big week bad guy

Chapter 393 Advice from the Prince of the Human Race

Chapter 393 Advice from the Prince of the Human Race (a super chapter of nearly 20000 words)
Wuoris' emotions are getting more and more out of control.

This was mainly because the academy did not accept his offer at all.

At present, it seems that the attitude of the academy remains unchanged.

No matter how strongly the Corruptor Alliance yelled, they remained unmoved.

That's a little harder.

Wu Aolis knew very well that the restriction and barrier of Zhongnan Mountain played a very serious hindrance to the Corruptors.

As long as this restriction exists, they will not be able to break through the academy's blockade for a long time.

The strength of the academy is that they can rely on their absolute strength to deal with any enemy.

The most important thing is that they can control the rhythm by themselves.

They can fight when they want to, and they don't have to fight when they don't want to.

The pressure faced by the entire Corruptor Alliance is simply extraordinary.

So how to fight the next battle?

Satan's death order is there, and the pressure faced by the Corruptor Alliance is quite enormous.

Especially Wuoris, because the undead play the role of vanguard or charge in the entire Corruptor Alliance.

If they can't give their opponent a strong signal at the beginning, it will be difficult for them to gain an advantage in the next battle.

"Jeffren, I don't think we can continue to procrastinate like this. We have to come up with a suitable solution."

Once again, Uoris complained to his ally Javren.

Amazingly, Geoffron doesn't seem to think this is a difficult problem to solve.

"Things are still under control, aren't they? I mean we have no reason to mess around at this point."

Jeffron took a deep breath and continued: "I think the pressure we are facing now is not as great as imagined. You are really a little too nervous."

Seeing that Wu Aolis was in such a tense mood, Jeffron tried his best to control his emotions.

"So, the next thing we have to do is to stabilize the situation as much as possible. Believe me, as long as we don't move, the academy won't dare to act rashly."

"But what good will it do us if this continues?"

Wu Aolis was a little unconvinced when he heard this.

"Continuing to procrastinate will only make us more passive, won't it? The Academy is fighting at home. They have Zhongnan Mountain at their backs, and they can completely procrastinate. But for us, if we procrastinate, the mood of the entire army will be shaken." So it got out of control.”

"No, no, you can't think like that."

Seeing that Wu Aolis's emotions were a little out of control, Jeffron pressed down with both hands, signaling to Jeffron to keep calm.

"Think about it this way, if the academy is really so confident, why don't they dare to attack? Isn't it because they don't have a plan in their hearts?"

Jeffron sneered and said: "The so-called academy is not as powerful as they seem. Because the real strong will not choose the right time, they will show the strongest attitude from the very beginning, and give the opponent a big blow." It was a heavy blow. In my opinion, the reason why the Academy did not dare to perform was because they did not have the so-called confidence, so they could only wait blindly, waiting for us to attack and make mistakes."

After a short pause, Jeffron continued: "So why did we go along with the guys from the academy? I mean, obviously we have a better chance."

Jeffron's attitude is still very important. Wuoris was already in an extremely manic state, but after what Jeffron said, his mood gradually calmed down a lot.

"So, you think our best choice right now is to wait?"

"Yes, although this sounds a little unreliable, even a little funny, but I have to say, this is the most suitable choice. Time will give us the answer. There is no need for us to face the calmness of the so-called academy and panic .Because in my opinion, the calmness of the academy is all fake."

Jeffron's repeated emphasis made Wu Aolis' mood much more stable.

Sometimes, the mutual support between brothers is of considerable significance.

Wu Aolis nodded and said: "I hope so. If things can really develop as you said, we still have a chance. But the premise of all this is to let the academy make mistakes. If the academy does not If you make a mistake, everything you say is useless.”


Jeffron nodded and said: "That's true. But think about it, the academy is not just their own. Nuoda is an academy, and there are many members in the alliance. Everyone will have their own ideas. They will have their own ideas. Judgment, there are their own interests, and they cannot come together completely under such circumstances. I think they may fall apart at any time."

Jeffron's words stabilized Wuoris' mood a little.

He nodded and said: "If that's the case, that's really great. The situation I'm most worried about now is that they are united. If they keep uniting, then it's really not easy for us to start. "

"No, if they've been united, we wouldn't have won with Aaron Lore."

Jeffron laughed loudly and said: "No one knows these guys better than us, and no one understands their weaknesses and shortcomings better than us. Many times we subconsciously think that these guys are an alliance, but actually Going to them is just a meal together. Think about it carefully, isn't that the reason?"


"It does seem to be."

"So there is nothing to worry about. What we have to do is to control our emotions as much as possible. The enemy will not change and we will remain the same, and we will respond to all changes with the same. Isn't it good to defeat them in a special way that belongs to the Academy? The Academy wants to rely on We can still win by dragging the word tricks.”


After Jeffron said it, Wuoris had already figured it out thoroughly.

"Hahaha, good brother really has you. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I still can't understand this truth. Now we don't have any worries. Even if it is Miandu Academy, we still have a chance of winning of."

"Of course, facing the academy, not only do we have a chance of winning, our chances of winning are quite high."

Jeffron smiled slyly and said: "So sometimes people still have to rely on themselves. Relying on others is unreliable. As long as we can hold on to what belongs to us, we will definitely be able to inflict heavy damage on our opponents. I believe that corruption believe in the God of Darkness, believe in Satan, and believe in ourselves."

"Yes, to believe in Satan is to believe in ourselves!"

I have to say that Jeffron's mouth is indeed unique.

Originally Wuoris was about to go crazy, but after Jeffron's persuasion, not only did he calm down, but he was also able to maintain his concentration to the maximum extent.

This is very critical.

This battle is not destined to end as quickly as the Blitz.

In such a situation, everyone needs to maintain the focus of the decision.

A momentary distraction is all right, but if you stay in a state of distraction all the time, the whole army will not be far from collapsing.

At least from the current point of view, the Corruptor Alliance has maintained stability in an absolute sense.

In this case, they can have a theoretical advantage in contending with the academy.

Let's see what happens next.

They have shown their best form, then leave it to God.

"What, Harry Portsman, the prince of the human race, took the initiative to invite me?"

Zhao Xun was very surprised when he heard the sixth brother Lu Guangdou say this.

"Yes, Junior Brother, you heard me right."

Lu Guangdou smiled and said, "It is true that Harry Portsman, the prince of the human race, has started inviting you."


For a moment, Zhao Xun was a little stunned.

"If you say that, it seems that something big is about to happen."

Zhao Xun is quite familiar with the human prince Harry Botsman.

He knew that His Royal Highness was not a fuel-efficient lamp.

In many cases, Harry Postman will do his best to show his strong side, and Zhao Xun has suffered a lot in the process of communicating with him.

You must know that Zhao Xun is an extremely smart person, and the person who can make him suffer must be extremely smart and have great wisdom.

At present, Prince Harry Portesman is just such a person.

"So I should go?"

"Of course. Junior brother, don't forget that you are now the leader of the entire academy alliance. Since you are the leader, you still have to take responsibility. Besides, the human race is relatively powerful in the entire academy alliance. Regardless of No matter what, we have to win them over."

"That's true."

Zhao Xun quietly thought about what Lu Guangdou said, and the more he thought about it, the more reasonable he felt.

"Well, since they have extended the invitation so sincerely, it is only natural for us to give back positively."

Zhao Xun took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down.

"Well, let's get started then."

After Zhao Xun finished speaking, he pulled Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, to go outside.

"Wait, little brother, what are you doing with me?"

Lu Guangdou was a little dazed for a moment.

"Why, Sixth Senior Brother, don't you plan to go with us?"

"Uh, it's a bit inappropriate for me to go, isn't it?"

"What's not suitable, even if you stand aside and don't say anything, you are still helping me to stand on the platform. Sixth senior brother, you don't have to think about it, just go."

Zhao Xun thought to himself, good guy, tell me to go alone?
This is not good?
One must know that Zhao Xun is at least the most beloved youngest in the Academy. At this time, Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, will not come forward to help Zhao Xun stand on the platform. What do you think?

"Uh, if you really want to go, Junior Brother, then I'll go with you."

The sixth brother Lu Guangdou made a reluctant expression, which really made Zhao Xun helpless.

"Okay, let's go now."

Terran camp.

Prince Harry Portesman is in a good mood.

In the current duel with the Corruptor, the Terran has played a pivotal role.

Their strength is quite strong, and they sniped the invasion of the Corruptor to a large extent, showing a huge barrier force.

Without the participation of human magicians and witches, the entire academy alliance would not be able to defeat the Corruptor's offensive so easily.

The overall rhythm and control will not be very strong.

So at this time, Prince Harry Botsman decided to take the initiative to invite Zhao Xun to visit the human camp.

On the one hand, it is to chat, and on the other hand, it is also to show your muscles and functions.

It is said that children who can cry have milk, but in the eyes of Prince Harry Portsman, only children who can show off their muscles have milk.

Only by showing one's own value and showing one's own strength can the other party be convinced and understand who is the supreme powerhouse.

Of course, there is still a cooperative relationship between them and the academy in general.

So Prince Harry Botsman didn't want to make the relationship too rigid as soon as he came up.

That can make emotions completely out of control.

The best way is to show enough creativity and execution ability from the beginning to make the other party realize their value.But it shouldn't be done too much in this process. It would be unbeautiful if it takes away the host's role.

Prince Harry Portesman knows this well.

He is very clear that as a prince of the human race, he must behave when it is time to behave, and restrain himself when it is time to restrain himself.

Because he has never represented not only himself, but the entire human race.

The human race is united as one, and there is nothing to be afraid of, but he must let the academy understand the important role of the human race in the entire alliance.

Maybe Zhao Xun didn't realize this at the beginning, but Harry Postman will make Zhao Xun realize it through his own efforts.

"Hahaha, here I come, Prince Harry Portesman."

Zhao Xun arrived before his voice came.

He had already spotted Prince Harry Portsman in the distance, waving his arms as he walked.

"Uh ha ha ha, Zhao Xun, how are you?"

It is not the first time that Prince Harry Portsman has met Zhao Xun, but the stiff relationship between the two is really funny.

"Uh, there's no need to be so polite between us, right?"

Zhao Xun laughed and said, "Why did you suddenly call me here today? Is there something important to share?"

"I don't have any important things, I just want to have a few drinks with old friends."

Prince Harry Portsman adjusted his emotions fairly quickly, and immediately became the state Zhao Xun wanted.

Well, a relaxed state is more suitable for chatting.

If both parties are tense at the beginning, it will be too painful to chat.

This is not what Zhao Xun wants to see.

"Yes, yes, how can we drink less while chatting. To be honest, when I am with you, I always want to drink a few more glasses. This way, I can drink as much as I can. Don't you know, in the academy Here, the brothers and sisters all drink very little. That is to say, the mountain chief and the bamboo forest sword fairy Yao Yan are considered gentlemen in wine. I basically drink a few glasses with Yao Jianxian every few days. As for the mountain chief, there is no Such a great opportunity."

"Huh? Why is that?"

Prince Harry Portsman felt somewhat strange when he heard this.

"Since the head of the mountain can drink quite well, why do you think it is difficult to drink with the head of the mountain?"


Zhao Xun thought to himself that since Prince Harry Portesman can ask such a question, it means that he really doesn't know much about Da Zhou's culture.

In the world of Dazhou, the most important thing is to respect teachers.

Basically, there will be no situation where the master and the apprentice eat at the same dining table.

Basically, the master is alone at the table, and the apprentice is at the same table.

But there are exceptions to everything.

The academy is one.

The head of the mountain is not a person who emphasizes these old rules.

So as long as there is an opportunity, the head of the mountain will try his best to give Zhao Xun and others the opportunity to have a meal together.

But it's one thing to have a light meal together every now and then, but another thing to have three or five bottles all day long.

At least Zhao Xun felt that this was not too reliable.

Even if the head of the mountain can really accept it, Zhao Xun will feel awkward to some extent.

So in order to avoid such an embarrassing situation, Zhao Xun simply stopped trying.

"Well, so, in fact, what you want more is to have a reasonable model to soothe your emotions, right?"

"There's nothing wrong with that."

Zhao Xun nodded and said: "So drinking with friends is far more comfortable than drinking with teachers. Because in the process of drinking with friends, you don't need to worry about so many things, you can completely let go and drink to your heart's content. But It's different from the teacher, you need to think about many things, and you won't be so happy when you drink it."

"Hahaha, it's interesting, it's interesting. Zhao Xun, you really have a wonderful ear."

Facing Prince Harry Portsman's teasing, Zhao Xun didn't say much.

He just raised his glass lightly and took a sip of the wine.

Hmm, this wine seems to taste good.

This is not the first time that Zhao Xun has drunk with Prince Harry Botsman, but he has never drunk this kind of wine.

This taste is very special.

"What kind of wine is this?"

"This, this is green plum wine, a kind of fruit wine."

Prince Harry Portesman said: "Plum wine is not easy to get drunk, so it is not a big problem even if you drink it occasionally. But I suggest you not drink too much, otherwise you will easily lose your appetite. Eat the delicious food on this table."

Immediately, Prince Harry Portesman clapped his hands, and then Zhao Xun saw someone bringing plates of delicious food towards them.

What is this operation?
Zhao Xun thought to himself that Prince Harry Portsman may look like a dude, but he is actually very scheming and capable.

It seems that he put a lot of thought into this meal, which somewhat made Zhao Xun a little curious.

So what kind of a feast is this meal going to be?

"Come, drink from this cup."

After all the dishes were served, Prince Harry Portsman raised his wine glass and signaled to Zhao Xun.

Zhao Xun also quickly raised his wine glass to clink with Prince Harry Botsman.

"Celebrating our friendship."

"Yes, celebrating our friendship!"

Both of them were obviously very excited.

There is no doubt about that.

After all, it is very important for the two of them to be able to maintain a good state at the banquet, and it is also a manifestation of elegant manners.

"Tell me, why did His Royal Highness come to me this time?"

Zhao Xun is still looking forward to this.

It can only be said that Prince Harry Portesman did everything just right, which can be said to have raised Zhao Xun's expectations.

Under such circumstances, it is only natural for Zhao Xun to be full of expectations for what will happen next.

Next, we will see what kind of surprise Prince Harry Portsman can give Zhao Xun.

In fact, no matter what kind of surprise Prince Harry Portsman can give Zhao Xun, Zhao Xun will feel very excited.

Because he finally had the chance to have a good chat with Prince Harry Portesman.

This is a very good opportunity for him to learn about the continent of Allen Lore.

It is also an excellent opportunity to learn more about the human race and the Casper Kingdom.

Many times people will deliberately take many things for granted, but Zhao Xun doesn't think so.

In his opinion, if a person is really willing to share with you carefully, then he is really treating you as a friend.

In this way, you should perform well, show your quality and strength, and don't let them down.

There may be a so-called interest relationship between friends.

It's inevitable, it's inevitable.

The key is how to handle this interest relationship well so that the emotions will not be disordered.

At least so far, Zhao Xun's control over this is still perfect.

"It's really just that old friends want to drink two glasses of wine and get together. Why, don't you believe it?"

Prince Harry Portesman shook his wine glass slightly, his light blue pupils flickered, making people wonder what to say.

My God, this guy is really good.

Zhao Xunqiang calmed himself down, and then continued: "In fact, the situation should not be as complicated as we imagined, right?"

Zhao Xun tried his best to calm down his mood, and then continued: "Although the Corruptor's attack was determined, it did not cause us a serious blow. At present, the academy's defense line is still solid. We can also compare Safely deal with the invasion of the entire Corruptor."

Seeing that Prince Harry Portesman didn't want to take the initiative to start the topic, Zhao Xun thought to himself, then let me do it.

Anyway, there must always be someone who stands up and stirs up the topic.

If no one is willing to speak, it will be completely deadlocked.

This is not a good thing.

"Well, almost, everyone always thinks the invasion of the Corruptor is scary, mainly because it didn't leave a good impression at the beginning, so it gives people an insurmountable feeling. But in fact, if you really think carefully, you will find that the corrosion Corruptors also have weaknesses. As long as we unite, the Corruptors are not as powerful as imagined."

Prince Harry Portsman drank another glass of plum wine, and then hummed a ditty in satisfaction.

"I have always held this point of view. I don't think the Corruptors are stronger than us. Especially the undead, they are a group of bastards. They only bully the weak. Facing the paladins who represent justice and light, they are a group It's just a decoration."

Prince Harry Portsman seemed very confident when he said this.

It's no wonder, after all, for Corruptors, especially for the undead, paladins are simply a hurdle that cannot be bypassed.

If the undead race was singled out against the paladin, it would be like hitting a stone with a pebble, with no chance of winning at all.

So it is not difficult to understand that Prince Harry Portesman can be so strong.

"Most of the time we are actually dominated by our emotions, but if you think about it carefully, you will find that we should not have such emotional things."

Zhao Xun paused and said, "Paladins should be able to completely abandon the influence of emotions?"

Zhao Xun thought to himself that since the conversation reached this point, he might as well take the initiative to bring this topic to this direction.

In fact, he was still very interested in paladins.

"Well, yes, it can be understood in this way."

Prince Harry Portsman nodded and said, "The reason paladins are paladins is because they are excellent mood managers."

"Well, if you name them, I think they can be called masters of emotional management."

"A master of emotion management?"

Prince Harry Portsman was obviously very surprised by Zhao Xun's sudden answer.

He never thought that Zhao Xun would suddenly say such a sentence at this juncture.

"Not bad, master of emotion management."

Zhao Xun smiled and said: "If a person can properly manage his emotions, it shouldn't be too much to call him a master of emotional management. In my opinion, paladins should be called masters of emotional management. "


Prince Harry Portesman smiled and said, "So, this master of emotion management is a term you invented yourself, right?"

"Yes, there are various masters corresponding to it, such as emotional management masters and time management masters."

Zhao Xun simply gave a few examples, then spread his hands and said: "But these are obviously not things we need to care about right now. Let's briefly talk about the paladins."

"Well, what do you want to know?"

"Of course it's about the origin of the Paladin. And why the Paladin can have such a perfect suppression effect on the Corruptor? I'm really curious about these."

"it is good."

Prince Harry Portsman nodded and said, "Then let's start with the origin of paladins. A long, long time ago."

Seeing that Prince Harry Portsman was about to start a long speech, Zhao Xun quickly stopped and said, "Ahem, that, I think we can actually simplify it a little bit instead of making such a long speech. Let's start with the important points. .”

"it is good"

Prince Harry Botsman thought that this Zhao Xun was really interesting, and he was able to take the initiative to interrupt him.

You must know that this is absolutely impossible in the entire Casper Kingdom.

As the crown prince of the Casper Kingdom, Prince Harry Portsman can enjoy the pleasure of being under one man and above ten thousand.

This is beyond the imagination of many people.

But Zhao Xun is obviously used to himself, maybe in his mind, the so-called prince is not that important.

The key is to talk happily and get together.

"In fact, the biggest difference between paladins and ordinary ones is that they have an almost sensitive appeal to justice and light. They can use holy light and holy shield. They can not only defeat corrupters, but also protect their clansmen."

Zhao Xun nodded and said, "I have seen all these in some documents. But what I want to know is what kind of strategy does the Paladin adopt in the confrontation with the Corruptor?"

Zhao Xun thought to himself that this point is still very important, because the number of Corruptor Alliance is obviously at an absolute advantage.

The total number of human races may be comparable to them, but the problem is that the proportion of paladins is too low.

Originally, knights were a small number of nobles, and paladins still had to be selected from these knights. It is conceivable that the number of paladins will be very scarce.

Relying on such a few paladins, Zhao Xun can imagine the huge pressure in order to fight against the extremely powerful Corruptor Alliance.

Of course, the pressure of the Corruptor Alliance is reflected in various aspects.

Not just for humans.

But relying on so few paladins to fight against far more Corruptors than them is still almost a miracle in Zhao Xun's view.

"Because our Paladins form alliances and train younger generations."

Prince Harry Portesman explained unhurriedly: "You may think this is a bit ridiculous, but the fact is like this. It is unrealistic to completely defeat the Corruptors. You may be able to repel them once, Repel them twice. But gradually you will find that the Corruptor can reproduce infinitely. In this case, we need to be able to adjust our emotions well. Because if you don't do this, it means Corruptors will attack you anytime you are emotionally broken. If the few paladins are not in good shape at that time. You can imagine the consequences."

"So we attach great importance to the training of juniors. If we find any child who has shown the talent to become a paladin, we will focus on training him. After training, the paladin's ability will be significantly improved .Of course, a large number of paladins will be differentiated in this process. These paladins may have strong abilities, but in some respects they cannot be regarded as paladins in the absolute sense. So we will differentiate those who are not Kids who don’t end up being paladins, and only put energy into kids who are expected to end up being paladins.”

Prince Harry Portesman smiled wryly: "This sounds very snobbish and unfair, right? But life is like this sometimes, it's just so unfair. It's like some people are born with a golden spoon in their mouths Born, for example, me. I was born as a prince, enjoying rich clothes and fine food, enjoying beautiful maids and maidservants. But these things are exactly what other people can’t enjoy.”

Prince Harry Botsman said intently: "Don't you think it's a little strange. Some people are born with something, but some people can't get it no matter how much effort they put in. Some people just need to stand on tiptoe a little You can get it on your toes, and some people can't reach it even if they climb a ladder."

good guy.
Zhao Xun thought to himself, it seems that he really underestimated the prince before.

The breadth and dimension of His Royal Highness' thinking are far beyond Zhao Xun's imagination.

This is a very thoughtful prince, just a very thoughtful man.

"It's true that life is so unfair. But we still have to go on. Because we want to live. It may seem strange to make a living, but it's an instinctive choice. Isn't it?"

Zhao Xun paused and said, "We don't need to get those beautiful clothes and food, the beautiful maids and maids that the prince got to make a living. Maybe all we need is a piece of bread."

Zhao Xun opened the chatter box, and Prince Harry Portesman's eyes flashed with strange brilliance for a moment.

"So, you agree with what I just said."

"Of course, I think what you said makes sense. It's just that you are a prince, so you raise the imagination of many people. You are a prince, so many people take many things for granted. But there is no such thing in this world. So many things that are taken for granted."


Zhao Xun is really my confidant.

At this time, Prince Harry Portesman felt such emotion deep in his heart.

Being able to be with such a confidant is really a very happy thing.

Prince Harry Portsman tried his best to control his emotions and keep his emotions calm.

"So what about those paladins who were selected later, how many of them can truly become paladins in the end?"

Zhao Xun's rhythm change is quite fast, he can always change the rhythm at the fastest speed when he needs to change the rhythm.

It is very important to dominate the rhythm, so that you will have the absolute right to speak when the topic begins.


Prince Harry Portsman smiled and said, "The number of them who can eventually become paladins is quite small, probably only one percent."

Although this result had been expected for a long time, Zhao Xun still felt a little unexpected when he really heard what Prince Harry Botsman said.

"Is it really so little?"

"of course."

Prince Harry Portsman nodded and said: "You must be wondering why so few people can finally become paladins? In fact, it is not difficult to understand. Because God also shed wisdom while shedding wisdom. Talent. Each of us has talent, but the talent is different in doing different things. For example, some people are born interested in carving things, so as long as they are cultivated a little, they may become a generation of master carving masters. If someone is interested in making furniture, then as long as he works hard, he may become a very good carpenter."

Prince Harry Portsman spoke very seriously, and of course Zhao Xun listened very carefully.

This is indeed a very good result for them at the moment.

"Becoming a top carpenter is very difficult, let alone becoming a top paladin. To be honest, there are less than a hundred paladins in the entire Casper Kingdom."


Zhao Xun couldn't help gasping when he heard this.

This result really shocked him too much.

"You mean that the number of paladins in the entire kingdom is less than a hundred?"


Prince Harry Portsman said without hesitation: "That's what it means. The number of paladins seems to be a lot, but in fact there are not as many as imagined. Of course, 100 is not a small number. You must know We have relied on these fewer than a hundred paladins to resist the Corruptors for hundreds of years. At the peak, there were probably more than 90 paladins, which is the largest number available in historical data."

"So what is it that the Corruptor really fears about the Paladin? The Holy Light?"

"more or less."

Prince Harry Botsman nodded and said: "Holy Light can expel the darkness and allow people to obtain what they want. Holy Light can break the skeleton structure of the Corruptor, and their foundations are passive. Naturally, there is no possibility of competing with us. Compared with it, the Holy Shield technique may be relatively conservative. The Holy Shield technique is more of a defensive function, allowing people to feel the power to the maximum extent. impact."


Zhao Xun can probably understand the meaning of what Prince Harry Portsman said at this moment.

Paladin is strong because of the balance of offense and defense.

Advance, attack, retreat, and defend, completely invincible.

This is not the case with Corruptors, who are obviously more aggressive.

Whether it is the undead clan or the demon clan, this is fully reflected.

When facing the enemy, the Corruptor needs to show a fearless attitude. In fact, they have no ability to think.

They were just a group of monsters manipulated by black magic, and they would do whatever the black magic told them to do without hesitation.

Of course, this is an act of killing one thousand enemies and harming eight hundred.

What maintains the loss of offensiveness in an absolute sense is defensiveness.

The Corruptor can still control the battle damage when facing ordinary opponents.

But this kind of battle damage control is completely out of control when facing their natural enemies, the paladins.

The paladins can be said to beat them 360 degrees.

All the while, there was no hope for the Corruptor.

"So what's going on with the Paladins? It was organized by the Paladins themselves, right?"

"Let's put it this way, of course the kingdom or the royal family still interferes."

Prince Harry Portsman is not shy about saying this in front of outsiders.

Because in his opinion, this is not something that needs to be hidden.

"The Paladins also have a very important duty, which is to protect the safety of the royal family. Therefore, even in the face of great challenges, the royal family can still show sufficient strength in times of crisis. We need such a guarantee. You know."

The last sentence almost made Zhao Xun burst out laughing.

For a while, he wondered if His Royal Highness might also be a time traveler.

But considering his appearance, Zhao Xun finally gave up this inference.

"Well, the paladins and the royal family are in a mutually beneficial and symbiotic relationship, I can understand it that way."

"Well. It can be regarded as a mutually beneficial and symbiotic relationship."

Zhao Xun nodded and said: "So we can understand it this way. The Holy Knights serve as guards for the royal family, and the royal family gives the Holy Knights land, titles, and rewards to their families."


"Has there ever been a traitor among the Paladins?"

When Zhao Xun asked this question, Prince Harry Portsman fell silent.

Zhao Xun hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, did my question go a little too far?"

"Not at all."

Prince Harry Portesman smiled and said, "If you want to know, then I will give you a detailed explanation."

After a short pause, Prince Harry Portsman said in a deep voice: "There have been five traitors in the history of the Holy Knight Order, and each has a story."

"Haha, I have wine and you have stories. You might as well tell them. It's fair."

"Huh? Isn't this wine mine?"

Prince Harry Portsman seemed to feel that something was wrong, he laughed.

"It seems to be too, haha."

Zhao Xun also laughed.

Somehow, his recent conversations with Prince Harry Portsman have become very relaxed and comfortable, and there is no longer the feeling of depression in the early days.

Perhaps it is the result of getting familiar with it gradually.

At least so far, Zhao Xun has not experienced any discomfort.

This is very important.

"The first traitor was called Pados."

Prince Harry Portsman's face suddenly turned cold, and his expression became very stern: "This Pados himself is still very powerful, and his seniority and status in the Holy Knight Order are also very high, but this person has a very deadly The problem is that he is very arrogant. He belongs to the type who dislikes everyone and only respects me. Getting along with such a person will bring great discomfort to people."

Zhao Xun nodded, as if he recognized Prince Harry Portesman's words.

Prince Harry Botsman said it well, getting along with this kind of arrogant person, discomfort may be something that everyone will have.Zhao Xun has had similar experiences several times.

"So his popularity is quite poor. Basically, he will fight with other paladins every day. Most of the paladins are too lazy to care about him, but Pados has gained an inch because of this. He thinks that other paladins The knight didn't dare to argue with him out of fear of him. He didn't know that the big guy was just giving way to him."

When Zhao Xun heard this, he couldn't hold back a burst of laughter.

"Looking at it this way, this Pados is really a talent. How could he think that everyone dared not argue with him out of fear?"

"Hey, some people's brain circuits are really hard to understand."

Prince Harry Portsman spread his hands helplessly, and then smiled wryly: "Later, because of the growing conflict, Pardos proposed to have a life-and-death duel with one of the paladins. This paladin is called Gondos .”

Zhao Xun thought to himself, is this the start of a life-and-death duel?

Will it seem a little early?

Of course, he still pays more attention to the integrity of the whole story.

Since Prince Harry Portesman wants to continue talking, the most important thing Zhao Xun should do at this time is not to interrupt Prince Harry Portsman's rhythm.

"In fact, the development of the situation is really unexpected."

Prince Harry Portesman took a deep breath, and then continued: "Because the day before the duel, Gundos died suddenly."


Now Zhao Xun was completely confused.

These are some bloody plots.

"Let me guess, then someone thinks that Pados poisoned Gondos, right?"

"how do you know?"

Prince Harry Botsman smiled wryly and said: "That's what they thought at the time. Those paladins agreed that it was Pardos who poisoned Gundos. So they expelled Pardos."


Hearing this, Zhao Xun gasped.

Although he doesn't know what happened, but no matter how you look at it, there are some conspiracy theories here.

"So did Pardos kill Gondos?"

Facing Zhao Xun's inquiry, Prince Harry Portsman shook his head repeatedly and said, "No one knows, and it doesn't matter anymore."

Prince Harry Botsman smiled bitterly and said: "In short, Pardos has held a grudge against the Holy Knights since then, and he has completely betrayed the Paladins since then. Since then, Pardos has started a wandering life. Later, he met the Corruptor .”

shit, shit, shit
Now Zhao Xun really couldn't hold back anymore.

This can really be regarded as a fairy tale.

"So, there are infinite subtleties and accidents in life, and you never know when these will come."

For this kind of plot trend, if Zhao Xun doesn't add some comments, I really feel sorry for him.
"Well, the Corruptor and Pados formed an ally. Pados told the Corruptors a lot of tricks against the Paladins. At the beginning, the Corruptors had no chance of winning against the Paladins. But Later, with the joining of Pados, and as Pados told the Corruptors these tricks, the Corruptors began to have a chance of winning. Although their chances of winning are still small, this can already be regarded as a qualitative change.”


Zhao Xun recognized Prince Harry Portesman's evaluation.

Sometimes it really depends on whether the impact is good or bad.

The addition of Pardos makes the Corruptor Alliance even more powerful.

At first they saw that the paladins could only run, but after Pados's suggestion, they found that they could try to carry out some counterattacks when they encountered a relatively small number of paladins.

"The most important thing is that paladins themselves are not immortal, they are just enhanced versions of knights. Facing the enemy's attack, they may die if they are fatally injured."

Prince Harry Portsman sighed and said, "At that time, the confidence of the Corruptors skyrocketed. They thought they finally had the strength to challenge the human race. At that time, everyone in the Corruptor clamored to take down the fortress of the entire human race. , expel the human race from their castle, and kill them all."

"Hiss, what a ruthless thought."

"Who said it wasn't."

Prince Harry Botsman smiled wryly and said: "That's why it is very difficult to maintain emotional stability sometimes. Because you don't know when you will face a crisis. At that time, the human kingdom was greatly tested .Almost everyone gathered together to resist this crisis together. After the birth of a [-]-year-old son, it actually aroused the desire of all paladins to win. This is indeed something I did not expect."


Zhao Xun was obviously more interested in the outcome of the story, he cleared his throat and said, "So what happened in the end, what happened in the end?"

"Finally? In the end, of course, the human race was united, relying on other paladins, magicians, and witches to resist the onslaught of the Corruptor."

"Oh okay."

When Zhao Xun heard this, he felt somewhat bored.

Less inversions, dude.

"So then the entire alliance maintained a certain degree of discipline, banning paladins from dueling, right?"


Zhao Xun thought to himself that the script was exactly the same as he had imagined, even some details remained unchanged.

No fun, really no fun.

"What about the second traitor, tell me a story about him."

"The second traitor is named Nolin."

Prince Harry Portsman also seemed to be addicted to talking for a while, and he narrated with gusto for a while: "This Norrin was originally considered a descendant of the royal family. Although he is not the top prince, he can still be counted. Maybe it’s a collateral branch. Norlin behaved normally for a long time, but suddenly on a rainy night he went berserk and killed more than a dozen knights in a row.”

Damn, why did the plot change so fast, Zhao Xun was almost out of time.

And why this so-called Norin has always been normal, and suddenly went crazy.

"Did you find out why later?"

"No. No one knows what caused Norlin to go crazy suddenly. We only know that since Norlin went crazy, everyone's emotions have been extremely tense. Because at that time everyone was afraid that the next disaster would be them."

Zhao Xun thought it was understandable, after all, people have fear.

However, it seems that the development of the plot is still a bit unexpected.

"Later Norlin suddenly disappeared. People never saw his trace again. Until five years later, in a small village not far from the capital, people suspected of seeing Norlin's trace. At this moment, Norlin has become A walking dead man. Apparently he hooked up with the Corruptor."

"Uh, Corruptor again."

Zhao Xun thought to himself that this was too much of a coincidence, and he seriously doubted that all of this was a script.

"So, how are the Corruptors doing? Have they finally accepted Norlin?"

"It's either acceptable or not."

Prince Harry Botsman smiled wryly and said: "It depends on how you understand it. I think I just want to use Norin. After all, Norin is still a paladin at this time, and he still has great use value. But I I don't know what tricks the Corruptor used to turn Norin into a walking dead."

When he said this, Prince Harry Portesman's emotions were obviously overwhelmed.

"Norlin has completely become a tool man of the Corruptor, working for the Corruptor. So what I want to know is, as a paladin, what do those guys who have worked with Norlin think in their hearts?"

"How else can you think about it? When we meet again, we will be enemies. Each is his own master. What is there to say?"

Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, and it seems that this is indeed the case.

"But the Corruptor didn't make it possible to overcome the defense line formed by the Paladins, right?"

"Of course, otherwise you wouldn't see us now. We'd all be dead or slaves to the Corruptor."

Prince Harry Portsman said rather self-deprecatingly.

"And then, and later, there was a traitor again?"

"Yes, there are traitors every year, especially that year. No one would have thought that so many paladins would defect in the face of the Corruptor's attack. A total of seven paladins defected that year."

"Tsk tsk, good guy."

This answer obviously shocked Zhao Xun.

"So many paladins turned traitor, it must have been shocking news at the time."

"Yes, the king at that time, including all the courtiers, felt unbelievable. They couldn't imagine how the loyal paladins would suddenly turn against each other. Everything was too unimaginable. People were puzzled, people wondered, people I don’t know how to face all this. But it turns out that all this was caused by someone’s careful planning.”

"Well, this must be the result of someone's plan."

Zhao Xun paused and said: "But the leader of the Corruptor should have spent a lot of thought."

"Maybe it's a direct order from Satan, it's hard for anyone to say."

Prince Harry Portsman spread his hands helplessly and said: "In short, it was the time when the number of mutinies was the largest in the history of the Holy Knight Order, and it also dealt a very heavy blow to the Caspar Kingdom at that time. At that time, almost everyone Clearly this is an event that can destroy everyone's confidence. If we fail to do this well, it means that we have to face the Corruptor attack again and again. And each time we will suffer Huge pressure and psychological burden."

Prince Harry Portsman shook his head and said, "It was really a dark time, and we call it the darkest time in our history."

When Prince Harry Portsman said this, he paused deliberately: "Have you heard of the darkest hour?"

Zhao Xun shook his head and said sincerely: "No."

He had never heard of the so-called darkest hour.

Since you haven't heard of it, you must tell the truth.

Zhao Xun has no habit of lying, so he will obey what he sees and will not lie.

"People in the darkest hours are always used to relying on others to solve problems instead of themselves. Maybe people at that time have lost confidence in life. But I still want to say that history is moving forward, and people are constantly Moving forward. We all need to have hope in life, and we need to have faith in life."

This sublimation of Prince Harry Portsman caught Zhao Xun off guard.

Zhao Xun thought to himself, good guy, it is not impossible to sublimate, but can we say hello beforehand?

Zhao Xun was completely unprepared for such a sudden sublimation.

"Yeah, that's true, so what happened later?"

Zhao Xun was more concerned about what happened next.

"Later the Corruptors gathered together, and they launched a general attack on the human race relying on their strong numbers. But at that time, the king of the human race, Sanika, stood up and led the people to resist tenaciously. After a bloody battle, Cass finally The people of the Kingdom of Pa have guarded their homeland and their kingdom."

Oh, it's a happy ending.

But this is also conceivable.

If it weren't for the happy ending, His Royal Highness Prince Harry Portsman would not be standing in front of Zhao Xun at this moment.

"And what happened next?"

"Shortly thereafter, another notorious traitor appeared, and this traitor was called Bandle."


"That's right, this person was originally just a servant of a paladin. Wait, you should understand what a servant of a paladin means?"

"Uh, I probably understand, it means something similar to a knight's attendant."

"Yes, the paladin's attendant knight is the help of the paladin. The key is that he is a potential paladin under investigation. If he can perform absolutely well within a certain period of time, he has a chance to be upgraded to a real paladin. Paladin."

Zhao Xun thought to himself, this is tantamount to becoming a regular.

"Bender is about to pass the test of a paladin and has a chance to become a real paladin. At this time, he suddenly killed the paladin he had served for many years. The blood flowed from the paladin's neck, and the whole The floor of the room was stained crimson. My God, I still have that picture, it's just horrible."

When the description came here, Harry Botsman's whole body began to tremble.

Zhao Xun observed carefully, and found that Prince Harry Portesman was indeed a normal muscle reaction, and it did not seem to be fake.

"So it turned out that this guy ran away?"

"Unfortunately, it is."

When he said this, Prince Harry Portesman clenched his fists unwillingly, and he was in a state of extreme resentment.

"I don't know how all this happened, and I don't know what the guards on the city wall did at that time. But they were able to let such a vicious guy run away. If it was me, I would definitely kill the guards Hang me alive."

Almost all the anger could spurt out from Prince Harry Portesman's eyes, at least Zhao Xun could really feel the anger.

Zhao Xun knows that Prince Harry Portesman is a very good at expressing emotions.

But the current state is definitely not a performance, but an expression of true feelings.

"Later, this Bandle turned to the Corruptor and was reused by the Corruptor. The Corruptor launched another surprise attack on the Casper Kingdom based on Bandle's information. But this time the Casper Kingdom did not defend."

What the hell, is the reversal coming?
But the question is, if the Kingdom of Casper is not defended this time, how did the ancestors of Prince Harry Botsman survive?

Zhao Xun looked confused, and Prince Harry Portesman naturally saw it.

"You must be wondering how our ancestors survived, right? Let me tell you this, after that catastrophe, more than [-]% of the people in the Casper Kingdom died. The royal family began to live in exile, my The ancestors were naturally among them. They wandered around for many years and settled down in a place near the sea."

Wait for the city near the sea?
Why does Zhao Xun feel that there seems to be something familiar in the dark.

It seems that he has seen it in a dream?
But Zhao Xun is not very sure, so he dare not draw conclusions blindly.

"We probably lived there for decades or 100 years later. We thrived and revived the power of the tribe. When we felt that everything was about the same, the king at that time led an army to the original Casper kingdom occupied by the Corruptor. After a fierce and protracted tug-of-war, the human race finally won. Only then did the Casper Kingdom come into existence."

"It turns out that there is such a past. If you don't tell me, I really don't know."

Zhao Xun smiled wryly and said, "So the Casper Kingdom at that time was essentially a country after the restoration of the country, right?"

"Well, there was a gap of about 100 years in the middle. So there is still a gap between the two in essence. But there is no doubt that the blood is connected."

Prince Harry Portsman was worried that Zhao Xun doubted the legitimacy of the Casper Kingdom, so he added a sentence.

"As for the last traitor, it appeared not long ago."

After listening to Prince Harry Portesman's narration, Zhao Xun felt mixed feelings for a while.

The good news is that the resilience of the human race is quite strong, even in the face of powerful corruptors, there is no cowardice.

The worry is whether the hardships shown by the human race in the whole process will make them feel unnecessary hatred when facing the Corruptor?
Appropriate hatred can inspire fighting spirit.But if hatred spreads, it is likely to cause the situation to completely get out of control.

And what the academy alliance needs most now is undoubtedly stability.

If the stability cannot be maintained, the whole academy will be in an absolute sense of panic.

If the panic is allowed to spread unchecked, it will really make the situation out of control.

"Actually, after listening to your story, I feel that the Corruptor really has a deep hatred for you. And the traitors from your Holy Knight Order basically fell into the arms of the Corruptor. I don't know what to say. But I hope that you will remain calm throughout the process and keep the bigger picture in mind."

"Well, we will."

Prince Harry Portsman seemed to know what Zhao Xun was worried about, he immediately patted his chest and assured: "You can rest assured, since we have joined the academy alliance, we will naturally put the interests of the entire academy first, and never It will easily hurt the interests of the academy."

After a short pause, Harry Botsman continued: "The reason why the Corruptors dare to invade with a big name is because the entire alliance currently has insiders. The existence of insiders will give them loopholes to take advantage of. In fact, we I came here this time to tell you about it."

"Inner ghost?"

Zhao Xun thought to himself that this guy really changed the subject quickly enough. They were clearly discussing the history of human paladins just now. Then Prince Harry Portsman suddenly changed the subject and turned to the inner ghost in the academy alliance. problem?
It has to be said that at this moment Zhao Xun is more concerned about who the ghost in the academy is.

"Although it is not appropriate for me to say this, I still want to say it, because it is not only about our interests, but also the interests of the academy. This ghost is the half-orc patriarch Ruota."


Zhao Xun was still surprised after hearing this answer.

In his impression, although the half-orcs looked a bit vicious, they didn't have any bad intentions.And Ruota has always been very kind.Except for some small frictions with the werewolves before, everything recovered well.



"In fact, the motives of half-orcs have always been impure. They are the descendants of orcs and humans, so they have the characteristics of both humans and orcs in their bones. But they did not inherit the goodness of humans, but inherited more of the evil of orcs."

When he heard this, Zhao Xun felt his scalp go numb.

"So, what does this have to do with the fact that orcs might be traitors?"

"Let me tell you a story first. This is something from the Second Era."

Prince Harry Portsman spread his hands, and said leisurely: "That was a long time ago. At that time, the whole world was in a period of ice. Basically, all living things were lingering and hoping to survive. Go on. Survival is the instinct of everyone in that period."

Zhao Xun thought to himself, good guy, this is the time to tell history again, this Prince Harry Portesman really likes to tell history.

That's all, let him go this time.

Because it is obvious that Prince Harry Portsman does not simply want to tell history this time, but tells Zhao Xun what is behind it by telling history.

These things are precisely what Zhao Xun is very concerned about.

That's why orcs are traitors.

"So go ahead. What the hell happened after that frozen period."


Prince Harry Portsman picked up the glass filled with plum wine and poured it into the end, took a sip, and felt refreshed for a while.

"That period was really difficult. People would eat anything to survive, and they didn't care about the so-called decentness at all. In other words, it didn't matter whether they were decent or not at that time. The important thing was to be able to survive. If you can't live Go on, what's the point of being decent? Like all tribes, the human race at that time also lived in dire straits in the absolute sense."

Prince Harry Portsman paused deliberately when he said this, and then picked up a piece of cheese and put it into his mouth.

"Everything we can eat now, even a piece of bread is an absolute delicacy in that frozen period. At that time, people were often killed because of a piece of bread. Can you imagine this?"

Prince Harry Botsman sneered and said: "It is in such a difficult environment that almost everyone looks down on half-orcs. Because they have no fixed territory of their own and have always lived a semi-nomadic life." .It would be fine if the times were good. But they were in the frozen period that was rare in a hundred years. During the frozen period, it was difficult for people to survive, and it was extremely difficult to survive. People at that time Doing my best is just to be able to survive, that’s all.”

"Half-orcs not only have no territory of their own, but also consume a huge amount of food every day. They need to consume a lot of food to meet their body's needs. This has brought about extremely serious consequences. When people cannot meet their food needs, They will steal and rob. At first, there was a conflict with the dwarves, and then the half-orcs had a dispute with almost all other tribes on the continent of Alan Lore. For a while, the crowd was excited, and people from all other tribes united in Together, we decided to banish these son-of-a-bitch half-orcs"

Hearing this, Zhao Xun was more or less surprised.

Good guy, there really is a lot of history that he doesn't know.

Thinking about it carefully, it really makes people feel lingering fear.

"So, the orcs were really banned later?"

"Of course. All tribes can't bear to deal with such a fellow. In our opinion, such a fellow is a scum, not even a human being."

When talking about orcs, Prince Harry Portsman's eyes can almost burst into flames.

This made Zhao Xun feel lingering fear.

If the human race looked down on half-orcs so much, why didn't the human race and other tribes from Allen Lore object when Zhao Xun and the academy absorbed half-orcs into the academy alliance?
It may be useless if one or two tribes object, but if all the tribes jointly oppose it, Zhao Xun will definitely consider it seriously.

So what went wrong?
"So how did the orcs get through that difficult time?"

"I don't know, and I still can't figure it out."

Prince Harry Portsman spread his hands and said honestly: "To be honest, I think the half-orcs should have been helped by a lot of evil forces including the Corruptor during the Second Era. Otherwise, just relying on their resources It’s impossible to survive.”

"But shouldn't that period be a period of extreme scarcity of resources? Even Corruptors don't have any surplus food, right?"

"I don't know. In short, they must have reached some kind of agreement, so they can survive."

Prince Harry Portsman sighed and said: "Since then, half-orcs have become more ruthless and unreasonable. If the half-orcs at the beginning still retained some residual humanity, their humanity later Just wiped out. They turned into total beasts, acting entirely on instinct."


When Zhao Xun heard this, his scalp felt numb.

"So, how do you prove that they are traitors?"

"Listen to me and continue, don't worry."

Prince Harry Portsman swallowed a mouthful of spit, and then said: "Half-orcs were frequently seen communicating with other orc tribes afterwards. They plundered resources from other tribes to supplement their own consumption. If only this Forget it, later someone discovered that they had accumulated some bones on the wasteland and began to dance shamanic dances."

Zhao Xun has seen similar scenes in dreams more than once.

Meaning Prince Harry Portesman is talking about the exact same scene he saw in his dream?
And this kind of operation?

For a moment, Zhao Xun really felt his scalp go numb.

"So this dance is the same as the dance where the Corruptor greets Satan and summons the God of Darkness?"

"Not bad!"

Prince Harry Portsman clenched his fists and said: "Everyone thinks that since when the Orcs started working for the Corruptors. They sold their souls and were willing to be ghosts for the devil. This kind of behavior is simply unbelievable." No shame."

"But did anyone really witness it? Or is it just a rumor?"

Zhao Xun quickly caught the omissions in Prince Harry Portsman's words.

Obviously, it's been a long time since this happened.

Since a long time has passed, there are naturally many parts that cannot be tested.

In this case, if it cannot be proved that someone saw the half-orcs dancing to summon Satan, the leader of the Corruptors, then it cannot be proved that the Corruptors have really absorbed the half-orcs.It is even more impossible to prove that the half-orcs are already part of the Corruptor Alliance.

To be a human being, you still have to be reasonable, and to do things, you have to talk about evidence.

It is impossible for Zhao Xun to look at the orcs differently just because of Prince Harry Botsman's one-sided remarks.

Otherwise, in the academy alliance in the future, if there is any tribe that doesn't like the other party, they can just gossip and bite. At that time, it will really be difficult to end.

"Of course someone saw it with their own eyes, but now those people have passed away and turned into some dry bones. It is impossible to ask them to say it again."

Indeed, things have been going on for a long time.

Now it is impossible to find an old man to prove what happened that year.

This is the biggest problem Zhao Xun and others are facing now.

"So you suspect that the orcs have other plans to enter the academy?"

"Well, I believe in the records of our ancestors, and in the judgments of our ancestors."

Prince Harry Portsman paused and said: "The half-orcs have been separated from the mainstream tribes for a long time. They have been living a life of nomads on the continent of Alan Lore. Can you imagine that weird feeling? One has faded out The nomadic tribe in everyone's mainstream impression suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and they had to form an alliance with everyone."

Prince Harry Botsman laughed out loud: "It's just unbelievable."

Zhao Xun can basically hear clearly now.

"From this point of view, it is indeed very strange. However, I think it is better not to draw conclusions too early. Some things still need to be clear about the ins and outs before we can really evaluate them."

"Well, I'm just expressing my hidden worries. After all, you can see it too. In the recent conflicts that have erupted, the people responsible are the human race, the elf race, the dwarf race, and the werewolf race. Orcs and trolls have contributed Is it? Are they more likely to stay far away?"

Prince Harry Portesman gradually calmed down.

"I invited you here to tell you my worries. After doing this, I have fulfilled my obligation. As for whether you listen or believe it, that is your business and your right."

Prince Harry Portsman spread his hands and said: "You can also ask other tribes for their opinions. See if their evaluation of half-orcs is consistent with my evaluation of half-orcs. If you listen to it, you will be dark, and if you believe it, you will be clear." .”

"Okay, thank you very much for your invitation this time, and I will have an in-depth and detailed understanding of this matter."

Zhao Xun expressed his gratitude to Prince Harry Portsman and said that he would have a further in-depth understanding of the matter.

He will not wish a good person, and will never let a bad person go.

After leaving the human camp, Lu Guangdou, the sixth brother who had been silent like a wooden man, finally spoke.

"Good guy, that human prince can really talk. I never thought he could talk like this. Although I can't understand what he said, it's too exaggerated."


Zhao Xun smiled helplessly and said: "Actually, there is nothing special about it. He mainly talks about the history of their tribe. When it comes to the history of his own tribe, it is understandable to feel excited and talk more."

"That's true"

Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, rolled his eyes and said, "I just didn't expect you to be willing to fight with this guy for so long. Junior brother, is there something wrong?"

"Well, this human prince suspects that the half-orcs are wolves mixed into the flock."

In fact, Zhao Xun has been thinking about what Prince Harry Portsman said.

He will not blindly believe what a person says, and of course he will not completely disbelieve it.

He will analyze various possibilities to draw a relatively reasonable conclusion.

At present, the threat and risk of half-orcs still exist.

"Let's not think about these things for now, let's go back to the academy first."

Zhao Xun suddenly felt hungry now.

Originally, he came here because he wanted to have a big meal at the banquet, but who knows that he only listened to stories and ate melons at the dinner table, and didn't care about having a good meal at all.

So next, Zhao Xun will make up for it.

After all, you can't lose your stomach if you lose anything.

"I'm so obedient, you're finally back, little junior brother. I thought you weren't coming back."

The third brother, Long Qingquan, saw Zhao Xun and Lu Guangdou coming back together, he quickly stepped forward and complained.

"And your sixth son, you are a senior brother, why don't you persuade the younger brother to be more. The younger brother is young and ignorant, playful, don't you?"

"My fault, third senior brother."

Lu Guangdou was really helpless.There is no point in arguing with the third senior brother Long Qingquan. Not only will the result not be biased towards him in the end, but it may also make the situation completely out of control.

The best way is to confess directly.

Because as long as you admit that you are cowardly, Long Qingquan will no longer hold on to this issue.

"That's all, since you're back, come and cook with me, little brother."


Zhao Xun thought to himself that the third senior brother is really straightforward, he just came back and he has to go to the pole to cook?It's really not giving any rest time.

That's all, who told him to be the master chef of the academy now.

Since you are a chef, you must have the responsibility of a chef.

The third senior brother acted so aggressively, Zhao Xun always had to show some responsibility, he must not let the third senior brother see the joke.

After following third senior brother Long Qingquan to the kitchen, Zhao Xun's stomach growled.

"Why did you go to the banquet and didn't eat, little brother?"

"Well, third brother, what do you want to eat?"

"Oh, let's make it simple. At this time, what kind of tricks are there, let's fill up the stomach first."

Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan is a very practical person.

"Okay, let's make fried rice. Fried rice is the simplest, and there is still some leftover rice. The third senior brother is still the same, and you are responsible for cutting up the ingredients. Mainly diced vegetables and green onions. I will be in charge of frying."

Fried rice noodles are Zhao Xun's unique skill.

Although this dish is very simple, the simpler the dish, the more the chef's skill is tested.

Just like this fried rice, Zhao Xun can guarantee that the fried rice grains are golden and not sticky.

It is not easy to achieve this, and it cannot be achieved without a few years of work.

The most important thing is that the fried rice made by Zhao Xun tastes very good, basically there will be no overturning.

All the brothers and sisters in the academy agree that as long as they have tasted it, it is good.

"Hahaha, okay, fried rice is the safest. Well then, I'm going to prepare side dishes."

After finishing speaking, Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan went to prepare to chop vegetables.

Zhao Xun first took out the leftover rice, then beat the eggs and started to heat the oil.

The smell of oil soon wafted out, which made Zhao Xun even more hungry.

Dude, I can't stand this before it even starts.

It seems that he still has to eat on time in the future.

People are iron rice and steel, and if they don't eat a meal, they will be very hungry.

The ancients never lied to me.

(End of this chapter)

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