big week bad guy

Chapter 407 1 Qiuzhi raccoon

Chapter 407 Raccoons of the same feather (nearly 20000 words super chapter)
"Naturally use this dryad as bait, and then attract more dryads to take the bait."

Baron Guos seemed to be very proficient in this, and expressed his opinion without hesitation.

"We can return the dryad to the place he used to haunt, and then attract his companions to show up."

In the view of Baron Guos, this plan can be said to be seamless, basically there are no shortcomings.


Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, and felt that he could give it a try.

"However, there is a problem. How can we ensure that the tree demon we use as bait will not escape?"

Zhao Xun's question is also very realistic.

First of all, this is a living tree demon, he cannot be easily manipulated.

Secondly, it is difficult to strictly control him after he is released into the forest.

In this way, how to ensure that the dryad will not escape?

If the tree demon took this opportunity to escape, wouldn't it be a waste of time for them to fetch water from the bamboo basket?
This worry is still necessary.

"We can wall off the area he's in. This werewolf should be pretty good at it, shouldn't he?"

When he said this, Baron Guos instinctively turned to Jessica.

Jessica nodded and said, "Yes, there should be no big problem."


After taking a deep breath, Jessica continued: "But I need someone to help me block the outer area, so that no one will take the initiative to approach this dryad. We can block this dryad within a few yards. space inside."

"Well, let's do it then."

After hearing this, Zhao Xun felt that this might be the most ideal mode at the moment.

Wu Aolis stared intently at a document from Emperor Xianlong.

It has to be said that Emperor Xianlong finally agreed to cooperate, not long after he gave the ultimatum.

This guy really doesn't cry when he sees the coffin.

If you don't give him some color, he probably thinks that the Corruptors are a bunch of soft persimmons, right?
At this moment, Wu Aolis seemed very indifferent.

"So what role will their imperial army play in this battle?"

Jeffron is still very interested in this.

In his opinion, as long as it can kill the academy alliance on a large scale, it is good.

As for what method was used, he didn't care who did it.

"The Forbidden Army should be able to charge from the flanks, which requires us to do enough acting."

Jeffron said indifferently: "There must be no shortage of troops in the frontal charge, and there must be enough pressure on the academy. Only by attracting all the troops from the academy to our side can the Emperor Zhou's imperial army be able to have an unexpected effect. "

"Well, it does seem so now."

Wu Aolis nodded and said: "Although this is a bit cheap for the Emperor of Zhou, considering that we are here to summon Satan, it's all worth it."


Jeffron smiled and said: "Speaking of Satan, I feel that it should be difficult for Satan to descend in a short time."


"Because Satan perceives danger. When Satan clearly perceives danger, he will back off as much as possible to ensure that he is in an absolutely safe environment."

Jeffron said without any hesitation.

"Wait, you mean Satan senses danger? Who else in this world can pose a threat to Satan?"

"Of course there is."

Jeffron pointed in the direction of Zhongnan Mountain: "That person is in the academy."

Had those words come from anyone else's mouth, perhaps Uoris would have felt strangely outraged.

But the words were spoken by Jeffron, by his most trusted ally.

So no matter how uncomfortable Wu Aolis feels at this moment, he has to endure it, even if he feels no matter how uncomfortable he has to endure it.

"Jeffren, do you know what you are talking about now? Do you think that Satan is afraid of the head of the mountain? Do you think that a mere head of the mountain can pose a threat to Satan and his old man?"

"Listen, it's not about how I see it, it's about how Satan sees it. You and I are Satan's slaves, there's no doubt about it. So can't we feel what Satan is thinking at this moment? ? If you can’t even do this, brother, I think you should reflect on it.”

After being mercilessly mocked by Jeffren, Wuoris felt out of anger.

"Okay, are you kidding me? Dude you're kidding me, right?"

"No, no, I'm just telling the truth. In the current situation, Satan is indeed taking the absolute initiative. He didn't come down in this situation only to show that he did perceive the danger. When Satan perceives the danger He will not act blindly at this time, so he may still want to wait and see."

When Jeffron said this, his emotions did not actually fluctuate at all, but at this moment, Wuoris' emotions were actually fluctuating violently.

For him, everything that happened at the moment was really unusual.

Obviously they have a good sense of ritual, and all the conditions are met, but Satan just didn't come.

This shows what?
Is it true that as Jeffron said, Satan feels that the current time is not particularly ripe, and Satan senses a certain threat, so he decides to wait and see for a while?
if it is like this.
The faith of Uoris is crumbling.

Wuoris has always believed that Satan is the real master of this world, he is the god of darkness, and he is an existence that can rule everything.

So the God of Darkness shouldn't have any fear as a matter of course.

But Satan now chooses to temporarily avoid the edge because of the existence of the mountain chief?
How can this be?

If Satan really thinks so, Wuoris feels that the basic foundation of the entire Corruptor Alliance may collapse.

So he must not let this news spread, let alone let too many people know about it.

Just him and Geoffron knew, and no doubt they'd rot the whole thing in their stomachs.

"Well, in fact, we really should wait for a while now. The academy is not in a hurry because they have back-ups, and we are not in a hurry because we also have back-ups. Neither side has the idea of ​​directly defeating the other, so we really should wait and see."

Jeffron said indifferently: "You are optimistic about the effect of several tentative attacks. It is not very good. If we continue to attack blindly, basically the situation should be no different from these few times. So my The suggestion is that it is better to wait and see instead of such a blind attack."

"Well, I see what you mean. I was too impulsive just now."

Wu Aolis had calmed down at this moment, he nodded and said: "Let's work together when Emperor Da Zhou's army strikes."

Master Huiyan glanced at the Forbidden Army on the side. These soldiers were all wearing Mingguang Armor.

It is said that this is the most luxurious armor in Dazhou.

After being equipped with Mingguang armor, even the thinnest soldiers will look heroic under the lining.

Not to mention that these soldiers of the imperial army were selected from thousands of people and possessed a physique that was definitely stronger than the average person.

For them, being able to become the imperial guards and protect the safety of the royal family and the emperor is enough to show that they are young people full of honor.

In Dazhou, how many people can be like them?

This is not an easy task, and the whole process requires a lot of effort.Most of them have to go through a lot of selection before they can finally stand out and become a member of the Forbidden Army.

Even so, most of them will never have the chance to see the emperor once in their lifetime.

This is because the scale of the forbidden army is too large, with tens of thousands of people, only a very small part of the more than one hundred thousand people can have the opportunity to take turns in the palace.

Most of them still played the role of defending the imperial city and Chang'an.

Of course, this alone is enough to make them feel proud.


After taking a deep breath, Master Huiyan waved his hand.

An officer of the Imperial Army stepped forward.

"When you leave Chang'an City, you must obey me in everything."

"Of order, His Majesty has issued a decree, ordering us to obey Master Huiyan's arrangements. Naturally, we will do our best to do it."

"very good."

Master Huiyan nodded in satisfaction.

"It is very dangerous to go to Zhongnan Mountain. You may face the most severe test in your life. But I believe that you will not have any plans to back down. Because for you, this is an excellent opportunity, an excellent opportunity to honor your ancestors Chance."

After Master Huiyan finished speaking, he pointed a finger at the sky in the depths.

"Look at the sun in the sky, why is it so dazzling? Because from the beginning, it has been the center of attention. We are all staring at it. If you want to be the focus of others, you must start from now Fight for it with all your strength. Fame and wealth, and the title of wife and son. These are all in your own hands. You must firmly believe that you have the opportunity to do this, and you must firmly believe that you can become the glory in the eyes of your relatives."

It has to be said that Master Huiyan's ability to fool is quite powerful.After what he said, all the soldiers of the Forbidden Army felt that their blood was boiling.

"Zhan Zhan Zhan, kill kill kill!"

"When the academy is destroyed, you are the heroes of Dazhou. Dazhou doesn't need a rebellious academy, and Dazhou doesn't need a group of rebellious scholars. Since these scholars want to cause trouble, then we let them realize who they are. He is the real king, let him understand who is the truly invincible powerhouse."

"Wangcai, I made a dream come true"

Zhao Xun took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

But the impact of this dream on him was too great, Zhao Xun could really calm his mind in a short period of time.

"I dreamed that Emperor Xianlong sent an army to besiege the Academy. Emperor Xianlong's army and the Corruptor's army besieged the Academy at the same time. There were people everywhere, and blood was pouring out. You can see corpses just by looking up. You can see the bones when you look up.”

When he said this, Zhao Xun felt a lingering fear in his heart.

The impact of these things on him was really too great.

In a short period of time, Zhao Xun was able to really relax.

"Oh, brother Mingyun, this is just a dream, you think too much."

"Is it just a dream?"

Zhao Xun shook his head with a wry smile and said, "I don't think so. I think this has a great possibility to become a reality. It's not the first time you've seen Emperor Xianlong do shameless things. Might do that."

"But what is he trying to do by doing that?"

Wangcai still feels a little speechless.

"Just to completely wipe out the Academy?"

"That's right, isn't the academy the biggest threat in the eyes of the dog emperor? Isn't it the most perfect thing for him to be able to eliminate the academy forever?"

"It seems too."

Wangcai nodded and said, "However, brother Mingyun, do you think the Great Zhou army is really willing to fight side by side with the Corruptor? Don't they think it's a shame?"

"I don't know about other armies, but the Imperial Army will definitely be there. Don't forget what the identity of the Imperial Army is. They were originally established to defend the royal family. Do you expect the dog emperor's minions to not obey the dog emperor's orders?"

"Oh, that's not what I mean. I just think that there are exceptions to everything. You are like a villain. Didn't the three of us choose to quit? Now you and I are wandering wildly, but Brother Jia has gone to the Western Regions again."

"We are different."

Zhao Xun smiled bitterly and said, "We are completely different from them."

"What's the difference?"

"Because we know what we want, but the vast majority of people in this world don't know what they want."

Zhao Xun let out a long sigh and said, "As time goes by, you will naturally have to choose to obey others. Perhaps in their view, obeying others is not a shameful thing. Perhaps in their view, docileness may still be a good thing. In this way, they can obtain some glory that they have long wanted to obtain, and they can ignore the doubts of those colleagues. As long as they have thick legs, maybe they will be able to live in peace and prosperity in this life."

When Zhao Xun said this, he said slowly: "Most people should think so, because for them, maintaining stability is the most important thing. If they can't maintain stability, then there is no need for them to deal with many things." Do. But sometimes it is precisely because of seeking stability that they lose a lot of opportunities.”

"Well, brother Mingyun, what you said is too profound, I can't understand it."

Wangcai was really confused.

"However, even if Emperor Xianlong really sent the Imperial Army to attack the academy, what advantage would they gain? Even the Corruptors can't conquer the academy's defenses, so can the Imperial Army be able to?"

"I do not know."

What Wangcai said is actually reasonable. If you only look at individual combat capabilities, the Great Zhou Forbidden Army is actually far inferior to the Corruptor.

But the army of Great Zhou knew Zhongnan Mountain relatively well.They know some of Zhongnanshan's weaknesses.If they take advantage of these weaknesses to make a big fuss, Zhao Xun feels that they still have many opportunities to make trouble.

Of course, it seems that this is just a dream at present, and Zhao Xun also hopes that this dream will not become a reality.

When Master Huiyan led tens of thousands of forbidden troops out of the imperial city and out of Chang'an City, and walked all the way south, he could clearly feel the breath of death approaching.

Yes, this is really a breath of death.

He can never be wrong.

The breath of death was so strong that Master Huiyan couldn't help frowning.

If it hadn't been for Emperor Xianlong's repeated request, Master Huiyan would not have taken up this task.

But now that he has taken on this task, he has no choice.

He could only bite the bullet and go on.

Master Huiyan knew that he had a very important task this time, which was to negotiate with the leader of the Corruptor Alliance.

This may seem arrogant, but it is actually necessary.

The role of negotiation is to prevent the Corruptor from gaining the upper hand in an absolute sense, and cannot take the initiative in an absolute sense in this cooperation.

If everything is decided by the Corruptor, it will actually be very unfavorable to Master Huiyan or Da Zhou.

This is not the situation that Emperor Xianlong wants to see.

Therefore, Master Huiyan will try his best to strive for the conditions he thinks he should strive for.

In the end, cooperation must be cooperative, but negotiation must also be negotiated.

Let you ask all the price, I can sit back and pay back the money.

Master Huiyan is to some extent a top-quality old fritters.

With him, many things have a chance.

With him there, there are many possibilities for mediation.

Because he had to deliberately wait for these ordinary people, Master Huiyan deliberately slowed down.

But he knew very well that this was not something unacceptable.

Since he agreed to be the commander of this army, he should naturally demonstrate the responsibilities and responsibilities that a commander should have.

After walking for some more time, Master Huiyan finally saw a dark camp.

This camp is not far from the foot of Zhongnan Mountain. Master Huiyan can basically conclude that this camp is the Corruptor's camp.

So what he has to do now is to step forward and take the initiative to contact the Corruptor.

At first glance, this may seem a bit difficult, but when you think about it carefully, you don't think it is difficult.

After all, not everyone can master the so-called accurate judgment in the most extreme situation.

Although Master Huiyan couldn't get a glimpse of the secrets, his judgment was still at the top of the Great Zhou.

"I am Master Huiyan, the holy monk of the Great Zhou Dynasty. I was ordered by the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty to come to talk with you. Please lead the way."

After explaining the purpose of coming very briefly, Master Huiyan took a step without hesitation.

For him, every effort made at this moment is very important.

Because it is related to the role of the Zhou army in the entire alliance.

Of course, Master Huiyan has to be more or less careful about backstabs from the opponent.

Because Master Huiyan did not fully trust this group of aliens.In Master Huiyan's view, people who are not of our race must have different hearts.These guys can come together largely because of interests.They agreed to form an alliance with Da Zhou, largely because of their interests.

Since the big guys are all brought together for profit, it is natural to be careful.

Otherwise, if a fight broke out because of the unequal distribution of benefits after the academy was really destroyed, then some people would suffer.

"plz follow me."

A Corruptor leads the way.

Master Huiyan nodded and followed without hesitation.

For Master Huiyan, he has nothing to fear.

Even the Corruptor, even the supreme power among the Corruptors, is actually impossible to pose any real threat to him.

As long as Master Huiyan is willing, he can leave here easily.

But Master Huiyan can't do this, because at this moment he is not just a person, he is also commanding thousands of troops.

Soon Master Huiyan was brought to a tent, and the Corruptor politely helped lift the curtain.

Master Huiyan paced into the tent.

As soon as he entered the tent, he noticed two people.

One of these two people exudes cold air all over his body, and the other has a pair of big wings growing on his back.

The relationship between the two is very close, Master Huiyan can feel that the two are the big bosses of the Corruptor.

"Well, it seems we have something to talk about."

Master Huiyan moved forward a few steps and spread his hands, "You should have been waiting for me all this time, right?"

"No, what we are waiting for is the Great Zhou army. The Emperor of Great Zhou promised to send troops, but he didn't really send people until we urged him countless times. I really don't understand what this is for. .”

The first one to speak was Wu Aolis. He sneered and said, "Maybe it's because we are not worth mentioning in the eyes of Emperor Da Zhou? If that's the case, what I can't understand is why he Choose to ally with us."

"No, no, I'm afraid you have misunderstood. The Emperor of Great Zhou never had such an idea."

Master Huiyan said with a smile: "The Emperor of the Great Zhou hopes for cooperation, a sincere and sincere cooperation. Since the two parties want to cooperate, it is natural to have a deep understanding and show some sincerity. That's why he sent me to talk to you. As for why the troops were not sent before, it was because the Emperor of Zhou was dealing with some housework. If these housework were not handled well, it is naturally impossible to deal with external affairs."

What Master Huiyan said was very cryptic, but Wu Aolis didn't seem to have the heart to delve into it, so he just sneered and said: "Whether it's housework or other things. I'm just curious, won't your emperor show up? At this time, send someone to pass the message on your behalf.”

"The Holy Son of Heaven takes care of all kinds of affairs and manages state affairs all day long, so it is naturally impossible to come in person. However, His Majesty has already instructed me to order the poor monk to be fully responsible for the negotiation of this matter. The poor monk can also represent Da Zhou."

This is still quite domineering.Sure enough, the leader of the demon tribe, Jeffron, nodded after hearing this and said: "Well, if you can say what you want, it will be fine. To be honest, we have tried to attack the academy a few times, but now it seems that the effect is not too great. Ideal. Facts have proved that if you can't win the academy at once, you will easily be dragged along and lose your advantage."

"Well, you mean, what should we do next?"

"Naturally, we should concentrate our efforts to break through the academy's defense system at once. It seems that their defense system is nothing more than that. As long as we work hard, we can definitely smash it directly."

When Wuoris said this, he clenched his fists obviously very excited.

He couldn't wait to show his strength.

For him, as long as the academy can be destroyed, Satan can be summoned next.

This is what he cares most about.

"Actually, it's not impossible to try."

Master Huiyan is open to Wu Aolis' suggestions.

"However, you must have a plan. You can't rush forward. What is the difference between that and a mess? As far as I know, there is still a very powerful formation in the academy. What is the situation of this formation now? Can you tell me Tell me?"

Master Huiyan pays great attention to details.

So he wants to know as many details as possible.

In his opinion, as long as he understands as many details as possible, he can gain a certain advantage in the next battle.

And if you can't master these details perfectly, you may be exhausted in the face of wave after wave of opponents' attacks.

"Great formation? The academy does have a very powerful magic formation. But now this formation is not only the formation of the academy, but also the formation of the entire Zhongnan Mountain. We tried to break through the blockade of the formation before, but The more people there are, the less effective it will be. On the contrary, we sporadically send out some dryads to invade, and the effect is not bad. They are our mouthpiece and eyes and ears, and can play a role in spying on information. As long as they find out about the academy, it is useful If there is any information, it will come back to us and report to us as soon as possible.”

When Wu Aolis said this, it was as if he had opened up a chatterbox.

Master Huiyan listened carefully, nodding frequently from time to time.

"Well, it seems that it is indeed a good idea."

Wu Aolis raised his head proudly: "Of course, don't you look at who came up with this plan? Our plan is seamless. Of course, we will continue to put pressure on them on the frontal battlefield. In this way Once this happens, there will be no loopholes. But one thing is still very necessary, that is, we must distract the academy as much as possible. After all, they have many tribes, and there are still some with keen insight. If not Distracting the academy's attention as much as possible will let them discover the clue, and all our previous efforts will be in vain."

Wu Aolis spoke very solemnly, and Master Huiyan listened very seriously.

"Well, this is natural. So I'm here to talk to you this time, hoping to improve the plan. I'm not saying that your plan is not perfect. Your plan is already quite perfect to a certain extent. I just hope that This plan can be more perfect, so that the academy can't find any chance to do it."

"Well, so you're ready to join in."


"How many people are you going to invest?"

"one person."


When Wuoris heard this, he almost thought he heard it wrong.

"Aren't you kidding? Just put in one person?"

Wu Aolis said with a sneer: "What role can you play alone, and distract the attention of everyone in the academy. I didn't say that, you are a little too arrogant."

Wu Aolis is actually a very arrogant person, but at this moment he feels that Master Huiyan is even worse than him.

Wu Aolis is arrogant because he has this capital and this capital.

What does Master Huiyan have?
Why is he so arrogant?

"The number of people invested is not in the number, but in the essence. If we can invest enough people to achieve the effect, it will be fine. But if the effect is not achieved, wouldn't it be counterproductive?"

"Go on."

"So the reason why I proposed that only I would come forward is naturally because I can be sure that the effect of me appearing alone is far better than ten, one hundred, one thousand, or ten thousand people."

"Hahahaha, do you mean that you alone are more powerful than thousands of troops? Hahahahaha."

Wu Aolis' stomach almost hurt from laughing.

He had never seen such an arrogant person.

If there is such a powerful person in this world, then this person should also be Satan and not others.

But how big is the gap between Master Huiyan and Satan?
It's like a cloud and mud.

Even Wu Aolis thinks that Mage Huiyan should not be compared with Satan, because it is an insult to Satan.

"Why, don't you believe it?"

Master Huiyan was not angry at all.

In fact, before he came, he thought that Wuoris would have such a reaction, so he had already made all kinds of preparations.

For now, he's in good shape.

It just depends on whether he wants to show himself in front of the Corruptor.

Now it seems that it is impossible not to show it. If Master Huiyan doesn't show himself at this time, he will be completely underestimated.

Now Master Huiyan must come up with a unique skill to let the other party fully understand who is the supreme power in this world.


Master Huiyan raised his hand lightly, only to see the entire tent rising from the ground.

You must know that this camp is very deep.

As a result, Master Huiyan just blew out a breath, and he was able to easily lift up the entire tent!

For a moment, everyone took a deep breath.

This naturally includes Wu Aolisi.


Wu Aolis smiled and said: "It seems that the emperor of Zhou Dynasty did not send the wrong person. You are very powerful. In your words, you should be a very powerful practitioner in this world, right?"

"Too much, too much, the poor monk is just a super master, that is, he is in the same realm as the mountain master."

Master Huiyan clasped his hands together and began to act aggressively.

Wu Aolis was shocked when he heard this.

"What did you say, your cultivation level is the same as that of the head of the mountain?"

"Yes, the head of the mountain is a super master, and I am also a super master. Isn't it the same realm?"

Master Huiyan said calmly: "However, I have never had a serious confrontation with the head of the mountain. The realm can only be used as a reference at most, and it cannot be used as a decision. So specifically I I don't know if I'm stronger with the mountain chief. But since the poor monk dared to come this time, he naturally prepared the opportunity to fight against the mountain chief. If there is a chance, I will definitely ask the mountain chief for advice."

When it comes to this point, Master Huiyan appears domineering.

"Haha, good, good! As expected of a top master, it is admirable. This time we want to take a good look at what waves will be caused by the duel between the world's two top grand masters."

At this time, Wu Aolis' attitude changed drastically. After learning that Master Huiyan was a super master, he hoped that the head of the mountain would be held back by Wu Aolis, so that their chance would come.

"Actually, the head of the mountain is probably not as powerful as you imagined. The reason why you think the head of the mountain is powerful is probably because of an illusion. Sometimes people have this feeling when they have too many illusions."

"Illusion? It's an illusion that you think the mountain is strong."

"Well, I didn't say that the head of the mountain is not strong, I just said that the head of the mountain is not as strong as you think."

Master Huiyan said indifferently: "The reason why you think the head of the mountain is very powerful is probably influenced by the evaluation of people in this world? The head of the mountain is called the No. 1 of the Great Zhou, so you take it for granted that the head of the mountain should be extremely strong But in fact, only half of the top practitioners have fought against the head of the mountain. How did the head of the mountain come to be the number one in the world? Since they have not fought against each other, this ranking is a mess There is no basis for the row.”


Wu Aolis thought about it carefully, and there was nothing wrong with what Master Huiyan said.

Martial arts rankings have always been a matter of opinion.

Sometimes some people think that one group of practitioners is very strong, while another person thinks that this practitioner is nothing more than that.

Therefore, everyone may have completely different views, and it is difficult for people to have a completely unified view.

"Martial arts cultivation, martial arts system, these are actually evaluated by humans. I don't know what kind of routine it is in your world, but at least in our world, it is profitable to evaluate people themselves. For example, he ranks the world Top ten. Maybe this tenth has a good relationship with him, or he used money to go up, and he became ninth or eighth. The original ninth and eighth are ranked with this complicated person If you don’t know each other because of a bad relationship, or if you don’t send money, his ranking may go down. These can be changed dynamically and can be adjusted manually. So it’s not as credible as you think.”


It is better to listen to your words than to listen to them.

At this moment, Wu Aolis actually felt enlightened.

"So you mean that Shan Chang's number one in the world is blown out?"

"The poor monk didn't say that. The poor monk just thinks that everything depends on strength. If you can only look at the rankings on paper and you can rank ugly Yinmao, then there will not be so many bloody storms in the world."

Wu Aolis really felt that it made sense.

"When you say that, I really look forward to a fight between you and the head of the mountain to see who is the No. 1 in the Great Zhou Dynasty. But you brought so many troops, won't these troops enter the field?"

"Of course it enters the arena, but it's not for a frontal charge."

Master Huiyan said without hesitation.

"No need to make a frontal charge? Then what's the point of them?"

"Suddenly break out from the side, restraining the power of the Academy."

Master Huiyan didn't show the slightest hesitation when he said this.


Wu Aolis lowered his head and pondered for a moment and said, "It's not impossible to kill from the side. The key is, are you sure the academy won't notice it?"

"The academy's attention is all on your frontal army. The head of the mountain was distracted by the poor monk again. Who else among them can notice the Great Zhou imperial army coming out from the flank?"

In fact, Master Huiyan has already calculated everything, and the reason why he said it at this time is to give Wu Aolis an impact to the maximum extent.

Because for some reason, he always felt that these Corruptors were not very smart.

Therefore, Master Huiyan must teach them a lesson as much as possible, telling them to use their brains to better defeat their opponents.

"Well, if you can contain all the forces in the academy, this is indeed a very good idea."

The leader of the demon tribe, Jeff Lun, who had been silent for a long time, also spoke out, agreeing with Master Huiyan's point of view.

He has always been a helper but not a relative, as long as he has the opportunity, he will express his opinions as much as possible.

In his opinion, there is nothing wrong with what Master Huiyan said.

"Then let's make this decision first. You will contain the head of the mountain, and we will lead the troops to charge from the front to contain the main force of the academy alliance. The forbidden army will attack from the flanks and kill them by surprise. But who will lead the forbidden army?"

"Naturally, there are generals of the forbidden army to lead, so you don't have to worry about that."


After a short pause, Wu Aolis raised his head suddenly and said, "One more thing, there is a man named Zhao Xun in this academy, whom Satan specifically mentioned. Have you heard of it? It is said that this person should be extra vigilant .”

"Zhao Xun?"

After hearing the words, Master Huiyan nodded slightly and said, "Of course I have heard of it."

"This kid is hard to deal with?"

"It's really hard to deal with."

"Then how do we deal with him?"

"This son is good at strategy, but his personal strength is relatively average. The best way to deal with him is to divide the power of the academy, or prevent him from mixing with other people. As long as he can be separated from the main forces of other colleges, his role will be great. It will be greatly discounted.”

Master Huiyan also has a lot of research on Zhao Xun.

In his opinion, Zhao Xun's advantage lies in his brain.

Zhao Xun is always able to resolve a seemingly complicated problem into a simple one.

The Corruptor, on the other hand, is just so lacking in brains.

Obviously one thing couldn't be simpler, but it became complicated when the Corruptor made it so.

No wonder the Corruptors have spent so many days, but they can't take down the academy.

The brain is a good thing, and if you lack it, you can't blame others.

Sometimes things in this world are really hard to figure out. After God gives you something, he will take back something.

It is impossible for you to have everything.

"What about the members of the academy alliance? It is said that they all come from the continent of Alan Lore and came through the portal of darkness. You should know more about them, are you confident to defeat them?"

"Of course. These guys are actually our defeated opponents. Losing to us once is not enough, they will come to Dazhou and then lose to us a second time. We don't know what to say."

For a while, Wu Aolis only thought it was funny.

"These guys are actually quite capable. But their biggest problem is that they can't guarantee focus and unity. They always have their own little calculations, and they don't care about the interests of teammates and allies. Even if such a group of people form an alliance , that is also a grassroots team, and it will not be able to get on the stage."

Wu Aolis sneered and said, "Don't worry, as long as the academy is on the decline, they will definitely run faster than anyone else. As long as the academy itself is solved, other people are not worth mentioning."

"Shan Zhang, what are your orders for summoning your apprentice?"

In Zhao Xun's impression, the head of the mountain rarely called him alone to give orders.

If the head of the mountain does this, it means that something big will happen.

Zhao Xun didn't dare to take it lightly, so he asked very respectfully.

"Little 72, let me tell you a few more words for the teacher, you must write it down."

"Please order from the head of the mountain."

"Don't leave the academy, no matter what happens, don't leave the academy."

The sudden words of the head of the mountain really confused Zhao Xun.

Whatever the situation, don't leave the academy.

He had no intention of leaving the academy.

Why did the head of the mountain think he was leaving the academy?
What is the situation?
"Shan Zhang, this disciple doesn't want to leave the academy at all, not before, not now, and never in the future."

"Silly boy, being a teacher doesn't mean that you have to leave the academy, but a teacher is telling you that if you encounter danger, you can only survive if you stay in the academy."

Seeing that Zhao Xun didn't understand what he meant, the head of the mountain directly pointed out: "The things in this world are often too complicated and confusing. Many times it is difficult for us to guess what will happen. What we can do is to try our best to Do your best to make sure of a fixed number. Now that you are sure, don’t change easily, but choose to stick to it. I feel that as long as I can stick to it, the result will not be too bad.”

Zhao Xun still felt that he was in a fog.

Good guy, he can't understand what the head of the mountain is saying now.

Why does the head of the mountain always give him so many illusions?

Could it be that the head of the mountain is explaining something.
No no no, no.

Mountain Chang flourished in Spring and Autumn, Mountain Chang is invincible in the world, and Mountain Chang is No. 1 in the world.

How could something happen to the head of the mountain?

Zhao Xun knew that the head of the mountain was his pillar and the heaven of the academy.

So the head of the mountain will never have anything to do, and he can't.

"Master has a hunch that a big war will break out in the next few days. At that time, I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you all the time. You must protect yourself."


Zhao Xun only felt his heart pounding.

If everything is as the head of the mountain said, in fact, the war is indeed a big variable.

Originally, Zhao Xun could be calm in a battle because of the protection of the mountain chief.

But if the battle situation is so complicated that even the head of the mountain can't protect Zhao Xun, what should Zhao Xun do?

Are you really on your own?

Can you really keep it on your own?
Zhao Xun really didn't know.

But I don't know what to do.

The head of the mountain has obviously seen something, so he said so much to Zhao Xun all at once.

Zhao Xun didn't know if the head of the mountain had opened his eyes, and he didn't know if the head of the mountain had seen through the secrets of heaven.

But at this moment, all he can do is to follow the words of the head of the mountain.

"Shan Zhang, don't worry, this disciple will definitely protect himself."

The current situation is much more complicated than what Zhao Xun imagined, and even the usually calm mountain chief suddenly became heavy.

But Zhao Xun didn't want to keep the atmosphere so awkward, he cleared his throat as much as possible and said, "Master, I will be with my brothers and sisters, we can take care of each other."

"Well, you are the one who is most worried about the teacher. If you can be together, the heart that is hanging on the teacher can be let go."


"That's all, let's not talk about this, let's play a game of chess with the teacher."

"Well, junior brother, why are you a different person when you come back from the head of the mountain. Look at your bitter face. Tsk tsk"

Seeing Zhao Xun's state, Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan was a little confused for a moment.

"What did the head of the mountain tell you, come and listen."


After Zhao Xun came back from the mountain chief's residence, he would often be in a daze.

Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan was obviously asking him questions, but Zhao Xun would always be inexplicably stunned.

It takes a long time to react.

"Ah, the head of the mountain told me."

Zhao Xun paused and said: "The head of the mountain said that there may be a war breaking out in the next few days, and he may not be able to protect me all the time. He told me to take care of myself."

"That's it?"

"That's right, that's it. Third senior brother, do you think the head of the mountain cares about pointing?"

"That's not true, junior brother, I think you are thinking too much."

The third brother Long Qingquan shook his head and said: "Generally speaking, the head of the mountain will not fail to explain things clearly. As long as he wants to express something, he will express it clearly and clearly. You can trust me."

"Well, I hope so."

"Actually speaking, isn't it just the Corruptor's crap. The Corruptor is really capable of tossing around. Don't you think he just let the horse come over? He has to toss back and forth, back and forth. It's simply a mentality."

Long Qingquan shook his head and said: "So this time the head of the mountain really needs to give them some color and tell them that the academy is not easy to bully. If they want to trouble the academy, let them understand that the academy is his father .”

Originally, Zhao Xun thought it was very emo.

When he heard the words of the third senior brother Long Qingquan, he couldn't help but spit out.

"Forget it. Don't think about it. It's useless to think about it. Let's go and make lunch."

"Okay, I'll just wait for your words, little brother. There is nothing that one meal of food can't solve, if there is, then it will be two meals."

At this moment, Long Qingquan felt very excited, as if his whole body was covered with chicken blood.

Indeed, food can bring him too much.

Soon Zhao Xun and third senior brother Long Qingquan came to the kitchen.

Zhao Xun carefully looked at the ingredients in the kitchen, thinking about what dish to cook in a while.

"Oh my little brother, can you still conjure tricks now? To be honest, I'm a little numb now."

"Well, how about we make a casserole."


"Yes, casserole."

"The so-called casserole is to put some ingredients in the casserole for stewing, and it is fresh in one pot."

"Uh, what's the difference between this and hot pot?"

"The difference is still quite big. For hot pot, you eat while cooking. For casserole, you eat it together after cooking a pot. If you must compare, casserole and Malatang are somewhat similar. Of course, there are still many Different. Malatang is stronger, while casserole is more mellow."

"Wow, I'm really looking forward to this casserole now that I've been told that by you, junior brother."

The third senior brother, Long Qingquan, had already started rubbing his palms, it was really hard to hide his excitement.

"Let me help you start cutting and preparing vegetables. You need to explain the dishes, little brother?"

"Uh, let me think about it"

In fact, strictly speaking, casserole does not have a fixed dish style. In fact, just like Malatang, you can put anything in it. The key is to see your personal taste.

Zhao Xun himself prefers a light taste, so he won't put too meaty things in the casserole.

"Well, let's start with vermicelli, mushrooms, green vegetables, quail eggs, cabbage, and tofu skin. These are essential. Oh, and potato chips, tofu, chrysanthemum, and spinach."

Zhao Xun thought of these things first, as for the others, he can think about them slowly.

Anyway, casserole is not wrong no matter what you eat.

"Uh, so many. Well, I'll get these ready first."

Long Qingquan had a lot of trust in his junior brother Zhao Xun.Since these were requested by the junior brother, he naturally would not have any doubts.

I believe the taste of these ingredients combined will be very attractive.

Thinking of this, Long Qingquan couldn't control his excited hands.

"Yeah, third senior brother, you should be busy first, I'll make the soup and the bottom of the pot."

The bottom of the pot and the soup are the soul of the casserole.

Whether the casserole is good or not, the bottom of the pot and the soup occupy a very important part.

Zhao Xun definitely hopes to do his best.

So when cleaning the bottom of the pot and the soup, he will put a lot of energy into making sure that the food tastes delicious, absolutely perfect!

"Wow, so fresh."

After a lot of hard work, Zhao Xun made a perfect soup base.

After tasting it, Zhao Xun called the third senior brother, Long Qingquan.

"Third senior brother, come and taste it too, this taste is really amazing."


Seeing Zhao Xun say this, Long Qingquan couldn't help being curious.

"Is it really so fresh?"

"Then I have to try it out."

The third senior brother Long Qingquan picked up a small spoon and put it into his mouth. At that moment, Long Qingquan felt the unique pleasure.

"Wow, it's really amazing, this taste is too fresh."

"That's for sure."

Zhao Xun spread his hands and said, "How can you not taste such a delicious taste, third senior brother, you have to taste it."

"it is good."

"But don't finish it, it's soup base after all."

I still have more confidence in my third senior brother, Long Qingquan, and Zhao Xun.

But he doesn't have so much confidence in Wangcai Zhao Xun.

So if Wangcai is there, Zhao Xun will definitely hide the soup as much as possible.

"Wow, what smells so good?"

Zhao Xun was stunned for a moment after hearing this familiar voice.

Can he say that this is Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived?

Of course, Fatty Wangcai still pays more attention to his image now.

Even though he was already very hungry at this moment, he still didn't rush over like before.

It seems that Zhao Xun's education is still useful.At least in this way, Wangcai can more or less start to pay attention to his image.

That's a great start.

Zhao Xun can be as reserved as the third senior brother without asking for wealth, but at least he can't be too ugly.

"Wangcai, this is a casserole. Put all kinds of ingredients into the soup in the casserole and start cooking. The taste is absolutely delicious, especially delicious."


After hearing this, Zhao Xun was helpless.

Third senior brother, can you stop stealing my lines?
You said everything here, so what do you tell me to do?

For a moment, Zhao Xun wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Haha, it's so good. Brother Mingyun has such delicious food, why don't you want me to order it?"

"Uh, no, aren't you sleeping, Wangcai? I thought you were sleeping, so I didn't bother you."

"Pfft, can I just sleep like that? I'm still sleeping"

Wang Cai does not seem to buy it.

"Just tell me if you don't want me to eat it. But brother Mingyun, even if you don't let me eat it this time, I have to have a good taste. Who told this thing to be so delicious?"

Zhao Xun was completely speechless by Wangcai's smug look.

Dude, what should he say next?

"Oh, it won't be a problem if you try it, right. Brother Mingyun, let me try it."

What Zhao Xun feared the most still happened.I saw that Wangcai got a soup spoon from nowhere, and immediately started to drink soup.

Wangcai's drinking soup is not the same as the third senior brother Long Qingquan's drinking soup.

That is really a mountain sucking the sea to drink.

Zhao Xun swallowed his saliva when he saw it.

Wow, if you drink it like Wangcai, I'm afraid it won't be long before you drink it completely.


"That Wangcai, I think we're almost done. This casserole is not completely done yet. You won't get any taste if you drink it at this time. It's better to wait until it is thoroughly stewed before drinking it. That's the way to go."


Wang Cai was stunned and said: "Brother Ming Yun, how long will this casserole be cooked?"

"At least half an hour."

"Well, it's been that long."

Wangcai seemed somewhat surprised, and while licking his fingers, he said in a deep voice, "It seems like we'll have to wait a little longer. That's all, if that's the case, then we should wait a little longer."


Zhao Xun's current state can't be considered very good, and of course it's not too bad.

When cooking, he can still maintain a good attitude.

Of course, it's really two things to say whether Wangcai's trouble can be maintained forever.

Zhao Xun winked at Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, and the third senior brother immediately understood, pulled Wangcai and walked out.

"Haha, Brother Wangcai, the orange juice you made last time is very good, can you teach me how to make your appearance and taste. To be honest, I am very impressed. This orange juice is quite satisfying."

"Ah, you like orange juice. It's actually very simple to make, let me teach you."

Seeing that Huobao Wangcai was taken out by third senior brother Long Qingquan, Zhao Xun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not easy, it's really not easy.

With Wangcai here, Zhao Xun was paralyzed.

Fortunately, the third senior brother made up for his mistakes and took away Wangcai.

Otherwise, Wangcai would kill people.

After tossing and tossing for half an hour, Zhao Xun finally tossed the casserole out.

What he was most afraid of before was that the cracking of the casserole did not happen anyway, otherwise Zhao Xun would have been tormented.

After so much trouble, everything is still within the plan.

"It's time for dinner, it's time for dinner. The third senior brother's Wangcai casserole has been prepared, and it's ready to eat."

As soon as Zhao Xun yelled, he saw two people running towards this side one after another.

Well, there is absolutely no problem with running.

After all, the taste of this casserole is not unique, but at least it should be the best.

With the experience of Wangcai, that gluttonous little mouth and the third brother Long Qingquan, how could such a delicacy be missed?
Western Regions, Anxi Protectorate.

Liu Lin looked very proud of the reclaimed barren fields.

He is using the right person.

Sure enough, Jia Xingwen did not disappoint him.

It can be said that Jia Xingwen's current performance can be called perfect.

Liu Lin's use of Jia Xingwen can be regarded as meeting expectations in all aspects.

From the current point of view, Jia Xingwen's state is still quite good.As long as it can continue, Liu Lin believes that Jia Xingwen will definitely become a legend of the Anxi Army.

The Western Regions are not a barren land, on the contrary, the Western Regions are very prosperous.

It's just that the situation has deteriorated due to the continuous desertification of the land during this period.

Liu Lin knew that it was necessary to reclaim wasteland.

Because 8 people consume too much food, if you can't ensure that you have enough acres of land in your hands, there will definitely be problems.

But with enough acres of land and spare grain, it is basically unlikely that there will be major troubles.

The 36 countries in the Western Regions now have different ideas, and it is not a big problem to say that they are falling apart.

At this time, as long as Liu Lin can keep a low profile and train troops in the field, he will have a chance to regain the Western Regions in a short time.

Of course, he must be able to hold back at this time.

If he couldn't help it at this time, then everything would be for nothing.

After a period of running-in, Liu Lin found that Jia Xingwen was good at handling internal affairs.

After his handling, basically there will be no major problems in internal affairs, and the overall atmosphere of the Anxi Army is booming.

Liu Lin believes that it won't be long before the entire Anxi army will accept Jia Xingwen.

The Anxi Army has always believed in the strong, which is the tradition of the Anxi Army.

The reason why the soldiers didn't accept Jia Xingwen at first was because they felt that Jia Xingwen was a related household and came by airborne.

In this way, they would naturally feel that Jia Xingwen had taken their place.

If Jia Xingwen didn't come, perhaps some of them would have a chance to rise to the top by relying on their qualifications.

But Jia Xingwen had appeared, but blocked their way.

So how can they not hate?
But now their attitude should have undergone a drastic change.

At this moment, they should understand that Jia Xingwen is not a so-called relationship brought by Liu Lin, but someone with real talents and abilities.

Having such a person by their side is of great benefit to the improvement of the overall strength of the Anxi army.

Therefore, they will never have any other emotions or thoughts, they just need to be themselves and obey Jia Xingwen's orders.

Jia Xingwen was Liu Lin's right-hand man, and following Jia Xingwen's orders was tantamount to following Liu Lin's orders.

Besides, Jia Xingwen really benefited them.

One acre of barren land is exchanged for one acre of fertile land, and this business is sure to make a profit.

Originally, everyone was unwilling to open up wasteland mainly because the cost of opening up wasteland was too high.

But now, the cost of land reclamation is not as high as imagined, and you can get subsidies for fertile land, so why not do it.

Sometimes people really need to be more active in their brains. If their brains are too dead, many good opportunities will be missed.

Jia Xingwen is very good at seizing opportunities, and even more good at mobilizing everyone's enthusiasm.

After some mobilization by him, everyone is now full of interest in land reclamation.

Liu Lin also felt very relieved.

"Prince Guard, are you looking for me?"

Jia Xingwen came to the inner room of the Protectorate's Mansion, and bowed his hands to the Protectorate Liu Lin very respectfully.

"Haha, Xingwen, sit down quickly."

Liu Lin is quite optimistic about Jia Xingwen now, and he is even kinder to him.

"Xingwen, you have done a good job these past few days, and you have really mobilized the enthusiasm of the big guys to reclaim the wasteland. This general is very pleased. All your colleagues have come to Ben Duhu to praise you, Said you are a pillar."


Jia Xingwen was taken aback for a moment.

"Colleagues are absurd."

"They didn't praise you. In Ben Duhu's opinion, what they said was right. Being able to accept you as an aide is the most correct thing this general has done."

Liu Lin stroked his beard and asked, "Xingwen, are you thirty-five this year?"

"Reporting to the Chief Protector, the false age is already 36."

"Well, you're not married yet, are you?"


When he said this, Jia Xingwen showed embarrassment.

For him, it is indeed a very troublesome thing to be 36 years old but not yet married.

Theoretically speaking, this is not his problem, because many girls are unwilling to marry when they work in the Yamen of bad people.

After all, bad people lick blood on the tip of the knife all day long, and may die at any time.

Is there any big girl with yellow flowers who is willing to be widowed within a few days of her marriage?
Taking a step back, even if you can successfully remarry in the end, it will still affect your youth.

So not only Jia Xingwen couldn't get a wife, but many of his colleagues also couldn't get a wife.

As a result, Jia Xingwen was delayed for more than ten years in vain.

But the situation is different now, now he has left the bad guys and joined the Anxi army.

Although it is dangerous to be in the military, Jia Xingwen is a civilian, so it is relatively safe.

"Well, this general will find a few women from good families for you. If you think it's good, you can go and meet them. This general still hopes that you can start a family and start a business earlier."

Liu Lin stroked his beard and smiled lightly.


After hearing this, Jia Xingwen repeatedly cupped his hands at Liu Lin and said, "Thank you, Chief Protector, thank you, Chief Protector."

"Haha, you don't need Xie Ben to protect you. If the general doesn't understand this matter, how can he command an army of tens of thousands?"

Liu Lin said lightly: "Don't worry, as long as you are willing to work hard, this general will not treat you badly. Not only will this general not treat you badly, but this general will also support you to a very high position and protect your prosperity and wealth for the rest of your life." .”

"Thank you, Commander-in-Chief!"

Jia Xingwen was indeed very grateful to Liu Lin at this moment.

To be able to get such appreciation from Liu Lin, he really didn't come to Anxi Army for nothing.

It can be said that Liu Lin is the second noble person in his life, the first being Zhao Xun.

If he hadn't met Zhao Xun, Jia Xingwen might have spent his whole life in the office of bad people, and would never be able to get promoted.

But it was precisely because of what happened to Zhao Xun that Jia Xingwen completely saw that there was no future among bad people.

So Jia Xingwen withdrew from the bad guys.

At this time, Jia Xingwen met his second nobleman, Liu Lin.

After meeting Liu Lin, Jia Xingwen found that he finally had a place where he could take revenge.

Since then, he has skyrocketed in the Anxi Army, taking off all the way, and he is not far from reaching the pinnacle of his life.

Shaz Country.

Master Hui'an has gradually come out of the initial anger and unwillingness.

He is now able to face it with a calmer mood.

At present, it is not wrong for him to lose to Anxi Army.

Because from the very beginning, Master Hui'an showed a little carelessness and underestimated the enemy.

At that time, he thought that the main force of the Anxi Army was gone, so he could manipulate the Anxi Army at will.

In order to reduce casualties as much as possible, Master Hui'an finally formulated a strategy of encircling but not attacking.

The purpose of this strategy is to trap the [-] Anxi defenders alive in the Duhufu.

It has to be said that this is a very ruthless method, which can basically make the entire Anxi army be in a state of absolute panic.

And the accumulation of this emotion will become more and more obvious.

Maybe the Anxi army didn't feel anything at first, but as the food and fresh water in their city decreased, they would complain more and more.

At that time, even without Master Hui'an sending troops to attack, the Anxi defenders themselves collapsed.

Subduing the enemy without fighting is the realm Master Hui'an wants to achieve.

It's a pity that he didn't expect Liu Lin to rush back with an army of tens of thousands.

It was neither too early nor too late, just as they were besieging the city.

If Liu Lin had come earlier, Master Hui'an would not have been able to formulate this strategy.

If Liu Lin had come later, Master Hui'an would have taken down the Anxi Protectorate, and this problem would not exist.

It can only be said that the timing of Liu Lin's arrival was really a coincidence.

Master Hui'an was completely stunned by such a coincidental timing.

For a moment Master Hui'an really didn't know what to do, as if everything he did was wrong.

In this case, Master Hui'an can only force himself to remain calm, and can only force himself to exercise restraint.

But the rout still occurred.

Because the soldiers of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions could not maintain restraint like Master Hui'an.

Facing the Anxi army coming like a tsunami, the only thing they can do is to collapse.

Facing the surging offensive of the Anxi army, they fled quite quickly.

Master Hui'an didn't even have time to say anything at that time, so he watched the entire Western Region coalition army scatter.

At that time, Master Hui'an's heart was quite broken.

He didn't understand why a big battle he had carefully planned ended in such a dramatic way, he didn't understand why.

Finally he understood.

He just made a mistake that many people will make-carelessly underestimating the enemy.

At that time, he didn't take Anxi Army seriously at all, which is why this tragedy happened.

If he had used a little thought to calculate at that time, I am afraid the result would be completely different.

Of course, it doesn't make any sense to talk about these now.

The overall situation has been decided, and now backtracking is just to avoid making the same problem in the future.

However, at this moment, Master Hui'an has understood for at least a year, that is, Anxi Army is not a soft persimmon like he imagined.The resilience of Anxi soldiers was much stronger than he imagined.

Maintaining restraint is the key. Maintaining restraint can allow a person to maximize the possibility of adapting to changes. Maintaining restraint can also allow a person to step up when it is time to step up and retreat when it is time to retreat.

It is not easy to advance and retreat in a certain way, and it is not too late for Master Hui'an to understand.

Next, he prepared an elaborate plan to avenge the Anxi army.

Get up wherever you fall.

It is impossible for Master Hui'an to fall twice in the same place.

In his opinion, the Anxi army is indeed strong and resilient, but he may not have a chance to take it down.

The key is that Master Hui'an has to formulate a detailed plan, and put all the Anxi Army and all the Western Regions Allied Forces into this plan.

All men are chess pieces, and he is the chess player.

That kind of judgment is incomparable.

The first thing Master Hui'an has to do is to convince most of the monarchs of the Western Regions.

As we all know, the 36 countries in the Western Regions are actually 36 city-states.

These city-states are not like the unified dynasties in the Central Plains. Their territory is limited so their vision is also limited.

These monarchs stared at their one-third of an acre of land every day, and naturally they only cared about their immediate interests.

If the immediate benefits can bring them enough benefits, they will naturally be willing to do it.

On the contrary, if the immediate benefits cannot bring them enough benefits, then they can only choose to give up.

So the most important thing Master Hui'an has to do now is to paint cakes.

As long as the cakes he draws are big enough, as long as the cakes he draws are sweet enough, they will definitely be able to move the hearts of all the kings of the city-states in the Western Regions.

As long as their hearts are moved, Master Hui'an's opportunity will come.

Of course, empty-handed white wolf always has a certain risk of failure.

Fortunately, Master Hui'an doesn't have to worry too much about these things.

Because even if it really failed, it would not be a big loss to him.

Anyway, he is empty-handed, at worst, he will be deceived by someone else.

There are so many monarchs in the Western Regions, some people will always be attracted by the cakes he draws.

As long as they are attracted by the pie drawn by Master Hui'an, then Master Hui'an will be able to strategize and move around.

This doesn't seem as difficult as you might think.

Master Hui'an decided to give it a try.

On summer nights, the most unbearable thing is naturally mosquitoes.

The buzzing sound makes you want to jump up and kill all the mosquitoes.

A group of academy disciples in Zhongnan Mountain suffered from mosquitoes.

A kind of disciple headed by Zhao Xun can only go out to enjoy the cool air, so as to avoid the attack of mosquitoes.

The most frightening point is that mosquitoes attack indiscriminately.

In other words, no matter who you are or how high your cultivation level is, they are all the same in the eyes of mosquitoes.

In the eyes of mosquitoes, these guys are just food.

In the eyes of mosquitoes, their blood can be sucked.

"Oh my god, the poisonous mosquitoes in summer are too scary, I can't bear it anymore."

"Mamma Mia, who's to say otherwise, I think we need to do a total mosquito repellent operation. These mosquitoes are too rampant."

"That's right, the mosquitoes are so rampant, it's almost impossible for people to survive."

"Mosquitoes are definitely the most unnecessary creatures in this world, and they are definitely the creatures that should be killed the most. It's too scary. I can't think of any use for them other than spreading diseases!"

Mosquitoes are definitely a big killer of spreading diseases. If there is a chance, Zhao Xun really wants to crush them to death.

"Little brother, is there any particularly good way to kill mosquitoes?"

The third brother Long Qingquan raised his eyebrows and asked.

"This. I think incense. I really can't think of any better way other than incense."

Zhao Xun spread his hands out in a bad posture.

The problem of mosquitoes is really difficult to solve.

"Incense? Yes, why didn't I think of it. Mosquitoes seem to be most afraid of incense."

Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan slapped his head fiercely and said.

"Uh, third senior brother, don't be in a hurry. It's not easy for us to chat."

Zhao Xun smiled wryly and said, "Talk well in the middle of the night."


"What do you want to talk about, little brother?"

Long Qingquan acted as if you were the one to start the conversation, and I would be happy to accompany you.

"Uh, let me think about it."

Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, and said in a deep voice, "Senior brother, when are you going to get married?"


As soon as Long Qingquan heard this question, he could no longer control his emotions and sprayed it out.

"What's the matter, third senior brother, is there something wrong with what I said? You are a big man now, and it's time to start a family and start a business."

"Little brother, why did you suddenly think of this question? I'm numb."

The third senior brother, Long Qingquan obviously didn't intend to talk too much on this topic. He scratched his head on purpose and said, "Well, it's not that I haven't thought about it. During the period, many people introduced me to me, but I just don't think it's appropriate." You can't just find someone to live together for the sake of getting married, right? This is too ridiculous."


Now it's Zhao Xun's turn to spray.

"No, third senior brother, have you ever gone on a blind date?"

"Blind date?"

Long Qingquan was obviously stunned when he heard this.

"What do you mean by blind date?"

"Ah, this blind date is introduced by someone. Two people who didn't have any intersection before and didn't know each other at all sit together to eat. Of course, it's not just limited to eating. But usually both parties will choose to eat. This is simply not normal. embarrassing."

Zhao Xun has tried his best to make it less embarrassing, but after his description, he still can't help but feel a strong sense of embarrassment.

"Uh, little junior brother, you."

For a moment Long Qingquan was red to the back of his neck.

"Actually, it's not that embarrassing anymore. I just think that the girls introduced to me are really inappropriate. Either the age is not suitable, or the concept is not suitable. Academy disciples like us are actually very indifferent to fame and fortune. If If you want to make money or be famous, Chang’an City, the most prosperous city in the world, is tens of miles to the north. Why don’t I go to Chang’an City, but choose to stay in Zhongnan Mountain? It can only be said that the concept is different. But people of this era , Most of them put fame and fortune very seriously, as if they would not be able to live without fame and fortune, what do you ask me to do?"


Zhao Xun thought to himself, good guy, the third senior brother still sees it thoroughly.But the third brother obviously made a mistake, that is, not only people in this era value fame and fortune, but people in every era value fame and fortune.

Fame and fortune have always been the key things that bind people, and fame and fortune are extremely important in marriage and love.

It is quite difficult to control emotions, especially in the environment of fame and fortune.

However, Zhao Xun still hopes that the third senior brother can find a home.

Because it's impossible for all girls in the world to be unsuitable, right?

There is nothing wrong with paying attention to fame and fortune appropriately, as long as it is not too extreme.

A person lives a lifetime, and in a lifetime, one must persevere and persevere.

But there must also be someone who can walk hand in hand with me for the rest of my life.

Even in later generations, Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan is not too young at this age.

In the Great Zhou Dynasty, that was a typical older leftover man.

If this kind of older leftover man wants to solve the problem of lifelong happiness, he has to take the initiative himself.

If you don't take the initiative or even close yourself up, then no matter how hard your relatives and friends work hard, it won't help.

After all, this kind of thing cannot be replaced.

"Senior brother, what kind of girl do you like, I can help you find it."

Zhao Xun patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, the girl I'll find for you will definitely suit your tastes, and she won't be the kind of mercenary."

"Uh, seeing Zhao Xun's serious look, Long Qingquan cleared his throat and said, "Really?The girl I like must be the kind who is natural and generous, if the kind is gentle and virtuous, must be the kind who takes care of the family and understands the general situation. "

Damn, third senior brother, this is a typical standard for men in the feudal period to choose a spouse.

It's not too easy to find a suitable girl under this kind of mate selection standard.

"That's all? In terms of appearance?"

"Appearance? Appearance is of course very important. I think it's best to have an oval face, which looks rich and noble. Well, the longer the hair, the better, and the best if the skin is firm, and the figure should be tall."

Zhao Xun originally thought it was very reliable, but how did he feel that the third senior brother Long Qingquan was in a beauty pageant?
Good guy, choose according to the label of the third senior brother Long Qingquan, even if it takes a long time to choose the right one.

"Well, Third Senior Brother, does your standard seem a little high? Can we lower the standard appropriately?"

"Huh? No, no, no, the point of view I have always held is that I would rather be short than excessive. If there is no suitable one, I would rather stay single and never compromise."

The third senior brother Long Qingquan's attitude was very firm, and he choked Zhao Xun immediately.

Good guy, no wonder the third senior brother is still single after so many years, it's not without reason.

It can only be said that the third senior brother is really doing too much.

In such a way of choosing a mate, it is too normal to find a suitable partner.

Although the third senior brother Long Qingquan can be said to be quite excellent in all aspects, he is not the only good man in the world, right?

He set the conditions so high that he must have a compatible personality, a perfect figure, and an online appearance.

This is even more difficult than choosing a supermodel.

"Third Senior Brother, be more serious. If you don't find someone to marry at your age, I'm afraid you really have no chance."

The third senior brother is no longer in his twenties, and now it is time to calm down and think about his life's major events.

Zhao Xun didn't want such an outstanding man like Third Senior Brother to end up alone forever, that would be too miserable.

Zhao Xun believes that as long as the third senior brother lets go, Zhao Xun will be able to find him a perfect partner.

(End of this chapter)

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