big week bad guy

Chapter 451 Nightmare

Chapter 451 Nightmare (a super chapter of nearly 20000 words)
After Yao Yan explained the plan to Governor Wan, Governor Wan seemed a little hesitant.

"Yao Jianxian, is the risk of this plan too great?"

"Master Wan, if you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you catch a tiger's cub. If we don't take risks, the monsters won't easily take the bait."

"These monsters are quite ferocious and cunning. Ordinary methods can't fool them at all. If you want to get them hooked, you have to come up with some reasons that they can't refuse."


Although Wan Cishi responded with his mouth, he still felt quite nervous in his heart.

After all, as far as the current situation is concerned, this can be regarded as a dangerous move.

If you go well, it's okay, but if you take a step wrong, the consequences will be quite dire.

"Yao Jianxian should have an alternative plan, right?"

"Of course there are alternatives, but I don't want to use the alternatives, because if I enable the mandatory option, it means that the original plan is not suitable for use."

Yao Yan spread his hands and said seriously: "So, I don't think Governor Wan wants to use the alternative plan, right?"

"Yes, that is."

Wan Yan pondered for a moment and then said: "In fact, the current situation really requires some ruthless moves. If we continue to follow the previous routine, it will be difficult for us to ensure that everything is under control. But Yao Jianxian must pay attention to safety, only safety is the most important thing Yes. Nothing matters compared to that."


Yao Yan nodded his head and said, "Don't worry about Governor Wan. Everything is under my control at the moment. There shouldn't be any major problems. In fact, as long as we can control a certain rhythm, everything will be fine. What a big problem. As for Yingying and Eldest Sister, they also have their own roles. I just hope that Governor Wan will not hold grudges or have conflicts with them."

"Hahaha, no, no, no. I'm not that stingy."

Wan Cishi stroking his beard and said with a leisurely smile: "Actually, the current situation is more suitable for me to play. There are a few people helping me, and I am like a tiger with wings. Thinking about it carefully, there is nothing terrible about monsters. The main reason why we are afraid of monsters is that we have not dealt with monsters before. As long as we fight a few more battles with monsters, we will not have such fear."

The style of martial arts prevailed in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and even scholars who were scholars liked to travel with swords.

Moreover, their saber trips are not just for show, they can really fight.

This is not easy. Many times, people always choose to belittle scholars inexplicably, saying that they have eloquence and business spirit but have no fighting power.

In fact, scholars also have good combat effectiveness.

It's just that sometimes the scholars don't perform well.

As long as they dare to show, they are quite tough.

Not to mention those professional soldiers in Da Zhou.

They are all ruthless characters, which are difficult for ordinary people to match.

In the eyes of Wan Cishi, the soldiers of Dazhou were not afraid of monsters from the bottom of their hearts. The main reason why they were a little dazed was that they had not dealt with monsters too much before, because they were not sure. So not sure what to do.

But anyone who tried once or twice would not feel that the monster is difficult to fight.

Confidence is something that is really accumulated sometimes.Maybe it didn't feel like anything at the beginning, but as confidence gradually accumulated, the soaring combat power was really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"Okay, I will do my best to cooperate with Yao Jianxian's plan, and I hope this plan will be a great success."

"Brother Mingyun, I found out that these three senior brothers are addicted to bamboo grids. Except for eating, sleeping and going to the toilet, they basically use bamboo grids all the time. What magic power does this bamboo grid have?"

Seeing Long Qingquan's disposition changed greatly by Zhao Xun, Wangcai felt extremely curious for a while.

In his opinion, Long Qingquan really belongs to the strange flower among the strange flowers.

As long as he was looking for something, he would do it to the end no matter what it was.

Let's take the matter of lattice bamboo as an example. Originally, Long Qingquan didn't like lattice bamboo.

But after Zhao Xun cultivated his interest, grid bamboo has become a daily necessity for Long Qingquan.

Grid bamboo can make Long Qingquan concentrate to the greatest extent.

But the dedicated Long Qingquan was a little strange.

At least Wangcai thinks so.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this is really getting more and more interesting. At present, the third senior brother seems to be really fascinated by Ge Zhuzi."

Zhao Xun said very calmly: "If there is any charm in this grid of bamboo, I think it should be that you can feel the impact from the bottom of your heart when you grid bamboo. This impact is quite crucial. The third senior brother, Long Qingquan, is an extremely arrogant person. To him, if it is a boring thing, he will not be interested at all. But if it is the kind of thing that can bring a sense of impact, it is completely different. Regardless of the personality Bamboo seems to be still there like fishing, but only those who have really mastered bamboo can understand the mystery."

When Zhao Xun said these words, he noticed that Wangcai's mood was quite strange.

Hahaha, did he say something that hurt Wangcai again?If this is the case, it is indeed quite embarrassing.

After all, Wangcai also proposed to follow Zhao Xun to grid bamboo, but Zhao Xun mercilessly rejected it.

So to a certain extent, it was Zhao Xun who blocked Wang Caige's bamboo road with his own hands.

Looking at it this way, Zhao Xun really feels sorry for Wangcai.

Well, at least in the case of grid bamboo.


After taking a deep breath, what Wangcai can do at this moment is to cooperate with Zhao Xun as much as possible and keep smiling.

What else could he do?What else can he say?

It seemed that no matter what he did or what he said, he would appear awkward.

"tsk tsk"

At this moment, Wangcai could only laugh and said: "Brother Mingyun, if this goes on like this, the third senior brother Long Qingquan will be really crazy. He only does one thing every day, and ordinary people really can't do it. ?”

"That's not really the case."

Zhao Xun said with a smile: "The reason why the third senior brother is like this now is probably because of trying to find a new energy. When the fresh energy passes, it will no longer be like this."


After hearing this, Wangcai nodded frequently and said: "Understood, now I understand. Then what we have to do now is to wait, right? Waiting for the third senior brother to become normal by himself?"

"Of course."

Zhao Xun nodded.

"Wangcai, the current situation is actually very suitable for us to cultivate quietly. After all, the Corruptors have temporarily receded. We don't have to worry about the influx of Corruptors in a short time. In this way, all we have to do is to quietly cultivate. Waiting. As long as things are going well as usual, that's actually for the best."

Zhao Xun paused and said, "That's why I have time to train with brother Jia, and with the third senior brother. Otherwise, I would be annoyed to death by the stupid thing about the academy alliance."

As soon as Zhao Xun finished speaking, he saw the sixth brother Lu Guangdou trotting towards him.

Zhao Xun was stunned.

What kind of trick is this?


At this moment, Zhao Xun could clearly feel an extremely ominous premonition.

This is a direct kind of instinct.

Zhao Xun's intuition and instinct never go wrong.

So there must be something big going on.

Zhao Xun couldn't help but gasped.

"Little brother, little brother"

Sixth Senior Brother Lu Guangdou ran up to Zhao Xun out of breath, out of breath, and said, "Little Junior Brother, do you know what happened?"


Zhao Xun was stunned and said, "What happened, Sixth Senior Brother?"

"Hey, those tribes of Allen Lore are planning to take the initiative to chase the Corruptor. After I heard the news, I hurried back to tell you. Go and stop it."

"Huh? There is such a thing."

Zhao Xun was a little surprised when he heard this.

The Corruptor took the initiative to retreat after the last fiasco, while the members of the Academy Alliance continued to stay in Zhongnan Mountain, and did not pursue blindly.

The main reason is that Zhao Xun felt that although the Corruptor had suffered a disastrous defeat, he had not received a devastating blow. At this time, blind pursuit might be ambushed.After leaving Zhongnanshan, the academy league will also completely lose its home court advantage.In any case, this is not a good choice.

So for them, the best choice at the moment is to stand still and recuperate.

The enemy does not move, I do not move, this is the highest level of wisdom.

But other members of the academy alliance don't seem to think so.These tribes from Allen Lore seem to have their own ideas.

Maybe it's because their self-confidence rose after winning a battle, maybe it's because of other reasons.

But no matter what the reason is, it seems that the Allen Lore tribe wants to pursue it, and it seems that an agreement has been reached internally.

In this case, Zhao Xun actually felt a little confused.

What to do next?
"I should take care of it, right?"

As the leader of the academy alliance, Zhao Xun should really stand up at this time.

But what should he say now that he has gone?
The incident was so sudden that Zhao Xun didn't think about what to do for a while.

"Of course, Junior Brother should be more assertive at this time, so that they understand who counts in the academy alliance. Otherwise, they may cause trouble in the future."

Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, said without hesitation.

Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, and it seems that this is indeed the truth.

At this time, there must be a clear statement.

If the attitude is too soft, it may be difficult to convince everyone in the future.

As the leader of the academy alliance, Zhao Xun should really show a tough attitude at this time.

But Zhao Xun rushed to the human camp in a hurry.

For now, the Terran camp is indeed the favorite place for the entire academy alliance to gather.

For the Terran Prince Harry Botsman, he enjoys the feeling of being able to lead everyone.

Generally speaking, this task is completed by Zhao Xun.

Harry Portsman usually only plays the role of a relative supporter.

But now Zhao Xun is not here, so Harry Botsman can jump out and play a certain role.


Just after Prince Harry Portsman delivered a very enthusiastic speech, Zhao Xun arrived.

The first thing Zhao Xun did after he arrived was to ask Prince Harry Botsman: "I heard that you decided to chase the Corruptor?"

Without any pleasantries, without any other hypocritical elements, Zhao Xun went straight to the point.

This is quite important.

Because for him, it is extremely important to maintain a certain degree of pertinence and a certain degree of strength.

If he can't show his strong side, he will face a rather embarrassing situation next.

This is no joke.Zhao Xun is the leader of the entire academy alliance, he has reasons to show his strength, and he has reasons to show his strength.

If he can't show these things, there will be people who want to covet him, and people who want to challenge Zhao Xun's position.

This is not what Zhao Xun wants to see.

He had already discussed this clearly with Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, before.

So Zhao Xun didn't want any accidents to happen.

As far as the moment is concerned, he must show the attitude he should have.

"Well, yes. Now that the Corruptors are retreating, it is a good time for us to go after them. If we miss this opportunity, we don't know when we want to go after them again."

At this moment, Zhao Xun, the leader of the academy alliance, couldn't bear it anymore.

He cleared his throat and said: "Don't be so impulsive. Although the Corruptor has retreated at present, it is very likely that it will continue to attack us. We don't know what the Corruptor's routine is right now. So it's best now The best choice is to ensure stability. We must not attack easily. Otherwise, if we are ambushed by the Corruptor, the consequences will be unimaginable."


Hearing this, Prince Harry Portesman was stunned.

He really didn't think about so many things.

In his opinion, it was just a simple pursuit.How could so many things be involved.

Are Corruptors really that scary?Or are they actually scaring themselves?
Anyway, this doesn't look like an easy thing to do.

"Uh, the Corruptor is feigning defeat?"

"I didn't say that, I just think the Corruptor shouldn't be so vulnerable, at least it won't be defeated in one blow."

Zhao Xun said very seriously: "So what we have to do now is to find out what happened as much as possible. If we don't figure out this point, we are likely to be calculated by the Corruptor if we don't figure this out. They're pissed. I don't think you want to see this either, do you?"

"Of course."

Prince Harry Portsman said without hesitation: "I naturally hope that everything goes well and everything can develop according to the preset situation."

"So I decided to answer your call."

Prince Harry Portsman's attitude changed quite quickly.

Just now he was still raising his arms and shouting, suggesting that everyone chase them out together.Now he changed his rhetoric and responded in a completely different tone.

Zhao Xun felt relieved.

In fact, Zhao Xun didn't have much affection for Prince Harry Portsman at the beginning, thinking that he was a typical dude.

But recently, with the increase of Zhao Xun's contact with him, Zhao Xun has gradually discovered that Prince Harry Portsman is not as dandy as he imagined.

At least on some issues, Prince Harry Portesman handles them quite well.

And this guy's emotional intelligence is also very high.

This is exactly what surprised Zhao Xun the most.

After all, as a prince, one person is under one person and over ten thousand people.It is definitely not easy to have such an attitude.

The attitude expressed by Prince Harry Portsman at this moment is to show his favor to Zhao Xun.

How could Zhao Xun not understand it?

It can be said that in some respects, Zhao Xun's statement is also quite important.

"tsk tsk"

Zhao Xun paused for a while, and then said: "It's really great that you think so. In fact, since we are an alliance, we should communicate more when encountering things. As long as everyone communicates smoothly, in fact, many things are not as expected. so complicated."

Zhao Xun said in a deep voice: "Take the matter of the Corruptor as an example, the situation we are facing is basically the same. So if you are undecided, you can come and ask my opinion. After all, I am a local. The local situation still knows more than you know.”

Zhao Xun expressed his attitude very clearly at this time, and he also hoped that Prince Harry Portsman would be able to make a public announcement on his behalf.

Because the influence of the major tribes of the human race has become higher and higher recently.

Zhao Xun has been able to handle this relationship and state well for quite a long time, but he must also hope that the human race can act as a good bridge and lubricant in it.

Relationships come from everywhere.

No relationship is perfect from the start, no relationship is indestructible from the start.

Zhao Xun believes that although the relationship between academy alliances is far from reaching that level, it is still very possible to directly reach a relatively safe level.

As long as you maintain stability, many times it will be enough.

What I'm afraid of is encountering a situation that I don't know how to get along with.

If this happens, it will really make people want to cry without tears.

"You are right. We were too impulsive and thoughtless before. In fact, if we can calm down, we will find that the handling of this matter is actually very simple. As long as everyone can work together, many things will not matter at all. It's going to be complicated."

"Yeah, yes. From now on, everyone will keep in touch. If you have any questions, you can come to me at any time. I usually stay in the academy."

Zhao Xun has to make a clear statement now. He has expressed his statement. If these people don't come to him, it is their problem.

But if he doesn't speak up, that's his problem.

"Okay, although the Corruptor has temporarily retreated, it is still very likely to make a comeback. We should still be ready to fight at any time, so that even if the Corruptor rushes over, we can always fight safely."

Daming Palace, Zichen Palace.

Emperor Xianlong looked a little dignified.At this moment, basically the situation he has to face is quite complicated.

Judging from the results of the investigation in the palace, everything was very different from what Emperor Xianlong thought.

According to the investigation, there are several young eunuchs who have huge suspicions, but these young eunuchs have not been registered.

This made Emperor Xianlong feel extremely shocked.

You must know that any eunuchs in the palace will have conclusive registration records to ensure that they really have a foundation in the palace.If there is no record, then it's okay, wouldn't it be a black household.

It is possible for the people to have black households, but there will never be black households in the palace.Any court lady and any eunuch must be registered, this is a rule.

"tsk tsk"

Emperor Xianlong felt that this phenomenon was very strange and wonderful.

This can only show one thing, that is, some people deliberately want to make trouble.

What kind of person wants to make trouble with Emperor Xianlong?

Thinking about it carefully, he should be Emperor Xianlong's enemy.

But Emperor Xianlong had too many enemies, and it was hard to figure out who this enemy was for a while.

So at this moment, what Emperor Xianlong can do is to constantly investigate and analyze what is going on.

After all, there are quite a lot of resources he can mobilize.

The superior only needs to move his mouth and say a word, and there will naturally be many people running errands for him.

So, more often than not, Emperor Xianlong didn't need to bear too much pressure.He only needs to hook his fingers, and there will be countless people eager to work for him.

It is not known what the outcome of the investigation will be.

But Emperor Xianlong had already prepared for the worst, that is, he would not get a clear result.

If a definite result cannot be obtained, Emperor Xianlong will have to be more cautious in a short time.

Because at any time someone might jump out and slap him hard.

These people were rushing to take Emperor Xianlong's life.So they won't show any mercy at all.

What Emperor Xianlong can do in this regard is to control his emotions as much as possible, and try his best to make everything go smoothly without being affected.

After all, even if the assassin is at large, Emperor Xianlong still has to live.

There are so many people in this world who want to kill Emperor Xianlong, if Emperor Xianlong is always on guard, when will he be able to prevent it?

If Emperor Xianlong had been guarding all the time, wouldn't everything be closed.

Therefore, Emperor Xianlong could only take precautions within a certain range, and he still had to live as he should, and he had to do what he should.


Keeping calm and restraint is what Emperor Xianlong needs to do first.Then take care of your body.

From the current point of view, Emperor Xianlong's health is still under control.

Although he became a little weak after being in a coma for two days and two nights without food, he was able to recover slowly.

In Emperor Xianlong's view, as long as he can maintain a good mood, he will be able to return to his best state in a short time.

There are too many people in this world who want to kill him.But they all failed.

What does this mean?
This shows that Emperor Minglong is the true son of the Dragon Emperor, which shows that Emperor Minglong's life should not be terminated.

These guys wanted to assassinate Emperor Xianlong on their own, it was just a whimsical idea.


For Emperor Xianlong, his goal is not only to become the emperor of the ages, but the emperor of the ages.

He wants to become the longest-lived emperor in history, and he wants to become the most successful emperor in history.

He wants others to stand in awe when his name is mentioned, full of awe.

Prince Li Xiankun was full of sadness.

The sudden illness of the father caused the whole plan to be further postponed.

At the beginning, Prince Li Xiankun felt that this was an excellent opportunity.

But now it seems that even this opportunity does not look so perfect.

"tsk tsk"

From the current point of view, the emperor will definitely not easily enter and leave the palace, and even the defense of the Zichen Palace will definitely be strengthened a lot.

Therefore, it is unrealistic to avoid the heavy guards and directly kill the palace.

At this juncture, there is actually no big difference between committing crimes against the wind and committing suicide.

At this time, you must not be blindly confident.

Those who are blindly confident in everything are basically the result of self-destruction.

Prince Li Xiankun is a rather calm person.He will only do it when he feels that the opportunity is perfect and very good.As long as he sensed the slightest danger, Prince Li Xiankun would immediately give up.

"Oh, it seems we have to wait and see."

Prince Li Xiankun's mood at this time is indeed not very good.After all, it is definitely not a good thing to give up a plan that has been prepared for so long.

But there is really no way.

Not giving up at this time means that you must take great risks next.

In any case, it is impossible for him to take risks easily.

Even if he tried his best, Prince Li Xiankun would start his plan in a relatively safe environment.

Wait, anyway, he has been waiting for so many years, and he doesn't care about such a little time.

Prince Li Xiankun is extremely sure of this.

For him, he is not actually afraid of waiting.

What he was afraid of was that there would be no result after waiting.

But still the same sentence, now that he has the blessing of Wei Wuji and other experts, he is much fuller than a few years ago.

"tsk tsk"

To put it bluntly, even boiling the prince can also boil his father Emperor Xianlong to death.

After all, so many years younger, it would be unreasonable to be boiled to death by an old man.

So the prince knew that he had absolutely no reason to worry about these things.

Let it go, maybe it will become clearer after a while.

The Western Regions, the country of Shaz.

Master Hui'an is sitting in meditation.

Not long ago, he had reached an agreement with the other seven countries and decided to jointly send troops to attack the Anxi Protectorate.

The strength of the Anxi army is obvious to all, and of course it can be regarded as a strong enemy.

Master Hui'an was defeated in the Anxi Army before, and was eager to find his way back.

For him, if he can defeat the Anxi Army in one go, and step on the Anxi Army to win the Duhufu, that is the best proof of his own strength.

In the beginning, Master Hui'an actually didn't take Anxi Army seriously.

But now it seems that the strength of the Anxi army is somewhat beyond his expectations.

Therefore, Master Hui'an must ensure that everything is safe before he can send troops.

At this time, there are still seven countries willing to send troops.

If they suffer another defeat, it is estimated that no one will be willing to send troops.

So this time Master Hui'an must not be defeated again.

In order to defeat the Anxi army, it is obvious that we need to find a way from various aspects.

The most important thing is to restrain their main elite.

This is also the hardest to do.

Because the Anxi army is experienced in many battles, it can be said that they are the elite of the elite, and it is difficult for ordinary troops to confront them.

But most of the time when faced with a basic duel, the competition is the basic skills.

However, the basic skills of the Anxi army are close to invincible.

Then how do you fight?
A comprehensive army that cannot be more comprehensive, how can we seize the flaws when fighting against such an army?
If you can't grasp the flaws, it seems that you can't win no matter what.

Master Hui'an thought to himself, is he going to enter the arena and take advantage of his practitioner's advantages to make his way?
But it doesn't seem like a wise choice.

After all, for practitioners, the consumption of mana is huge.

It's okay if it's just a one-on-one duel, and you can get quick replenishment after the battle.

But if it is a duel with an army, the pressure it faces is completely different.

After the battle, the cultivator's spells will drop sharply, so the pressure he faces will rise sharply.If these spells cannot be supplemented in a short period of time, they will be in great danger to a considerable extent.

Risk is something that varies from person to person.

But in many cases it does reveal some unsolvable dilemmas.

The best way to deal with difficult situations is to stay calm.

Calmness can make some difficult situations go away.Even if the rest cannot be easily solved.

That can also generally be properly arranged.

If not, it is likely to fall into a state of madness.

This is what Master Hui'an does not want to see anyway.

For Master Hui'an, it would be impossible for him to spend a lot of cultivation to face and challenge the Anxi Army.

He can only play a pivotal role at the most critical time.But it is simply unrealistic to expect him to always play and show strong combat effectiveness.

Because of this, the risks to be faced are really too high.


After exhaling a foul breath, Master Hui'an forced himself to calm down.

For him, there are many things that need to be dealt with at the moment. If he can handle all of them well, he can ensure that the influence of Buddhism in the Western Regions will increase greatly.

Solving Anxi Army is just one of them.

It is naturally impossible for Master Hui'an to consume too much energy just because of one of them.This is unreasonable and unrealistic.

At this moment, Master Hui'an must allocate his energy reasonably.

When confronting opponents, you must also show the so-called master style.

Don't be in a hurry, you must not be in a hurry.

If you are in a hurry, then everything will be over.

"Anxi Army, what an Anxi Army. It's interesting. It's very difficult for a poor monk to meet a well-matched opponent, but this Anxi Army has rekindled my fighting spirit. Good, very good, very good."

Master Hui'an was talking to himself while twisting the beads in his hand.

For him, destroying the Anxi army was just a springboard. His further goal was to attack the sandbar and fight all the way along the Hexi Corridor to approach the city of Chang'an.

As long as he can lead the army to the city of Chang'an, then it is really possible to achieve his goal.

Will Buddhism in the Western Regions become the mainstream in the Central Plains?

Wait and see.

Alliance of the Corruptors, headquarters.

The High Priest of the Demon Sect had a heated discussion with Wuoris and Geoffron.

The last time the high priest of the Demon Sect summoned a large number of beasts from the dark world.

I thought that these fierce beasts could cause serious damage to the academy alliance.But things backfired.

They didn't show enough strength.

The Academy Alliance dispersed the monsters in one charge, and the entire Corruptor Alliance had to retreat because of this.

This can be regarded as a humiliating defeat for the Corruptor Alliance.

After that, the High Priest of the Demon Sect had many conflicts with Wuoris.Fortunately, Jeffron was on the sidelines to help smooth things over, and finally managed to control his emotions.

But now it seems that it is not easy to control emotions.

Because the high priest of the Demon Sect brought up the old matter again.

"The reason why I want to reactivate the summoning technique is to use the summoning technique to summon other creatures in the dark world, not only fierce beasts, but also other creatures such as Zerg!"

When the High Priest of the Demon Sect said this, Wu Aolis was a little emotional.

"The ferocious beasts are not enough for you to torment, but you still want to summon the Zerg. That is the Zerg, do you know how terrifying the Zerg is? If we don't control it well, we are likely to be attacked by the Zerg."


After hearing this, the High Priest of the Demon Sect froze for a moment.

But he reacted immediately.

"You also said that the Zergs are terrible, so they should have stronger combat power than monsters. If this is the case, we only need to control the Zergs to have a considerable impact on the entire academy alliance. As for the so-called backlash. I think Actually, you don’t have to worry about it at all.”

"What is backlash? Backlash means that you have no control over it at all. And is it possible that we have no control over the Zerg? Impossible. It is absolutely impossible. Our control over the Zerg will only be very strong, and we will only continue to The Zerg will be as tame as a kitten or a puppy in front of us. Anyway, I would never think that the Zerg is uncontrollable."

"tsk tsk"

"Hahaha, whether it is Zerg or other tribes in the dark world, how much do you know about them? Is it a joke that you act rashly without knowing them? You have to know that this will A lot of unforeseen things happened."

"tsk tsk"

After hearing this, the high priest of the Mozong quit.

Although he doesn't have as much knowledge about the dark world as Wuoris, but it is by no means completely ignorant as Wuoris said.

"The most powerful tribe in the dark world is actually the Shadow Clan, followed by the Zerg Clan, and then the beasts. My division should be no problem, right? The Shadow Clan is said to be the clansman of the God of Darkness, so they have the strongest fighting power, but Basically no one has successfully summoned. But as far as I know, both the Zerg and the beast have been successfully summoned. Is there any big problem if I want to summon the Zerg? In my opinion, I know that the Zerg can be successfully summoned Summoned, you can successfully fight against the academy. They can bring extremely powerful strength and can impact the opponent to the maximum."


For a moment Wuoris was stunned.

He didn't expect the high priest of the Demon Sect to know so much about the tribes of creatures from the dark world.

If you look at it this way, he is indeed a little too careless.

"According to your theory, will the summoned Zerg definitely obey your orders?"

"Of course I have the confidence."

The High Priest of the Mozong said without hesitation: "Zergs are much simpler than fierce beasts. The simpler the brains, the easier it is to control. In contrast, the Shadow Clan is quite difficult to control. Because of their thinking ability In a way, it is even stronger than us."

"tsk tsk"

Wu Aolis really listened to some of them.

"According to what you said, the academy is actually not that difficult to fight against, is it?"

"It was originally. We have been caught in a misunderstanding for a long time. In this misunderstanding, we always think that only our own power can be used. Little do we know that in many cases, we can actually borrow the power of many other tribes. Think about it carefully Is this the truth? In fact, even the academy itself has borrowed a lot of power from the Alan Lore tribe. If you look at it this way, why can’t we borrow power from the tribes of the dark world? The key still depends on the actual effect, if the actual If the effect is good, then everything is under control. If the actual effect is too bad, even if it is said to be hype, even if it is blown out, it is impossible to have a good result."

When the High Priest of the Demon Sect said this, he was carefully observing Wuoris' reaction.

He could feel that Wuoris was thinking seriously at this moment.

But he had to confirm that Wuoris could give a definite answer.

It would be unacceptable to the High Priest of the Demon Sect if Wu Aolis just groaned blindly but did not give an answer.

What he needs is understanding, what he needs is support.

If Wuoris couldn't give them support, then the information he obtained just now would not be enough to support his successful summoning from the dark world to the so-called Zerg.

"Actually, I think I can give it a try. Anyway, no matter how bad it is, it won't be so bad."

Jeffron gave his own judgment at this time.


When Jeffron said this, he was quite serious.

"But don't you really need to make some plans in advance to summon the Zerg? What if we summon the Zerg and they really don't listen to us? We should have a plan."

Seeing that Jeffron also began to openly support the decision of the High Priest of the Demon Sect, at this moment Wu Aolis knew that he had no reason to sing the opposite.

In other words, it doesn't make any sense even if he starts to sing a different tune now.

"tsk tsk"

"There must be a plan. My mastery of black magic has now reached a new level. So I have made preparations in advance. If the abundance is really out of control, I will immediately send them back to the dark world .”

"Can you send it back to the Dark Realm?"

After hearing this, Wu Aolis was stunned in astonishment.

This operation is too cool.

"of course."

At this time, the High Priest of the Mozong said quite confidently: "Since I have a way to summon them from the Dark Realm, I naturally have a way to send them back. This is not an easy matter. Even in a certain way To a certain extent, we can complete the operation very easily.”


"That's good, let's try it."

"Actually, summoning the Zerg is a pretty good choice no matter from which point of view. As long as we can summon the Zerg on a large scale, it can pose a considerable threat and deterrence to the Academy."

"Sufficient reproduction speed is much faster than ferocious beasts. They hardly have any gaps and can always pose a huge threat to the enemy."

"Once the threat is formed, it can easily crush the opponent. Once the threat is formed, it will not dissipate easily. At that time, it should be a headache for the academy. It is difficult for them to find a solution to the Zerg in the first place. If They can't face the powerful Zerg, they have to shrink the line of defense. But the Zerg will not give them any space. Once the Zerg decides to invade, it will directly invade to the end."


After hearing this, Wu Aolis' eyes could not help showing anticipation.

He has always expected to have an army that is fearless and extremely destructive.

But how difficult it is to obtain such an army.

Even though the Corruptor's own army can be brave and fearless, it doesn't satisfy Wuoris in terms of destructive power.

The combat effectiveness of the Corruptor is actually quite average, and they are relying entirely on their numerical superiority to fight for battle losses.

But since then, you need to face a rather embarrassing thing.

That is, it is possible to spend several times or ten times the force, but still cannot cause crushing damage to the opponent.

Since then, the pressure has really been rising.

Sometimes it's really not a joke.

The opponent's strength is very strong, but you can't put enough pressure on the opponent.

What you have to face is likely to be a fierce counterattack by your opponent.

Once the counterattack came down, no one could stand it.

The huge impact brought by the gap in strength will indeed make people collapse instantly.

"I hope that the Zerg can complete the tasks that we can't complete, and I hope that the Zerg will not let us down."

At this moment, Wu Aolis finally let go.

Because he knew it wouldn't make any sense if he kept going.

He continued to insist that the High Priest of the Mozong and Jeffron both agreed, and he was also invalid.

So it's better to just go downhill at this time and follow the two people's wishes.

In this way, it is still possible to live in face.

Sometimes there is really no need to make the relationship between the two parties so deadlocked.

Because of this, many things have no way to continue to cooperate.

Although Wu Aolis didn't get along with the High Priest of the Demon Sect for a long time, Wu Aolis still felt the ability of the High Priest of the Demon Sect during this time.

And the High Priest of the Demon Sect really wanted to do things for them.

Probably because the high priest of the Demon Sect also believed in the God of Darkness.

Since they have a common pursuit, they will naturally form a joint force.

This is in stark contrast to Master Huiyan, a bitch.

Many times, Wu Aolis would wonder if this mage Huiyan was specially sent to make trouble.

Sometimes Wu Aolis would even think that if Master Huiyan hadn't appeared, they would have taken Zhongnan Mountain and Haoran Academy by now.

Of course, this idea just passed by in a flash.

Because as far as the current situation is concerned, they have no way to take advantage of it.


After exhaling a turbid breath, Wu Aolis predicted: "When these Zergs are really summoned, I want to figure out how to destroy the academy. The academy is really too exciting. In my life I have never met someone who can dance like this and pretend to be so aggressive. Especially that Zhao Xun, who is simply the king of pretending. I really don’t understand. Why Zhao Xun has so much sense of superiority. This fellow The realm of cultivation doesn't seem very high either."

"Zhao Xun."

The High Priest of the Demon Sect was stunned when Wu Aolis mentioned Zhao Xun's name.

In the opinion of the High Priest of Mozong, Zhao Xun is indeed an unusual guy.

In many cases, the judgment shown by Zhao Xun does not even seem to be possessed by people of this era.

The High Priest of Mozong felt very confused, it was hard for him to describe this feeling, but he vaguely felt that Zhao Xun really didn't seem to be from this world.

"I remember that more than a year ago, Zhao Xun's cultivation level was lower, probably only at the sixth or seventh rank. But at that time, he left a very deep impression on me."

"At that time, the judgment I could get was that Zhao Xun must have some kind of spiritual power blessing. Otherwise, he would not be able to act so strong. Now it seems that this possibility is indeed very high."

The High Priest of the Demon Sect took a deep breath, and then continued: "So I conclude that Zhao Xun's backside may not necessarily be the head of the mountain, but may be some kind of power from another world."


Although Uoris knows that different worlds have connections such as the Dark Portal.But many times this connection is interrupted.So how did Zhao Xun get enough power blessings from other worlds?

This might really be a mystery.

"So you mean that Zhao Xun is the son of the plane?"

"Well, anyway, he should not be from our plane, and of course he is not from the plane of Alan Lore. It is likely to come from a world that we have never heard of. What we can feel in that world is actually the so-called a ray of light."

"But what Zhao Xun can feel is not as simple as a beam of light. He can almost feel everything. The kind of perception that comes from the depths of the soul can make him continue to absorb energy and become stronger and stronger. Maybe this is enough to explain why his cultivation level has made such rapid progress in a short period of time."


Wu Aolisi's expression froze when he heard this.

To him, the explanation was clearly convincing.

But if this statement is true, it means that Zhao Xun's background is too great.

There is not only the background of Da Zhou, but also the background of parallel time and space.

A young man with such a strong background has a bright future.

At this time, what Wuoris could feel was the newcomer with unprecedented impact.

So when confronted with this rookie, can he win?
If it was in the past, Wu Aolis definitely thought that he could win the fight.

But now he couldn't help but start to doubt it.

Hope it doesn't get to that point.

At least for now Zhao Xun is still controllable.

It's best to kill him when he's not strong enough yet.

Zhongnan Mountain, Haoran Academy.

Zhao Xun had a dream tonight.

In the dream he seemed to have fallen into a wormhole.

Well, it's not the kind of wormhole that jumps across the stars, but the kind of wormhole that is really full of bugs.

Zhao Xun felt tremendous pressure immediately after falling into the wormhole.

The feeling of being surrounded by countless bugs made Zhao Xun on the verge of collapse.

How did it become like this.

Although he knew it was a dream, Zhao Xun still found it difficult to accept for a while.

Facing so many bugs, Zhao Xun could only use his true energy to drive them away.

Fortunately, Haoran Qi has a natural ability to repel and repel all evil spirits.

In this way, the bugs all receded in an instant.

"tsk tsk"

At this moment, a strong light came in and Zhao Xun woke up.

When Zhao Xun woke up, he found that it was already morning.

The beam of strong light shining in was not ordinary strong light, but sunlight.

So at this moment, Zhao Xun clearly felt a sense of astonishment.

So what's going on?
What could this dream of a bug without a reason actually mean?
Zhao Xun was really confused and confused.


At this moment, Zhao Xun really wanted to ask his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi is sitting in meditation at this time.

At this moment, when Zhao Xun arrived, he was a little hesitant to see that his mentor was immersed in his own rhythm.

Do you want to wake up your teacher?It doesn't seem so good.

After much deliberation, Zhao Xun decided to wait.

Anyway, after waiting for a while, the mentor can still finish sitting meditation.At that time, Zhao Xun only needs to go steadily to ask.

After about a stick of incense, Wu Quanyifang, the mentor Qinglian Daoist, opened his eyes.

At this moment, Zhao Xun hurriedly approached and asked, "Master, you are awake."

"Why brat, have you become impatient after waiting for so long?"

Zhao Xun quickly replied: "Look at what you said, if it was normal, I wouldn't care if I waited longer for that disciple. But the situation is different now. Now disciple, I just had a nightmare The reason why I came to you is to help you interpret your dreams."

"Dream interpretation? You brat had nightmares again? If my teacher remembers correctly, you should have not had nightmares for a long time."


Zhao Xun nodded and said, "It's true that I haven't had a nightmare for a long time. That's why I feel so strange after having a nightmare this time."

Zhao Xun paused and said, "Could it be another omen. So I think it's better to figure it out."

"Well, I understand. Please sit down and let me take a look for you."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi nodded and said.

Zhao Xun quickly sat down obediently.

One must know that Zhao Xun really wished for his mentor to take the initiative to help him interpret his dreams.

With a mentor who interprets dreams, everything is under control.

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi has long been familiar with entering Zhao Xun's sea of ​​knowledge, and he just flashed into it with just a little touch.

In Zhao Xun's Sea of ​​Consciousness Roaming, Wu Quanyi could see many residues, so if he wanted to figure out the details, he had to start from these residues.

It takes a lot of effort to see the residue, because it's just bits and pieces.

At this moment, Wu Quanyi, the mentor Qinglian Daoist, could clearly feel a strong tension coming through.

Then he saw clips of those Zerg.

Even Wu Quanyi had to admit that when he saw those clips, he felt a sense of fear from the bottom of his heart.

That was really scary.

Wu Quanyi didn't know why it was so terrifying.

The bugs all over the ground are just a sea of ​​bugs.

Wu Quanyi didn't know how to maintain his emotions, so he simply withdrew from Zhao Xun's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Master, how is it?"

"Stinky boy, as a teacher, saw many bugs in your sea of ​​consciousness. What's going on?"

Wu Quanyi was obviously quite confused.

It was difficult for him to understand what happened, but it could be seen from the details that these Zerg were going to attack Zhao Xun.

Generally, what Zhao Xun dreamed about would be more or less threatening to him.

So at this moment, Wu Quanyi must clearly confirm this point.

"Uh, Tuer is also very puzzled. Tuer had a dream, and then fell into this wormhole. Tuer didn't know what happened, but judging from all the signs, everything seemed to be what the other party wanted. The posture of invasion."

"Invasion. You mean the Zerg are going to invade, right?"

"Well, that's probably what it means. So I don't know what the reason is."

Zhao Xun was really confused.

For him, the Zerg always seemed to be a relatively foreign concept.So why the Zerg suddenly appeared in his dream.What are the Zerg going to invade?Invade Zhongnan Mountain?Or invade Dazhou?

Everything is like being in fog, making it difficult to see clearly at once.

At this moment, Zhao Xun was really at a loss.


"I can't see through it as a teacher. These Zergs are definitely not from our world. I think you should ask your allies to see if they know the origin of these Zergs. If they can figure it out, wouldn't they Isn't it easy to solve?"


"So, I should ask these tribes for their opinions, right?"

"Well, this is the only thing that can help you as a teacher. The rest is up to you."

"Thank you, teacher."

Zhao Xun knew that at this time, he should definitely not ask his mentor anymore, but should immediately turn around and learn from other tribes.

At this time, the first person Zhao Xun thought of was Luo Lun.

Luo Lun is currently in the library of the academy, and he is concentrating on flipping through a classic book explaining the culture of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

For Lauren, he's been on it lately.

He is very interested in the culture of Dazhou, so he hopes to learn as much knowledge as possible from it.

If you know enough, you will not be confused, and if you know enough, you can maximize the understanding of how this world exists.

Lauren was very interested, and he wanted to make it clear.

In this way, he can maximize his advantage when communicating with Zhao Xun, so as not to end up in a completely embarrassing situation where he can't talk at all.

At this moment, Lauren heard footsteps.

Luo Lun looked up almost instinctively, but after seeing that it was Zhao Xun who came, Luo Lun was taken aback.

"Zhao Xun, why are you here?"

"Hey, I'm here to ask you something."

"Huh? What do you want to consult?"

Luo Lun's attitude towards Zhao Xun has always been quite good.

As long as it is something Zhao Xun wants to know, Luo Lun will answer it well.

Even if it is something that he is not very clear about, Lauren will try his best to think about it.

"I dreamed of a bunch of bugs. These bugs seemed to want to devour me. I didn't know what it meant, so I wanted to ask you to see if you had heard of it."

"tsk tsk"

For a moment, Lauren seemed to understand something, and said earnestly, "Zerg, what you encountered should be the so-called Zerg."

"Zerg? Is this a tribe of Allen Lore?"

"No no no."

Roren said without hesitation: "The Zerg is not a tribe of Alan Lore. He does not come from Alan Lore, but from the Dark Realm."

"Dark Realm? If I remember correctly, the beasts also come from the Dark Realm, right?"

"Not bad!"

Lauren nodded and said: "You have a good memory. The beasts do come from the Dark Realm. And this Zerg has a higher status in the Dark Realm than the beasts. So it's not a good sign that you have this dream. "

As the patriarch of the Dragon Clan, what Luo Lun said still has certain reference value.

Zhao Xun felt that he could think about it seriously.

"In other words, this dream didn't come out of nowhere. It is really possible that this Zerg will invade our world. But the premise is that they will be summoned from the dark world, just like fierce beasts, Right?"

"That's right. The premise of everything is that they can be summoned. But now it seems that this possibility is not small at all."

Lauren smiled bitterly and said, "Think about who can have such a powerful ability. Naturally, they are the Corruptors. Since they can summon ferocious beasts, it is not impossible to summon Zerg. I even think They're already trying to summon the Zerg."

Zhao Xun is quite appreciative of this.

After all, for Zhao Xun, he has an ability similar to a superpower.

That is, he can foresee and perceive danger.And after he perceives danger, he can give a warning as soon as possible.

The way to warn is to dream.

In the dream, Zhao Xun was able to reproduce the danger.

In the dream, Zhao Xun can clearly perceive the danger and undergo a certain evolution.

So when he dreamed that the Zergs surrounded him, it should be a sign that the Zergs were about to invade.

This is really a terrible thing.

To some extent, Zhao Xun even thinks that this indicates that the entire Great Zhou world will encounter a catastrophe.

After all, according to Lauren, the fighting power of the Zerg is far stronger than that of ordinary beasts.

Although the beast was resisted by the Academy, can the Academy also withstand the Zerg?

It doesn't seem realistic.


Zhao Xun exhaled a foul breath to force himself to calm down.

He knew it was useless to be nervous at this time.

Keeping calm is what must be done now.

Only by keeping calm and calm, can we obtain the ultimate sense of direction in the future.

Otherwise, Zhao Xun would definitely get lost.

"So, what do we do now, any good advice?"

After calming down, Zhao Xun took the initiative to ask Luo Lun.

"Actually, I think it can be considered from two angles. One is what we can do, and the other is what we should do."

"Is there any difference between the two?"

"Of course, what we should do is considered from the perspective of the optimal solution. What we can do is a judgment made after combining reality. After all, we cannot be in a so-called stable state all the time. Right. Our emotions will be bullied, our form will be up and down, our ability will be up and down, so everything about us will have ups and downs."

At this moment, what Zhao Xun can do is to think hard about Luo Lun's words.

I have to say that what Lauren said is quite reasonable.

Sometimes it is really important to maintain a certain thinking ability.

On the basis of having the ability to think, have a certain analytical ability.In this case, basically no more mistakes will be made one after another.

"There are many things we should do now, such as blocking the Zerg's summoning chain, such as uniting all the forces that can be united as much as possible. But it seems that this is not easy now. Right."

Lauren spread his hands and said: "The next step is what we can do. What we can do is to inform all members of the alliance about this matter, and then let them understand these matters as much as possible. Once they understand, they can A joint force has been formed. At least within the academy alliance, we don't have to worry about these things anymore."


After thinking about this, Zhao Xun felt that there was nothing wrong with Luo Lun's judgment.

"The next thing we can do is to make everyone nervous. After all, everyone was too relaxed before, and even wanted to chase the Corruptor. I was against it at the time."

Lauren sighed and said, "It's just that it's hard to persuade them with my personal ability. Fortunately, you stepped forward in the end. Otherwise, I really don't know what to do in the end."

Luo Lun's words moved Zhao Xun very much for a while.

"It would be great to have more rational people like you. It's a pity that the members of the Academy Alliance are too emotional. They are too emotional to make reasonable judgments, and they will act according to their instincts when they get hot. This This is not a good sign, and it is likely that the development of the situation will completely exceed expectations."

"So we have to forcefully instill this concept in them, so that they have this sense of crisis. Corruptors are not so fragile. The reason why the Corruptors failed miserably last time was largely because they underestimated the enemy. We can We cannot make the same mistakes as the Corruptors. If we make such mistakes, it won't be long before we are punished."

Lauren has always maintained a fairly calm mood.

In his opinion, the combat power of the Corruptor is quite powerful, especially under the premise of receiving the blessing of external reinforcements.

Compared with fierce beasts, the influence brought by the Zerg is obviously greater.

But the pressure that the academy alliance has to bear when facing the attack of the Corruptor and the Zerg is by no means as small as imagined.

"I think this matter can only be effective if you talk about it. No one will listen to what I say."

When Lauren said this, he seemed a little helpless.

"After all, the current dragon clan is no longer the dragon clan of the past, and its influence is not as good as before."

Of course, Zhao Xun did not decide to go immediately at this moment.

He decided to learn as much as possible about the history of the Zerg first.

It happened to be in the Library Pavilion, so Zhao Xun didn't have to run around anymore, and started to search after following Luo Lun.

"I think you can take a look at this brief overview of Zerg history. It should be of some help to you in understanding the Zerg in general."


Zhao Xun felt a little moved after hearing this.

After all, to him, the history of the Zerg is still quite mysterious.

It would be great if we could have an in-depth understanding of the history of the Zerg from a broad perspective.

Even if you can only understand a small part of it, even if you can only understand a fragment of it, it is also beneficial.

At this moment, Zhao Xun opened the tome of the book and began to read it seriously.

Zhao Xun has always been very serious about reading. Whenever he has the opportunity, he will read some key knowledge points over and over again.

In Zhao Xun's view, the more serious the reading, the easier it is to understand the so-called core essence.

Of course, the Zerg history is a history that Zhao Xun is completely unfamiliar with.

Therefore, when reading these histories, Zhao Xun will pay special attention and try to avoid too subjective substitution.

In fact, Zhao Xun has absolutely no reason to substitute subjectively.

Because for Zhao Xun, he can only acquire knowledge through continuous reading.

His understanding of this tribe is too scarce.

At this moment, he is like a sponge, eager to absorb knowledge.


"In the distant Dark Realm, there lives a tribe called the Zerg. This tribe's status in the Dark Realm is at the upper middle. Except for the Shadow Clan, basically all the tribes are not as powerful as them."

"The Zerg can kill any tribe except the Shadow."

"The Zerg can also feed on any tribe. When facing these tribes, the Zerg will show their very fierce side."

"People who are targeted by the Zerg are basically unable to survive. Facing the Zerg's offensive in turn, the prey will eventually be eaten up and there will be no dregs left."

"tsk tsk"

When Zhao Xun saw this, he couldn't help feeling his hairs stand on end.

tsk tsk.
"This Zerg is too scary."

From the description here, Zhao Xun can basically see that the Zerg is almost a tribe at the top of the food chain.

Lauren nodded and said, "I didn't lie to you, did I? The Zerg is indeed quite brutal. Basically, the prey that is targeted by the Zerg cannot escape death."


When Zhao Xun heard this, his vigilance increased a lot.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the strength displayed by the Zerg is indeed quite large. Just from now, Zhao Xun can judge that if he wants to deal with the Zerg, it is not enough to rely on the academy's own strength.

"Do the Zerg have natural enemies?"

"As far as I know, there shouldn't be any."

Lauren shook his head and said.

"Not enough. I think you can still take a good look at it and see if you can see some clues from it."


At this moment, Zhao Xun was quite excited.

If he can figure out a lot of things from it, then he will be able to be targeted when facing off against the Zerg, so that he won't be in a completely passive situation.

Of course, as Roren said just now, as far as he knows, the Zerg has almost no opponents and natural enemies.

So Zhao Xun couldn't raise his expectations too high.

Otherwise, Zhao Xun would still be quite disappointed after learning the result.

But if he didn't set his expectations too high from the beginning.

So even if he learned that there was no effective way to restrain the Zerg, then Zhao Xun would not be too disappointed.

"The Zerg race originated from the summoning ceremony of the God of Darkness. It is said that the Zerg race existed as coffin openers in that summoning ceremony. Members of the Zerg race can open the ancient sarcophagus, and the half-sealed ancient corpse that has been half-sealed for thousands of years will come out in the black magic revived by the spell."

When Zhao Xun saw this passage, he was a little confused.

Good guy.What does it mean?
What is the relationship between the God of Darkness and the ancient corpse that has been half-sealed for thousands of years?
In Zhao Xun's impression, shouldn't the God of Darkness and Satan be the same person?Or is there a deviation in his understanding?

Zhao Xun really doesn't understand at this moment.


After exhaling a foul breath, Zhao Xun tried his best to calm down his mood.

It is really important for him to ensure restraint.

"Roren, what do you understand here?"

After thinking about it, Zhao Xun still couldn't figure it out.So he decided to listen to Lauren's judgment.

As the patriarch of the dragon clan, Luo Lun should have some judgments that Zhao Xun can't understand at all.

After he has this kind of judgment, Zhao Xun will be able to help Zhao Xun understand well.

"Well, let me take a look first."

Lauren can now understand Zhao Xun's thinking more clearly.

And he also wanted to know more about the Zerg.

A considerable part of the knowledge he mastered was passed down from his parents and ancestors.

Since it is word of mouth, there will inevitably be errors.

Errors are almost inevitable.Once an error occurs, it is easy to be surprised by what will happen next.

So Lauren wanted to avoid errors in the information he had as much as possible.

Even if there is an error, he will try to correct it as much as possible.

As long as the correction is made, it will no longer be a problem.

As long as the correction is made, Luo Lun can pat his chest and assure Zhao Xun that everything is under control.

This may sound a bit incomprehensible at first, but if you think about it carefully, you will find that it is not so outrageous.

"Come on, let me take a look"

When Lauren started to watch it seriously, he found that he soon became addicted to it.

The history of the Zerg is too rich, and what he knows is just the tip of the iceberg.

"If the contents recorded in this book are true, then I am afraid that our previous understanding of the Zerg was wrong."

After taking a deep breath, Lauren said, "Not only was our understanding of the Zerg wrong before, maybe our understanding of the God of Darkness and Satan was also wrong. Perhaps, Satan and the God of Darkness are not the same person at all. !"

When Luo Lun said this, Zhao Xun felt extremely shocked.

"Wait. Are you saying that Satan and the God of Darkness may not be the same person at all. How is this possible? The various records we have seen before, including the dictation results of the Alan Lore tribe, are not all true. The God of Darkness and Satan Is it a person? Are these all overturned now?"

"I'm just saying it's possible, not saying it's certain."

Lauren sighed, then spread his hands together and said, "Look at the records in this book, isn't that what it means? Or is the God of Darkness a cooperative relationship with Satan? If this is the case, will it be more important?" Is it easier to understand?"

"tsk tsk"

In any case, this shock to Zhao Xun can be regarded as quite powerful.

At this moment, Zhao Xun felt an unprecedented shock.

good guy.
"If that's the case, how can we learn more about the God of Darkness and Satan?"

At this moment, Zhao Xun's focus has not been put on the Zerg at all, but has shifted to the God of Darkness and Satan.

"I think the only way is to dig out the historical materials. Because the things in this library are far richer than we imagined. It's like if we don't dig, we won't see this book about Zerg at all. classics. Therefore, we must dig as much as possible and read as much as possible.”

Lauren was also helpless for a while.

"But just the two of us can't see it. There are so many books here, like a vast sea of ​​smoke. If we only rely on the two of us to read, I don't know how long it will take to see clearly."


At this moment, Zhao Xun's expression froze involuntarily because of the confusion raised by Luo Lun.

"I have a solution. I can ask the brothers of the academy to help. They usually like to study and help. In my opinion, they have no reason to refuse me."


Luo Lun also nodded when he heard this, and said, "It would be the best if your brothers are willing to help. So I'll watch here first, and you go call for someone?"

"Okay, that's it."

Zhao Xun became excited for a while, and immediately urged Qinggong to rush back to the residential area of ​​the academy.

At this moment, in the bamboo grove, Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, was still figuring out the bamboo.

When Zhao Xun saw the stunned Third Senior Brother, he felt helpless.

The point is that after Zhao Xun shouted twice, there was no result, Zhao Xun had no choice but to step forward and shake the third senior brother.

"Wake up, Third Senior Brother don't try to pick bamboo anymore. Something serious happened."

The third senior brother, Long Qingquan, came back to his senses after being shaken by Zhao Xun.

He looked at Zhao Xun with some confusion.

"Little brother, why are you here?"

"Uh third senior brother, you are really stupid. I just went to the library, met Luo Lun, and told him about the dream of the Zerg. Then we read some classics and wanted to do as much as possible. Maybe learn a little more about sufficiency. Then guess what, we made a huge discovery in a tome, and that is that it is possible that Satan and the God of Darkness are not the same person."

Zhao Xun thinks that his profile and generalization ability is quite powerful, and he also thinks that he has used the concentration and generalization ability as much as possible.

But then it depends on the third senior brother's ability to receive information.

If the third senior brother Long Qingquan couldn't understand, Zhao Xun actually didn't have any good solutions.

It can only be said that Zhao Xun has tried his best.

But if the third senior brother can't understand, he can only try to say it in another way.

Of course, Zhao Xun hoped that Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, could understand it once.


The third brother Long Qingquan let out a foul breath.His mind seemed to be thinking rapidly.

"So it's all about the Dark God or Satan. The Zerg is probably just a small follower, right?"

"Well, the point is that we have now found that the God of Darkness and Satan may not be the same person at all. If this is the case, then many of our previous judgments were wrong. Third senior brother, I think we are completely different now. It is necessary to have a good understanding of these judgments to avoid serious judgment errors."

"Well, where do you think I can help?"

"Third senior brother, we are now going to start looking through the classics in the Library Pavilion to find relevant information. But our manpower is really too small, and we are in urgent need of manpower. It would be great if you could come to help."

"Well, I'm still trying to figure out the bamboo."

When Zhao Xun heard this, he was a little anxious.

"Don't check the bamboo, third senior brother. If you continue to check the bamboo, it will really be too late."


"Okay, okay. Don't worry, I promise to go with you."

"In this case, third senior brother, you go to Zangshu Pavilion first, and I have to inform the other senior brothers. There are many people and strength is great. Only when everyone gathers together can we find information comprehensively and quickly."

"Ah, are you going to notify each person individually like this?"

"Otherwise? Otherwise, what should we do?"

Zhao Xun asked in confusion.

"Go find Tenth Junior Brother and ask him to use paper dolls to do it for you. You're going to be so tired that you're going to die one by one."

Zhao Xun thought about it carefully and said yes.

"Oh, why didn't I think of it. It's still third senior brother, your brain is bright, it seems that you haven't been fooled by Gezhuzige yet."

"Bah, bah, what are you talking about, you brat."

Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan glared at Zhao Xun angrily and said, "You go to Tenth Senior Brother and tell him to use paper figurines to pass the information to. hesitate."

"This is the time for the disciples of the academy to work together, and no one should back down no matter what."

"Oh, I see."

Zhao Xun's heart is still very warm at the moment.

I have to say that what the third senior brother Long Qingquan said is quite reasonable.

As long as the third senior brother Long Qingquan is there, there will be surprises, and as long as the third senior brother Long Qingquan is there, there will be hope.

He hoped that third senior brother Long Qingquan would also bring good luck this time.

Zhao Xun didn't dare to waste any more time at this moment, and decided to rush to the residence of tenth senior brother Xu Rong, and ask Hanhan tenth senior brother for a favor.As long as the tenth brother can use the paper doll to deliver the message as soon as possible, he can save a lot of time.

The most urgent task right now is to gather the strength of the entire academy, collect as much relevant information as possible, and ensure that the relationship between Satan and the God of Darkness is clarified.

(End of this chapter)

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