Chapter 411 Heaven's Dao and Luck (a super chapter of nearly 20000 words)
For Emperor Xianlong, the current situation is obviously not perfect.

It is of course a good thing that Master Huiyan did not back down after a setback.

But Emperor Xianlong knew very well that this situation could not last long.

If Master Huiyan can't recover the scene next, it won't be long before Emperor Xianlong's careful planning will completely collapse.

"Your Majesty, Heavenly Master Yuan seeks an audience."

At this moment, Emperor Xianlong's spirit could not help but be lifted by the sharp chanting voice of the servant.

Yuan Tiangang is here?
Well done, just right.

It has to be said that Emperor Xianlong at this moment is a child who is at a loss in an absolute sense.

At this moment, he has no idea where the direction is, and he has no idea what direction to work hard from.

The arrival of Yuan Tiangang at this moment is tantamount to pointing out a clear path for him.

To some extent, Yuan Tiangang and Master Huiyan are not the same people.

But in Emperor Xianlong's view, it didn't matter much.

Because for him, as long as he can make sure that Yuan Tiangang and Master Huiyan can be used respectively in the future.

It is obvious that they have a bad relationship with each other, but it will not affect Emperor Xianlong's employment.

At this time, the king's art of employing people was fully reflected. Emperor Xianlong believed that he would be able to adjust the relationship between the two of them, and ensure that they were both used by the court of the Great Zhou Dynasty and the royal family.


Emperor Xianlong returned to the form of the incomparably majestic supreme emperor in the world, and faintly uttered a word.

It has to be said that Emperor Xianlong at this time is indeed extremely majestic, and everyone in front of him is no different from a speck of dust.

Even Yuan Tiangang.

Soon Yuan Tiangang was led by the little eunuch to the inner room of the Zichen Palace. At this moment, Emperor Xianlong could clearly feel that Yuan Tiangang's mood had changed significantly from a few days ago.

As for why he had such an obvious change in circumstances, Emperor Xianlong is still unknown.

"Give a seat to Master Yuan."

Emperor Xianlong spit out a word lightly, appearing to be calm and breezy.

"Thank you, Your Majesty Ron."

Yuan Tiangang still had that neither sad nor happy appearance. At this moment, Emperor Xianlong smiled slightly and said, "Why did Tianshi Yuan enter the palace this time to meet His Majesty?"

Yuan Tiangang's temperament was obvious to Emperor Long.

Yuan Tiangang definitely belonged to the type who didn't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing.

If he came today, it means that something big must happen.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I have refined an elixir called Changsheng Pill, which can prolong life after eating. I specially came here to present it to Your Majesty."


Emperor Xianlong was really surprised when he heard this.

Longevity Pill?
The name of this elixir sounds festive.

Emperor Xianlong was overjoyed for a moment, but he still had to maintain the most basic majesty of a king, cleared his throat and said, "Show it."

After Emperor Xianlong finished speaking, his personal eunuch walked carefully to Yuan Tiangang's side and took a small purple-black box.


Although separated by a box, Emperor Xianlong could still clearly smell the elixir when he sniffed it closely.

"It's delicious."

Emperor Xianlong confirmed incomparably that this is a true elixir.

The taste of various herbs and some rare minerals are mixed together, which makes people want to stop.

It was not the first time that Emperor Xianlong had eaten the elixir.Yuan Tiangang had made contributions before, and other people had also made contributions.

For Emperor Xianlong, being able to maintain the current state is particularly critical, because it can make him physically and psychologically in an absolute state of excitement.

The elixir not only has the effect of prolonging life, but also can beautify the face.

Although there are many kings in history who died suddenly because of taking elixir.

But Emperor Xianlong did not reduce his love for elixir because of this.

Because in his opinion, the sudden death of those kings was not actually the reason for the elixir, but because they did not control the type of elixir.

Some elixir cannot be eaten too much at one time, even if the king has magical powers to protect his body.

What's more, the elixir that Emperor Xianlong took was only eaten after the eunuchs and some courtiers tried it.

In this way, basically there will be no major problems.

If there is a problem with the elixir, those eunuchs and courtiers who tried it will definitely die first, and it will not affect Emperor Xianlong at all.

"Yuan Tianshi has a heart, I am very relieved."

Emperor Xianlong was very moved by this, because to him, it could be regarded as a timely gift.

Things are not going well for Emperor Xianlong recently, if there is no such timely rain as Yuan Tiangang, Emperor Xianlong's mentality will almost explode.

But the appearance of Yuan Tiangang made Emperor Xianlong understand that everything is under control and everything is under control.

He still has an extremely important piece that has not been used yet.

"Your Majesty, I'm here today not only to offer the elixir to Your Majesty, but also for the matter of Zhongnanshan."


Emperor Xianlong knew that Yuan Tiangang's coming would not be that simple, and indeed he still had a backup!
"Huh? Is there any problem with the Zhongnanshan matter?"

"His Majesty, the battle situation in Zhongnan Mountain has always been very tragic. For Your Majesty, this can be regarded as a crucial battle. But Master Huiyan's performance is not satisfactory. In my opinion, Your Majesty should think carefully about it." It’s a matter of replacing the manpower.”

Only Yuan Tiangang dared to say this sentence.

If it were someone else, Emperor Xianlong Longyan would definitely be furious.

Emperor Xianlong was never a hypocritical person, but what happened today was far beyond his expectations.

"What does Tianshi Yuan mean by this? Are you questioning my employer?"

Emperor Xianlong's words can be light or heavy.

If you understand it lightly, it means asking Yuan Tiangang to clarify his identity and not to care about things that should not be cared about.

If you understand it in a serious direction, you are beating Yuan Tiangang.

There are many things that can be derived from his sentence.

In general, Yuan Tiangang felt that he had not crossed the line.

He just expressed his most real thoughts at the moment.

"Your Majesty misunderstood. The reason why I said that is because I have seen the secret of heaven."

Boom, Emperor Xianlong felt his brain explode when he heard this.

Good guy, this can be regarded as Yuan Tiangang's nirvana, right?

If it was just a normal discussion, Emperor Xianlong would not be so afraid.

It was because Yuan Tiangang was directly involved in the way of heaven, and Emperor Xianlong panicked.

If Yuan Tiangang said he was convinced of such a matter directly related to God, would he dare to say that he was not convinced?

If he is not convinced, then Yuan Tiangang will probably say a damn thing because of this.

In such a case, how could Emperor Xianlong bear it, how could he bear it?
You must know that Emperor Xianlong called himself the Son of Heaven, isn't the so-called Son of Heaven the Son of Heaven?
If even God dared to disobey, wouldn't it be reasonable for Emperor Xianlong to be punished by heaven and earth?
Emperor Xianlong carried the fate of the Great Zhou, so everything he did at this moment actually carried the fate and number of the Great Zhou.This made it impossible for Emperor Xianlong to be careless and cautious.

Especially when Yuan Tiangang pointed out that at this moment he had already penetrated the fate of heaven.

"Tianshi Yuan might as well make it clear."

At this moment, Emperor Xianlong knew that he could no longer go against Yuan Tiangang like this.

It doesn't make any sense to go down.

Because he was already at a disadvantage in terms of momentum.

Next, Yuan Tiangang could suppress him from all aspects. As long as he said even one sentence wrong, he would never be able to continue his tone.

Emperor Xianlong's eyes were filled with piety and regret.

These were naturally seen by Yuan Tiangang.

As a Taoist celestial master, Yuan Tiangang's greatest advantage lies precisely in this.

As a Taoist priest, he can understand the way of heaven to the greatest extent.

What is the way of heaven?Yuan Tiangang was able to give conclusions far beyond ordinary people.

Just judging from the existing situation, Yuan Tiangang's warning to Emperor Xianlong basically became a reality in the end.

So as long as Yuan Tiangang sacrificed this big killer, Emperor Xianlong didn't dare to have the slightest confrontation with him.

"Pindao has seen the fate and fate from the way of heaven. If your majesty continues to let Master Huiyan and the Corruptor continue to toss, the purple energy of Zhongnan Mountain will eventually overwhelm the purple energy of Daming Palace. And this purple energy does not seem to be It's not what the head of the mountain emanates."

Although Yuan Tiangang said these words calmly, they sounded like thunder to Emperor Xianlong.

Emperor Xianlong's brain exploded, and his whole body was in a state of extreme depression.

Why is this happening?

Why is everything messed up?

Yuan Tiangang once said before that there is a dragon in Zhongnan Mountain, there is a dragon in Chang'an City, and the two dragons are fighting each other.

Needless to say, the dragon in Chang'an City is Emperor Xianlong, but who is the dragon in Zhongnan Mountain?

At first Emperor Xianlong thought it was the head of the mountain, but now Yuan Tiangang seems to have a different opinion?

"Tianshi Yuan might as well say it bluntly, there is no need to hide anything."

Now that the matter has come to this point, Emperor Xianlong hated to say half of what he said and leave the other half.

"Your Majesty really wants the minister to speak out?"

Yuan Tiangang is still somewhat skeptical about this, so he is confirming with Emperor Xianlong.

"Well, just be blunt."

Emperor Xianlong really couldn't bear it, he had to figure out what was going on with this heavenly law, what was going on with this heavenly secret.

A dragon like Yuan Tiangang who sees the beginning but does not see the end says a word, and Emperor Xianlong feels that he is about to be driven crazy.

So what to do next?

Emperor Xianlong was in a state of extreme confusion.

"This purple energy, if the poor Taoist read it correctly, is emanating from Zhao Xun's body."

"Who? Zhao Xun?"

Emperor Xianlong sat up when he heard these two words, and then his eyes widened like cowbells.

"Tianshi Yuan, are you kidding me?"

"Your Majesty, how could Pindao joke about such a thing. You know, this is the way of heaven and the secret of heaven."

Buzzing buzzing, Emperor Xianlong felt his mind was in a state of confusion.

Is Zhao Xun the one who has been blessed by the Dao of Heaven?Zhao Xun's body exuded purple energy?
How can this be?

He is just a son of Cheng Guogong, if he is more noble, how can he be more than the son of the emperor?

Emperor Xianlong was extremely confused, extremely puzzled.

"Pindao didn't really believe it at first, but after repeated confirmations, he was basically sure that the purple aura of Zhongnan Mountain came from Zhao Xun's body.

Seeing that Emperor Xianlong was still skeptical, Yuan Tiangang cleared his throat and said, "If your majesty still doesn't believe it, you can wait and see."

This wait and see made Emperor Xianlong lose most of his anger.

Wait and see?

How could he really wait and see?

If what Yuan Tiangang said is true, then the purple energy on Zhao Xun's body will become heavier and heavier, and he will take away the emperor's luck that originally belonged to Emperor Xianlong.Wouldn't the great Zhou's national fortune also disappear with it?

For a moment, Emperor Xianlong felt that the whole person was not well.

How could this happen, how could something so good become like this?
Emperor Xianlong didn't dare to think about it.

"Your Majesty, there is actually no remedy."

Yuan Tiangang saw that Emperor Xianlong looked so muddy that he couldn't support the wall, he cleared his throat and said, "As long as His Majesty is willing, we can still change our fate against the sky and turn the tide."

"Hurry up, Tianshi Yuan please tell me quickly."

Yuan Tiangang's words hit Emperor Xianlong's heart directly, and made Emperor Xianlong, who was already extremely desperate, grab the last straw.

"Your Majesty, the so-called destiny or the number of days was originally evenly distributed. Why did they condense on a small group of people, or why were these destiny and days sucked away by this small group of people? It is because these people know how to use The right time and place. They know how to please God. Over time, God was coaxed by them to be happy, so he transferred the number of days to them. Your Majesty understands now?"


Emperor Xianlong understood half of what he heard, like a mountain of clouds and fog.

"I seem to understand a little bit, but I don't seem to understand everything. Please ask Yuan Tianshi to make it clearer."

Yuan Tiangang almost lost his temper at this time.

Emperor Xianlong was really capable of doing it, but he was about to fail.

"Well, let's put it this way, if His Majesty can please God at this moment, and make God happy, God will naturally not take the spirit from you and transport it to Zhao Xun."

Yuan Tiangang's words completely confused Emperor Xianlong.

Hearing what Yuan Tiangang said, the next thing Emperor Xianlong has to do is to flatter God?
It's okay to flatter God, but the question is how can I do it?
It would be really embarrassing if you have to take a hard shot if you can't make it.

"It is necessary to maintain stability and restraint. Your Majesty can think about it now."

Emperor Xianlong's mind was running fast now, he was thinking and weighing Yuan Tiangang's suggestion.

This suggestion cannot be said to be completely unacceptable, but it is not the kind that can be accepted immediately.

Therefore, Emperor Xianlong was engaged in a fierce ideological struggle.

He didn't know if he could bear the flattering behavior that Yuan Tiangang said, because he still didn't know how to flatter God until now!
"Let me think about it, let me think about it first."

It was really difficult for Emperor Xianlong to make a decision for a while.He needs some time, he needs some time to seriously weigh the pros and cons and think about the pros and cons.At present, various factors will affect Emperor Xianlong's decision.But the most important thing must be the way of heaven or luck.

This thing is really too mysterious.

If you don't grasp it well, the whole person will collapse next.

At this moment, Emperor Xianlong was on the verge of collapse.He didn't know what to do next, he didn't know what to do was reasonable.Maybe the follower feels go?

It may be risky to follow his intuition, but Emperor Xianlong knew that if he didn't do so, he might be punished by heaven and earth.

As the son of heaven, there is nothing in the world that can make him feel afraid.

But God is different, and if God wants to kill him, it is no different from crushing an ant.

At this moment, Emperor Xianlong felt that he was really in a state of confusion.

What to do next?
It seems that no matter how it is done, there will be flaws.

That's all, if that's the case, then it's fine to think about something with all your heart and soul, and try your best.

"Tianshi Yuan, please open your mouth and tell me how to make God happy."


Seeing that Emperor Xianlong had finally made up his mind, Yuan Tiangang felt a little more at ease.

He took a deep breath and said: "Your Majesty can do this to show sincerity, and naturally you have to show some attitude. When His Majesty worships the heavens on weekdays, he always brings a large group of people with great fanfare. It can be described as a tsunami. Embrace. Although this can show the imperial prestige, but it will make people feel a sense of alienation. It’s fine for ordinary people. But if God also has this sense of alienation, it will be bad.”

When Emperor Xianlong heard this, his heart turned cold.

Can't feel alienated?

But the problem is that these are not his fault.

Obviously these are handled by the Ministry of Rites, and he is just performing the duties of an emperor according to the rules of the Ministry of Rites.

At this time, Yuan Tiangang told him that this mode of offering sacrifices to heaven was wrong?

Even if this is really wrong, why did Yuan Tiangang go there so early?

"Tianshi Yuan, how do you think I should sacrifice to heaven?"

Emperor Xianlong paid great attention to these details, because he knew that only when the details were done in place, could God be truly satisfied.

If God is dissatisfied at the beginning, and is still not satisfied later, then he, the Son of Heaven, has really accomplished it.

"Before His Majesty wants to sacrifice to the heavens, he must adjust his posture and not be too high-profile. After all, His Majesty is just a child in front of God."

Still the same sentence, if this sentence was said by anyone other than Yuan Tiangang, Emperor Xianlong would definitely be furious because of it.

But since Yuan Tiangang said this, Emperor Xianlong couldn't say anything.

What's more, he is still counting on Yuan Tiangang to help him solve the problem, so he can't say anything more at this time.

"Specifically? How should I adjust my posture?"

Emperor Xianlong has now lowered his posture very low.In his opinion, there is nothing wrong with lowering his posture. The key is later, if he can have a good effect, then his behavior of lowering his posture before is worth it.

But if he couldn't have a good interaction with God after lowering his posture, then it would be completely meaningless for Emperor Xianlong to do so.

"Your Majesty should go on a diet for three days first. During these three days, you can't eat any food except drinking some water. You must clean up all the filth in your body."

Yuan Tiangang was also completely merciless in front of Emperor Xianlong, saying what he had to say.

"Your Majesty still needs to take a bath and change clothes, so as to make sure to worship the heavens in the most perfect posture."

"On the day of the sacrifice, His Majesty can only wear linen clothes, and there can only be at most one eunuch and one official from the Ministry of Rites around him. The whole sacrificial process must be completed by His Majesty alone."

Yuan Tiangang explained the preparation ceremony for the sacrifice and the whole process in one breath.

Emperor Xianlong went numb after hearing this.

Does this work too?
If we follow Yuan Tiangang's approach, then Emperor Xianlong will suffer.

The key is to do so to achieve the expected results?

"This should be okay?"

Emperor Xianlong seemed a little skeptical at this moment, and confirmed again and again.

"Well, this is almost enough. Your Majesty can do what he can do to the extreme. How God chooses next is beyond His Majesty's influence."

Hearing this, Yuan Tiangang's heart became much colder.

It turned out that what Yuan Tiangang meant was that after he did this, he could only increase the possibility of reversing the situation, and could not really guarantee that everything was under control.

This undoubtedly made Emperor Xianlong feel bad.

I have paid so much, but in the end I still can't get any guarantee, or can I only see the face of God?

For a moment, Emperor Xianlong felt that he was so stupid, very stupid.

But what can be done.

The matter has come to this point, according to Yuan Tiangang, all Emperor Xianlong can do is to remedy it.

And as we all know, the effect of remediation will not be better than following the correct rules and the correct route at the beginning.So the next behavior can only be regarded as a helpless compensation for Emperor Xianlong.

That being the case, it is inevitable to look at people's faces.

It was still God's face, so what else could Emperor Xianlong complain about?

"Okay, I'll do as you said, hoping to save something."

Emperor Xianlong seemed very helpless at the moment, but he also knew that this was all he could bear.

If Yuan Tiangang was asking him to do something at this moment, Emperor Xianlong knew that he would absolutely not accept it.

This is the limit he can bear, this is all he can bear.

At this moment, Yuan Tiangang must understand that there are limits to what Emperor Xianlong can bear.

"Okay, Your Majesty, as long as you do what I say, there is at least a [-]% chance of success."

Yuan Tiangang's words gave Emperor Xianlong a reassurance.

After all, for Emperor Xianlong, being able to guarantee the most basic hope is the most important thing.

If God was completely disappointed in him and transferred all his luck to Zhao Xun, that kind of despair would be the real despair.

After Yuan Tiangang left, Emperor Xianlong decided to act immediately.

First of all, he will go on a diet, and he will not be able to eat any food for three days.

Not only can't eat dinner, even some pastries can't be eaten.

Emperor Xianlong would not take anything from his mouth except water.

This requires first saying hello to the internal steward.

Because it is the duty of the eunuchs to ensure that the emperor eats and drinks well.

It would be dereliction of duty for them to fail to do so.

So whenever they had a chance, they would come to the imperial court and ask the emperor if the food was good and if the drink was good, for fear that the emperor would starve and lose weight.

There is also the royal dining room.

The cooks in the imperial dining room would cook some delicious food for Emperor Xianlong in different ways for three meals a day, in order to be able to invite the holy favor.

Of course, such behavior can make Emperor Xianlong Longyan happy to some extent.But it may also make Emperor Xianlong furious.

It can be said that the two probabilities are about the same.

Therefore, Emperor Xianlong had to inform the Imperial Dining Room in advance that he should not make any delicacies to tempt him within these three days.

If Emperor Xianlong was tempted, it goes without saying that it must be the fault of the Imperial Dining Room.

Emperor Xianlong knew very well that as an emperor, it was necessary to maintain the most basic majesty.

But sometimes he is really not dignified in front of these people.

For example, the personal servants who served him, these guys followed Emperor Xianlong all day long, waited for Emperor Xianlong to take a bath and change clothes, and served Emperor Xianlong to eat, drink and drink.

In front of them, Emperor Xianlong was a man of flesh and blood, a living person.

After talking about eating, it is Lazard.

Before Yuan Tiangang said that Emperor Xianlong had to clean up all the filth in his body before the final sacrifice ceremony.

Although some of these words directly made Emperor Xianlong feel uncomfortable, but in fact the core meaning was clearly expressed, that is, no dirt must be left.What is filth?Both shit and urine definitely count.

Although Emperor Xianlong didn't want to admit that he also had these troubles, as long as people are not immortals, they have to eat whole grains, and they have to have the problem of eating and drinking.

In Yuan Tiangang's view, it is a great disrespect to sacrifice to heaven without cleaning up.

So Emperor Xianlong knew that he had to follow it without any hesitation.

This has to be explained clearly to the living eunuch, prepare a few more Gong buckets in advance, as long as Emperor Xianlong has the desire to defecate or urinate, he will present them in advance.As long as these tasks are done well, the next things will not be a problem.

Emperor Xianlong knew exactly what he was going to do.

Now that Yuan Tiangang had made it clear to him, it was impossible for Emperor Xianlong to give any discount.

He had to do all of this realistically, and he had to do it flawlessly.

Only in this way can Emperor Xianlong truly become a pure emperor without any filth.

Of course, in addition to this, there is a point of abstinence.

Yuan Tiangang mentioned this cryptically at the end, but did not say it explicitly, which can be regarded as saving a little face for Emperor Xianlong.

Because if Yuan Tiangang said it directly, Emperor Xianlong would look like an old pervert.

This is of course not very good.

Nor did he fulfill the respect of a courtier for the king.

So for Yuan Tiangang, he has done all he can do now, and the next step is to see Emperor Xianlong's own performance.

Regarding abstinence, Emperor Xianlong actually felt quite pressured.

The main reason is that he has many concubines, including 72 concubines in the Sixth Court of Sangong, and a bunch of unnamed court ladies.

Theoretically speaking, all the women in the palace belonged to Emperor Xianlong.

It's just that some have fame and status, and some don't.

Essentially all the same.

It is definitely impossible for Emperor Xianlong to keep a bowl of water level and take care of all the women in the palace.

After all, he can't really know how to clone himself. There are so many women in the palace, even if they take turns, they won't be able to take turns.

Therefore, Emperor Xianlong usually only chooses a few favorite concubines to serve as his bedside.

These favorite concubines are often more favored by Emperor Xianlong.

For a while, if Emperor Xianlong didn't summon anyone, and didn't allow anyone to sleep in the palace, there would definitely be an uproar in the entire harem.Basically, there is no need to guess, Emperor Xianlong can think of it.

Under the current situation, in fact, no matter how Emperor Xianlong chooses, he will make the harem dissatisfied, which is needless to think about.

But Emperor Xianlong still had to choose abstinence.

This is impossible.Now is not the time to maintain the relationship between men and women, the most important thing is to win the mercy of God, so that God will still put the fate of the country on the head of Emperor Xianlong.

If Emperor Xianlong could not do this, he might become the king of subjugation, and he might become a sinner.

Emperor Xianlong was not a hypocritical person, but as far as the current situation was concerned, he really didn't have too many choices.

Another thing is to clarify the situation with these palace people in advance, it's not that he has a new love and forgot his old love, he doesn't touch anyone.

Because abstinence must be required before the sacrifice, this point must be made clear.

Otherwise, the entire harem will definitely be in chaos.

After Emperor Xianlong solved the problem of the harem, he had to solve the problem of bathing next.

It's a really hard thing to do perfectly to be honest.

There are many regulations and rituals for the emperor's bathing.But no matter what kind of regulations and rituals are used, it is impossible to wash the body without any dirt.

Emperor Xianlong knew that he was under enormous pressure. Faced with such a huge pressure, what Emperor Xianlong could do was to wash his body as clean as possible.

So he still decided to take a bucket bath. The pool is too big for a soup bath, and it is difficult to clean it.

Alas, I didn't expect that there are so many specialties in offering sacrifices to heaven.

If Emperor Xianlong knew from the beginning, he wouldn't have committed so many taboos and made God angry.

In fact, what Yuan Tiangang said makes sense when you think about it carefully.

After all, Emperor Xianlong's status is the Son of Heaven, which is very common in front of God, and his status should be lowered.How could a son act pretentiously in front of Lao Tzu?Isn't that courting death?
As a result, those guys from the Ministry of Rituals made the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven very grand, and a crowd of people waited and hugged, fearing that they would not know that Emperor Xianlong was going to sacrifice to heaven.

In this way, when God sees a good guy, an emperor is more pompous than God himself, and this is a hammer.

So Emperor Xianlong really couldn't make any mistakes.

He must do everything he can to the extreme.

Because God has a problem with him now.

If Emperor Xianlong can't make up for it in the future, God will definitely give up on him completely in a short time, and instead pin all his hopes on Zhao Xun.

Although Emperor Xianlong didn't know why God finally fell in love with Zhao Xun, but the fact is that it is so far.

If Emperor Xianlong really can't handle this situation well now, the situation may really develop in a direction that makes him completely desperate.

Western Regions, Anxi Protectorate.

Jia Xingwen has been full of energy recently, the most important reason is that he and Zhao Xun exchanged letters, knowing that everything is fine with Zhao Xun, Jia Xingwen can also feel relieved.

A person lives a lifetime, and more often he has to rely on his brothers.

As the saying goes, relying on relatives at home and relying on brothers when going out.

This brother is often not a blood brother, but a sworn brother.

Jia Xingwen, Zhao Xun, and Wangcai had already sworn brothers of the opposite sex when they were in the bad man's yamen.

At this moment, although he, Wangcai and Zhao Xuntian are on different sides, they have not forgotten the brotherhood they had at the beginning.

This is very commendable.

How many brothers finally had to part ways because of some personal factors.

That was a real tragedy.

Jia Xingwen knew that he definitely couldn't bear the pain of breaking up, all he could do was to keep in touch with Zhao Xun and Wangcai as much as possible.

Even if it's just a letter contact.

What excites Jia Xingwen now is that although Zhao Xun has lived in Zhongnan Mountain for a long time now, he has not forgotten Chang'an City, and he will pay attention to the situation in Chang'an from time to time.

This made Jia Xingwen very pleased.

Because in this world, there is no one who can really stay out of the matter and not be disturbed or influenced by the outside world.

Basically everyone's life is connected with this world.

And what is the core of the Great Zhou World, or what is the center of the Great Zhou World?
Naturally, it was Chang'an City.

It can be said that the core of everything in the entire Great Zhou Dynasty is Chang'an City.

In Chang'an City, the center of everything is the imperial city.

In the imperial city, the center of everything is Miyagi.

At the heart of everything in Miyagi is the emperor.

Although Jia Xingwen didn't want to admit this, he had to say that it was the truth.

The emperor is the absolute master of this world, the emperor is the absolute master of this world.

So for Jia Xingwen, he can accept the so-called emperor's centralization model, and he can accept that the emperor is above everyone.

But one thing he couldn't accept was that the emperor wantonly trampled on everyone's dignity.

I believe that Zhao Xun finally resigned because he couldn't accept this.

When they were in the bad people's office, they felt very good at first, but gradually they would find that some people looked at them with strange eyes.

Occasionally, they would hear such comments in private: Aren't these guys the emperor's henchmen?

Yes, to a certain extent they are indeed the emperor's minions, they are the dog's legs.

Now that you enjoy this identity, you have to bear everything that this identity brings.

Looking at it now, Zhao Xun was right to resign, and Jia Xingwen and Wangcai were also right to resign.

It's just that the choice after resignation, the three of them deviated.

Zhao Xun was originally a student of the academy, so after resigning from his official position as a bad person, he simply retired to Zhongnan Mountain directly.

It can be regarded as a happy event for Zhao Xun to have the head of the mountain to teach all day long.

After all, with Zhao Xun's talent, as long as he is willing to ask for advice and study hard, he will definitely be able to make great progress in the realm of cultivation.

In contrast, Wangcai's choice somewhat surprised Jia Xingwen.

After Wangcai resigned from office, he chose to start his own business, which is business.

It's just that the business of the bookstore has been greatly affected after being suppressed by the imperial court. After that, as long as there are a few problems to deal with, it will cause a series of problems.

So in the end, Wangcai decided to start anew and re-opened a bookstore in the name of another person.

In this way, he will not be targeted and sealed up by the court.

From this point, we can see that Wangcai has great wisdom.

Being able to maintain such a strong style and means, Wang Cai is indeed the most business-minded among the three.

As for Jia Xingwen, it can be said that he made a decision to change his fate.

After resigning as a bad person, Jia Xingwen finally joined the Anxi Army and became an aide to Liu Lin, the governor of Anxi.

At first glance, Jia Xingwen seems to have changed from one official to another, but in fact it is not.

At this moment, although Jia Xingwen is still an official, he is not actually an official.

Why do you say that?In fact, strictly speaking, Jia Xingwen is no longer an official of the imperial court.

Officials ordered by the imperial court are bound by the Ministry of Officials, and there are records in the Ministry of Officials.

Rather than the imperial court ordering officials, such as Jia Xingwen's current private staff of Jiedushi, there is no establishment in the imperial court.

If there is no establishment, there will be no salary, and if there is no salary, there will be no income.

But this part of the money is borne by private employers like Liu Lin.

They are responsible for distributing money to Jia Xingwen and others.

Therefore, Jia Xingwen only needs to be responsible to Liu Lin, not to the court.

In this way, the gap is fully reflected.

Since Liu Lin didn't have to take responsibility for Emperor Xianlong, he naturally didn't have to listen to his nagging.

Moreover, the distance between Anxi and Chang'an City is too far.At such a long distance, even if Emperor Xianlong wanted to force him blindly, he couldn't pass it on.

In this way, it can be described as perfect.

The entire Anxi Army can be an ideal place for Jia Xingwen to show his ambitions.

Jia Xingwen has never been a person with extraordinary talents.At least compared with my good friend Zhao Xun, it's not 01:30.

But in Jia Xingwen's view, this has never been a problem.

Because there are always a minority of talented people in this world.

Those who can survive and live well in this world are never just those who are gifted.Jia Xingwen firmly believes that he can survive, and he can live a very good life.

Anxi is where his dream set sail.

If the Anxi army is a ship, then Jia Xingwen is now a helmsman.

Now the chief protector entrusts him with a heavy responsibility, and discusses with him all major and minor matters.

Jia Xingwen also received many privileges.

As long as he can use all these privileges in the right position, the Anxi Army will get better and better.

It's just that sometimes Jia Xingwen has doubts, that is, is the decision he made really the best and ideal?

In the past, Jia Xingwen would not have too many worries when he just made decisions for himself.

Because for him, only making choices for himself will not affect others.

But it was different now, he not only had to make choices for himself, but also for the entire Anxi Army.

This requires him to be cautious when making a choice, and must not have the slightest carelessness or deviation.

Because once a deviation occurs, it is irreversible and irreversible.

And can he take on this responsibility?
The answer is obviously no.

Jia Xingwen knew that he had the responsibility to lead the Anxi army on the right path.

Although this matter should be mostly protected by Liu Lin.

However, as the right-hand man of the Metropolitan Protector Liu Lin, Jia Xingwen is duty-bound to fulfill some of his responsibilities.

But even under such circumstances, what Jia Xingwen can actually do is limited.

First of all, there are many constraints from within the Anxi Army.

Many of this group of soldiers had been with Liu Lin from the very beginning, and Liu Lin had become the chief protector of Anxi, and their status had risen accordingly after the Jiedushi of the Four Towns.

Liu Lin himself is a veteran soldier in the strict sense.

So he will definitely promote those old subordinates who have followed him from the beginning.

For Liu Lin, this is a kind of inheritance.

But what about after inheritance?
What is left after inheritance?
Chicken feathers all over the place?

Because these generals who mixed with Liu Lin and got to high positions in the first place must have a feeling of ecstasy.They will feel that Liu Lin has played a crucial factor in being able to have them today.

They will feel that the reason why Liu Lin can become their escort is very important.

Yes, it is indeed critical.

But it is impossible for everyone to lie on the credit book all the time.

Because if they do this, it means that Liu Lin can't manage it.

Everyone is proud of their talents, relying on themselves as the heroes of the elderly and pointing fingers at the newcomers, which completely squeezes the newcomers' upward ladder, so will the newcomers still have the desire to climb up?Do you still have the desire to struggle and work hard?

The answer is definitely no.

When the ascending channel in a group is completely blocked, then the so-called possibility does not exist in this group.

Up is important, up is necessary.

Only with upward hope can people fight hard.

Jia Xingwen knows this deeply, so he will try his best to try, try his best to try all possibilities.

Perhaps from the beginning, people will not feel too obvious, but as time goes by, this feeling will become stronger and stronger.

People will realize that it is impossible for them to obtain everything that the previous heroes have achieved, so what are they still working hard for?
Since they had no hope, they could just lie flat.

Wouldn't it be nice to lay him down?

Yes, lying flat is very fragrant, and lying flat can make people experience a unique feeling.

Many times people gain something when they give something up.

These things are brought about by those who lie flat.

But is lying down really good?Or is lying flat really good for a group?
From Jia Xingwen's point of view, of course it's not good.

The sense of atmosphere is very important to a team.

If a team can have an excellent sense of atmosphere, then they can get the ultimate improvement. If a team can maintain this excellent sense of atmosphere, then this team can maintain its competitiveness under considerable circumstances.

But the problem is that not everyone can retain such a sense of atmosphere.

When there is a black sheep, when there is a person in the team who blatantly breaks the rules and destroys the upward ladder, the atmosphere will instantly become fragmented.

Everything is gone, everything is gone.

This is what Jia Xingwen is most afraid of.

He couldn't bear all this, he couldn't bear the sense of atmosphere that was originally good but suddenly became fragmented.

For an Anxi army, it is not easy to maintain an absolute sense of calm, because it requires the efforts of everyone, including the efforts of those veterans who have followed Liu Lin from the beginning to the end.

But are these veterans really going to try?
After they've made it, after they've got everything they could ever hope for, are they really going to try?

It seems the answer is no.

Because everyone knows very well that after reaching a comfort zone, people will instinctively choose to relax and lie flat.

But people who lie down are different from people.

Take the Anxi Army as an example. Some of them are high-ranking generals, while others are low-ranking soldiers.

High and powerful generals choose to lie down, and there will still be people who honor them and give them perfect food, drink and service.

But those soldiers with very low status may only be able to maintain the most basic survival after choosing to lie down.

And once this atmosphere spreads, the combat effectiveness of the entire Anxi army will be reduced to an extreme.

In this case, it was clear to all what to expect.

That is, this army has completely lost the desire to fight, completely lost the hope of fighting.

Such an army has no future, such an army has no hope.Such an army is impossible.

Therefore, it is naturally impossible for Jia Xingwen to watch Anxi's army become such a decadent, dilapidated, hopeless, and sinking army.If this is the case, then Jia Xingwen will feel sorry for him for the rest of his life.

Remaining calm and restrained is crucial, as is maintaining a level of poise.

But Jia Xingwen knows that these are not enough.He must have one more thing, and this thing is the courage to fight those meritorious veterans.

This courage cannot be given to him by anyone, but Jia Xingwen must fight for it himself.

Maybe Liu Lin, the chief protector, can give Jia Xingwen a platform on a certain occasion, maybe Liu Lin can give Jia Xingwen some promises.

But after all, it is impossible for Liu Lin to completely replace Jia Xingwen.

Therefore, all Liu Lin can do is to push Jia Xingwen, and the extent to which he can do it depends on Jia Xingwen himself.

Jia Xingwen felt that there was hope for him, at least not impossible.

The chief guardian Liu Lin trusted him so much, so Liu Lin naturally had to do his best to try and try every possibility under this model.

Why didn't the chief protector take a fancy to other people, but only him?
Jia Xingwen didn't understand at first.But now he gradually understood.

It is because he has a bravery that is not afraid at all, and a fierceness that is not afraid of the powerful.

With these, Jia Xingwen can take action against these veterans who followed Liu Lin in the north and south.

He can do what Liu Lin can't do, and he can do what Liu Lin can't do.

Most of the time, Liu Lin just wanted Jia Xingwen to play such a role.

After Jia Xingwen understood it, he felt that he could do it.

"Well, the physical condition seems to be getting better and better. It seems that the toxin should have almost dissipated."

Every day Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi will help Zhao Xun to make a diagnosis and treatment to determine Zhao Xun's latest physical condition.

Through the latest inspections, Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi confirmed that Zhao Xun's health is improving.

As long as this pattern can be continued, as long as Zhao Xun can abide by his previous warning and maintain a state of rest, Daoist Qinglian believes that everything will not be a problem.

Of course, at present, Zhao Xun's physical function is still quite good.

It's just that he is a little clumsy because of the restrictions on his practice.

All of these can be improved quickly after resuming practice.

But at least so far, Zhao Xun knows that he can't blindly restore the so-called practice state.

Otherwise, all the efforts made before will be in vain at this moment.

"Men, I can clearly feel that the qi in my body is much better now. It seems that the toxins of the Corruptor have been slowly drained."

"Well, this is a good sign. But you can't be too careless."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi didn't dare to be too careless after having the previous experience.

Last time, he and the head of the mountain thought that Zhao Xun's illness had been completely cured, and he could fully enjoy life, and his practice would not be affected in any way.

But the result?
In the end, he and the head of the mountain were severely slapped in the face!

Not only did Zhao Xun fail to return to a normal state, but he was still in a state of extreme helplessness afterwards.

And the condition recurs from time to time, which is really frustrating.

So it turns out that anything can happen until the last moment, and anything can happen until the last moment.

"Well, teacher, I will definitely pay more attention to it myself."

Zhao Xun himself was more or less afraid.

This person faints at every turn, and no one can hold it back.

It is simply a kind of inhuman torture, which can make people feel that painful feeling from top to bottom.

Many times people are in such a wonderful feeling.

Zhao Xun knew that if he wanted to successfully and completely remove the toxins, he needed enough time.

Without enough time, no matter how much effort you make, it will be useless.

Therefore, you must put your mind at ease, and you must put it calmly. You must not have any subjective emotions, and you must not have any boring emotions.

"Stinky boy, you have tossed the teacher to death this time. To be honest, I have never been so nervous about being a teacher in my life."

Daoist Qinglian pinched his nose, and said with some disdain: "Sometimes I wonder if it's worth it for me to do so much for you. If what I have done is not worth it, then what should I do?" what?"

Emotional this thing can make people despair at any time.

Just like what Daoist Qinglian said just now.

It is true that he would make himself uncomfortable if he held it in his heart.

But after he said it, wouldn't Zhao Xun feel uncomfortable?

Zhao Xun will definitely feel more uncomfortable.

But he said it anyway, because he didn't want to bear the uncomfortable feeling alone.

Naturally, Zhao Xun didn't want to comment much on this.

Because of the teacher's behavior, no matter how upset the junior is, he can only hold back.

This really has no place to reason.

"Men, I think you will definitely find it worth it one day. It doesn't matter even if you don't meet your expectations now, because I am a potential stock."

"Potential stocks? What does this mean?"

Although I know that Zhao Xun will always pop out a few words that he doesn't understand at all from his mouth every now and then.But Wu Quanyi was still very surprised when he heard this.

"Well, this potential stock means that he doesn't look the best at the beginning. But as time goes on, he will become better and stronger."

Zhao Xun spread his hands and said, "So, I am such a potential stock."

When Zhao Xun said this, his face was completely blushing and his heart was not beating.

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi picked his nostrils and said, "Really? Are you really the legendary potential stock? That means you will be able to reach at least the first rank in the future?"

Zhao Xun felt a little helpless when he heard this.

Why do people always like to use grades to determine their superiority.It seems that if the grade is not high, nothing can be improved, as if the grade is very low, it is rubbish.

But if everything is grade-only, the result is far from acceptable.

"I don't know if I can reach the first grade. But I know one thing, the blue is better than the blue."


Daoist Qinglian raised her eyebrows and said, "What does this mean?"

"It means that the disciple was taught by you, but the disciple will be stronger than you."

Zhao Xun no longer has any concealment at this moment, but fully expresses his inner thoughts at the moment.

good guy.
Wu Quanyi, Taoist priest of Qinglian gasped when he heard this.

"You mean, you will be stronger than being a teacher?"

"Well, of course."

"Being a teacher is already a first rank now. You mean that you may reach a super rank in the future."

"Of course, it's not possible, it's certain."

Zhao Xun didn't know why he suddenly gained momentum, and patted his chest to assure him.

"The apprentice will definitely become a super master."


After hearing this, Taoist Qinglian Wu Quanyi really couldn't control his emotions.

"My dear disciple, I'm not talking about you for the sake of my teacher, but do you really think that this super master is picked casually like leeks in the vegetable market?"

For a moment, Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi couldn't hold back anymore.In fact, Zhao Xun can say whatever he wants, but Wu Quanyi couldn't hold back when he said that he would definitely become a super master.

"No, teacher, although there are few super masters, it depends on who they are. Disciples not only have you as a mentor, but also the head of the mountain. The head of the mountain is also the master of the disciple. The head of the mountain is recognized by the world. No. 1, if there is a mountain leader who will give a small stove to the disciple, if the disciple can't even reach the realm of a super master, then it will be too embarrassing for the mountain leader and his old man."


For a moment, Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi really didn't know what to say.

Because there is really nothing wrong with what Zhao Xun said.

The head of the mountain is indeed much higher than his realm.

Therefore, if there is a mountain leader who will teach him everything, it is really not impossible for Zhao Xun to reach the super master in the near future.

"Stinky boy, you really must tell the teacher one day in the future. If the teacher is dead, you can burn some paper and tell the teacher."


Zhao Xun couldn't take the words of his teacher, Daoist Qinglian, for a while.

"Master, look at what you said, you can live a long life. You are not half a hundred this year, right? That is to say, you still have at least 50 years to wait for your apprentice to become a super master. If 50 years Tuer can't reach this level, that can only show one point, Tuer is too weak."

Zhao Xun paused and said: "So don't worry about it, no matter what, the apprentice must be able to reach the super-grade realm. This realm is actually not as difficult as people imagine. It's just that people often mean this It’s just hard. Once people have habitual thinking, it’s really easy to go wrong. But in Tu’er’s view, none of this is a problem.”


Zhao Xun's attitude convinced Taoist Qinglian that this is a puppet who can become a top-notch practitioner.

"Well, it's a good thing that you have such self-confidence. Today, as a teacher, I will teach you a self-protection spell, so that even if you are facing a desperate situation, you still have a chance to escape."

"Ah? But didn't the teacher just say that, just to be on the safe side, the disciple should not use his true energy, as this will damage the vitality of the disciple. This is no joke."

"What are you afraid of, you don't need to use your true energy for this move that my teacher taught you."

Don't need to use your true energy?

Master, are you serious?

Zhao Xun expressed doubts about this.

After all, in his opinion, spells that don't use true energy are basically not real spells.

At this time, the mentor wants to teach him a so-called spell that does not require the use of true energy. What does it mean?
"Master, what kind of spell is this?"

In general, Zhao Xun is still looking forward to it.

"That's the empty escape technique."

"Empty escape technique?"

"Yes, the core of this mage is that you must have your own natal object. If you have a connection with the natal object, you can be directly teleported to the natal object, which is equivalent to the effect of teleportation. But teleportation is If you need to use a lot of true energy and vitality, it will consume a lot of energy after one use. Not to mention you now, you basically rarely use it as a teacher. Unless it is absolutely necessary, you will not use teleportation as a teacher. But Kong Dun It is different when using the air escape technique. It does not need to use true energy when using the air escape technique. In this way, the consumption of the practitioner is almost zero. But the air escape technique also has a disadvantage, that is, it can only be teleported to the vicinity of the natal object .So if your natal object is very close to you or by your side, it doesn’t actually have much effect.”


Zhao Xun probably understood the meaning when he heard this.

That is, the empty escape technique can only teleport the practitioner to the vicinity of the natal object.And the teleportation technique can teleport to any desired location.

However, the air escape technique does not consume vitality and can be used unlimited times.But the teleportation technique consumes vitality, and after using it once, it needs to cool down the CD, and it cannot be used for a long time.

If you look at it this way, the teleportation technique is really stretching your hips.

But the fact that the air escape technique can only be transmitted to the vicinity of the natal object really limits his use to a large extent.

After all, not everyone can maintain a perfect state, and not everyone can put their natal objects in a very far position.

"Teacher, is there any better way, for example, can be teleported to one of the two natal objects? Can these two natal objects be artificially selected?"

"What are you thinking?"

Daoist Qinglian was dumbfounded when he heard this.

"You mean to say that you can freely choose your natal object? I'm afraid you haven't understood what a natal object is."

"No. Teacher, of course I know that there is usually only one natal object. But to achieve a good choice, it is natural that the more natal objects, the better. In this way, we can have one more choice when facing danger. More A chance can always give people more possibilities. I think we should not beat them to death with a stick, but we should try our best to ensure that there are more opportunities, right?"


The biggest characteristic of Zhao Xun is that he is good at persuading people.

No matter who is persuaded by Zhao Xun, they will basically change their original point of view.

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi is a more assertive type, but after Zhao Xun's words, he was really convinced.

"Then how do you ensure that you can switch with your natal object? As a teacher, how can you ensure that you can switch between two natal objects completely freely without being affected by another natal object? ? Theoretically speaking, there will be repulsion between two natal objects, right?"

"should be."

Zhao Xun nodded and said: "This involves shielding technology. We must use shielding technology reasonably to change all this. We can shield one of the natal objects, so that it is impossible for that natal object to perceive another natal object. thing exists.”


When Wu Quanyi heard this, he was completely dizzy.

"So you still have to involve the shielding technique?"

"Yes, if we want to achieve the best results, the shielding technique is indeed very necessary, at least it can guarantee that there will be no situation we don't want to see, right?"

"That's true"

"So let's try it?"

"Wait, brat. You mean you already have no less than one natal thing?"

"Of course."

At first, Zhao Xun thought that Minghong Dao was his natal weapon.

After all, when he saw this knife for the first time, he had a very obvious act of recognizing its owner.

Later, Zhao Xun discovered that he not only had the Ming Hongdao as his natal object.

Pippi Shrimp White Flood Dragon is also his natal creature.

Pippi Shrimp is not only his mount, but also his natal animal!
This discovery made Zhao Xun extremely excited.

You must know that not everyone can get along so well with a spirit beast, let alone treat it as a natal creature.

After reaching this state, Zhao Xun was in a kind of extreme enjoyment.

Of course, he basically didn't tell anyone about this matter, and basically no one knew that his natal creature was Pippi Shrimp White Flood Dragon.

This time is the first time Zhao Xun intends to confide in others.


Zhao Xun thought for a moment and said: "Actually, Pippi Shrimp is one of my natal creatures, that is, the white dragon. Don't be surprised, sir, I know it's hard to understand. But after getting used to it, it's actually okay. Understood. The reason why I decided to mainly use Pippi Shrimp as the natal object is mainly because Pippi Shrimp usually stays in the chessboard space. In this way, when I encounter danger, using the air escape technique to come to Pippi Shrimp is equivalent to coming In the chessboard space, it is perfect."

"It does seem perfect."

Taoist Qinglian Wu Quanyi thought about it carefully, and this is indeed an extremely perfect plan.

But the question is, can Zhao Xun really reach a sufficient tacit understanding with his natal creature, Pippi Shrimp and Bai Jiaolong?

If sufficient tacit understanding cannot be reached, the possibility of successful implementation of this plan will be quite low.

"Stinky boy, you have to think about it. If you can't do this successfully, then your whole body will be trapped in the void. Once a person is trapped in the void, it will be difficult to get out. That's right , I have the impression that the head of the mountain once fell into the void, but it seems that the head of the mountain finally came out successfully, but you have to know that it is the head of the mountain. How many people in this world have the same strength as the head of the mountain?"

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi cleared his throat and said: "So you must be fully prepared, so that even if some sudden factors do appear, you will not be in a hurry."

"Well, I have written down my teacher's instructions. Don't worry, I will not let you down."

Zhao Xun really wanted to try it.

"Then start now?"

Zhao Xun thought to himself that he now has two natal objects, um, let’s just count them as two.

One of them is Ming Hong Dao, and the other is Pippi Shrimp Bai Jiaolong.

So now he wants to put Ming Hong Dao in one place, and the area where Pippi Shrimp and Bai Jiaolong is originally located in another place, so theoretically speaking, there will be no conflict in this case.

Of course, these are all theoretical, and no one knows what the actual situation is.

At least Zhao Xun doesn't know yet.

Necessary efforts are still needed.

Zhao Xun put Minghong Dao in the bamboo forest, then ran all the way back and said: "Master, I am ready now, you are ready to start."

"Well, okay, then I'm going to start the demonstration."

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi first took a breath and said: "First of all, you have to take a breath. Be careful that it is not true energy and vitality, but the breath existing in your body. Raise this breath as much as possible, and it is best to lift it up to your throat s position."

As long as you can reach your throat, you can basically do what you can do.

"Then you recite the mantra silently in your heart, your heart follows my way, your heart follows me."


Daoist Master Qinglian, his teacher, disappeared in front of him?

This is too scary.

Zhao Xun couldn't imagine what happened for a while.

In his view, this is almost impossible.

But all this really happened under his nose.

"My dear fellow, where are you now?"

Zhao Xun looked around, but couldn't find even the slightest trace.

"Master, are you there?"

After about a cup of tea, Wu Quanyi, Taoist priest of Qinglian, slowly came out from the bamboo forest not far away.

"I told you as a teacher, this shifting is very simple."

"Hiss, when did you hide the Qinglian sword in the bamboo forest?"

"Probably around the same time as you hid Ming Hongdao in the bamboo forest."

"Ha ha."

Seeing that his mentor was so naughty, Zhao Xun didn't know what to say for a while.

"So, let me try it too."

Zhao Xun was very curious about this.

Driven by curiosity, he began to try.

"Follow my heart, follow my heart"

"No, brat, you have to raise your breath first, and then read the formula."

"Uh sorry, I forgot"

Zhao Xun was extremely sad for a while, scratched his head and said: "Men, let's watch my performance next, I will definitely surprise you."


For Zhao Xun, all of the present is a step-by-step process.

How far he can go depends on his performance.

Zhao Xun suddenly felt a stomachache.

Uh, what's the situation.

It is really difficult to raise your breath in this situation.

"Master, can I go for convenience first?"

"Huh? Let's go."

Daoist Qinglian didn't expect Zhao Xun to be like this, so he couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

Zhao Xun escaped as if he had been pardoned.

After about a cup of tea, Zhao Xun left and returned.

After this convenience, the whole person is much more comfortable.

"Master, we can begin."

Zhao Xun took a deep breath, and immediately let the whole person be in a state of extreme expansion.

"Follow my heart, follow my heart"

This time Zhao Xun recited the formula again.

Afterwards, Zhao Xun only felt his body light and chilly, as if his whole body stood up from the ground.

Zhao Xun seemed to be caught in a vortex, and as the vortex got deeper and deeper, it became stronger and stronger.

After an unknown amount of time, Zhao Xun fell heavily to the ground.

Then he felt something licking him.

"Uh, Pippi shrimp?"

Zhao Xun looked up, and sure enough, he saw Pippi Shrimp Bai Jiaolong.

"Haha, it's really you, Pipi Shrimp."

Zhao Xun instantly felt the intimacy brought by this kind of Pippi shrimp.

"Ugh, it's almost done, don't lick me anymore. I mean it, Pippi Shrimp"

Zhao Xun was a little helpless for a while.

Pippi Shrimp Bai Jiaolong is really too enthusiastic.

Bai Jiaolong has a spirit, and seems to have felt Zhao Xun's intentions. Although its instinct wants to make it lick Zhao Xun non-stop, the reality is that Zhao Xun must maintain a relatively stable state to be able to communicate with skin. Shrimp communicate well.

"Good guy, finally stopped."

When Zhao Xun was licked by Pippi Shrimp, his face was full of fuss, and he was not well.

"It seems to be really successful. But why did I send it directly to you? It stands to reason that I still have a natal creature Ming Hongdao. I should have to choose between these two life objects, but I How did it directly teleport into the chessboard space?"

Zhao Xun was really confused.

It was an unimaginable outcome for him.

Forget it, don't think about it.Let's go out first.

"Teach without discrimination."

Zhao Xun read a formula, and then he went out from the chessboard space.

Going out with Zhao Xun was Pipi Xia Bai Jiaolong.

Pippi Shrimp is in very good condition, even after just leaving the chessboard space, he still stays with Zhao Xun intimately.For a moment Zhao Xun felt very happy.

"It's beautiful, it's really beautiful."

Wu Quanyi, the mentor Qinglian Daoist in the distance, said happily: "If the old man guessed correctly, you should have been directly teleported to the chessboard space, right?"

"Well, teacher, I did teleport directly to the chessboard space, but I don't know what's going on."

Zhao Xun scratched his head and asked.

Logically speaking, shouldn't he have to do multiple-choice questions?
"Master, in theory, when there are multiple natal objects, I should have the right to choose independently, right? Shouldn't I be directly teleported to the side of a natal object?"

"That's why I have some doubts as a teacher. Could it be that there is an instinctive order among your natal objects, an instinctive order?"

"Hard to say"

Zhao Xun scratched his head and said: "It's really hard to say. I always thought that my Minghong knife was my first life. Because in theory, I first got acquainted with Minghong knife. Then I got Pippi Shrimp .But the relationship between Tuer and Pippi Shrimp is quite good, it can be said that they are really cute and pet. So if Pippi Shrimp is the first natal animal, there is no problem."

"Well, that's probably it."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi nodded at this time and said: "So I think that Pippi Shrimp White Flood Dragon should be your first life without a doubt. You have directly teleported to it, which means that it has a closer connection with you , indicating that the relationship between it and you is more likely to be connected."

"Oh, that means I don't have to worry about shielding another natal creature?"

Zhao Xun was overjoyed when he heard the words.

Because it means that he no longer has to think about hiding the Minghong knife in another place, but can carry it with him at any time.

In this way, Zhao Xun can still hold the Minghong Sword in his hand when teleporting to the chessboard space, which can be described as flattering.

"Theoretically, that's the case, but I'm sure we'll have to try more to find out."

Daoist Qinglian nodded.


This is actually the answer that Zhao Xun has been waiting for.

For him, it is extremely important to be able to maintain a natal object that is absolutely connected.

With Pipi Xiabai Jiaolong around, Zhao Xun would never panic.

"Don't you think so, Pippi Shrimp?"


Bai Jiaolong Youling seemed to be able to understand Zhao Xun's opinion, and began to rub his head against Zhao Xun's body desperately.

Zhao Xun fondly patted it on the head a few times, Bai Jiaolong understood Zhao Xun's meaning for a while, and snorted.

"You are really a good boy. I am really happy to be able to live with you. You must stay well in the chessboard space in the future."

After going through all this trouble, Zhao Xun's appetite skyrocketed.

At this moment, he really wanted to eat a big meal to replenish his energy.

When he came to the kitchen and saw the third senior brother Long Qingquan was there, Zhao Xun stepped forward and said in harmony: "Third senior brother, it's time to eat. Do you want to eat anything?"

"Uh, Junior Brother. Didn't you just stay with Daoist Qinglian? Why did you come here all of a sudden?"

"Uh, I went to play casually with my mentor, and I can be considered to have learned a space escape technique, which can directly teleport to the side of the natal object."

"So miraculous?"

Long Qingquan became interested when he heard this.

"What is this principle, is it difficult? I want to learn too."

"Uh, third senior brother, I really don't know what the principle is. It's probably because of the connection between it and the natal object. The closer the connection between you and the natal object, the better the effect will be. If you If the connection with the natal object is not so close, the effect will be mediocre. All of the above are my guesses."

"Uh, then I must have a close relationship with the Flower Burial Sword. But there is a problem, it is impossible for me to not have the Flower Burial Sword by my side. Unless I know this is a dead end, so I put the Flower Burial Sword in advance. Hide it well. Then use this empty escape technique to teleport directly to the Flower Burial Sword? But if this is the case, doesn't it mean that I have become a defenseless person?"

"It depends on how you understand it. I think that if you give up, you will get something."

Zhao Xun spread his hands and said, "This empty escape technique actually guarantees that you will have a guaranteed chance to escape the shell when you can't beat the opponent. If you can beat the opponent yourself, of course there is no reason to run away. You Say it right, third senior brother."


Long Qingquan thought about it carefully.

"So it still depends on the strength of the opponent, right? If the opponent is stronger than me, then I will run. If the opponent is weaker than me, then I will fight."

"Yes, that's what it means."

Zhao Xun thought to himself that the comprehension ability of the third senior brother Long Qingquan was quite strong, and Zhao Xun only needed a little bit to understand the meaning.

"Actually, the world of practitioners is very simple. Ability comes first. If ability is not enough, you should run away. If you stay, you will only be beaten. Of course, this ability is relative. For example, Third Senior Brother, your ability is worse than yours. The mountain is far inferior, but hitting me is enough."

"Haha, little junior brother, your analogy is really interesting. But don't worry, I won't beat you. Who told you that you are the cutest little junior brother in our academy."

The third senior brother Long Qingquan said with a smile: "But your empty escape technique is really useful. I think it may come in handy in a short time. After all, the world is too chaotic now, who knows what will happen. Do not overwhelm yourself with too many skills, it is always useful to learn a few more skills.”


Zhao Xun took a deep breath and said, "That's the truth. But third brother, I think it depends on the situation. Some skills are only useful in specific situations. At this time, you need to make a choice. After all Human brain capacity is also limited, and it is impossible to master too many skills. It is enough to have a few good skills that can be suppressed. Too much knowledge will lead to lack of specialization. This will have a negative effect of."

"Well, it's up to you to handle it yourself, and it's impossible to think about it for you."

The third senior brother Long Qingquan said with emotion: "However, I always feel that if you really want to travel in the world in the future, you should learn more while you are young. Isn't the most obvious example your sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou? He has traveled all over the world, How many skills have you mastered. None of these skills are useless, right? Those Feng Shui geomancy techniques and those azimuth techniques are all very useful. Junior brother, you are so young now, there must be no problem in learning more skills. "

"Yeah, I wrote it down. So third senior brother, do you still want to learn this empty escape technique?"

"No, no, this spell is not suitable for me. I still like to take life and death lightly, and do it if you don't accept it. I will do it to the end."

(End of this chapter)

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