big week bad guy

Chapter 427 Mind power and mind skills

Chapter 427 Psychic Power and Psychic Skills
As Zhao Xun's talisman Taoism improved, Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi also began to increase his strength, trying to let Zhao Xun understand the core essence of talisman Taoism practice.

To be honest, this is much more difficult than Taoist Qinglian drawing a talisman by himself.

Because Daoist Qinglian is quite familiar with the whole process of drawing talismans by himself, in this case, basically he only needs to follow the steps.

But to explain how to draw talismans to Zhao Xun, Daoist Qinglian needs to work hard to do every detail well.

Even if a detail is not explained well, problems may arise.

Even if there is a problem with one detail, Zhao Xun's cognition of Talisman will be hindered.

These are things Taoist Qinglian doesn't want to see anyway.

At present, on the whole, Zhao Xun's momentum is improving.

If this situation can be stabilized and this direction can be stabilized, Zhao Xun will become a master of Talisman in a short time.

But the rune technique and the magic circle technique are actually interlinked.

After being able to draw amulets well, a practitioner can usually make good use of the magic circle to make a fuss.

All in all, Daoist Qinglian is quite confident.

He firmly believes that Zhao Xun can be well trained.

"Stinky boy, draw the talismans that the teacher taught you to review again. In this way, the teacher can see if you have really mastered it. If you haven't really mastered it, the teacher will have to look at you What are the details of the problem?"


"Don't be in a hurry to draw slowly. Anyway, there are no outsiders here, and being a teacher won't do anything to you. You just need to work hard to draw the talisman."

"Well, thank you teacher."


Zhao Xun still likes the attitude of his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi very much.

Learning the new by reviewing the past is a reasonable model and way of learning.

Otherwise, it will always be in a very embarrassing stage, and it is very likely that the sesame seeds will be lost and the watermelon will be lost.

For Zhao Xun, he certainly did not want such a situation to happen.He really hoped to go one step further and become a master of Talisman.

This requires all-round improvement and all-round refinement.

It is difficult to solve problems with a mere temporary improvement, and it is difficult to ensure that one will still be in a relatively strong position in the future.

So Zhao Xun must work hard to improve himself, and must improve himself as soon as possible.

Maybe it will be a little difficult at the beginning, but it doesn't matter, as long as you keep improving, there will always be opportunities.

Zhao Xun started to draw the simplest Yi character first.

At least Wu Quanyi, the mentor Qinglian Daoist, said that this talisman is the simplest among all talismans.Of course, Zhao Xun also thought so.

After all, this talisman requires the fewest strokes.

For practitioners, the number of strokes in the talisman is quite critical.

Because if there are few strokes, there will be no broken pens, and if there are few strokes, there will be no situation where you suddenly don’t know how to write.

Things that can be done with just muscle memory are never a big deal.


After taking a deep breath, Zhao Xun completed the first talisman - Yi character.To be honest, Zhao Xun's completion of this moral character is quite easy and simple.

The next thing to draw is the so-called national characters.Compared with the most basic righteous characters, the difficulty of this talisman has increased a lot.

But the role of this talisman is relatively large.

At least it can guarantee that they can be effectively trapped when facing the enemy.

Once the enemy is trapped, things become easier.

Whether it is a teammate or an ally who suddenly kills, it can effectively block the enemy.

So Zhao Xun didn't think that the national character was just a simple talisman.

In many cases, the role played by Chinese characters is simply unimaginable to ordinary people.

Chinese characters can help the team. Just relying on this, Zhao Xun must draw a symbol well.

"tsk tsk"

"Stinky boy, your ability to draw talismans is getting better and better. I like it very much as a teacher."

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi admired the talisman drawn by Zhao Xun, while stroking his beard and sighing in admiration.

"tsk tsk"

"Ahahaha, brat, if you showed this energy earlier, why did you just realize it now? But that's fine, as long as you can maintain this state, it shouldn't be long before you can have the skill of becoming a master gone."


After hearing this, Zhao Xun's originally good mood was swept away.

Teacher is right
Originally, Zhao Xun thought that after a lot of hard work, he would be able to achieve something after intensively studying talisman and Taoism.

As a result, the mentor directly gave him a slap in the face and knocked him awake.

Boy, if you work hard, you will be able to become a master.

No matter how harsh these words sound.

Zhao Xun didn't know what to say for a while.

But one thing is still very understandable.

That is the current situation determines the advanced technology that Zhao Xun must work hard for.

If it is difficult for him to reach the level of his mentor under the premise of his efforts to improve his talisman skills, it will be even more impossible if he is stretching his hips and lying flat.

So Zhao Xun must work hard and work hard.

Only with continuous efforts can there be a chance, and only with continuous efforts can there be a chance.

"La la la"

"tsk tsk"

The two masters and apprentices can be said to sing together.


Sometimes Zhao Xun would be amused by his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

Not to mention, the mentor still has some comedy talent in some aspects.

What Zhao Xun has to do is to try his best to ensure that he can draw a charm safely under the half-ridiculous mode of his mentor.

Only in this way can we guarantee that we have strong strength to do all things related to practice.

"Okay, you can start drawing characters."

Daoist Qinglian cleared her throat.

It is difficult for him to keep a quiet state all the time.

So he will let Zhao Xun draw symbols as much as possible.

As long as Zhao Xun is in the state of drawing symbols, Daoist Qinglian is unlikely to disturb his apprentice.

Because Daoist Qinglian himself has a deep understanding of Talisman Talisman from the bottom of his heart.

"tsk tsk"

"La la la"

"Master, I have a small request. You really don't want to stare at me all the time. It will be difficult for me to maintain my state and spirit. You also know that if you can't maintain a state of concentration when drawing symbols , That's a terrible thing. So I think you should restrain your emotions a little bit. You don't need to hold on for a long time. You can wait until Tuer draws this Dao character. According to Tuer's current speed, it shouldn't be used How long will it take to draw it completely?"

"Hahaha, okay, okay, I won't bother you as a teacher. You draw slowly."

Zhao Xun finally didn't have to stare closely to see if his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi was watching behind him, and he relaxed a lot for a while.

Facts have proved that people can really adjust to the best state when they are completely relaxed.

At least Zhao Xun himself feels that the state is quite good now.

Naturally, it is necessary to ensure that the power is in a relatively perfect state as much as possible.

Drawing symbols is not entirely a handicraft, sometimes strength is also very important.

At a critical moment, it will be very difficult for people to draw a pen.

But Zhao Xun's current state is indeed very good.

He should have passed the most difficult period.

Currently, Zhao Xun is in full condition overall.

As long as it is in good condition, it will basically not be a big problem.


Finally, after a lot of hard work, Zhao Xun finally finished drawing the most difficult Tao character.

The biggest advantage of Dao characters is that the protective cover it creates can not only protect itself, but also protect teammates and allies.

In this way, its improvement to the team can be described as quite huge.

"tsk tsk"

At this moment, Zhao Xun has been able to maintain his state perfectly, and the next step is to see what his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi has to say about the talisman he drew.

"Good, very good."

Daoist Qinglian Wu Quanyi gently stroked his beard and said leisurely: "Stinky boy, you have really mastered the essence of drawing symbols now. Hahaha, it will be very good if you keep this state."


The current evaluation can be said to be quite high.

Zhao Xun is quite satisfied with this.

With this evaluation from his mentor, Daoist Qinglian, Zhao Xun seemed to have found a way forward.

Sometimes practitioners feel confused for no other reason than simply because they don't know where the direction is.

After walking around, I stumbled and found that I was actually back where I was.At that time, I am afraid that other people can't understand the feeling of loneliness.

"tsk tsk"

"Benevolent teacher, so the disciple has practiced what he said?"

"Well, you've done it, of course you have done it. Brat, you should keep this state now. It won't take long for you to achieve a lot."

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi took a deep breath and said: "Of course, you shouldn't be too careless. You should tighten up when it's time to tighten up. Otherwise, there is still a lot of possibility of regressing. As a teacher, you should Tell me, your Wenxiu talent is so high, how could your Daoist talent be poor. Isn't this reflected in the Talisman Talisman?"

"tsk tsk"

"I have written it down, and I will remember my mentor's teachings."

Zhao Xun has a great advantage, that is obedient.

All obedient children can generally maintain a relatively excellent state.

And obedient children can get extra care from teachers and elders.

In this way, the speed of improvement is naturally very fast.

Not to mention anything else, just how many times did Shanzhang, Qinglian Daozhang, and the third senior brother give Zhao Xun small troubles?

It can be said that Zhao Xun is truly loved by thousands of people.

If Zhao Xun couldn't stand up under such circumstances, it would be unreasonable anyway.

After undergoing the first stage of training in Talisman, Zhao Xun has initially been approved by his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

In Wu Quanyi's view, Zhao Xun is now ready to enter the second stage of training.

That is the legendary mind training.

Mind power is one of the spells of practitioners, and it is also the most mysterious existence.

Although many practitioners can kill all directions, they can't really understand the essence of mind power.

This is mainly because the power of mind needs to have a strong control to master, and many practitioners actually do not have that strong control.

When many practitioners choose to become a swordsman or swordsman, they decide that they are destined to care more about the external game, and they are not good at controlling the internal state.

Therefore, basically what practitioners have to do is to improve their inner control as much as possible.

But after a long wait and hard work, they found that it was almost impossible to achieve this.

It's so hard, it's really hard.

Under such difficult circumstances, it is almost impossible to ensure the improvement of internal strength.

So most of these swordsmen and swordsmen gave up.

Because for them, instead of wasting time in such invisible and intangible places, it is better to gather strength as much as possible, and study swordsmanship and swordsmanship as much as possible.

So this determines that only a very small number of practitioners can master the mind power mind skill.

But there is a saying that the truth is only in the hands of a few people.

So in this way, it is determined that only a few people can really eat with the power of thought.

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi is such a person.

As a Taoist priest with strong spells, Qinglian Taoist priest is not only proficient in Taoist magic, but also very good at swordsmanship and mind skills.

This is really a rather strange thing.

That's why Taoist Qinglian showed a surprised expression when he said that Zhao Xun was suitable for the three cultivators.

After all, even he will be able to complete the three repairs, let alone other people.

The third cultivation is not easy, after all, you have to show absolute willpower from the very beginning.

But as long as you stick to it, you will find that it is actually not as difficult as you imagined.

Gradually, you will find that different spells can actually be integrated.As long as the integration is completed, many things will become easier.

Of course, it is not very easy to completely guarantee that it will not be affected by external forces.

After all, in many cases, the influence of the outside world is beyond people's imagination.

This requires avoiding the influence of external objects as much as possible from the very beginning.

This is actually relatively easy for those who practice the Tao.

Because Taoism emphasizes on cultivating one's original mind, and only when one has cultivated one's original mind can one master all of these things perfectly.

Only when you have cultivated your original mind can you know yourself well.

Before Daoist Qinglian explained the mindfulness technique to Zhao Xun, he had to let Zhao Xun enter a state of meditation first.

But he also told Zhao Xun before that he must deliberately control the time by himself and not immerse himself in the meditation state for too long.Otherwise, the whole person will fall into an extremely chaotic state.

If in the end it was relying on the preset mechanism to pull him back from the meditative state, everything would be hard to say.

Therefore, it is necessary to consider all the circumstances in advance and avoid any unreasonable things from happening as much as possible.

"Boy, it's almost done, don't be reluctant to come out of the meditation state, be careful that you will be in the same state as last time!"

After being told by his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi, Zhao Xun woke up like a dream, and quickly retreated from the original meditation state.

"Huh, thank you teacher for reminding me, just now I almost fell into a dream again."

"Stinky boy, you can give yourself some psychological hints. When the time comes, pinch yourself or something. This can be regarded as reminding yourself that you must not stay in it for too long, otherwise, the situation is really not good. Very easy to say."


Zhao Xun nodded his head, as if he recognized his mentor's opinion.

"Actually, brat, mindfulness isn't that difficult. I'm not saying this to brag about how talented I am, I'm just telling the truth."

Daoist Qinglian spread her hands, and said very calmly: "To ensure that telekinetics are always in an absolutely sufficient situation, you must ensure that you can concentrate your mental power. Concentration is absolutely the most important thing for using telekinetics." There is no such thing as one of them."

"If a person can't even control his own spirit, if a person can't even control his own spirit, then in fact, his mind skills will be quite bad even if he can use it. That's why the teacher told you to From the very beginning, try to concentrate your spiritual power. You have practiced Taoism’s nourishing qi before, and some things that are the essence and core of Taoism. As a teacher, I believe that you will be able to master them. Therefore, as a teacher, I also firmly believe that you can Go further from here.”

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi has great confidence in Zhao Xun.

At the beginning, he still hesitated a little, but now this feeling is completely gone.

From the beginning to the end, Wu Quanyi, the master Qinglian Daoist, was able to ensure that he was in a controllable state in an absolute sense.

Although Zhao Xun can't reach this state, as long as he can have half or even a third of his control power, then he can practice telekinetics.

"Boy, the core of telekinetics is to rely on telekinetic power to control objects. To put it simply, there is a stone in front of you. What if you don't want to pick it up with your own hands? Then you can use telekinetic power to pick it up. Not only can it save time Save effort, you can also act aggressively. The content of the pretending is actually not critical, the key is the technique of pretending. A master of pretending can often not show any traces when pretending, but can make people feel that he is Always at a higher level.”

When Zhao Xun heard this, he was shocked by his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

The state of the good guy's mentor is really unpredictable.

"Stinky boy, what are you doing?"

Seeing that Zhao Xun was a little confused for a moment, Wu Quanyi, his mentor Qinglian Taoist priest, stepped forward and knocked Zhao Xun on the head.

"Ah, Zhao Xun couldn't help but exclaimed."


"The brat was talking to you just now as a teacher."

"Ah, I'm sorry, teacher."

Zhao Xun said helplessly while rubbing his head.

For Zhao Xun, it is still very important to maintain a reasonable listening mode, especially for his mentor Qinglian Taoist Wu Quanyi.

He values ​​face very much, and Zhao Xun has to give him this face no matter what.

The next most important thing is to ensure that you are in a state of restraint at all times.

Zhao Xun knew that it would be difficult to guarantee this.

Because for him, it always feels like he has endless energy.

The core of using mind power is to know how to absorb power.Collect your strength first, then gather your strength.

Isn't that what the mentor said just now?
It's just that most practitioners in this world don't understand this truth.

Fortunately, Zhao Xun had his mentor, Daoist Qinglian, to guide him.

So for Zhao Xun, as long as he can control his emotions well, as long as he can keep his emotions in a positive state all the time, then he can use telekinetics in a short time.

Listening to my mentor, it's not as difficult as I imagined.In many cases, telekinetics are misunderstood and misunderstood.

In this case, it is basically necessary to look at the issue calmly and calmly.

Zhao Xun didn't find it easy to keep calm.

But he has to try hard.

"Stinky boy, look carefully, I'll show you a sample first as a teacher."

After finishing speaking, Daoist Qinglian began to give a demonstration.

I saw him staring not far away, then Zhao Xun seemed to feel a slight fluctuation in the air flow in the air, and then an inkstone floated up from the desk.

When Zhao Xun saw this scene, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

Although in theory, swordsmen and swordsmen can fly with swords.

Even control flying swords and flying knives.

But this is not the power of thought.Rather, by their connection and instinct to the sword.

Because theoretically speaking, these swords have become their natal objects, and the connection between them is very close.

In this case, it is a matter of course that the sword is controlled by them.

This cannot be said to be mindfulness.

What is real mindfulness?It can rely on the power of thought to control and manipulate objects that have nothing to do with itself.

For example, a stone, an inkstone.

These things had nothing to do with a practitioner, but because the practitioner wanted to use his mind to manipulate them, he used his mind to raise the stone and inkstone.

In a short time, you can see the scene that Zhao Xun just saw.

It can be said that this gap is quite obvious.

If you want to control everything reasonably, you must first understand what the core of a certain spell is.

Only with a reasonable understanding of the core of this spell can one understand why this is so at a deeper level.

Zhao Xun is still a very curious person, so when his mentor Qinglian gave him a demonstration, Zhao Xun immediately raised doubts.

"Teacher, teacher, can I ask you one more question?"

"You said."

Taoist Qinglian Wu Quanyi spread his hands.

"Uh, that's right. Tu'er sometimes has some doubts, that is, how can I ensure that I can accurately raise the thing I want to take when using my mind power, and not misuse other things."

"That's a good question."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi nodded in satisfaction.

"Brat, I didn't expect you to have such a strong comprehension ability, and you can also see the problem and see the idea. If you maintain the current state, it is basically easy for you to improve. Alright, as a teacher, I will answer what you just said. That question. Aren’t you wondering how to precisely control an object, provided you can establish a connection with it.”

"build connection?"

"Yes, establish a connection. In fact, this is easy to understand. After you control the flying sword, you can control the flying knife. In fact, isn't it to establish a connection with these swords? Of course, in more cases, they are originally natal objects, so your It's very connected, so it's very easy for you to manipulate. But other objects are different. You may be seeing them for the first time, and you may not have seen them before. So when you decide to control this never When you see an object, establishing a connection with it is crucial. If you can't do this well, everything else after that is useless."


Zhao Xun felt as if he understood.


Zhao Xun took a deep breath and said, "So in fact, the state you want me to achieve, sir, is more to establish contact first."

"Yes, this is the first and most important step. You can only take the next step steadily after you take this step well. Otherwise, if you don't lay a good foundation, you will be able to control the next step." These objects, then it will not have a good effect in the future."


Zhao Xun felt that what his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi said was very reasonable.

Thousands of tall buildings rise from the ground.

But laying the groundwork is definitely the top priority.

If the foundation is not laid well, then no matter how tall the house is built, it may collapse.

"So teacher, how to establish a connection with an object."

"Actually, this itself is a very simple matter."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi spread his hands and said.

"The key is to make a mark, make a mark that only you can see. It doesn't have to be too obvious, it doesn't have to be fancy."

Zhao Xun nodded thoughtfully when he heard this.

Now he has a little understanding of the meaning of his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi, just make a mark that only he can understand.The implication is that it is best not to let other people see it.In this case, even if there is a problem, it will not be a big problem, and even if there is a problem, the result will be relatively ideal.

"You can use your own qi and vitality to mark, or you can use other things. But I suggest that you use your own zhenqi and vitality, which is more recognizable and easier to make this object have your own characteristics .”


Zhao Xun still believes in the words of his teacher, Daoist Qinglian.

Because to have huge recognizability, that's really important.

Otherwise, in the vast desert Gobi, there are so many sand and stones, do you know which one is the one you want?
It is a big taboo to temporarily change the goal. You must use your mind power against that stone from the beginning to the end to have a greater chance of success.

Otherwise, it may directly lead to immeasurable consequences.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, but he pays great attention to these details.

Because he firmly believes that details determine success or failure.

Many times people are trapped by some established facts, making it difficult to make targeted judgments.

But in fact, if you can put your posture right, if you can deeply integrate into it, and do the details well, you will find that things are actually not as difficult as you imagined.

It takes many efforts to do one thing well.

Mindfulness is the same.

Maybe from the very beginning, you will feel that telekinetics are difficult, and so on, but after you get used to it, you will find that it is actually nothing more than that.

Of course, these are Zhao Xun's inner dramas at present, which are his additions.

He is used to using this method of psychological suggestion to make himself stronger, and he is also used to using this method of psychological suggestion to make himself more aggressive.

Aggressiveness itself is not a derogatory term, the key is how to understand it.

In Zhao Xun's view, being aggressive means being self-motivated.

And a self-motivated person can really do everything he can want to do.

There is nothing difficult in the world, as long as there is a heart.

As long as you are willing to do it down-to-earth, you will be able to succeed.


Zhao Xun exhaled a foul breath, trying to calm down his mood.

This is a crucial moment for him.

He had never been in contact with telekinetics before.

If it hadn't been mentioned by his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi, Zhao Xun would not even know that there is such a practice spell in the Great Zhou World.

But looking at it now, Zhao Xun actually didn't think it was that difficult.

Anyway, when the teacher described it, he described it calmly.

If you look at it this way, it is actually possible for Zhao Xun to work hard.

Zhao Xun doesn't like the opportunity to feed it to his mouth and deliver it to him.

Because he felt that such an opportunity was a little too boring, and a little too boring.

He wants to fight for the opportunity that is more suitable for him.

We may not be able to get on tiptoe.But if you jump up again, you can get it.

Isn't this kind of opportunity more likely to bring pleasure to people?
The sense of joy after success is unimaginable to others.

Zhao Xun is indeed a person who knows how to control his emotions.

At this moment, he has completely restrained his emotions, and is trying his best to use his unique vitality to mark the pen holder in front of him.

Among the study rooms, the Four Treasures of the Study Room are the most conspicuous.

Now that the mentor has touched that inkstone, he has left his own marks on that inkstone.

Naturally, Zhao Xun could no longer fight for love or inkstone.

So Zhao Xun decided to mark the pen holder.

It was only when Zhao Xun really wanted to start doing it that he realized that it was not as simple as he imagined.

If you don’t try, you won’t know, and if you try, you will be shocked.

It was only after Zhao Xun really tried that that things were not as simple as he imagined.

Everything looks extremely difficult.

Even just making a mark requires Zhao Xun's great efforts.

The effort made him even start to sweat.

Beads of sweat trickled down his face, this was something Zhao Xun had never imagined before.

He had never imagined such a thing.

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi obviously also noticed the change in Zhao Xun.

He frowned and said, "Boy, focus your attention and restrain your emotions as much as possible. Don't let yourself be affected by your emotions. You have to work hard to be the leader of your emotions."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi knows that Zhao Xun's biggest problem now is his mood swings and instability.

In this case, it is easy to have problems.

"So, it's really important to ensure emotional stability."

"Men, shall I try to control my emotions and focus on a small object next?"

"Yes, emotions can be trained, and emotions can be controlled. The reason you can't do this at first is simply because you haven't adapted. Once you adapt, you will never feel this way."

Master Qinglian seems to be very confident about this.

Zhao Xun couldn't help feeling refreshed.

Well, he must trust his mentor, he must trust Daoist Qinglian, so as long as he can follow the method required by his mentor, the result will not be too bad.


Zhao Xun's mentality has returned to normal. Facts have proved that it is very important to maintain a good mentality and ensure that the mentality is in a perfect state.

Zhao Xun started to try again, and this time marking the pen holder was much easier than before.

The pen holder seems to have no "resistance" emotion.

At this moment, Zhao Xun was able to successfully use his true energy to leave his mark on the pen holder.

It turns out that this is quite important.

Because if he can't do this step, it will be difficult to advance to the next step.

My teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi said long ago that the art of telepathy is one step after another, one after another.

If one step is wrong, the problem will be quite big.

So as long as you can control your emotions, as long as you can control your state, the problem will not be big.

"Well, it's ok, now the next step is also a very crucial step, you have to try to use your true energy to support it."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi was very serious when he said this, but Zhao Xun was obviously taken aback for a moment.

"tsk tsk"

"Master, so fast?"

Zhao Xun obviously didn't expect that his teacher would let him start to try to lift objects with his mind so soon.

This is not an easy thing
Zhao Xun has just started, is he about to challenge the difficult moves?
At this moment, Zhao Xun really seemed a little dazed.

"Of course, your progress is so good, if you don't come to increase your strength at this time, when will you start to increase your strength?"

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi raised his eyebrows and said.

"Uh okay."

Zhao Xun was helpless.

In his heart, he felt that his mentor was somewhat counterproductive.But he can't say it.

Who said this is what the teacher said.

So Zhao Xun has to work hard to control himself and try to do what his teacher said.

It would not be a good thing if he annoyed his mentor now.

After taking a deep breath, Zhao Xun began to use his true energy to lift the pen holder in the manner of his mentor.

But I don't know why, Zhao Xunming knew that what was placed not far from him was just a pen holder, but when he lifted it, it seemed to weigh a thousand catties.

Zhao Xun tried his best, but the pen holder just didn't move at all.

Zhao Xun was numb all over.

Guys, what the hell is going on here?
"Men, why is this?"

In desperation, Zhao Xun could only ask Wu Quanyi, the Taoist priest of Qinglian, his mentor.

There is no way that the teacher is in this state. If he cannot guarantee that he is always in a situation of inquiry, the teacher may feel that he is not serious enough.

Attitude is something really mysterious sometimes.

It's hard to really define it.

Because sometimes your attitude is one thing, but in the eyes of others, your attitude is another matter.

So Zhao Xun can only constantly hone his mood, and constantly make himself easier to satisfy his teacher Qinglian Taoist Wu Quanyi.

After all, a good teacher is really good.

"It's still that your control is too weak. If you want to condense your true energy, you must condense it on that small pen holder. You must ensure that all the true energy can be gathered together. Can you understand what it means to be a teacher?"

The eyes of the benefactor, Daoist Qinglian, stared closely at Zhao Xun who was not far away, and Zhao Xun was a little stupefied.


"The apprentice is fine."

"Well, that's good. Remember, you must keep your state in good condition no matter what, and you must ensure that your state is under control. Otherwise, even the gods will not be able to help you."

"Try again now, gather your true energy, you must be able to gather your true energy. As long as you do this, then lifting a pen holder is a piece of cake."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi never thought it was so difficult to lift the pen holder.

In his opinion, top practitioners can completely lift boulders weighing hundreds of catties or even thousands of catties by relying on their mind power.

Things are not as difficult as imagined, maybe you can understand how simple it is after just trying it out.

Zhao Xun is still inexperienced, really too inexperienced.

What Zhao Xun needs most at this moment is some advice.

He only needs a few light touches to understand how to reach that state.


Zhao Xun tried hard, tried hard to control his emotions, and tried hard to keep himself in a calm state.

He took a deep breath again, and then poured his true energy into it.


At this moment, Zhao Xun seemed to feel something different, something different from just now.

Although it was only a minor difference, he still felt it.


Zhao Xun knew that the next link was very important.

If he could hold his breath and lift the pen holder directly, then the rhythm would be different.

if not
"Come on, you can do it."

Zhao Xun kept giving himself psychological hints, hoping to fully mobilize his emotions and get himself into the state faster.

"Ha ha ha ha."

When Zhao Xun concentrated his mind and began to use his mind power this time, he once again found that things actually became very simple.

This time.
The pen holder really started to shake slightly.

The pen holder, which was still motionless just now, has started to shake slightly.

At this moment, Zhao Xun's heart was filled with ecstasy, he simply didn't know how to express his emotions.

"Ha ha ha ha."

"tsk tsk"

It's a pity that the following situation did not develop according to Zhao Xun's expectation.

After the pen holder dangled for a while, it fell silent again.


Zhao Xunbai was very happy, but the result was naturally very embarrassing.

"cough cough"

At this time, my teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi stood up, cleared his throat to relieve the embarrassment, and said, "Stinky boy, you don't have to worry too much, the situation is not as bad as you imagined. As long as you keep practicing, you will definitely succeed .Isn't this time much better than last time?"

"Well, thank you teacher."

The mentor's encouragement was of great help to Zhao Xun.

Originally, Zhao Xun was a little discouraged, but at this moment, Zhao Xun has confidence again.

Whether it is a practitioner or someone else, the encouragement from relatives, friends and elders is always very important.

It's a completely different feeling with encouragement than without it.

With encouragement, you will feel that everything is nothing more than that, everything is just a very simple thing.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Zhao Xun must be able to concentrate and gather energy on the pen holder.

In fact, he has already succeeded once. It is nothing more than how to ensure the continuity of qi.

After all, only when this is done can the pen container be lifted up.

Otherwise, at most, the pen holder can only keep a basic shake, and it is difficult to really float the pen holder.

This difficulty is really not ordinary.

Zhao Xun knows where the difficulties are, so he will focus more on concentrating his strength here.

The matter is actually not as difficult as he imagined, the key is that he has to try his best to pierce this layer of window paper.

At this time, there is really no one else who can help him, and Zhao Xun can only rely on himself.

Zhao Xun also knows this truth, asking for others is better than asking for oneself.

At the critical moment, you still have to take some responsibility to make yourself truly make a breakthrough.


After taking a deep breath, Zhao Xun condensed his true energy together, and all the true energy went towards the pen container at this time.

At this moment, everyone realized what happened.

The pen holder has been completely lifted up.

Although it was only a very low distance, it was enough for him to prove his success.

"Hahaha, brat, what you said for the teacher before, you can definitely succeed. How is it now, is there anything wrong with what the teacher said?"

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi was quite satisfied.

In his opinion, Zhao Xun's achievements are undoubtedly his achievements, and the result of Zhao Xun's efforts is the result of his efforts.

So from a certain point of view, he can be regarded as successfully leading his apprentice to master the art of mindfulness.

Of course, this is still the first step, and Zhao Xun still has a long way to go.

"Okay, let's put it down. You have just learned to use telekinetics, and the control of telekinetics is still not in place. If we increase the force rashly at this time, it is likely to get the opposite effect. So at this time you You must exercise restraint and never have other thoughts.”


Zhao Xun understood what his mentor meant.It's too late.It is of course important to maintain the state, but it does not mean that the desired effect can be achieved by maintaining the state all the time.

At least from the current point of view, he really only made the first step.

More work is really needed in the future.

If you can't eat a fat man with one bite, it's unrealistic to want to save money quickly in a short period of time.

Zhao Xun is a person who knows how to endure.Otherwise, I wouldn't have been trying hard to try various exercises from the very beginning.

To be a practitioner, to be an accomplished practitioner, you need to be able to be slick in all directions, and you need to be able to have a good relationship with all parties.

Especially now that Zhao Xun still has two masters, brothers and sisters who work together, he needs to handle the relationship between all parties.

Only when the relationship between all parties is handled well can we maintain a good state and go further.

Second product?Yipin?
Zhao Xun never sets limits for himself.

Because to be honest, Zhao Xun didn't know where his limit was.

If possible, Zhao Xun will work hard to improve himself.

It's just that from the current point of view, he needs to temporarily concentrate his energy on a certain area.

After this area is stable, you can move on to the next area for improvement.

Ascension is not easy, but it is necessary to have this confidence.

"Master, you can rest now, right?"

"That's right, do you still want to continue practicing, kid? Not to mention whether you will become obsessed, you can't bear it just because of your stamina. This mindfulness technique consumes the most vitality of a practitioner. Don't you think it's too late now?" Don't you have a feeling of being hollowed out?"

Seeing his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi say such a teasing, Zhao Xun was stunned for a moment.

Not to mention, Zhao Xun really felt as if his body had been hollowed out after what his mentor said.
"cough cough"

Zhao Xun smiled helplessly and said, "My mentor said so, but I have realized it. That's all right, I'll go to rest first, and practice next time."

All in all, Zhao Xun is quite satisfied with the training results today.

Zhao Xun never compares himself with others, he only compares himself. As long as there is improvement compared with himself, Zhao Xun will be very satisfied.

Of course, today Zhao Xun has overfulfilled the task.

After all, not only did he complete the drawing of several runes, but he also successfully used telekinetics.

Although he only held up a small pen holder with his telekinetic technique, it was indeed a good signal.

After a good start, everything becomes a lot easier.


When Zhao Xun came to the kitchen and wanted to make something to eat, he saw Wangcai there.

Zhao Xun was stunned for a moment.

What is this situation?
Well done, why is Wangcai here?

Zhao Xun felt numb for a while.

"Wangcai, what are you doing here?"

"Brother Mingyun?"

Seeing Zhao Xun, Wangcai laughed and said, "Brother Mingyun, I am preparing to make some cups of milk tea, so you came here. Did you know something?"


Zhao Xun smiled helplessly: "Don't talk nonsense. My nose is not as sensitive as yours. If you like drinking milk tea so much, it proves that you can't help but want to do it yourself. I just stopped by the kitchen It just happened to bump into you."

"Wow, Brother Mingyun is still amazing. As expected of a novelist, he is very sensible. Forget it, I can't say no to you. So don't worry about it. I'll just make a few more cups of milk tea. What is this?" ?”

"Hahaha, yes."

Zhao Xun smiled and said: "Milk tea is really addictive. It's fine if you don't drink it all the time. But as long as you drink it, you won't be able to stop. What milk tea are you going to make today? Or is it your favorite? red bean milk tea?"

"No, no, this time I plan to get a new variety and change the flavor. If I drink one flavor all the time, I will get bored sooner or later. Brother Ming Yun, you have already said it. Even if it is delicacies from mountains and seas, if If you drink it all the time, it will make you helpless."

"Well, it is."

"So, it's very important to keep freshness. It's the same for eating, practicing, writing books, and drinking milk tea."

At this moment, Wangcai instantly turned into a king of understanding, and said with a smile: "This time I plan to make banana milk tea."

"Huh? Banana milk tea?"

It seems that Zhao Xun has never drank this so-called banana milk tea before.I haven't tried it so I'm looking forward to it.

"Wangcai, is this banana milk tea really delicious?"

"Oh, brother Mingyun, if you ask me that, how can I answer it? After all, I've never had banana milk tea either."

Wangcai said helplessly: "I can only say that I will do my best to make this banana milk tea well. As for how far I can achieve it, I really can't guarantee what it will look like. Brother Mingyun, you understand , I will definitely work hard. But I hope there will be a good result."


It really doesn't make sense to talk about this with Wangcai.

Let Zhao Xun taste it after he makes the milk tea.

All in all, Zhao Xun is quite looking forward to the milk tea made by Wangcai.

If Wangcai can really make milk tea the best of the best, then Zhao Xun will have something to talk about next.

Zhao Xun is not very optimistic about this banana milk tea.After all, if it's really delicious, why hasn't anyone made it before?

If it's really delicious, why hasn't it been launched?
After all, Zhao Xun is someone who even drank salted egg yolk milk tea.

He felt that he had drunk all kinds of weird milk teas, but he had never drunk this kind of banana milk tea.

So Zhao Xun lowered his expectations first.In this way, even if Wangcai makes the banana milk tea later and proves that the taste is not very good, Zhao Xun will not feel embarrassed.

But if the taste is really delicious, Zhao Xun will definitely feel full of happiness all at once.

This is the benefit of lowering expectations.

And it's hard to say if the expectations are too full from the beginning.

The expected value is too full, and it is easy for the expected value to fail to meet expectations.

At that time, I was really disappointed and wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Well, Wangcai, what are you going to do, do you want me to help you?"

"Uh, brother Mingyun, why don't you cut the bananas into small cubes for me first, and then make them into puree."

"Uh mash it?"

"Yes, it's like pounding garlic."

Wangcai said very crisply.

Zhao Xun thought to himself, good guy, it seems that the little fat man's idea of ​​Wangcai is still very clear.That's good, he's afraid that Wangcai doesn't know what to do, and he will fool around casually.If that's the case, it would be a ghost to make this banana milk tea taste good.But looking at it now, Wangcai obviously didn't want to fool around.Wangcai is quite serious.Since then, Zhao Xun is still looking forward to the taste of this banana milk tea.If quite delicious.Tsk tut that could indeed be kept as a reserved item.Deliciousness has always required continuous improvement and improvement to become better and better.If the food is not improved, it is very likely that people's taste genes will gradually degenerate.It is not a good choice to eat one kind of food for a long time, which will make people very similar.And once people become assimilated, the consequences will be disastrous.

Now it seems that Wangcai is a very thoughtful person, he is indeed a person who was able to be a glutton, and he is indeed a person who was able to be a god of cook.As expected, he was once able to become a diner that even Zhao Xun could hardly hold a candle to.

"Tsk tsk tsk."

While mashing the bananas into mud, Zhao Xun followed Wangcai's development.

I have to say that Wangcai's current state is still quite good.

The most critical part of making milk tea is to make the tea base of the milk tea by himself.

The proportions of various combinations must be just right in order to achieve the desired taste.Only when that taste is achieved can everyone be satisfied.

Anyway, Zhao Xun really thinks that the milk tea made by Wangcai is quite unique.Ordinary people may not be able to drink it.

But Zhao Xun was still able to drink it.

So, it’s better to have milk tea as early as possible.

Once you have milk tea, you can't live without it.

And as the number of milk teas tasted increases, Zhao Xun can also distinguish the different tastes of various milk teas more reasonably.

For example, some people prefer to drink one flavor, and some people prefer to drink another flavor.

The types of milk tea that different people like to drink are very different. You can't beg to make a milk tea that everyone likes.This is almost impossible to achieve.

So, come on.

Work hard and make money.Striving for this newly made banana milk tea can also be unique in all aspects, and striving for this banana milk tea can also conquer the stomachs of everyone in the academy.

Isn't there a saying that if you want to conquer a person's heart, the best way is to conquer his stomach first.

If his stomach can be conquered, then basically this person's heart can also be conquered next.

Wangcai's current state is actually quite good.

But Zhao Xun doesn't know if it's possible to keep it to the end.

What he can do now is to hope as much as possible that Wangcai can delay his enthusiasm for food production all the time, can keep working hard to make various ingredients, and can keep working hard to make all kinds of delicacies.

Milk tea can be said to be a label of Wangcai.

Now that this label has been pasted, Zhao Xun hopes that this label can always be pasted on it, and that it will not be easily torn off.

He hopes that this can become a symbol of Wangcai and a point that makes Wangcai unique.

The reason why Wangcai is Wangcai and why Wangcai is not someone else is very important.

Or it's a Peugeot.

It is precisely because of this Peugeot, and precisely because of this distinctive point, that Zhao Xun can distinguish Wangcai from others.

Zhao Xun really thought about a lot of things in the process of mashed bananas.

For Wangcai, this is precisely his best destination.

To be able to make so many delicacies in such a good environment of the academy, and to be able to enjoy them continuously under the company of Zhao Xun.Zhao Xun really can't think of any life that could be more beautiful than this.

Zhao Xun really didn't know what to do next.

For him, it seems to be a matter of course to do everything, as if doing everything is a matter of course.

As long as he can be with Wangcai, he is willing to let him do any tiring things.

What does it matter if it is a seafood feast for Wangcai every meal?

Prosperity is really good.You Wangcai keeps making delicious milk tea here, and you Zhao Xun cooks big meals here.

The paper quality of life is beautiful, and life is full of small fortunes.

The reason why life is life is not only to live, but also to have a sense of ritual.

Living out a sense of ritual is easier said than done.

The sense of ritual must be created through hard work and hard work.

And it may only take one thought to destroy the sense of ritual.

Work hard boy.

Maybe you don't think it has anything to do with it at the beginning, but gradually you will probably find that there are actually many things worth looking forward to in life.

As long as you pay attention and pay attention, you can always see these things.

"Wangcai, I have mashed bananas here. What should I do next?"

Zhao Xun took a look at Wangcai, and saw that the little fat man had almost mixed the ingredients of the milk tea, and the ingredients were mixed together. He thought that he should mix them.

"Well, Brother Mingyun, just give me these mashed bananas, I'll add it in."

That's it?

At the beginning, Zhao Xun also expected Wangcai to have some exclusive technology.

But now it seems that Zhao Xun is obviously thinking too much.

Wangcai obviously didn't want to do too much.

He just wanted to mix the mashed banana that Zhao Xun had made with the prepared milk tea.

The mixed milk tea still has a very good appearance, just looking at it from a distance can make people feel refreshed.

"Wow, this milk tea looks really good."


Wangcai didn't seem to be affected by Zhao Xun's praise.

"Brother Ming Yun is almost healed, please wait a little longer patiently."


Wangcai was really intoxicated at the moment.


The state of Wangcai is maintained quite well.

But Zhao Xun couldn't wait to taste the taste of this milk tea.

Delicious milk tea is actually very different from ordinary milk tea.

It's just that most people don't pay attention to this, so they don't notice it.

But Zhao Xun is very sure of this.

Wangcai's milk tea does have a characteristic that is completely different from other milk teas.

If you taste it carefully, you can definitely taste the gap.

Of course, Zhao Xun is obviously the first person to taste this new banana milk tea.

For Zhao Xun, as long as he tries it, he will immediately experience which kind of milk tea he prefers.

Is it refreshing?Or sweet?

It can be said that each flavor of milk tea has its own preferences and its fixed crowd.

Different milk tea will make different people have different expectations.

It was difficult to fix it at the beginning, but through continuous screening, the taste definition of milk tea can gradually be fixed.

When Wangcai brought the banana milk tea that he finally prepared to Zhao Xun's mouth, Zhao Xun swallowed subconsciously.

It smells very good, although the appearance is a little bit worse, but milk tea is for drinking, not for playing.

So even if the appearance of this banana milk tea is slightly worse, Zhao Xun doesn't think there is anything wrong with it.


Zhao Xun took a deep breath, and then inhaled the milk tea storm.

Zhao Xun realized the specialness of this banana milk tea as soon as he took it.

It is indeed very different.

This is different from all the styles of milk tea that Zhao Xun had drunk before.

"It's really fragrant, this taste is absolutely amazing."

Zhao Xun is really not exaggerating at all.In his opinion, the banana milk tea made by Wangcai is quite comprehensive and can be played comprehensively.Even with those classic models, he didn't feel that banana milk tea was any worse.

"tsk tsk"

At this moment, in order to ensure the pure taste of milk tea, it is necessary to fix the basic raw materials.

In fact, Zhao Xun found that the milk tea prepared by Wangcai is basically the same as ordinary milk tea except for mashed bananas.

So there's really no need to worry about it.

Wangcai should know how to do it.

"Wangcai, if possible, I suggest selling milk tea in Chang'an City. Of course, you don't sell it yourself, but find a partner. For example, in the Liyuan Bank, such as in the teahouse and wine shop."

Zhao Xun paused and said: "I still say the same thing, be careful when sailing for thousands of years. Emperor Xianlong, a dog emperor who is not a son of man, is simply angry with both humans and gods. If he still stares at you, if you give him a chance He will definitely not let it go. So it is best to find a partner, so that your partner is on the bright side. Naturally, Emperor Xianlong will not make things difficult for you, because this guy has no idea that it is you work behind the scenes."


Wangcai is actually quite business-minded, and Zhao Xun understood it with such a light touch.

"Well, but if there is only milk tea, won't it look a little monotonous? Brother Mingyun, do you have any other ideas, other good ideas, you might as well tell them and let's all have fun together."


Zhao Xun was really at a loss for a while.

"Actually, it's not that there isn't one."

Zhao Xun took a deep breath and said: "Generally speaking, those who go to teahouses or restaurants or go to Liyuan are those who have money and leisure. Those who don't have money will not go there for entertainment. At most, they can drink a big bowl by the roadside Tea, deduct two copper coins. The poorer ones can't even afford a big bowl of tea. Naturally, if you don't have time, you won't go to this kind of place to squat all day. So let me tell you, we need to be precise and accurate Analyze the customer base. As long as you can accurately analyze the customer base, the next thing will be simple."


Wangcai's eyes could shine brightly.

For some reason, he felt that what Zhao Xun said was quite reasonable.

What Zhao Xun said determined many things to a considerable extent.

"Well, if that's the case, what do you think people going to these places like to eat besides drinking milk tea?"

"Snacks! These people sure like to eat snacks!"

Zhao Xun said without hesitation.

"Why do you say they like to eat snacks? Because these people are not short of money at home, and the cooks at home must be famous chefs who have spent a lot of money. These famous chefs will definitely cook some delicacies for the owner to eat. But the problem is that even The delicacies of mountains and seas, if you eat them every day, you will feel bored. So."

The pressure is simply not normal.

These people definitely don't want to go out to eat out and eat the things that they have vomited and got bored with. They definitely want to try something new.Even if these fresh things can't completely grab their stomachs, they can at least comfort them to a certain extent, allowing them to thoroughly enjoy the pleasure brought by delicious food.

"Well, so I think it's possible to make snacks. Snacks are things that they can't usually eat. As the saying goes, rare things are more expensive. They can't eat them on weekdays, and they feel very fresh after eating them occasionally. So it will definitely be Very satisfied. Another point is that the taste and taste of the snacks are the best among the best, so there is nothing to say. As long as everyone is willing to try, you will definitely be able to experience a different taste."


Wangcai nodded straightly.Although he didn't understand it very well, he felt that it made sense.

To some extent, the snacks are indeed very sweet, and they are indeed very mouth-watering.

The same is true of Wangcai himself.Compared with other things, Wangcai obviously likes snacks more.

"Ahaha, so, it is still necessary to be able to experience these snacks better. I think it can be arranged for them, and there should be no overturning of the car."

Zhao Xun paused and said: "Of course, we can still recommend a few snacks among the crowd of delicacies. According to my past experience and personal taste, I think the taste of stinky tofu is quite good. Still French fries can also be added, and cold noodles can be arranged directly. Boiled peanuts and edamame are also indispensable.”

When Zhao Xun said this, his mouth was already drooling.

"There are also ghee croquettes, fried twists, and crispy crisps"

The more Zhao Xun talked about it, the more he felt greedy, and even Wangcai beside him could hardly control his state.

"Oh my god, brother Mingyun, stop talking. If you keep talking, I might be starved to death by you."

Wangcai is really very greedy at this time.

This can be seen from the saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth.


At this moment, Zhao Xun couldn't wait to make some samples for Wangcai to taste.

"Delicious, really fragrant. Really delicious."

At this moment, Wangcai has been completely attracted by the delicacies that Zhao Xun said, and has already begun to react instinctively.

"Well, I'll make some samples first, and you can try which ones you can keep. If you keep them all, there are indeed too many types of snacks, and it's really not easy to control the quality. I still say the same thing, rather than excess. If you can't control the snacks If the quality is high, it’s better not to do it. You also have to tell our partners directly, toss when it should be tossed, and don’t toss when it shouldn’t. Otherwise, it’s really easy to mess up It’s easy to smash a signboard, but it’s a little harder to erect it. So you still have to stay rational and restrained, and don’t be dazzled by interests, and you must not blindly believe in these so-called extreme interests. "

Zhao Xun has always believed that doing business should pay attention to integrity.

Because only by paying attention to integrity, will there be word of mouth and repeat customers.

Word of mouth is actually quite important.

Once spread to ten, ten to hundreds, everyone will recognize it.

And if you just rely on large-scale promotion and marketing, the effect is not as good as relying on word of mouth.

"Well, I see. Brother Mingyun, don't talk anymore, start doing it quickly."

Seeing Zhao Xun's stern face, Zhao Xun couldn't laugh or cry.

"Okay, then I'm starting to do it."

Zhao Xun greeted Wangcai, and immediately started cooking.

Since it is a snack, the method of making it is naturally different from that of ordinary dishes.

Among the snacks that Zhao Xun admires, more than half are fried foods.

Fried food is really tasty and hits the spot.

If he can master the rhythm well, Zhao Xun feels that he can indeed make a batch of very popular snacks for supper.

There is a curfew in Chang'an City, but in fact it just closes the gates of Fang City.

All entertainment activities in Fangshi can still be carried out normally.

West Market, East Market and even Pingkangfang, aren’t these places open all night long?

Therefore, there is still a market for snacks and supper paired with milk tea.

In fact, there are some things that many people want to do, but not many people have such strong execution ability, and not everyone can persevere.

Persisting in this matter is easy to say, but it will be as difficult as the sky if you actually do it.

How can we make further breakthroughs under such difficult circumstances?
That naturally requires some attitude from the very beginning.

Zhao Xun is very serious about making food, no matter what kind of food it is.

It has even reached the point where every penny is counted.

Because Zhao Xun believes that only when the details are made to the extreme, and only when all kinds of tastes are made to the extreme, can the food be delicious, and the food can be delicious.

If the taste itself is mediocre, why do diners go there?
Because of good marketing?

Marketing may be able to cheat once or twice, but it takes a long time for fools to go.

Therefore, in essence, the quality of the food must be excellent. Only in this way can it develop for a long time and satisfy everyone.

"First, let me deep-fry stinky tofu. There may be some leftovers from the previous tofu."

"Well, it's all here."

"very good."

Zhao Xun took the box of stinky tofu from Wangcai.

Immediately, he took a pair of chopsticks and put the stinky tofu piece by piece into the oil pan.

I have to say that the temperature of this oil pan is quite reliable.

The oil temperature of fried stinky tofu is definitely the top priority.

If the oil temperature cannot be well controlled, the quality of the fried stinky tofu will definitely not be very good.

It is necessary to ensure that the fried stinky tofu is of good quality, so the oil temperature must be controlled.

Zhao Xun can be said to be a veteran of veterans, and his control of oil temperature and heat is at its peak.

So he was able to achieve the ultimate in details.

Even if it's just some seemingly difficult things, Zhao Xun can handle them very well.


Zhao Xun worked hard to prepare the state of stinky tofu, and only started after adding the tofu to the oil pan.

Next, Zhao Xun had to constantly adjust the position of the stinky tofu and flip it over.

Because if you don't do this, the stinky tofu will become quite mushy when it is fried all the time.

After having a paste texture, the taste of stinky tofu will become quite bad.

Zhao Xun is a person who pursues quality, so he must not allow the taste of stinky tofu to deteriorate due to such perceived factors.

He will work hard to continuously adjust the position of the stinky tofu, and in this way, the taste of the stinky tofu will become better and better.


Wangcai on the side looked dumbfounded.

He had tasted the stinky tofu fried by Zhao Xun himself before, and he couldn't forget the lingering taste for a long time.

How can stinky tofu be so delicious?

How can stinky tofu be so sweet and delicious?

How can stinky tofu be so delicious?

"tsk tsk"

"Wangcai, don't keep staring there, find me a plate, I'm ready to cook."

The time for frying stinky tofu should not be too long, too long will affect the taste.

After making sure that each piece of stinky tofu is fried properly, Zhao Xun is about to get out of the pan.

Of course Wangcai's mouth is watering right now.

"Okay, brother Mingyun, I'll go get the plate right now."

Zhao Xun only thought it was funny, a foodie like Wangcai would forget his last name in an instant as long as he was given food.


"This plate is really good."


"Indeed, it's perfect for stinky tofu."

"I just said that stinky tofu still needs someone to make it constantly. The sauce is brought over and I will pour it on it."

After Zhao Xun took all the stinky tofu out of the pot, he poured the sauce on top of the stinky tofu.

For a while, the fragrance can be described as tangy.

Wow, this taste is really amazing.

Zhao Xun couldn't help taking a deep breath, and Wangcai beside him nodded in satisfaction.

"It's delicious, it smells really delicious."

"Come and taste Wangcai, and see if it's still the taste you remember."

It has indeed been a while since Wangcai ate stinky tofu last time.That's why Zhao Xun said that.

But Wangcai obviously didn't think he would forget the taste in his memory.Excitedly, I picked up a piece of stinky tofu with my chopsticks and put it in my mouth to eat it.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this smells really delicious."

"Is it delicious? Let me just say it. As long as this stinky tofu is made properly, you will definitely love it."

Zhao Xun tried his best to calm down, and then picked up a piece of stinky tofu and put it in his mouth.

The pleasure of exploding milk almost filled Zhao Xun with a sense of happiness in an instant.

"Wow, this taste is really amazing."

"So say it."


The two now have a consensus on stinky tofu, that is, it can be launched as the top snack.

Delicious stinky tofu can satisfy everyone and conquer the stomachs of all diners.

Anyway, Zhao Xun felt that few people would refuse this kind of food.

Because the taste of stinky tofu is really amazing.

It is indeed quite rare to be able to reach this level.

"La la la, la la la"

At this moment, Zhao Xun could no longer suppress his excitement, and ate several pieces of stinky tofu in one go.

As for Wangcai, he couldn't control his emotions even more, and he didn't care about the so-called eating appearance at all when he ate stinky tofu.

Of course, Wangcai basically has nothing to say about what he eats in his daily life.


"Brother Mingyun, this stinky tofu must be the main dish for late-night snacks. I think its popularity is no less than that of Journey to the West. It will definitely become popular in Chang'an overnight."

"Uh, there's no comparison between the two."

Of course, Zhao Xun knew that Wangcai was indulging in the delicious taste of stinky tofu at this moment, so he would never understand what he meant.

In other words, Wangcai's brain has lost the ability to think at this moment, and what Zhao Xun can do at this moment is to help Wangcai relieve his emotions as much as possible, so that he can calm down.

"Ahem, Wangcai, although this stinky tofu is good, we can't just recommend this one dish. We should try other dishes, right?"

"Aww, of course it is. Look at my brain. Brother Mingyun, you can continue to do it."

With Zhao Xun doing this, Wangcai woke up like a dream.

It is indeed not easy for Wangcai to be able to enjoy the delicious food.

It is definitely not easy for Wangcai to enjoy delicious food.

It is even more difficult to watch Zhao Xun cooking without feeling greedy.

But at this moment, Wangcai must do so.

Because Zhao Xun's dishes are all high-quality goods, not to mention night snacks.

In Wangcai's impression, Zhao Xun's supper has never overturned the car.Since it is so prosperous, it is natural that expectations can be fully fulfilled.

"Next, I'm going to prepare French fries. Wangcai, go and make the ketchup, just as we did last time."

Zhao Xun thought that French fries are definitely a big killer.

As long as you sacrifice it, you can definitely occupy half of the night snack market.

The main reason is that this thing is too simple to make, basically there is no difficulty at all, so Zhao Xun may have to worry about the appearance of followers.

But let's make the first pot of gold first, as long as you can make money, it won't hurt so much even if it is imitated.

"En er, yes."

Wangcai is still looking forward to this.

He immediately went to make tomato sauce.

Zhao Xun first peels the potatoes and then cuts them into strips.

If the test of cutting potato shreds is knife skills, cutting potato chips is very simple.

Zhao Xun even thinks there is no difficulty in this, anyone who can cook can basically do it.

There is no need for the chef to do it himself, and the small kitchen helper can make arrangements clearly.

"Well, these sliced ​​potato chips look good."

Although potato sticks are not as demanding as potato shreds, Zhao Xun is still cutting them carefully.

Because in his opinion, the cut potatoes are indeed quite beautiful.

Aesthetics can affect appetite.

No diner will want to eat potato chips that are cut out crookedly and unevenly.

If this is the case, it can only be said that these people are also talents!
Of course, Zhao Xun wanted to polish the potato sticks at this moment. He removed the skin on the potato sticks to make sure they were perfect before preparing to fry them in the oil pan.

Naturally, the oil used to fry stinky tofu could no longer be used, so Zhao Xun replaced it with a new pot.

In fact, if you want to save money, the oil for frying food can be reused.

But in this way, it will affect the taste of the ingredients.

Zhao Xun still felt that there was no need to save this little money, after all, considering his current net worth, it was not bad.


At this moment, Zhao Xun couldn't wait to fry the French fries to taste how it tasted.

(End of this chapter)

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