big week bad guy

Chapter 423 Withdrawal of the Forbidden Army

Chapter 423 Withdrawing the Forbidden Army (nearly 20000 words super chapter)
Zhao Xun thought to himself that with the temperament of the third senior brother Long Qingquan, if he knew that Taoist Qinglian classified him as the third level of swordsmanship, he would be half dead with anger.

Anyway, the third brother is also the third disciple of the dignified academy, and he is also a second-rank practitioner. It is really embarrassing to be classified as the third rank.

And doesn't the third gear mean third-rate?
To say that the third senior brother is third-rate is somewhat bullying.

It's really hard.

"Uh, master and apprentice, please ask you one thing?"

"Say it."

"You must not say this to Third Brother Long Qingquan. He won't listen to such words."

"Don't worry brat, your master and I are not stupid."

Daoist Qinglian rolled her eyes and said, "I can tell what to say and what to say and what not to say. I'm just going to tell you about these things. As long as you don't say it outside, he won't know .”

"That's good, that's good..."

Zhao Xun finally felt relieved when he heard this.

"Actually, there are a lot of swordsmen in the third rank. Didn't I say it before? They all have obvious shortcomings and obvious strengths. Take out their strengths and strengths individually. If they are obviously strong, they can be classified into the second rank or even the second rank. Into the first gear. But their shortcomings are too stretched, so..."

Daoist Qinglian spread her hands and said, "It can only be placed in the third gear."

Although the benefactor said it so clearly, Zhao Xun knew that he couldn't let the third senior brother hear it.

Otherwise, Long Qingquan's fiery temper would explode instantly.

Difficult, really difficult.

Why is it so difficult to be the youngest in the academy?

Ever since he came to the academy, Zhao Xun found that he had a heart that couldn't be finished.

I thought he could be a hands-off shopkeeper, but he never thought that he would be a tinker.

The tinker can just mend the pot, but Zhao Xun found that he not only had to mend the pot but also considered other issues, which was a bit embarrassing.

Zhao Xun is helpless.

"Actually, the ranking of kendo is really a matter of opinion, at least I don't think I can decide anything."

"So, don't take it to heart. The old man just said that, and you just listened to it."




Master Huiyan felt that the recent rhythm was not right.

Ever since the High Priest of the Demon Sect came to the Corruptor's camp, the Corruptor's attitude towards him, especially Wuoris, became more and more indifferent.

Although there was no enthusiasm at the beginning, but compared with this, the gap is really obvious.

For a while, Master Huiyan felt that something was wrong.

In many cases, disasters are brewing from some inconspicuous places.

It was not obvious at the beginning, but it became more and more obvious as it accumulated.

It was too late to intervene in the end.

So when it is time to make a decision, you must make a decisive decision.

Indecisiveness leads to disaster.

Many times this is a conflict of interests.

When he was in court, Master Huiyan mainly needed to be wary and worried about Taoism and Yuan Tiangang.

This Taoist celestial master seems to be neither fighting nor robbing, but he is actually quite ambitious.

Once allowed to operate, the possibility of catching up is not small.

Master Huiyan did not intend to give this imaginary enemy a chance.

Because for him, Taoism is the biggest threat.

Master Huiyan can even predict that for a long time to come, the struggle between Taoism and Tantric Buddhism in the Western Regions will occupy the absolute mainstream.

As for how long it will last, no one knows who will win in the end.

Master Huiyan is very clear that if he wants to bring Buddhism in the Western Regions to the peak, he must inevitably step on others.

It's fine if you just step on one person, but if you keep stepping on many people, the concept will be completely different.

Originally, Master Huiyan didn't have any deep hatred with this high priest of the Demon Sect.

But the high priest of the Demon Sect took the initiative to come over to fight, and Master Huiyan really couldn't bear it.

It is only for him to step on others, and it is never possible for others to step on him.

This time the high priest of the Demon Sect took the initiative to rush to the edge of the knife, so Master Huiyan naturally couldn't bear it.

Well, let's wait and see who can have the last laugh.



Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are people, disputes cannot be avoided.

This is evident in the business world.

After the imperial court banned The Story of the West Chamber, a chaotic situation of many disputes immediately appeared in the market.

For a while, Wangcai couldn't stand it any longer.

What are these inferior imitations?Can it actually replace The Story of the West Chamber and carve up the market share of The Story of the West Chamber?
Just thinking about it makes me sick.

But at this time, there is really no good way for Wangcai.

Brother Mingyun once said that they should keep a low profile for a while, but in Wangcai's view, why should they keep a low profile, why should they be asked to keep a low profile?
Broke a tooth and swallowed it in the stomach?

If this is the case, it is not prosperous.

So Wangcai decided to take the initiative to go to Zhao Xun to discuss the details of the new book.

A new book must be written, but to what subject matter and to what extent it needs to be sat down and chatted.

If Brother Mingyun has any good ideas, then Wangcai will be able to see hope in the future.



"Brother Mingyun, look at their face of being a villain, it's really shameless. I really don't understand how they can be so shameless. Obviously what they wrote is inferior imitation, but they act like they are Just like the original."

Wangcai waved his fists angrily, looking extremely angry.

It's not that he hasn't thought about enduring it, but now he really can't bear it anymore.

"Wangcai, put your mind at ease, don't be impatient."

Zhao Xun pressed his hands down, signaling Wangcai to be safe and not to be impatient.

"Didn't we talk about this issue before? I don't think there is any problem?"

"Oh, Brother Mingyun, this moment is another moment. It was one thing at the time, and it is another thing now. I didn't see their ugly faces at the time. Now I can't bear it after seeing them. Now that I can't bear it , then there is no need to bear it any longer!"


"Do you think what I said makes sense?"

It is rare for Zhao Xun to see Wangcai acting so strong, and Wangcai's current behavior is actually enough to explain some problems.

"So... you think I have to write a new book, right?"

Zhao Xun wanted to cry for a while but had no tears.

Right now, he finally got some time to rest, and he looks like he can let go.But now it seems that his dream is about to be shattered.

Difficult, why is life so difficult.

"That's right, if you don't write new books, the market will be divided by these low-quality books. I really can't bear this, and I have to fight them to the end!"

Wangcai made it clear.

"Brother Mingyun, you have to stand up."

Wangcai's words undoubtedly made Zhao Xun very helpless.

He really wanted to lie flat, but Wangcai kept waving the small whip in his hand, which made Zhao Xun's plan to lie flat fail.

"No problem, when did I coax and frown?"

At this moment, Zhao Xun was full of momentum.

He really can't do anything.

But who would not lie flat when given a choice?

But now it seems that there is no play.

Wangcai's emotions were so agitated that it made people a little speechless.

But no matter how speechless Zhao Xun is, he has to cooperate with Wangcai.

Who told Wangcai to be a good brother?

A good brother can't live up to it no matter what.


The next thing Zhao Xun has to do is to decide what type of book to write.

Only after confirming this point can we continue the discussion.

Otherwise, I will be stuck here, what else is there to talk about?

"Wangcai, let's talk about the topic selection of the new book. What type do you think I should write?"


Wangcai was stunned at this moment.

His desire to get Zhao Xun to write a new book is very strong, but at this time he really doesn't know what subject matter can become popular.

If it was possible to make some estimates in the past, now it can only be a group of demons dancing wildly.

"Brother Mingyun, I think it's better to change the theme. As for the specific theme, it's up to you."

Wangcai spread his hands and said, "Brother Mingyun, after all, you are here to write the book, not me, so it's better for you to resist more."


Zhao Xun thought to himself, Wangcai is not even willing to give direction, it is really too difficult for him.

"Let me think about it. I've finished writing ghost novels, and I've also written love novels. So there are only fairy novels left."

Zhao Xun thought about it carefully and felt that it was time for Journey to the West to play.

Generally speaking, Journey to the West is still very good. It depends on the distribution strategy.

If you can give Journey to the West a better positioning, and make Journey to the West have a more perfect setting and background, then Zhao Xun has reason to believe that Journey to the West will definitely explode.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Wangcai, I have already figured out what to write. I call this Journey to the West. It is a story about a group of people going to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures."


Wangcai was a little surprised when he heard this.

"Journey to the West? Learn from scriptures?"


Zhao Xun said without hesitation: "Journey to the West should meet the needs of readers, so I decided to write this. But Brother Mingyun, you may have to pay more attention to the packaging and distribution of this book. After all, only this book Only when the book is accurately positioned can it be a hit as soon as it is launched.”

"Ahaha, don't worry. I'm in charge of business operations."

"But this time, brother Mingyun, your update speed can no longer be slow. You have to guarantee the update speed no matter what. If your update speed of the previous two books can be faster, it will definitely not be the current result. It will definitely be hotter."

Although Zhao Xun repeatedly emphasized the so-called hunger marketing with Wangcai.

But in Wangcai's view, it is more beneficial to update faster.

The faster the update speed, the higher the reader's desire to follow up.As long as the quality is not too stretchy, there is no major problem.

But if the salted fish is rotten and updated, even if it has a high popularity at the beginning, it will be difficult to maintain it.

So whenever update speed is critical.

"Uh... I will pay attention to this, but it is impossible for me to maintain a high-intensity state without any decline. Wangcai, as long as you are a person, you will be tired. I can only promise that I will do my best, but I can't guarantee the specific update speed."

Zhao Xun didn't agree with Wangcai, because in his opinion, Wangcai is the most ghostly guy.Once the promise is given to him, he will take this promise to KPI Zhao Xun.In case Zhao Xun's income is reduced because of this, there is really no place to cry.

So Zhao Xun must not talk to death.One must be left alive.

"Yeah, okay, as long as you know what's in your heart, I won't force you."

Now that the goal of Wangcai has been achieved, there is no intention of continuing to force Zhao Xun.

He also knows that Zhao Xun is a donkey, and he can basically say anything if he wants to, but if he doesn't agree with him, he may collapse suddenly.

"So now there is another war in the Alan Lore continent, and another dispute?"


Baron Guos's face was a little heavy.Although the current situation is still generally controllable, it is basically impossible to completely resolve the war.

"tsk tsk"

Prince Harry Portsman was lost in thought for a moment.

He knew that this must have something to do with the rebellion of the Paladins.

Prince Harry Botsman never imagined that the paladins had made such a big fuss back then.

At that time, Prince Harry Portsman only wanted to find out the traitor among the Paladins, so he didn't spend too much energy on the war in the Kingdom of Casper.

Unexpectedly, the spread of the war has reached such a point, it is simply beyond the expectation of Prince Harry Botsman.

"So there should be no problem with the father, right?"

"The capital city is very safe. Basically, it is judged that it all happened in the border areas. The rebels are raging in these places, and they really want to invade the capital city, but at least so far they don't have the strength. So now it seems that His Majesty the King and the capital city are both It's safe."

"Just temporary security, right?"

Harry Potter didn't have a prince, but he heard the implication of Baron Goose's words.

He smiled wryly and said, "So the Corruptors actually left a lot of troops on the continent of Alan Lore. They didn't bring all the troops to the big Zhou world we are in."

"The disputes in the Great Zhou world only stay in the Great Zhou world. But we cannot participate in the disputes in the Alan Lore continent, at least not in a short time."

At this moment, Prince Harry Portesman's eyes were full of helplessness.

"His Royal Highness, there is no need to be so pessimistic. At least the defense system of the capital is still very complete. It is impossible for those corroders on the border to invade the capital. There is only one way for them to invade the capital, and that is to gather again Some allies. But the situation in the continent of Alan Lore at this moment is actually very clear. It is almost impossible to gather enough allies at this time. Unless the main force of the Corruptor returns from the Great Zhou World. But there is nothing There is a high probability, because the portal of darkness has been closed. It will take a lot of effort to reopen the portal of darkness. Moreover, the Corruptors have not achieved their goal at this time, so they will not be reconciled."

The analysis of Baron Guos can be said to be very reasonable and in place.

Prince Harry Portsman nodded frequently after hearing this.

"The current situation is actually quite ideal. As long as our side can hold back the main force of the Corruptor, then there will be no danger in the Alan Lore Continent or the Kingdom of Casper."

"Well, but we can't just be limited to holding them back, we still have to try our best to completely defeat the Corruptor or even eliminate it. It is better to cut off one finger than to hurt it. Only by causing serious damage to it can we maximize the damage. kill them."

"Well, I agree with this sentence. At present, the academy alliance still has this strength. As the leader, the academy is quite strong and can fully take on this responsibility."

"Recently, I want to have more exchanges with the academy, so that I can have a better understanding of their strategies in the future."

"Well, you should take the initiative. There is no problem in taking the initiative."

Lauren looked up and began to gaze at the night sky.

Stars twinkled in the night sky.

The countless stars connected together gave Lauren an almost magical feeling.

There was a time when Lauren became obsessed with admiring the night sky.

The night sky can make him feel quiet, and the absolute quietness allows him to look back at everything he has experienced calmly.

It also allows him to take a good look at all this and look forward to the future.

The future is promising, and the future is promising.

When he first came to the academy, Lauren didn't have much expectation for the future.

Because he knew they just changed the world.

The Corruptor will still follow like a shadow.

But later Lauren found that he was too pessimistic.

The Corruptor did chase after him as he expected, but it didn't do much damage to it.

The defensive system of the entire academy is too stable, to the point of shocking.

With such a solid defense, no one can pose too much threat to the academy alliance's defense.

The Corruptor also tried to launch several attacks, but the effect was mediocre.

The Corruptor's attack was blocked by the academy, and their tricks were easily deciphered.

It can be said that the performance of the Academy in the whole process is perfect, which is really enviable.

Luo Lun is proud of being able to get acquainted with Zhao Xun and cooperate with the academy.

With such a powerful ally, Lauren felt very at ease.

Once upon a time, Lauren didn't know when the Dragon Clan would be revived.

But now he finally sees hope.

The hope brought by the academy.

"tsk tsk"

Everyone will feel very happy when there is hope in life, and Lauren is no exception.

Back then, he had vowed to bring the Dragon Clan back to the peak with his own hands, and now it seems that the opportunity has finally come.

It is not an easy task to ensure that everyone is in a stable environment.But the academy is doing very well, and Zhao Xun is doing very well.So basically they don't have to worry about revival.Just do what you have to do.

"tsk tsk"

"Why aren't you asleep yet, Lauren?"

Seeing that Luo Lun was staying on the bamboo building looking at the stars, Zhao Xun touched him from behind and sat beside him.

"Ah, you haven't slept either. Everyone is a night owl, so don't talk about anyone. Come on, since you're all here, let's chat."

The current relationship between Luo Lun and Zhao Xun is like brothers of the opposite sex, so he was very happy to see Zhao Xun coming.

"Haha, okay, what are we talking about?"

"Just talk about the universe you mentioned last time."


Universe, this is a very broad question.

Zhao Xun started chatting with the leader of the Dragon Clan, Luo Lun, after chatting with the third senior brother Long Qingquan last time.

They talked quite a lot.

"The topic of the universe is actually quite broad. Let's just talk about the world we live in. This is actually just one of the small stars. In the vast universe, there are actually quite a lot of such small stars, but the relationship between these worlds The room seems to be separated, but in fact, as long as the door can be opened, there are basically no obstacles."

"The Dark Portal is also such a door, right?"


Zhao Xun nodded and said: "It is not difficult to open that door, but it is not a simple matter to keep it open after opening that door. Of course, the Dark Door has been closed now. But before that , actually lasted for quite a long time. In such a long time, people in the two worlds have formed intercommunication, and at this time their value has basically been formed.”

"So theoretically speaking, we can complete interconnection with people in any world, as long as we want to, as long as we can open that door. After opening that door, everything will be connected. So from this perspective, you All worlds can be thought of as connected.”

"The universe itself is connected."

"Tsk tsk, this is really interesting."

Lauren continued to ask with great interest: "So, in fact, all of this is a deterministic thing, right?"

"There is uncertainty in certainty, and there is certainty in uncertainty. I think it can basically be understood in this way. We don't need to make it absolute, nor should we isolate it. We just need to consider this issue reasonably and comprehensively."

Lauren nodded frequently.

In his opinion, Zhao Xun's theory is really interesting.

After Zhao Xun's introduction, a very complicated matter suddenly became simple.

"tsk tsk"

"So we also have the opportunity to dream of the vast sea of ​​stars and the vast galaxy in the future, right?"

"There is indeed a chance, but the premise is that we must be willing to do it. If we feel that the home we are in is perfect enough, then why do we have to go to Dream Star Sea and Dream Star River?"

Zhao Xun thinks that this issue should be considered dialectically.It does not mean that the universe must be perfect, nor does it mean that the universe must be beautiful.

If you explore the universe blindly, you may not get what you really want.

At least Zhao Xun felt that the big Zhou world they were in was quite perfect.

In this situation, it would be nice if the status quo could be maintained.

Unless one day in the future, the world of Great Zhou is no longer suitable for living, and it is no longer suitable for people to gather in large numbers, then moving to the vast sea of ​​stars to find new galaxies and planets suitable for life is what must be done.

"What you said makes sense..."

Zhao Xun's words caused Luo Lun to fall into deep thought for a while.

"The reason why we left the mainland of Alan Lore is because we can no longer live there. Who doesn't want to live in the place where he was born and raised. But if there is even the slightest chance, we will not leave at this time. The reason why we left is because we really can't live anymore. Staying in the continent of Alan Lore is a slow death .”

When talking about this, Lauren seemed extremely emotional.

Zhao Xun could more or less understand his mood.

At this moment, Zhao Xun tried to calm down Luo Lun's mood and said: "Yes, your choice is extremely correct now. If you continue to stay in the Alan Lore continent, you will basically have no future. "

"You have chosen the most perfect decision for your tribe."

"This decision is not a problem for your tribe. As long as it can be carried out in this way, I think the revival of the Dragon Clan can be achieved very well. The revival of the Dragon Clan is not as difficult as imagined. As long as you work hard and work hard, I think there is still a lot of hope.”

At this time, Zhao Xun has to show the responsibility that a leader of the alliance should have no matter what.

When the alliance members are confused, when their emotions fluctuate, Zhao Xun has no reason to escape at this time. He must stand up in time and give them comfort.


After Zhao Xun comforted Luo Lun, his mood immediately became quite stable.

For him, the trials and tribulations he is experiencing now will eventually come to an end.When these are over, the Dragon Clan will no longer be the Dragon Clan of the past.When these are over, the Dragon Clan will be able to completely attain Nirvana.

"Well, it will. I am very optimistic about you. As long as you can develop steadily, it is a good thing. As long as you can develop steadily, you can have hope."

After enlightening Luo Lun, Zhao Xun returned to his residence.

It's already late at night, basically it's time to rest.

But Zhao Xun didn't intend to rest.Because he was about to start writing a new book.

Originally, Zhao Xun planned to give it a try and procrastinate, but Wangcai has come so many times, and the simple Zhao Xun is really embarrassed to procrastinate.

One's delay can only make Wangcai more irritable, and it is impossible to solve the problem.What's the point?

So Zhao Xun decided to end all this as soon as possible.

Writing a new book has never been a difficult task for Zhao Xun.Especially after two books became popular in succession.

Now Zhao Xun has fully mastered the routine of writing a book, and can write everything he wants to write proficiently from the very beginning.As long as he can go through a smooth over-development, his new book will definitely become popular again.Of course, what Zhao Xun is more worried about now is whether his new book will be banned by the court and the dog emperor as soon as it comes out.After all, Emperor Xianlong had done the same thing twice, even if he did it for the third time, Zhao Xun would not feel any surprise.

So Zhao Xun still has to keep a hand, and try his best to ensure that Emperor Xianlong will not see it.

This is indeed a technical job, but Zhao Xun never tires of doing it.

After all, it's about making money.

Zhao Xun can't be said to be very familiar with Journey to the West, it can only be said that he has mastered everything.

Every detail of every plot is basically engraved in the mind.

So at this time, Zhao Xun can write all the plots just right, and arrange each plot clearly.

The next step is the most critical part, that is polishing.

There are still many things in Journey to the West that do not conform to the characteristics of this era.

Although the Great Zhou World was a feudal era, there were still some differences.These differences must be taken seriously and rationally. Only in this way can all the plots be laid out perfectly and all the details can be presented properly.

If you just blindly ask for plot and climaxes, there will basically be various problems.These are what Zhao Xun does not want to see anyway.

Because for him, what he hopes is that Journey to the West can be promoted smoothly and released smoothly.

As far as the story itself is concerned, Journey to the West is already quite good.Zhao Xun even thought that no one would be able to shake the story of Journey to the West.In this case, it may be a good thing to write a little plainly.

The continuous advancement of the plot can attract readers to continue to taper, and can attract readers to keep reading.

This is what Zhao Xun realized after publishing two popular books.

Zhao Xun is a person who is extremely strict with himself, so he will keep trying various new routines.

But these routines must satisfy one point, that is, they must have absolute rationality.

A story without rationality and logic is not a good story, at most it can be regarded as some poor patchwork.Such cobbled-together stories lack an appealing core quality and often feel lethargic.

Of course, Zhao Xun didn't want the story he wrote to be in such a form.

So he will deduct the details one by one, and confirm the development of the story one by one.Only after confirming all these can he write a perfect story and write a story that satisfies him.

Readers can only be satisfied if they are satisfied.Only when you are satisfied can readers buy it.

To put it bluntly, this is a very simple economic account.

People with a little intelligence can clearly understand the truth.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, he just wants to succeed in doing what he thinks is right.

Writing a book is all about fighting, and if you get it right, you can skyrocket to [-] miles.If the writing is bad, just change the vest and reopen it.

Wangcai played this game with great proficiency.

Now on the whole, Wangcai has already operated the business to the extreme.Next, it depends on Zhao Xun's own performance.

If he can show his strength, then there is still hope that Journey to the West will be completely turned into a fire book.

At present, Journey to the West still has the characteristics of Huoshu.As long as some factors are gathered together, Zhao Xun feels that it is only a matter of time before Journey to the West becomes popular.

Coupled with the fact that Wangcai, a business prodigy, is behind the scenes, it's hard for Journey to the West not to be popular.

Some people are born to eat this bowl of rice, Zhao Xun thinks that he really has hope to become a god with this book.



After staying up all night, Zhao Xun felt ecstatic.

He never thought that he could write all night.

After fighting all night, Zhao Xun felt that he was about to pass out.

If he wasn't a cultivator, I'm afraid he really couldn't bear it now.

But fortunately, he is a practitioner, so the problem is not too big.

With such a thick stack of manuscripts, Zhao Xun can calmly go to see Wangcai.

At least when Wangcai sees him, he won't feel that he is passive and sabotage.

Code words are difficult, and it is even more difficult to write high-quality novels that sell well.

Zhao Xun wanted to get a compliment after working so hard for a long time, and that was enough.

As for whether the new book is popular or not, he didn't even think about it.

Because in Zhao Xun's opinion, the quality of the new book is hard to think about whether it is popular or not.



"Tsk tsk tsk, brother Mingyun, you don't need to work so hard. I just said that you can increase the speed of writing appropriately. Who would have thought that you could write the manuscript directly. It's amazing!"

Looking at the thick stack of manuscripts, Wangcai was delighted.

How could he never have thought that Zhao Xun's update speed would be so fast?

Is this still the Zhao Xun he knew?That Zhao Xun who writes one update after another, and updates like Xianyu?

"In fact, I don't have any advantages. If I have one, I have strong execution ability. I will definitely work hard to do what I decide, and I will definitely do everything well in the shortest time."

Zhao Xun thought in his heart that it is time to pretend, right?
Good guy, having a manuscript means you have the confidence, and you don't have to be as submissive and timid as Wang Cai was when he asked questions.

"Haha, as expected of Brother Ming Yun, you are magnificent!"

"Wangcai, next we still have to look at the problem separately. My manuscript is finished, and it's up to you next. If you can finish everything in the shortest time, then we can finish it in the shortest time. Time to occupy the market."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Wangcai's eyes narrowed into a slit.

"Hahaha, brother Mingyun, don't worry. Now basically after my business promotion, there is no possibility that your book will not be popular."

"Well, that's good."

"By the way, I have a long memory this time. I promise to change to another bookstore to distribute your new book, so that Emperor Xianlong will not target your new book just because he targeted our Pan family."

This is also the way Wangcai came up with recently.

For Wangcai, it couldn't be easier to change the bookstore to issue books.

This sort of thing is pretty normal in the business world.

"Well, this method is good. With this method, we don't have to worry about the brainless dog emperor anymore."

"Well, let the dog emperor smell the fart and eat it."



"La la la, la la la..."

After some adjustments, Wangcai found that things are actually very simple to do.

After some tentative operations, the trial reading part of Journey to the West has been put on sale in Chang'an City.

This time, Journey to the West was not released at Wangcai's Panji Bookstore, but at the Zhengji Bookstore owned by his friend Zheng Jun.

Therefore, Wangcai also wants to give some dividends to his friend Zheng Jun.

Although Wangcai felt some pain in his flesh, he knew it was inevitable.

Since we want to cooperate, we must give up some of the profits.

If they refused to give the profits to the Zheng family, the Zheng family would definitely not want to work hard.

It is impossible for the horse to run and not to eat grass at the same time.

So Wangcai has made up his mind this time.

As long as there is determination, it is a good thing.

Many things are actually a matter of determination and attitude.

Next, Wangcai is waiting to collect the money.

He felt that Journey to the West would become popular in as few as three to five days, and as long as ten days, and then he would just lie down and make money.

It is not shabby to make money on your own strength.

If Zhao Xun was able to write three hit books in a row, what was it not because of his strength?


"Have you all heard? The hot new book has come out again."

"Hot new book? What kind of book is this?"

"Of course it's Journey to the West. Haven't you heard of it?"

"Journey to the West? What is this?"

"It is said to be a fairy novel, tsk tsk tsk..."

"Fairy novel? What is it about?"

"It seems to be a story about a group of masters and apprentices going to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures. It sounds pretty good."

"Ah, really? How is it compared to Liaozhai and The West Chamber?"

"The content is somewhat similar to Liaozhai. But the overall narrative style seems to be different. It doesn't match the style of The West Chamber."


"Then why don't we try?"

"Of course I have to try it out. It would be a pity not to read such a popular book."

"Besides, the books that so many people are vying for are definitely not bad. At most, they don't suit the taste, but at least there won't be anything disgusting."

"Well, I think so too..."

"Okay, then let's not hesitate anymore, just go and see it!"

"Yes, yes, if you hesitate again at this time, what if the book is sold out in a while?"

"That can't be done, we have to go quickly."



"It's really outrageous. We just came a little late, and the manuscript was sold out. Isn't this speed too exaggerated?"

"Yes, yes, I think it's outrageous. If you say that popular books like The West Chamber and Liao Zhai have such a sales speed, I can understand it. Why is the sales speed of Journey to the West so fast!"

"Hey, what you said is outrageous. When The West Chamber and Liao Zhai were first released, you didn't know it was a fire book. So how did you know that Journey to the West would not be popular?"

"Yes, haven't you heard a sentence? Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor. Even if Journey to the West is not popular now, how can you be sure that Journey to the West will not be popular in the future?"

"Yes, it makes sense!"

"In my opinion, this Journey to the West has the potential to explode, and we have to wait and watch. I believe that Journey to the West will be reprinted in a short time. As soon as Journey to the West is printed, we will rush over to print it. Buy it. But there must be no more mistakes."


"There can only be one mistake. If it is once, we can still say it is careless. If it is twice, it can only be explained as stupid."

"Hehehe, as long as there is a hot new book coming out, basically it can't escape the eyes of us old bookworms."

"Anyway, the follow-up is over. Watch it early to enjoy it, and watch it later to enjoy a discount."

"My brother and I are both good money owners. Why do you want to watch it late, just for the mere discount? It's a joke!"

"Yes, we must follow up on the latest manuscript of Journey to the West, so as to ensure timeliness."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Miaozai, Miaozai..."



"Haha Brother Mingyun, Journey to the West is on fire."


Zhao Xun was eating oranges, when he saw Wangcai running towards him like a little meat ball, he froze for a moment.

"So fast?"

Although Zhao Xun was mentally prepared, he still didn't expect that Journey to the West would become popular so quickly.

"Haha... It's a good thing, it's a good thing."

Zhao Xun smiled indifferently and said, "But Wangcai, please keep calm. Journey to the West will become even more popular in the future..."


Zhao Xun was really happy in his heart.

Fire a book is easy.The difficulty of connecting three books in a row is comparable to climbing to the sky.

But Zhao Xun became popular again.

What is this indicating?

Content is the most critical element?
Hard power determines everything?
Zhao Xun changed his pseudonym to become popular once, and there was no one else.

"Brother Mingyun, I decided to take advantage of the victory and pursue it, so I simply printed [-] copies at once."

"Fifty thousand copies?"

Zhao Xun was chewing oranges, but he squirted out all the oranges at once.

"Fifty thousand copies is too much."

Zhao Xun frowned and said: "Didn't I tell you before? Only by maintaining hunger marketing can you sell books well and make a lot of money. You print [-] copies at a time, everyone knows You’re well stocked, so you’re definitely not in a hurry to buy. So sales will drop.”

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Of course Wangcai remembers this, but sometimes he habitually returns to the environment he adapts to.

"Okay, I see. How many copies do you think are suitable for printing?"

"How many copies have been printed before?"

"First printing of [-] copies."

Wangcai stretched out five fingers and said without hesitation.


"Same as last time?"

"That's right, five thousand copies are the same as the one in The West Chamber."

"Well, I see."

Zhao Xun thought that the number of [-] copies is actually relatively conservative.

So it's certainly understandable that it sold out all at once.

"In my opinion, five thousand more copies will be printed!"

"Five thousand more copies?"

After hearing this, Wangcai's eyes widened.

The amount Zhao Xun asked for was only [-]% of what Wangcai wanted.

One out of ten, what is Zhao Xun doing!
"Brother Mingyun, is it too little to print five thousand copies?"

"Five thousand copies is a lot. Wangcai, restraint, you must exercise restraint. If you can't exercise restraint, you won't be able to make a lot of money, at most you can make a little money."

"But...I'm not reconciled, obviously I can make more money."

"Small indifference leads to big plans. Prosperous wealth, you must not be greedy for petty gains at this time. You must create a feeling of rare goods to live in. Only in this way can Journey to the West be as popular as possible."


Wangcai said it almost by gritting his teeth.

"Wangcai, is your partner reliable? If not, it will be a big trouble. If we can't control it, there will be many variables."


"Reliable is definitely very reliable. We have been friends since childhood, so you can rest assured, Brother Mingyun. Even if the whole world falls out with me, he will not. Of course, Brother Mingyun and Brother Jia, the three of us will definitely not fall out, so I didn't count it in."

"Ha ha…"

Zhao Xun was always amused by Wangcai's words.

Wangcai's desire to survive is too strong.

"Okay, okay, I know what you mean."

Zhao Xun said with a smile: "We are good brothers, so of course we share the blessings. Don't worry, as long as you promote the book according to my routine, Journey to the West will only become more popular than it is now."



"Hahaha, Journey to the West has been reprinted. Have you all heard about it?"

"Yes, yes, I heard that it is exactly the same as the number of the first printing."

"Five thousand copies? This is not as many as imagined..."

"So...we have to hurry up and buy."

"Yes, yes, if you go slowly, it will definitely be too late."

"Hurry up, let's hurry up and buy."

"It's not easy this time, and I don't know when it will be reprinted next time."

"Yeah, we must seize this opportunity, and we must not let up any more."



There will be some fire books appearing in the bookstore every once in a while.

This is not surprising.

Some books can lead the trend for a long time, but some books disappear in a flash.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Zheng Jun smiled from ear to ear looking at the money earned on the cabinet.

Originally, he just wanted to help the Pan family to help Wangcai, but in the end, he made himself rich by helping him.

It was discussed before that the Zheng family and the Pan family would share [-]%.

Although [-]% is very small, in fact, the Zheng family only played the role of an agent and did not do much.

In this way, it is actually quite a lot to earn [-]% of the profit.

As for how Wangcai will share the money with the author after he gets the money, that's none of his business.

It's just that Zheng Jun didn't understand why Wangcai insisted that he could only print [-] more copies, and not one more copy.

Wangcai's attitude was very tough, and he even spared no effort in exhorting and exhorting him.

In this way, the pressure is naturally quite high.

Zheng Jun didn't know why, and he didn't dare to ask, he only dared to follow Wangcai's instructions.

Once the situation gets out of control, Zheng Jun can't bear the responsibility.

He simply didn't worry about these things, and did exactly what Wangcai said.

In this way, even if he earns less, that Wangcai will not be able to open his mouth.



"Journey to the West... what is this?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, this is the most popular book in the market."

The little eunuch reported to Emperor Xianlong respectfully.


Emperor Xianlong casually opened Journey to the West and read it with relish.

He likes reading novels very much.

As long as he has time, Emperor Xianlong will always try his best to read one or two novels.

For him, this is both a pastime and a relaxation process.

Dealing with government is all too exhausting.

Emperor Xianlong would be suffocated by this complicated feeling.

But reading novels can make Emperor Xianlong forget about these things for a short time, and relax with peace of mind.


This Journey to the West is really interesting.

Emperor Xianlong saw it from the very beginning.

This is rare.

You must know that Emperor Xianlong's taste is notoriously tricky.It is difficult for ordinary books to enter his eyes.

Therefore, the quality of this Journey to the West can be imagined to be high.

"A good book, indeed a good book, but too short and too few."

Emperor Xianlong read the latest chapter of Journey to the West in one breath and said with emotion.

"It would be great if I knew who the author is, so that I can call him to the palace alone, and update me properly."

With a wry smile, Emperor Xianlong shook his head.

He also knew it was impossible.

The reason why the author uses a pen name is to avoid this situation, right?



After Wei Wuji left from Zhongnanshan Jianzhong, he retreated to Taoyuan Village, his hermit near Chang'an.

He has been living here for quite some time.

The reason why Wei Wuji wants to live in seclusion here is mainly because of one thing - cleanliness.

There are not many people in Taoyuan Village, only more than 100 households.

Wei Wuji lived temporarily in a villager's house, and was given a penny every month.

A penny of silver is nothing in the city of Chang'an, where every inch of land is expensive, and it is even looked down upon by others.

But in Taoyuan Village, it can definitely be regarded as a lot of money.

After Wei Wuji gave this condition, the villagers agreed without hesitation.

"Wonderful, really wonderful."

After returning to the village, Wei Wuji's mood suddenly brightened.

Many things that he couldn't understand before have been fully understood after being taught by senior Yuan Mei.

Enlightenment is enlightenment.

Many things in life are like this, and it is difficult and entangled when thinking about it.But if you think about it in another time period, you can understand it very well.

For the next step, Wei Wuji still has plans.

But wait until Emperor Xianlong leaves the palace.

Wei Wuji didn't want to kill Emperor Xianlong with the help of the head of the mountain and the academy, he wanted to kill Emperor Xianlong with his own hands.

Some hatred must be reported by oneself, and it is meaningless if it is done to others.

So even if the risk would be higher, Wei Wuji has no regrets.

He couldn't stand being poked in the back and laughed at.

So he wants to finish it all with his own hands.

Emperor Xianlong should have died a long time ago, but he has lived to this day.

So Wei Wuji must end him at a certain point in time.



"What, you want the imperial army to charge!"

Master Huiyan was shocked when he heard this.

"What do you think?"

"The Corruptor is obviously the stronger side, and he is obviously immortal. Don't you charge, and expect mortals with flesh and blood to charge?"

Master Huiyan is of course a top practitioner, he will not be easily hurt.

But the problem is that the soldiers of the other Forbidden Army are flesh and blood.

The defense system of the Academy Alliance can be described as quite solid.

Master Huiyan has witnessed it with his own eyes.

So he couldn't have allowed the Corruptor to do that.

What's more, Emperor Xianlong once ordered him to preserve the imperial army as much as possible.Because these are the elite among the elite, and they were all cultivated by Emperor Xianlong who spent a lot of money.

One dies and one less.

"Hmph, this is a decision made after discussion by the Corruptor Alliance. What are you unconvinced about?"

"The result of the discussion between the Corruptor Alliance? A joke, in my opinion, it's what you two meant!"

Master Huiyan would not listen to Wu Aolis' nonsense, he snorted coldly and said, "You are really shameless, you are really shameless."

"Shameless, since we are shameless, why do you want to cooperate with us? Since we are shameless, why do you want to post it?"


Master Huiyan choked for a moment.But it has to be said that the other party's retort was so perfect that he couldn't find a reason to refute it.

But the question is whether he decided to cooperate with the Corruptor Alliance.

It was Emperor Xianlong who decided to do this!
Master Huiyan felt that he was wronged, but Emperor Xianlong couldn't be blamed!

After all, he still hoped to rely on Emperor Xianlong's prosperity, and rely on Emperor Xianlong to promote Buddhism in the Western Regions.

It would be bad if Emperor Xianlong felt disgusted with him.

This is not a joke, if not done well, it will be an extremely embarrassing result.

"This time and the other."

Master Huiyan thought for a while, and said in a deep voice: "If you lack the most basic respect for us, we can choose to quit!"

"Exit? Are you serious?"

Wu Aolis raised his eyebrows, and said in a very contemptuous tone: "Do you think you can quit if you want to?"

"Or do you think that we are all soft persimmons and can be manipulated by you at will?"

Wu Aolis stared at Master Huiyan like a falcon, as if he wanted to swallow him alive.

Thinking of a knife alone can't be hidden.

That's what happened to Wuoris at the moment.

At this moment, Master Huiyan has no fear at all.

He knew that at this time, he must not show weakness.

If he shows weakness at this time, everything that was expected before will be impossible to achieve.

In order to fulfill Emperor Xianlong's entrustment and to ensure the interests of the Great Zhou Imperial Army, he had to stand up strong without hesitation.

"I've said everything I need to say, please go ahead."


Wu Aolis stared fiercely at Master Huiyan.

"If you think about it, you have to pay for what you say."

This is a warning and an ultimatum.

If Master Huiyan is still ignorant of current affairs and cannot give him a satisfactory answer, then Wu Aolis doesn't mind giving Master Huiyan a lesson.

"Of course I've thought about it."

Master Huiyan no longer hesitated when he said those words.

He had already thought about what to do, so even if Wu Aolis tried his best to intimidate and intimidate, Master Huiyan would not hesitate at all.

"Hahaha, good, good, good..."

Wu Aolisi laughed like crazy at this moment: "Then get out, once you get out, don't come back again! Get out."



Master Huiyan finally decided to lead the forbidden army back to Chang'an City.

He knew that the other party was using the provocative method, and Wu Aolis wanted to completely infuriate him, thus making him do some stupid things.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Wishful thinking, really wishful thinking!

It's just that although he was happy like this, he had to face Emperor Xianlong's questioning.

After all, Emperor Xianlong wanted him to fully cooperate with the Corruptor at the beginning, but he made such a move, which made Emperor Xianlong completely unable to step down for a while.

Undoubtedly, Emperor Xianlong would feel extremely furious.

But Master Huiyan really couldn't take care of so much anymore, he had to make this kind of decision.

So let him bear all the consequences.



Daming Palace, Zichen Palace.

Emperor Xianlong, who was on the throne in the warm pavilion, was dumbfounded after hearing Master Huiyan's report.

He really didn't understand how it all happened.

"Holy Monk...are you being too impulsive?"

"Your Majesty, the poor monk is really not impulsive. The poor monk has to do this in the current situation. Otherwise, I am really sorry for your majesty and the court. The corruptor wants to let the imperial army die. This reason can't be agreed by the poor monk anyway. Poor If the monk agrees, the poor monk will be a sinner, and ten thousand deaths cannot redeem him."

Emperor Xianlong's complexion turned purple.

For him, the current situation is getting more and more complicated.

Originally, he took the line of the Corruptor, thinking that he was hugging a thick leg, but now it seems that the development of the situation has greatly exceeded his expectations.

According to the current development model, the situation is actually very unsatisfactory.

What Master Huiyan can do is to preserve the imperial army.There's nothing wrong with that either.

It can only be said that time is fate.

After being forced to this point by the Corruptor, Emperor Xianlong really had no good solution.

Even if it was him on the spot, Emperor Xianlong didn't think he could deal with it calmly.

so hard.

Everything is so difficult.

Emperor Xianlong felt as if his throat was stuck, no matter what others did or did, he was passively following.

"That's all. It's not the holy monk's fault."

Although there was a bit of blame in his heart, Emperor Xianlong knew that he couldn't show it.

At this time, things are already like this, if he offends Master Huiyan again, it can be regarded as losing his wife and losing his army, which is really a loss.

So now even if Emperor Xianlong was upset, he could only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

"Your Majesty, next, the poor monk suggests keeping some distance from the Corruptors. Only in this way can His Majesty see their ugly faces clearly."

Master Huiyan said coldly: "Your Majesty must be ruthless. The Corruptor is the master of tigers and wolves. Don't trust him. Otherwise, it will be a disaster for my great Zhou."

Master Huiyan used my Da Zhou in his speech, obviously considering the issue from the standpoint of Da Zhou.

This alone still moved Emperor Xianlong very much.

"So, Your Majesty, be careful, be careful."

"Well, I see."

At this moment, Emperor Xianlong knew that he could no longer break with Master Huiyan.So no matter what Master Huiyan said, he would respond.

"In fact, such a result is the best for the imperial court. Corrosiveness is like a dog biting a dog in the academy. Your Majesty watched the fire from the other side and reaped the benefits of the fisherman. Isn't it beautiful!"

It can be said that Master Huiyan's sudden decision disrupted Emperor Xianlong's deployment.

It wasn't what he wanted, but right now he really had no choice.

"Well, let's wait and see first, wait and see for a while before deciding on the follow-up matters."

Emperor Xianlong was originally in a good mood, but now he was completely disturbed.

But what can I do, life must go on.



"What, the forbidden army has withdrawn!"

Li Xiankun, the crown prince of the Eastern Palace, was very angry when he heard the news.

He had already planned it out.Originally, he had already determined the whole palace change plan, but at this moment, everything had to go to waste.

The return of the imperial army to Chang'an City meant that the emperor must have received some news and realized something.

In this way, if the prince still acts according to the original plan, it is very likely that he will hit the knife edge directly.

It's not a smart move, it's what desperadoes do.

Faced with such pressure, Li Xiankun could only choose to abandon the original plan.

Although he felt very upset in his heart, there was nothing he could do at this time.

Sometimes you can only choose to endure.

Those who achieve great things do not stick to small details, and those who achieve great things can often endure what ordinary people cannot bear.

The prince knew that he must be able to hold his breath at such a time, and he must not get angry because of such a trivial matter.If he gets angry at this time, everything will be over.

So he must endure, and must do his best to endure.

After all, he has endured it for so many years, in fact, it is not so short.

Li Xiankun desperately told himself in his heart to hold his breath, and at this time no matter what, he had to hold his breath.

"Come on, please invite Zheng Gong and Master Feng to the East Palace once, and invite them to use the teleportation technique. You must not attract people's attention."

With such a major change, the whole plan changes with it.At this time, of course Li Xiankun had to discuss with Feng Hao and Zheng Jie.

In Li Xiankun's view, the two are his greatest support now.

If he can successfully launch the palace change, the two of them will definitely play a great role.

Li Xiankun had to notify the two in advance to reach an agreement as much as possible.

"What, Your Royal Highness, you specially called us here to talk about this matter?"

After Zheng Jie learned of Prince Li Xiankun's reason, his lungs were about to explode.

"Confused. His Royal Highness is confused."

At this moment, Zheng Jie was really going to faint from anger.

"How can Your Highness be so confused?"

If he had been said to be the crown prince, he would have been dragged out by Li Xiankun's order and executed with a stick.

But at this moment, the person who said so was none other than Zheng Jie, the most powerful and powerful eunuch in the dynasty, and the person most relied on by Prince Li Xiankun at this moment.

So what can the prince do after hearing this, should he smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach?

The prince was indeed very angry, but so what?

He really can't do anything.

"Why did Zheng Gong make such a statement?"

Although his heart felt like he was overwhelmed at the moment, Li Xiankun still had to behave very calmly, asking questions slowly like a little parrot.

"Why did you say that? Didn't His Royal Highness see that this is His Majesty deliberately testing His Highness? If His Highness gave up the original plan so easily, wouldn't it show that His Royal Highness has a ghost in his heart? This shows that His Majesty has already started I have doubted His Highness. Your Highness thought about it, what would happen if the Eastern Palace is suspected by the King. Once His Highness does not stop, he will definitely suffer disaster."

Zheng Jie used very heavy words, the purpose is to attract the prince's attention.

He knew that if what he said was not very serious, the character of the prince probably chose to endure it.

The consequences of abandoning the original plan can be described as very serious.

Once the well-planned plan is abandoned, it is very difficult for the group to come up with a suitable plan.

And once they come and go, how much spirit can the soldiers have?

Yes, the interests of the Six Rates of the Eastern Palace are firmly tied to the current crown prince.But what about the East Palace Six Rates?

Other than that, those troops who were originally in a state of swing, those who were originally up for grabs, could they still firmly put the treasure on the East Palace?

Politics has always been an excellent game.

All stakeholders choose the most self-interested solution within a certain demarcated range.

So you can't blame them for what they did wrong.

Because for them, this may really be the best choice.

"What Zheng Gong means is to ask Gu to continue to act according to the original plan?"

Zheng Jie shook his head upon hearing this.

"Of course, we can't completely follow the original plan. Your Majesty's move is first to test His Highness the Crown Prince, and second, to see His Highness the Crown Prince's reaction. Therefore, in the opinion of this old slave, His Highness the Crown Prince seems to be planning as soon as he comes."

"Huh? Zheng Gong might as well talk about it."

Originally, Li Xiankun thought that Zheng Jie was just relying on the old to sell the old, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Zheng Jie's condition is still quite good.

And Zheng Jie obviously meant something.

After hearing these words, the prince's mood obviously calmed down a lot.

He really wanted to hear what Zheng Jie's further plan was.

If Zheng Jie can really provide him with a perfect plan next, it's not impossible to try.

"Doesn't Your Majesty want to see His Highness's reaction? How does His Highness think the most appropriate response? In the eyes of this servant, His Highness can neither be overly surprised nor not at all surprised."

Zheng Jie swallowed a mouthful of spit, and then continued: "If His Highness is too surprised, His Majesty will definitely think that His Highness is too exaggerated. There must be ghosts in his heart. But if His Highness is not surprised at all, His Majesty will definitely think that His Highness is too exaggerated. I think His Highness has plotted a long time ago. The best policy is to be neither surprised nor happy."

When Zheng Jie said this, his emotions had calmed down for the most part, and then he quietly waited for the attitude of the princelings.

In his opinion, the prince's attitude is the key.

If the prince can face all this in a more peaceful manner, then it will be done.

If the prince is still acting surly, then he can only say that he has really admitted the wrong person and assisted the wrong person.

Prince Li Xiankun's face was uncertain.

He was obviously thinking about what Zheng Jie said just now.

For him, Zheng Jie's analysis cannot be said to be unreasonable.But practicality is not that strong.

What is neither surprise nor joy, what is neither sadness nor joy.

It is easy to say how to handle this kind of emotion, but it is not so difficult to actually do it.

More importantly, as long as there is a slight disadvantage, it is extremely exaggerated.

In the extreme exaggerated mood, there is basically no need to think about it, and all you have to face are very embarrassing situations.

The prince has been trained as a future emperor since he was a child, and all kinds of emperor's mind skills can be said to be at their peak.

One of the most important qualities is to mask one's emotions.

The prince can restrain his emotions very well against anyone.It is difficult for ordinary people to see what the prince is thinking.

But against Emperor Xianlong and the prince's father, his ability is useless.

Knowing son Moruo father.

This is true for ordinary fathers and sons, let alone for heavenly families.

Emperor Xianlong treated the prince not just as a father, but also as a king.

A king who has been on the throne for more than 30 years knows everything his son says and does.

In this case, any judgment made by Li Xiankun may be directly seen through by Emperor Xianlong.

There is no way, the king knows too much about the prince, and the father knows too much about his son.

These two are superimposed together, making it almost impossible for Li Xiankun to hide when facing Emperor Xianlong.At this moment, all Li Xiankun could do was to remain silent.

"Does Mr. Zheng have any good means, such as making excuses?"

After thinking for a moment, the prince took the initiative to propose a suggestion.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Jie shook his head again and again and said: "No. Your Highness has already used the trick of making excuses once. This time, His Majesty will definitely be vigilant. If His Highness uses it again, he will be easily seen through. And with His Majesty's character, he is bound to be very serious. Be cautious, it is almost impossible for His Majesty to visit the East Palace in person."

What Zheng Jie said was straightforward, Prince Li Xiankun was naturally very disappointed after hearing this.

For him, this result can really be said to be quite disappointing.

It is impossible to directly determine some things, and it is also impossible to follow this matter to make some in-depth judgments.

He was like a man stuck in a swamp.Neither moving nor not moving.

If he moves, he may sink deeper and deeper.

If he does not move, it is still a slow death.

At this moment, Li Xiankun had a deep and shallow understanding of what despair is like.

It is difficult to be an emperor, but it is even more difficult to be a prince.

The emperor had to beware of someone usurping the throne, and the prince had to beware of being replaced.

The two are both an heir and an enemy in themselves.

It's really touching.

At this moment, everyone could feel Li Xiankun's despair.

Naturally, Feng Hao was included.

"Cough cough, can I say a word?"

"Master Feng, please tell me."

The prince's face softened a little, and he paused at Feng Hao.

"His Royal Highness, in my humble opinion, the most important thing in the current situation is to break the situation. As long as you find a way to break the situation, it will not be as difficult as you imagined."


The prince's face turned ruddy, he cleared his throat and said, "Master Feng, continue talking."

"The key to breaking the situation is to cause waves. Today's court is like a pool of stagnant water, and there has been no movement for a long time. All forces are waiting for changes, but no one wants to We must take the initiative to change. It looks like there is no chance. In fact, it is not. In the view of the minister, His Highness only needs a small move to make the water in this pool that has died to the point where it can no longer die completely. become alive."


Prince Li Xiankun has been thoroughly aroused by Feng Hao.

I have to say that Feng Hao is really good at handling people's hearts.

I said such words when the prince was in the most difficult time, said such words when the prince was most hesitant, and said such words when the prince was helpless and about to give up. At this time, how can the prince not look forward to Feng Hao? Extremely?

"Your Highness, you can sell a flaw and wait for someone to jump out. Showing weakness is not a bad thing, the key is whether you can get enough value after showing weakness."

Feng Hao has always been an opportunist.

He has been a bad handsome in the bad man's yamen for so many years, and he is able to hold this position so firmly, which naturally has his specialties.

Feng Hao has never been worried about chaos, on the contrary, he is very used to dealing with chaos.

For him, the more chaotic the situation, the more opportunities he feels.

The more chaotic the situation, Feng Hao felt that the hope of winning was greater.

Feng Hao is a person who is very good at winning in chaos.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, he was at a loss and he had already figured out the clueless situation.

A lot of things have actually been able to figure out a lot of things from the very beginning.

Many things can actually be clarified when they operate from the surface.

Feng Hao didn't think it was complicated.

In his opinion, Prince Li Xiankun only needs a small act of showing weakness, and then the whole situation will change greatly.

"Well, how to show weakness specifically?"

Prince Li Xiankun obviously wants to listen to Feng Hao's suggestion now.

Because compared with Zheng Jie, Feng Hao's suggestion is more operable.

He can teach Li Xiankun what to do, instead of just talking about the big principles like Zheng Jie.

Blindly talking about some major principles is of no use, it will only make the situation more chaotic.

Blindly talking about some big truths will only make the situation more and more out of control, and will only make the situation completely out of control.

From the current point of view, Feng Hao has indeed handled it very well.

Judging from Feng Hao's performance so far, there is really nothing wrong with it.

"Well, the core element of showing weakness is to show that you are afraid. How can you show your fear in front of His Majesty?"

Feng Hao didn't seem to tell the prince Li Xiankun's meaning right away, but wanted the prince to guess by himself.

Of course, this is not the result that Li Xiankun most hoped for, but at the moment, it seems that he can only try to guess according to Feng Hao's intention.

There is no way, the situation is like this, if Li Xiankun doesn't guess, the next situation will be more complicated.

"It means that I sent a few members of the princeling party to seek refuge with King Qi?"

"Yes, His Royal Highness is wise and mighty."

At this moment, a gratified smile appeared on Feng Hao's face.Yes, the prince finally understood what he meant.It's not easy, it's really not easy.

Sometimes it's really just a very simple thing that can tell a person's talent.

At least from this point of view, the prince is indeed a person with great talent for power struggle.

It can be said that people born in the royal family are not bad in this aspect, but it is not easy to maintain a good state and a high level.

So far, the level and ability shown by the prince are above the standard.

This made Feng Hao feel very gratified.

At least from the present point of view, the prince's standards in all aspects are in place, and there is no difference in comparison with his father, Emperor Xianlong.

so since
Everything becomes easier.

Difficulties are somewhat difficult, but try to put aside these and find that there is still a chance to win.

The crown prince's advantage is that he can use the officials of the East Palace as bait, and actively show weakness to seduce other vassal kings to show their flaws.

Feng Hao once said before that the current Great Zhou court is a pool of stagnant water.

It is difficult for stagnant water to have ripples, and it is also difficult to have variables.

The only way is for one party to actively seek change and make adjustments.

Once one party can take the initiative to make adjustments, a series of chain reactions will follow.

In this way, the situation faced will be different.

To put it bluntly, everyone is a pawn on this chessboard.

It's just that some people's pawns have higher positions, while others have lower positions.

In fact, there is no essential difference.

The most taboo thing at this time is to take one's own identity too seriously, thus taking it lightly.

This will drag the whole game of chess into a situation where there is no redemption.

Over time, it is unreasonable.

That's why Feng Hao suggested that the prince simply use his tricks and sell a loophole.

The prince's brothers don't have a fuel-efficient lamp.

Seeing that the prince is about to fall in an accident, they will definitely jump out one by one.

Those former Eastern Palace generals who took the initiative to join them must have the first-hand inside story of the prince, and they must also be the objects that the kings are scrambling to snatch.

For the kings, as long as they can snatch enough old generals from the Eastern Palace, they will have enough handles about the Eastern Palace.

In this way, their advantage will appear to be quite large.

But they didn't know that this was actually a trick of the prince, a way to let the Eastern Palace gangsters infiltrate the enemy's interior in a way of showing weakness.

Forbearance, restraint.

These emotions enabled the prince to firmly overwhelm the kings.

Through this method, they can ensure that they survive while putting pressure on the kings.

On the surface, the kings seem to have taken a huge advantage.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it is tantamount to being calculated clearly.

At this time, it is almost impossible to really grasp the details.

At this time, it is impossible to truly achieve perfection.

This is the solution that Feng Hao can think of.

He feels that this plan has no obvious problems in general, and it is also feasible.

that's enough.

If you are still looking forward and backward at this time, if you are daunting at this time, then there is really no chance.

It is necessary to ensure that there is a very strong determination, so that it can be completely handy.

"Well, Gu thinks Master Feng's proposal is quite feasible."

After listening to Feng Hao's narration, the prince felt that there was still a high possibility that this plan could be implemented successfully.

At least it is better than Zheng Jie's plan.

Zheng Jie's plan is more like a kind of preaching on a large scale.

And what the prince hates the most at the moment is preaching.

He has been the prince all his life, what situation has he never seen?
What he needs at this moment is a plan, a practical plan!

"How does Mr. Zheng feel?"

At this moment, the prince turned to Zheng Jie again, asking Zheng Jie's opinion with a smile on his face.

In fact, his inquiry was only symbolic.

Because the prince actually already had a calculation in his heart, that is, no matter what reaction Zheng Jie would have at this moment, he had already confirmed Feng Hao's suggestion.

"Well, this servant thinks Master Feng's method is feasible."

Of course Zheng Jie also understood this.

The prince is giving him a step down, he can't be shameless.Just going down the slope would be a good solution.

"Okay, then I decided to use Master Feng's plan. Specifically, I will order someone to draw up a charter. After the charter is all drafted, I will hand it over to the two of you to see if there is anything that needs to be revised. .”

This matter is very important, so Prince Li Xiankun decided to control the scope and let the least people know as much as possible.

Only in this way can there be greater security, and it will not be calculated by the kings or used by people with good intentions.



(End of this chapter)

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