big week bad guy

Chapter 448 Practice is an Art

Chapter 448 Cultivation is an art (nearly 20000 words super chapter)
Zhao Xun's training plan for Wangcai is gradual.

At the beginning, it was just Zama step, and later it evolved into running.

And now it has become a relatively comprehensive way of combining aerobic exercise, anaerobic exercise, explosive power and endurance.

Why not let Wangcai practice Qi as soon as he comes up?

The reason is very simple.

Wang Cai has not yet reached that level.

If you practice Qi right from the start, Wangcai may not be able to accept it and suffer serious damage.

This is not a joke.

Wangcai's body is unwell, Jia Xingwen, elder brother Jia, can't bear such a thing.

Furthermore, for Wangcai, these basic trainings can help him lose weight and make his body healthier.

This is pretty crucial.

After all, only when the physical energy is relatively stronger can the next operation be carried out.

So Zhao Xun can be said to be very concerned about Wangcai's training now.

"Wangcai, you are not very good at throwing sandbags. You are out of breath after throwing a few times at this distance. This is the most basic training."

Seeing that Wangcai threw a few sandbags and then sat down on the ground out of breath, Zhao Xun didn't know what to say for a while.

It can only be said that to a certain extent, Wangcai's body is indeed too weak.

The weaker the body, the more it is necessary to practice hard. Only in this way can it be possible to make the body as good as possible.

Otherwise, on the whole, you will still face considerable pressure.

This is not a joke, but related to Wangcai's happiness.

"Okay, okay, brother Mingyun, I understand. Just let me rest first."

All Wangcai wants now is rest.

As long as he can let him rest for a while, it is actually enough.In fact, he didn't pay attention to the superfluous things.


Zhao Xun is also very helpless. He knows that in the current situation, it is basically difficult to persuade Wangcai to continue the high-intensity training.In this way, there is no benefit to Wangcai's body.

He has always adhered to the principle of combining work and rest.

Rest when you should rest, and work hard when you should work hard.

Never give up eating because of choking, nor can you be blindly confident.

It can be said that both of these are quite critical.

During Wangcai's rest time, Zhao Xun helped him start the analysis: "Wangcai, in fact, you can say that the momentum of your training is quite good now. It's just that your previous foundation is a bit too bad, so it seems a bit difficult. I I feel that as long as you can adapt to the current mode and the training intensity, your overall improvement will be quite obvious in a short time.”

In fact, at this time, Wangcai couldn't listen to Zhao Xun's words at all.

Because to him at this time, Zhao Xun's words were like deaf ears.

At this moment, the only thing Wangcai wants to do is to rest, take a good rest, and rest in a lying down style.

Why fight when you can rest.

If you can lie flat, why roll inward.

What's the point of introversion?

Involution will only make people more and more helpless and chaotic.

At this moment, Wangcai just wanted to lie on the recliner and drink an iced drink with his eyes closed.

"Brother Mingyun, can you let me have a good rest?"

Zhao Xun was stunned.

"Aren't you just resting now?"

"Uh, it seems to be the same."

Wangcai was stunned and said, "I mean, can I go to the swimming pool area to rest."

Zhao Xun thought to himself, what a guy, Wangcai is really strong, he is picky and picky.

That's all, Zhao Xun allowed him because of his hard daily training.

Otherwise, with Wangcai's character, I don't know what nonsensical things he would do.

Zhao Xun didn't want this kind of thing to happen, so he desperately hoped that Wangcai could relax.

As long as Wangcai can be relaxed, then the next thing is actually much easier to talk about.

"Okay, since you want to go to the pool area to rest, let's go to the pool area to rest. Let's go."

Wangcai was quite excited when he heard the words.For him, every decision Zhao Xun makes is related to his future happiness.

Pool area, above the lounge chairs.

When Wangcai was drinking iced milk tea beautifully, Zhao Xun coaxed: "Wangcai, you know it too. I have always been in charge of your training plan. So I not only want to control your exercise, but also Control your diet. The best results can only be achieved if you do both together."


Wangcai was stunned when he heard the words.Good guy, this is too outrageous.

According to Brother Ming Yun's model, wouldn't he have to get Zhao Xun's permission for everything he ate in the future?

For a while, I feel that I have no happiness.

He is really difficult.

For a moment Wangcai didn't know what to do, he was stunned for a long time before he sighed: "Brother Mingyun, you don't even let me drink milk tea, do you?"

"Hahaha smart, Wangcai, you are so smart. In fact, milk tea is delicious, but it is quite high in calories. There is actually no problem with ordinary people drinking it. But your situation is different. You Now I want to practice, and the first step in practice is to lose weight. Only by losing weight and weight can you improve in all aspects. Otherwise, it is not very useful. You rely on the calories you lose from exercise , and it turned out to be added by eating and drinking. If this is the case, the pressure is still quite large."


After thinking about it, it seems that it is.

This pressure is really not ordinary.

"Tsk tsk tsk, then I can't drink this milk tea at all?"

"That's not true."

Zhao Xun spread his hands and said, "I can allow you to drink a cup of milk tea for ten days. You can decide when you drink it and which day you drink it. Then you write it down. After you write it down, report it to me."

Wang Cai hehe said: "Yes, I thought I couldn't drink it at all, but I didn't expect to drink it once."

"Of course, the situation with juice and milk tea is the same, so basically juice and milk tea are basically undrinkable."

tsk tsk.
Zhao Xun took a deep breath and said, "So in fact, the calories of juice and milk tea are quite high. At present, everything is under control. Tsk tsk tsk As long as you don't touch the two things, then I think everything is under control what."


After Wangcai heard that he couldn't even drink milk tea or juice, his mood immediately fell down.

Boy, don't drink this, don't drink that.Co-author can only drink cold water.

"Brother Mingyun, what do I drink on weekdays, cold water?"

"Hahaha Wangcai, you are so smart. That's right, just drink cold water."

Zhao Xun patted Wangcai's shoulder lightly, and said earnestly, "Drinking cold water is good, you won't gain weight by drinking cold water. Wangcai, drinking cold water is the best choice for you at present."

"Uh, okay. Brother Mingyun, sometimes I envy you. Look at you, you don't eat less all day long, but you just don't gain much flesh. Your body is really enviable."

"Hahaha, people are different."

Wangcai chuckled and said, "Tsk tsk tsk, let's go, let's go. At present, everything is under control."

"Well, let's leave this matter alone for now. Let's talk about Journey to the West."

Um?Why did we talk about Journey to the West again?

Zhao Xun thought in his heart that Wangcai, who is so good, would really change the subject.

The topic changed so that he didn't know what to say for a while.

If this rhythm continues, it won't take long for the whole person to feel helpless.

That's all, since Wang Cai took the initiative to talk about this, Zhao Xun has no reason to refute.

Then listen to what Wangcai has to say, what Xingxu Wangcai said is quite reliable.

"Then tell me about Wangcai, what's going on."

"It's like this. Didn't I tell you about the distribution of Journey to the West? After that, I made some contacts with bookstores in various states and counties. At the beginning, I guaranteed some basic cooperation, but when it came to the end It is still found that some cooperation cannot be carried on. The main reason is that these guys are too greedy. It is said that people are not enough to swallow elephants, and today I understand the meaning of this sentence."

"Uh, Wangcai, don't get excited, just tell me what's going on with this lackluster man."

Zhao Xun is quite interested in this.

His business philosophy is relatively advanced.

Under his influence, Wangcai's business philosophy has also been improved and refreshed to a certain extent.

But no matter how much it is improved and refreshed, in fact, on the whole, Wangcai's business philosophy still has some rigid aspects.

So it is not an easy task to improve it comprehensively.

"These guys want to increase the commission, and want to control the print volume. I think the former can be discussed. But didn't the latter just touch your taboo, brother Mingyun?"


Zhao Xun understood why Wangcai was angry when he heard this.

Because Zhao Xun knew very well that the reason why Wangcai felt angry was largely because these greedy businessmen demanded to control the printing volume by themselves.

If something like a novel can't control the printing volume, it will basically not be reliable.

What Zhao Xun adopted before was a hunger marketing strategy, so for him, there is nothing wrong with maintaining this method.

However, if some people change this established strategy, it will greatly affect the overall sales of Journey to the West as a whole.

If one person affects the whole, and one person affects the entire sales system, in Zhao Xun's view, the loss outweighs the gain.

"Are these guys so short-sighted? Can they really only see their immediate interests?"

"Tsk tsk, that's to say. I actually don't understand this. Because I explained the situation clearly to them from the beginning, but basically they just agreed with their mouths and didn't take it to heart at all. That's why I was the helpless one. So I decided on my own and didn't continue to cooperate with them."

Zhao Xun nodded at this moment and said: "Wangcai did a good job, your current choice can be said to be perfect. If you didn't do this, I would talk about you instead. You have to remember one thing, That is, the hunger marketing strategy we formulated cannot be changed. This is the foundation. If this is changed, everything will change accordingly. This is the foundation, the foundation, and it must not be changed easily."


After exhaling, Wangcai nodded excitedly: "Well, I have always held this point of view. It is better to be short than to be indiscriminate. Since they feel that they cannot cooperate, then they will not cooperate. Anyway, I am not the one who begged them .”

"Hahaha, that's right. That's why I said from the very beginning that the promotion of Journey to the West must adhere to this point of view. As long as there are no mistakes in the propaganda methods, then the most comprehensive improvement can be achieved. "


"Actually, I found that sometimes our three brothers still have a lot of similarities. Let's talk about Brother Jia Xingwen. Basically, as long as you tell him something, he can execute it very well, and he won't fight anyone. You are actually in the same situation as Wangcai. I think this is quite rare. In the current environment, if you want to control your emotions reasonably and ensure that the implementation is in place, it is really not easy."

Zhao Xun was not flattering, but he felt that Wangcai's performance at this moment was indeed quite outstanding.

If the same thing is entrusted to him, he should do it like Wangcai, but he should not do it better than Wangcai.

For Zhao Xun, maintaining the consistency of policy is the most important thing.

"Phew, I really don't know when the three of us will be able to go around the world completely. Staying in one place all the time really doesn't bring much happiness."


"If a person stays in one place for a long time, it will really make people feel bored. It will be much better if you change the environment. In a few years, we must go out and take a look, You have to figure out how to live in order to enjoy life.”

"Huh, yes. When the time comes, call Brother Jia together, and our trio will be able to come out of the arena again."

Jiangnan Road, Ningzhou.

Yao Yan's condition has improved again, and he is basically well now.

This is really not an easy thing.

Because he took a lot of medicine back and forth, and after Liu Yingying's careful care, he barely returned to his current state.

Although the current state has not reached the peak state, it is basically good enough.

Yao Yan, the Bamboo Forest Sword Immortal, is actually quite a vengeful person.

So he will take revenge, must take revenge.

These guys are really hateful.

It's fine to fight openly, but it happens to be a sneak attack.

This is really speechless.

Yao Yan despises things like sneak attacks the most.He believes that sneak attacks are only possible if they cannot be attacked head-on.

Seeing that they couldn't break through the defense head-on, these monsters adopted such a method.

It's really difficult.

Yao Yan was a brilliant man, but in the end he was tricked by monsters.

Moreover, the method used by the monster to plot against him is still an extremely insidious method, that is to use Liu Yingying as bait to force him to take the bait.

The monsters also knew that for Yao Yan, Liu Yingying was the most indispensable existence and the one that could not be harmed.

"Yingying, given the current situation, the monsters may make a comeback at any time, right?"

"It's not easy to say. From what we have so far, monsters may still appear in a short period of time, but it's unclear when they will appear and how many people will appear. If you say that, then We are actually under quite a lot of pressure. Because we don’t know when the monsters will break out. In this way, it is basically difficult for us to respond in the first place.”


Yao Yan smiled awkwardly: "It seems to be the case."

"tsk tsk"

"But in fact, there is no need to be too pessimistic. I think as long as we can maintain a good attitude and continue to search, we can still dig out the lair of monsters. Isn't this the purpose of searching mountains and seas? Only Only by digging out the lair of monsters can we further destroy monsters. Otherwise, everything we do is temporary. Even if we temporarily wipe out a wave of monsters, there will still be more monsters. The monsters are constantly pouring out. These monsters will continue to pose a threat to us. This is a great thing, and we must take these risks into consideration in a timely manner. "


After listening to Yao Yan for so long, Liu Yingying probably understood.

For her, the most important thing now is to properly determine the location of the monster's lair.

Only after these are confirmed can everything go smoothly.

Otherwise, everything is empty talk.

"It's difficult. We have searched the mountains and seas more than once before. But the effect is not very good. So basically what we can confirm is that the monsters hide on purpose. They are quite hidden, and it is difficult for ordinary people to hide. Easy to spot."


Yao Yan nodded: "Yes. It is indeed difficult to deal with it now. But there is no way. After all, we have always been the passive side. What we can be sure of is that the monsters will definitely make a comeback. They will definitely not be so reconciled, and they will definitely retaliate as much as possible."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

After hearing this, Liu Yingying basically had an idea: "Then we should follow the previous model and let the first-timers from the government cooperate with us in the search. With the addition of the government, everything will be different."


"The government has always been very cooperative before, and Governor Wan has done a good job in this regard. As long as Governor Wan continues to maintain this attitude, basically we don't have to worry about the lack of people from the government to cooperate in the inspection."

"Well, although they are lacking in absolute strength, the situation is much better after adding regiment training."

Liu Yingying nodded her head in agreement and said, "Well, they are quite cooperative, at least there is nothing wrong with their attitude. Let's do a proper search next time."



The Corruptors who retreated temporarily won a very difficult respite.

For Corruptors, respite is very important.

This allows the Necromancer's strength to be effectively replenished.

After being supplemented, the strength of the necromancer has been greatly enhanced.

This is really not easy.

After all, the previous consumption was too great for them.

Energy consumption is inevitable, the key is to look at the efficiency and speed of replenishment.

If you can get a fast replenishment, it basically won't have much impact.

Otherwise, the Corruptor would still be under extreme pressure.

These pressures are currently coming to Wu Aolisi and Jeffron.

The two are the leaders of the Corruptor Alliance.So in a short period of time, they have to shoulder all the responsibilities.

"According to the current progress, it will take at least half a month to fully recharge. Before that, everything needs to wait. Only enough waiting can ensure that their energy value can be restored to the original level. Otherwise, their energy It will always be in a state of deficiency. Even if it is against the Academy Alliance, it will not take advantage of it."

"Yes, the reason why they suffered last time was because of this aspect. Consuming the Zhongnanshan magic circle also consumes a huge amount of energy for the corroders. The energy value of the necromancers is very fragile when they are emptied, basically It is very difficult to pose a threat to the academy."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"So, what we need most now is time, isn't it?"

"Unfortunately, there is not enough time left for us."

"Half a month is really too long. If we endure such a long time and the result is unsatisfactory, I am afraid that Satan will be angry."

Satan's emotions are unpredictable to all.

Not even Wuoris and Jeffron, the leaders of the Corruptor Alliance.

They can only guess.But as long as you guess, you may guess wrong.

Satan should be in a semi-dormant state at present.

The reason why it is called semi-dormant is because Satan can still feel some of it.

But he can't feel everything, and sometimes there are mistakes and omissions.


Wu Aolisi and Jeffron dare not gamble.

Because once the bet is lost, the consequences are something they can't afford anyway.

"It's better to speed up the progress and speed up the progress at the maximum speed. As long as the progress can be accelerated, it will definitely be able to catch up."


"Now it seems that we are still negligent. Think about it carefully."

"It's meaningless to say these things now. Once Satan really realizes our negligence, the consequences will be unimaginable."

"Well, don't be afraid of [-], just in case. There is nothing wrong with being safe. As long as we can do the details right, then Satan will definitely not blame us."

"Yes, the key is whether we use our hearts or not. As long as we can use our hearts, Satan can still feel it."


After taking a deep breath, Wu Aolis nodded and said, "That's the only plan for now. We can do what we can do, and it will depend on the number of days."



"Tsk tsk tsk..."

While watching Wangcai practicing handstand, Zhao Xun said flatteredly, "Wangcai, I didn't expect you to be able to do handstand at such a heavy weight. It's really not easy."

"Yeah, yeah, I actually think it's very difficult. I also used my best efforts to do this."

"That is to say, this is much more difficult than running and throwing sandbags."

"Is it alright? Brother Mingyun, I can't handle it anymore."

Wangcai is really exhausted at this time, if he carries on like this, there may be accidents.


"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Okay, let's come down, Wangcai."


After Wangcai heard Zhao Xun's words, he felt as if he had been pardoned.

At this moment, Zhao Xun really thought it was funny.

Wangcai is really covered in dirt and ashes now, it makes people feel very happy to see it.

"Wangcai, do you want to wash your face? Or I can wipe your face for you."

"No need."

Wangcai smiled wryly and said, "Actually, it's not that exaggerated."

"I think I can still see my face."

"Okay, as long as you feel happy."

Zhao Xun thought to himself, anyway, this is Wangcai's own face, not Zhao Xun's, so basically Zhao Xun will not say anything more deliberately.As long as Wangcai thinks it's appropriate, that's fine.


At this moment, Zhao Xun could clearly feel a trace of embarrassment on Wangcai's face.

Haha, I didn't expect Wangcai to feel embarrassed.

At the beginning, Zhao Xun felt that Wangcai would not be embarrassed.

"So now let me tell you about the situation. Your current state is actually pretty good. But if you want to enter the realm of a practitioner, relying on these alone is not enough, you must improve in an all-round way. At present, your training can only Speaking of strengthening the body, there are only two choices if you want to completely become a practitioner."

After Zhao Xun threw out the plan, he said in a deep voice: "The first one is marrow washing. This is also the simplest and most convenient. But marrow washing has a disadvantage, that is, you have to suffer pain, and marrow washing is very painful. I can attest to that."


Zhao Xun is definitely not talking nonsense, what he said is the result of his own experience.

At the beginning, Zhao Xun was washed by Jia Xingwen in the bad man's yamen, and the whole process was very painful.

The key is that once this kind of thing happens once, there will never be a second time, and there will never be a second time.

But Zhao Xun had to start painful memories for Wangcai at this moment, and had to tear open his wounds to show Wangcai.This pain is really hard to describe in words.


Sure enough, Wangcai became quite uncomfortable after hearing this.

"It hurts? How much does it hurt?"

For a moment, Wangcai showed fear.

Wangcai is very afraid of pain.

"Uh, this is really hard to describe."

Zhao Xun thought that pain can actually be quantified, such as how many levels of pain.

But in fact, it is difficult for Zhao Xun to define even a few levels of pain.If he can't clearly define it for a while, it will be difficult for him to express Wangcai.

Looking at Wangcai's pitiful big eyes, Zhao Xun didn't know what to say.He really couldn't bear it.

"It's probably equivalent to the pain of cutting vegetables and cutting your fingers."

Zhao Xun made an analogy.


Hearing this, Wangcai took a deep breath.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"It hurts so much...Brother Mingyun, how can you bear it?"

"Uh, I can only bear it!"

Zhao Xun was speechless.

It is impossible for him to take anesthesia, what can he do without relying on life forbearance?

Wangcai gasped again.

At this moment, he was really panicked.

"Tsk tsk, aren't you afraid?"

"Brother Mingyun, what about the second method?"

Wangcai finally mustered up the courage to ask.

Because in Wangcai's view, as long as there is a better plan, there is basically no need to consider this so-called marrow washing plan.

Because washing the marrow is really too painful.

Such pain, Wangcai doesn't know others but he can't bear it.

"Haha, in fact, there is of course another way, that is, someone forcefully injects air into your body, and forcibly breaks through your sea of ​​consciousness."

"In this way, you are also a practitioner."

"Good guy..."

At this moment, Wangcai is quite optimistic about this plan.

Because of this plan, he doesn't feel pain!

In Wangcai's view, as long as it doesn't hurt, it's great.

"That's the plan."

Wang Cai said without hesitation.

"Haha, I knew you would say that."

"Okay, if it's someone else, I will definitely get mad and tell them to go wash the marrow, but it's you, Wangcai, so I can't say much. Since you want me to give you a forced air blower, then come on .”

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Wangcai is really happy at this moment.

Being able to maintain such a good state is really not an easy task.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

But Zhao Xun was really kind to him.

So Wangcai is also really happy.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

At this moment, Wangcai can still feel this beauty.


"Of course, it's better to hit the sun than to choose a date. Don't choose an auspicious day for this kind of thing."

It was really embarrassing for Zhao Xun to say Wangcai in this way.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Okay, since brother Mingyun said so, let's start directly."

"Well, Wangcai, just sit down and don't move around. Just leave it to me."

Zhao Xun is quite confident.

Anyway, he is also a third-rank cultivator now, as long as he can maintain a good state, he basically doesn't have to worry about problems with giving Wangcaidu the chance to breathe.

"Ha ha…"

After Wangcai sat down, Zhao Xun put his palm on Wangcai's celestial spirit cover without hesitation, then took a deep breath, and then transferred his true energy from the sea of ​​consciousness, trying to penetrate Wangcai's sea of ​​consciousness directly.

But after Zhao Xun made such an attempt, he immediately found difficulties and resistance.

Zhao Xun could clearly feel that there was something sealed in Wangcai's head.

This layer is a little fuzzy, like a ball of paste.

Zhao Xun's zhenqi couldn't penetrate this layer, it just felt too strange.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

After Zhao Xun sighed, he said, "The current situation is indeed a bit strange. I don't understand why there is such a foggy feeling above your sea of ​​consciousness."


"Maybe it's because..."

"My talent is dull?"

"No. Many unenlightened practitioners will not have your state. This is the first time I have seen your situation, so it is difficult to describe why."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Wangcai was a little confused at this time.

"So, my situation is actually a special case?"

"Almost, I think it can be regarded as a special case."

Zhao Xun nodded and said: "So don't be too anxious, take your time, we can succeed."

Zhao Xun is quite optimistic about this.

In his view, everything is under control.

Even in the special case of Wangcai, as long as the targets are in place, there shouldn't be too much resistance.


After taking a deep breath, Zhao Xun tried his best to calm down.

"Sit down first, then I'll try again."

"it is good…"

Wangcai immediately sat down and acted cutely.


Zhao Xun put his palm on Wangcai's Tianling Cap again, then took a deep breath and wanted to penetrate it at once.

This requires great strength, and the sense of power is often difficult to grasp.

Occasionally there will be a dislocation of power.

But at least so far, Zhao Xun has not had a similar feeling.

Therefore, he will try his best to pour his true energy into Wangcai's sea of ​​consciousness.

When piercing through the misty layer of paste, Zhao Xun was stunned.

This time, his true energy still couldn't penetrate it.

what's going on?
Could it be because...

Is Wangcai the so-called special constitution?

If so, then Zhao Xun is really helpless.

After all, for him, such strange things rarely come to him all at once.

and so…

So basically Zhao Xun rarely faced such a difficult problem at once.

In this way, he will naturally be confused.

Without relevant experience, you will be confused next.

Zhao Xun's current state is roughly the same.

I really can't bear it...

Zhao Xun felt very confused.

"Wangcai, I really don't understand your situation. Or I'd better ask other people."

Generally speaking, Zhao Xun rarely asks for help from others.

Because it would make him appear incompetent.

But in the current situation, Zhao Xun had to ask for help.Otherwise, the situation is likely to be stuck directly.

This is a situation that Zhao Xun absolutely does not want to see.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"So, it's better if you have more masters. Just wait here, and I'll ask the master what's going on."



Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi picked his feet while drinking a small wine.

This life is simply not too comfortable.

Such a pleasant life undoubtedly made the life of my teacher, Daoist Qinglian, quite wonderful.

"Haha, if you have wine and meat, what more can you ask for."

Daoist Qinglian was obviously very excited.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Just when he was extremely excited, Zhao Xun came suddenly.

When Zhao Xun appeared in front of his teacher, Daoist Qinglian, he was somewhat surprised.

"My boy, why are you here?"


"Teacher, to tell you the truth, I just came here to ask for something."


Her teacher, Daoist Qinglian raised her eyebrows and said, "Tsk tsk tsk... so you have to ask for a teacher again?"


Although Zhao Xun felt a little embarrassed, he cleared his throat and said, "Tsk tsk tsk... This is actually the case. Wangcai is that little fat man who wants to start practicing recently. As you know, an ordinary person wants to If you want to become a cultivator, there are actually very few roads you can take, basically there are only two roads. One is to wash the marrow, and the other is to rely on people to forcibly infuse true energy to open up the sea of ​​consciousness."

"Yes, Not Bad."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi said leisurely while stroking his beard.

"Then here comes the problem, Wangcai's two paths are not going to work."

Zhao Xun was helpless, spread his hands together and said.

"Uh, it doesn't work?"

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi was obviously very confused.

"Yes. The first is to wash the marrow. Wangcai is afraid of pain, so he refuses to say anything. The second is to infuse true energy to open up the sea of ​​knowledge. But when I tried it, I was surprised to find that there was a layer of fog above the sea of ​​knowledge. The same paste. These pastes blocked my true qi, preventing them from entering into Wangcai's sea of ​​consciousness. Isn't it that the two roads are impossible?"

"Tsk tsk tsk..."


"So this Wangcai is really a wonderful thing."

"You can put it this way. Teacher, is there any other way? Otherwise, it would be really embarrassing."


Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi took a deep breath and said: "Of course there is a way, but it is very dangerous. So I suggest you not to try it. If it is not done well, Wangcai may be in danger of life. This is not Just kidding."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"So let's say..."

Zhao Xun took a deep breath and said: "Then don't try it. Although practice is a good thing, it is also based on the premise of safety and in a safe state. If you can't even guarantee safety, it would be too much." Nonsense."


"Tsk tsk tsk, that's enough. If you can figure out this truth, it's really gratifying to be a teacher."

Teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi said in a deep voice: "If you can't practice, there are benefits of not being able to practice. At least in this way, Wangcai no longer has to worry about his true energy overflowing and exploding his body."


When you think about it, it's really comforting.

"Being a teacher is serious. Otherwise, with Wangcai's body shape, there will definitely be problems. He is so fat, and he has no restraint in absorbing true energy into his body, so many problems will naturally arise."

"Haha yes."

Zhao Xun still agrees with his teacher's judgment.

The biggest problem with prosperity is that you can't control yourself effectively. If this is the case, then simply don't practice.

Practitioners need a lot of self-discipline.

If self-discipline cannot be achieved, there will basically be many unimaginable consequences.



"Wangcai, I'm afraid I have to tell you a sad rest. I just went to ask my mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi, but he said that you may not be physically fit to practice and cannot practice."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Wangcai was a little embarrassed for a while.

For now, he is still ready to practice.But now Zhao Xun told him that he was not suitable for cultivation.In this way, it is simply too embarrassing.

"Wangcai, actually, I think this is really nothing. Think about it, not everyone can be a practitioner. A few people can become a practitioner. Others are actually ordinary people. But even if you can't It doesn't matter if you become a practitioner, at least this way you can ensure that you are strengthening your body, so you can at least lose weight."

Zhao Xun spoke very seriously and quite confidently.

"Well, that seems to be the case..."

After hearing this, Wangcai was basically relieved.



The Western Regions, the country of Shaz.

Master Hui'an gathered the courtiers of the seven countries in the Western Regions.

These courtiers were all sent by the monarchs of the Western Regions, and they were fully responsible for negotiating alliance matters.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Since everyone is here, let the poor monk make a long story short."

Master Hui'an cleared his throat and said, "Everyone wants to form an alliance to fight against the Anxi army, and to prevent the Anxi army from covering the sky with one hand."


"That's what I said, but can we fight against the Anxi army only by relying on these? Isn't this a bit too whimsical?"

"Yes, the Anxi Army is actually quite powerful. If we want to fight against the Anxi Army, we must have a comprehensive set of ideas, and we must not just rely on a flash of inspiration."

Master Hui'an paused and said: "So everyone still has to be targeted, and we must not easily follow others' advice. If we do this, it is basically impossible to defeat the Anxi Army."


"So how can we be targeted? How can we ensure that the Anxi Army is defeated?"

"What is the Anxi Army most afraid of?"

"Should it be a siege?"

"No, what they are most afraid of is not the so-called siege, but a sudden attack. Have you noticed that every time we make a sudden attack, the entire Anxi army will face great risks. But as long as we confront them openly, we will Facing a relatively embarrassing situation.”


"So, no matter what, we must ensure that we can attack suddenly, otherwise, we may not be able to deal an effective blow to Anxi's army at all."


"But relying on our existing forces, can we deal an effective blow to them? I'm afraid it won't work."


"Just relying on the existing number is indeed a bit small. But the problem is not too big. As long as it can be used on the blade, it can still cause them a considerable blow."

Master Hui'an pressed his hands down, and he seemed quite confident at the moment.

"Use it wisely?"

"That's right. We can't have any panic. We must ensure that these limited troops can be used in key places. That's the only way."


At this moment, Master Hui'an paused and said: "Calm down, you must keep calm no matter what, only by keeping calm can you be calm. Only by keeping calm can you ensure that everything is under control."

"Also, we must try to sow dissension as much as possible. Only by doing this can we take the lead in confronting them. The Anxi Army is very vigilant, so we must be quite concealed when we do it, and we must not take it lightly. The flaws are exposed. Otherwise, it is basically difficult to achieve the goal we hope to achieve."

"The other thing is to keep quiet. The things we discussed today are best left to our own stomachs. In this way, we can guarantee that the Anxi Army will not know the specific plans and strategies. Otherwise, it would be quite scary .”

"Once they are aware of it, once they are prepared to deal with it in advance, it is basically difficult for us to defeat them well."

What Master Hui'an has to do is to kill with one blow, and he must not give Anxi's army a chance to react, and he must not give them a chance to turn the tables.

So he must grasp all possibilities.

"Well, no problem, let's do it."



"Brother Jia, how are you feeling now?"

Haoran Academy, Bamboo Forest.

After Zhao Xun learned that Wangcai's physique was not suitable for cultivation, he spent all the time he originally spent on Wangcai on Jia Xingwen.

Compared with Wangcai, brother Jia Xingwen's status and aptitude are much better.

Under certain circumstances, the rate of return on the output of Jia Xingwen's investment in Big Brother Jia is obviously higher than that of Wangcai.

"Tsk tsk tsk, now I feel that my body is very light and very suitable for cultivation."

"Like a bird, the bones are empty."

Generally, the bones of birds are hollow, which is to reduce weight and facilitate flight to the greatest extent.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"So, Brother Jia, you are very suitable for cultivation. Your body can make adjustments according to the specific situation, making it more beneficial for you to pave the way for cultivation. Although it was not that difficult at the beginning, but after getting used to it After a period of time, you will find that it is very smooth."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Jia Xingwen was very happy after hearing this.

"I really prefer to adapt to the environment, so that I can feel the intensity I need to the maximum. Constantly adjusting my intensity to adapt to my cultivation is indeed a very joyful thing."

"Yeah, if you have this kind of thinking, it proves that you still have a lot of room for improvement. Brother Jia, I believe you can still break through, and the speed of breakthrough will be faster and faster."


After hearing this, Jia Xingwen laughed and said: "So, as long as you have the heart, you will definitely have a chance to make a breakthrough. It's not as difficult as you imagined."

"Well, that's the truth. Whether it's cultivation or other things, it's actually the same truth. The reason why sometimes some people find it a bit difficult is because they don't have the intention."

Zhao Xun deliberately paused, and then continued: "Hey hey hey, next you will be able to get the ultimate improvement, Brother Jia. That's really great."

"Hehehe, that's what I said. Cultivation actually depends on two things, one is hard work, and the other is talent. Brother Jia, you must have no problem with hard work, and your talent is enough. So I believe you will be able to greatly improved."

That's what high EQ means.

If someone with low EQ would definitely not say that, he would say Brother Jia, your talent is too little, so you can only make up for it with hard work.The stupid bird flies first.

Zhao Xun definitely wouldn't say that, no matter what, Zhao Xun would express his emotions as reasonably as possible, and take into account other people's feelings as much as possible.

He will never do things that embarrass others, let alone hurt those he cherishes.

"Hahaha, let me borrow your auspicious words, Ming Yun. In fact, I always felt that it was too early and too regretful for me to give up my practice. Now it seems that I should work harder and try more. Maybe I can achieve what I want. Have you reached the realm? All of this is not good.”

"That's right, Brother Jia, everything is possible. As long as you have the courage to try, you may get a comprehensive improvement."

Zhao Xun continued to encourage Jia Xingwen: "Although you may encounter various problems during this process, you can actually ask me all of them, and I will definitely answer them seriously."



East Palace.

Prince Li Xiankun and Dongyue Sword Master Wei Wuji have reached an agreement.

At this moment, Prince Li Xiankun was extremely happy.

Because Wei Wuji is a rare super master in the world, with his joining, the prince can be said to be like a tiger with wings added.

If he was afraid of Yuan Tiangang and Master Huiyan, the two super masters beside his father before, now he will not have such fear.

Because Zheng Jiejia and Wei Wuji in his hands are no weaker than Yuan Tiangang and Master Huiyan.

What's more, he still has Feng Hao in his hand, this first-rank Dzogchen powerhouse.

Prince Li Xiankun felt that if he had the chance, he could change his fate against the sky and change the day for another day.

Looking at it this way, it is indeed not easy.

The prince waited for so long and endured for so long.

This moment finally ushered in the opportunity.

After finally getting an opportunity, Crown Prince Li Xiankun must seize it, and must not let the opportunity slip away again.



"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Dongyue Sword Master Wei Wuji also felt full of joy after leaving the East Palace.

It's not easy, it's really not easy.

He felt that he was finally getting closer to Emperor Xianlong.


Wei Wuji exhaled a foul breath, trying to calm himself down as much as possible.

Calmness is still important.

As long as you can calm down, you can make a stable judgment.

Otherwise, there may still be a temporary fever.

Wei Wuji is also a person who often acts emotionally and impulsively.

So he will remind himself as much as possible to avoid some unpredictable things.

Seek stability.This is Wei Wuji's thoughts at this moment.

As long as everything can be stabilized, nothing too outrageous will happen.

Wei Wuji only wanted to do one thing now, and that was to kill Emperor Xianlong, as long as he killed Emperor Xianlong, everything would be over.



Jiangnan Road, Ningzhou.

Liu Yingying recently discovered that the monsters have become active again.They are not safe at all, and may invade Ningzhou again at any time!
Of course, judging from the existing signs, the monsters are still active in the coastal fringes, and basically only dare to appear in the vacuum area where the troops are empty.

At present, the monsters still dare not go any further, they are just frantically probing on the verge of death.


After exhaling a turbid breath, Liu Yingying said to the elder sister Xiao Ning: "It seems that the monsters don't have confidence either. They won't kill if they don't know the reality, so they may wait for a while before launching an offensive."

Speaking of this, the meaning is actually clearer.

"Well, but we can't wait. Otherwise it's likely to get confusing."

Senior sister Xiao Ning said in a deep voice: "The current situation is actually really confusing."

"Tsk tsk tsk... These monsters are actually the most savvy type, so as long as we don't become extremely vulnerable, they won't pounce on us. But as long as we show our vulnerable side, the monsters will not hesitate They rushed up and tore us apart. Therefore, we must not easily leave hope in the end. We must try our best to win opportunities as soon as we come up, and give them as much color as possible when we come up."

"Well, we must not have any mercy on these monsters. We will start to increase our search efforts now, and we must uproot them."


"Okay, let's do it like this. I just don't know if Yao Yan's body can handle it."

"Let him rest first. It's better to recover completely. Otherwise, it's not a joke. It will definitely be very troublesome if the illness repeats."



Demon King Ai Gu looked solemn.

Judging from the current several tentative attacks, the Academy's defense against Jiangnan is not as complete as imagined.

It is estimated that due to the shortage of manpower, the academy can only deploy defenses in some key cities. In this way, many villages and towns in Jiangnan Road have a considerable opportunity to invade.

It's just that if you simply invade these villages and towns, the demon king Aigu thinks it's quite worthless.

After all, the power of monsters is not too much, and in many cases it is not appropriate to disperse their power, otherwise, they are likely to be defeated one by one.

The academy is just very good at defeating each one.

As long as they are caught by the guys from the academy, they won't have any hesitation, and they will definitely take them all in one fell swoop.

Demon King Ai Gu naturally has to consider the overall situation.

At this moment, the monsters must not be scattered around anymore.

He must gather all the monsters as much as possible, and must work hard to attack a wave.

The core purpose of shock is to be able to break the balance.

If the balance is maintained, it will be difficult for monsters to take advantage.

On the contrary, if the balance is broken, it will be more beneficial to the monsters.

Break the balance, break the order.To be a destroyer of order and balance is precisely what monsters are best at.

Once they can win these things, once they can make a big splash in Jiangnan Road, everything will be different.

"Maybe it's time to make a move."

Although it was just a small fight before, it was just a test, but this time I really want to make a move.



"Brother Jia did a great job!"

Wangcai waved his arms excitedly to congratulate Jia Xingwen.

He was used to the so-called fate, even if he couldn't cultivate, he wouldn't make Wangcai feel uncomfortable.

As long as I can see Brother Jia Xingwen grow and prosper, I am happy.

After all, for Wangcai, Jia Xingwen and Zhao Xun are his brothers with different surnames.

They are happy together.

Although Wangcai knew that Jia Xingwen and Brother Jia would leave them one day, enjoying the moment is his truest thought at this moment.

Just being able to enjoy the moment is great.

As for the future, who can say well.

And for Wangcai, the more this is the case, the more he should cherish the time with Brother Jia.

Every day they spend together is precious.

"Haha, Wangcai, you made me a little embarrassed. I thought I had reached such a powerful level when you did it like this. Actually, I didn't."

Jia Xingwen is a very sincere person, he said with a smile: "I am still in the initial stage of cultivation, so basically it will take quite a long time to fully improve. There is no need to worry too much, but I still have to give I have some time."

"Well, it's okay, we'll give you plenty of time."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Hey Brother Jia, your progress is much faster than I thought, so I am very optimistic about you, keep it up."

Zhao Xun also praised Jia Xingwen and Brother Jia.

After all, in his opinion, Jia Xingwen's growth rate is indeed very fast.

"Tsk tsk...Actually, I didn't expect myself to grow so fast at the beginning, but now it seems that I despise myself too much. As long as I can show more confidence, the effect will actually be very different. "

"That's right, now it's time to test your discerning ability, Brother Jia."

Zhao Xun brewed some emotions, and then continued: "At present, one of the most important abilities of all cultivators is the ability to distinguish. If the ability to distinguish is not good, then in many cases it will not be able to exert the most powerful ability. Therefore, I suggest that you practice your discrimination ability as early as possible. As long as you practice it, you don’t have to worry about other problems.”

"Hmm... so how do you train?"

"This is simple. You can prepare for it. I will transform into some fantasy in a while. You can distinguish it. If you can distinguish it well, it will prove to be quite good. If you can't distinguish it, then you have to work hard."

Zhao Xun is a very sincere person, so he will not talk empty words to Jia Xingwen, but will speak the truth.

Either don't say anything, or tell the truth if you want to, this is one of Zhao Xun's principles.

"it is good…"

Of course, Jia Xingwen would not refuse, and he had no reason to refuse.

For Jia Xingwen, it would be great if he could meet a relatively high standard from the very beginning.

"Brother Jia is ready, I'm going to start."

After Zhao Xun made a notice, he immediately began to transform into avatars.

In fact, Zhao Xun himself is not good at transforming clones, but he has no choice at the moment.

Who made Jia Xingwen, brother Jia, be on the opposite side?

In an instant, Zhao Xun gave birth to two, two gave birth to three, and three gave birth to all things.

In an instant, Zhao Xun transformed into nine clones!Including Zhao Xun himself, there are ten in total!

For a while, Jia Xingwen was dumbfounded.

Good guy, there are actually ten Ming Yun...

At this moment, he really couldn't tell the difference.

Because no matter how he looks, he can barely see the outlines, but as long as he looks inside, he finds that everything is the same.

Are they really the same?
Of course not.

Just now Zhao Xun has already made it clear that there is only one deity in it, and the others are illusions.

So for Jia Xingwen, what he has to do now is to find Zhao Xun himself as much as possible.

As long as he can find Zhao Xun's real body, then everything will be over.

On the contrary, if he can't find Zhao Xun's real body, it proves that his morality is not enough and he has to work harder.

Jia Xingwen was still very nervous at the moment, his clenched palms were sweating.

For a moment Jia Xingwen closed his eyes.

He could clearly feel that the eyes could not help him discern the truth.

If he wants to find out the truth, he must rely on his heart, not his eyes.


Jia Xingwen tried his best to calm down his mood. He had to maintain absolute calm in order to have the so-called Dao heart in the future.

Mingjing, happy!
Jia Xingwen is well versed in this principle, tried his best to control his emotions, and tried his best to distinguish the phantom in front of him with his heart.

These phantasms are to some extent only fleeting moments.

Jia Xingwen took a closer look and immediately determined who was the deity.

"The one on the far right is you, Ming Yun. Right?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, Brother Jia, your talent is really extraordinary."

Zhao Xun waved his hand lightly, dissipating the other illusions, leaving only the true self.

"It's really a pity not to practice with such a good foundation."


Jia Xingwen felt a little shy again.

He really can't help but boast.

As long as he is praised like that, he will feel ashamed.

The key is that it was Zhao Xun who praised him.

For a while, Jia Xingwen felt quite embarrassed.

"It's okay, I mean it from the bottom of my heart, so you don't have to be embarrassed."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"So, brother Jia, your talent in this area is really strong. We have tested it so far. Then you can directly develop your talents in other areas."


"Develop other talents... specifically?"

"For example, light work, such as mind power, such as teleportation..."

Zhao Xun briefly cited a few examples, and the next step is to see what brother Jia Xingwen is more interested in.

If Brother Jia can come up with some plans that catch Zhao Xun's eyes, then even if Zhao Xun hasn't learned it before, then Zhao Xun will learn it for Jia Xingwen.

It would be even better if it was Zhao Xunhui himself.


"Then let's practice qinggong?"

Zhao Xun wasn't surprised at all when Jia Xingwen, elder brother Jia, proposed to practice light exercises.

The reason is also very simple, this is actually what Brother Jia is best at and most familiar with.

In short, Brother Jia liked to parkour in Chang'an City in the middle of the night.In essence, this is actually part of light work.

It's just that Brother Jia didn't know it at the time.

"it is good!"

Zhao Xun was also very excited.Because for him, brother Jia Xingwen must know what he is best at.On this basis, a series of developments will definitely be able to reach a relatively strong position.

If you can't do this, it's really meaningless.

"Brother Jia, lightness kung fu is really different from other kung fu. It really depends on practice. No matter how good your talent is, if you can't rely on diligent practice to bless you, you can't reach a better state. In fact, the previous At that time, brother Jia, you should be using lightness kung fu, but you didn’t notice it. I think brother Jia, you can try to force your true energy out to your feet. Once you can form the feeling of flying through the clouds, then you should I can find that feeling."


At this moment, Jia Xingwen was really excited.

For him, one of his big wishes is to be able to practice lightness skills well.

In the beginning, he was limited by some objective conditions, and he couldn't practice lightness skills well.

Now it seems that he still has a certain chance.

For now, at least, everything is going well.

As long as he can practice steadily with Zhao Xun, there shouldn't be too many problems.

"Hey, let's get started."

Jia Xingwen knew that there must be no hesitation at this time. If he can show absolute momentum from the beginning, then the next training will be smooth.


Zhao Xun also took a deep breath, then began to pace and practice lightness kung fu.

Although his qinggong is much better than brother Jia Xingwen's at present, it is still a lot worse than the third senior brother Long Qingquan.

In such a comparison, the gap is really a bit big.

Zhao Xun has never been a hypocritical person, and usually does what he says.

There was wind under his feet, and he immediately began to walk as lightly as a swallow.

After the extreme speed is fast, you will find that, in fact, many times, people's speed is more limited by the stride frequency.

As long as the frequency is fast enough, it can "fly."

The essence of light work is actually like this.It's just that there is a layer of true energy under the feet.

More often than not, you will face the fact that you have to run and run fast when facing your opponent.

Once the speed slows down, it is basically difficult to get rid of the opponent.


Zhao Xun knew that his speed couldn't be full all at once, otherwise he would throw off Brother Jia Xingwen in an instant.

This is not a joke.

Of course, the speed shouldn't be too slow, otherwise Jia Xingwen would catch up all at once, which would be meaningless.

So at this moment, Zhao Xun must rack his brains hard and think of the best way as possible.

"Brother Jia, follow up!"

Zhao Xun cleared his throat and signaled Jia Xingwen to follow.

At present, his speed is still relatively slow, if Brother Jia Xingwen Jia can't keep up, it's really unreasonable.


Jia Xingwen took a deep breath and said, "Good guy, Ming Yun, your speed is too fast..."

Jia Xingwen has been catching up, but his performance is a bit difficult.

The main reason is that Zhao Xun's speed is too fast, to a certain extent he can't catch up at all.

But Jia Xingwen has a rather strong personality, so for him, he will not give up easily in many situations.

The same is true now.

Jia Xingwen worked hard to force out his true energy, and used this momentum to forcibly accelerate.

It was difficult, but he still had to do it.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

At this moment, Jia Xingwen instantly felt that his speed had increased a lot, and he had a lot of confidence for a while.

"Brother Mingyun, I feel that my own speed has increased a lot. This is really a good thing."

"Ha ha…"

Zhao Xun is also quite excited at the moment, he is really happy for Brother Jia Xingwen Jia.

After all, this can be regarded as Brother Jia's fastest improvement in a short period of time.

It won't take long for Jia Xingwen to go on like this, and Brother Jia may really hit the fastest progresser in lightness kung fu.

Although this title seems a little exaggerated, in Zhao Xun's view, as long as you can have a title, it is good.


Zhao Xun stopped after exhaling a foul breath.

"Tsk tsk tsk, brother Jia, you are actually very talented in all aspects. Let's just say that your lightness kung fu talent can be regarded as top-notch."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Ming Yun, it's all thanks to you. If you hadn't stimulated my potential and competitiveness, I wouldn't have wanted to improve myself so much. On the whole, this is indeed something worth celebrating. But Before that, thank you very much.”

"Haha, you don't have to be so polite between me."

Zhao Xun spread his hands and said, "I will increase the intensity of your training next, Brother Jia, I advise you to be mentally prepared."

Zhao Xun knew he couldn't be a nice guy at this time.

Brother Jia has such a powerful talent, it would be a pity if he didn't develop and train it well.

It is definitely impossible for Zhao Xun to watch such a thing happen.

So he will do everything he can to help Brother Jia improve.



"These are all the information we can find about the monster."

Liu Yingying spread her hands and said without hesitation.

The whereabouts of the monsters are too ghostly, which makes it difficult to find their traces in a short time.

"The information is too little."

At this moment, Xiao Ning said very dissatisfied.


"Master, it's really not that we don't collect it carefully, it's that it's really difficult for us to find suitable information in a short period of time. These are all collected by us desperately."


"That's all, I'm not targeting you, Yingying, I just think that the monsters hide so weirdly that it's hard for us to determine their exact location in a short time. This is really a terrible thing .Because then we can’t preemptively locate them in time.”


"So in fact, monsters are very sensitive in many cases, right. They know that we are targeting them, so they will avoid us as much as possible and get rid of us as much as possible."

"That is to say, at present, the monsters are trying to avoid us as much as possible. Once we are thrown off, it will be difficult to keep up."


"So, how do you get them hooked now?"

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"That must give the monsters some benefits, some benefits they can't refuse at all."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."



Western Regions, Anxi Protectorate.

At this moment, Liu Lin, the chief guard of Anxi, received a piece of information.

At this moment, the city-states of the main battle faction in the Western Regions began to form an alliance under the instigation of King Shazi and Master Hui'an, intending to plot evil.

It has to be said that this is quite scary intelligence.

This shows that to a certain extent, the main fighters in the Western Regions still have not given up their stubborn resistance.

These guys didn't know what was going on in their heads, the only thing they did was to fight against Anxi Army and Da Zhou.

Liu Lin really couldn't figure it out.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Now it seems that this general is still too kind to them. People who are not of my race must have a different heart. I really can't have any soft-heartedness for these stubborn people. I will take action when it is time to take action, otherwise they will Will frantically test on the verge of death."

Liu Lin knew very well that these Western Regions main combatants were testing their bottom line.

But Liu Lin didn't have a good solution for a while.

It can only be said that the Anxi Army should be trained as much as possible to ensure the combat effectiveness of the Anxi Army, so that the Anxi Army can fight against the rebels at any time.

Fighting is essential, but Liu Lin doesn't know when the timing will be.

The effect of fighting at different times is also completely different.

Sometimes it can be just right.Sometimes it can be a little embarrassing.

If you choose a bad time, everything will be false.


There was an explosion in the sky, followed by lightning and thunder.

The torrential rain poured down.

For a moment, Liu Lin could feel that something big was about to happen.

In many cases, changes in astronomical phenomena are the most direct.

Once you notice the changes in the celestial phenomena, you must make timely adjustments according to the changes in the celestial phenomena.

Adjustments are fairly critical and must be in place.

Liu Lin immediately felt full of energy.

Let's see what happens next.



Chang'an, Daming Palace, Zichen Palace.

Emperor Xianlong sat on the throne and watched the memorial.

Memorials from Jiangnan Road.

The disciples of the Academy entered Ningzhou City to exterminate the monsters. They won the first battle, and the common people applauded.


For a moment, Emperor Xianlong felt furious!
"It's unreasonable, it really is unreasonable!"

Emperor Xianlong threw a cup violently in an instant.

In an instant, the porcelain cup fell to pieces.

Emperor Xianlong felt his face being slapped by the Academy.

The academy can deal with the monster disasters that the imperial court cannot control.

The situation that the emperor can't control, the head of the mountain can control.

Then what is the use of the court?Then what is the use of the emperor?

Wouldn't it be enough to rely directly on the backer of the academy?
And over time, the prestige and prestige of the imperial court will decline rapidly.

When the court's prestige has fallen to an extreme value, it is basically impossible to gather together.

Emperor Xianlong was well aware of this.

But he really didn't have any good solutions.

After all, it was Emperor Xianlong's decision not to send troops or provide reinforcements.

If he doesn't reinforce the Academy, he won't be able to say anything more.

There is no such reason under heaven.

Emperor Xianlong also wanted face.If he jumped out at this time, he would definitely be sprayed to death by the spit stars of the people and drowned.

There is no doubt about this.

At this moment, what Emperor Xianlong can do is to suppress the rhythm as much as possible.

As long as there are not so many people paying attention to this matter, as long as everyone forgets about this matter, then Emperor Xianlong's goal will be achieved.

So as far as the moment is concerned, Emperor Xianlong must be stable.

His mood must not have any easy changes.Otherwise, the whole situation would collapse at once.

Emperor Xianlong knew that now was a very critical period for the Great Zhou Empire.The specific direction of development depends on this period of time.

Therefore, Emperor Xianlong should concentrate more energy in the city of Chang'an, in the imperial city, and in the palace.

After all, although the emperor is rich all over the world, the center of power is essentially in this one-third of an acre of land.

Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that everything is under control within this range as much as possible.

As for the relatively peripheral areas, in fact, you don't need to pay so much attention.


Emperor Xianlong let out a long breath of foul air, and at this moment his mood has mostly calmed down.

He's not as angry as he was at first.

Because for Emperor Xianlong, he knew very well that he must control his emotions reasonably in order to live a long life.

If you have always been in a state of anger, it would be strange if you can live for a long time.

Academy, Shanchang.

Emperor Xianlong said silently in his heart.



Zhongnan Mountain.

Haoran Academy.

Shanzhang is playing chess with Taoist Qinglian.

Generally speaking, Yao Yan, the Bamboo Forest Sword Immortal, is playing against the mountain chief.

But Yao Yan is currently in Jiangnan Road and Ningzhou City.

So this vacancy was filled by Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

Long Qingquan stood beside the head of the mountain as usual, ready to respond to the head of the mountain at any time.

For Shanzhang, playing chess with Taoist Qinglian is a very meaningful thing.

Because although Daoist Qinglian's chess moves are not too monster, there are always unexpected chess ideas.

The head of the mountain actually valued the so-called magic strokes.

As long as there is a move that can satisfy the head of the mountain and make the head of the mountain feel meaningful, that is excellent.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

After Daoist Qinglian made a wonderful move, the head of the mountain nodded very satisfied.

"Wonderful, wonderful. I haven't seen Daoist Qinglian's chess skills improve again in a few days."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

At this moment, Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi chuckled and said: "I can't be the head of the mountain so much praise, but I just got it by chance."

"It's a good one to get it by chance."

"Actually, I have never believed in any chess records. Because fixed things are the least interesting. In my opinion, it is best to always seek changes and always have variables."

The head of the mountain gently stroked his beard and said leisurely: "Tsk tsk tsk, in some respects you and the old man have some similarities. The old man doesn't know whether it is a coincidence or a destiny."

"Haha, in fact, it doesn't matter whether it's a coincidence or destiny. Aren't you and I all gathered together now?"

"Since we have gathered together, there is actually nothing to worry about. After all, you and I are both Zhao Xun's master now, and we can still reach an agreement on Zhao Xun's point."


"Speaking carefully, this is indeed the most consistent point for us at the moment. But the old man feels that Zhao Xun's fate seems to be rising all the time, and I don't know how far it can rise. Does Daoist Qinglian have any insight?"

Now that Zhao Xun was talked about, the head of the mountain naturally didn't have any hesitation.

He asked straight to the point.


Daoist Qinglian laughed and said, "Is the head of the mountain trying to force the poor Taoist to see the way of heaven?"

Shanzhang smiled slightly: "Isn't this what Daoist Qinglian wants to do most?"

"Looking at the way of heaven will damage your lifespan."

"If you just look at it, it won't make much difference."

Priest Qinglian was silent.

In fact, he really tried something similar.

It's just that he was very surprised that he couldn't see clearly.

Yes, he can't see clearly!

Daoist Qinglian didn't know why.

Zhao Xun's body seemed to be shrouded in a layer of mist, making it impossible to see clearly.

So Daoist Qinglian didn't know why.

"Perhaps, Pindao can give it a try. But the head of the mountain had better not take this as a criterion, or he will be disappointed."

"Ha ha ha ha…"

The head of the mountain shook his head: "No, as long as it is the way of heaven peeped by Daoist Qinglian, it is reliable. As long as it is the way of heaven that Daoist Qinglian peeped, it is worth believing. This old man will definitely believe it."

tsk tsk...

For a moment, Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi thought it was very interesting.

"If you say that, the head of the mountain believes that what Pindao said is true?"


The head of the mountain said very confidently.

"Wonderful, wonderful."

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi laughed out loud.

"Since we are so poor, we can try to get a glimpse of the way of heaven. Anyway, there is a mountain leader here, so there will definitely not be any major mistakes. Pindao is desperate to take a look and see what it is Such a situation. Find out what the fog on Zhao Xun's body means."

Daoist Qinglian has always wanted to get to the bottom of it, but it was hard to make up his mind for a while.But at this moment, he finally made up his mind.

The reason is very simple, because the head of the mountain has spoken.

The head of the mountain spoke, and Taoist Qinglian had no reason to refuse.

Otherwise, wouldn't it appear that he didn't pay enough attention to his apprentice Zhao Xun?



(End of this chapter)

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