big week bad guy

Chapter 421 The Blind Box and the Limited Edition Extra Story

Chapter 421 Draw the Blind Box and the Limited Edition Extra Story (Super chapter of nearly 20000 words)
Zhao Xun has never been a rigid person, but he is very flexible in comparison.

Therefore, although the targeted training given to him by the third senior brother Long Qingquan made him feel a lot of pressure at the beginning, but as it deepened, Zhao Xun found that the pressure was actually not as great as he imagined.

As long as you can reasonably relieve your emotions and adjust your mood reasonably, everything is very simple.

The Yuanshen Unity Technique and the Yuanshen Discrimination Technique have the same goal by different routes to a certain extent.

Because Ben was separated from the same vein, similarities can be seen in many aspects.

What Zhao Xun has to do is to find the differences in the similarities, and then find the similarities in the differences.

It seems that the difficulty is not ordinary, but as long as it can be reasonably summarized, it is not impossible.

Zhao Xun is very clear that to become a powerful practitioner, he needs to have a very strong psychological quality, and he must also have a very strong ability to explore.

These are must haves.

Only by mastering these can one become the most powerful person in the world.

Isn't the head of the mountain such an existence?

Maybe Zhao Xun can't reach the level of Shanzhang, but he can constantly surpass himself.

Yesterday's Zhao Xun is not at the same level as today's Zhao Xun, and today's Zhao Xun is not at the same level as tomorrow's Zhao Xun.

Tsk tsk tsk, just thinking about this feeling of daily progress makes Zhao Xun feel very excited.

The vastness of martial arts practice was something Zhao Xun had never thought of before.

But since today, he has tried a little bit.

After a certain amount of temptation, he also understood some ways of practice.

That's a good start.

At least Zhao Xun felt that the third senior brother was a very responsible teacher, basically answering every question, without any hiding.

Of course, Zhao Xun not only has three senior brothers, Long Qingquan, teaching the practice method.

At this time, the mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi also jumped out at the right time and said that he would teach Zhao Xun the advanced technique of the talisman array.

Obviously, Daoist Qinglian already has a certain sense of crisis.

After all, he was poached by the head of the mountain before, and if he was poached by the head's disciples now, it would be really sad for him.

There is simply no room for reasoning.

tsk tsk.
Of course, Zhao Xun was still very calm.For Zhao Xun, this is tantamount to reaping the benefits of the fisherman.

In many cases, keeping calm is a factor that must be experienced to become an excellent practitioner.

No matter who you face, this must be maintained.

His teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi can point out a clear path for him, but the specific way to go is still up to him, and how far and how high he can go is ultimately up to him.

Although Zhao Xun was quite repulsed by the talisman formation technique at the beginning, the main reason was that it was not interesting or challenging.

But with the deepening of his cognition, Zhao Xun gradually discovered that the talisman array technique also has many, many potential characteristics.

If he can master the talisman technique, it can also play a vital role when necessary.

That is to say, from this time on, Zhao Xun was not so repulsive to the Talisman Array Technique.

If he can learn the talisman technique well, if he can have a good command of the talisman technique, then Zhao Xun Zombie Academy will be the most powerful and comprehensive practitioner in history.

Of course, Taoist Qinglian only taught some aspects, and Zhao Xun had to constantly digest and absorb it for himself.

"Brat, do you still remember what I told you last time to draw symbols in your heart?"

Wu Quanyi, Taoist priest of Qinglian, put on a condescending posture as soon as he came up, and he fully grasped the master's airs.

"Uh, of course I know. I still remember my mentor telling me that if we want to draw a talisman that satisfies everyone, we must communicate with each other."

"Yes, isn't the sixth son of the academy also proficient in talisman formation? What did he say?"

"Senior Brother Six told me that the essence of the talisman array is to establish the connection between the practitioner and the heaven and the earth. The connection is different, and the effect of the division of the natural talisman array is also different."

"Well, the sixth child can still see clearly."

At this time, Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi nodded heavily and said: "Actually, it's the same meaning. You didn't like drawing symbols or even resisted drawing symbols at the beginning. Is it because you couldn't establish this kind of connection? If you don't say anything, Wenxiu will Whether it is a good martial arts cultivator or even a Taoist cultivator, there is basically no such feeling, but there is a talisman. A talisman changes a lot, and it will have different evolutions in different situations. With these evolutions, you can face any Do not panic.”

Zhao Xun thought to himself, my good fellow, is this the legendary saying that change should be kept constant?

If that's the case, it does look pretty awesome.

"Teacher, I have one more point. For example, I have drawn a talisman in my heart. What should I do if there is a deviation or damage when I project this talisman into the world we live in? Because I think this Such a loss is almost inevitable."

"Well, you are right. This is the disadvantage of drawing talismans from the heart, but if you draw the talisman directly without drawing it in your heart first, it may be broken down directly. Because your Dao heart is not stable."

This is not the first time that the mentor said that Zhao Xun's Taoism is unstable.

A long, long time ago, when the mentor had just enlightened him, when the mentor said that he was more suitable for literary cultivation than martial arts, the mentor had expressed this meaning very cryptically.

However, it turns out that Zhao Xun's Taoist cultivation of qi cultivation is still very good.

But the Taoist technique of nourishing qi does not mean the whole of the Taoist method, and the Taoist technique of nourishing qi does not mean anything.

This is just a branch of Taoist magic, just a very small branch of it.Zhao Xun has mastered a very small branch of Taoist magic proficiently, but it does not mean that he can master all branches proficiently.

This is the obvious thing.

Now, what is the meaning of my teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi bringing up this old matter again?
Zhao Xun felt a little confused and helpless.

Sometimes an idea can really make him think for a long time, especially when the other party doesn't explain the idea thoroughly.

Zhao Xun can only rely on himself to comprehend, guess, and think.

It's fine if you can think clearly, but if you can't think clearly, the feeling is really too bad.

Feeling crazy can be very uncomfortable.

Especially Zhao Xun is still impatient.

The more this is the case, the more Zhao Xun will be eager to know what direction things will develop.

"Men, what do you mean by my unstable Dao heart? Is there any way to make up for it?"

"Of course. There are many ways to make up for it in this world. As long as we try hard, we will be able to realize some of them."

Daoist Qinglian pinched her fingers and said: "If you want to stabilize your Dao heart and make your Dao heart as solid as a rock, the best way is to try as much as possible and keep focusing on the spells of your Dao heart."

"Well, what is the specific operation method?"

Zhao Xun knew that the truth was so truthful, but the problem was that it was another matter when it came to the level of actual operation.

"Haha, it's almost enough for you to recite the Taixuan Sensei Mantra three hundred times a day."

When Zhao Xun heard this, he almost lost his temper.

Mamma Mia, can my mentor be a person?

Three hundred times a day?
Zhao Xun felt dizzy even after reading it once, but if he read it three hundred times, would he still kill him?
I have to say that this is indeed a great test.

Can Zhao Xun accept it?
To be honest, Zhao Xun himself didn't know either.

The mentor seemed to be watching Ruoyou especially, waiting for Zhao Xun to give an answer.

But Zhao Xun himself didn't have a clear attitude, so he remained in a stalemate.

so hard.

Zhao Xun knew that if he agreed, a very challenging task would be added every day, and this task would take a long time and would take up a lot of Zhao Xun's energy.

If it's just taking up energy, that's all.

While taking up energy, I have to be forced to think about other issues.

Zhao Xun felt that it was really not enough for him alone, and he had no choice but to call out directly.

The prerequisite for maintaining stability and continuity is to have a rock-solid Dao Xin.

But the way to obtain Dao Xin is really too difficult, it can be said to be full of ups and downs.

From this point of view, the pressure is not ordinary.

So can Zhao Xun bear such a great pressure?

Or will all this make Zhao Xun stronger?
Those who use it become more and more courageous when they are frustrated, and face difficulties.

Some people are so pressured that they pull their hips completely.

Everyone's situation is different.

So the situation is completely different.

There is no need for Zhao Xun to refer to other people's status now, what he has to do now is to be himself as much as possible, and to keep himself in the most comfortable and comfortable environment and state as much as possible.

Only by maintaining this state can Zhao Xun further improve himself and achieve other breakthroughs in the future.

Obviously, Wu Quanyi, the master Qinglian Daoist, has put the opportunity in front of him.Next, it will be up to Zhao Xun himself.

Can he take it, is he willing to take it.

These are very important and even crucial.

It can be said that Zhao Xun's next small decision will greatly affect his subsequent life trajectory.

Although Zhao Xun's choices so far have been considered good, it doesn't mean that all future choices will be correct.

Zhao Xun was faced with an extremely difficult choice, what judgment he could make, Zhao Xun really didn't know.

"Uh, teacher, can we reduce the number of three hundred times relatively. Isn't three hundred times too much?"


Teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi raised his eyebrows and said: "Stinky boy, you want to bargain for the teacher, are you sure?"

Zhao Xun's heart skipped a beat immediately.

"Uh, that's not what Master and Disciple meant."

Zhao Xun thought this is embarrassing.

The mentor doesn't seem very happy.

If Zhao Xun still maintains the current state in the future, he will probably be severely reprimanded by his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

Zhao Xun himself is not afraid of being scolded.

The key is whether you can get something back after being scolded.

If you can't get it back, it doesn't make any sense.If it can be exchanged back, then it can barely support it.


"That's all, look at how cowardly you are. Hahaha, that's all, I will subtract some for you as a teacher. If there are more than three hundred times a day, one hundred times will be fine, right?"

"Well, that's barely acceptable."

Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, one hundred times was much less than three hundred times.

The basic time consumption has also been reduced.

Zhao Xun has nothing to complain about.

If you really make your mentor anxious, then it's no joke.

The temper of the mentor belongs to the kind of fiery temper.

If the mood is not stable, it is really possible for the mentor to make a decision that shocks everyone.

So in theory, the mentor is also a smooth donkey.

It's okay to follow his will, but it's against his will.
The consequences are simply unimaginable.

"tsk tsk"

Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, and decided to agree.

"Well, so be it. No problem."

Zhao Xun patted his chest and promised.

"Tsk tsk tsk, okay. My dear boy, you can start to draw symbols in your heart now. At the beginning, you don't need to draw too complicated ones, you can draw some simpler ones first."

Teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi said with a faint smile: "The current situation is actually relatively simple for you, so calm down and draw a letter of righteousness first."

Meaningful characters?

Zhao Xun knew that the Yizitiefu was the simplest type of talisman. If he could master one of the Yizitiefu, it would be of fundamental use for drawing other talismans in the future.

If you want to build a tall building, you must first lay a good foundation.

If the foundation is not laid well, it must be unstable.

Therefore, Zhao Xun attaches great importance to the righteous character post talisman mentioned by his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.What's more, the mentor is by his side, no matter from which angle you look at Zhao Xun, you have to work hard to perform.

Try to maintain a good state, try to show a good state, and try to keep yourself in a positive and progressive state.


Zhao Xun began to try. Compared with the beginning, he is not so resistant to the talisman array now.

Therefore, it is quite smooth to draw the talisman array, and it is guaranteed to be in an absolutely stable environment, and it is drawn stroke by stroke.

"Very well, come on steadily, don't have any fear."

Teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi said calmly: "Stinky boy, your talent and foundation are quite good, but there is one problem that you are too impetuous and easy to be afraid. What is there to be afraid of? You are in the academy now, there is a mountain Long heels protect you as a teacher, and there are so many senior brothers and senior sisters guarding you, what is there to be afraid of?"

Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, yes, there is nothing wrong with what the teacher said.

Of course, saying it is one thing, doing it is quite another.

At present, what Zhao Xun can do now is to adjust his Dao heart as much as possible so that he has a relatively complete and good state.

As long as this state can be guaranteed, then the journey will be smooth and there will be no more pressure.

"tsk tsk"

Zhao Xun began to paint stroke by stroke.

One advantage of the freehand post is that there are fewer strokes.

It is well known that the fewer the number of characters, the easier it is to draw symbols.

As long as he can guarantee that there will be no major problems in the talisman array drawn, Zhao Xun's goal will be achieved.

The most important thing about ensuring state is to focus on it from the beginning.

As long as you can focus on this matter, basically there will be no distraction.


It's done, it's done.

"Teacher, I have finished drawing the Yizi post."

"Stinky boy, next project the Yifu post from your heart. As long as you complete the projection, your rune post is completely drawn."

Zhao Xun knew that this could be said to be the next key link.

Only by drawing this step well can it be considered perfect.

Those who travel hundreds of miles are half to ninety, and the last moment is the test of endurance and mentality.

If you can paint with a relatively good mentality, basically there will be no big problems.

Zhao Xun knew that at this time, he must try his best to stay in a state of concentration.

The slightest distraction is not acceptable, this will make me completely on the verge of collapse.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's ok, the projection is complete. This time the projection has been completely completed."

When Zhao Xun saw the Yizi post projected from his heart for the first time, Zhao Xun was very excited and danced a lot.

It's really hard for him to stay in good shape.

But so far his condition is still very good.

He didn't embarrass his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi, nor did he embarrass himself.

Zhao Xun is still in good condition.

"Well, brat, as a teacher, I said that your talent is good, but you don't believe it yourself. If you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer in front of your eyes. So basically there is no obstacle at all. As long as you can maintain your current state, Basically, it will be able to improve steadily.”

Wu Quanyi smiled faintly while stroking his beard: "Haha, so far, everything is going well. The brat will gradually increase the amount of training for you as a teacher. You have to be prepared. Training is a very important part. Huan, only by ensuring that you have enough training, and only by ensuring that you continue to strengthen your strength can you steadily improve your strength."

Zhao Xun felt bad when he heard it.

If he followed the training method of his mentor, then Zhao Xun would soon enter the rhythm of devil training.

"tsk tsk"

Daoist Qinglian's current state is actually quite stable, but after seeing Zhao Xun's state, he felt that this kid was even more stable than him.

Obviously he said he was too scared, but in reality he was more stable than anyone else.

With such a good potential, it won't be long before he can make great achievements in the talisman array.

Although there is no shortage of talisman masters in the academy, it is always a good thing to have one more.

If Zhao Xun can be proficient in this way, it can also make his practice system more comprehensive.

Overall, this is a very beneficial thing.

"Teacher, can we increase the amount slowly? If it comes too hard all at once, I'm worried that I won't be able to bear it."


Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi rolled his eyes when he heard this, and said, "As a teacher, you must know yourself better than yourself. Do you think you know more about talismans than as a teacher?"

"Uh, no no no."

Zhao Xun waved his hands again and again.

Compared with his teacher, his research on Talisman is obviously worse.

So for Zhao Xun in the current situation, there is actually no possibility of bargaining, and there is no room for bargaining.

I can only accept my fate.

"Disciples listen to their mentors."

Zhao Xun knew that there was no point in struggling at this time, but it would make his teacher feel quite angry.

Why would he do such a thankless thing?

"Hahaha, that's right. Brat, as long as you listen to the teacher, you will never do anything wrong. It is impossible for a teacher to harm you."

Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, and it is indeed such a truth.

The mentor has always valued him very much.

And for the mentor, there is actually no special expectation.

Perhaps the only expectation is to make Zhao Xun as successful as possible.

As long as Zhao Xun can become a talent, that's not a big problem.

As long as Zhao Xun can become a talent, then Daoist Qinglian will be able to stop his waist in front of everyone in the academy.

Of course Zhao Xun wanted to earn this face for his mentor, and he must not disappoint his mentor.



"Good guy, junior brother, you are really a busy person recently. The busy person among the busy people is simply amazing. Are you exhausted from rushing to the market every day?"

After seeing Zhao Xun coming, Long Qingquan ruthlessly turned on the mocking mode.

For a while, Zhao Xun wanted to cry but had no tears.

Well-behaved, he was dragged by his mentor Qinglian to learn the art of Talisman.

At first, Zhao Xun also refused in his heart.

But the refusal is invalid.

Obviously, the mentor did not intend to give him this chance to repent.

If Zhao Xun refused his mentor at this time, it would be too nonsense.

The following consequences can be described as immeasurable, and it will make people collapse to the extreme.

So the best choice is naturally to obey the mentor.

But in this way, Zhao Xun will inevitably have to rush to the scene on both sides.

On the one hand, he had to practice the talisman formation technique with his mentor, Daoist Qinglian, and on the other hand, he had to rush back to the third senior brother Long Qingquan to practice the unity of the soul and the discrimination of the soul.Occasionally, you have to practice light work.

These are all extremely exhausting, and it can be said that they consume a lot of Zhao Xun's comprehensive physical fitness.

With such a huge consumption, Zhao Xun urgently needs energy replenishment.

If there is a problem with energy replenishment, it is no joke.

Energy must be conserved.Intake and consumption must be in a dynamic balance.

If there is a deviation, basically there will be no good fruit to eat.

So Zhao Xun was under a lot of pressure.

"Let's not talk about that, third brother, let's start training today."

Zhao Xun knew that he couldn't offend both sides, and both sides had to train hard.


The third senior brother, Long Qingquan, dragged his chin with one hand in a state of contemplation. At this moment, what he was thinking about was how to arrange a comprehensive training plan for Zhao Xun as much as possible.

The little junior brother must now ensure that he has no shortcomings.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

The current situation is that there is no best, only better.

"Little brother, what do you think are your own weaknesses, or what are your shortcomings? Let's make targeted reinforcements."

The words of the third senior brother Long Qingquan made Zhao Xun's eyes light up.


If you think about it carefully, this model is indeed extremely reasonable.

Overall, his cultivation base is not low now, so there is no need to force himself to improve in an all-round way.

It is imperative to make up for the shortcomings first.

So where is his short board?

Zhao Xun really couldn't figure it out for a while.

It stands to reason that his weakest point should be melee combat.

That is unarmed combat, fist and kick kung fu.

When Zhao Xun had a sword in hand, he had something to rely on, and he was able to have confidence in his heart.

But after losing these supports, I will naturally feel guilty.

The main reason is that Zhao Xun became a monk halfway, and his background is too weak.

Although after a period of time, Zhao Xun's realm has improved by leaps and bounds.

But the short board still exists.

The short board itself is nothing, the key is to be aware of your own short board and make some targeted reinforcements.

"Third senior brother, I think my main shortcoming is that my boxing skills are relatively poor. If possible, I hope to get targeted reinforcement in this area."

Zhao Xun's thinking is relatively clear.

Long Qingquan nodded slightly when he heard the words.

"Haha, wonderful."

Long Qingquan said very attentively: "Fisting and kicking is my specialty, junior brother, you have found the right person."

Zhao Xun seriously suspected that he had heard it wrong.

Isn't the third senior brother good at swordsmanship?

Why do you suddenly say that he is good at boxing?

"Tsk tsk..."

"Little brother, you can watch me do a set of boxing first, and then see how it works."

"it is good."

Zhao Xun is very curious now.

How the third senior brother will behave is what Zhao Xun most hopes to see now.

"La la la..."

Zhao Xun turned into a melon-eating crowd at this moment, quietly watching from the sidelines and helping out.

I saw that the third senior brother entered the bamboo forest with a whoosh, and immediately began to operate like wind.

The third brother Long Qingquan has a characteristic that is fast.

Extremely fast, extremely fast, without any bells and whistles, only steady moves.

But the third senior brother was so quick when punching that sometimes Zhao Xun couldn't see the moves so clearly.

In this way, the mystery of Long Qingquan's moves was further enhanced.Looking from a distance is always amazing.

Every move shows extreme self-confidence.

Zhao Xun knew that the third brother Long Qingquan was a very confident person.

But it was the first time for him to feel the third senior brother's boxing at such a close range.

It can be said that the third senior brother's boxing method can still be seen as free and easy.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Very powerful..."

Chic is a lifetime thing.

Keeping it chic can give people the ultimate aesthetic feeling.

This is also what the third senior brother Long Qingquan has been pursuing.

In fact, Zhao Xun also thinks that chicness is very important.

Although chicness will not bring about changes in actual combat power, but to some extent it can indeed make people look more handsome.

This is also an invisible blow to the opponent.

From this point of view, this is definitely an improvement in disguise.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

After finishing a set of punches, the third senior brother Long Qingquan didn't even break out in a sweat.

In this way, it is simply not good.

Zhao Xun shouted from the side: "Third senior brother is mighty, and third senior brother did a great job!"

It has to be said that Long Qingquan, the third senior brother at the moment, is indeed extremely handsome.

"Haha, do you understand? What's so special about my boxing technique?"

"Haha, I just think that this boxing technique of the third senior brother is as fast as lightning."

"Not bad!"

Long Qingquan nodded in satisfaction: "In the world of martial arts, speed is the only thing that can't be broken. Once you have speed, the problem will not be big. There is nothing that speed can't solve. If there is anything, it is because the speed is not fast enough."

"Hahaha, that seems to be the case."

"Martial arts and speed are actually relative terms."

Long Qingquan paused and said: "Of course generally speaking, the faster the speed, the higher the martial arts."

"The same set of boxing techniques has completely different effects when played by different people, because of the difference in speed and strength. These two factors are the most critical factors affecting boxing techniques."

After thinking about it carefully, Zhao Xun could indeed come to a similar conclusion.

"Little brother, you don't have any problems with your boxing strength, but your speed is still lacking. This is also the core of your saying that your boxing skills are lacking. It is because of your lack of speed. As long as you increase your speed, your boxing skills will be improved." Naturally, the intensity can be added to it. After trying more, this feeling will be fully experienced.”


After thinking about it carefully, Zhao Xun nodded and said, "So how can we increase the speed to the extreme?"

"At the beginning, don't think about increasing the speed to the extreme, just be able to improve steadily."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Well, that's it. As long as you can ensure that your speed is always increasing. As long as you can improve steadily, that's great."

After Long Qingquan said this, Zhao Xun felt confident.

This proves that his foundation is actually not bad, and he doesn't need major repairs, only minor repairs are needed.

In this way, the pressure is reduced a lot.

"Senior brother, so I have to increase the frequency of movements, right?"

"That's right! Junior brother, your body frame is very large, so your legs and feet are very long. This determines that your punches and feet will be quite large without any problems. The reason why they appear slow is because of the frequency problem. Once you can Adding the frequency, I think your speed will immediately increase."

"Haha, it seems to be true..."

The more Zhao Xun listened to it, the more he felt it made sense, and the more he listened, the more he felt it was in place.

So the next thing to do is to increase the frequency of movement.

Zhao Xun is quite confident now.As long as it can be targeted and steadily improved, there is great hope.

What Zhao Xun fears most is that he has no direction.

When a person doesn't know which direction to go, the whole person will be like a headless chicken.

With a sense of direction, these are not a problem.This is too cool.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Third Senior Brother, please help me to have a look first, I'm going to dance a set of boxing techniques next."

Zhao Xun has just memorized the martial arts of the third brother Long Qingquan.

In this way, he only needs to follow the gourd painting and follow up with a set of boxing techniques.

As long as this is done, his boxing skills will not look any different from those of the third senior brother.

Zhao Xun's memory is quite good, and his talent is not bad.

In addition, the third brother Long Qingquan just emphasized the problem of movement frequency to him, so there is no problem with Zhao Xun's movement frequency now.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Looking at this, Long Qingquan was delighted in his heart.

For a moment Long Qingquan was very happy.

Zhao Xun's current state can be said to be quite good, and his learning ability is also quite strong.

According to this state, it is only a matter of time before Zhao Xun surpasses him in an all-round way.

If it was an ordinary person, Long Qingquan would definitely feel jealous.

But this person is the junior brother Zhao Xun.

So instead of having any emotions, Long Qingquan would feel excited for his junior brother Zhao Xun.

Long Qingquan was really gratified to see his junior brother getting better and stronger.

After all, for him, Zhao Xun's current state improvement is the point that needs the most attention.

As long as this direction is done well, basically other directions will follow smoothly.

"Tsk tsk tsk, wonderful, really wonderful. Junior brother, your comprehension ability is really fast. I'm really not saying that if you can maintain this state, you will reach the first rank in the future."

Tsk tsk, in the mind of the third senior brother, he has already reached the first rank?

People like to listen to good things, and Zhao Xun is no exception.

At this moment, Zhao Xun is full of energy after hearing the compliments from the third senior brother Long Qingquan.

"Third senior brother, there shouldn't be any problem with my frequency, right?"


"Your frequency has reached the standard, and your speed is no longer a big problem. So your boxing skills should be above the standard now."

The words of the third senior brother Long Qingquan can be said to have given Zhao Xun a reassurance.

Many times, the reason why Zhao Xun feels confused is because he doesn't know what kind of level his state so far belongs to.

If the standard is not up to standard, Zhao Xun will definitely feel panic.

"La la la..."

Of course, now, Zhao Xun no longer has any panic.

"So now let's take a break."

"Well, that's great."

In fact, what Zhao Xun has been waiting for is this sentence from the third brother Long Qingquan.

With this sentence, it means that they can finally take a good rest.

"Third senior brother, wait, I will go back as soon as I go."

Since he wanted to rest, Zhao Xun thought to himself that he should rest more thoroughly.

Zhao Xun is going to bring two watermelons back!

Just do it, at this moment he has no hesitation.



Soon Zhao Xun came back with two big fresh watermelons in his arms.

While running, Zhao Xun shouted: "Senior brother, I've eaten melons, I've eaten melons."

"... "

The third brother Long Qingquan felt very strange when he heard this.

what's the situation?
"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Little brother, please slow down and don't fall."

Since learning Qinggong, Zhao Xun's movement speed is getting faster and faster.

Long Qingquan was afraid that Zhao Xun would fall on a big horse.


"Third senior brother, you don't have to worry too much, my current level of qinggong is quite good."


"Tsk tsk tsk..."

The third senior brother Long Qingquan wanted to eat melon for a while, he clicked his tongue and praised: "Okay, little brother, let's open a melon and eat it first."


Zhao Xun is also very excited, at this moment he just wants to be a melon-eating crowd.

It must be very happy to eat melons, especially with the third brother Long Qingquan.

Zhao Xun's gesture of opening the watermelon was also very powerful, and he slashed down fiercely with a knife in his hand.

tsk tsk...

"This slashing posture is really professional."

Third senior brother Long Qingquan praised secretly from the side: "Little junior brother, I really didn't expect you to be so sassy."

"Oh, isn't this the true biography of your third senior brother?"

"... "

I have to say that Zhao Xun's words are easy to make people comfortable.

At this moment, Long Qingquan felt ecstatic, very comfortable.

"Eating melons in this weather is really enjoyable."

Long Qingquan said with emotion: "Not bad, really good. This melon is very ripe."



For a time, the atmosphere was joyous.

Until a person appears, this person is Wangcai.

The appearance of Wangcai broke all the balance. When a guy with a big belly appears in front of you, all your food will definitely be lost.

Zhao Xun swallowed a mouthful of spit, and forced himself to calm down.

"Wangcai, why are you here?"

"Brother Mingyun, look at what you mean, it seems that you don't want me to come."

Wangcai's face was as black as charcoal, and his mood could be described as extremely depressed.

Wangcai is depressed and Zhao Xun is naturally in a good mood.

At this moment, Zhao Xun didn't know what to say.

It seems that he will be very passive no matter what he says at this time.

In this case it is better not to say.

The silence speaks.

"Quack quack..."

"Haha, I'm just kidding you. Brother Mingyun scares you. I'm here this time to bring you pearl milk tea."


Zhao Xun thought to himself that this reversal speed is too fast...

"Ha ha…"

"Okay, it's very good. It's really a blessing to be able to drink the milk tea made by you. Wangcai, I'm not exaggerating at all. This is definitely the happiest moment in life."

People like to be praised and listen to good things.Wangcai is no exception.

At this moment, Wangcai's state was like a balloon that was blown up, extremely inflated.

"Haha Brother Mingyun, it's meaningless for you to say that. You taught me how to make milk tea yourself. In this way, you are my master. I have to thank you very much."


Zhao Xun was stunned for a while.

But after thinking about it carefully, this is indeed the truth.

"It's not easy to make milk tea. You can innovate. It's not easy to launch a new category of milk tea at this time. Come on, Wangcai, I'm really optimistic about you."

"Haha, yes, yes. If I can, I will basically research some new milk tea every once in a while. The taste of milk tea is very important, and different types of milk tea taste very different."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Zhao Xun was very moved.What he was waiting for was Wangcai's words.With this guarantee from Wangcai, basically Zhao Xun's milk tea will be able to achieve freedom in the future.

"Eat melons, eat melons."

Coming and going is not indecent, Zhao Xun still wants to give Wangcai some sweetness during the critical period.Only by giving Wangcai some sweetness can he be guaranteed to be more enthusiastic in the future.

Enthusiastic Wangcai can create more delicious milk tea.

This is like a perpetual motion machine, he will never have to worry about not having enough milk tea anymore.

In addition, Zhao Xun also hopes that Wangcai can develop more businesses, and it is best to develop the juice business as well.



The third senior brother, Long Qingquan, seems to have taken a great tonic recently, and he was full of energy for a while, pulling Zhao Xun to train non-stop.

There is no problem with the training itself, but the combination of so many kinds of training and squeezed in one time is a big problem.

Zhao Xun felt as if he had been hollowed out.

"Third senior brother, I think we can designate a relatively flexible training plan, and the rationality of the training plan must also be considered. Otherwise, wouldn't it be that we will often encounter conflicts. It is okay to have a conflict once. Two or three times, the whole person has to be crippled."


The third senior brother Long Qingquan cleared his throat, and said helplessly, "It seems to be the case. You are more thoughtful, junior brother. So what do you think is the most reasonable way to train? I can arrange the training plan according to your routine."


Zhao Xun was also stunned for a while.

He thought that he just made a suggestion, a general direction.

How to formulate the training plan should be the matter of the third brother Long Qingquan.

If Zhao Xun did everything by himself, what else would Long Qingquan do?
Of course, he couldn't say this directly to the third senior brother, otherwise it would easily hurt the relationship between the senior brothers.


"I think it's best to arrange these every other day, and only train one subject a day, so the effect will be very good. If the intensity is too high all of a sudden, it's really unbearable."


"So, in fact, junior brother, you want to practice one a day..."

Long Qingquan rested his chin with one hand in a state of contemplation.

"Actually, it's not impossible, but I think the most ideal situation is to maintain a certain intensity, so that even if something goes wrong suddenly, it won't be unmanageable."

"Haha, what's the problem? I am extremely happy every day when I am with Third Senior Brother."

Zhao Xun hurriedly went back and added: "I still say the same thing. How to arrange it is your business, third senior brother. I'm just offering advice, that's all."

Zhao Xun chuckled and said, "Don't talk about that, it's time for dinner in a while. Let's discuss what to have for dinner."

Zhao Xun deliberately turned to a lighter topic, so he simply talked about food.

Eating can always keep people happy.

Maintaining a good mood can make people deal with things more calmly.

"Haha, why don't you just eat spicy hot pot at night. I suddenly want to eat something a little heavier, maybe it's because I'm too dry recently?"

"The spicy hot pot is good. The spicy hot pot is also very suitable for my taste, so I decided to make the spicy hot pot."



Wu Aolisi's heart can be described as very heavy.

Several attacks were ultimately defeated.This meant that their plans ended up in vain.

For a while, Wu Aolis felt very disappointed.

Why is Zhongnan Mountain so difficult to attack?

The existence of the academy has made the Alan Lore tribe, which was originally in the second-rate or even the third-rate, much stronger.

Wuoris could clearly feel that improvement.

It wasn't obvious at first.

But as time goes by, this feeling becomes more and more obvious.

Scary is really scary.The academy actually forcibly changed its fate against the sky by relying on its own strength.

These tribes from the continent of Allen Lore can be regarded as having the right thighs.

If there is no academy to support them, they should not be defeated in a long time.

After all, the same thing happened on the continent of Allen Lore.

Then there is actually no problem if it happens again.


Now the academy just exists.

In this way, the members of the entire Academy Alliance, these tribes in the Alan Lore continent, are actually really confident.

It's different to have a backing.

But no matter what, Wuoris couldn't wait any longer now.

If you wait endlessly, the consequences will be disastrous.

At that time, when Satan comes down, I am afraid that no one will be able to bear it.

Although Wuoris is a loyal servant of Satan, when Satan gets angry, it is a typical disobedience.

"Ha ha…"

Wu Aolis had listened to Master Huiyan's words, and believed that Master Huiyan could successfully attract the mountain chief away.

But it turns out he was wrong.

Master Huiyan can't attract the head of the mountain at all, not only can't do this, but it will completely anger the head of the mountain, and the momentum of the academy's ban will skyrocket.

"It seems that things have changed. We can no longer listen to the nonsense of Master Huiyan. We must use the high priest of the Demon Sect as much as possible."

Speaking of which, the High Priest of the Demon Sect has been here for several days.

But at the beginning, Wu Aolis did not decide to cooperate with the High Priest of the Demon Sect, but just wanted to test the High Priest of the Demon Sect.

Facts have proved that the high priest of the Demon Sect still showed some abilities in the end.

These abilities happen to be what the Corruptor doesn't have, and what the High Priest of the Demon Sect needs.

As a result, Wu Aolis was going to have a good talk with the high priest of the Demon Sect, and consider how to attack the academy alliance next.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

The High Priest of the Demon Sect had a very kind smile on his face.

Somehow he found the Corruptor to have a natural affinity.

This kind of intimacy is actually indescribable.

But it does exist.

He didn't feel this way at all when he was with the dark wizards. The dark wizards always had tight faces and put on a bad face, as if someone owed him a lot of money.

And when he was with the dark wizards, he was often choked.

The High Priest of the Demon Sect is at least one of the most prosperous figures in the past. As long as others treat him sincerely and have the most basic respect for him, the High Priest of the Demon Sect will do his best to repay them.


Hey, don't say it, don't say it.

Those memories are all unpleasant memories, just put them in the corner of your heart and forget them slowly.

"I called you here today to discuss the specific matters of attacking the academy. To take down the academy, we still need to go through some careful planning. If there are any omissions, it is easy to be caught and make a big fuss. Once done The people in the academy were furious, and we are afraid that we will have no chance. So in my opinion, if we want to win the academy, we can only speculate. Only by speculating can we have a chance."


The High Priest of the Demon Sect first approved Wu Aolis' words, because showing respect is a must.

Only when he showed sufficient respect would Uoris return the respect.

The high priest of the Demon Sect has always held this point of view, so in his opinion, this is a very common thing.

"However, I think it is not safe to speculate blindly. It is better to spread the risk as much as possible, which is more likely to succeed."

"what do you mean?"

"What I mean is that we should divide our troops into two groups. On the one hand, we should try our best to attract the attention of the academy alliance from the front, and on the other hand, we should take the back road and give the academy some color."


Wu Aolis was noncommittal when he heard this, and just responded softly.

Because he had heard Master Huiyan say the same thing.

Of course he knows that different people do the same thing and the effect is completely different.

But even so, Wu Aolis did not dare to believe in this plan easily.

It can only be said that this plan is too thrilling and exciting.

"What is the specific plan? Can you reveal one or two things."

"Use the imperial army as bait to lure people from the academy to take the bait."


Wu Aolis was slightly moved when he heard this.

For now, this plan is very much in the favor of Wu Aolisi.

Wu Aolis could not understand the imperial army very much.

These guys obviously don't have much strength, but they want to show an extremely powerful and extremely arrogant feeling.

Who gave them the courage?
Wu Aolis really couldn't figure it out.

If all goes well, these forbidden troops will be fine.

But now that the situation has become like this, they are still so arrogant, which is simply unreasonable.

Therefore, it is actually the most appropriate to use the imperial army as bait.

"Well, you can actually give it a try. But how can these forbidden soldiers be used as bait?"

"You can promise them benefits and coax them to go to the main battlefield. In this way, the academy will have to do something."

"Indeed. Even if the people in the academy can bear it, even if they belong to the tortoise, they can't bear it to this extent, right? They have to bear it when others are going to ride on their heads and shit?"

"It's definitely impossible for them to bear it. If there is a slight possibility to endure other people's academy. But for the imperial army, the academy will definitely not bear it, and the mountain chief will definitely not bear it."

The High Priest of the Mozong said, Youyou.

"Oh? Why is that?"

Seeing that the other party didn't know the secret, the high priest of the Mozong thought it was very strange at first, but it was not difficult to understand after thinking about it.

Because it hasn't been long since the Corruptor arrived in the Great Zhou world.

So when they came into contact with Emperor Xianlong and the court later, Emperor Xianlong would definitely not take the initiative to talk about it.

So the leader of the Corruptors, Uoris, should have been kept in the dark.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

The High Priest of the Demon Sect brewed some emotions and then said in a deep voice: "At the earliest time, the relationship between the academy and the imperial court was good. Although it was not a hot fight, at least the relationship was decent. But later..."

The High Priest of the Demon Sect deliberately paused and said: "The situation changed drastically afterwards. The core of the whole change originated from one person. This person is Zhao Xun. Zhao Xun killed King Wei, the son of the Great Zhou Emperor. , and entered the palace to resign. At this time, the crazy Emperor Xianlong wanted to kill Zhao Xun. At this time, the head of the mountain took action. Not only did the head of the mountain save his apprentice, he also told Emperor Xianlong to kneel down In this way, the imperial court and the academy broke completely. Emperor Xianlong also broke with the head of the mountain completely. Although the academy did not announce that it would separate from Da Zhou, their relationship with the imperial court was tacitly understood."

"I see."

After listening to it, Wu Aolis felt that it was wonderful.

It would be interesting if so.

"Ha ha…"

"Looking at it this way, they are really dog-eat-dog."

Wu Aolis snorted coldly and said: "At first I thought it was possible to deal with the tribes of the academy and the Alan Lore continent separately. So I planned to use a divorce plan. But later I found that the situation did not develop as we thought. The academy and these tribes It can be said that the relationship between the tribes on the mainland of Alan Lore is quite good, and it is basically difficult to use discord in this situation, and it is difficult to cause them to have a rift."

"Yeah, so the direction of the separation is wrong. The tribe and the academy in the mainland of Alan Lore should not be separated. The academy and the court should be separated. There has already been a rift between the two, so we only need to catalyze it a little bit, and the rift will disappear. It will become bigger and bigger. But like the academy and the tribes of the Alan Lore continent, the relationship between them is very good, even rock-solid. Naturally, it will be difficult to move in this situation."

The analysis of the High Priest of the Demon Sect is quite reasonable, and it can be said that the organization is extremely clear. After hearing this, Wu Aolis laughed and said: "Wonderful, wonderful. The words are not many, but the essence. If the words are incisive, even if it is just a sentence What does a few words matter? If the words are redundant, then it is useless to say more."

"That's the truth."

"Actually, Emperor Xianlong has been using you. He wants to use the power of the Corruptor to destroy the Academy, and finally reap the rewards. So we deal with Emperor Xianlong in the same way as his own, and treat him as his own."

The High Priest of the Demon Sect spoke clearly and logically, which made Wu Aolis agree very much.

"Yes, let him taste the taste of being calculated. Isn't this guy good at calculating? Hasn't he always liked to make decisions for others? He shouldn't have tasted the bitterness of being calculated? We just need Give him a little bit of color and let him understand that not everyone can be bullied by him."

"Come on, let them come here, I want to see who can take advantage of us Corruptors."



"Brother Mingyun, I didn't say that, but the sequel has to keep up. If there is no sequel, a new book has to be arranged."

"Tsk tsk..."

After Zhao Xun heard it, he was very happy.

I have to say that Wangcai is really good at flattering.

Flattering can be photographed to this extent, it is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Therefore, Wangcai's ability to become a successful businessman has its own advantages.

"Wangcai, it's not that I don't want to write. You know the current situation, I've tried my best. The days of writing manuscripts every day are really not human, and it will make people extremely depressed."

"Pfft. Brother Mingyun, we are so familiar with each other, so don't say these outlandish words anymore. I have experienced your update speed, it is quite fast."

"... "

Zhao Xun had a face full of tears.

"If that's the case, I still have to write?"

"Brother Mingyun, don't say that, it's like I'm forcing you. Didn't you actually make a lot of money yourself? Of course, I also followed you to gain a lot of fame."

"Ha ha…"

After thinking about it carefully, Zhao Xun really didn't want to complain too much about Wangcai.

After all, Zhao Xun was only responsible for writing the book, and he just threw the manuscript to Wangcai after it was finished.Wangcai is responsible for considering specific matters.

If you can't bear this bit of hardship, it's really unreasonable.

"Okay, let's settle it first."

Although Zhao Xun didn't want to agree, but he knew that if he didn't agree at this time, the consequences would be very serious.

Although Wangcai looks very simple and honest and easy to talk, he is actually a ghost, completely different from the simple and simple like tenth brother Xu Rong.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"As expected of Brother Ming Yun, reliable, really too reliable."

Wangcai was so excited after hearing Zhao Xun's guarantee.

"Brother Mingyun, you really made an extremely correct decision."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"You don't know how popular your book is now. With such a popular book, if you have a few more copies right now, it's just making money. Brother Mingyun, I really didn't use the wrong word, making money, this is definitely true. Really making money. Since there is an opportunity to make money, naturally don’t miss it.”

"Ha ha…"

Zhao Xun likes to hear this kind of words. Although he knows that most of them are compliments, they really make people feel very comfortable.

"Wangcai, we still need to keep a low profile. You have to know that there is no author who is always popular."

Zhao Xun paused and said: "Generally speaking, every author has one or two so-called masterpieces, and when they write these masterpieces, they are at their so-called peak period. The peak period of an author is actually very short. If you want to keep It is quite difficult to go down. So I think, we should not have too high expectations. Otherwise, I am afraid that we will be really disappointed."

In fact, Zhao Xun is not really unable to write a popular book.

As far as the inventory in his stomach is concerned, it is not a problem to write dozens of fire books.

and so…

In fact, he was just lowering Wangcai's psychological expectations.

As long as Wangcai's psychological expectations are lowered, Wangcai should be able to accept even if Zhao Xun's new book does not reach the heights of Liaozhai and West Chamber.It's nothing more than the difference between earning more and earning less.

Zhao Xun's strategy can be described as tried and tested.

"Well, you should try your best no matter what. But I believe Brother Ming Yun will definitely be popular forever as long as he writes!"

Wangcai patted his chest and smiled: "In short, I leave the writing of the book to Brother Mingyun, and I leave the other things to me. Brother Mingyun, don't worry, I will definitely try my best to push your book to On the verge of explosion."


"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"In addition, many book fans want to see your true face in Mount Lu. But this is definitely impossible. First, your current identity should not be revealed, otherwise you may be banned by the court and the dog emperor. Second, you If you can maintain the so-called sense of mystery, readers’ expectations of you will increase accordingly. With a sense of expectation, the book will sell well.”

Zhao Xun thought to himself, good guy, this is really an invincible routine.

Wangcai can be said to be very precise about these routines.

Not to mention that Zhao Xun really doesn't understand these routines.

So the combination between him and Wangcai is perfect.

This fully utilized the advantages of the two.

As long as the two can give full play to their advantages, they will basically be able to produce a bestseller.

"Well, I'm sure I can't take care of this kind of thing, so just watch."

There is no concept of portrait rights in this era, otherwise you can make a lot of money from it.

Zhao Xun fully trusts Wangcai's talent, and the next step is to see how Wangcai plays.



"Have you heard? The West Chamber has released the same merchandise."

"What is the surrounding area!"

"Periphery means things related to books."

"The peripherals released this time are blind boxes."

"What is a blind box!"

"The blind box is to put the dolls in the box. Before opening the box, you don't know what type of doll you get. Because there are too many types of dolls, they are all customized according to the description of the characters in the book."

"Wow, I was instantly interested when I heard you say that."

"Really? The joy of drawing blind boxes is unimaginable. If you can collect a complete set of blind boxes, the sense of accomplishment is unparalleled."

"And these blind boxes are authorized by the original author of The West Chamber, and entrusted to Panji Bookstore and its cooperative workshops for processing. You don't have to worry about buying defective imitations and inferior products."

"Wow, how can I buy these blind boxes?"

"First of all, you have to make sure to buy within the specified time of Panji Bookstore, and secondly, you have to lottery. Only after lottery are you eligible to buy."

"Good guy, it sounds like it's going to be hard to buy."

"It's really not easy anyway."

"Hey, do you want us to wait and see again? At this time, we rush forward and feel like giving away the head."

"Who says it's not. Anyway, I find it quite difficult."

"But I think that even if we wait for the market, it will be the market. So in fact, it doesn't make much sense to wait any longer. It is best to be able to rush into the market to buy. There are so many people here, and the base is here. Worried about not being able to get the blind box?"

"Hmm, that seems to make sense."

"As long as there are enough people, we will definitely be able to get a blind box."

"In addition, I also heard that after collecting all the blind boxes, you can unlock the extra episode."

"Fanwai, what is this?"

"Fanwai is the continuation or background of the story."

"Generally speaking, it has a certain connection with the main plot, so there will be a sense of freshness or anticipation when watching the extra episode. The most important thing is whether all readers can see the extra episode. So when watching the extra episode There will be a sense of superiority."

"Wow, my whole interest has been aroused by what you said."

"I have to say that the author of The West Chamber really knows how to play, and come up with so many fancy things."

"It can't be said to be gimmicky, at least I think it's very interesting. The author can't just write a book with one mind, he should pay more attention to some novel ideas."

"Yeah, maybe even a seemingly inconspicuous idea can have a huge impact. The author of The West Chamber really plays it clearly."

"Either way, you still have to be smart to be a human being. If you don't, you will be eliminated by the market after all."

"It's good to be eliminated. The big waves wash away the sand, weed out those salty fish who can only fool around, and leave some hard-working authors, which is perfect."

"Yeah, I just want to smoke the blind box right now, and I'll go and watch the limited episode after I've finished drawing a set of blind boxes, and see how exciting the episode is."

"It will definitely be very exciting. If such a big battle is not good, then the author will not be sprayed to death?"



"My boy, brother Mingyun, guess what, this limited edition blind box was sold out as soon as it was launched."

The first thing Wangcai did after returning to Zhongnan Mountain was to immediately go to Zhao Xun's residence to report the good news to him.

For Wangcai, this can definitely be regarded as extremely good news.

"Wangcai, don't get excited, sit down, these are routine operations."

Zhao Xun pressed his hands down to signal Wangcai to be safe and not to be impatient.

In his opinion, it is quite normal for limited blind boxes to become popular.

This involves two crucial factors in commercial marketing.

One is novelty hunting, and the other is hunger marketing.

The essence of blind boxes is novelty hunting.

Because you won't know what's in the blind box until you pull out the blind box.

And the probability thing is there, people will spend a lot of money in order to get a complete set of blind boxes.

The key is that their entire state of drawing blind boxes can be said to be endlessly enjoyable.

The limitation involves hunger marketing.

Things are rare.

The rarer something is, the more people will scramble for it.

So the limited edition hits the point.

Limited, limited, you will regret it after buying it.

With this kind of mentality, it is basically difficult for things with limited editions to become popular.

What's more, the novelty factor has also been added.

When the two are mixed together, the best-selling items among the hottest styles are brought out, and the absolute best-sellers are brought out.

Therefore, there is really no reason to choose to reject such a hot product.


Wangcai is as happy as a rice dumpling at the moment.Seeing this state, Zhao Xun didn't know what to say for a while.


"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just don't think it's worth being so happy about."

"Ah, it seems that Brother Mingyun still has a lot of novel ideas. Any of these ideas should be able to shine, right?"

"Of course."

Zhao Xun still has this confidence, so as long as conditions permit, he will gradually release these ideas.But the premise of all this is necessary.

If there is no need, Zhao Xun doesn't have to rush to release the big move at all.

After all, the reason why the big move is a big move must be because it is not often used on weekdays.

If we see each other every day, every day, then naturally it will be meaningless.


"So put your heart back into your stomach to prosper, I am very confident that I will continue to maintain the popularity of The West Chamber, no matter what the reasons and considerations are."

"And Brother Ming Yun, are you ready for the extra chapter?"

"of course not."

Zhao Xun said without hesitation.


Wangcai was speechless at the moment, he wondered how brother Mingyun could speak so confidently?

For a while, everyone in Wangcai was numb.

"Brother Mingyun, it's better to write the extra episode as soon as possible. Otherwise, if there is a buyer who really collects the blind box and wants to exchange it for the limited extra episode, what should we do? We can't take it out. what."

"Don't worry, I can write the extra episode at any time, and I can write as many words as I want, and I can write as many words as I want."


Wangcai burst out laughing now.

"Brother Mingyun, it's not that I don't believe you. But I can't talk too much about it. It's really hard to write a novel just by thinking about it."

Zhao Xun thought in his heart that it was for others, but for me, it was really a matter of making decisions and arranging them casually.

After all, I have a lot of storage in my stomach.

There is ink in the stomach, so don't panic.

"Wangcai, do you know what Wenqu Xingxia is?"


Wangcai vaguely felt that Zhao Xun was about to start acting aggressive, so he subconsciously took a step back.

"The next thing is Wenquxing descending to earth, Wenquxing descending to earth hand-picked by the head of the mountain."

"Uh, did the head of the mountain really say that?"

"Exactly. The head of the mountain said that I am a rare Wenqu star descending to earth, so my self-confidence comes from this."

In fact, Zhao Xun's self-confidence does not come entirely from this, but since he wants to speak to Wangcai, he must be extremely persuasive.

And who can be so convincing?

Except for the mountain leader Zhao Xun, I really can't think of anyone else.

In fact, Zhao Xun has firmly grasped the current situation.

In this case, just step by step.

"Wow, that's how it is."

Wangcai was so moved at this moment.

"Brother Ming Yun's words make me feel relieved."

At this moment, Wangcai seemed to have taken a reassurance.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Zhao Xun said very calmly: "So let's just make sure we can be ourselves."

"Quack quack..."

"I understand, I understand."

"Brother Mingyun, I think our future is extremely bright."

"Of course. Our future is bright at the moment."



"Wow, I finally got this legendary limited edition. It's really interesting."

"It's really good, but it's too short. After reading it once, there's nothing left. After reading it once, you have to wait."

"So why can't this episode be longer?"

"Are you really stupid or fake stupid? Even if the author has written all the episodes, it is impossible to release them all. They want to make money slowly and make money slowly."

"I see…"

"If you say that, I understand. It turns out that the author wants to hook us and hang us all the time."

"Yeah, he has to do this if he wants to keep the popularity of The West Chamber. He has to rely on extra episodes to maintain the popularity."

"Yeah, so, this author really knows how to play, and everything is understood by him."

"But what can we do? Even if we understand that we should buy Fanwai, don't we still have to buy it? After all, The Story of the West Chamber is really beautiful. I haven't read such a beautiful novel for a long time. This is really It makes one feel unstoppable.”

"Yeah, so let's not complain. This kind of thing is a matter of one willing to fight and one willing to suffer, and you love me. They didn't force you to buy it with a knife, did they?"

"Yes, yes, these are all voluntary, and we are willing."

"Oh, that's why I should collect more good books when necessary. The feeling of shortage of books when this book ends is really uncomfortable. It's like a cat's paw keeps scratching I feel the same as you, it's too painful, it's really too painful."


"Hey, let's see if this author will open a new book next time. I think there should be a new book coming out. You just have to wait."

"Hey, the waiting time is really painful, but there is really no way."

"That's right, the author is also a human being, so we must give him enough time."

"Good products are not afraid of waiting. Since what we want to read is high-quality goods, we should naturally not rush too much. Otherwise, even if the author rushes to write a new book, the quality of the new book will not be much better. So I think we The only thing to do now is to wait quietly. As long as we do this well, it will be enough."


"Hey, if only there were more authors in this world as talented as the author of The West Chamber."

"how can that be."

"The business of writing books depends on talent. If you don't have enough talent, no matter how hard you work, you won't be able to write good enough books. So we must work hard to reward the authors of these excellent books. Only in this way can we inspire Their desire to create makes them create more excellent works.”

"Yes, yes, that's the truth. Having excellent works can inspire creators to create more high-quality works. This is a virtuous circle."

"If you want to read a good book, you have to show some attitude no matter what. Come on, let's go to draw the blind box."

"Still smoking? Why are you still smoking blind boxes?"

"That's right, haven't you already unlocked the episode?"

"If you unlock it, you won't be able to smoke it? We are doing this to reward the author. After all, the better the blind box sells, the more the author's commission will be."

"Yes, yes, we don't know who the author is, so we can only express our support in this way. The West Chamber is sold out, otherwise I really hope to buy more."

"Tsk tsk tsk, you guys are really strong, it's really not easy to be able to do this."

"I can't help it. Since I said that I want to support it, I will naturally work harder. It's no support if you just say it but don't do it."

"Hey hey hey..."

"There's nothing wrong with it, it's reasonable. Just guarantee the current things, and basically give the author the motivation to continue creating."



Wangcai is very happy, because he is now making a lot of money every day.

Relying on the popularity of a book of The West Chamber, he achieved a great increase in his personal income.

Things that I didn't even think about before, now...

At this moment, Wangcai fainted from happiness.

"Brother Mingyun, you are really my favorite."

"Haha Wangcai, you're out of your league by saying that."

Zhao Xun said with a chuckle.

"I'm really not seeing outsiders, brother Mingyun, I mean it. Since I met you, I have become more and more smooth."

Wangcai expressed his feelings and said: "Although I made some small fortunes before, it is nothing compared to the fortunes I made after meeting you. The two are not even on the same level. Let me say that you are my Your nobleman is really right."

Wangcai said in a deep voice: "Brother Mingyun, I'm right with you, and I will definitely work hard. You just wait to make a lot of money."

"Haha, I will accept your good words."

Zhao Xun still believed in this.

With his ability to produce content and ideas for packaging and marketing, coupled with Wangcai's innate business talent, it can be said that it is difficult for a strong alliance to become popular.

"However, I still want to remind you of one thing. The popularity of The Story of the West Chamber is too high recently. I'm worried that the imperial court will have some ideas."

"Actually, I also have some concerns in this regard. But we have no reason to be complacent because of this at this time."

Wangcai spread his hands and said: "What's more, even if the court really noticed that we have already made a lot of money. Besides, although we call him the dog emperor, that Emperor Xianlong is not really a dog. His nose is not Maybe it’s really so sensitive? He noticed it just after we changed our pseudonym? If this is the case, I think there is only one possibility, and that is that the dog emperor asked the old Taoist Yuan Tiangang to use the great mind technique. But the old Taoist is not Fool, if the dog emperor doesn't provide sufficient benefits, I don't think the old Taoist priests will easily use the grand view of the mind. So based on the above analysis, I don't think you need to worry, Brother Ming Yun."

Wangcai's analysis can be said to be quite in place, and Zhao Xun was moved to tears after hearing it.

"Hahaha, it would be really great if this is the case. I finally changed my pen name, and now I can rely on this pen name to plunder the court's wool. Maybe Emperor Xianlong is still reading what I wrote. The book was read with gusto."


Wangcai patted his head and thought about it: "Don't say it, it's really possible. So brother Mingyun, come on, I'm optimistic about you, and I'm going to squeeze the court's wool hard, maybe Emperor Xianlong will return This book will be rewarded to kings and grandchildren."

"Hahaha, that's what I mean."

At present, Zhao Xun and Wangcai have reached a consensus on this matter.

The main reason is that the dog emperor is really unpopular.But if he is a little bit more human, he will not force Zhao Xun into this state.

Look at what the kids are being forced into!
Of course, it is still necessary for Zhao Xun to maintain absolute restraint.

Although he is really cool now, all of this is based on the fact that Emperor Xianlong did not find out that this new pseudonym is Zhao Xun's vest.If the dog emperor finds out about this, it will be really troublesome.

"Well, let's leave it like this for now. When it should be high-key, it should be high-key, and when it should be low-key, it should be low-key. I believe that as long as my true identity is not exposed, everything will go well. The dog emperor wants to manipulate me, but he doesn't know Now he has been played around by me. So this IQ determines a lot of things. If the IQ is not enough, even if you give him more things, it will not help."

"Well, it stands to reason that the dog emperor is already very powerful, but when facing brother Ming Yun, all of his so-called power can't be brought into play. So brother Ming Yun, I really believe that you can fight against Xianlong in this battle. There is no doubt that he can defeat him in the tug-of-war of the emperor."

"Haha, yes. I also feel that it is impossible for me to lose to the Dog Emperor if I lose to anyone."

Zhao Xun said excitedly: "So Wangcai, keeping calm is what we must do. Keep calm and we can continue to make money. I'll just start a new book when The Story of the West Chamber can't make any money." .”



(End of this chapter)

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