Chapter 441 The Taoism’s Secret Art of Earth Dungeon (nearly 20000 words super chapter)
Zhongnan Mountain, Haoran Academy.

Zhao Xun's recent mood can be said to be quite good.

The good mood is achieved by many factors, the most important factor is of course because the Academy Alliance defeated the Corruptor and the beast.

Of course, Journey to the West is a big hit, and the construction of Journey to the West theme park is also a very important point.

It can be said from all aspects and angles that Zhao Xun's current performance is perfect.

Being able to perform so perfectly shows that Zhao Xun is a person who has extremely strict requirements on himself.

It is precisely because Zhao Xun is quite strict with himself that he can show his advantages in all aspects.

Of course, when he is in a good mood, it can also prompt Zhao Xun to practice better.

After a period of relaxation, Zhao Xun realized that it is necessary for him to start practicing properly now.

After all, cultivation takes a long time. If there is a period of interruption, the realm is likely to plummet.

This is exactly what Zhao Xun does not want to see the most.

Maintaining a good realm is very important to Zhao Xun.

Because he carries too many people's expectations.

Especially the head of the mountain, the expectations of him are quite high.

Zhao Xun didn't want to disappoint the head of the mountain, so he had to show his hard work and hard work as much as possible.

After all, talent is one thing, but how to fulfill it is another.

It is also quite sad if Kong has talent but cannot fulfill it.

Of course Zhao Xun didn't want to be in such an embarrassing situation.

For him, as long as he can fully maintain his state and constantly challenge his limits, it is possible for him to reach a very high level of practice in the not-too-distant future.

It is not too difficult to go from the third rank to the second rank, and you can even go up in the future.

Since you have the opportunity to go to a higher place to have a look at the scenery, why not go?
"Stinky boy, it's rare for you to take the initiative to think about training. It's really gratifying to be a teacher."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi only said a word and Zhao Xun was stunned.

Uh, the meaning of the mentor is the same as saying that he is not motivated at all.Zhao Xun was really wronged, a huge wrong.

In fact, Zhao Xun is quite motivated.The reason why the teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi gave such an illusion may be because Zhao Xun is too busy.

Maybe it's because the ability is too strong, Zhao Xun needs to perform in all aspects, and Zhao Xun needs to show up in all aspects.

The academy alliance is obviously the most critical place, and Zhao Xun will definitely not be able to escape here.

As the leader of the academy alliance, Zhao Xun had to go on inspections from time to time, and negotiate and cooperate with other alliance members and leaders of other tribes.

These routine tasks are actually quite important.

If you can't do it to the extreme, it will leave hidden dangers in many cases.

Furthermore, Zhao Xun's own training was not only on the side of his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi. The third brother Long Qingquan, as Zhao Xun's most perfect training partner, also helped Zhao Xun a lot.

At least Zhao Xun has learned the lightness kung fu, and the two techniques of gathering vitality and distinguishing vitality can be regarded as an introduction.Although it is not proficient, it is more or less mastered.

Then there is cooking.Although Zhao Xun is very familiar with cooking, it is not an easy task to truly achieve the ultimate and satisfy everyone.

It's hard to say.

So Zhao Xun has to think more about cooking.

If you just cook according to the script, you will basically not get everyone's approval.

These senior brothers and sisters in the academy are very talkative.

Zhao Xun has learned a lot in this area.

So he must ensure that everything is under control, and he must ensure that every dish he makes is recognized by everyone as much as possible.

This is not a simple matter, but Zhao Xun never finds it difficult.

Because cooking is something he likes.

It's pretty cool to do something you love.

Then again, these are indeed some objective reasons, but they are not the reasons why Zhao Xun let go of his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi to practice here.

For Zhao Xun, the mentor's training cannot be given up no matter what.

If he gave up, it would be unfair to the mentor.It would be unfair to him if he gave up.

No matter from which angle you look at it, the mentor has nothing to say to him.

The mentor really treats him as his own son.

So many times of small cooking, so many times of pampering.

It was really hard for Zhao Xun to imagine this feeling.

It can only be said that Zhao Xun can only continue to improve himself as much as possible, so that his cultivation realm will continue to improve, in order to repay the favor of his mentor.

"Today, I will teach you an exclusive Daoist spell as my teacher."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi seemed to want to make a fool of himself, but instead of telling Zhao Xun what the so-called exclusive Taoist spell was, he signaled Zhao Xun to follow him.

"Uh, teacher, where are you taking me?"

Zhao Xun was really confused for a moment.

Seeing his teacher like this, it seems that the place he wants to take him is still a little far away.

"Stinky boy, you just follow along honestly as your teacher."

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi gave Zhao Xun a hard look, which made Zhao Xun's heart skip a beat.

good guy.
Master, what are you doing here?
Soon, Master Qinglian brought Zhao Xun to a small mound.

Zhao Xun was confused by the behavior of his mentor.

"Men, what is this?"

"Stinky boy, did you tell me as a teacher that there is a spell in the Taoist sect that allows you to escape into the ground in an instant and escape for your life?"

"Well, it does seem to have been mentioned."

But Zhao Xun really didn't take it too seriously at the time.The main reason was that at that time Zhao Xun thought that this kind of earth escape technique seemed too low, which didn't match his tall status and chic image.People still have to pay attention to image.It's not a joke if you don't care about it and cause your image to plummet.

However, the mentor didn't seem to have considered this aspect. From the very beginning, he told Zhao Xun clearly that this earth escape technique is to save his life.

Since it is for the sake of saving lives, there are naturally not so many twists and turns, so many talks.

Since it is to save lives, it is natural to be more pragmatic.

"I'm here to show you a demonstration, please watch carefully."

I saw my mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi snapped his fingers lightly, and then Zhao Xun saw that the old man escaped into the mound very easily.

good guy.
Zhao Xun thought that the teacher's action was really sensitive enough, he didn't react at all.

This speed is really no one else.

I have to say that Zhao Xun is really somewhat envious in his heart.

"Men, are you in the soil?"

"Bah bah bah!"

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi heard Zhao Xun's words and got out of the soil angrily.

"Can you pass your brain when you speak, you brat. What does it mean to be a teacher in the soil?"

No wonder Taoist Qinglian was so angry.

Generally speaking, "buried into the soil" is only said after death.

Now he is clearly alive and well, but Zhao Xun said that he was "destroyed", and no one can bear it.

At this moment, Taoist Priest Qinglian was extremely angry.

"Haha, benefactor, my disciple said something wrong, I should hit me, I should hit me."

Zhao Xun knew that he shouldn't talk back to his mentor at this time.No matter what the teacher said, he just had to follow the teacher's words and say it.

If he still talked back to his mentor at this time, it would be unreasonable anyway.

"Hmph, you're a smart kid. That's all, I won't care about it like you do."

Teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi swallowed a mouthful of spit, and then continued: "Actually, what I want to tell you as a teacher is that the earth escape technique itself is not difficult, the key is that you have to find the space for the earth escape in advance. Good space, if you cram for a while, the risk is quite high."


Zhao Xun thought carefully about what his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi said, and thought it was very reasonable.

I have to say that the mentor really knows how to practice, and can really analyze it from the details.

In the eyes of ordinary people, many problems are simply difficult to see.

But in the eyes of the mentor, he can always pinpoint the problem.

It is really not easy to be able to do this.

"Men, can you tell me what to do after finding the space of Earth Dungeon? Because actually I only saw you snap your fingers. I don't know anything about what happened after you snapped your fingers. "

What Zhao Xun can see is what his mentor Qinglian wants him to see.

But judging from these appearances alone, it was difficult for him to judge the details.

This is a more troublesome thing.

Because if Zhao Xun can't judge the details from it, he won't be able to fully figure out how to do this.

If he can't figure out how to do this, it will be difficult to learn the whole process later.

It can be said that these are all running through from beginning to end.

Zhao Xun behaved so humbly because he hoped that his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi would be more enthusiastic and not have any secrets.

"Well, in fact, being a teacher is just a mirror exchange."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi said without hesitation.

"Mirror swap? What does that mean?"

"Boy, I told you before I became a teacher that this world is made up of qi. There is qi in the practitioner's world, and there is qi in the practitioner's body. The qi is constantly communicating and expanding. The qi can also be absorbed continuously. for human use."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi took a deep breath, and said meaningfully: "So if you want to use Qi reasonably, you can get a comprehensive improvement. And this mirror image exchange is actually done by using Qi."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi said that it was cloudy and foggy, but Zhao Xun was completely in the cloudy and foggy, and didn't understand it at all.

"Men, can you talk about it concisely, or can you just talk about the key points directly? I really can't grasp the key points when you say this. If I can't grasp the key points, I can't judge the key points, and I can't judge the key points. If you don't learn the essence, you won't be able to master this earth escape technique, and you won't be able to inherit your old mantle."

Zhao Xun is quite good at speaking the truth.

Where is Wu Quanyi, the mentor Qinglian Daoist, his opponent?

Zhao Xun's speech was full of domineering, which made Wu Quanyi, the mentor Qinglian Taoist priest, not know what to say for a while.

"Uh, brat, do you want to hear more clearly?"

"of course."

"Okay, then I will tell you as a teacher, use Qi to make a bridge to connect these two points, which is where your body is now and where you are going to stay after Earth Dungeon. Using Qi to make a bridge can easily achieve this. Connect, and you can change decay into magic."

Make a bridge out of air.
Zhao Xun silently read it twice, and suddenly felt very miraculous.

I have to say that the mentor is indeed a very powerful existence, who can easily explain the key points clearly.

And Zhao Xun can quickly grasp the essence.

"Teacher, the Qi used to make the bridge, shouldn't the Qi used be ordinary Qi? It should be something like true Qi?"

"Yes, it must be true qi and vitality, so that the effect will be good, and it must be the true qi and vitality that you have mastered in your own body. Otherwise, it may collapse at any time."


When he heard this, Zhao Xun was completely stunned.

"Is that awe-inspiring?"

"Awe-inspiring Qi is also a kind of true energy, so theoretically speaking, it is also possible."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi first gave Zhao Xun an affirmative answer, but then changed the subject abruptly: "However, things are not that simple. As a teacher, I know that Haoran Qi is somewhat comparable to ordinary true energy. The difference is that Haoran Qi is likely to be impacted by excessive force. So you have to control the force. The bridge you make must be just right, and you must ensure that it is not crushed by external forces. It cannot be crushed and deformed by itself. "

"Otherwise, you'd be like falling headfirst to the ground. Just think about what it would be like."


Zhao Xun felt his scalp go numb just by listening to it.

Good guy, it seems that this earth escape technique is not a simple matter.

"Teacher, can you teach me how to do it hand in hand? I think it's quite difficult to get started for the first time."


If someone else made this request, then Taoist Qinglian Wu Quanyi would definitely refuse without hesitation.

But since it was Zhao Xun who proposed this, of course Wu Quanyi had to agree.

After all, he really raised Zhao Xun as his own son, so it can be said that he put in countless efforts and strength.

"Hahaha, I will take you once as a teacher, and you will know. Stinky boy, reach out your hand."


Zhao Xun was taken aback for a moment.

But he still understood what his teacher wanted him to do.


After Zhao Xun stretched out his hand, Wu Quanyi, the benevolent Taoist Master Qinglian, grabbed his hand without hesitation.

"Stinky boy, use your heart to comprehend and experience it with your heart. I will only take you this once as a teacher, and then you will have to completely rely on yourself."

Zhao Xun only felt a warm feeling coming from his hand, and then he was taken by his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi to cross into the soil layer.

I couldn't see my fingers, and it was pitch black everywhere.This feeling is really quite strange.
Zhao Xun didn't know what to say for a while, but just from some details, it can be deduced that they should be in a deep place underground now.

"Stinky boy, how's it going?"

Although Zhao Xun couldn't see the smug face of his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi right now, he could still feel the smug eyes of his teacher at the moment.

I have to say that the mentor is really strong.

"Master, you are too handsome. After mastering this technique, I feel that I have become much stronger in an instant."

"Hahaha, brat, you really know how to make a master happy. To tell you the truth, this exclusive stunt master has never been mentioned to outsiders, and you are the first one."

"Uh, teacher, I don't know if I should say something or not."

"Say it."

"Tu'er is not an outsider, but Tu'er is your old direct disciple."

"Uh, what you said seems to be the same reason."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi thought about it carefully, and felt that what Zhao Xun said was very reasonable.

"Hahaha, since this is the case, it is even more important to train you as a teacher, and strive for the pride of being able to directly train you into a Taoist school. The blue is better than the blue. If you can surpass being a teacher, it can be regarded as an extreme achievement." It's a big achievement. In the future, it will be able to tell a good story in Jianghu. Being a teacher is not in vain training you."

At this moment, Wu Quanyi, the master Qinglian Daoist, has high hopes for Zhao Xun.

After all, he is a character that even the head of the mountain loves, and even the head of the mountain is optimistic about.

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi felt that there was nothing wrong with his careful training of Zhao Xun.

One day Zhao Xun will definitely be able to grow up.

One day, Zhao Xun will become an existence that makes everyone proud.

"Huh, I finally came out. It's not easy. Teacher, I don't know what it's like for you to be underground. In short, I think it's really uncomfortable. It's really an extremely depressing feeling." .It feels like the whole person is in a coffin."

"It's the same in the coffin? Have you been in the coffin, you brat?"

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi twitched his beard in disdain.

"Uh, teacher, I really stayed in the coffin."

Zhao Xun may not be very reliable when it comes to other things, but when it comes to staying in the coffin, he is quite experienced.

You must know that the first place Zhao Xun went after crossing was in the coffin.

At that time, Zhao Xun thought that he was sleeping on the bed at home, and he just felt very strange when he heard the jingling sounds outside.

Good guy, it's really a crime to make such a big commotion.

The decoration is not so decorated.

Just as Zhao Xun was about to get up to complain, he bumped into the coffin with a bang.

Only then did he realize that he was in a coffin.

The opening is in the coffin, Zhao Xun has only seen it in time travel novels before.

I have to say that Zhao Xun was extremely desperate at the time, but fortunately the final result was not bad, and Zhao Xun was not too disappointed.

Otherwise, Zhao Xun would really be so angry.

"I see."

Teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi seemed to remember something, nodded lightly and said: "Stinky boy, if you look at it this way, your experience is really very rich. I really didn't think of it as a teacher."

"Haha, teacher, I actually didn't think of it at the time. But you also know what happened later. Didn't you, teacher, meet me once? That's when I stepped into the world of practice. So teacher You are my nobleman, my bole."

Zhao Xun's flattering skills have really entered the realm of perfection.

My teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi was photographed by Zhao Xun like a fairy, not to mention how happy he was.

"Hahaha, you brat, you are really good at making people happy. Now that I think about it carefully, it was really a very wonderful time, a very good memory. But people always have to look forward Yes, even practitioners are no exception. Otherwise, how can we ensure that we are always in a perfect stage?"

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi stroked his beard and said: "It's like when you first started, as a teacher, you can only read some of the most basic Taoist lectures. Those simple exercises can't be simpler, but they are very suitable. Your state at that time. If you are asked to read these things for now, you will definitely not be interested."


Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, and it was indeed such a truth.

Reading this kind of thing really has to be suitable.

Especially books on spiritual practice, if the choice is not very suitable, it is very likely that you will become obsessed, or even be backlashed.

Zhao Xun doesn't want to be backlashed by everything.That's not a joke, this kind of thing really happened, if you can't get rescue in time, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Later, with the growth of your cultivation level, the teacher also continued to teach you the unique knowledge of Taoism. Of course, you yourself have also improved in terms of literary and martial arts. This is really excellent. In order to From the teacher’s point of view, only when a person is constantly in the process of exploration, and only in the process of continuous improvement, can he achieve great achievements. There is one thing about you that attracts me as a teacher, and that is self-motivation. I have seen many frivolous teenagers in my life. These people have one thing in common, that is madness. Madness itself is nothing, as long as you have the strength, you can be as crazy as you like. But these people are basically pure arrogant, not many Such a person is not ashamed. Although your cultivation level was not high at the beginning, you are very humble and self-motivated. So in the following time, your cultivation level will also improve by leaps and bounds. It’s just about character.”

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi swallowed a mouthful of spit and said: "So, this person is really different from person to person. Different people enjoy absolutely different things. You can maintain the current state. The teacher is really gratified. Of course, your limit is definitely not here. Since you want to continue to explore, what the teacher can do is to escort you all the way to ensure that you can smoothly reach the realm you want to achieve .”


If you look at it this way, it is indeed quite reliable.

"Teacher, I'm really touched by what you said. The tears are rolling in my eyes, and they are about to drip down."

What Zhao Xun said was really not hypocritical but purely out of emotion.

The relationship between him and his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi can be said to be quite good.

With such a good master-student relationship, the next thing to do is to take good care of it and enjoy the good time when the master-student is together.

Good times are short, but good times are good.

Appreciating every minute of these good times and experiencing these little fortunes is indeed what Zhao Xun wants to do most at the moment.

Of course Zhao Xun knew that all of this was not easy, and he also knew that in order to maintain an absolute sense of strength, he needed to constantly increase his efforts.

He himself is a very motivated and hard-working kid, but he knows that these are not enough.

If you want to improve in an all-round way, you must work hard and work hard to forge ahead.

"Men, after learning this Earth Dungeon technique, what do you always plan to teach your disciples?"

"Stinky boy, you haven't learned the earth escape technique yet, so you're eating what's in the bowl and looking at what's in the pot?"

Master Qinglian Daoist priest heard this and immediately started blowing his beard and staring, and the beautiful scene of filial piety between master and disciple that had just been formed with great difficulty was gone forever.

"Ah, my mentor, this disciple doesn't mean that, this disciple definitely doesn't mean that."

Zhao Xun hurriedly waved his hands and explained: "I just want to say that if you want to maintain a good state, you must be self-motivated. So I just want to learn more about the spells that I will learn in the future, so I can do it Be prepared, so you can be in good control. Of course, Tuer doesn’t mean to start learning immediately. What you teach, Tuer will learn. The overall progress is completely controlled by you. In this way, you don’t have to worry about it There's a problem with that."

"Well, that's about the same."

Hearing what Zhao Xun said, Wu Quanyi, the benefactor and Daoist Qinglian, gently stroked his beard and said, "Stinky boy, you must be able to know how to advance and retreat. Your current state, kid, is quite good. But it doesn't mean that You will be able to reach a higher level without limit. Of course it is very good to be able to reach a higher level. But if you can’t reach it, you can properly give yourself some space and let yourself empty out as much as possible. It is very good for your future development. Being a teacher is definitely not sensational. Because the bottleneck period is a problem that almost every practitioner will face. If you can handle this problem well, then you will be able to soar into the sky. If you If you can't handle this problem well, then your whole state may plummet accordingly."

"Er, teacher, have you also encountered a bottleneck period?"

"of course."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi spread his hands, and said without hesitation: "Everyone will encounter a bottleneck period. The bottleneck period encountered by a teacher is a period of time after a teacher reaches the second rank. During that time As a teacher, I really want to take advantage of the fiery state to hit the realm of first-grade Dzogchen in one fell swoop. After all, I was in my thirties at that time, and I was young and vigorous. Young people are always motivated, so I can say that I was a teacher at that time. It is a daily practice, just wanting to be able to pierce that layer of window paper. But it is strange to say that the more you want to pierce this layer of window paper, the more difficult it is to succeed. The helplessness and depression of the teacher Ah. I don’t know what to do next. But now that I think about it, I was too impatient to be a teacher at the time. At that time, I had just reached the second rank, and I was going to hit the first rank immediately. The coherence of this speed was a bit too fast Some. Even if you count the cultivation world, there are very few existences who can hit two cultivation levels in a row. There are too few such people."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi swallowed a mouthful of spit and said: "So the state that I hope to be able to achieve as a teacher has just not been achieved. Maybe it is because of holding back this energy that I can't really achieve it for a long period of time. The realm I hope to achieve as a teacher. It has been a full ten years. How many decades are there in a life? Thinking about it now, the decision to be a teacher at that time was really young and ridiculous. But this may be that growth requires sacrifice Growth is a very crucial link, a very important stage, growth can turn decay into magic, and growth can make a person change from a young boy to a gray-bearded old man. Of course, as a teacher, this is only Metaphorically, being a teacher is not old now, not at all old.”

Zhao Xun was completely amused by the words of his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

I have to say that the mentor is really a wonderful person.Zhao Xun has never seen such a wonderful person as his mentor in his life.

"Hahaha, if you say so, then I really have nothing to worry about. After all, my current state is very good, and it will not take long to successfully break through to the second-rank realm."

"Yes, it can be said that, anyway, as a teacher, I am quite optimistic about you."

"Hahaha, yes, teacher, thank you for your favor. I have to say that your favor is very important. After having your favor, I feel that everything has become simpler, everything has become easier. "

Zhao Xun is a person who needs encouragement.If he can continue to receive encouragement from others.

His mood will continue to soar.

When the mood is good, the state will naturally be better.

Cultivation is still a matter of state.

If he can maintain a relatively good state, Zhao Xun will not have to think about those things that are not there for a long time.

As long as the state is good, everything is easy to say.

What I am afraid of is the ups and downs of that state.

Once the state starts to fluctuate, the overall cultivation strength will fluctuate.

Once this kind of fluctuation starts to appear, the situation that Zhao Xun wants to appear will not be able to appear for a long period of time.

"tsk tsk"

After thinking about it carefully, what Zhao Xun has obtained now does have a lot of accidental elements.

But there is also inevitability in the accident.If it weren't for Zhao Xun's hard work for so long, if it wasn't for his unhesitating efforts over the years, it would have been impossible to obtain such a huge improvement.

It can be said that his luck is indeed good, but his efforts are also worthy of such good luck.

Sometimes people need some motivation.

Only with sufficient incentives can one be able to achieve all-round improvement, and only with sufficient incentives can one have the desire to continuously strive upward.

Otherwise, it would be a very strange feeling no matter how you look at it.


At this moment, Zhao Xun was trying his best to calm down.

Because he knew that the next step was very important to him.

Because just now he was dragged by his mentor Qinglian to use the earth escape technique together.

Basically, [-]% of the credit can be attributed to Wu Quanyi, the mentor Qinglian Daoist.

Zhao Xun really didn't do anything, he was completely a passive tool man.

But the next step is to let him do it himself.

He can't be a tool man every time, can he?

In that case, how can we talk about improvement.

The reason for improvement is to be able to achieve corresponding growth in all aspects, and to be able to have the courage to try in all aspects.

At least from the current point of view, Zhao Xun's performance is quite good.

Zhao Xun believes that as long as he can maintain this state well, then he must be able to practice Earth Dungeon well.

Zhao Xun didn't even doubt it at all.

Think about it carefully.

He can practice other spells well, why is it impossible to practice this earth escape technique well?
Is it because the so-called Earth Dungeon is a level higher, or is there some other reason?
No matter what the reason is, Zhao Xun just firmly believes that he will be able to make a breakthrough, and it will be a comprehensive breakthrough.

Only by doing this can he obtain a comprehensive promotion.

"tsk tsk"

Thinking about it now, the mentor really didn't say anything to him.

As a master, Zhao Xun can do this. It is really not good to ask for too many things.

Zhao Xun is really grateful and full of respect to his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

"Boy, are you ready now?"

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi said such heartfelt words to Zhao Xun, now of course I hope that Zhao Xun can hear it in my heart, of course I hope that Zhao Xun can realize some important things, this is not in vain for him many efforts.

Of course, now it seems that Zhao Xun's efforts in various aspects are quite reliable.

Basically, as long as Zhao Xun is determined to practice a spell, the final result will be quite ideal.

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi now of course hopes that Zhao Xun's cultivation can improve as fast as possible, preferably as soon as possible.As long as Zhao Xun can improve faster, he can instill new things in Zhao Xun to a greater extent.

Only in the process of continuous improvement and continuous learning can a person obtain comprehensive improvement.

Only by gaining all-round diligence can one become a perfect practitioner.

Daoist Qinglian certainly hopes that Zhao Xun can be perfect, after all, this is his apprentice.

So he didn't dare to relax his request to Zhao Xun for a moment.

Zhao Xun's performance is quite perfect. With such a perfect performance, the next thing Zhao Xun has to do is to make further progress.

"Okay, teacher, the apprentice is ready."

At this time, Zhao Xun patted his chest and said.

He knew that at such a time he could not back down no matter what.

After all, for him, this is an excellent opportunity to learn new spells.

Too many skills don't overwhelm one's body, this sentence is also suitable for practitioners.

If you can only know a few spells, it is impossible to become a real top practitioner.

The truly top-notch practitioners all know many unique skills, which can be said to be unfathomable and bottomless.

"Well, that's good. The teacher is quite optimistic about you. You can prepare to try it."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi was quite satisfied after hearing what Zhao Xun said. He stroked his beard lightly and said with a faint smile: "Stinky boy, keep in good condition, and I will give you the next step as a teacher." Point one or two."

It's okay if the mentor didn't say that, Zhao Xun immediately became nervous when he said that.

Good guy, my teacher is going to give you a face-to-face instruction.

Zhao Xun became a lot nervous in an instant.

But he knew that he had to calm down at this time, and he had to be in a good state as much as possible.Only in this way can we truly have no distracting thoughts.

Only when the mind is truly free of distracting thoughts can it be fully improved.


Zhao Xun yelled violently, and then his body swayed for a while, but he didn't escape directly into the ground like his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi took him before.

Zhao Xun was dumbfounded for a moment.

Why is it one thing to look at it, but another thing to do it yourself?
At this moment, Zhao Xun really looked helpless.

No matter how you look at it, this is something that can only be done at a deep level.

Could it be because Zhao Xun's current skills are too shallow, so he can't do perfect movements.Because his movements were not standard enough, he couldn't escape into the ground as successfully as his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi?

Zhao Xun knew that this must be a chain reaction.

Failure to do a good job in any link in the entire chain reaction will directly affect the final result.

So at this moment, what Zhao Xun has to do is to restore the details as much as possible, and do all the details as well as possible.

Details determine success or failure. There is really nothing wrong with this sentence.

Sometimes people are too lazy to do the details well, always thinking that even if they owe a little, it doesn't matter much.

In fact, this kind of thinking is absolutely unacceptable.

Because as long as you have such a thought, it will be difficult to grasp and control it.

You owe it once, and you owe it again and again.

People will have inertia. When they enter a comfort zone, when they enter a comfortable state, it is difficult to truly maintain self-motivation.

So Zhao Xun knew that he must not become like this.He's in what could be called a perfect upswing right now.In this rising state, Zhao Xun must be responsible for himself, he must let himself understand that this period is an extremely critical period.

So far, Zhao Xun's state is still quite good.

But this does not mean that Zhao Xun can relax and slack off.

These are unavoidable emotions.

Once you have this kind of emotion, the next step is simply fatal.

If the realm plummeted all of a sudden, then Zhao Xun would have no chance to find a place to cry.

So Zhao Xun absolutely cannot accept these.

He has to work harder and harder, and strive to achieve the ultimate in all the details.

From Zhao Xun's point of view, it is not as difficult as he imagined to actually achieve the earth escape technique. Maybe it is just because of some mistakes in details that prevent him from being so perfect.

But Zhao Xun believes that through his continuous efforts and continuous improvement, he will eventually be able to learn the earth escape technique.Why is this spell not so difficult, the key is to look at the attitude.With an attitude, everything is easy.

Zhao Xun has never been a hypocritical person. In his opinion, as long as he can think things through clearly, the next thing to do is to try to be himself.

At present, his details are still not good enough, which is why it leads to relatively embarrassing things at the moment.

So what Zhao Xun has to do now is to try his best to recall the details of his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi, and try his best to make the details to the extreme.

Only in this way can he really have a chance to use the earth escape technique successfully.

From Zhao Xun's point of view, the earth escape technique still has considerable practical value.

Similar to lightness kungfu, earth escape technique is not used for chasing and fighting, but more often used for life-saving.

36 is the best plan.If you can't beat it, can't you still run?

Who stipulated?

Even those top practitioners may encounter extremely dangerous situations.

They may encounter practitioners who are stronger than themselves, and may encounter some enemies' siege.

Running away under such relatively unfavorable conditions is not something to be ashamed of, on the contrary it can be said to be a wise move.

Knowing that you can't beat him, but still fighting head-on, what is it if it's not stupid?
Of course Zhao Xun is not an idiot, on the contrary he is a man of great wisdom.

That's why he wants to learn more life-saving skills.

There are many skills that do not overwhelm him. With these skills, even when he is facing danger and difficulties, he will not find it difficult.

After all, cultivation is more up to you.

What kind of realm you can reach determines your future path.

Zhao Xun strives to improve himself, to ensure that he has a continuous upward trend.

Just having these is enough.


Zhao Xun let out a long breath of foul air, and then tried his best to keep himself in a relatively stable state.

Then he recited another mantra, and then his body really started to move.

It's just that this time his body moved too slowly to allow his qi to fuse with the zhenqi marked in the underground reserved space, so he didn't successfully enter the underground.

Failed again.

Zhao Xun will inevitably feel a little disappointed.

This is also extremely normal.

We must know that basically in various situations, people may face quite embarrassing scenes.Faced with these embarrassing situations, if the situation cannot be resolved reasonably, the next situation may become more and more embarrassing.

Of course Zhao Xun did not want to face such a different situation.

Therefore, he must adjust his state as much as possible from the beginning, and must avoid this situation as much as possible.

Of course, Zhao Xun knew that it would not be easy to do this.But for him right now, he had almost no choice.


Zhao Xun tried his best to calm down and was ready to try again.

Trying is very necessary, trying can make people get as many possibilities as possible.

Maybe not once, maybe not twice.

But three times?
Wouldn't it be nice if after a lot of trying you finally get your chance?

If you don't try, you will always face the unknown, if you don't try, you will always face a desperate situation.

If you don't try, you will never know how big your potential is.

Anyway, Zhao Xun himself firmly believes that he will be able to succeed.


Zhao Xun was already working hard to calm down.

But his excitement still burst out at this moment.

Perhaps affected by this excitement, at this moment, Zhao Xun's movement showed a slight deviation.

It was this seemingly incomparably subtle deviation that caused Zhao Xun to miss the genuine energy in the originally reserved space.

Three consecutive defeats!
Zhao Xun's mentality collapsed.

Although he has always been in a good state of mind, he has always been an optimist.

But I have to say that at this moment, Zhao Xun's mentality really collapsed.

"Oh, I didn't expect things to turn out like this. It's really unexpected."

"Teacher, hurry up and see where the apprentice is not doing well? If this continues, the apprentice will almost collapse."


Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi is also a little confused at the moment.

Because in his opinion, this is actually a fairly simple spell.

And Zhao Xun also looks good in doing it, it doesn't seem to be a problem at all.

So what went wrong?

Seeing Zhao Xun's pitiful appearance, Wu Quanyi, his mentor Qinglian Daoist, really didn't know what to say.

"Sigh, brat, you probably have problems with some minor details. It will make it difficult for you to ensure that you are in a relatively perfect state. Since you can't maintain your state, you will definitely make more mistakes."


Or is it a matter of details?Or is it a status issue?
Hearing this, instead of feeling better, Zhao Xun felt even more uncomfortable!
You must know that he had a hard time adjusting his mentality.

It would be too sad to say that he is not in good condition and the details are not good at this time.

"Teacher, I haven't encountered this kind of situation when I practiced other spells before. What is the problem here? I really don't understand."

"That's all, it's hard to give you an answer if you ask me as a teacher now. Well, now you try to ensure that you are in a relatively relaxed state, and I will teach you a more relaxed spell to ease your mood. .”

ah?Want to learn other spells?

Zhao Xun thought to himself that this is really a non-stop force-feeding training.

Of course, he didn't dare to say anything more at this moment.After all, it was his mentor, Daoist Qinglian, who said that. If Zhao Xun talked too much nonsense, he might face an extremely embarrassing situation next.

"Come on, let's enjoy the rest of the time."

Master Taoist Qinglian snapped his fingers, and then Zhao Xun felt himself in an illusion.

This is a small island.

The edge of the island has a fine white sandy beach.

There are several deck chairs on the beach, and there are coconut trees and palm trees above the deck chairs.

tsk tsk.

At this time, Wu Quanyi, the master Qinglian Taoist priest, came out of the bushes.

What's even more amazing is that at this moment, the mentor has a straw hat on his head.

it's amazing

"What's the matter, brat, what do you mean by being called a teacher?"

"Men, why did we suddenly appear on this small island?"

This is Zhao Xun's biggest doubt at this moment.

Just now he just heard his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi snap his fingers, and then they appeared on this small island.What happened during this period?
This simply surprised him.


"This is an illusion, which can make you think you are in the environment you want to be in. In fact, we are still in Zhongnan Mountain at this moment, and we are still in Haoran Academy."

"Simulate VR glasses?"

Zhao Xun asked casually.

"V what R?"

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi was stunned for a moment.

"Uh, nothing, nothing."

Zhao Xun almost slipped his mouth, but fortunately, his mentor doesn't know what VR glasses are.

But judging from the introduction of his mentor just now, Zhao Xun can basically judge that this is essentially a VR world.It's just that you don't need to wear a pair of glasses in the full sense. Virtual Reality, that is, virtual reality technology, generally speaking, with the help of a pair of glasses, people can be placed in a completely different environment.

This kind of environment can even immerse people in it for a long time, and keep it in a perfect state for a long time.

This is really not easy.

Zhao Xun is also a fan of Virtual Reality.

But he can't afford such expensive VR equipment, so he can only seek visual stimulation in movies.

Unexpectedly, after time travel, he would be able to personally experience the virtual reality world of Virtual Reality without using VR glasses.

I have to say that this island world is quite real.

But here comes the question, how does the mentor know that he wants to be in the world of pirates?

"Uh, teacher, I have a sentence that I don't know whether to say or not."

"Say it."

"How did you know I wanted to go to the island?"

"Pfft, you brat, you really don't know, or you're just pretending to be stupid. You brat has been yelling lately, lying on a deck chair and looking at the swimming pool, as if you've really come to the beach. It's a pity that it's not the real beach. What's the matter, Master's ears are getting calloused, you actually ask how Master knows?"


At this moment, Zhao Xun was confused.


"Master, did I really say this?"

"Of course it's true, otherwise what do you think?"

Teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi smiled and said: "You are really interesting in this aspect. Others can say it once, but you can say it many times in a row. I admire you as a teacher."

"However, I have to say that as a teacher, I also like the feeling of being by the sea."

"Have you ever been to the beach?"

In Zhao Xun's impression, the mentor should have gone straight to Chang'an City after leaving Shuzhong.

"Well, I went to Dongyue once and had a fight with Wei Wuji. At that time, Wei Wuji hadn't been promoted to a super-rank, and his cultivation was probably between the first and second rank. The two of us were evenly matched at that time. I didn’t win anyone, so it was a tie in the end. Of course, compared to fighting, the old man’s deepest impression on Dongyue is that the seafood there is really delicious. Especially the crab, tsk tsk tsk, the taste is simply amazing .”

Zhao Xun really didn't expect that his mentor even made a special trip to Dongyue alone, just to fight Wei Wuji.

This is really capricious.

But think about it carefully, which of these powerful practitioners is not self-willed?

It seems that if you are not self-willed, you will not be able to get along in the rivers and lakes, and if you are not self-willed, you will not be able to practice hard.
But in this way, there is indeed a face and a lining, which can be called perfect.

"Ha ha ha ha."

After Zhao Xun laughed out loud, Wu Quanyi, his teacher, Taoist priest Qinglian, was stunned.

"Stinky boy, what are you laughing at?"

"Men, I think these experiences of yours are so miraculous that I can't understand them for a while."

"I can't understand this. At that time, I was young and energetic. Isn't it normal to want to fight? Moreover, in many cases, the martial arts competitions between practitioners are to the end, and they rarely fight to the death. On and on. Whoever actually hits like that is probably a lunatic."

Teacher Qinglian said, Wu Quanyi spread his hands and said, "It is impossible for a person with a normal mentality to fight like that. It will be of no benefit to anyone to continue beating like that."

"It is true"

"So, if you want to be in a reasonable mood in many cases, you have to go out and take a look. So when you proposed to lie flat on the island, I have already thought about this. But as a teacher You have to wait for a perfect timing, only the perfect timing can bring you here. Isn’t the timing just now almost good? You were in a very manic, irritable and frustrated mood just now. Adjust your mentality at this time, It will also be very helpful for your next path of cultivation. So I decided to bring you to this small island without any hesitation as a teacher."

After listening to his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi talk about the cause and effect of what he said, Zhao Xun was stunned.

good guy.
"tsk tsk"

"Men, you are really hardworking."

"Nonsense, if the old man didn't teach you, wouldn't you be short in front of the head of the mountain. Not to mention that you have my little uncle as a foster father. The three big brothers must be compared."


Zhao Xun thought to himself that it is good to have more backers, at least there seems to be a kind of competition between the backers.

There is an involution in this comparison.

Scrolling and scrolling, Zhao Xun found that he had become the biggest beneficiary.

It looks really exciting and amazing.

"tsk tsk"

"So how do we perform in order to perform perfectly?"

"Don't think about this issue yet. The reason why the teacher brought you to this small island is to hope that you can temporarily forget what happened just now, and completely change into a relaxed environment, completely into a comfortable environment. Only in this way can you enjoy life."


Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, and it was indeed the truth.

At this time, it really doesn't make much sense for him to think about what's there and what's not.

The most important thing is to ensure that you are in a relatively perfect state and enjoy this hard-won vacation time.


"Men, everything in this illusion should be unreal, right?"

"Of course, it's just an illusion. But it can be said to be quite close to the real, and it can almost be confused with the real one. As long as you don't stare carefully, you won't be able to see the difference."


Zhao Xun was somewhat disappointed when he heard this.

Because he originally thought that he could climb to the coconut tree and pick a coconut or two to eat.

It is really painful to see the coconut tree next to you, and the feeling that the coconut is on top of your head but you can't eat it.

Zhao Xun didn't know what he should do next, but there was no doubt about one thing, that is, he had to relax completely.

It was with great difficulty that the mentor created this illusion, and finally brought Zhao Xun here. At this time, Zhao Xun has no reason to maintain his previous state.

"Well, Tuer knows, Tuer will enjoy all of this."

"Oh, I really didn't expect it to be so difficult."

After returning to the kitchen, Zhao Xun began to feel emotional again.

This earth escape technique is too difficult, right?
Zhao Xun spent so long on it, but he didn't practice anything.

For a moment, Zhao Xun felt that it was really too difficult for him.

It's fine to maintain a good state, but why didn't you succeed even once?

This blow to Zhao Xun's psychology can be said to be too great.

But what can be done?

At this moment, all Zhao Xun can do is take a rest, and wait for his mood to calm down before trying and training.

At this time, if he is still reluctant, if he still tries, it will be hard for him.

At that time, even if his lungs exploded, no one would have pity on him.

That's all, let's comfort our mood with delicious food.

In this world, only good food and love can't let you down, and only good food and love can't let you down.

After having a lot of delicacies, you can completely relax in many cases, and you don't have to think about the so-called refinement of life at all.

"Wow, this soup is really delicious."

Zhao Xun smelled the smell of seaweed and egg drop soup, and instantly felt that he was surrounded by happiness.

Seaweed egg drop soup is very simple to make, but it is indeed one of Zhao Xun's favorite soups.

This also proves that what the soup is is not critical, the key is to have the quality that people can drink without hesitation.

Seaweed egg drop soup has such a quality.

At this moment, Zhao Xun could clearly feel the beauty of the seaweed and egg drop soup.

After picking up the spoon and taking a sip, Zhao Xun was about to pass out from happiness.

At this time, Wang came to Zhao Xun's back with small steps, and patted Zhao Xun's shoulder fiercely.

Zhao Xun was so scared that he choked.

"cough cough"

"Oh, brother Mingyun, are you okay?"

Only then did Wangcai quickly help Zhao Xun pat his back.

"Wangcai, you are really going too far now. At the beginning, you just imitated the third senior brother Long Qingquan to walk without making a sound, but now you have started playing pranks. I was almost not scared by you just now die."

"Oh, brother Mingyun isn't that exaggerated. I see you are concentrating on making soup here, so I thought I would come here to surprise you."

"Oh, let's stop talking. Why are you looking for me?"

"Haha, of course it's related to Journey to the West. Brother Mingyun, you probably don't know about it. Now Journey to the West has become popular. Not only Chang'an City, but also other places hope to see Journey to the West. The latest chapter, I hope to buy the peripherals of Journey to the West."


Zhao Xun was aroused for a moment.

"How much is the surrounding area you mentioned? Is it the Gyeonggi-do area, or does it include other Daozhou counties?"

"Of course, it counts as much as you have. It's hard for me to give you a clear figure now, but judging from the current trend, basically you don't have to worry about sales. How much is there, how much is printed, and how much is sold!"

Wangcai was obviously extremely excited at this moment.

Zhao Xun rarely saw Wang Cai so excited.

Wangcai's being so excited is enough to show that Wangcai has indeed received great news at this moment.

"Hahaha, it seems that our business is really advancing smoothly. I really didn't expect Journey to the West to be so popular in the surrounding area."

"Haha, brother Mingyun, this is your problem. You know, from the moment Journey to the West was launched, I knew it was really attractive and promising. I concluded at that time that Journey to the West would definitely be a hit, nothing more than It’s just a matter of time. Now it seems that’s really the case. Not only did it explode in Chang’an City, it also exploded in other places. This level of popularity, tsk tsk tsk, what are we afraid of? That’s really gold and silver. Put it in your pocket."

"Who says it isn't, it's really fascinating."

Zhao Xun is also quite excited at the moment.Although Zhao Xun is indifferent to fame and wealth, it is impossible for someone to be indifferent to money.

At this moment, Zhao Xun really wanted to make a fortune.

With Wangcai, all this becomes so simple.

In Zhao Xun's view, this is no longer a difficult task at all.

As long as there is prosperity, everything is possible.


Zhao Xun took a deep breath hard to ensure that he was in a stable emotional state.

Although he and Wangcai have been discussing the commercial development of Journey to the West, they are trying to make Journey to the West move forward steadily in an absolutely reliable environment.

But in reality, they are indeed too worried.

From any angle, Journey to the West can be called the perfection of perfection.


"Wangcai, if possible, we can even take a longer-term view, not only limited to the Central Plains. Perfect can spread Journey to the West to more distant places, such as Shuzhong, Jiangnan Road, for example Western Regions"

Zhao Xun's ambition was completely aroused by Wangcai at this moment.

For a while, Zhao Xun felt extremely excited.

"Good guy, brother Mingyun, you want to make a big move."

"That's right, otherwise, how can we be worthy of our time and effort? If we don't, how can we be worthy of our hard work?"

Zhao Xun still has his own views on the way forward.

The road ahead is long, and it takes constant exploration to thoroughly have a reliable operating system.

But the direction must first be settled.

If you can't even determine the direction, then it's useless no matter what.

"tsk tsk"

At this moment, Zhao Xun is working hard to make Wangcai adapt to his thinking mode.

As long as the two brothers can cooperate smoothly, they can basically kill other businessmen in seconds.

There is a huge gap between those businessmen and the two in terms of business philosophy and other aspects.

This gap is quite large, so that it is difficult to really catch up with the pace of the two for a long time.

"No problem, since you've said all this, Brother Mingyun, I'll really be sorry if I make a fool of you again. Don't worry, I will definitely spare no effort to fight and promote Journey to the West Yes. As long as I have Wangcai, I will never hold back any energy, and I will definitely do my best to promote Journey to the West as the number one popular book in the Great Zhou Dynasty!"

Daming Palace, Zichen Palace.

Emperor Xianlong is holding the latest episode of Journey to the West and watching with relish.

He had never read the same type of book before, so that after reading it once, he couldn't stop it.

"Interesting, really interesting. I really never thought that there would be such a wonderful book in the world."

Emperor Xianlong's surprise was not without reason.

You must know that Journey to the West has occupied the leading position in the book industry for a long period of time.

Even the combined sales of Liaozhai and The West Chamber, which were quite popular before, can't compare with Journey to the West.

Such a comparison, the gap is obvious.

Emperor Xianlong is a very realistic person. He believes that the sales volume can reflect the quality of the product to a large extent.

The same can be said about the sales of books.

Journey to the West is so popular, it can really explain a lot of things.

Of course, Emperor Xianlong was not simply enjoying Journey to the West.

In his opinion, there are many things that can be mapped through Journey to the West.

There are some that Emperor Xianlong appreciates and can use, and of course there are some that Emperor Xianlong disdains.

But generally speaking, in Emperor Xianlong's view, there are still many benefits.

Therefore, Emperor Xianlong will not interfere too much in Journey to the West, but hopes that it can drive some other things to appear.

After some comparisons, people with a discerning eye can see what the core advantage of Journey to the West is. Emperor Xianlong is not a fool, and of course he knows it well.

Therefore, at this moment, Emperor Xianlong is really looking forward to the future development of Journey to the West.

"Send an order to summon Master Huiyan."

Now that he has read Journey to the West, Emperor Xianlong now wants to have a chat with Master Huiyan about Buddhism.

Because in Emperor Xianlong's view, Master Huiyan could bring him the purest interpretation of Buddhism.

This is really important.

"Finally arrived at Chang'an City."

After several months of trekking, Jia Xingwen finally successfully led the Anxi Army, Western Region Missions and Caravans to Chang'an safely after more than half a year.

Looking back on the hardships along the way, Jia Xingwen always felt as if he had passed away.


"Great, really great."

Although Jia Xingwen had a lot of unhappiness when he left Chang'an.

But at this moment, Jia Xingwen had already wiped away those unhappiness from his mind.

At this moment, Jia Xingwen was in a good mood, eager to enter Chang'an City.

In any case, Chang'an was also his home, the place where he was born and raised.

How can a person say that the family is not good, how can a person say that the family is not good.

Jia Xingwen's unhappiness was more of an unhappiness towards Emperor Xianlong.

But thinking about it now, how much contact can he have with Emperor Xianlong?
At worst, it would be fine to treat Emperor Xianlong as a wooden man, and there would definitely not be too many problems.

But this time, it was impossible for Emperor Xianlong to avoid escorting the mission from the Western Regions to Chang'an.

Jia Xingwen needs to enter the palace to face the saint, no matter whether he is emotional or reasonable.

Although Jia Xingwen felt disgusted, there was nothing he could do.

Sometimes things just have to be done.

If you don't do it or try it, you will never know how meaningful it is.


After taking a deep breath, Jia Xingwen still summoned up his courage and continued walking forward while holding the rein of the horse with one hand.

For Jia Xingwen now, being able to re-enter Chang'an City is a matter that requires courage.

But he has the courage now, so these are not big things.

Jia Xingwen doesn't think he is a very strange person, if there is, it is Zhao Xun's impression.

Zhao Xun is a person who likes to arrange his brothers from some angles.

Of course, this does not mean that kind of malicious arrangement, but a well-intentioned joke arrangement.

For example, one or two nicknames, one or two nicknames.

Through these nicknames and nicknames, you can clearly feel some very important and critical details.

These very important and critical details can make people feel something thick in many ways.

"Hey, I'm really looking forward to meeting Zhao Xun again. I don't know what the meeting will be like."

At this moment, Jia Xingwen was extremely curious.

For him, this is really an extremely crucial link.


"Congratulations, Your Majesty. Congratulations to Your Majesty. The mission from the Western Regions has arrived in Chang'an."

"tsk tsk"

Emperor Xianlong was discussing difficulties with Master Huiyan, and when he was talking about the spontaneous rise of Buddhism, the eunuch suddenly trotted to report.

If it was something else, Emperor Xianlong would probably be furious.

But because of this matter, Emperor Xianlong couldn't help feeling better.

"Okay, it's really good."

Emperor Xianlong gently stroked his beard and said with a leisurely smile, "I really didn't expect that everything would go so smoothly. This is simply too perfect."

"Congratulations, Your Majesty. After the mission from the Western Regions came to Chang'an, it simply shows that His Majesty is mighty and invincible."

Those who can often accompany the emperor are some full-fledged sycophants.

These sycophants can guess the king's mind to a certain extent, and can speak according to the king's will to a considerable extent.

Therefore, the kings were naturally delighted to be photographed by them.

It was clear to everyone that they were sycophants, including the king himself.

But the king is just happy.

In a lifetime, how many people don't want to listen to good words?

Everyone likes to hear good things, but some people can speak, and some cannot.

If you look deeper, those who can't open their mouths are mostly people who cherish feathers.

Those who can speak are flattering treacherous people.

But if you think about it carefully, are those who don't speak must be loyal ministers?
Not necessarily.

They may have other selfish intentions, and may have other ideas.

So that for quite a long time, they will not express their views.

That's it.

"Okay, first order the Shaoqing of Honglu Temple to arrange the missions from the Western Regions, and choose an auspicious day to hold a grand court meeting. I will wear a crown and come to the Hanyuan Hall to accept the pilgrimage from the missions from the Western Regions."

For a moment, Emperor Xianlong felt proud and high-spirited, as if he had returned to the time when he had just ascended the throne.

When flowers bloom again, no one is young anymore.

Even for emperors, time is absolutely indelible.

Emperor Xianlong desperately hoped to obtain longevity and eternal life.

But according to Master Huiyan, only after ascension can there be a chance.

And even after the ascension, no one can say well.

Because anyone who has already ascended is no longer in the human world but in the fairy world at this moment, so naturally they cannot ask.

For those who have not ascended, even if they are as strong as a super master, then they are just guessing about ascending, and they may not be able to count.

So Master Huiyan didn't think it was anything unusual.

Ascension is just an action.

As for what happens after the ascension, who cares?

"Brother Jia is back, Brother Jia has returned to Chang'an City!"

The first thing Jia Xingwen did after returning to Chang'an City was not to pay homage to the emperor, but to write a letter and ask someone to teleport it to Zhongnanshan Haoran Academy.

So there is now Zhao Xun's ecstasy.

Of course, Zhao Xun was so excited for a reason.

For Zhao Xun, he could feel the heartfelt excitement from Brother Jia Xingwen.These excitements are vividly reflected between the lines.

For a moment, Zhao Xun felt that he was the happiest person in the world.

How can people be so happy?

He missed Jia Xingwen, missed Jia Xingwen, but at this time Jia Xingwen really came back!
Zhao Xun felt that someone handed him a pillow when he wanted to sleep. This kind of excitement is really indescribable.

It's really cool!

"No one has ever understood how good the brotherhood between me and Brother Jia Xingwen is. If there is, then this person must be Wangcai."

Zhao Xun only wants to do one thing now, and that is to tell Wangcai the good news immediately.

Wangcai will definitely be excited, and Wangcai will definitely be happy.

Because the three of them are sworn brothers.

It is difficult for others to understand the feelings between sworn brothers.

It was a real feeling, and it was a feeling that couldn't be described in other words.

Zhao Xun even thinks that it is not very appropriate to describe it in words.

Sometimes this kind of feeling is really just right, and it can make people experience many unique feelings.

Zhao Xun immediately ran to Wangcai's side, and told Wangcai the news of Jia Xingwen's return to Chang'an without hesitation.

As Zhao Xun expected, when Wangcai heard that Jia Xingwen had returned to Chang'an City, Wangcai jumped up excitedly.

"Really? Brother Mingyun, is everything you said true? Brother Jia is back? Brother Jia is really back?"

"Really, it's all true, of course it's all true."

It was difficult for Zhao Xun to express his excitement at the moment.

But just at the moment, he was so excited that he was speechless.

"It took more than half a year. Brother Jia spent almost half a year from the Western Regions to Chang'an. God knows what kind of hardships he encountered during the whole process. Although he didn't mention it in the letter, I can still imagine it. of."


At this moment, Wangcai can understand Zhao Xun's mood very well.

Because his mood is also extremely excited.

At this moment, he couldn't restrain his excitement at all.

Brother Jia is back, and everything is different.

With the return of Brother Jia Xingwen, Wangcai has always felt a spontaneous pleasure.

This kind of pleasure cannot be concealed at all.

At this moment, Wangcai only wants to do one thing, and that is to yell, and that is to carnival.

At this moment, he can indeed do this, because this is Zhongnan Mountain, and this is Haoran Academy.He won't be beaten for doing this.

If he did this in Chang'an City, he would probably be taken away as a lunatic.


Wangcai was extremely excited and wanted to feel all the beauty.

But Zhao Xun's next sentence made him calm down instantly.

"Brother Jia said in the letter that although he has returned to Chang'an City, he can't come to see us yet. Because of Emperor Xianlong, he must first find an opportunity to enter the palace to face the saint, and then he will participate in the Great Court Meeting to perform his duties. Only after that can we leave Chang'an City and come to Zhongnan Mountain to meet us."


After Wangcai heard this, he was really a little excited.

"Well, if you say that, we'll have to wait. Anyway, Brother Jia Xingwen and Jia have already arrived in Chang'an, and it's just a matter of time before we come to Zhongnanshan. We have waited for such a long time, do you still care about the few days? ?”

"That's right, we can definitely afford to wait now. I mean, should we prepare a surprise for Brother Jia?"

Long time no see, I miss you very much.

But in addition to missing, the sense of ritual still needs to be sufficient.

Zhao Xun decided to carefully prepare a welcome ceremony for Brother Jia Xingwen.

This welcome ceremony can give Brother Jia Xingwen a full surprise from the very beginning.

After that, Brother Jia Xingwen can be allowed to play.

All in all, this welcome ceremony must be innovative, and it must make Brother Jia Xingwen and Jia feel the spontaneous pleasure.

"Well, Wangcai, do you have any good suggestions?"

"Huh? If you want me to say, it's going to be a barbecue party. After Brother Jia Xingwen Jia comes, we'll start eating right away. There won't be any strange feeling at all."


Zhao Xun was stunned when he heard this.

Good guy, he shouldn't have asked Wangcai this question.

Who is Wangcai?

Wangcai is a top foodie.

Let him think what he can come up with?Isn't it just eating?
Eat this thing, echo what others say.

Sometimes it feels good, other times it almost doesn't.

Zhao Xun didn't want Jia Xingwen to start eating as soon as Brother Jia came back.

That would feel a little strange.

What Zhao Xun hopes is that Brother Jia Xingwen Jia can enjoy the good time and feel the quietness of the years.

This requires Zhao Xun and the others to spend more time and effort in preparing for the welcome ceremony.

Hua's thoughts are different, so what Brother Jia feels is naturally different.

Anyway, as Wangcai said, it will definitely not work to pull over the mountain to eat and drink regardless of his care.

This is too boring.


"Then let me think about it carefully. I think as long as I have time, I will definitely be able to come up with a perfect welcome ceremony."

(End of this chapter)

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