terrible situations.

Will Emperor Xianlong sacrifice all the master-level powerhouses in order to invade the academy?
Zhao Xun thinks this is quite possible.

Because Emperor Xianlong himself would not want to leave future troubles.

Then the academy will be in an embarrassing situation of being attacked from both sides.

Before there was the Alliance of Corruptors, and later there was Emperor Xianlong, the dog emperor.

Will the head of the mountain really be able to withstand it?

Zhao Xun didn't know, but Zhao Xun knew very well that he must endure as much as possible, and he must be able to share the worries of the mountain leader.

If he didn't fight at this time and just waited blindly for the mountain leader to go to the top, there would definitely be big problems.

"So it took us about a few days to finally seal all the exits, right?"

"That's right, we also put a talisman on the exit, so it should be safe."

After tossing and tossing for a few days, it is finally over.

Zhao Xun also breathed a sigh of relief.

However, it seemed that Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, was still a little worried.

"Little brother, I always feel that things are not that simple. My right eyelid has been twitching for the past few days. There is a saying that the left eye jumps for money, and the right eye jumps for disaster. I think this matter may have something to do with the Corruptor. Can't get rid of it."

Third senior brother Long Qingquan has always been an extremely arrogant person.

In Zhao Xun's impression, the third senior brother rarely takes the initiative to show a worried look, at least not in front of others.

Now that the third senior brother has become like this, it more or less shows that the situation is not optimistic.

"Third Senior Brother, what do you think?"

"I think the Corruptors really just wanted to test it before, not just to test the tribes in the Alan Lore continent, but also to test our attitude. Our next performance may be the key to their next actions .If we stop here, we may fall into the hands of the Corruptor."

"Senior brother, do you mean that the Corruptor was exposed on purpose?"

Zhao Xun felt a little incomprehensible.

"Why do you think so?"

Zhao Xun felt that this was logically inexplicable.

"It must have been very difficult for the Corruptors to finally connect with the court of the Great Zhou Dynasty and the line of Emperor Xianlong. How could they expose themselves on purpose. You must know that if they transported the army to Zhongnan Mountain without anyone noticing If we make a sudden effort together, the possibility of success is far higher than that of their small fights."

"Junior brother, you only saw one, not the other."

Long Qingquan sighed and said: "Many times, what we actually have to do is to pick out the cocoons and pick the gold from the sand. But many times we will be confused by the appearance. Why did the Corruptor make this situation? The fundamental purpose is still Didn't they want to drive a wedge between our college alliance? If they really come to a decisive battle like you just said, then there is no doubt that our allies will stand firmly on our side. But now it seems that the situation There's a big difference. They don't want our allies to be so strong, so indestructible. So they try to use alienation again and again."

Long Qingquan paused deliberately when he said this, and then swallowed a mouthful of spit and continued: "Do you still remember the example of Odyssey the Elf King? , and started to fight the human race angrily. If we hadn't controlled the situation, it is likely that this matter would have developed to the point of no return. But this is just the beginning. After the Corruptors have tasted the sweetness, they naturally want to follow suit. It’s just that this time they took a more tricky approach, trying to directly drive a wedge between us and the major tribes of Alan Lore.”

"how do I say this?"

Hearing this, Zhao Xun felt a little cloudy.

"Think about it, little brother. What has our academy been promoting to these allies? Is our academy indestructible?"

"Yeah. Is there a problem with that?"

"Of course there is no problem. Because there are protective shields and restrictions. It is very difficult for all enemies including the Corruptor to invade us."

When Long Qingquan said this, Zhao Xun nodded frequently.

"That's the truth."

"Then, then the Corruptors suddenly came up with a dirty trick. They formed an alliance with the imperial court, and then emerged from the tunnels of Zhongnan Mountain. It is nonsense to make Zhongnan Mountain impenetrable. In other words, who can stand it? Who can bear it instead?"

"Uh, so it is."

"Third brother, you mean that after this incident, many people in the academy alliance will doubt the academy, right?"

"Of course."

Long Qingquan nodded and said: "People's hearts are the most unpredictable. Not to mention the hearts of alien races. The reason why these alien races came to Zhongnan Mountain back then, and the reason why they attached themselves to the Academy to form an alliance with us, was not in the final analysis because of our strength? ?It’s good to enjoy the shade under the big tree, and they think it’s beneficial to rely on us to form an alliance with us. But when they realize that our strength is not enough to protect them, will they still do it?”


When Zhao Xun heard this, he felt a chill down his spine.

There is a Tao that the heart of harming others is indispensable, and the heart of defending others is indispensable.

Sometimes good and evil are only in one thought.

For these alien races, they themselves have no feelings for this world.

Because they are outsiders, it has been less than half a year since they came to this world.

Just like a time traveler, does he have a sense of immersion in this world just after time travel?
The sense of substitution and emotion must be slowly accumulated and cultivated.There is no such thing as deep affection from the start.

The problem now is that Zhao Xun and others cannot gamble.

Because if they lose the bet, the consequences will be quite serious.

"What the third brother said makes sense. I was too careless before. Now that I think about it, I really believe too much in the tribes of the Alan Lore continent. Sometimes it is always a good thing to have multiple minds."

Zhao Xun paused, and then continued: "The next step is to see how the Corruptor makes moves. Generally speaking, they are the one who makes the move, and we are the one who receives the move. Seeing the move is the moment The things we need to do first."

"It seems that our operation this time was very successful, and the academy has really started to panic."

"Who says it's not? The academy looks powerful, but it actually has weaknesses. Especially when the tribes of Allen Lore have doubts about it."

"Hahaha, so, sometimes things are man-made. Now the seeds of doubt have been planted in their hearts, and they may take root at any time. I think things are already under our control."

"That's right. We can launch a general offensive at any time after the situation escalates. We just don't know if the Emperor of Zhou will send troops at that time."

"It's hard to say. He didn't promise this before. He is the emperor after all, so he has to worry about face and majesty."

"Yeah, a lot of times we ignore this point, but in fact this point is the most important point."

"Regardless of these, in short, we now have the absolute upper hand and can launch a surprise attack at any time. Please come to Satan!"

The Zichen Hall of Daming Palace.

In the warm pavilion, Emperor Xianlong sat cross-legged.

He is meditating.

Now he likes to meditate more and more.

Because meditation can make a person completely empty, and can make a person completely enter the state of selflessness.

This is not only very important for practitioners, but also very important for the supreme emperor in the world.

Because this can make Emperor Xianlong completely forget the current troubles.

At present, Emperor Xianlong has one thing that makes him feel very entangled, and that is whether he should send troops to help the Corruptor.

At present, the Great Zhou court has indeed formed an alliance with the Corruptor, but the problem is that this is an alliance in the dark.

Emperor Xianlong himself did not agree to send troops to help from the front.

Forming alliances and working hard are two different things.

Emperor Xianlong never thought of himself as a subject of the Corruptor, and he would never think so.

As the king of a country, Emperor Xianlong must still maintain the image and majesty of the emperor.

More importantly, if he sends troops to attack the academy at this time, what will the practitioners in the world think?
Would they consider this an act of betrayal?

For practitioners, the court's control is actually quite limited.

Emperor Xianlong didn't know what unimaginable things these practitioners would do when they went crazy.

But when it comes to the true thoughts in his heart, there is no doubt that Emperor Xianlong wants to do this.

If the academy and the head of the mountain can be eradicated in one fell swoop, so that the two disappear from this world, then Emperor Xianlong will be extremely excited.

This is like getting rid of an old opponent who has been fighting for many years. At least for a few years, Emperor Xianlong can be said to be at ease.

Of course, choices are always difficult.

Emperor Xianlong himself was well aware of this.

The current situation is actually a bit complicated. Every time he chooses to take a step, the result will be very different.

So should he send troops?

Emperor Xianlong was really troubled.

As the Son of Heaven, no one can influence his decision.

This is a good thing, and it can be a bad thing at the same time.

Just because no one can influence his decision, Emperor Xianlong has to bear all the responsibilities and all the consequences.

Everything started because of him, everything was born because of him.

As a chess player rather than a pawn, the power in his hands is simply too great.

Big enough to affect the general trend of the world.

So how should he settle?
Emperor Xianlong felt that he could wait and see, sometimes it might not be a good thing to strike first.

It may be the wisest choice to wait and see how the situation changes.

"Your Highness, please think twice."

Zheng Jie had a sad face, his eyebrows were all knit together.

He didn't expect that the reason why the prince summoned him late at night was to cause a palace change.

Obviously, I have endured for so long and waited for so long, why can't I continue to wait and endure?

Zheng Jie felt a little unbelievable.

"Gong Zheng, I really can't bear it anymore, and I can't wait anymore. God knows what will happen if I continue to wait. The emperor beats me here every now and then, and I feel like I'm going to collapse. I really can't bear it anymore." gone."

Prince Li Xiankun was very emotional and his attitude was very firm.

This made Zheng Jie not know what to say for a while.

Royal household affairs have always been a blur, and it's hard to really tell.

Especially the relationship between the father and son Emperor Xianlong and the prince is even more complicated.

It can be said that Emperor Xianlong never regarded the prince as a son, but as an heir and competitor.

The power struggle of the royal family is extremely cruel, and the greatest threat to the emperor often comes from within the royal family.

His own son is the biggest threat. This sounds somewhat funny, but it is indeed the truth.

"The matter has come to this point, it is understandable for His Royal Highness to make trouble, but the timing is really not good."

Although Zheng Jie could understand the prince's mood, he still wanted to try his best to persuade the prince not to act impulsively.

"Be careful sailing for thousands of years. Now the Corruptor is attacking Zhongnan Mountain. At this time, the security of the whole city must reach a peak. At this time, His Highness the Crown Prince, the risk is too great."

"Then according to what Zheng Gong said, there will always be risks. Are we never going to make trouble? With the body of the father, I think I can live for at least ten or twenty years. Do I have to wait another ten or twenty years?" ?"

Facing the prince's "words of great filial piety", Zheng Jie didn't know what to say for a while.

"If the prince insists on making trouble, the servant has a word to say."

"Please speak, Mr. Zheng."

"We must wait until His Majesty sends troops to besiege Zhongnan Mountain before taking action."

"What, Zheng Gong means that the father will send troops to attack Zhongnan Mountain?"

The prince's emotions were very complicated, with surprise and surprise on his face.

For the prince, the current situation can be said to be confusing.

The emperor's decision will directly affect many subsequent matters.

This is precisely an interlocking relationship, and problems in each link will affect the next link.

If it was really as Zheng Jie said that his father was going to take action against the academy, now is indeed a nearly perfect timing.

"I can't say for certain, but the servant girl's understanding of His Majesty should be nine out of ten, it's just a matter of time."

When he said this, Zheng Jie was quite confident.

He entered the palace as a eunuch after urination, and was assigned to the side of Emperor Xianlong, who was still the prince at that time, when he was very young.

The two have been together for more than [-] years. It can be said that Zheng Jie knows Emperor Xianlong better than the prince in many respects.

"If this is the case, then we can indeed wait."

Zheng Jie's words gave the prince confidence.Because in his opinion, if the emperor could lead his troops to attack Zhongnan Mountain, the troops in Chang'an City would definitely be empty.At that time, no matter whether the father is the emperor himself or not, the prince's chances will increase a lot.After all, he still has the support of the Six Rates of the East Palace, and there are two top practitioners, Zheng Jie and Feng Hao, beside him.

With the support of so many people, the prince's self-confidence can be said to skyrocket.

Sometimes success and failure are really just a thought.

For the Royals, the consequences of success and failure are worlds apart.

The prince doesn't want to just eat and wait to die at a young age.The key is that now the emperor doesn't give him a chance to eat and wait to die.

If he doesn't fight or grab, then there is really no chance at all.

"Well, let's wait and see first. No matter what, the old slave will always stand by His Royal Highness."

Seeing that the prince finally listened to the persuasion, Zheng Jie also gave him a reassurance.

"Life is really full of accidents. You never know which one will come first, the accident or tomorrow's sun."

Inside Haoran Academy, everyone in the academy couldn't help but feel a little sentimental.

Because an academy disciple died suddenly.

This academy student is named Tang Yi.

Although he is only a disciple in the outer room, the grief still lingers all over the academy.

"Sorrow and change. There are some things that we cannot decide, and there are destiny in the dark."

Bamboo Forest Sword Immortal Yao Yan, as an "outsider", still has to stand up and speak out at this time.

But he knew there was a limit to everything.He can't act too much.

Otherwise, it will arouse the resentment of all the disciples of the academy.Which naturally also includes his partner Liu Yingying.

Zhao Xun sighed and said: "Everyone is a martial arts practitioner, so it is reasonable to say that the bones of the body should not be so fragile. But we also went to check just now, and Tang Yi did die suddenly, and there was no trace of being killed. It can only be said that accidents may appear at any time, let’s do it and cherish it.”

Zhao Xun's words undoubtedly caused the emotions of all the disciples in the academy to explode instantly.

"Little brother, I think Tang Yi's death is very strange. On the surface, he died suddenly. But as you just said, Tang Yi is a martial arts practitioner, even if he is not a student of the academy, but his body is more Ordinary people are much better off, right? How could it be possible to suddenly die suddenly? This is simply unreasonable."

"Uh, what does the third senior brother mean?"

"I think this matter has nothing to do with the Corruptor in the final analysis. Most likely it is the black hands of the Corruptor."

Long Qingquan seemed very excited, clenched his fists and said in a deep voice.


Zhao Xun couldn't help crying when he heard these three words.

"Is it really related to the Corruptor?"

"How come it doesn't matter?"

"Think about it, little brother. Of all the things we have encountered recently, which one is not closely related to it? The Corruptor is a behind-the-scenes manipulator who keeps fueling the flames behind the scenes. They control everything and want to let Everything is carried out according to their wishes."

"Those who can come in a fair manner will come in a fair manner, and those who cannot come in a fair manner will come in a sneaky way. Junior brother, think carefully about whether what I said makes sense. Anyway, I just decided that this is a corruption did it!"

Long Qingquan seemed very angry, and his emotions soared for a while, obviously wanting to tear everything up.


Zhao Xun thought to himself that the third senior brother can't continue chatting like this, emotional management, you must pay attention to emotional management.

"Third senior brother, please calm down first. There is no way to solve the problem when you are excited. We can't accept Tang Yi's sudden death for a while. If you suspect that the corruptor did it, then we will investigate. But you must not be emotional. .”

Zhao Xun knew that in the academy, apart from the head of the mountain, it was the third senior brother who protected his weaknesses the most.

He doesn't care about the disciples of the academy, but if outsiders say anything bad about the disciples of the academy, he will be the first to jump out.

In the current situation, it is obviously unrealistic for Third Senior Brother to remain absolutely calm.

However, if emotions are allowed to spread without management, there will definitely be big problems.

Of course Zhao Xun doesn't want the academy's emotions to get out of control, so the most urgent task now is to stabilize the third brother Long Qingquan and prevent him from getting out of control.

"I'm pissed off, I'm really pissed off."

Long Qingquan panted heavily, trying to calm down his emotions, but it was not easy.Because he was surrounded by angry emotions at the moment.

"calm down"

Zhao Xun pressed his hands down again and again, signaling to the third senior brother to keep calm.

Losing control of your emotions is bad, really bad.

"Actually, I also think this matter is a bit strange. It's like someone premeditated."

Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, answered at this time: "Tang Yi didn't die violently sooner or later, but he died suddenly at this juncture. What else can I say?"


Zhao Xun thought to himself that it was hard for him to manage to stabilize the third senior brother, what is the sixth senior brother doing to make trouble at this time.

"Senior Brother Six. I think we should look at things more positively. Of course, I also said just now. We can investigate this matter. But before that, we should not blindly assume the result."

"Little brother, that's what I said."

It can be seen that the brothers and sisters of the academy are not in a good mood.

Including Senior Sister and Second Senior Sister.

Although the senior sister Xiao Ning and the second senior sister Liu Yingying did not speak from the beginning to the end, their faces were ashen.

Sometimes silence is obviously more stressful than sound.

"Let's leave this matter as it is. Let's investigate slowly. I believe we will be able to find out a result."

At this time, Zhao Xun could only stand up and cheer everyone up.

Of course, Zhao Xun also knew that blindly cheering up would not do much.

After the emotions of the senior brothers and sisters have stabilized, we still have to work hard to investigate this matter.

See if there is really something hiding behind it.

If the Corruptor is really behind the scenes, there is no need for the brothers and sisters to condemn him, Zhao Xun will be the first to stand up and challenge the Corruptor.

From the beginning to the end, the academy is a whole, a logger.

Therefore, Zhao Xun cannot accept the suffering of any member of this big family.

He will do his best to help all the academy disciples within his ability.

So after a few hours, Zhao Xun offered to go and see what happened after the brothers and sisters calmed down.

Only by studying the scene and digging deeply can we see the clues.

On the mountain behind the academy, Qingran Hall where disciples from the outer chamber gather.

Zhao Xun and others rushed over in a mighty manner.

Seeing this posture, all the disciples outside the academy were stunned.

"what's going on?"

"Haven't they been here before?"

"Yeah, did I remember wrong?"

"Impossible, I remember they just came here not long ago."

"Then why is it here again?"

"It's not good to say"

Zhao Xun took the lead and walked in the front, and all the disciples in the outer room saluted him one after another.

Even though they entered the academy earlier than Zhao Xun, the status of outside disciples is still much lower in front of the disciples entering the house.

This rule cannot be changed.

"There's no need to be too polite. We're here this time because of Tangning's business. Where's Tangning's body?"

Zhao Xun didn't make any twists and turns, but asked directly.

"Well, it's inside."

A disciple in the outer room rushed to the demolished house not far away and nodded.

Zhao Xun couldn't help feeling angry.

Why did you put Tang Yi's body in the demolished house?
After all, he is also a brother of the same school.

But he knew that at this time he couldn't let his emotions flare up.

Calm down, at this moment he must remain calm.

"Forget it, take me to have a look."

"it is good"

Of course, the outer disciple could also sense the change in Zhao Xun's mood. He didn't dare to make any fools, but took the lead and walked in the front.

Zhao Xun followed closely behind, and the brothers and sisters also followed behind.

With a creak, the old wooden door of the firewood room was opened in response.

Immediately, Zhao Xun smelled a musty smell.

"This smell is too bad."

Fortunately, it is not the smell of rotting corpses.
Zhao Xun said secretly.

The most urgent task right now is to go and see Tang Yi's body as soon as possible, and see if he can find any clues.

Zhao Xun walked quickly to Tang Yi's body, and lifted the white cloth covering it.

He squatted down slightly and examined it carefully.

"There really doesn't seem to be anything unusual. No wounds, not even scars."

Zhao Xun read it over and over again, but couldn't see any clues.

"Brothers and sisters, come and see if Tang Yi has any signs of trauma or poisoning."

If there are signs of trauma or poisoning on the body, it can at least show that Tang Yi was killed by someone.But if there is nothing, even if the disciples of the academy are unwilling to admit it, they have to accept the fact that Tang Yi died of natural causes.

"Well, let me take a look."

The third senior brother Long Qingquan approached at the first, and said in a deep voice.

The inspection methods of the third senior brother and Zhao Xun were basically similar, but Long Qingquan did one more thing, which was to enter Tang Yi's sea of ​​consciousness.

The sea of ​​consciousness does not dissipate immediately after death, but gradually disappears.

Because there is a process of disappearing, so as long as you enter before all the consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness dissipates, you can see some scenes that the deceased saw when he was alive.

This is still crucial.

Zhao Xun slapped his head fiercely, thinking why he didn't think of it.

Jiang is still old and hot. Although the third senior brother is bluffing in normal times, he can still stand up at critical moments.

At this time, Zhao Xun knew that he could not disturb the third senior brother no matter what, and had to let the third senior brother devote himself to the sea of ​​consciousness.

In particular, the sea of ​​consciousness of the deceased has been damaged. In this case, it is basically difficult to see the complete information.

The third senior brother, Long Qingquan, had to concentrate fully to be able to see clearly what happened.

Otherwise, it is easy to deviate.

There was absolute silence.

Everyone didn't even dare to breathe, for fear that it would affect the state of the third brother Long Qingquan.

After about a cup of tea, the third senior brother Long Qingquan completely withdrew from his spiritual consciousness.

The whole person has a shocked expression.

Zhao Xun hurriedly asked: "How is it, third senior brother, what did you see?"

"The Corruptor, the Corruptor directly invaded his body, and then forced him to collapse and die."

Hearing this, Zhao Xun couldn't help but gasped.

The Corruptor directly eroded Tang Yi's body and forced him to collapse and die?

And this kind of operation?

Zhao Xun had never heard of it before.

"Third senior brother, are you serious?"

"I saw it with my own eyes in the fragments of his sea of ​​consciousness? How can it be fake?"

Seeing that junior brother Zhao Xun had doubts, Long Qingquan said very displeased: "If you don't believe me, you can go into the Sea of ​​Consciousness and have a look yourself."

"Uh, then there's no need."

Zhao Xun waved his hands again and again and said, "How can I doubt the third senior brother? If the third senior brother says yes, he must be. There can't be any problems."

Zhao Xun quickly reassured Long Qingquan, the third senior brother.

The third brother is a donkey, so you must follow his will.

If he violated the third senior brother's wishes, the consequences would be disastrous.

Especially since the current situation is so complicated, Zhao Xun doesn't want any more surprises.

"I never thought of this situation. I didn't expect the Corruptors to be so bold. They were able to openly invade our academy and possess and kill the academy disciples."

When he said this, Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, was already gnashing his teeth.

On weekdays, Zhao Xun rarely saw the third senior brother Long Qingquan so angry.

"If this is the case, I think the Corruptor is giving us a blow."

(End of this chapter)

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