big week bad guy

Chapter 425 Explosive Journey to the West

Chapter 425 Explosive Journey to the West (nearly 20000 words super chapter)
At this time, Zhao Xun became more and more aware of the importance of practitioners and the importance of Talismans.

It is really important to keep in the cultivation of Talisman, keep in the advanced state, and keep improving.

If not, there will be obvious shortcomings, and it will appear to be stretched when it really needs to rely on this contribution.

For example, this time the Corruptor relied on the magic of the necromancer to consume the large array of the academy.

If Zhao Xun knew how to draw talisman arrays, he could go there with his teacher, Taoist Priest Qinglian.

It's a pity that now I can only learn to draw symbols with my teacher.

It's still not enough to temper the skills on weekdays.

It is said that when you use the book, you hate less, and Zhao Xun hates less when you use spells.

At present, there is no problem with the saying that there are too many skills and no pressure.

If you can accumulate more spells on weekdays, basically there will be no pressure.

But if it's just cramming, then the pressure is really not normal.

All I can say is work hard and work hard.

Zhao Xun is still very young, at this age of course he should work hard.Even if you want to sleep, you can't sleep.

"Brat, how did you draw the Yi characters that my teacher taught you to draw last time?"


Facing the persecution of his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi, Zhao Xun was at a loss for a while.To be honest, his calligraphy is very general, mainly due to lack of practice.

If you had practiced hard from the beginning, this result would not have been the case.

Of course, complaining about this right now is obviously pointless.

Zhao Xun could only spread his hands and confessed to his mentor: "Men, my calligraphy is a bit unsightly."

"Not enough to watch? To what extent is not enough to watch?"

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi laughed angrily: "Is it because you have reached a certain level or you have achieved nothing. You can draw a picture as a teacher first."

Zhao Xun was helpless when he heard this.

He was already trying his best to show weakness, but his mentor was still relentless.

People who don't know this look of pressing step by step think that they are forcing marriage and urging marriage.

Of course, the current situation really does not have any good options for Zhao Xun.Zhao Xun really didn't know what else to do besides responding to his teacher's words and drawing a piece of righteous characters.

"Okay, teacher, then I will draw the talisman."

In desperation, Zhao Xun could only choose to draw symbols.

His technique of drawing talismans is not very good, and under the watchful eyes of this mentor, one can imagine the pressure.

At this moment, Zhao Xun was really helpless.

Qiang forced himself to draw a piece of righteous characters, and from a distance, the whole talisman paper was crooked.

It looks very embarrassing from a distance.


Zhao Xun himself couldn't stand it anymore.

But there was no other way, and he still had to go to his teacher, Daoist Qinglian, with a hippie smile on his face.

"Teacher, my apprentice has finished drawing."

When Daoist Qinglian saw this talisman drawn by Zhao Xun himself, he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

"Brat, is this the talisman you drew? Pfft"

Wu Quanyi laughed angrily: "This talisman is too sloppy, and as a teacher, I always feel that there is something missing in this talisman."

Wu Quanyi stared at this talisman carefully for a long time, and finally slapped his head fiercely and said: "I know now that I have a teacher, why is your character lacking this point?"

Zhao Xun then exclaimed.

Yes, why does he have a little less understanding of this righteous character?
Looking at it this way, there are indeed some problems.
Of course, if you want to ensure that the righteous characters belong to the top level at this moment, even if you add this point, you will not be able to achieve it.But at least it can play the role of a fig leaf, so as not to pull the hips completely.

Helpless, really helpless.

At this moment, Zhao Xun really didn't know what to say.

Ashamed, really ashamed.

Helpless, really helpless.

But it's ridiculous to say the least.Daoist Master Qinglian has a righteous word in his own name.It stands to reason that he should be very familiar with Yi characters.

Why didn't he see why after watching it for a long time?
Could this be the legend that the authorities are confused by the onlookers? Is this the legend that they don't know the true face of Lushan Mountain, just because they are in the mountain?
No matter which one it is, fortunately, in the end, the teacher successfully saw the face of Lushan, and figured out the problem with Zhao Xun's righteous character.

"Stinky boy, let's not talk about your flaw. Even if you don't have this flaw, your talisman is still unqualified."

Although Wu Quanyi doted on Zhao Xun on weekdays, but at this time he still mercilessly pointed out Zhao Xun's problem.

Zhao Xun still felt a little embarrassed.

Humans, as long as they are human, they will feel this way, as long as they are human, they will feel ashamed.

It is hard for Zhao Xun to think of anyone without shame.Can such a person really still be called a human being?

"Teacher and disciple know it's wrong. Disciple must practice more in the future."

"Well, practice must be practiced frequently. But you can't just practice blindly. This thing is not reading and memorizing. Reading is about reading a book a hundred times and you will see its meaning. As for memorizing, you can memorize it even if you memorize it by rote. Come down. But the symbol is about enlightenment, and spirituality. Brat, I see you as a teacher on weekdays and you are also a very spiritual person, why do you change when you are on the symbol?"

For a moment, Zhao Xun felt very embarrassed.

In fact, he has thought about the problem that his teacher said carefully, but Zhao Xun really can't think of a reason.

So what exactly is the problem?

What is the reason for all this.

"Master, I think it may be caused by too scattered mental power. If the mental power is too scattered, it is really difficult to maintain spirituality. To put it bluntly, spirituality is actually a flash of inspiration, a sudden flash of inspiration. What is needed is High concentration of mental power. If concentration is not the essence, it is almost impossible to maintain spirituality."

"Stinky boy, you are sound and clear, you are working hard to draw talismans. Although I don't expect you to inherit the mantle of being a teacher, but you don't want to be too lazy. Your sixth brother's technique of drawing talismans is better than yours. How many times better, you can learn from him."

Now that Zhao Xun is here, he is ready to preach.

So from the very beginning, he has calmed down.

When a person has decided to lie down completely, then nothing can defeat him.

Of course, it is impossible for Zhao Xun to lie flat completely, he still has to learn how to draw symbols.What he said was just lying down mentally.

In fact, Zhao Xun's psychological construction has been quite good, and he can basically enter the practice in a very good state.

As long as you can maintain a good state of practice, you will most likely be able to achieve something in the future.

Since Talisman Talisman is also a kind of cultivation technique, Zhao Xun believes that it must conform to this law.

So right now Zhao Xun actually has nothing to worry about.

Just follow the mentor and draw the talisman well.

This thing is really a skilled worker.Practice makes perfect, not just talking about it.

If you maintain a good state and a good attitude, it is by no means difficult to achieve success.The most fearful thing is that the mentality has been unstable.

If the mentality is not guaranteed, it will be difficult to succeed in basically anything.

"Master, can we start?"

"Huh? Brat, you still dare to urge you to become a teacher. You are really courageous now."

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi gave Zhao Xun an angry look, which startled Zhao Xu.

He League waved his hand and explained: "No, no, absolutely no. No matter what, the apprentice dare not talk to the teacher like this."

Zhao Xun knew that his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi was a typical stubborn donkey.

The more you go against his will, the worse the result will be.

On the contrary, if you follow his will, then the situation should remain relatively stable.

"Hmph, that's all. Since the teacher has accepted you as an apprentice, he must be responsible to you. You follow the teacher and study hard. The teacher believes that you will succeed in your studies."

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi's attitude is very firm, and he also believes that Zhao Xun will be able to learn it.

Zhao Xun's qualifications and talents are top-notch in all aspects.It's just because of various subjective factors and objective factors that Zhao Xun's talisman Taoism has not been learned.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, Daoist Qinglian himself is also responsible.

If he hadn't deliberately asked Zhao Xun to cultivate three times, with Zhao Xun's energy strength, as long as he allocated a little energy, he would definitely be able to practice Talisman to a very good level.

It may not be able to reach his height, but at least it can be regarded as a leader in the academy. How can it be that it is not as good as it is now, and a bottle is not full of half a bottle.

"Oh, let's not talk about this, I will teach you the most basic points for the teacher."

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi brewed some emotions for a while, and then said in a deep voice: "The core point of a talisman is a qi. Just like a person, without energy, it will be like a walking dead, without any anger. A talisman It's the same. If the talisman you draw doesn't have this spirit, then Jiu will definitely not be a good talisman."

After finishing speaking, Wu Quanyi, Taoist priest of Qinglian, was about to pick up a pen and give a demonstration.

Zhao Xun watched carefully from the side, for fear of missing any details.

For Zhao Xun, every detail is crucial at this moment.

If he can fill in the details, then he will be able to perfectly reproduce the technique of his teacher.

Not to mention that the master's hands-on experience is different.

As the old saying goes, once an expert makes a move, there is only nothing.

There is really nothing wrong with this statement.

At least in Zhao Xun's opinion, it can definitely be regarded as the top.

The mentor quickly drew a piece of righteous characters.After the painting was finished, the teacher clapped his hands lightly, and then said with a smile: "Brat, let's compare it with yours and see if you can see the difference."


Zhao Xun reluctantly agreed.

He thought he was a good teacher, wouldn't it be bullying to make a comparison at this time?
Zhao Xun's ability is still relatively weak, especially when compared with his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi and other talisman masters.

There is no harm without comparison, and people are more angry than others.

These words echoed in Zhao Xun's mind.

It is true that the pressure is not usually great.

Difficult, very difficult.

But Wu Quanyi, the master Qinglian Daoist, had already spoken, so Zhao Xun couldn't refuse at this time.If he refuses at this time, it would be inappropriate anyway.

Zhao Xun could only bite the bullet and watch.

"See the difference?"

While Zhao Xun watched, his mentor was still whipping with a small leather whip.This feeling is really too embarrassing.

Zhao Xun didn't know what to say for a moment.

From the current point of view, he can indeed see the gap, but if you ask him where the gap is, it will be really difficult for Zhao Xun to give a clear answer for a while.

"Uh, teacher, I feel that the characters you drew are more powerful. Compared with them, the ones drawn by you are crooked. They look very messy."

"Not bad!"

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi nodded in satisfaction.

"As a teacher, I say that you are talented, and you can see the key at a glance. In fact, the biggest problem with your boy is the scattered talisman paintings. Once the talisman paintings are scattered, it is easy to appear lack of energy. Before becoming a teacher, I did not follow you. As I said before, if a talisman is drawn in a very messy manner, if it is drawn without vigor, then this talisman cannot achieve anything, nor can it be used to defend against enemies."

Pausing for a while, Daoist Qinglian said in a shirt: "So you must be able to learn to solve this problem now. Only if you can solve this problem well, can you deal with all matters more perfectly. You now Don't think about anything else, draw another one according to the talisman drawn for the teacher."

It means that Zhao Xun wants to compare and copy one?
Master, are you serious?

It is of course very simple to follow the gourd.But the problem is that if this is the case, the drawn things will actually be exactly the same as the teacher's, and the re-enacted version will lose its aura.

A rune that loses its aura has no meaning.

Of course, at this time, Zhao Xun must not have the courage to directly refute his mentor.

Basically, it belongs to what the mentor says and he does it.

At this time, it is definitely a desperate act to refute the teacher.

Zhao Xun finally breathed a sigh of relief, of course he didn't want to take the initiative to die at this time.

"Okay, then you have a rest, I will start to draw another picture."


Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi still quite approves of Zhao Xun's current attitude.

Good guy, if I knew today, why did I do it in the first place?

If Zhao Xun had been able to use this energy to draw talismans from the very beginning, in Qinglian's view, Zhao Xun would have achieved great success long ago.Certainly not as embarrassing as the current situation.

But it doesn't make any sense to say that these are all there.

Now that this is the case, Daoist Qinglian can only count on Zhao Xun to realize his shame and be brave, and he will come from behind and practice the talisman Taoism well.

Zhao Xun paints very seriously, not daring to slack off in every stroke.

Before that, Zhao Xun always thought that copying was a very simple matter.

But now he realizes that copying is actually not easy.

Because you can't have any subjective emotions and ideas, you must copy exactly the samples drawn by the other party.

This requires extremely high execution and self-control.

Of course, Zhao Xun has no problems with these two aspects, but it is still a huge challenge to maintain strong execution and self-control in this situation.


After a lot of hard work, Zhao Xun finally drew this talisman completely.

Zhao Xun also heaved a sigh of relief after the painting was finished.

As if offering a treasure, he sent the new Yi characters he drew to his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi. At this moment, Zhao Xun was looking forward to getting his teacher's evaluation.

It doesn't have to be flattering words, but there must be some strong expressions anyway.

"Well, this painting makes people feel much more comfortable."

Taoist Qinglian Wu Quanyi nodded while stroking his beard.

"Brat, aren't you able to draw good talismans? This further proves that you were just doing random drawings before. If you can work hard and draw serious pictures, you will definitely be able to draw perfect talismans."

"Uh, thank you teacher for your compliment."

Zhao Xun's face was a little flushed at the moment.

Good guy, Zhao Xun didn't know what to say for a while with his mentor like this.

However, there is actually no big problem with the teacher's boasting so much.Because in essence, the moral character that Zhao Xun is painting now is copied.And the copied copy is drawn by the mentor.

Therefore, Wu Quanyi, the mentor Qinglian Daoist, praised Zhao Xun's good painting at this time, which is tantamount to praising his original painting in disguise.

good guy.
Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, it turned out that the mentor stood even higher, already at a higher level.

If so, there's really nothing wrong with it.

"This syllable is an extremely easy to draw talisman, and it is also an extremely simple talisman. The reason why I let you practice this talisman first is to increase your self-confidence. Once self-confidence is cultivated, it will be very easy to draw." Ascension. How are you feeling now, brat?"

"It's definitely better than before."

"That's right. There is a gradual process in everything. It's normal for you to feel difficult and tired at the beginning. No one will feel easy and easy at the beginning. But after further improvement, you will find that in fact It's really simple."

Daoist Qinglian shook his head, and said leisurely: "Stinky boy, as long as you understand this point, your realm will rise to a very high level. As long as you can keep going, I believe that you will return to the realm after all. Become a sympathetic to everyone."

Zhao Xun always felt that his mentor was flattering and killing him.

Compared with Wenxiu's talent, Zhao Xun's talent in talisman is nothing to mention.

It can only be said that it can barely be seen, enough.

But it can be said that the four words of extraordinary talent are completely out of line.

It is not impossible to guarantee an improvement in an extreme situation.

But it also depends on luck.

Well, if we simply talk about luck, Zhao Xun does not seem to be short of it.
Come on, I can only say work hard, there should still be a chance.

"Stinky boy, since you have already drawn this talisman, I will make it more difficult for you to draw the second talisman."

Um?Is this starting to get more difficult?
Teacher, can't your old man be a human being?

For a while, Zhao Xun felt a lot of pressure.

It's really important to keep calm and calm, but it's also important to keep rest.

It's all for naught if you don't get enough rest.

"Master, why don't we take a break?"

Who knows that my teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and said: "Take a rest? Why do you take a rest at this time? Brat, at your age, why do you have the nerve to ask for a rest? For a teacher at your age, That is a sponge absorbing knowledge desperately. As long as it is knowledge related to practice, as a teacher, you will always come. It is really crucial for young practitioners to ensure that they are in a state of continuous improvement. Don’t you Have you heard that the state of young practitioners is not fixed. So there is room for stronger development. As long as he is given a chance, they will be able to live up to expectations."

Zhao Xun felt numb at this moment.

Why did the good teacher start the preaching mode?

That's all, since the mentor has really started to do this, Zhao Xun will follow him.

"Okay, that disciple will listen to you. No rest."

Teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi rolled his eyes and said, "As a teacher, why do you feel that you are not so willing?"

"No, no where, no where. Tuer's face is full of happiness, and his whole body is full of wishes."

Although Zhao Xun wanted to cry but had no tears, he still had to force himself to smile.

Today's mentor is really a key mentor.

Zhao Xun still wanted to hug his thigh tightly.

"Well, since that's the case, I will teach you to draw the second talisman, which is the national character."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi immediately picked up the pen and began to swipe on the paper.

Zhao Xun looked at it very seriously, not daring to be careless in the slightest.

He knows that every stroke and every painting drawn by his teacher is very important.If he can master these details, it will be quite beneficial for him to draw the whole talisman in the future.

Zhao Xun is a person who emphasizes details.

So basically as long as he faces this situation, he will try his best to improve himself.

It is one thing to watch other people draw talismans, but it is another thing to draw talismans by yourself in the future.

What Zhao Xun can do now is to engrave every detail of the painting by his teacher into his mind as much as possible.It might seem difficult at first, but it's actually not that difficult.At least for a third-rank cultivator, it is a piece of cake.

The teacher draws very slowly, and Zhao Xun observes very comprehensively.

After the mentor finished drawing the whole talisman, Zhao Xun let out a sigh of relief.

“Not bad not bad”

This is what my mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi is boasting about.

Zhao Xun felt a little embarrassed watching from the sidelines.

But what can I do.

The mentor praised himself, so it's fine if Zhao Xun doesn't follow suit, after all, he can't just go up and tear down the stage.

If Zhao Xun did this, he would probably be reprimanded by his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi and expelled from the sect.

Zhao Xun didn't want to end up in such a miserable situation, so he chose to keep silent.

"Tsk tsk..."

Teacher Qinglian looked at this piece of Chinese characters with admiration, and said in admiration: "I didn't expect that after a few days, the technique of drawing symbols for my teacher has improved again."


"It's true, teacher, what you paint looks like, my disciple feels ashamed."

Zhao Xun hurriedly sent a flattery, making his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi smack like a celestial being.

Do not wear flattery.

Flattery is something that requires experience.

Experienced people are completely different from inexperienced people.

Zhao Xun is very experienced.

For a while, Zhao Xun laughed and said, "Master, is there anything special about this Chinese character?"

Teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi can be said to be handed a pillow when he wants to sleep. At this moment, it is really refreshing.

"Ha ha…"

"Either way..."

"Well, the biggest function of this country's character is the binding force, that is, the restricting force. When the binding force and restricting force are maintained, the enemy can lose the ability to move to the greatest extent."


When Zhao Xun heard this, he nodded thoughtfully.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"That means this talisman can trap enemies."

Zhao Xun summed it up concisely.

"Yes, the biggest function of this talisman is to trap the enemy."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi has always recognized Zhao Xun's ability to summarize. He believes that Zhao Xun's ability to summarize is quite strong.

Sometimes Wu Quanyi even laments why Zhao Xun has such a powerful ability.It's really enviable.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Zhao Xun's eyes also brightened.

"Master, it looks like this Chinese character is really powerful, I want to learn it."


"I want to learn well. The brat can let you take the initiative to learn something. I'm really gratified as a teacher. If you can keep this state going on, the teacher will not teach you these unique skills for nothing."

At this moment, Zhao Xun really wants to learn this talisman.

For the first time, he felt that Talisman would be so useful.

"You come and copy the talisman according to the master. I will teach you how to draw the details while drawing."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi was pointing at the side, Zhao Xun was very calm.

As long as someone guides it, basically it's not a big problem.The only thing I'm afraid of is that there is no one to guide the blind drawing.

It's easy to go astray that way.

Zhao Xun is now starting to draw symbols tentatively.

Compared with the works of my mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi, the difficulty has indeed been reduced a lot.

At this moment, it is really a cool thing.

Zhao Xun found that as long as he really immersed himself in it, drawing symbols was not such a difficult task.

"Here the pen is heavier, and here the pen is lighter..."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi is really serious, helping Zhao Xun with every detail.

Zhao Xun also worked hard and listened carefully.

Because he's sure those details could all play a role.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Master, I found that I am getting better now."


Daoist Qinglian said leisurely while stroking his beard: "It's good to be getting better. Your kid's state is really confusing. At the beginning, I felt that it was really not easy for you to learn Talisman. But Now it seems that you actually still have great hope of being able to learn it.”

"Haha, thanks for your good words."

Zhao Xun hurriedly said.

"Don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with following the teacher."

Daoist Qinglian is quite confident about this. After all, he can be regarded as a master of Taoism, and he is quite professional in leading apprentices.

As long as Zhao Xun can focus on himself and work hard, Daoist Qinglian feels that there is no big problem.

To put it bluntly, although the master occupies a very important factor in practice, it still depends on the practitioner himself.

The master leads the door, and the practice depends on the individual.

If the individual does not work hard, no matter how much he pays, it is of no use.



Drawing talismans is quite a difficult task, especially under the guidance of a master of talismans.

That pressure is considerable.

Zhao Xun felt that after several hours of training, he was almost dehydrated and was about to collapse.

It is not easy to keep calm, but Zhao Xun told himself that he must be steady at this time.

Hold on, don't wave, hold on, don't panic!
The road is tortuous, but the road ahead is bright.

With the guidance of his mentor, Zhao Xun felt that his hope was quite great.

So when it's time to rest, Zhao Xun also needs to take a good rest to recover.

Only after rest and recovery can we train better.

Otherwise, it is impossible to maintain a good state all the time.

"Oh, third senior brother, I never thought it was very easy to practice with you. Until I started to practice talisman Taoism with my teacher, Taoist Master Qinglian. After practicing talisman Tao, the contrast was really too great. It was almost It's exhausting!"

Zhao Xun could finally complain a few words in front of the third senior brother Long Qingquan.

For a moment, I felt that my emotions had been vented.

"Hey, that's why, my little brother who always looks at comparisons."

Long Qingquan laughed and said: "I didn't lie to you, did I? This senior brother will never lie."

"Well, the third senior brother will always be a god."

At this moment, Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan really took off.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Hahaha, third senior brother is here to eat melons."

Time off is always fun.

Maintaining a rested and calm state can be a huge boost.

"Is this melon safe?"

"Of course. Third senior brother, listen to the voice."

Zhao Xun tapped lightly on the watermelon with his hand, and heard a crisp sound for a while.


"It seems to sound really good."

"Well, let's open the melon."

The third senior brother, Long Qingquan, could hardly bear it anymore.The temptation of this melon is too great.

Under such circumstances, Zhao Xun naturally would not hesitate any longer, and slashed down with a knife in his hand without hesitation.

In an instant, a watermelon was cut in half.

The bright red flesh is very bright and looks very attractive.


Zhao Xun is working hard to control his image.

But I still feel like swallowing my saliva.

"Tsk tsk tsk is not easy, it is really not easy to be able to eat melons."

It is really the happiest thing to eat such delicious melons in such a hot summer.

Didn’t someone say that the happiest thing in life is air-conditioned WiFi watermelon, if you add a glass of iced cola, it will be even more perfect.

There is nothing more perfect than this in life.

"Haha, this melon is really sweet, you are right, little brother, this melon is guaranteed to be ripe."

The third senior brother, Long Qingquan, seemed very excited. He ate melons in big mouthfuls. It was very satisfying to eat, which made people feel happy.

Zhao Xun was a little reserved at first, paying attention to his image, but later he let go.

Anyway, there is nothing to pretend in front of my senior brothers.Eat and drink.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Oh, after careful calculation, you are really omnipotent now, little junior brother."

Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan was really emotional at this moment.

Almighty people in the practice world are not rare, but there are indeed not many who can reach Zhao Xun's level of almighty.

Zhao Xun's performance in all aspects can be called perfect.

As long as good development can be guaranteed.Then it is enough to become a grandmaster.

"Hey, I'm really envious of your life, little junior brother. You are unrestrained and free, you can do things according to your own ideas, and you don't need to consider other factors at all."

"That's not true."

Zhao Xun smiled bitterly and said: "I feel that I still have a lot of doubts. For example, the future development direction and so on. It is really difficult to be completely sure for a while."

"Well, this kind of thing is actually not that difficult. You can cast a wide net and focus on training."

The third senior brother Long Qingquan said with a chuckle: "Anyway, you don't have too many skills, and learning more can help you improve more."

Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, and this is indeed the truth.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Hey, if I want to leave the academy one day, I might pursue something completely different."

In fact, Zhao Xun still has a lot of expectations for the future life.

These expectations are invisible, but they can still make people shine when put together.

"Tsk tsk tsk... It's good to pursue different things. Life is interesting only when you pursue different things. If it's just the same things, you will definitely get tired of it after a long time, right?"

When Long Qingquan said this, Zhao Xun breathed a sigh of relief.


It's really great that the third senior brother can understand him.

He had been worried that his views would not be understood by others, but now it seems that at least the third senior brother is still on his side.

"The next step is to try to draw symbols. According to the current situation of the Corruptor, it is estimated that the protective shield will dissipate in a short time."

"Well, we can't just rely on the human elves and dragons. Our academy still has to take on the main responsibilities."

Although the third brother, Long Qingquan, is not very good at drawing talismans, he still thinks that talisman arrays can play a vital role.

Once the talisman can help suppress the Corruptor, the chances of humans, elves, and even dragons will increase a lot.

"Well, since we are an alliance, we should naturally help each other. As long as we are united, we will be able to defeat the Corruptor."

"Well, the Corruptors are actually not that scary. Most of the time, we are scaring ourselves. As long as we can show a lot of strength, I think we still have a good chance of defeating them directly."

The brave wins when we meet on a narrow road.

Whoever can show a strong side during the battle will have the upper hand, at least the upper hand.


La la la, la la la...

Zhao Xun is in a very good mood at the moment, he feels that the future is bright and bright.



"Have you heard? Journey to the West is about to have a side story!"

"Really? Journey to the West is going to be a side story?"

"Of course it's true, what did I lie to you for?"

"Hahaha, it seems that the author of Journey to the West is making a lot of money, otherwise he definitely wouldn't be in such a hurry to publish a story."

"That's right. He's going out so often, it's enough to explain that it's really a big hit."

"Ah, this is also expected. The content of Journey to the West is so good, and the plot is so attractive, it would be too outrageous if it couldn't become a hit."

"Quack quack..."

"I really didn't expect that the extra chapter of Journey to the West would come out so quickly. Otherwise."


"Okay, okay, it's a good thing to be able to see the extra episode. I don't care when the extra episode is released, as long as I can see it."

"This episode of Journey to the West should be purchased separately, right?"

"Of course…"

"Wouldn't it be a blood loss for the author and the bookseller if you don't buy it separately? If you don't buy it separately, all your efforts will be in vain."

"Well, that's the truth."

"Quack quack..."

"Tsk tsk tsk...Okay, okay, let's grab it quickly. If you ask me, this episode may be better than my own book. It is estimated that the number of printed books will not be very large. As long as we go late, we will definitely not be able to grab it arrive."

"Hahaha... let's go quickly."



The extra chapter of Journey to the West written by Zhao Xun aroused great repercussions for a while.

In this extra chapter, Zhao Xun set a record and used different perspectives to narrate the story, which attracted a large number of people to watch.

With the flow of people, there is no need to worry about the story not selling well.

It can be said that Zhao Xun made a lot of money for a while.

"Ahaha, brother Mingyun, you are really amazing, what you write is so popular, I really didn't think of it."

Wangcai is the happiest person now.

The popularity of Journey to the West surpassed the sum of The West Chamber and Liaozhai before.In this case, launching more episodes can also maximize money.

"Well, so the most important thing is actually to see the timing. As long as we can see the timing, other things are not important."

Zhao Xun took a sip of tea, and said excitedly: "Actually, Wangcai, basically the popularity of Journey to the West can be maintained forever. As long as it is not suppressed by the imperial court, I never even thought that Journey to the West would rush."

"Well, I've been very careful this time, and I didn't even go out to distribute the book myself. Brother Mingyun, you can rest assured."

Wangcai felt that he had done enough preparations this time, and it was difficult for Emperor Xianlong to find out.

As long as there is no interference from the imperial court, Wangcai feels that everything is under control.

"That's good. Now I'm really worried about being black-handed by the dog emperor and the court again. We have suffered losses twice before but survived, but we can't be tripped several times in one place at the same time."

Zhao Xun really has a psychological shadow on Emperor Xianlong now.

The main reason is that this guy is really a dog.

It is difficult for ordinary people to be such a dog.

But Emperor Xianlong did.Moreover, Emperor Xianlong was still an emperor, Zhao Xun felt that it was outrageous.

"Well, if Emperor Xianlong finds out again this time, I'll eat dirt."


Hearing this, Zhao Xun sprayed out directly.

Good guy.

Wangcai, you must not set the flag easily.

If the flag stands up, it will be difficult to remove it.

And flags are generally easy to implement.

"The next step is to ensure that Journey to the West can be continuously updated, so that the popularity will continue. I think it will be at least a few months."

Zhao Xun is very confident.



East Palace.

Prince Li Xiankun is doing divination.

He wants to do a fortune-telling, to figure out how the road ahead will be.

If the road ahead is difficult and dangerous, then he decided to hold on for the time being.

If the road ahead is smooth, then Li Xiankun decides to act immediately.

Zheng Jie and Feng Hao are now the prince's two major supporters.

But relying on these two alone is not enough.

In order to completely solve the problem, it is best to win the support of more people and more forces.

If the crown prince wins the hearts of the people and gets to the point where he is completely attached to the court, there is really nothing to be afraid of.

Those who win the hearts of the people win the world, so it is basically inseparable.

Of course, the premise of everything is to first look at the results of this divination.The prince still believed in these things.


When Prince Li Xiankun carefully took out the result of the divination, he was completely dumbfounded.

The omen of great misfortune turned out to be the omen of great misfortune.

Prince Li Xiankun was dumbfounded after seeing this hexagram.

"Why is it a bad omen, doesn't God protect me?"

At this moment, Prince Li Xiankun was very puzzled.

It would be terrible if all of this is the number of days and fate.

The royal family is also a family of heaven, so it takes the number of days and fate more seriously than anyone else.

Going against the sky is simply asking for death.

It is impossible for the prince to go against the sky.

As long as he has the opportunity, he will still adapt to the situation.

Hey, it's God's will.

If you disobey this will of God, you will really be self-inflicted.


The prince had already made up his mind for a while.

At this moment, you must ensure that you are determined enough.Only in this way can he ensure that he can always be in the first position and not lose easily.

"Send someone to invite Zheng Jie and Feng Hao to the East Palace."

The prince let out a long sigh.



After Zheng Jie and Feng Hao came to the East Palace, they were at a loss for a while.

They just came to the East Palace not long ago.Wasn't there a consensus at that time?

Why was he summoned again all of a sudden?

"Gu invited the two of you here because I just made a fortune teller, and the hexagram was very ominous. Therefore, I decided to suspend all plans, at least to ensure that there will be no major actions in the short term."

The prince is a person who pays great attention to these details.In his view, once you can follow the way of heaven, then don't go against it.

This ensures that basic risks are avoided.

Going against the sky will eventually be punished by God.

So Li Xiankun hoped that Zheng Jie and Feng Hao could understand.

"Your Highness, did you change your original plan just because of a hexagram?"


Li Xiankun said without hesitation: "Do you two think there is any problem?"

Zheng Jie and Feng Hao looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a while.

His Royal Highness, the speed of changing his mind is almost catching up with his changing face.

"Your Highness, don't change your attitude easily. Although the way of heaven is important, you must believe that everything depends on human effort."


Prince Li Xiankun actually did not expect that Zheng Jie would persuade him.At the beginning, he just wanted to tell them, and didn't think about asking them to give him advice.

But now it seems that at least Zheng Jie doesn't think so.

And what is Feng Hao's attitude?
"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Your Highness, in my humble opinion, Your Highness must not blindly listen to these divination statements. These are all deceiving people."

Feng Hao paused for a while and continued: "However, I support His Highness's statement that you should take a break first. After all, this is an eventful time."


Hearing this, Prince Li Xiankun's face softened a little.

"Okay, then wait and see for a while before making a plan."



Western Regions, Anxi Protectorate.

"Put it here, put all these goods here."

Jia Xingwen directed these Hu merchants from the Western Regions to unload the goods, his eyes were full of excitement.

This is a cooperation he managed to facilitate.

For Jia Xingwen, as long as the cooperation between the 36 countries of the Western Regions and the imperial court of the Central Plains can be facilitated, that is the best thing.

Cooperation can solve many problems, and cooperation can make things that could not be done easily solved.

At least so far, Jia Xingwen feels that everything is developing according to the predetermined plan.Everything is perfect.

"My lord Jia, the chief guard told you to go over there."

At this time, some soldiers reported to Jia Xingwen.

"Tsk tsk tsk, okay, I'll go now."

Jia Xingwen respected Liu Lin, the Metropolitan Protector, as long as it was Liu Lin's order, Jia Xingwen would obey it.

Soon Jia Xingwen came to the room where Liu Lin was, bowed to him respectfully and said, "Prince Guard, do you need me?"

"Ah, Xingwen is here, sit down."

Liu Lin nodded to the chair next to him, and Jia Xingwen immediately sat down respectfully.

He sat very cautiously, leaning forward slightly, showing a submissive attitude.

"Xingwen, this general called you here to talk about the Western Region mission going to Chang'an to meet His Majesty."

"Well, please give me your orders."


Liu Lin was very satisfied with Jia Xingwen's attitude.

"Well, I mean do you want to take a trip?"

"Walk? Where are you going?"

Jia Xingwen was taken aback for a moment.


"Of course I went to Chang'an."

Liu Lin said without hesitation: "You are the most familiar with Chang'an City. After all, you just came from Chang'an. The general is most assured that you will accompany these Hu merchants to the Western Regions."


Jia Xingwen hesitated for a while, then cupped his hands and said, "General Protector, is there no other candidate? If the subordinates go to Chang'an, they will inevitably have to face the king. The subordinates feel a little...disgusting."

When Jia Xingwen said these words, Liu Lin's brain exploded.

Jia Xingwen really dared to say it.

That is to say, there are no outsiders here, otherwise, wouldn't it be embarrassing to be heard by others.

Once it reaches the court and the emperor, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Of course, as far as the current situation is concerned, it is still controllable.

Because no one will leak the news.

In Anxi, Liu Lin still counts on what he says.

No one would report Jia Xingwen at the risk of offending the Chief Protector.

"Xingwen, it's not the general who said it, you still have to control your mouth."

Liu Lin smiled wryly and said: "The current situation is still a bit complicated. And once the news leaks to the court and reaches the emperor's ears, everything will be different. There are so many villains in this era. Offended villains You are miserable."

"Thank you for the reminder, Chief Protector."

"Well, as long as you know what's in your heart. Just keep some things in your heart and don't need to say them out."

"If you really don't want to go, I can find someone else. But the reason why this general wants you to go is because you can go to Zhongnan Mountain to Haoran Academy to meet Zhao Xun. Don't you always want to meet Zhao Xun? ?”

When the chief guardian Liu Lin said this, Jia Xingwen hesitated.

Returning to Chang'an will inevitably see the ugly face of Emperor Xianlong, but you can also see Zhao Xun.

What Jia Xingwen wants to see most now is Zhao Xun.

Jia Xingwen had many good memories during his time with Zhao Xun.After leaving for so long, Jia Xingwen did have a lot to say to Zhao Xun.

"Let the subordinates think about it again."

Jia Xingwen did hesitate a bit.

On the one hand is Emperor Xianlong, on the other hand is Zhao Xun.

Jia Xingwen is actually hesitating between the two, choosing between the two.See if you hate seeing Emperor Xianlong more, or want to see Zhao Xun more.

As long as you can be sure of this, then you don't have to think about anything else.

"Okay, tell me as soon as you think it over, the caravan will leave for Chang'an City in just two days."

"Okay, this subordinate understands."

Zhongnan Mountain, Haoran Academy.

The head of the mountain is playing chess with Yao Yan, the sword fairy in the bamboo forest.

Yao Yan, the Bamboo Forest Sword Immortal, had a dignified expression.

"Shan Zhang, this move of yours is really clever. It was clear that the situation was dangerous just now, but the situation was reversed in an instant. Shan Zhang, you have decided the world with one stroke."

"Absurd praise, absurd praise. This move of the old man can be regarded as a random move. In fact, the old man did not think of this move at the beginning, but he suddenly realized it as he advanced. This move is indeed extremely subtle. .”

"Well, wonderful, wonderful."

Bamboo Forest Sword Immortal Yao Yan praised repeatedly.

"I have never been able to write such a magical brush like this, and only a god like Shan Chang can do it easily."

"Hahaha, can I understand that you are flattering me?"

The head of the mountain was obviously in a good mood, and said in a deep voice at this moment: "But this flattery is very comfortable. The old man has been flattered by Xiao 72 these days, and he is really used to being flattered. Suddenly It's really not very comfortable not to be flattered."

"Well, I heard that Zhao Xun is now practicing lightness kung fu with the third child, and the art of talisman with Taoist Qinglian. He is practicing Fengshui and Kanyu with the sixth child. It can be said that he is knowledgeable and hardworking. It is bound to be a great achievement.”

While chatting, the topic came to Zhao Xun.

For a while, the head of the mountain also became interested.

Among his disciples, Zhao Xun is the one he is most optimistic about.

It's not because Zhao Xun's cultivation is the strongest, and it's not because Zhao Xun has the highest potential, but because Zhao Xun is the most special.

The most special trait makes Zhao Xun have a completely different temperament, which attracts the head of the mountain to focus on training him.

And the head of the mountain felt that Zhao Xun would definitely be able to train him.

As long as he is willing to pay attention to himself and run forward with all his strength, the head of the mountain thinks that there is no big problem.

Zhao Xun is a very distinctive person.

Sometimes the head of the mountain even thinks that Zhao Xun is not from this world.

Of course, it has nothing to do with people who are not from this world.

Because from the perspective of Shan Zhang, no matter which small world people are, they are all part of the big world.

So in fact, everyone is common, and there is no difference.

"I sometimes wonder what it would be like to live in another world. Just thinking about it makes people feel very looking forward to it."

"The head of the mountain wants to live in another world?"

"Well... I have this idea. The old man thinks it might be very interesting."

The head of the mountain smiled indifferently: "The old man guesses that Xiao 72 should have similar thoughts."

"In fact, it might be a good choice to change to a new environment, at least you can try something new."

"Is the head of the mountain saying that he is going to the world of Alan Lore?"

"That's not necessarily the case. This is just one of the choices. Of course, the old man also has other choices."

For the head of the mountain, he is fully capable of going to another world, as long as he pushes the door open.

After pushing open the door of darkness, when entering the void space, the head of the mountain actually had the opportunity to enter the world of Alan Lore.But the head of the mountain did not choose to do so.

Because in the eyes of the head of the mountain, this will look a little boring.

At that time, he had no idea of ​​going out and looking elsewhere.At that time, the head of the mountain had not lost interest in this world.

But it is different now.

At this moment, the head of the mountain does have some fresh curiosity.

Being curious is never a bad thing.Curiosity can enhance a person's interest in life.

At least for now, Shanzhang is more interested in life itself.

"Well, if it's possible, the old man would like to visit the vast sea of ​​stars that Little 72 mentioned."

"The vast sea of ​​stars... just listening to it is very magnificent."

Bamboo Forest Sword Immortal Yao Yan said with emotion.

"Yeah, if you change the word, it would be universe. Xiao 72 seems to like to use this word more."


Yao Yan, the Bamboo Forest Sword Immortal, paused and said, "Zhao Xun is sometimes really unpredictable, and it's really easy for people to guess how much he knows."

"Well, sometimes the old man seems to be looking at flowers in a fog. But I have to say, it is easy to arouse people's interest. Now the old man is so addicted to him that he really wants to go out for a walk. He often hangs up The words on my lips are - the world is so big, I want to see it."

"The world is so big, I want to see it?"

Yao Yan, the Bamboo Forest Sword Immortal, was stunned.

"These words are indeed very familiar. They also sound like what Zhao Xun said."

"Sometimes the old man thinks that living in Zhongnan Mountain is really boring. If you can go outside and take a look, maybe you can really see a different scenery."

"Well, if you decide to go, Shan Zhang, you can call me, so that I can go to see the scenery together."

"Yes. If the old man is going to Yunyou, he will definitely bring all the apprentices with him. Yingying will definitely go with the old man, and if that's the case, you will definitely be with me too."

"Uh, sure."

The reason why Yao Yan, the Bamboo Forest Sword Immortal, came to the academy was because he followed Liu Yingying from the capital of Sichuan.

Although more than ten years have passed, things have not changed significantly.

The only change is that Liu Yingying has become Yao Yan's wife.

In this way, it was even more impossible for Yao Yan to leave Liu Yingying.

"This world is inherently mysterious and wonderful, but we are used to slowing down or even stopping in a certain place. After we really get used to it, we will find that it is actually hard to let go. But sometimes it really takes some courage. The courage to go out. Only in this way can life be enriched."



"Drawing symbols is really an interesting thing. I was a little bit repelled at first. But I became addicted to drawing."

Zhao Xun sighed while drawing.

"Haha, old brat told you that drawing talismans is very interesting, but you didn't believe me. Let me tell you this, when you draw talismans, you can appreciate many different scenery, which is equivalent to what you said about traveling in the clouds."


Does the mentor really understand the meaning of the word Yunyou?

"When drawing talismans, I often feel that my mind wanders too far, and it is very fun. Now thinking about it, it is indeed very interesting."

Zhao Xun paused and said, "Teacher, do you also have this kind of thinking when you draw the talisman? The whole person's consciousness seems to be pulled out, and the whole person floats up."

"I don't have this feeling. As a teacher, I just feel that there is a feeling of wandering in the mountains."


It seems that everyone feels completely different when drawing symbols.

Zhao Xun thought he could find some similarities.

It's boring, it's really boring.

Of course, as far as the situation is concerned, it's really not important to experience these extra feelings.

What matters is the symbol itself.

Zhao Xun must ensure that he can always be in a state of active exploration and progress.

In this way, his talisman spells can be further improved.

"Men, I have drawn this Chinese character many times. How can I test whether it can trap the enemy?"

"Stinky boy, if you want to test, you can only find an enemy. It is invalid to test yourself. Because your own people don't have such a strong hostility and hostility, naturally they can't give people a strong sense of invasion. Chinese characters If you don’t feel this sense of intrusion, you will naturally not trigger your defense mechanism.”

"I see."

Zhao Xun was a little disappointed when he heard this.

As far as the moment is concerned, it does give people a feeling of unreality.

Zhao Xun didn't even know how effective the Chinese characters he drew were.If it really fights, can it play the role of this talisman?

"It's very difficult to find an enemy now. It's impossible to ride a dragon to catch a Corruptor right now, right?"

This is of course unrealistic.

Hey, I wish I had kept that captured Corruptor scout back then.However, other members of the Academy Alliance unanimously demanded that he be executed, so Zhao Xun couldn't bear the pressure, so he could only follow their wishes.

Right now it looks like it's really early.

But no one has long eyes, so they don't know exactly what will happen.


"That makes sense, brat, you can see clearly. But the relationship between the symbols and these things is actually not that big. As long as you can draw with your heart, and then master the essentials that the teacher told you, basically there will be no problems. What a big problem. But you must keep in mind that you must not add unnecessary actions on your own initiative. Superfluous additions will make a talisman completely different. Maybe a talisman is originally an effect. After changing and adding, it becomes a completely different effect. So you still have to keep this concept in your heart at all times.”

"Don't worry, teacher, I'm not that cheap. I will follow what you tell me. I won't do any extra operations!"

Zhao Xun patted his chest and promised.

"Well, so far, your Chinese character drawing is quite good. At least in my teacher's opinion, it is quite good. Alright, let's start drawing the next character now."


Zhao Xun wondered if this might seem a bit too fast...

Is the mentor a little too optimistic, or is it counterproductive?
Thinking about it carefully, this is indeed quite terrifying.

According to this speed of training, Zhao Xun is simply a fast-growing talisman master.

It is successful, but no one knows whether it can be supported, and to what extent it can be supported.

If it's because of this, it's really wronged, right?

"Men, isn't our pace too fast?"

"Fast? It's not fast!"

Daoist Qinglian shook her head and said, "You brat, are you questioning your teacher?"

"No, no... Master, your judgment must be the most accurate."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Okay, let's start then."

"Now, start drawing characters."

"Tao characters..."

Zhao Xun instinctively felt that the Dao character was quite powerful, after all, it had a Dao character on it.

"Uh, if this is the case, what are the characteristics of this Tao character? Or what is the function of this Tao character?"

"The role of the Tao character is to stick to it, and stick to the heart to create a protective shield."

"Uh, it turned out to be for defense!"

"Yes, the defensive effect is quite obvious, basically it is difficult for anyone to invade. In this case, basically the cultivator, that is, the talisman master, is safe."

Zhao Xun knew that this point was really extremely important.

Only when you ensure your absolute safety can you continue to cast spells.

As we all know, the Rune Master is a long-range caster.The general melee ability belongs to the level of the five slags of war.

Once approached by other practitioners, it is easy to be overthrown directly.

So this Dao character seems to be very critical.

The Dao character can create a completely safe space for the talisman master, giving it ample space to cast spells.

"Uh, so the defensive air shield created by this Dao character can protect comrades in the same camp."

"Of course, but talisman masters generally try their best to protect themselves first. Because only by protecting themselves can they protect their teammates. Of course, if you really want to protect your teammates, then of course it can be achieved."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi paused for a moment and then continued: "But let me remind you, the more people this protective shield protects, the worse the protective effect will be, and the faster the energy will dissipate."

"So in this way, basically the risks you need to bear will increase a lot. So you still have to think about it."


"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Zhao Xun fell into deep thought for a moment.

"It seems that you have to give up to get something."

"Let's not talk about that, brat, let's start drawing Dao characters. I will draw a picture for you first, and you can just copy it."

"Ha ha, alright."

Zhao Xun is now completely immersed in it.

Drawing the symbols itself is not difficult, what is difficult is the details.

Zhao Xun has always paid attention to the master's brushwork and turning points.

These are the essence and key to draw a talisman well.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

It has to be said that Wu Quanyi, the master Qinglian Daoist, is indeed talented, which Zhao Xun has to say.

It would be enough if he could reach half of his mentor's talisman technique.



"Men, take a look at the Dao character I'm drawing now."

Copying is not an easy task. When Zhao Xun realizes that he wants to fully devote himself to it, he basically concentrates on it.

"Well, let's take a look for the teacher."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi came to the side to watch.

Just glanced at it and gasped in admiration.

"Wonderful, wonderful! Brat, your technique of drawing talismans is really getting better and better."


"Is it that great?"

Zhao Xun was a little nervous: "Teacher, I'm a little scared when you say that."

There was a reason why Zhao Xun was so terrified.

After all, he has just stepped into the field of talisman practice, so he can only be said to be a newcomer.

But Wu Quanyi, the mentor Qinglian Daoist, is a strong man of the talisman array.

It is important for Zhao Xun to maintain a stable environment for a long time and continuously improve his cultivation skills.

However, Wu Quanyi, the mentor Qinglian Daoist, seemed to be a little bit overwhelmed, and some wanted to praise and kill him.

"Exaggeration? Being a teacher is not an exaggeration at all. Brat, you really don't know how strong you are now."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Men, I feel relieved with your words."

I have to say that Zhao Xun's self-confidence has really increased after following his teacher Qinglian Taoist Priest.

With these confidences, Zhao Xun found that he has confidence in everything he does.

Even the talisman cultivation technique, which he once regarded as a scourge, is not impossible to practice now.

Zhao Xun thought to himself that he is really an all-around little master now.

So omnipotent and so powerful, Zhao Xun felt that he was going to be invincible.

Inflated, Zhao Xun has really become very inflated now.

"Practice hard, brat. As a teacher, I still have a unique technique of telekinesis waiting for you to learn."

This is the first time Zhao Xun has heard his mentor mention the Psychic Technique on his own initiative.

"What does it have to do with Talisman?"

"The two don't want to do it at all. Talisman uses talismans as the base to control people. Mind power directly uses mind power to control people."

Zhao Xun wondered: "So the power of thought is an enhanced version of the talisman? Because it can easily control people without the use of a medium?"

"You can say that."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi nodded without hesitation and said: "However, mind power has higher requirements on the cultivation qualifications of practitioners, so at the beginning, my teacher dared not let you start learning mind power directly."


"But with your current state, it shouldn't take long to achieve this realm. At least there won't be any pressure anymore."

"Hmm... I believe in the teacher's judgment."

At present, Zhao Xun really believes in the judgment of his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi, and he will not doubt his teacher's point of view at all.

"Well, you don't have to keep stretching yourself too tight. If you have the opportunity, you should take a break. Only when you have a good rest can you have more motivation to practice other spells."

"Well, I see, thank you teacher."



It's time for Zhao Xun to relax again.

Combining work and rest is the most suitable and beautiful attitude.

"Oh, brother Mingyun, this is my latest milk tea, come and try it."


"Wangcai, it's rare that you can think about me and have a heart."

"Haha, brother Mingyun, you have worked so hard all night writing manuscripts, it's only right that I make you some milk tea."

"I love hearing what you say."

Zhao Xun was in a good mood as he sipped his milk tea.

People like to be praised, and the feeling of being praised is really incomparably perfect.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"By the way, Brother Mingyun, do you want to develop peripherals for this Journey to the West like the last time The West Chamber?"

"Of course. Journey to the West is the most suitable book for developing peripherals!"

Zhao Xun said without hesitation.

"As for things like blind boxes, you can produce a whole series. You don't have to worry about sales at all. I can predict which doll blind box sells the best, and it must be Monkey King!"

"Sun Wukong?"

"Of course, Monkey King Sun Dasheng!"

Zhao Xun's eyes are shining.

"Sun Dasheng is quite powerful. I think he is a character with his own traffic. Basically, Sun Dasheng alone can match all other characters."

Of course, Zhao Xun's favorite in Journey to the West is Monkey King.

If these characters in Journey to the West are also divided into traffic popularity, then Monkey King is undoubtedly the top stream.

Such a top class can naturally attract many people to follow.

"Then it seems that Sun Wukong should be praised as the mainstream."

"That's a must."

Zhao Xun said without hesitation.

"Sun Wukong is the most mainstream and top-notch, just give him the heat and give him the publicity, and there will be absolutely no problems."

"Okay, I'll listen to brother Mingyun."

At this moment, Wangcai has complete trust in Zhao Xun.

Zhao Xun is simply a cash cow.

"Well, Wangcai, we must seize this opportunity. This is really making money."

Zhao Xun was extremely convinced of this.

The fire of Journey to the West can change the fate of many people, the most direct ones are Zhao Xun and Wangcai.



"Have you heard about it? Journey to the West has already started releasing collector's edition figures."

"Yes, it is said that there is also a complete set of collection series."

"That's right, I heard that they are currently promoting the master-student combination of learning from the Western Paradise."

"Then Sun Dasheng is the most popular."

"Of course, Sun Dasheng is definitely the hottest. It is the hottest in the book, and now it is also the most discussed and hottest in Chang'an's market."

"So it's right to rush, isn't this kind of blind box a must?"

"Must draw, must draw five times in a row!"

"Just smoke, as long as I smoke enough, I will be able to get all of them out."

"Hahaha, I hope this time I can draw the hidden money at once."

"Good guy, your ambition is really not small. You actually want to draw the hidden money directly."

"If you don't have dreams, what's the difference between that and salted fish? I think the possibility of us getting hidden money is quite high."


"This time, I will give one set to my friends, one set to my family, and one set to my own collection."

"Hahaha, that's right, it's right to charge directly. I think as long as we charge hard enough, it is still very possible to directly draw out the hidden collection."

"Come on, everyone, let's see who can draw all first!"

"Well, everyone might as well try it out."

"The first one to pick up a full set of Journey to the West figures can invite everyone to drink."

"Okay, this is really good. As long as we can have fun."

"Yeah, winning or losing doesn't really matter, everyone just wants to be happy. As long as you are happy, that's enough."



"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Dinner time is the most relaxing and peaceful time.

When Zhao Xun delivered all kinds of baked pizzas to the senior brothers and sisters, he could clearly see the happiness on the faces of the senior brothers and sisters.

Brothers and sisters are really happy.

It is really not easy to maintain this mentality.

"Actually, I think this crayfish pizza tastes the best. Junior brother, your choice is really perfect."

"Who said it wasn't. The taste of crayfish pizza is really special."

"Aha, the combination of the fresh aroma of crayfish and the mellow aroma of pizza is enough to make people envious."

"Who said it wasn't..."

The delicious mix makes people feel intoxicated.

"It's delicious!"

The compliments from all the brothers and sisters made Zhao Xun feel ecstatic. Is it really so delicious?
"It's delicious..."

After taking a sip, Zhao Xun instantly understood why this crayfish pizza was praised.

It's really delicious.

"Well, I really didn't expect this taste to be so wonderful."

After Zhao Xun finished eating, he took a sip of the juice and felt that life was so wonderful for a while.

"It's so delicious..."

At this moment, Wangcai has started a foodie mode, gorging on food for a while, and his cheeks are extremely bulging.

"Wow, it's delicious. Brother Mingyun, you are really talented."


Zhao Xun saw that Wangcai had started the turmoil mode, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

"Wangcai, eat slowly, no one will compete with you..."

Wangcai eats so fast, is it because he is afraid that if he eats slowly, he will not be able to keep up with everyone's speed...

But in fact, the speed of Wangcai is the fastest.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Keep this speed, you will be the king of big appetite and cooking king."

Pizza is undoubtedly Zhao Xun's favorite food.

Zhao Xun can feel a unique feeling every time he eats pizza.

Especially eating with brothers and sisters.

The feeling of excitement is absolutely unparalleled.

"Oh, the taste of this salad is also amazing."

"This soup is also really good."

Faced with all the praises from his senior brothers and sisters, Zhao Xun now has only one thought in his mind, that is to try his best to keep up with the rhythm of his senior brothers and sisters.

"Yeah, it's good that everyone likes it. As long as everyone likes it, I will make it for you regularly in the future."

At this moment, Zhao Xun patted his chest to reassure all the brothers and sisters.

"Well, junior brother, you are really the cutest person."

"Uh, too much praise, everyone has too much praise."

Zhao Xun clasped his fists at the senior brothers and sisters one after another, and said gratefully.



After eating the big meal, Zhao Xun returned to his residence and began to wash.

After eating so much, you still need to clean up your oral health.

Otherwise, it will affect the state when you sleep at night.

While washing up, Zhao Xun recalled the two talismans he drew today.

Guo characters are used to trap opponents, and Tao characters are used to protect oneself.It can be said that each has its own use and each has its own meaning of existence.

With these talisman arrays, Zhao Xun no longer has to worry about becoming a so-called short board.

No matter who becomes a short board, Zhao Xun will not be a short board.

Moreover, Zhao Xun is currently in a stage of advancing by leaps and bounds. I believe that with the passage of time, Zhao Xun will be able to improve to a greater and higher level in a short time.

Zhao Xun has this confidence.

Soon Zhao Xun finished washing.

But he didn't mean to go to bed immediately, but came to the desk and sat down.

After laying paper and grinding, Zhao Xun started to write a side story of Journey to the West after brewing some emotions.

Zhao Xun has always been very serious when writing extra stories, because this part of the plot is very fresh to him.

It is undoubtedly very exciting to ensure that it is connected with the main plot, but also to have some freshness.

Zhao Xun is already trying to restrain his emotions, try not to make them too excited.


It will affect the stability of the final written plot because of being too excited for a while.

The impulsively created plot is certainly full of passion.

But what's left after the passion?
I'm afraid there is only a chicken feather left?

Zhao Xun is very ambitious about Journey to the West.

This is a feeling that I never have in other creations.

Zhao Xun is extremely convinced that Journey to the West can explode in all directions and leave traces.

After their generation has turned into dry bones and dust, Journey to the West can still be passed down continuously.

Just relying on this, Zhao Xun must pay more attention to the creation of Journey to the West.

In fact, the plot tension of Journey to the West itself is enough to attract people.

If some other factors can be added on this basis for publicity, the popularity of Journey to the West will probably be even faster.



"Journey to the West has a new episode. This time it is connected with the previous episode, and the plots can also be connected with each other."

"Hey, the current author really knows how to play. It's obviously a side story, but it doesn't end all at once, but again and again, deliberately to whet people's appetite."

"That is to say, the current author must not only write well, but also be able to whet the appetite of readers. Not only must whet the appetite of readers, but also be able to have a good relationship with booksellers. Otherwise, I am afraid that even if the book becomes popular No, the money doesn't fall into their pockets."

"Well, these authors seem to be the best of the best, so the works they wrote are indeed fascinating. We read it right, quack quack..."

"Well, this Journey to the West is indeed a good book that never came out of the world. So basically as long as we can grab the extra episode, we still have to work hard to grab it."

"Well, according to the previous example, if our speed is too slow, I'm afraid we won't be able to get the episode at all."

"Come on, brothers, for Journey to the West, for Sun Dasheng!"

"Yes, Sun Dasheng, let's go for Sun Dasheng!"

"Everyone uses both hands and feet, and their eyes must be clean, so as to ensure that they can grab new books. Otherwise, there will be more monks and less meat, and I'm afraid it will only be cheaper for others."

"If someone really can't grab it, we can borrow it from each other and read it. If it's really not possible, we can just copy it by hand."

"Yes, yes, everyone helps each other a little bit, so everyone can definitely see something."

"At this time, the importance of cohesion is reflected. We are all book friends. At this time, we should share with each other and work hard together. In this way, everyone can read the latest chapter of Journey to the West together."

"Yes, yes, no matter who grabs the new book, it must be shared in time. Everyone is really good."



(End of this chapter)

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