Chapter 429 The face of the imperial court (nearly 20000 words super chapter)
Daming Palace, Zichen Palace.

Emperor Xianlong watched the memorial sent by Anxi in the warm pavilion.

Liu Lin, the governor of Anxi, said that the caravans of missions and caravans from various countries in the Western Regions will arrive in Chang'an soon.

At that time, I hope that the imperial court and the emperor can meet them.

At this moment, a smile appeared on the corner of Emperor Xianlong's mouth.

Finally there is good news.

When he learned that these missions requested tribute, he immediately agreed.

Because for Emperor Xianlong, he hoped that there would be such good news to break through the current haze that permeated the court.

The series of things that happened recently are still too disturbing.

Emperor Xianlong didn't know how long he could last.

Of course, as a son of heaven, as a king, he should always grit his teeth and persist.

But sometimes Emperor Xianlong would feel exhausted.

After all, he is still a human being, not a god.

The situation is turned upside down with corruptors and academies outside, and princelings coveting inside, ready to seize power at any time.

For Emperor Xianlong, this was indeed a very disturbing thing.

As far as the moment is concerned, Emperor Xianlong really doesn't know how much he can do.

But he certainly won't give up easily.

For now, this good news is a blessing.

Like a ray of light shining through the gloom, it can bring hope to people.

Hope is never easy to gather.Hope is never easy to gather.But in fact, as long as this kind of hope can be established from the beginning, it can always bring positive things.

At this moment, Emperor Xianlong was full of confidence.

Although it is not that all nations came to the DPRK, it was just a few small foreign countries that came to the DPRK to pay tribute.

But Emperor Xianlong can make a lot of publicity and create an illusion that all nations are coming to court.

Emperor Xianlong was a person who wanted face very much, and the imperial court really needed face at this time.

That being the case, Emperor Xianlong should naturally make a big publicity, so that the Manchu Dynasty's civil and military affairs, and the Manchu Dynasty's officials are all happy.

Even if it's just silly joy, even if it's just blind joy, even if it's just pretending to be happy, it's great.

Emperor Xianlong would not think that these civil and military officials would really think that this was a great joyous event for all nations to come to court.

But even so, as long as they are willing to cooperate with acting, it is good.

To Emperor Xianlong, all he cared about was face, as long as face was achieved, the goal would be achieved.

"Pass down the decree and order Pei Changgong, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, and Cui Chu, the Shaoqing of Honglu Temple, to have an audience."

At this moment, Emperor Xianlong already had a rough plan in mind, but he still needed to find relevant officials to discuss the details.

"According to the order."

Emperor Xianlong has not been to court for a long time.

For him, going to court is really a very boring thing.

It is really boring to watch the civil and military officials fight over a trivial matter in the court hall, blushing and even fisting each other.

Therefore, Emperor Xianlong would rather summon the officials he wanted to summon alone in the Zichen Hall of Daming Palace.

He will go to the court only when it involves the necessary court meeting or offering sacrifices to the heavens.

Today he summoned Pei Changgong, Minister of Rites, and Cui Chu, Shaoqing of Honglu Temple, the two people Emperor Xianlong must meet.

When it comes to the missions of the vassal states of the Western Regions entering the court to pay tribute, these two officials in charge cannot be avoided.

Of course, Emperor Xianlong is in a position to arrange everything steadily at this moment, and they have to come up with a charter for specific matters.

The emperor had a decree, and the relevant officials who were summoned naturally rushed to come.

Coincidentally, Pei Changgong, Minister of Rites, and Cui Chu, Shaoqing of Honglu Temple, happened to arrive together.

"Oh, why are you here, Pei Shangshu?"

"Cui Shaoqing, aren't you here?"

"Uh, your majesty is summoned by His Majesty."

"Coincidentally, I was also summoned by His Majesty."

The two looked at each other as if they were in a fog.

The reason why they felt so puzzled was because none of them knew what the Emperor had summoned them for.

It is impossible for the eunuch who delivered the decree to tell them.

It is impossible to send money to listen to the tone.

Unless the relationship is really good, but that's another story.

So for the officials who were summoned into the palace, the mood can be said to be quite tense.

They don't know exactly what's going to happen, or even whether it's a blessing or a curse.

In this way, basically the situation you face depends on luck.

If you are lucky, it will be a great joy to get promoted and get rich.

If the luck is worse, it may be a big bad news that the head will be lost or even the whole family will be beheaded.

In short, no matter which one it is, it is not up to them to decide at all, it is only in the emperor's thought.

So there is no need to worry so much, just do what you should do.

"Pei Shangshu please."

The official position of Cui Chu, the young minister of Honglu Temple, was lower than that of Pei Changgong, so he took the initiative to take half a step back, and made a gesture of invitation with one arm forward.The meaning couldn't be more clear, that is to let Pei Changgong go first.

Pei Changgong was also not polite at all, he just nodded slightly as a signal, then threw off his sleeves and strode forward.

Cui Chu, the Shaoqing of Honghe Temple, followed closely behind.

The two entered the main hall of the Zichen Palace one by one, and then followed the eunuch's lead to the Nuan Pavilion.

"My lords, Your Majesty is in a very good mood, congratulations."

Both of them beamed with joy after hearing this.

No matter what it is, as long as His Majesty is in a good mood, it proves to be at least a good thing.

It is enough to be a good thing, and it is worth being happy if it is a good thing!

"Thank you for the reminder, father-in-law."

The two of them bowed their hands to the eunuch gratefully.

Soon the two were brought into the warm pavilion, and without hesitation pushed the jade pillar down the mountain and fell to their knees.

For them, there are not many opportunities to meet Emperor Xianlong.

Because His Majesty the Emperor lived deep in the palace recently, and did not go to court many times.

So they were a little nervous this time around.

Among them, Pei Changgong, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, is especially serious.

At this moment, his back was soaked with sweat, and even the purple official uniform was stuck to his back.

The situation of Cui Chu, the Shaoqing of Honglu Temple, was better, at least he did not lose his composure too much.

Dishonesty before the emperor is a big or small crime.

If the king doesn't pursue it, it's basically nothing.

But once the emperor pursues it, there is nothing wrong with punishing a crime of deceiving the emperor.

"Minister Pei Changgong, minister Cui Chu pays homage to His Majesty. Long live my emperor."

Although the two haven't entered the palace for a long time, they still remember this set of rhetoric by heart.

There is no way that this is a compulsory course for them to mix in officialdom, and it has long been engraved in their bones.

So even if they haven't seen Emperor Xianlong for a year or so, they won't feel any strangeness.

"You two lovers, let's live together."

Emperor Xianlong raised his hand and said in harmony.

Only then did Pei Changgong and Cui Chu get up slowly.

"Come here, give the two lovers a seat."

Emperor Xianlong's attitude at the moment is quite kind. As long as he can show some affinity at this time, the courtiers will be moved to tears.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness."

Sure enough, the two were moved to tears, but they still controlled their emotions well and didn't really cry.

The two carefully sat on the brocade pier, stood with their hands tied, their backs straight.

To be honest, sitting like this is not much more comfortable than kneeling or standing, but after all, this is the grace of His Majesty the Emperor, so I still have to give thanks without hesitation.

"I called the two lovers here to discuss something."

"Please order, Your Majesty."

At this moment, Pei Changgong, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, cupped his hands at Emperor Xianlong, showing the self-cultivation of a loyal dog.

In this regard, Cui Chu, the Shaoqing of Honglu Temple, reacted much slower, and could not keep up with Pei Changgong's rhythm at all.

"Well, Liu Lin, the governor of Anxi, said a few days ago that the pilgrimage missions from various countries in the Western Regions will arrive in Chang'an in the near future. I was thinking about organizing a ceremony for all nations to come to the court. Both of you are officials and principals of the relevant imperial departments. Officer. I announce that you have an audience, just to hear your thoughts."

"Uh, all nations come to court? Dare I ask Your Majesty, how many countries are involved in this mission from the Western Regions who came to Chang'an for an audience?"

"There should be more than ten."

Emperor Xianlong said indifferently.

Pei Changgong, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, immediately thumped in his heart.

He thought to himself, good guy, if you look at it according to this number, there are actually not many people.

When these ten or so countries come to the pilgrimage, there will be a battle of all nations coming to the pilgrimage. His Majesty the Emperor is a bit too difficult, right?
But he knew it was impossible.

His Majesty the Emperor made a decree, and they, as courtiers, naturally had to respond positively.This is definitely not the time to complain.

Mostly share the worries for His Majesty, and think about His Majesty. Only by doing these things can we not be in vain of the duty of a minister.

"Phew, if that's the case, I suggest ordering the people out of the city to welcome them before entering the city. You can also spread a red carpet on Suzaku Avenue and tie silks and satins on the trees on both sides, so as to add a festive atmosphere."

"Well, that's exactly what I mean too."

Emperor Xianlong said in his heart, what a fellow, this Pei Changgong thought to go with him.The two monarchs and ministers really have a tacit understanding.

Of course, Emperor Xianlong also knew that opening the gate of Chang'an City would be risky in the current situation.

Although the Corruptor's attention is now on Zhongnan Mountain, there is no guarantee that they will not turn around and attack Chang'an City at any time.

After all, the last time Master Huiyan did things too terribly and made the situation too rigid.

Even trying to reverse the situation is very difficult now.

But no matter how difficult it was, Emperor Xianlong decided to give it a try.

Because if he didn't give it a try at this time, he would really not be reconciled.

Anyway, there are 10,000+ forbidden troops in Chang'an City.If the Corruptors really come to attack, just close the city gates.None of this is too much of an issue.

The key is to get the pomp and battle going.

What Emperor Xianlong wanted was face.

"I'm sure of all these, does Pei Aiqing have any other suggestions?"

"The old minister thinks that His Majesty can hold a grand court meeting in Hanyuan Hall to receive the Western Regions mission."

Pei Changgong said after brewing some emotions.

"Han Yuan Hall?"

Emperor Xianlong was taken aback for a moment, and then said in a deep voice, "Why did you hold a grand court meeting with the Western Regions mission in Hanyuan Hall instead of in Zichen Hall?"

At the beginning of the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty, several emperors preferred to hold court meetings in Hanyuan Hall.

But later emperors preferred to hold court meetings in Zichen Hall.

The reason is simple, the founding emperor was more martial, energetic and diligent.

But later on, emperors were born in deep palaces and grew up in the hands of women.It is not easy to be free from illness and disaster, let alone maintain a strong desire and ability to sort out the government.Diligence is even more impossible, impossible in this life.

The Hanyuan Hall was too far away from the harem, and the emperor would have to get up early to freshen up if a court meeting was held.Although they don't have to move their own legs to walk, the eunuchs will carry them, but even if they reach the Hanyuan Hall like this, the emperor will find it very annoying.

But Zi Chendian's words are much better.

Zichen Hall is very close to the harem, no matter which harem beauties the emperor stays at, he can arrive in time.

So the emperors were used to holding court meetings in Zichen Hall.

When Emperor Xianlong arrived, the situation changed again.

Emperor Xianlong simply moved his bedroom to Zichen Hall.

In this way, it is easier for him to hold the court meeting, and he doesn't even need to move his nest, just walk from the Nuan Pavilion to the main hall.

There is only one such lazy person in the entire Great Zhou Dynasty.

But Pei Changgong couldn't say anything yet.

"Uh, the Hanyuan Hall is the tallest building in the entire Daming Palace. If you hold a court meeting here to receive the missions, Your Majesty will be able to see all the small mountains at a glance."

Pei Changgong is still very good at talking.

The reason why Emperor Taizu decided to build the Hanyuan Hall so high was because of this.

Kings always like to look down on their courtiers.

The condescending sense of oppression often makes people feel a hearty pleasure.

Emperor Xianlong also liked to play tricks.

He likes the feeling that his courtiers look up to him, so Pei Changgong said this argument just as he liked.

Sure enough, Emperor Xianlong was delighted when he heard this.

"Well, that's really a good thing to say."

Emperor Xianlong nodded slightly and said: "Pei Aiqing has a heart, but I feel that if the grand court meeting is held in the Hanyuan Hall, then it is better to simply call up the imperial army and increase the number of battles. In this way, the prestige of the imperial court can also be greatly increased. .”

Forbidden Army?

At this moment, Pei Changgong was a little confused.

Why would the Great Dynasty mobilize so many forbidden troops?

It's not a surrender ceremony or a prisoner offering.

If it's just the inner guard, Pei Changgong can still understand, but he really can't understand the mobilization of so many forbidden troops.

"Your Majesty, will the mobilization of the forbidden army affect the overall deployment and garrison of Chang'an City?"

"No, it's just to make a point during the Great Court Meeting, to decorate the appearance, and let those barbarians take a look at the majesty of my Great Zhou Empire. When the Great Court Meeting is over, let the imperial guards return to their original garrisons, no What effect will it have?"


Hearing this, Pei Changgong knew that he couldn't say anything more.

His Majesty the Emperor has considered everything so properly.

If he still commits the taboo at this time, isn't he courting death?
And Pei Changgong felt that this plan was not unacceptable.

"The minister's order."

What the Ministry of Rites needs to design is a specific process.

His Majesty the Emperor only gave a general direction, and the specific process had to be picked up by the Ministry of Rites bit by bit.

Those are their responsibilities, so there's nothing to complain about.

"Cui Aiqing."

Seeing that Pei Changgong's affairs were properly arranged, Emperor Xianlong turned to Cui Chu, the Shaoqing of Honglu Temple.


"Your Majesty, please order."

"The mission from the Western Regions should live in Honglu Temple after arriving in Chang'an. Cui Aiqing may have to spend more time thinking about it then."

"I dare not"

Cui Chu was so frightened that his face paled for a while, and he said repeatedly: "This is the duty of the minister, and the minister must be heartbroken for His Majesty."

"Oh, don't go through fire and water at every turn. I don't want you to work so hard."

Emperor Xianlong smiled awkwardly and said: "Actually, the most important thing is to guarantee the daily life of these envoys from the Western Regions, so that they can feel the court's care for them. The Great Zhou Dynasty is a state, so it is natural to show it differently." It’s your heart. If you make them think that they are exactly the same as their barbarians, that’s fine.”

"Your Majesty is wise."

"Let's not talk about that, you guys bring a charter, I just want to see the result."

"The minister obeys the order."

"As for commerce and trade, it doesn't seem like we can't open the door. Since it's a survey and cooperation trade, we have to give them a quota. As long as it is within the range of this quota, no matter what they buy, they will be allowed. Of course, this quota can be given. Bigger, to show the magnanimity of our Great Zhou Empire. In addition, the rewards should be ten times their tribute, don't be stingy with money."

When Emperor Xianlong said these things, he looked like a prodigal son.

But to Pei Changgong and Cui Chu, it didn't matter.

For them, as long as they can perform their duties, it is enough to fulfill their duties as courtiers.

They will do what His Majesty the Emperor tells them to do.

As for the consequences of doing so, they should not bear it.

They just need to get the job done.

In fact, the Central Plains Dynasty has always rewarded vassal states in this way, and it is not a precedent opened by the Great Zhou Dynasty.

So it is only natural for them to do so, in line with the convention.

"Well, let's just say this first, you go back and think about it carefully, and see if there are still areas that need attention, and those areas that can be improved, together draw up a charter, and submit it to me after ensuring the integrity. "

"The minister obeys the order, and the minister also obeys the order."

"Okay, back off."

After Emperor Xianlong explained the work clearly, he didn't want to talk to them for a moment, so he waved his hands.

"I'm waiting to retire."

Pei Changgong and Cui Chu are also quite acquainted.

They knew that Emperor Xianlong didn't want to talk to them at all at the moment, so they got up and left immediately.

The roads in the desert are getting harder and harder to walk.

The sand under the scorching sun is dozens of degrees.

Even the camel's hooves can feel an intense heat when stepping on it.

Jia Xingwen looked at the sand dunes in the distance with a tired face.

From time to time, he took out the compass presented to him by Zhao Xun, and checked the direction to prevent taking the wrong route.

In the desert, it is possible to go in the wrong direction at any time.But with this compass, at least it is guaranteed that they will not make obvious mistakes in this matter.

In this regard, Jia Xingwen is still a little relieved.

For Jia Xingwen, the current situation is not a hopeless situation.

At least a few days ago, God just dropped a heavy rain.

This rain can be said to have come too timely.

Not only did the caravan and the Anxi army escorting the caravan replenish fresh water in time, but they also drank enough, and it also relieved them of the impact of the extreme heat.

The impact of the heat is really greater than imagined.

The heat can make a person impatient, irritable, and even hallucinating.

In severe cases, there may also be a fight.

It can be said that this is a real timely rain.

With this timely rain, Jia Xingwen was able to rest assured for a while.

Of course, he can only rest assured for a while at most.

Because if they still haven't seen the oasis after a period of time, the soldiers will start to feel restless again.

This is something beyond Jia Xingwen's control.

He led a group of people of flesh and blood.

As long as we are human, we will have emotions.

All he can do is to constantly appease everyone's emotions and try to keep everyone from being too irritable.

But Jia Xingwen didn't know to what extent he could be soothed.

"General Jia, there seems to be an oasis ahead!"

At this time, a personal soldier appeared in front of Jia Xingwen.

"What? Are you telling the truth?"

"Reporting to General Jia, it was the scouts who came back to report."

"Well, let him scout quickly to lead the way to the oasis."

At this moment, Jia Xingwen was as excited as a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw.

Finding an oasis in the middle of the desert is an absolute thrill.

If possible, Jia Xingwen is even willing to trade his own future.

But now God gave them a chance for nothing, how could Jia Xingwen not like it.

It seemed that his prayer had worked, and God began to take pity on them.

At this moment, Jia Xingwen just wanted to be himself, and lead a group of Anxi Army soldiers to see what happened.

If it is really an oasis, it goes without saying that he will be stationed here tonight.

Soon Jia Xingwen led the Anxi Army, the Western Region Mission and the caravan to the so-called oasis.

Jia Xingwen found that it was just an abandoned city.

There is a lake next to this city that has not been completely dried up, and there are some green plants in the city.

Although it is not a real oasis, it can be regarded as a comfort.

"Pass down the order, we will camp here today. Everyone first fill up the water bladders, and then take a nice bath."

Although this semi-dried lake does not store much water, it is enough for them to squander it.

Anyway, they only use this one time.


The soldiers also seemed very excited.

Although this is an abandoned city, at least they can have a shelter, and they don't have to sleep in the open.

There is also water to take a good bath, what extravagance do you want?
Under Jia Xingwen's order, all the people were stationed in the advanced city.

This city is a rammed earth city wall, and the wooden gate of the city gate has been completely lost, only the city gate hole is left.

Jia Xingwen entered the city first on a tall horse. He looked around very vigilantly, as if he wanted to check for risks.

Although theoretically speaking, no one has lived in this city for a long time, it is still possible that horse thieves and bandits lived here.

In case of encountering these villains, the Anxi army must always be ready for battle.

Jia Xingwen is a person who puts a lot of emphasis on fighting spirit.

For him, no matter how difficult the situation is, he must never be cowardly.

Because once you make a mistake when facing an opponent, you will be completely seen by the opponent.

Once you commit cowardice, you will completely lose all fighting opportunities and possibilities.

When two armies meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. When two armies meet, the brave wins.

Regardless of whether they are facing an army, bandits, horse thieves, or something else, the Anxi Army must not have any thoughts of retreating.

Jia Xingwen firmly believed in this.He believes that as long as they have the courage, they will be able to gain a stable advantage.

Of course, these are only options in extreme cases.

If nothing happens, that is naturally the best outcome.

So far everything looks normal.

"General Jia, why don't you go and live in the city. That should be where the palace is."


Generally speaking, the palaces of such city-states are built in the very center of the city.

But even though it is a royal palace, it is actually inferior to Anxi Dufu Mansion.

But even so, Jia Xingwen still wanted to live there.

After staying in the Gobi desert for a long time, I feel that it is very good to live in a cave, let alone a big house.

Although the palace is definitely dilapidated now.

But it must be much better than a cave, right?

There is no harm without comparison.

At this moment, Jia Xingwen would no longer beg too much.

But it was said that Jia Xingwen came to the palace in the center of this abandoned earth city surrounded by a group of Anxi troops.

Jia Xingwen saw that the walls of the palace had basically collapsed, and he only needed to take a step to cross over.

I couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "The rolling Yangtze River flows eastward, and the waves wash away the heroes. Whether it is success or failure, the head is empty, the green hills are still there, and the sunset is red for a few times. The white-haired fishermen and woodcutters are used to watching the autumn moon and spring breeze. A pot of turbid wine is happy to meet again .How many things in ancient and modern times, are paid for jokes."

This poem was written by Zhao Xun. At that time, Jia Xingwen didn't understand what the poem meant, and even asked Zhao Xun what the Yangtze River was with a joke. Now it seems that he can fully understand the meaning.

"People are really too small in the face of history. This kingdom must have been prosperous in the past. How many kings ruled here, and how many caravans passed here. It's a pity that everything is over now."

Jia Xingwen was so emotional that the soldiers were a little at a loss.

Especially the poem chanted by Jia Xingwen.

Although they couldn't understand it, they thought it was very powerful.

This is normal, their General Jia is not a martial artist with good roots, but a literati.

When Jia Xingwen came to Anxi Army to join the army, he also served as an aide to Liu Lin, the general guard.

Since he is a literati in the staff, it is normal to write a poem or two to express his emotions.

It doesn't matter if the soldiers don't understand, as long as they don't make some strange remarks.

Soon Jia Xingwen entered the palace under the guard of his own soldiers.

The palace is indeed more than half deserted.

But the main hall can still retain a basic appearance.

Jia Xingwen got off his horse and walked towards the main hall.

The soldiers guarded tightly around, surrounding Jia Xingwen in the center.

They can guarantee that Jia Xingwen won't be in any danger if some bad guys come out suddenly.

Jia Xingwen looked around and found that weeds half as tall as a person had grown in the courtyard of the palace, which looked very desolate from a distance.

"Hey, it's completely different if people live here or if no one lives here."

"How glorious it was once, how lonely it is now."

"There is nothing that time can't smooth out. Maybe in a few hundred years, this place will be a desert."

Jia Xingwen felt a lot of emotion for no reason.He didn't know what was wrong with him, but he was very emotional anyway.

The guards did not dare to say anything.

After all, in their opinion, they didn't quite understand what General Jia said.

Jia Xingwen himself kept looking around.

What this royal palace brought him was more of an impact.

It is almost impossible to remain calm enough in such an environment.

There will always be a lot of emotions.

Feeling in itself is not a bad thing, the key is to figure out many things in feeling.

At present, everything is still under Jia Xingwen's control.


When Jia Xingwen reached out and pushed open the old palace gate, a thick cloud of dust rose up, choking the unprepared Jia Xingwen.The soldiers hurried forward to help Jia Xingwen disperse the dust.Only then did Jia Xingwen calm down a little.

"General Jia, no one has lived here for a long time, I'm afraid we need to clean it before we can live here."

The soldier frowned and said.In his opinion, this place is not even much cleaner than the cave they lived in in the Gobi desert.

"Well, a simple cleaning is enough, it doesn't need to be too time-consuming and laborious."

Jia Xingwen sighed.

From Jia Xingwen's point of view, they can only live here for three to five days at most, and they don't need to do too much cleaning.

"As ordered."

The soldiers started immediately.

Fortunately, there are so many of them, even if they want to clean the entire hall, it won't take too much time.

In fact, it is called the main hall, but it is only about the size of a government office in the Central Plains.

Of course, for the current Anxi Army, this is already something that can make people overjoyed.

Jia Xingwen used the time when the soldiers were cleaning the hall to pace back and forth in the palace.

It can be said that the architectural style of this palace is a mixture of the styles of the Central Plains and the Western Regions.

It can be said that each has its own advantages.

So its overall style looks very mysterious at first glance.

Even Jia Xingwen couldn't tell what this style was like for a while.

If only Mingyun was here, he would definitely like to study these architectural styles.

For no reason, Jia Xingwen thought of Zhao Xun again.

Maybe it's because they have been together for too long, Jia Xingwen is hard to part with Zhao Xun and forget.

So whenever he saw something, he would instinctively associate it with Zhao Xun.

It has to be said that this did put pressure on Jia Xingwen to a large extent.

But what can be done?

It is impossible for Jia Xingwen to forget Zhao Xun.Isn't the reason why he wanted to go back to Chang'an this time to see Zhao Xun?
A good brother is a good brother for life, and nothing can change this.

Even if they are separated from each other now, there is still time to get together.

Isn't this the opportunity he waited for?
I don't know how Mingyun is living in Zhongnan Mountain at this moment.Are you eating well, are you wearing warm clothes, are you having a good time?
Jia Xingwen didn't intend to use the teleportation technique to tell Zhao Xun that he was going back to Chang'an, just to surprise Zhao Xun.

"General Jia, the main hall has been tidied up. Would you like to come and see?"

Just when Jia Xingwen felt lost, the soldiers respectfully came forward to report.


Jia Xingwen calmed down for the time being, and went to inspect with his own soldiers.

To be honest, he didn't have much illusion about this palace.

In Jia Xingwen's view, as long as he can barely live, that's fine.

But when he stepped into the main hall and saw the relatively tidy hall cleaned up by the soldiers, Jia Xingwen was stunned by everything in front of him.

Everything here looks so prosperous, and everything here looks so shocking.

Especially those murals on the dome are simply breathtaking.

“This place must have been extremely prosperous and prosperous.”

Jia Xingwen could only think so.

Because if it weren't for the prosperity and prosperity, there would be no such a luxurious palace.

"Watch them build tall buildings, watch them entertain guests, and watch their buildings collapse."

For no reason, Jia Xingwen recited a sentence that Zhao Xun often said, but he was full of emotions for a while.

The prosperity of the past will be a passing cloud one day.

Everything that was once will turn to dust for a moment.

When that moment finally comes, you will find that nothing seems to make sense.

When that moment finally comes you will find that everything is hilarious.

Jia Xingwen really felt this extreme sense of helplessness at the moment.

Behind the prosperity is loneliness.

Behind the prosperity are clouds.

"Forget it, just live here. You can also clean up some more rooms with other soldiers. Help the caravans and missions and let them clean up by themselves."

The duty of Jia Xingwen and Anxi Army this time was to escort the mission caravan to reach Chang'an safely. They were only responsible for ensuring their safety, but they were not responsible for taking care of their daily life.

To put it bluntly, the Anxi Army is not their servant.

So if missions and caravans want to clean it, they can do it themselves.

"As ordered."

The soldiers immediately embraced the order.

For the soldiers, Jia Xingwen's order really couldn't find any faults.

At night, when Jia Xingwen was lying on the bed, he always felt an inexplicable sense of sadness.

This feeling seemed to be surrounded from all directions, which made Jia Xingwen feel very strange for a while.

How did it become like this?

Logically speaking, Jia Xingwen should not feel this way at all, right?

Could it be that there are too many wronged souls here, and now the wronged souls are haunting?
Jia Xingwen wasn't sure.

But he is also a cultivator after all, although he is only at the eighth rank, he can still force out the true energy to protect the body.

As long as Jia Xingwen is willing, he can do it anytime!
After thinking for a while, Jia Xingwen still chose to force out his true energy.

Because from Jia Xingwen's point of view, he just wants to sleep soundly and securely to protect his body with true energy. If there is really something evil approaching, he will be able to sense it immediately.

After doing this, Jia Xingwen closed his eyes and prepared to sleep.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing, and then there seemed to be someone whispering in his ear.

Jia Xingwen immediately became alert.

He was facing away at the moment, so he didn't turn around in a hurry, but clenched his fists tightly.

He is gathering strength.

If that evil thing dared to approach, Jia Xingwen's punch full of true energy would hit it without hesitation.

It is difficult for ordinary evil things to resist Jia Xingwen's punch. If it is a lonely ghost, it is very likely that Jia Xingwen's punch will directly blow the soul away.If it is some little demons, they will also be seriously injured.

Although Jia Xingwen only has the eighth grade, he practiced the martial arts system.

The Wufu system is the Zhiyang system, and it is Tianke against evil things.

So as long as it wasn't haunted by a thousand-year-old demon, Jia Xingwen would be able to deal with it calmly.

What's more, there are thousands of Anxi Army soldiers here, as long as Jia Xingwen shouts, these soldiers will charge towards the main hall and surround them.

Thousands of yang qi gather together, and this gathered yang qi alone is enough to make the evil things retreat.

Jia Xingwen was not in a hurry to punch, because at this moment he was sensing the location of the evil thing.

At this moment, what Jia Xingwen has to do is to defeat the enemy with one move and win with one move as much as possible.

Changes later.

If Jia Xingwen can't defeat the enemy with one move, he may be backlashed.

After all, Wufu's strongest is the first move.


This cloudy wind is getting stronger and stronger.

Jia Xingwen could clearly sense it.

At this moment, Jia Xingwen was ready.

That's it!

Without hesitation, Jia Xingwen turned around and punched him.

It's like he's dropped on cotton.

Then a heat wave of vitality spread.

The evil thing screamed loudly, then turned and fled.

Jia Xingwen's punch still met with backlash.

He looked at his fist, it was already red, as if it had been cooked.

"Come on, there are assassins!"

In desperation, Jia Xingwen could only call someone.

Soon, soldiers rushed in.

"General Jia, what's going on? Where is the assassin?"

"An evil thing invaded this hall just now. I don't know if it is a human, a demon or a ghost, but when I punched it, it was as if it had been thrown into a mud pond. From this, I can conclude that it is an evil thing. Hurry up and check around, be careful not to be hurt by him."

Jia Xingwen concluded that the level of cultivation of this evil thing was not high, so he dared to let these Anxi army officers and soldiers check it out.

If the magical power of this evil thing is profound, Jia Xingwen would not dare to let them go to check it rashly.

"As ordered!"

At this moment, the soldiers immediately took orders to go.

What kind of evil thing, even if there are thousands of them spit in one breath, it is enough to drown it.

Are thousands of people still afraid of a lonely ghost?

What's more, isn't General Jia still there?
General Jia is their Dinghaishenzhen.It is impossible for General Jia to let any evil thing here cause a big storm.

Even if they dig three feet into the ground now, they must find this guy who dared to come close to assassinate General Jia.If it is a human being, show his head to the public.If it is a ghost, call him out of his wits.

Jia Xingwen didn't feel sleepy at the moment, he just wanted to see what was trying to plot against him.

Maybe this palace, this city is not as simple as it seems during the day?

No matter what, he must find out the truth of the matter!

When the sun rises tomorrow, it will be the moment when all the dust has settled.

It was a very long night for Jia Xingwen, quite a long one!
He almost stayed up all night with his eyes wide open!
Those who have not experienced the pain cannot understand it at all!

The key of the key is that Jia Xingwen is exhausted at this moment!
But he still had to drag this exhausted body to preside over the situation.

Tired, he is really tired.

But no matter how tired he was, Jia Xingwen couldn't show it.

Because there is no doubt that he is the soul and leader of this Anxi army, this mission caravan.

He is the pinnacle of the team.

As long as Jia Xingwen doesn't panic, the others won't.

As long as Jia Xingwen doesn't panic, everyone will remain calm.

So he can't panic at this moment anyway.

"tsk tsk"

Jia Xingwen took a deep breath, and asked in a deep voice: "How's the situation? Have you figured it out? Is there any trace of the ghost who assassinated this general in this city?"

The soldiers rushed to report to Jia Xingwen with their fists clasped together: "Reporting to General Jia, the situation has been clarified. There are many ghosts in this city. They will come out to look for food at night and suck human blood for a living. But their morals are very good. Shallow, when facing a large number of people, they will take the initiative to retreat. Because they are naturally afraid of the yang energy, so after being injured by the general's punch, the genitals who wanted to misbehave with the general have already run away. At present, we have begun to A search was carried out within the city limits. But so far nothing has been found."


Jia Xingwen nodded lightly, he thought that the estimation of this situation was almost the same as his previous estimation.

so to speak
It can only show that no one has lived in this city for a long time.

Otherwise, so many yin objects would not have been bred.

Yin things are afraid of people, and they are afraid of the qi of the most yang.

So when they feel the climate of the sun, they will instinctively retreat to the side.

Just like Jia Xingwen's punch, it can be said to be quite strong.

All the genitals dared not get close to Jia Xingwen's body.

To put it bluntly, these pussies are actually bullying guys.

The weaker you are, the more they push their noses in the face.

If you were stronger, they would have retreated and stayed far away.

Of course, Jia Xingwen is very clear about one thing, that is, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time.

When Jia Xingwen first entered this city, he was still thinking that if possible, he would stay here for a longer time.

But now it seems impossible to continue to live here.

Nights are long and dreams are many, if you live for a long time, God knows what will happen.

"Pass down the order to replenish fresh water after burying the pot for cooking today, and set off immediately."

Zhongnan Mountain, Haoran Academy.

Zhao Xun looked very serious.

"Sixth senior brother is like this. I dreamed that brother Jia was swallowed by sand dunes in the desert. What is the explanation for this dream?"

Although I know that most of the dreams are false.

But Zhao Xun thinks it is very difficult to not take this dream seriously and completely forget it.

After all, Jia Xingwen, brother Jia is his dead brother.

Zhao Xun didn't have many brothers who died in this life, and brother Jia can definitely be counted as one.

He could only come and ask Sixth Senior Brother.

The reason why he didn't choose to ask his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi was mainly because Zhao Xun had been learning talisman and reading skills from his teacher during this period of time.

If Zhao Xun went at this time, he would probably be arranged to start training immediately.

At this moment, Zhao Xun is basically not in the mood to train.

So at this moment, Zhao Xun really wanted to find out what the dream meant from Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother.

Only after figuring this out can he feel at ease, and only after figuring out this point can he barely know what happened.

"Well, little brother, you've started dreaming again recently. Are you sure no one has invaded your dreams?"

Before that, Lu Guangdou still had to do some confirmation.

Because in his opinion, Zhao Xun is still a relatively cautious person, especially after the head of the mountain planted the golden lotus between his eyebrows.

Zhao Xun shook his head repeatedly and said, "No, really not. The golden lotus flower between my eyebrows has not changed at all."

"Well, if that's the case, that would be a little strange."

Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, is also an expert at interpreting dreams.

But even an expert would have to see for himself to figure out what happened.

After taking a deep breath, Lu Guangdou said slowly: "How about this, I'd better enter into your sea of ​​consciousness, junior brother. If I don't do this, I always feel that I'm not at ease."

"it is good!"

Zhao Xun immediately sat down, closed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "Senior Brother Six, come here."

"Okay, little brother, then I'll come in."

The sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou nodded, then put his palm on Zhao Xun's head and directly entered Zhao Xun's consciousness.

It has to be said that Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, controlled his state just right, it was very stable and did not make Zhao Xun feel uncomfortable at all.

"Well, this sea of ​​consciousness of yours is very regular and smooth, and it doesn't look like it's been invaded at all."

"I'll take a closer look."

The sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou's experience can be said to be quite rich, he knows not to just look at the appearance.If you only look at the appearance, you can't see clearly.

Therefore, we must look at the problem deeply, and only in this way can we figure out what happened.


After Lu Guangdou went deep into Zhao Xun's sea of ​​consciousness, he discovered a terrible thing.

"In the deep ditch of your sea of ​​consciousness, I found a residual memory about Jia Xingwen."

After reading it carefully, he said, "This memory is obviously fragmented and incomplete. So I'm not sure what it means."

After saying that, Lu Guangdou withdrew from Zhao Xun's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Little brother, it's alright."

Hearing this, Zhao Xun obediently opened his eyes.

"Senior Brother Six, according to what you said, doesn't it mean that my current state is quite complicated. I dreamed about what happened to Big Brother Jia Xingwen?"

"It's not easy to say."

Lu Guangdou sighed and said: "At present, everything is hard to say. I think it is very likely that Jia Xingwen left a mark in the depths of your memory. There is an invisible bond between you. So no matter whether it is Jia Xingwen or you who met Danger, you can sense each other."

"What, Sixth Senior Brother, do you mean that brother Jia might really be in danger? In the desert?"

"Junior brother, don't be anxious. I just said that. Anyway, until now, I can't be sure that all this happened."

Sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou sighed: "But this possibility does exist, and it may not be small. I can't lie to you about this, I must tell you clearly."

"Thank you Sixth Brother."

Zhao Xun hurriedly cupped his fists at the sixth brother Lu Guangdou, then turned and left.

For Zhao Xun, this result can be regarded as quite unexpected.

But he can't just listen to the one-sided words of the sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou, he also has to ask his teacher, Daoist Qinglian, for proof.

bamboo building.

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi is picking his feet.

Since Wu Quanyi developed beriberi, he felt that the soles of his feet were very itchy.

I kept digging and scratching, but it didn't seem to have much effect.

At this moment, the most obvious feeling that Wu Quanyi can feel is...
So tortured.

Alas, why do practitioners have to endure this kind of pain?
Couldn't the air pocket be directly sealed with powerful true energy?
While complaining, Wu Quanyi saw Zhao Xun stumbling in.

"Stinky boy, what's the matter?"

In front of his disciples, Wu Quanyi didn't have any intention of shy away from it, he was still picking his feet.

"Master, I had a very bad dream, so I want to ask you to help me interpret it."

"Uh, you're dreaming again."

Daoist Qinglian was taken aback for a moment.

"Okay, come here, let me take a look for you, Master."

Daoist Qinglian said in her heart, good guy, this apprentice really loves to dream.

It is understandable that the dream was invaded before.

But now the head of the mountain has obviously planted a golden lotus flower between his eyebrows.

It stands to reason that he shouldn't be dreaming anymore.

If he dreams again, it is definitely not someone else invading his dream, but he himself is really dreaming.

What does this mean?Maybe it can only mean that Zhao Xun has a physique that is prone to dreaming?

"Sit here and enter your sea of ​​consciousness to have a look as a teacher."

Seeing that his mentor was about to put his palm on his head, Zhao Xun was subconsciously startled.

"Oh my teacher, don't do this. You didn't wash your hands, did you?"

Although Zhao Xun was in a hurry when he came in, he could still see clearly.

My teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi was picking his feet at that time.

It feels like picking off the dead skin on the feet little by little.
Zhao Xun was about to suffocate.

"Stinky boy, you still despise being a teacher. Forget it, let's clean up the teacher."

At this moment, Taoist Qinglian Wu Quanyi shook his head in displeasure.

For him, helping Zhao Xun is actually very easy.

But since Zhao Xun wanted him to wash his hands first, then he should wash his hands.

Who told him to accept such a good apprentice?

That being the case, it is natural to coax her well.

Daoist Qinglian went to wash her hands and came back quickly.

So much so that Zhao Xun wondered whether his teacher had washed his hands clean.

But at this moment, Zhao Xun naturally couldn't question his mentor anymore.

He knew that if he questioned his teacher again at this time, the teacher would definitely give him a good look.

At this moment, Zhao Xun could only reluctantly let his mentor enter the sea of ​​consciousness.

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi showed his hands in front of Zhao Xun.

"Is that all right?"

Wu Quanyi snorted, and then said, "Your teacher came in."


At this moment, Zhao Xun only responded lightly, and maintained a calm state.

Soon, Daoist Qinglian entered into his sea of ​​consciousness.

The sea of ​​consciousness of practitioners is generally similar, but there are some differences in the details.

For example, Zhao Xun's sea of ​​consciousness is wider than that of ordinary people.

Therefore, whether it is Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, or Wu Quanyi, the Taoist priest of Qinglian, the first thing to do after entering his sea of ​​consciousness is always to determine the direction first.

If you can't determine the direction, then everything you do will be in vain.

Only when the direction is determined, and only when one's position is determined, can the things you do be meaningful.

Of course, my teacher, Daoist Qinglian, can be said to be an absolute veteran.

He can easily judge the details.

So as long as you make a mark in Zhao Xun's sea of ​​knowledge, you can go further into it.

While Zhao Xun was wandering in the sea of ​​consciousness, Daoist Qinglian kept looking around hard.

But he didn't notice anything unusual.

In his opinion, Zhao Xun is quite normal here.

If there is one problem that must be found, it may be that Zhao Xun knows that there are too many things in the sea.

Most of them are memories, some of which have been dusty for a long time.

No wonder this kid is always thinking wildly. It turns out that there are so many miscellaneous things in his mind.

Can I sleep well after thinking about so many things?

As the saying goes, there are thoughts in the day and dreams in the night.

Everything happens for a reason, and it doesn't happen suddenly.

Daoist Qinglian was absolutely sure of all of this.

Judging from the situation seen so far, Zhao Xun's condition is generally not bad, at least he has not been invaded by people.

This point is exactly the same as Daoist Qinglian's judgment at the beginning.

After searching around, Daoist Qinglian finally found something unusual in the ordinary.

This is a bulge in the deep ditch of Zhao Xun's sea of ​​knowledge.

Daoist Qinglian went up to touch it, and immediately saw a memory.

This memory is about Zhao Xun and Jia Xingwen.

Daoist Qinglian let out a long sigh after reading it.

"Master, I understand."

After saying that, Daoist Qinglian went to take the initiative to retreat from Zhao Xun's sea of ​​consciousness.

"You brat, you can open your eyes now."

"Well, master, how is the situation?"

Zhao Xun asked with concern at the moment.

For him, every sentence that his mentor Qinglian Daoist said next is very crucial, which is related to whether he can explain something reasonably.

"Master, I just found a raised nodule in your sea of ​​consciousness. After some identification, it was confirmed that it was caused by the memory of you and Jia Xingwen. Therefore, Master can basically confirm that it is between you and Jia Xingwen. The relationship with him is so good that you miss him so much that you often think of something between the two of you."


Zhao Xun thought to himself that this statement was basically consistent with the statement given by the sixth brother Lu Guangdou just now.

If so, it should be explained like this?
"Brother Sixth Brother said the same thing just now. But I think if Brother Jia is really safe, I wouldn't dream of it, right?"

"Well, you must have encountered something, that's why you dreamed about it. But, let me tell you, you are really a hard-working and worrying person. Obviously there is nothing to worry about, but you just want to be like this worry. I really don’t know what to say as a teacher.”


Zhao Xun really didn't know what to say for a while.

There is nothing wrong with what the teacher said.

Sometimes Zhao Xun is really worrying blindly.

But the problem is that Brother Jia is involved, it is really difficult for Zhao Xun to control his emotions.

After all, Brother Jia is a very important person in his life.

If something happened to Big Brother Jia, it was impossible for Zhao Xun to ignore it anyway.

In the same way, if something happened to Zhao Xun, brother Jia would definitely rush to help him as soon as possible.

The relationship between the two is so good, so in theory, Zhao Xun's entanglement is not a big problem.

"So brat, what do you think should be done now?"

"Uh, teacher, I want to communicate with brother Jia to see how his current state is and whether he is safe."

"Communication? How to communicate? Do you know that he is thousands of miles away now?"

"Yes. Generally speaking, of course, it is difficult to communicate. But there is you."

At this moment, Zhao Xun immediately acted coquettishly to his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

"Men, you are good at teleportation. As long as you want, you can contact Brother Jia right away, right?"

"Stinky boy, do you really think that teleportation is like going to the market to buy vegetables, just come here casually?"

Wu Quanyi, Taoist priest of Qinglian, was so angry that he couldn't bear it when he heard this.

"No, no. I can't say anything this time. It takes a lot of vitality to use a teleportation technique for the teacher, and it takes a long time to recover. Not long ago, the teacher just used it for you once, and it was with Jia Xingwen. Now Come?"

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi's head was shaking like a rattle at the moment, as if he didn't want to listen to bastard's chanting.

Zhao Xun was completely helpless.

Teacher, teacher, can't we have a bit of a pattern?
Teacher, teacher, can't we be a little bit responsible?

Why can't I stand up at this time?

Besides, aren't you helping your apprentice?

"Men, please help me once. I know you are the best. How about this? I will cook you a big meal after you help me once. In this way, your vitality can recover faster Some."


At this moment, Taoist Qinglian Wu Quanyi felt numb.

This stinky apprentice of his really knows how to be soft and tough, and think about people's hearts.

Obviously, he had already made up his mind about one thing, but not only was he really shaken after being so soft and tough by them.

After shaking his mind, Daoist Qinglian began to pace the room.

Usually he would do this when he hesitated.

Zhao Xun knew that this was a sign that his mentor had begun to think seriously about his suggestion, so he didn't make any further urging at this time.

For the mentor, the next period of time is very critical.

Zhao Xun didn't know what decision he would make.

But he knew that he must give his mentor enough time.

After about a cup of tea, Wu Quanyifang, the mentor Qinglian Daoist, stopped and turned around, taking a meaningful breath.

"Forget it, I will help you again as a teacher. Who told you to accept you as an unlucky apprentice. If you want to help, then help thoroughly. But you kid, don't forget your promise. Big meal, Afterwards, we must arrange a down-to-earth feast for the teacher, and this is the end."

Seeing that the mentor agreed, Zhao Xunzhi burst into ecstasy and quickly said: "Don't worry, mentor, I will definitely arrange this feast for you clearly."

Things like teleportation really depend on the person.

Not everyone can use it.

Only those practitioners with deep Taoism and strong mana can use it.

Generally speaking, the cultivation realm of such practitioners is at least the second rank.

Yipin is naturally the best.

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi naturally meets this standard.

At this moment, without any hesitation, he immediately started to operate.

Daoist Master Qinglian took a deep breath, then sat cross-legged like a lotus flower.

Then his body slowly floated up as if being supported by an air cushion.

For a moment, Zhao Xun could clearly feel that his teacher had entered into a meditation state.

In this state, teleportation is perfect.

Zhao Xun hurriedly sent a letter with a strand of Brother Jia's hair tied up.

The premise of using the teleportation technique is that there must be a token, or that the opponent is in a fixed place with a teleportation array.

Since Jia Xingwen was in the desert in Zhao Xun's dream, Zhao Xun felt that it would be safer to attach a token just to be on the safe side.

Otherwise, if Brother Jia Xingwen is really not in the Duhu Mansion at this moment, it will be bad.

Zhao Xun is very concerned about these, so he must ensure that there will be no accidents.

My teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi maintained his condition quite well. He didn't open his eyes at all during the whole process, and he was relying on his powerful thoughts to transmit this letter.

After about a cup of tea, Master Qinglian Dao Changfang opened his eyes, and then slowly fell to the ground.

"Okay, it has been sent. I just don't know if he will reply after seeing it. Last time I remember he should have replied, right? Just wait and see."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi said that the cloud is calm and the wind is light, but in Zhao Xun's view, he is very nervous.

It's normal to be nervous at times like this.

After all, it is not an easy task for Zhao Xun to ensure that he is always in an excited state.

What's more, no one knows whether elder brother Jia Xingwen is in the Duhu Mansion or not.

Maybe only time will tell.

From the current point of view, if Brother Jia Xingwen is in the Duhu Mansion, he should send back the news as soon as possible.

If not, then the problem may be a little troublesome.

After all, for Brother Jia, this is the key.

"Stinky boy, I'm done helping the teacher now. Next, you should train with peace of mind. Don't worry about the big meal, anyway, it's not time for the meal yet."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi spread his hands and said.

"Uh, okay, no problem."

Zhao Xun knew that since he was here, he would definitely not be able to escape the training.

Moreover, Zhao Xun himself is very eager to get continuous systematic training.

Fishing for three days and drying the net for two days is absolutely unacceptable, as it could easily lead to rapid degradation of the spells he had learned so hard.

Once the degradation occurs, it is very difficult to recover in a short time.

Zhao Xun understands very well that if you sail against the current, you will retreat if you do not advance.

At critical moments, we still have to take some responsibility.

Otherwise, it is likely to fall into an endless loop.

"If you want to draw a talisman, just skip it today. Let's go straight to the mind training."

As Zhao Xun's training planner, the words of his mentor Qinglian Taoist Wu Quanyi, Zhao Xun naturally listened to them no matter what.

Every sentence in his words is quite crucial.

It can be said that what kind of results can be achieved depends on how the mentor Qinglian Taoist judges.

At least from the current point of view, the general momentum is quite good, and everything is looking good.

Then Zhao Xun should listen to the words of his mentor Qinglian.

Train well and practice well.

Not to mention how powerful it will be in the future.

But at least it won't be too hip.

This is still very important.

After all, for the mentor, the apprentice Zhao Xun still needs to be cultivated.

If Zhao Xun stretched his hips too much, he would hit his mentor in the face, and Daoist Qinglian would definitely be dishonored.

So now Zhao Xun is not only doing it for himself, he must redouble his efforts.

At this moment, Wu Quanyi, the benevolent Taoist Master Qinglian, took a deep breath and said, "Let's start by lifting the pen holder."

"tsk tsk"

"Hey hey, the current situation is that there is nothing wrong with the pen holder."

Zhao Xun is quite confident about lifting the pen holder at the moment.In his view, this is not a difficult task.As long as you can gather your attention and mobilize your zhenqi as much as possible, it should be easy to do.

Of course, this time can not be taken lightly.

After all, it is not uncommon for a boat to capsize in the gutter.

Be careful when sailing for thousands of years, and lose Jingzhou if you are careless.

Zhao Xun quickly entered into a quiet state. According to the previous routine, he first forced out the true energy and made a mark on the pen holder, and then transported more true energy under the pen holder to start exerting force.

The pen container shook slightly for a few times, and then was lifted up by Zhao Xun.

The whole movement is relatively smooth.

It can only be said that Zhao Xun was born once and acquainted the second time.

It may seem a little troublesome at first, but later I found that it is actually quite simple to operate.

"Haha, it's a success. Teacher, I should be considered a complete success this time, right?"

At this moment, Zhao Xun could hardly conceal the joy in his heart, and very much hoped to go further.

"Well, brat, your progress is really fast. You are worthy of being an apprentice taught by a teacher. It is possible and reliable."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi was quite relieved at the moment, and kept stroking his beard.

For him, Zhao Xun's performance is enough to prove one point, that is, there is no problem with Zhao Xun's talent.

This point is quite critical.

In the practice world, talent is even more important than master.

Wu Quanyi has seen practitioners who did not join the famous teacher, but who are extremely talented, and finally practiced.

But I have never seen a practitioner with a famous teacher, but a practitioner with mediocre talent.

It can be said that talent is the most critical factor that determines a practitioner's ability to reach the ultimate height.

To put it bluntly, talent is the upper limit.

Your talent is high, it means that God thinks you can do it, and you can eat the rice of cultivation.

If your talent is low, it means that God thinks you are not good enough, so it is better to change careers as soon as possible.

Blindly stuck in one place and constantly trying is not a reasonable way.

At least in Wu Quanyi's view, this is really not good.

Keeping your cool is never easy.

But Wu Quanyi kept telling Zhao Xun to keep calm on purpose.

Because keeping calm can help Zhao Xun understand himself better.

"Boy, what you are doing is really good. But you must not be complacent. You have to know that you are just the beginning, and there is still a long way to go. If you can walk on the next road If it is very good, then the teacher thinks that you can go further. But if there is a deviation, you may be beaten back to your original shape immediately."

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi's routine is to give a sweet date with a stick.

At present, Zhao Xun's state is still good.

But definitely don't let him go.

"The apprentice always remembers the teacher's teachings."

Zhao Xun was very obedient and hugged his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi and said.

"Well, well, next, I will help you take a good look at it as a teacher, and see how it should be operated better."

The attitude of my mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi is quite serious.

"Cultivation is actually very simple to say. As long as you find the right path, it is not that difficult even if you go all the way. But if your path is wrong, it is indeed easy to go wrong. This is especially true for mindfulness. Your boy now The control of vitality is already considered good. So next, you can try to lift some larger things, so that you can better ensure that you are in a perfect state."


"Men, what does this big thing refer to?"

"Stones. Aren't there plenty of stones in the academy? You can find them everywhere. You can start lifting just by looking for one."


Zhao Xun felt like crying when he heard this.

Teacher, teacher, are you really serious?

If this is the case, you want to exhaust your disciples to death.

But Zhao Xun really dare not complain now.

After all, Wu Quanyi, the master Qinglian Daoist, just helped him a lot.

In this case, Zhao Xun still wants to give his teacher this face.

Still not great.

"Okay, that disciple will try it now."

In fact, Zhao Xun's inner thought at the moment is that it is no problem to increase the amount of training now.

But can we have a step-by-step process?

All of a sudden increase the strength to this point, if no one can bear it, okay.

Teacher, you yourself are a practitioner of the first-grade Dzogchen realm, and you have used mindfulness for many years, so you must know it well and understand it very well.

But I am not a disciple.Disciple, my cultivation level can only be regarded as average.

In this case, it is really difficult for me to lift the big rock.

But as Zhao Xun analyzed before, even if he finds it difficult, he cannot refuse his mentor at this moment.

Otherwise, it would be equivalent to slapping your mentor in the face.

So now even if he is reluctant, he has to bite the bullet.

No matter how bitter he felt, he would have to smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

Otherwise, it is really easy to be confused by others.


Zhao Xun took the initiative to leave the bamboo building and found a big stone beside the road.

Zhao Xun stared at the stone for a long time, and finally mustered up his courage.

The main reason is that this stone is the size of a millstone, even for Zhao Xun's body, it is quite out of proportion.

Can Zhao Xun really lift such a big stone?

To be honest, Zhao Xun's heart is really uncertain now.

But anyway, give it a try.

If you don't try, you'll never know what's going to happen.

At this moment, Zhao Xun no longer hesitated, took a deep breath and began to use telekinetics.

Still the same operation, still the same routine.

But this time, the boulder was completely motionless.

This is more or less expected by Zhao Xun.

After all, practicing spells has a scope of use.

If it exceeds the range that can be tolerated, various problems will definitely occur.

The limit of Zhao Xun's current use of telekinetics is definitely far lower than the weight of this boulder.

After all, he was just now able to lift a pen holder smoothly.

So this pressure can be said to have come to Zhao Xun's side.

"Master, I can't seem to get this boulder up."

Zhao Xun helplessly spread out his hands to express his attitude to his teacher, Daoist Qinglian.


Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi nodded lightly and said: "I understand. It is difficult for you to maintain your current state. But you will eventually succeed one day. Don't be discouraged and work hard."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi finished speaking and came to Zhao Xun's side, and gently patted Zhao Xun on the shoulder to encourage him.

"Okay, that's all for today's training."

"So fast?"

"Hurry up? It's time for dinner, don't you want to make lunch?"


Zhao Xun thought to himself that the key point is here.

He really underestimated his mentor a little bit.

"Okay, disciple, let's cook now"

At this moment, Zhao Xun is really helpless.

But since he promised his mentor, he should do what he says, and he can't break his promise and lose weight.

Since he promised to cook a good meal for his teacher, he must make this meal the best.

Well, this kitchen is really hot.

It seems that we were really busy yesterday.

Last night, Zhao Xun and Wangcai were working on making snacks and milk tea in the kitchen, and then promoted them to sell in Quanchang'an.I was too happy to play for a while, so I didn't accept it.

It is quite refreshing when cooking and eating.

But when washing dishes and dishes, it was like crying without tears.

Zhao Xun thought to himself, it would be great if there is a practice spell that can wash dishes automatically.

As long as you snap your fingers lightly, there will be true energy to clean automatically.

If this is the case, I don't know how many things can be saved.

Of course, Zhao Xun knew that he could only think about it.

From the current point of view, the pressure to really do this can be imagined.


"Haha, junior brother, why are you here?"

The third senior brother Long Qingquan also happened to enter the kitchen and met Zhao Xun face to face.

"You're not here to cook, are you?"

"Of course, third senior brother, if I don't come to cook at this point, why should I go into the kitchen?"

"Isn't this a promise to my mentor to cook him a big meal? After all, I've troubled his old man to use a teleportation technique, so I want to make up for it."


Zhao Xun knew that if he couldn't make a real feast, his mentor would not let him go easily.

"Haha, Daoist Qinglian, that's no wonder."

The third brother Long Qingquan rubbed his palms together and said, "How about I help you?"

"That's great, the brother who fights the tiger joins the battle as a father and son soldier. Third senior brother, you are indeed my good brother."

"Haha, junior brother, you seem to be out of touch when you say this. Do we need to talk about our relationship?"

Third senior brother Long Qingquan calmly spread his hands and said, "Tell me, what are you going to do."

"Uh, actually, I'm also thinking about it. My mentor has basically eaten all the dishes I've cooked. It's actually not easy to make a dish that can surprise my mentor."

Zhao Xun was a little helpless at the moment.

"Or, let's just make a meal according to last night's snacks."

"Last night's snack?"

"Well, didn't Wangcai and I make a snack for the whole night last night, it doesn't look simple, but it's really delicious. Anyone who has tasted it will applaud."

"Well, then use this snack."

"Okay. Let me tell you what's the matter first, and then we will start to do it according to this routine"


Jia Xingwen led the Anxi Army to escort the caravan of missions from the Western Regions and continued eastward.

After leaving the city surrounded by the only oasis in the desert, they were immediately eroded by the long yellow sand.

In fact, Jia Xingwen originally planned to stay in this abandoned city for three to five days longer.

In this way, everyone will have a thorough repair.

But now it seems that it will not work.

This abandoned city is too dark and has too many unclean things.

So he had to lead everyone away immediately.

Although theoretically there are thousands of people, the strong yang energy can completely suppress the yin energy.

But no one knows if a thousand-year-old monster with deep knowledge will suddenly appear from the ground.

If this is the case, it is basically difficult to fight.

Although Jia Xingwen is a cultivator, he only has eight ranks.

It's okay to deal with ordinary little monsters, but when encountering daoxing monsters, they basically belong to the type of direct and cool confession.

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Jia Xingwen could only choose to transfer.

Although it may seem a little cowardly, it's better than staying on and making people disappear.

Jia Xingwen's duty is to escort the caravan of the Western Regions Mission to the capital Chang'an safely.

So the fewer hiccups along the way, the better.

If Yao Mozi messed up too much, Jia Xingwen's heart couldn't bear it.

The situation is indeed very complicated. According to the current situation, Jia Xingwen doesn't know how long he can last.

But obviously, as long as he can continue to support himself, he will be able to reach Chang'an in the end.

At this moment, a letter suddenly floated in front of Jia Xingwen.

At first Jia Xingwen thought he was hallucinating.But when the letter fell into his hand, he could clearly feel that it was not an illusion.

Jia Xingwen clamped the horse's belly with his legs, and then opened the letter to read.

When he saw that the letter was sent from Zhongnanshan and written by Zhao Xun, he immediately understood.

It was Zhao Xun who used the teleportation technique to send the letter.No wonder this letter suddenly fell from the sky.

There is also a piece of hair attached to the letter, which should be a token and can help Xin find Jia Xingwen.

Good guy, Ming Yun really put a lot of thought into this.

Jia Xingwen sighed and began to read it seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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