Chapter 456
Zhao Xun is indeed quite tangled.

The main reason is that this judgment is really shocking.

Even if he made any other judgments, he wouldn't be so shocked, but the fact that Zangshuge is equal to a database, and that information can be collected at any time is simply outrageous.

If this is the case, wouldn't the academy really be able to predict the future and constantly correct itself?

Such an academy is truly invincible.

Details are always extremely important, and details are always extremely critical.

When you condense these details together, you will find that things are actually completely different from what you imagined.

At least at this moment Zhao Xun has a completely new judgment.As for what will happen next, no one knows for the time being.

"Third brother, I think we should leave for the time being. Since even the head of the mountain thinks that Zangshu Pavilion is not suitable for staying for a long time, we have no reason to stay here forever. If we stay for a long time and something goes wrong and we get backlash, That's no joke."

Zhao Xun's judgment has always been relatively accurate.Because he made judgments based on intuition.

So Zhao Xun didn't want to have any other thoughts at this time, he just wanted to leave Cangshu Pavilion honestly.

There are too many discoveries today, and too much information received, Zhao Xun needs a period of time to adapt and think.Otherwise, it's really not a joke.

You must know that this is a discovery that can change the fate of the academy. If Zhao Xun can grasp it well, it will be of great benefit to a series of judgments in the future.

But if you don't master it well, it is likely to cause a series of unnecessary troubles.

All in all, the current stage can be regarded as quite critical for the academy.

There must be no mistakes at this stage.


After taking a deep breath, Zhao Xun tried his best to calm down.

For now, he has done as much as he can.

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi is picking his feet.

So when Zhao Xun came to knock on the door, he didn't answer it immediately.

It wasn't until he had scraped off all the dead skin on his feet that he got up again and went to open the door.

Good guy, just looking at this posture is shocking enough.

"tsk tsk"

When Zhao Xun saw the somewhat slovenly face of his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi, he still felt somewhat surprised.

Teacher, teacher, you can't trim your face a little bit.

A person who used to be quite handsome, now looks like a chicken coop.

The beard is too inappropriate.

Of course, Zhao Xun couldn't say these words.After all, he is also considered a junior.It is the taboo of the younger generation to talk about the elders without authorization, and it is definitely not a joke.

The purpose of Zhao Xun's visit to his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi this time is very clear.

He just came back from the library in the academy and made a major discovery.

Zhao Xun must not tell the head of the mountain about this discovery.Because the head of the mountain is definitely clear.As the builder of Zangshu Pavilion, it is impossible for Shanzhang not to know the secrets in Zangshu Pavilion.

So for the head of the mountain, maybe he just didn't want to talk about it.

But for Zhao Xun, the situation is completely different.

Zhao Xun couldn't tell, not to the head of the mountain.

Since the head of the mountain didn't want to say anything, Zhao Xun could only cooperate with acting, pretending to be confused while pretending to understand.

This is impossible.Who told him to be the disciple of the head of the mountain?

Since he is the disciple of the head of the mountain, he naturally has to act more realistically and thoroughly at this time.

But Zhao Xun couldn't stop talking at all, because with his personality, he would be suffocated to death.

So Zhao Xun thought of Wu Quanyi, his mentor Qinglian Daoist.

At this time, it should be no problem for Zhao Xun to go and confide to his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

Zhao Xun also believed that his mentor would listen carefully to his confession.

After all, no matter how you put it, this can be regarded as an extremely important discovery, and no matter how you say it, it can be said to be a discovery that is enough to make the academy boil.

"Stinky boy, what's the matter with you? In the past, when I saw you coming to see me, my teacher would simply explain why I came here. What's the matter today, he hesitated."

"Uh, my teacher is like this, this disciple has made a very important discovery."

"Big discovery?"

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi was obviously shocked when he heard this.

"What discovery?"

"Well, it's like this. Didn't I go to the Library Pavilion of the academy to find out the news, and guess what, I found a very important discovery."

When Zhao Xun said this, he gasped.

Master Taoist Qinglian took a deep breath and said, "Go ahead."

"Tu'er found out that the Library Pavilion of the Academy is like a database, which can collect all kinds of books from all over the world. That's all right. But this database can be updated continuously, always updated. In this way, the parameters in the Academy are the latest. This is not the case. Is it possible for a scholar to know the affairs of the world without going out?"

Zhao Xun's attitude is quite serious.Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi also listened quite seriously.

"Stinky boy, are you serious?"

"Of course"

Teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi took a deep breath and said: "If this is the case, it can indeed be regarded as a very important discovery. If we can make good use of this discovery, it can be said that we can make a lot of things in the future. Things. The brat's luck is really good, and he can find something crucial every time."

Zhao Xun felt a little embarrassed for a moment when his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi said so.

His luck is indeed quite good, it is not too much to say that he is the chosen one.

The key is that it is normal to be lucky once, but it is really difficult to explain it with common sense if you are lucky every time.

His luck is so good that if he can keep it going, it will be of great benefit to both Zhao Xun himself and the academy.

After all, if he can keep to the end directly, Zhao Xun will be able to bring good luck to the academy in the future.

For a long period of time in the future, the Academy will not be too afraid when facing opponents.

"Let the teacher think about it for himself, don't worry."

The attitude of my mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi is quite calm.

It is a necessary cultivation for a big man to not be surprised when encountering things.

At present, Wu Quanyi, the mentor Qinglian Daoist, has seen too many big scenes, and this is completely trivial.

He didn't think this discovery was so shocking at all, he just said that it was indeed a little shocking.

These two feelings are still completely different.

Right now, my mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi is analyzing all this carefully.

"So, brat, what you have to do now is to figure out all this. Why did all this happen? Why can the library of the academy keep collecting books from all over the world, and constantly update the data. Only by finding this deep level We can make the next judgment based on the reason. Otherwise, we may only be able to make a series of superficial judgments, which is not a good choice for the whole.”

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi still advised Zhao Xun to seek stability.

If you shoot blindly, it may not be very appropriate.

This is a suggestion from an old Jianghu, and Zhao Xun certainly listened carefully.

After all, for him, the advice given by his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi has almost never turned over, and it is very useful.At this time, Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi once again made a very sincere suggestion, and Zhao Xun had no reason not to listen.No matter from all aspects, this suggestion is quite necessary to listen carefully.

Zhao Xun felt that he would be able to comprehend the key information within a short time.


Zhao Xun took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down.

"Could this be related to the context of Zhongnan Mountain, or Zhongnan Mountain is where the context of the Great Zhou Dynasty lies?"

Zhao Xun's judgment is not entirely without reason.In the past, Zhao Xun had explored the context of Da Zhou with his sixth brother Lu Guangdou more than once, which can be said to be quite enjoyable.

The context of the Great Zhou Dynasty is in Zhongnan Mountain, and the context of Zhongnan Mountain is in Haoran Academy.

It can be said that Haoran Academy can be regarded as an absolute paradise no matter from any angle.

So it is a matter of course to be able to discover the Dazhou culture in Haoran Academy.

The crux of the matter is, can they figure out something else based on these further judgments?

If you can, it can indeed be regarded as a major breakthrough.

"Do you think it is the cultural context of the Great Zhou Dynasty that allows these collections to be continuously updated?"

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi dragged his chin while thinking very seriously.

I have to say that from some angles, Zhao Xun's judgment is quite reasonable.

After thinking about it carefully, he even thought that this explanation made sense to a considerable extent.

As expected of an apprentice taught by him, Wu Quanyi, this judgment is extraordinary.

Ordinary people really rarely think in this direction.Naturally, it is not ordinary people who can think in this direction.

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi was also quite excited at this time.

At least for now, Zhao Xun's judgment is perfect.

At this moment, Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi tried his best to calm down his excited mood.

"If it is true that the context can have such a huge influence as you just said, then we have nothing to fear. Because we only need to protect this context, and we can continuously obtain information from various sources. The support of these data. The update of these books may not seem very important at first glance, but it is not. With these updates, we can predict the enemy's opportunities first, and we can know the opponent's movements in advance. As the saying goes Knowing yourself, knowing your enemy, and winning every battle. Being able to know the opponent's movements in advance is very important no matter from which point of view. Brat, you really picked up a treasure."

Zhao Xun's mood couldn't help but be lifted by the words of his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

Hahaha, hard work will still pay off, and hard work will still pay off.

No matter from which point of view, Zhao Xun's current efforts are very important.

As long as you have these basic judgments, then everything that follows is quite critical.

With these basic judgments, then Zhao Xun can further plan the next step based on these judgments.

"Master, according to this statement, no matter what changes the Corruptor has, we can grasp it immediately. The most important thing is that the Corruptor doesn't seem to know much about the Dark Realm. The description of the dark world is fragment by fragment. It may take time to connect them all."

"Well, I think so too. So there is no need to be anxious. Just wait at this time. From my point of view, as long as you are willing to wait, there will be good results. As long as you are willing to wait, the result will definitely be bad." will disappoint us."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi seems to be a waiting party in an absolute sense.

Wait for the party to never give up, wait for the party to never be a slave.

The waiting party is always the most fragrant, because waiting can make a person see the situation better.

Now that the situation is clear, the next judgment can become more accurate.

After all, a judgment made after assessing the situation must be more secure than a judgment made immediately.

It is definitely not a good choice to make a decision with a slap on the head, it will make people quite impulsive.

"Actually, the teacher has been thinking about a question, that is, if the God of Darkness and Satan are really twins, will they form an alliance? Or will they fight for power?"

I have to say that the question raised by my teacher, Daoist Qinglian, is quite interesting.

Zhao Xun knows that in the animal world, especially in the environment of predators, brothers are a very complicated existence.

Take the lion for example.

Alliances of male lions often invade a pride together.

Before the invasion of the lions, their relationship was quite good, but after the invasion of the lions, they may have differences or even fight because of issues such as food and spouses.

To put it bluntly, this is actually a manifestation of competition for dominance.

So in Zhao Xun's view, if the God of Darkness and Satan are really twins, they can be regarded as brothers for the time being.

Then there will be such a situation between brothers fighting for dominance.

After all, once such a situation occurs, many things will happen one after another.

Only after figuring this out, can a series of things be understood.

That's the reason. After you figure it out, you'll find that it's actually not that difficult.

"Well, I think it is possible for them to fight. But it is difficult to say when they will fight. And the degree of fighting is not certain. This is determined by many factors. But one thing is certain, this is for us It is quite beneficial. The Corruptor is actually the loyal dog of the God of Darkness and Satan in essence. Once Satan and the God of Darkness can’t deal with themselves, the Corruptor must have black eyes and don’t know how to be loyal. To whom."

Judgment is not something that everyone can possess, and more importantly, not everyone can master it proficiently.

Zhao Xun knows that some people can have reasonable judgment, and that is because no matter from which angle they look at it, their judgment is obviously higher than that of ordinary people.

But most people's judgment is actually similar.

Especially Corruptors.

Zhao Xun didn't think that Wu Aolis and Jeff Lun had much higher judgment than ordinary people.

On the contrary, the high priest of the Demon Sect, whom they formed an alliance halfway, has a lot of money in his stomach.

This guy's mind is very gloomy, and he can make a series of judgments.

Zhao Xun believes that in order to clarify these judgments, one must be rational and rational, and must be able to observe carefully.

Generally speaking, Zhao Xun thinks that the alliance between the High Priest of the Demon Sect and Wu Aolis and Jeffron is quite bad news for the Academy.But there's not much that can be done about it, even if it's pretty bad news.At present, they can only choose to accept it.

The key is how to deal with it.

What others do is their business.But how they do it is their business.

If Zhao Xun can deal with it reasonably in the future, he will target it reasonably.

Well, in fact, there is nothing to panic about in the academy.

Generally speaking, although the Corruptor is worth targeting, there is no need to be afraid.

So much so that the Academy didn't have a so-called real opponent before the God of Darkness and Satan came.

"Another point, I found that the collection of books or information in the Library Pavilion is not just from the Great Zhou world. The most obvious is the information of Alan Lore and the dark world. In addition, there are some information from other worlds .So, will this library be a contact point for us to contact other worlds?"

This cannot be said to be Zhao Xun's big brain, because if the analysis is carried out according to normal logic, it can definitely be analyzed to this level.

Zhao Xun believed from the beginning to the end that interstellar travel is carried out by pushing open doors.

So if you want to understand all of this in depth, the best way is to have such a contact station.

There may or may not be a door in the contact station, which requires constant exploration.

But for Zhao Xun, this can indeed be regarded as a major breakthrough.

"Well, if it's really like what you just said, that's really interesting. Brat, you can try to send out some signals and see if there is any response. If there is a response, that's great, if there is no response, then that's okay." Don't be nervous, you should be able to have a series of other judgments."


Zhao Xun nodded and said: "Teacher, I will definitely try it next. But don't send out the signal blindly. Because you don't know whether the person who received the signal from another world is an enemy or a friend. If they follow this signal, it’s hard not to say it’s another batch of invaders. We’re dealing with a batch of invaders now—the Corruptors are already a bit busy. If we add another batch, Tuer really I just feel like I can't bear it."

Zhao Xun's attitude is still very sincere. In his opinion, keeping a calm mind is the most important thing.

Don't blindly shoot to send any signal.

Western Regions, Anxi Protectorate.

The attitude of the chief guardian Liu Lin can be regarded as quite complicated.

In his opinion, at this moment, almost everyone can realize what happened.

At present, the impact and threat from the rebels in the Western Regions may exist at any time.

Although this defensive formation was set up, Liu Lin's mood couldn't get any better.

If the rebels from the Western Regions attack at this time, can the Anxi Army withstand it?
In fact, Liu Lin was a little uncertain.

So it is not an easy task to figure out what to do at this time.


Taking a deep breath, Liu Lin tried hard to calm down.

He knew that he must not panic at this time.

If he panics at this time, then everything will be in vain.

A relatively stable mood must be guaranteed.

"Pass down the order, order the soldiers to step up their drills, and order the practitioners to strengthen the defensive formation."

After thinking about it, this can already be regarded as the most perfect method.

Anyway, Liu Lin couldn't think of a better way.

He can only do this in a short time.

Master Hui'an has been in a good mood recently.

Because he decided to go to Anxi Protectorate alone.

He went to Anxi Protectorate Mansion alone not for other things, but just to be able to figure out the strength of this defensive formation to the maximum extent.

If the strength of this large defensive formation is really too weak, Mage Hui'an may even choose to directly lead people to attack.But if the defensive formation is so strong that it cannot be attacked in a short period of time, then Master Hui'an will choose a long-term plan.

In the long run, this kind of thing is not something that only people from the Central Plains will do.People from the Western Regions are also very good at conspiracies and tricks.

The key is to see how the situation develops.

Master Hui'an would not trust others easily, so he decided to step on the spot himself.

Only by stepping on him personally can he be relieved.

Of course, the distance from Shaz Kingdom to Anxi Protectorate is not too far.

At this distance, Master Hui'an is basically able to arrive from morning to evening.

This is the light work of top practitioners, and this is the strength of top practitioners.

For Master Hui'an, what he needs to do now is to condense his own strength as much as possible, and go for an impact as much as possible.

Of course, it is not a blindly smashing charge, but a charge full of wisdom.

If the situation is right, go all the way.

If the situation is not right, just run away.

Master Hui'an has a good grasp of these details.

So for him, everything is a matter of course, and there is no taboo.


Looking at the city, Master Hui'an felt a little emotional for a while.

Once upon a time, he had been extremely close to that city, but he was still a little short.

The key is that Liu Lin led the main force of the Anxi Army to return to the rescue in time at the critical moment.In this case, it is almost difficult for them to guarantee that they can withstand the pressure.

At that time, Master Hui'an did not dare to use the practitioner's own strength to be tough.

Because doing so is quite risky.

The pressure Master Hui'an was under was really too great.

With such a great pressure, it is not an easy task to ensure that everything goes smoothly.

Therefore, Master Hui'an chose to retreat for the time being.

In this way, at least it can be guaranteed that there will be no one-sided situation.

Now Master Hui'an is back again. Although he is alone, he is very efficient.

If there are so many drags following him all the time, he will feel a lot of pressure on the contrary.

Therefore, what Master Hui'an has to do now is to resist all the pressure as much as possible and control his emotions as much as possible.

For now, he's pretty solid.


After exhaling a turbid breath, Master Hui'an began to tentatively explore the large formation outside the Duhufu.

The turbid air immediately prompted a fairly obvious change after it approached the large formation outside the Duhufu. At this time, a wisp of black smoke that seemed to be burnt rose up.

At this point, Master Hui'an understood that the defense of this large formation is still quite high.

At least on a considerable basis, it has extremely strong defense.

It is impossible to enter it just by shifting shape and transposition.

Because transposition involves the switching of vitality and infuriating energy.

When switching, you will encounter similar problems.

At this time, the defensive formation will try to keep them out of the formation as much as possible.

If you want to enter the big formation, you can't take tricks, but you must be tough.

At the end of the day, there is no choice at all.

Of course Master Hui'an would not choose to be tough now.He came here to test, and the result of the test was quite good.But for now, it is not an easy task to completely solve the problem.

So he chose to observe. It might be a good idea to hide in the dark and observe.

That way at least you won't make major mistakes.


Master Hui'an was trying to make a judgment, and he found that in fact, the enveloping zhenqi on this large formation was quite uniform, and there were almost no obvious weak points.

In this case, there are basically no obvious holes.

If you want to break through, you must make all your strength penetrate a little bit.

Master Hui'an has this strength.But the consumption of his vitality in doing so was incomparably huge.Moreover, in the process of casting the spell, it must be ensured that there is no interference from foreign enemies.

Because once there are foreign enemies interfering, Master Hui'an can be said to be quite dangerous.

If someone hits the vital point, it is small to lose one's realm, but it is big to lose one's life.

This is no joke.


After exhaling a foul breath, Master Hui'an finally chose to leave temporarily.

Now he has spied enough information.

The next thing he has to do is to return to the country of Shaz and then make a long-term plan.

Jiangnan Road, Ningzhou City.

At this time, Governor Wan Yanwan had slowly regained his composure from the excitement and joy.

Through the communication with Yao Yan and Yao Jianxian, Wan Yan realized at this moment that the monsters they destroyed could only be regarded as the tip of the iceberg, a drop in the bucket.The next choice is quite critical.If you can't find the trace of the monster, find the lair of the monster.Then they will not be able to plow the court and sweep the hole for a long period of time.

Wan Yan is very aware that the danger is extremely high.Because once the academy disciples leave, the monsters may resurface at any time and start a wave of vicious revenge.

So at this moment, they really can't have any hesitation.

Wan Yan immediately dispatched the Ningzhou Army to cooperate with the disciples of the academy to start a carpet search, not sparing even a piece of land or an island or reef.

Yao Yan naturally played the leading role in it.

There is no doubt about Yao Yan's strength, he is a first-rank Great Sword Immortal.

Although he was stalked by a monster once before, which slightly lowered his reputation, he immediately responded strongly afterwards.Proved himself with a hearty big win.

Facts have proved that Yao Yan's strength is still quite strong.

In the case of not being plotted by the opponent or shady by the opponent, there is almost no possibility of missing.

Of course, this refers to when facing an opponent whose strength is weaker than oneself.

If you encounter someone with equal or stronger strength than him, it depends on how you perform.

Of course, at least so far, the Kingdom of Monster Beasts has not sent such a monster worthy of a battle.

The demon king Ai Gu is known as the second grade, but in Yao Yan's opinion, it is only mediocre, and his combat power is so good that he doesn't even have any surprises.

Yao Yan was looking forward to the Demon Emperor Buligu.

It is said that the demon emperor Brigu has a level of Dzogchen, and even hopes to hit the super level in the not-too-distant future.

But what kind of strength it is still has to wait until after the fight to know.

Before fighting, everything is false, and before fighting, you can think that everything is bragging.

Yao Yan is a person who is eager to fight, and what he desires even more is that kind of hearty high-level duel.

If you just blindly engage in low-level contests, it will actually be quite helpful to improve your own cultivation realm.

"tsk tsk"

At this moment, Yao Yan was really excited.

For Yao Yan, everything is within expectation.

As long as he can proceed step by step, it is only a matter of time before he finds the monster's lair.

The big victory in the last battle was also a surge in confidence for Yao Yan.

At this moment, Yao Yan even felt that any monsters were nothing to be afraid of.

On the contrary, it was Liu Yingying who kept beating him and telling him not to be too careless.

"Yao Lang, you are really drifting now. Didn't you just win once, and there were times when you were plotted against by monsters before. I think we should be more cautious when searching. Otherwise, if you encounter a big stock It’s still hard to deal with monsters.”

Liu Yingying is a relatively cautious character.Don't look at her sometimes showing the posture of a king with a strong mouth.But when it really came to a critical moment, Liu Yingying was still able to figure it out.

"Well, Yingying, I know. In fact, monsters have never been as strong as we imagined, but they are cunning, changeable and scheming. We are often beaten, but if we are beaten openly, just the three of us can crushed them."

Yao Yan's self-confidence has really risen now, no matter what Liu Yingying says, he just can't hold it down.

"Don't worry, Yingying, it's good that these monsters don't show up at that time, if they really dare to show up, I will let them understand why the flowers are so red!"


After hearing this, Liu Yingying was completely dumbfounded.

"You are really floating now. That's all, nothing I say is useless, you have to realize it yourself. When the time comes to really fight, it depends on your performance. Don't say I didn't warn you."

Liu Yingying knew it was useless to talk too much, so she didn't want to waste her words.

After all, talking all the time is tiring.

They have been flying on the edge of the sword to search and search on the sea, which consumes a lot of energy, so let's save energy.

At this time, the eldest sister Xiao Ning seemed to have discovered something suddenly, and shouted: "Look over there."

Liu Yingying and Yao Yan were taken aback when they heard the words.


Yao Yan took a closer look, and sure enough, he saw a huge tail above the sea.

This tail appeared on the surface of the sea for a while and then disappeared.

"This should be a giant monster without a doubt."

"Well, it should be. If it wasn't for a giant monster, we wouldn't have witnessed it so clearly. So it should be a giant monster without a doubt."

The conclusions drawn by the three people in the Academy are basically the same.

And they are actually very clear that wherever giant monsters haunt, generally speaking, there will be more monsters gathering.

Because the appetite of giant monsters is astonishing.The place where they can survive shows at least one point, that is, there must be abundant food resources.

And places with abundant food resources will indirectly attract other monsters.

Therefore, a gathering area of ​​monsters will be formed in this place.

In this gathering area, monsters have a very strict hierarchy.All monsters follow a set of perfect rules.

"But now the problem is coming. The monsters don't seem to gather on the islands and reefs but hide in the sea. If we want to find them, we have to dive into the sea. This is too difficult."

Liu Yingying frowned and said.

"Indeed. It is really difficult to ensure that everything goes smoothly. So let's mark this place for the time being, and go back to discuss it with Wan Cishi first."

"it is good."

After the three members of the Academy reached a consensus, they immediately returned to Ningzhou City.

In the governor's yamen, at this moment, Wan Yan was looking at a batch of official documents.

I saw a thick stack of official documents on his desk, piled up like a hill.Looking at it hastily, it will make people feel shocked.

When Yao Yan walked into the study, he saw this scene and couldn't help being shocked.

"Hahaha, Governor Wan is really hardworking."

"Eh, I'm busy with business, which made Yao Jianxian laugh."

When Wan Yan saw Yao Yan coming, he immediately stood up to greet him.

"Hahaha, Governor Wan is too polite. To tell you the truth, we just came back from searching mountains and seas and made a major discovery, so we wanted to share it with Governor Wan as soon as possible."


After Wan Yan heard the words, he couldn't help being happy.

He didn't expect Yao Yan to find out so quickly.

He thought that there would be a discovery, but he really didn't expect the discovery to be so fast.

Not simple, not simple, as expected, the people in the academy are not simple.

"What did Yao Jianxian discover?"

"We found traces of monster activity on the sea. Among them was a giant monster. Just by looking at its size, we could tell that it belonged to that top-level existence. Therefore, we decided to take a good look at the monsters of this generation. But because these monsters live in the sea, we can't catch them directly, so we decided to mark them first, and then come back to discuss countermeasures with Wan Cishi."

After Wan Cishi heard this, he was really moved.

The academy disciples are really extraordinary.To be able to think about them at this time, to be able to put Wan Cishi in such an important position.This is something Wan Cishi never thought of.

"Hahahaha, great, this is really great. Yao Jianxian, please sit down first."

At this moment, Wan Yan noticed that Yao Yan was still standing, so he hurriedly asked Yao Yan to sit down and talk first.

"In fact, the situation is like this, Wan Cishi, we found that the entire area where monsters gather is moving to the deep sea. I deduce that there may be two reasons. One is that the food resources in the deep sea are more abundant. As we all know, monsters mainly rely on They prey on fish and shrimp in the sea. And there are obviously more fish and shrimp in the deep sea than in the shallow sea. So we infer that this is one of the reasons why they migrated to the deep sea."

After finishing speaking, Yao Yan deliberately paused, as if observing Wan Yan's emotional changes.

Seeing that Wan Yan didn't change his attitude, Yao Yan cleared his throat and continued: "The second thing is that it has a lot to do with the last canal battle. In that battle, we fought against the monster. It can be said that the beasts were beaten in the dark. In this case, the monsters were basically wiped out. The monster kingdom in the deep sea must be panic-stricken after hearing this news. They will definitely feel that it is not wise to be tough with us at this time If they can choose to avoid the limelight, they will definitely choose to do so. So I think another fairly obvious reason may be that they want to avoid us and avoid the limelight."

"Well, what Yao Jianxian said is reasonable. In my opinion, these two reasons are indeed very possible."

Wan Yan is not a hypocritical person.He can reasonably judge a variety of situations.

In his opinion, what Yao Yan said was quite reliable.

If everything is as Yao Yan said, then the pressure they will have to bear next will be quite heavy.

If you want to go deep into the sea, and fight monsters in the deep sea, you can imagine that the pressure is on the human side.

Yao Yan can cut the canal with one sword, but can he cut the sea with one sword?

Even if he could cut through the sea with one sword, it probably wouldn't last for too long.

So most of the time, the Ningzhou army had to dive into the sea if they wanted to fight the monsters.

This risk has undoubtedly increased dramatically.

"Diving is not difficult. There are many pearl divers in Ningzhou. Their livelihood is to dive into the sea to collect pearls, shells and corals. But the problem is that they are all flesh and blood. Once they dive into the sea There is no self-protection ability in the sea. I am worried that letting them dive into the sea will harm them."

"Of course they can't be allowed to do such dangerous things."

Yao Yan said decisively: "I mean, we should try our best to ensure their safety. So can we let them teach us how to dive?"

Yao Yan's water skills are actually good, but he is limited to swimming on the water surface.He really doesn't know anything about diving.So Yao Yan hoped to be taught by these professionals.In this way, his diving skills have been improved, and he can dive into the bottom of the sea to fight with monsters.

With their strength, even if they cannot gain the upper hand when encountering monsters, they can completely protect themselves.

That's why Yao Yan thought it would be appropriate for them to complete the diving mission and fight monsters.

Of course, the premise of everything is that they have to learn diving first, and only after learning this skill can they have the possibility to fight monsters on the bottom of the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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