big week bad guy

Chapter 460 Prophecy

Chapter 460 Prophecy

Emperor Xianlong wanted to build a Tongtian Pagoda in Chang'an City, which was a sensational event from any angle.

As soon as this matter came out, it immediately caused an uproar in Chang'an City.

Up to the princes, princes and ministers, down to the people of the Li people, it can be said that there are whispers and discussions.

Different classes have different circles, and different classes have different perspectives.

No matter which angle you look at, this is enough to shake the entire city of Chang'an.

In Qi Wang's mansion, Qi Wang Li Xiang had a dignified expression.

What is the purpose of the father to build a Tongtian pagoda at this time?
No matter how he looked at it, he couldn't figure it out.Or is it that the old demon monk, Master Huiyan, started messing around again?
tsk tsk.
For a while, it was really hard to see the flowers in the fog.

"tsk tsk"

"Father, does the emperor's move completely express his support for Buddhism in the Western Regions?"

The attitude of Prince Qi's son Li Jianye at this moment is relatively straightforward.

In his opinion, Emperor Xianlong's attitude at this time is probably to openly support Buddhism in the Western Regions, which can be regarded as knocking on the door of Taoism, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

From this point of view, it is really in line with Xianlong's imperial power tactics.

After all, Emperor Yu Xianlong was very good at using this strategy of killing two birds with one stone.

The competition between Taoism and Buddhism in the Western Regions has a long history.

Ever since Master Huiyan left the Western Regions and arrived in Chang'an, this struggle has started overtly and secretly.

And it's getting worse.

No matter how you look at it, this is quite tragic.

Because there will only be one winner, and the loser will lose everything, there is no suspense.

At this moment, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Emperor Xianlong was more inclined to Master Huiyan and the Buddhism of the Western Regions.

No matter from which point of view, at this moment, the possibility of the Buddhism of the Western Regions winning is even greater.

From this point of view, there is actually not much suspense.


Qi Wang Li Xiang said leisurely while stroking his beard: "I think father wants to deliberately let the Buddhism of the Western Regions fight against Taoism, so that they will use all their strengths, because only in this way can father be able to truly fight." Only by seeing the strengths of the two clearly can we truly see who can contribute the greatest strength to Da Zhou and the royal family. This is actually very important."

After all, Qi Wang Li Xiang lived decades longer than Li Jianye, so he still has more experience.


Li Jianye let out a foul breath when he heard the words.

good guy.
"Father is wise."

It has to be said that in some respects, the father is much more considerate than he thought.

"Father, if it's really like what you said just now, Grandpa Huang just wanted to create an atmosphere of confrontation and let the Buddhism and Taoism of the Western Regions fight, then it is actually quite dangerous. If the speed is not grasped properly If not, it will very likely cause the situation to completely get out of control."

"Well, yes. So at this time, it is very important to grasp the temperature. If you can't grasp the speed, it is indeed possible for the situation you mentioned. But with the wrist of the father, the emperor's I think everything should be under control, at least there will be no such thing as completely out of control. What we have to do now is to wait and see. As long as we can wait and see, then we can do whatever happens next. Cope with it."

"Father, I just don't know what Donggong will do at this time?"

"East Palace?"

Qi Wang Li Xiang snorted coldly and said: "This king's elder brother is the most able to hold his breath. If this king is not wrong, then basically the prince will definitely respond to all changes without change."

Qi Wang Li Xiang was a little disdainful when he said this.He didn't know that he also had the same attitude, so to some extent he was no better than the prince.

But that’s how people are. People will end up in a state of extreme ego.In such a situation of incomparable ego, people will only see the deficiencies in others, but will instinctively ignore their own deficiencies.

That's why King Qi Li Xiang did what he did today.

Whichever way you look at it, this is rather strange behavior.

Of course, in the eyes of King Qi Li Xiang, his behavior was not at all strange.

"So it's time for us to add some fuel to the East Palace. The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop."

It is impossible for Qi Wang Li Xiang to watch Donggong pass the test in such a muddled manner.

No change is the best thing for Donggong, but King Qi can't bear it.

"Ask the courtiers of the Qi royal party to fan the flames, and the king will not believe that the prince can really stand like a big Buddha."

Zhongnan Mountain, Haoran Academy.

Zhao Xun, who had read the scene data for half a day in Zangshu Pavilion, felt dizzy.

Good guy, this is really not a joke. After coming here last time, I felt dizzy.If I really have to soak in this library every day, I am afraid that the whole person will be useless in a short time.

It is said that the book has its own Yan Ruyu, and the book has its own golden house.But in Zhao Xun's opinion, it's not such a reading method.

If you really have such a view on everything, then it won't be long before the whole person is going to be paralyzed.

"Don't watch it, don't watch it, if I continue to watch it, I'm probably going to die of exhaustion."

Zhao Xun is definitely not joking, this intensity is really not ordinary high.

At this time, you should be more cautious, and you must not waste all your energy hastily.

Otherwise, the whole person will be exhausted quickly.

At least so far, Zhao Xun's state is still under control.

So we must maintain good habits and living conditions.

Anyway, in Zhao Xun's view, this is not a big deal.

Walking out of Zangshu Pavilion, a meter of sunlight shines on Zhao Xun's face.

That warm feeling made Zhao Xun mesmerized for a while.

Yes, that's how it should feel.Life should not be filled too much, otherwise, there will be no sense of happiness at all.

People should still be happy.Otherwise, no matter how you look at it, it is not very reliable.

Zhao Xun went straight to the swimming pool area without hesitation.

At this moment, he has planned the swimming pool area as the first choice for leisure and entertainment.

Who says vacations have to be far away?
As long as there is sand in your heart, there is a seaside everywhere.

Zhao Xun lay comfortably on the recliner, squinting his eyes slightly looking at the sparkling swimming pool.The unique Kazilan-colored swimming pool is really beautiful and refreshing.

So beautiful, really so beautiful.

The beauty that Zhao Xun can feel for a while is really dreamlike.

I don't know if it's because I'm too tired.

Zhao Xun fell asleep unknowingly.

In the dream, Zhao Xun could clearly see the distant scene.

This is an empty alpine meadow.

It is covered with some short grass and moss.The snow-capped mountains not far away are faintly visible.The unique dark green of the coniferous deciduous forest renders everything within Zhao Xun's line of sight.

At this moment, what Zhao Xun can feel is too much, so beautiful.

Zhao Xun has always fantasized about going to such a scene, but unfortunately it never came true in the end.

For Zhao Xun, this can definitely be regarded as a pity.

But what I didn't expect was to be able to make up for it in my dream.


Zhao Xun exhaled instinctively, maybe because the weather was too cold, the breath turned into white air instantly after exhaling.

The rendering speed of this white gas is quite surprising.

Soon Zhao Xun was shrouded in white air.

Good guy.

Although he knew that he was actually in a dream, Zhao Xun was still surprised by the scenes in front of him.

Guys, what the hell is going on here?
After taking a deep breath, Zhao Xun tried his best to calm down.

Calm down, you must be calm at this time.

So far, none of the dreams Zhao Xun has had is for no reason.

As long as he dreams, he will be able to find a reason in the end.

So at this time, Zhao Xun must be calm, analyze everything seriously, must figure out all the things at present, and must try to write down all the details.

All the details are useful, and they will definitely play an extremely important role in future restoration.

Zhao Xun tentatively walked forward, but no matter how he walked, the smoky feeling made people feel very fantastic.

This feeling is too amazing.

Zhao Xun didn't know what to say for a while.

He tried to break through the fog, but the effect didn't seem to be very satisfactory.No matter what he tried, no matter how hard he tried, it seemed like he couldn't break through the fog.

It's weird, really weird.

Zhao Xun felt very confused for a moment.

He seemed to be in a maze, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get out of the maze.

Zhao Xun wanted to shout loudly at this moment, but no matter how much he shouted, he couldn't get a response.

Weird, really weird.
At this moment, Zhao Xun woke up.

He felt that someone was slapping him suddenly.

Take a closer look, who is this person who is not Wangcai?

"Wangcai, is that you?"

"That's right, Brother Mingyun, who else could it be if it wasn't me?"

Seeing Zhao Xun's puzzled look, Wangcai thought it was amused.

"Brother Mingyun, what's the matter? People who don't know think you have been hit by something."

"Uh, Wangcai, I just had a dream. This dream is very strange."

After hearing this, Wangcai started to roll his eyes.

"Forget it, Brother Mingyun, every time you have a dream, it's not strange. In my impression, basically as long as you have a dream, it's very strange, right?"


"You can't say that."

Wangcai's words made Zhao Xun wonder what to answer for a while.

"In fact, this is the case in essence. Every time you dream, the dream is very strange, and you need to find someone to interpret the dream. The one who interprets your dreams most should be Daoist Qinglian. Can you refute this?"


Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, it seems that this is really the case.Wangcai is really a poisonous tongue, every sentence can basically be buckled to the point, and Zhao Xun has no room to refute.

It's so difficult, Zhao Xun always felt that it was so difficult.

At this moment, Zhao Xun really didn't know what to say.

"Well, the dream this time should be said to be particularly strange. I dreamed that I was in an alpine meadow surrounded by mountains. And it is the kind of snow-capped mountains that only exist on plateaus. There are deciduous needles everywhere. Lin. And there are fogs, countless fogs, surrounding me. For a moment, I even felt that I was shrouded in these fogs. That feeling is really amazing, and I can’t describe it with words magic."


For a moment, Zhao Xun clearly felt a great sense of fear.

People will completely lose their sense of direction in the fog, and once they lose their sense of direction, they will feel confused for a long time.Once the confused emotions are generated, it is difficult to dissipate in a short time.

It can be said that the problems Zhao Xun is facing at this moment are basically a summary of the problems he faced before.

It's hard to really make it clear in a few words.

"Brother Mingyun, don't worry. Every time you dream about weird things, don't you get a good answer in the end? Go and ask Qinglian Taoist priest for his opinion. You have told me so much here It doesn't really work at all."

Zhao Xun thinks about it carefully, Wangcai is not someone who can interpret dreams.No matter how much he said to Wangcai, it would be of no avail.

After taking a deep breath, Zhao Xun tried his best to calm down.

"Okay, I'll go find my mentor right away."

When Zhao Xun came to the bamboo building where his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi lived, the Taoist priest was picking his feet.

Zhao Xun was helpless for a while.

Every time he came to see his mentor, his mentor was either picking his nose or picking his feet. I'm afraid he has some special habit.

The point is that this is too detrimental to the image.

The mentor did this, so that Zhao Xun didn't know what to say for a while.

"Stinky boy, why did you come to find a teacher this time?"

"Ah, teacher."

Zhao Xun saw that his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi took the initiative to ask questions, and quickly said in a deep voice: "It's like this, this apprentice just had a very strange dream, and I want to ask you to interpret it."


"You brat, why do you always dream every day? If you say you dream, you can dream. Why do you always have strange dreams? It doesn't matter if you have strange dreams, but the one who interprets them is always a teacher. It is hard to be a teacher. Because dream interpretation is not an easy and simple thing. If you want to interpret all dreams clearly, it will take a lot of hard work. As a teacher, I have done my best. It's really difficult."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi's way of complaining at this time made Zhao Xun feel a little funny.

Sometimes Zhao Xun even feels that his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi is a child.

After all, the mentor will always do some weird things.Sometimes it is ridiculous.

"Teacher, this is called hard work for those who are capable. Many times, people will come to you to interpret their dreams because they think you are strong. No matter what others think, I think so anyway."


Teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi raised his eyebrows and said: "You brat, you didn't lie to me?"

"Look at what you said, how dare Tuer lie to you. What Tuer said is the truth, the truth."

Zhao Xun thought to himself, good guy, the soul torture of his mentor really made him feel very panicked.

"Well, if that's the case, it's actually pretty good."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi took a deep breath and said, "Forget it, since you've talked about this, it seems too unreliable if you can't do anything as a teacher, right? Forget it Master will help you interpret your dreams today."

"Come on, I'm going to enter your sea of ​​consciousness as a teacher."

The prerequisite for interpreting dreams is to enter the practitioner's sea of ​​consciousness.Only by doing this can we ensure that everything goes smoothly.

Zhao Xun has long been used to it.What's more, it is the cooperation with Wu Quanyi, the teacher Qinglian Daoist.So he got ready early, and after relaxing, he could obviously feel a wave of true energy directly pouring into his sea of ​​consciousness.

Zhao Xun knew that it was the primordial spirit of Wu Quanyi, the priest Qinglian.

After Wu Quanyi's Yuanshen came out of his body, he directly entered Zhao Xun's sea of ​​consciousness.

After entering Zhao Xun's sea of ​​consciousness, Zhao Xun could obviously feel the huge impact.

The mentor is now in the realm of first-rank Dzogchen, so every movement he makes will be infinitely magnified in Zhao Xun's view.

So Zhao Xun had to be more cautious, because if he couldn't grasp all these details well, he might be directly washed away by his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quan.

In many cases, it is very difficult to determine the degree.Many times, many practitioners have all kinds of weird things because they can't grasp the speed well.

What Zhao Xun can do at this time is limited.

What he can do is to ensure that everything is in a reasonable mode and a reasonable state as much as possible.

Relax your body and mind as much as possible, and let your teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi swim in the sea of ​​consciousness.

At this time, in any case, there should be no emotional changes, nor any confrontational emotions.

Otherwise, it is likely to cause a series of problems.

Zhao Xun has always been a good boy, so it is not difficult to ensure absolute stability.

At least for now, his state is still quite good.

As for how things will develop in the future, Zhao Xun actually didn't think about it, but no matter which direction things will develop in the future, Zhao Xun will be prepared.

He will not panic or be afraid, because he has his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi by his side.What is there to be afraid of when you have a mentor by your side?

As long as there is a mentor, then everything is possible.

No matter how dangerous the situation is, the mentor can easily save the day.

Zhao Xun has full confidence in his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi. He firmly believes that everything will develop in the best direction, and he firmly believes that everything will be perfect.


After about a cup of tea, Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi withdrew directly from Zhao Xun's sea of ​​knowledge, and sighed: "Stinky boy, the situation seems to be a little different from what I thought before I became a teacher. .Before the teacher thought that someone had invaded your sea of ​​consciousness again. But after I entered your sea of ​​consciousness just now, I didn’t find any traces of intrusion. Then I took a closer look at the golden lotus between your eyebrows, and found These golden lotuses haven't opened or closed yet, so I'm really puzzled as to what happened."

Zhao Xun became more and more confused after his mentor said so much.

"Men, if no one invaded my dream, how could I see so many strange scenes? These scenes should not be seen in my daily life."

"Well, don't worry, let Teacher take a good look at it."

At this time, the attitude of Wu Quanyi, the mentor Qinglian Daoist, is obviously more critical.

After all, he is considered to be experienced, and he can figure out the truth of many things in a short period of time.

Even if he makes occasional mistakes, it doesn't affect his overall state.

So at this moment, all Zhao Xun's expectations are actually pinned on Wu Quanyi, his teacher Qinglian Taoist priest.

"In fact, there is a possibility that you can predict the future."

When his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi said these words, Zhao Xun was instinctively shocked.

He subconsciously took a step back and said, "No way, sir, are you serious? My disciple, I can predict the future. This is too ridiculous."

In fact, Zhao Xun felt that it was not unreasonable to talk about it.

Because in many cases, he is actually just a practitioner, more of an executor.Zhao Xun is actually not good at predicting such things.

Isn't it predicted that such things should be done by professional bosses?Zhao Xun felt that he was not that professional.

So what the hell is going on here?

"What are you doing joking with you as a teacher. As a teacher, I told you very seriously."

Seeing that Zhao Xun refused to believe it, Wu Quanyi straightened his face and said: "In fact, there are some people in this world who have the talent for prophecy, but they don't even know it themselves. In my teacher's opinion, you should belong to this type. So for The teacher thinks that it is possible for you to achieve a certain achievement in an all-round way. The key is to see your own performance in the future, whether you want to become such a top-level powerhouse, if you want, the teacher can provide you with various All kinds of help, even a helping hand."

I have to say that Zhao Xun was a little excited when he heard this.

But this excitement didn't last long, because Zhao Xun knew that many things couldn't be done simply by this impulse.Because in many cases, the impulse is only generated in an instant. If you follow this impulse to do things, what should you do after the impulse disappears?
After this impulse disappears, won't everything return to its original state?

Doesn't that mean that all the previous efforts were in vain?

This is not a good thing.


After Zhao Xun exhaled a foul breath, he tried his best to calm down his mood.

Try to make yourself as calm as possible, and try not to let your emotions be too agitated.

Facts have proved that being too emotional will not solve the problem, but may make the situation more complicated.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, but he also knows that he must control his emotions well at this time.

At least so far his emotions are under control.

Besides, the mentor did not do anything excessive.In Zhao Xun's view, at least everything the mentor has done so far is very reasonable.

So he has to maintain a relatively calm attitude.

Only by maintaining a calm attitude can we maintain a reasonable model to the maximum extent for the next operation.

Zhao Xun knows his role and importance in today's academy alliance.So no matter what, he must work hard to be himself, and must ensure that he does not have any problems.

At this moment, Zhao Xun must be calm and calm.

"Master, I can do it."

After Zhao Xun took a few deep breaths, he felt that his state had obviously been upgraded.

At this moment, he is no longer who he was before.

At this moment, Zhao Xun's state has obviously been upgraded.After being upgraded, Zhao Xun's strength in all aspects has been enhanced. The most important thing is judgment. After possessing good judgment, Zhao Xun has been greatly improved in all aspects.


Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi was actually quite satisfied after seeing Zhao Xun's state.

"Well, brat, you've done a good job. If we can maintain this state, then it won't be long before we can try to start prophecy all day long. But as a teacher, I still have to remind you. That is prophecy The technique must not be used indiscriminately, otherwise it is no joke."


"So the teacher can start now?"

"Yes, you can try to enter the state of meditation first, and then follow the orders of the master."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi's experience in this area is obviously quite rich, and Zhao Xun can obviously feel a kind of pleasure at this moment.

"Come on, enter the state of meditation first. In this state, you don't have to think about anything. The only thing you need to do is to maintain absolute concentration. Because only by maintaining absolute concentration can you open this The so-called prophecy mode. Otherwise, it doesn’t really have much effect. Brat, remember to focus, focus, you must stay focused.”

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi emphasized again and again that Zhao Xun was embarrassed for a while.

However, I have to say that Wu Quanyi, the mentor Qinglian Daoist, has quite a lot of experience in this regard.

The next thing Zhao Xun has to do is to follow the instructions of his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi as much as possible, and don't have any ideas of his own.

After all, his mentor has so much experience in this area, if Zhao Xun follows his own routine, he may go astray directly.

But if you follow the rhythm of your mentor, you don't have to worry about this problem.

Zhao Xun is a very experienced person, so he will try to reduce his pressure and troubles in this area as much as possible.

Zhao Xun quickly entered a state of meditation.

I have to say that people are really quite comfortable in the meditative state.

It was a feeling of extreme comfort, and everything was emptied.In that moment you don't think about anything, in that moment all you can imagine is that you are going to prophesy.

"Huh, now try to think about the scene in the dream before, and build the whole scene as much as possible."

This involves dream restoration and scene reproduction.

Zhao Xun had professional training in this area before, so it was not a difficult task for Zhao Xun.

In Zhao Xun's view, as long as he can complete the task assigned by his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi, then everything will become quite simple.


Zhao Xun tried his best to restore the so-called dream.Facts have proved that this difficulty is still there.

It is not a simple and easy task to restore everything in a short time.

But since Zhao Xun has made up his mind, he will not give up easily.

For Zhao Xun, every attempt he made at this moment is extremely crucial.

He must continue to accumulate experience.At this moment, every experience he has accumulated is extremely important and crucial.

When the experience has accumulated to a certain level, he can no longer rely on the so-called guidance.

But this requires a long process, a step-by-step process.There should be absolutely no hesitation in this process.

Because even a tiny mistake may ruin the whole good game.

Zhao Xun is a person who pays great attention to details.So he will try his best to do every detail well, and make every detail as extreme and perfect as possible.

First of all, he needs to build the main outline seen in the dream in his own sea of ​​consciousness.

This is the most important thing and the most critical thing.

If the main outline cannot be properly constructed, then everything that follows is actually illusory.

What is the main profile?Alpine meadow?Coniferous deciduous forest?Or the vast snow-capped mountains in the distance?

At that moment, Zhao Xun felt the slightest bit of uncertainty in himself.

But he wasn't sure.


Zhao Xun's sudden outburst of laughter made Wu Quanyi, the benefactor beside him, a bit dazed.

"Don't be distracted, brat, you must concentrate at this moment."


After exhaling a foul breath, Zhao Xun was already trying to calm down.

What the mentor said is right, at this time, no matter what, you can't be distracted.At this time, the consequences of distraction are still quite serious.

"I know my mentor"

Zhao Xun took a deep breath and regained his composure.

For Zhao Xun, as long as he can maintain this state, he can restore the details of the dream for a long time.

Of course, first of all, he had to build the main body of the dream.

If he can't build the main body of the dream, everything is actually false.


The main body of the dream. Let’s draw the snow mountain first.

At this time, Zhao Xun felt that the snow mountain was the foundation of the whole dream, and it had to be embodied emphatically.If there is no snow mountain, then everything that follows is illusory.

So he began to paint the continuous snow-capped mountains with thick and colorful strokes.

After the snow mountain is drawn, everything has a base, and everything else can be drawn naturally.Then there is the key alpine meadow.

This can be said to be the background color.

Facts have proved that the background color is very important. As long as there is a background color, many things will become easier.


Zhao Xun continued to wave the brush, Zhao Xun dyed the green again.

After that comes the so-called coniferous and deciduous forests.

This can be counted as a detail.

Facts have proved that even the details are necessary. With the details, a picture scroll suddenly becomes vivid, without the slightest sense of alienation.


Zhao Xun kept splashing ink.Sprinkle freely for a while.

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi looked at it very carefully.

He was strictly supervising the whole process, for fear that Zhao Xun would draw the slightest mistake or omission.

Of course, he doesn't know exactly what Zhao Xun can paint. As far as the current situation is concerned, everything depends on himself.

At this moment, what Zhao Xun can do is to keep his expression focused as much as possible.Because every detail he painted next is extremely critical.

If it can be restored by God, then the next step is quite reliable.

If not, I'm afraid it will take a little more effort.

Guaranteeing strength is often a difficult task, at least Zhao Xunju's current strength is difficult to achieve this.

However, Zhao Xun will not be discouraged in any way.Because he knows that there is a solid support behind him.

As long as his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi is in Zhao Xun, there is actually nothing to be afraid of.

The mentor will teach him some extremely critical details at the most critical time, and help him successfully string together some seemingly simple fragments.

Experience can often play an extremely important role at this time.

The results brought about by experience and inexperience can be said to be completely different.

At least the mentor lived decades longer than Zhao Xun, so it can be said that he is quite good in terms of experience.

Zhao Xun desperately painted this scene, trying to restore the details to the extreme.

This is actually not easy.

But Zhao Xun knew that he had no choice at this time.

He is a road in Huashan, only to go to the end.

"Come on."

"Young man, come on."

Zhao Xun kept encouraging himself.

Facts have proved that this still has a considerable effect.

Encouraging things like this can maximize a person's mental concentration.

And once the spirit is highly concentrated, the accuracy and accuracy of the drawing can be greatly improved.It was a really blissful feeling.

For a moment, Zhao Xun felt that this was really quite happy.

It's like building a world yourself?
Yes, that's how it feels.

Zhao Xun felt like he was building a world.

That magical feeling is really hard to describe in words.

The pleasure of building the world makes Zhao Xun feel like a master.

That feeling of fulfillment has been lingering around him.

At least at that moment, Zhao Xun did understand something different.

Soon, Zhao Xun began to perfect the last details.

This actually relies on his strong memory.

Zhao Xun's memory has always been very strong, but the pressure to restore every detail is actually enormous.

The current situation requires Zhao Xun to do this.

So, Zhao Xun must work harder for everything at the moment.

Soon Zhao Xun finished building the scene, adding all the details and colors.

After Zhao Xun finished all these, he naturally turned to his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi and asked in a deep voice: "Master, I have done everything, what should I do next?"


At this moment, Zhao Xun is very clear that he should not have too many doubts, he just needs to follow the routine given to him by his teacher.

The mentor will tell him what to do, and all he needs to do is to implement it honestly.

This is still quite important.

If Zhao Xun can follow all these to the end, then everything can be perfected in the future.

"Then you have to think about what you want this scene to be, or what kind of scene you want to see."

When Zhao Xun heard this sentence, he was stunned.

What would I like to see the scene turn into?What kind of scene do I want to see?
For a moment, Zhao Xun felt a little astonished.

Master, what does this mean.Meaning I can change the scene to my liking?
I am a good boy, this is too strong.

At this moment, Zhao Xun felt extremely powerful.

If one could really possess this strength, no matter from which angle one looked at it, it would be the perfect of perfection, absolutely invulnerable and miraculous.

"Hahaha, let me try, benefactor."

Zhao Xun was obviously extremely excited at this time.It is not easy to maintain a good state, but Zhao Xun still intends to try his best.

After all, for him, every choice and every thing he does is actually quite critical.

If he can do everything well, everything to the extreme.

So maybe the prophecy can actually be fulfilled?
Judging from what my mentor meant, prophecy shouldn't be that difficult.Of course, it is for those who have talent in their bones.For those who have no talent, no matter how powerful you give him, it will not help.

Zhao Xun should belong to the kind of person with talent.

Although Zhao Xun knew that he should not be considered to be that kind of dominator-level existence, he should also be very talented.

In this regard, Wu Quanyi, the mentor Qinglian Daoist, has absolutely no reason to lie to him.

Striving to do everything well and achieve the ultimate in everything is the most important thing.

Zhao Xun always felt that there would be big problems with some details.


Zhao Xun took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

At this moment, he could clearly feel that something very important had to be done.

That's what determines the direction of the scene.

Restoring the scene is actually simple, because you only need to restore the things you have seen before according to the established impression.

But it is really not an easy task to re-orientate everything and re-determine the picture.

Many times we will be faced with many choices, and sometimes people will have difficulty choosing.

Zhao Xun hopes that at least at this time he will not face this kind of difficulty in choosing.

That's all, just a swipe of a pen.

Zhao Xun splashed ink without hesitation.

At that moment, he could obviously feel a huge and incomparable impact penetrating through.

At that time, Zhao Xun could clearly feel that a huge gully was split between the mountains, and then the mountains began to dissipate, the mist began to dissipate, and everything in front of him began to dissipate.

Zhao Xun found himself on an isolated island again.

Fuck.What an operation.

Although I like island vacations very much, there is no need to throw me on an uninhabited desert island at this time.After all, the feeling of an island vacation is not the same as that of a desert island vacation.

Hey, hey, is there really no one?


At this time, what Zhao Xun could feel was endless desolation.

It's really hard to describe the feeling of desolation.

Sometimes people can't feel it anyway.

Sometimes it can be felt clearly and clearly.

So sometimes it's really hard to describe.

Zhao Xun felt an endless sense of desolation at this moment.This sense of desolation runs straight through from the body.

So in an instant, Zhao Xun was able to embody it vividly.

The key is that Zhao Xun is already shouting desperately.But the effect is really not good.

That barbaric feeling, that feeling of powerlessness made Zhao Xun feel a little bit of despair for a moment.

Why did he draw such a change by himself?One flick of the nib makes all the difference.

So strange, really so strange.

Zhao Xun wanted to call for help from his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

But he was surprised to find that his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi didn't give him any response.

At this moment, Zhao Xun felt extremely helpless in his heart.

So what should he do next, explore this deserted island?

Zhao Xun felt really bored, so he simply started to explore this deserted island.

Things were more complicated than he imagined.

At least at this moment, Zhao Xun could clearly feel that sense of alienation.

It really is a sense of alienation.It seemed that he was out of tune with this island.

This feeling is indeed wonderful.Zhao Xun didn't know how to describe it.

He could only continue to explore along the low bushes, he wanted to figure out what happened, he wanted to figure out what he could see.

Facts have proved that this is still quite critical.

Because if he doesn't even know the situation on the island, how can he talk about the next operation?How about the next analysis and deconstruction?
Everything is actually based on the premise that you are very familiar with the island.

If you are not familiar with this island, then what you can do next is actually quite limited.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, but he can obviously feel this strange feeling.

It's hard to describe, hard to compare, hard to grasp.

But this feeling is a real existence.

What Zhao Xun can do now is to keep exploring.

Exploration is always a good thing.

At least exploring can give him a better understanding of the island.

In Zhao Xun's view, this is what he must do.

After all, he was the one who created this place.If even he doesn't know the island, who can be expected to know?

Zhao Xun kept moving forward, and he cut off those branches with the knife in his hand.

When Zhao Xun walked through the vast bushes, he was stunned by the sight in front of him.

All I could see was a heart-shaped lake in front of Zhao Xun.The water in the lake is that kind of azure blue.

There is a stone in the middle of the lake, and a huge ruby ​​is inlaid on the stone.what's going on?What kind of trick is this?
At this moment, Zhao Xun was really confused.

If everything unfolds according to this routine, what will happen next?
For a while, Zhao Xun felt that he was looking forward to it.


Zhao Xun bent down and reached out to touch the ruby.

But no matter how he bent down, no matter how he leaned forward, he just couldn't touch the ruby.

Zhao Xun was a little confused for a while.

what is happening?
At this moment, the ruby ​​suddenly shone brightly.The golden light made Zhao Xun instinctively close his eyes.

After the golden light gradually dissipated, and after Zhao Xun gradually opened his eyes, Zhao Xun was surprised to find that he was here at this very moment, beside his mentor Qinglian Taoist Wu Quanyi.

"Master, everything that happened just now was too miraculous, and Tuer was completely unprepared. Tuer doesn't know how it happened. It seems that everything started to appear from the moment Tuer swiped a pen. "


Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi nodded lightly and said: "Yes. The situation you are facing now is just what you felt at the beginning. What you feel now is actually what you really want to see in your heart. Yes. So it doesn’t matter, just take good care of all of this. I think it’s very possible to realize all of this.”

good guy.
Master, are you serious?

Zhao Xun felt a little unbelievable.

If everything is as the mentor said, wouldn't it be that Zhao Xun will appear on an isolated island one day?
The point is, is this really what Zhao Xun wants to see?

Really can't go wrong?
Sometimes Zhao Xun is really confused.

If everything is really like this, it is indeed a big surprise on a certain level.

After all, it is not an easy thing for Zhao Xun to achieve this extreme.

Zhao Xun is already trying to adapt.

But it's really hard to say to what extent I can adapt in the future.

"Oh, if this is the case, my teacher, I can't say anything else, but one thing is for sure, that is, my disciple will be empty and lonely, and will be bored to death. Think about it, teacher, it is a An isolated island. There is nothing on the island and nothing can be seen. Tuer looks around and removes the bushes, which are weeds. Maybe there are snakes or something inside. The only consolation is that there is a lake in the center of the island. The lake There is a ruby ​​inlaid on the stone in the center. The next magical thing will happen. When Tuer tries to touch the ruby, the ruby ​​will shine brightly. You will also know the following things Got it, Tuer found that the whole world became illusory, and then Tuer returned to the real world."

Zhao Xun spread his hands and said helplessly, "Teacher, I really don't know what to do with such a deserted island. Alas, I am really helpless."

"What's wrong with a deserted island, maybe there is something you wanted to get on this deserted island?"

Zhao Xun was instantly shocked by the words of his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

"Is there something I wanted in the first place? You mean?"

"That gem may actually have a key role in the eyes of the teacher, so I think next you should think about what this gem means and what is behind this gem. Only after clarifying these can you be able to Find out as much as possible.”


Zhao Xun really realized in an instant.

I have to say that this aspect is indeed quite critical.

It is indeed quite powerful that the mentor can see the essence through the appearance every time.The next step is to see how much Zhao Xun can see.

After all, this is his prophecy, and at most, the mentor can only provide a directional thing, and Zhao Xun has to explore the rest by himself.

If Zhao Xun's own exploration is not very good, then it is actually useless.

So Zhao Xun still needs to work harder, at least for now, he still has a lot of things to do.


There was thunder, followed by heavy rain.

The people of various households in Ningzhou City, Jiangnan Dao, closed their windows early.

It was clear to them that there was a storm coming.

And the rain will get heavier and heavier. If you can't close the doors and lock the windows at this time, you may be quite embarrassed by the heavy rain.

There was no one on the street, and even if they saw one or two pedestrians occasionally, they would quickly hide under the eaves.

At this moment, the governor's mansion is completely different.

Bamboo Forest Sword Fairy Yao Yan, senior sister Xiao Ning, and second senior sister Liu Yingying gathered in a room and were discussing something.

"Junior brother sent a message from Zhongnan Mountain, saying that the dog emperor is building some Tongtian pagoda in Chang'an City. I really don't understand what kind of Tongtian pagoda is going to be built."

"Uh, I also don't understand. Can something like the Tongtian Buddha Pagoda really reach the sky? I think it's just a gimmick. If it's just a gimmick, it doesn't really make much sense. This I'm afraid Emperor Xianlong was deceived by lard."

"Who says it's not? How else can you say that this guy is a dog emperor? He doesn't follow the routine at all when he does things. He is completely like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water. There is no logic at all in what this guy does. , there is no routine at all, so after all, it will give people a very confused feeling, right?"

"That's it."

"Junior brother is really difficult. With such a dog emperor on the stall, several books have been banned one after another. Now I can only change the routine and write some drama. I heard that he is writing a book recently. What is it called, Dou E's injustice."

"Dou E wronged?"

"Yes, yes, that's the name."

"Are you sure you remember correctly?"

"Of course, how could I remember such a name wrong."

Yao Yan patted his chest and assured, "I, Yao Yan, have a pretty good memory. Even if I make mistakes in everything, I can't make mistakes."


"So is it really possible that Dou E's injustice will become popular?"

"I think there is still a chance. No matter how you say it, the younger brother is optimistic about it. Needless to say, the writing style of the younger brother is top-notch. So I think that Dou E's injustice should be written honestly. , Honest publicity, it should still be popular in the end."

"Hey, it's really a disaster to have such an emperor in Da Zhou's booth. I don't know when this guy will die."

"I think his current state is quite good. He should not die in decades."

"Tsk tsk tsk, so we don't have to worry about the dog emperor anymore. It's not worth it. If we have the opportunity, we should think about other things as much as possible."

"For example, monsters?"

"That's right. We are here now, what else are we thinking about if we don't think about monsters? Master Wan has already talked about that before, and I think we should also take some responsibility. Anyway, we don't care about monsters. It can be regarded as having the advantage of crushing interest. If we don't take the lead, who should take the lead."

"Hey, Yingying, don't be in a hurry. The situation is still very different from what you imagined. It's not that we don't want to take the lead, but the current situation is a bit complicated. Think about it, monsters are learning to If you are smart, just hide in the bottom of the sea. If we want to catch monsters or have a decisive battle with monsters, we must first dive into the bottom of the sea. Before that, Master Wan sent someone to invite a group of pearl divers to teach us how to dive. But the final results have been proved to be not very good. So now we should pay more attention. We must solve this matter before we can deal with the situation well. Otherwise, we will rely on diving. It can kill us directly. This is no joke."

Yao Yan spoke very seriously at this time, and what he said was quite earnest.Liu Yingying felt quite moved when she heard this.

"Yeah, we still have to consider these issues in advance. Otherwise, if there are real problems, it's not a joke."

"Well, diving is indeed a big problem. Although we can create an air mask with true energy, the oxygen problem has not been solved. The time we can support is limited, which is the worst. Once the monsters play with us Once you start to play tricks and start playing hide-and-seek, everything will be different."


After exhaling a foul breath, Yao Yan nodded and said: "Yes, I think the monsters must be able to realize the problem now. They must understand that our swimming and diving skills are not as good as theirs. So what they have to do now is to do as much as possible. Avoid fighting with us. Once they have such thoughts, it will be very difficult for us to fight against them in a short time. With the lessons learned from the previous experience of the demon king Aigu, the demon emperor Brigu will definitely become more cautious and more cautious. Be careful. Until the last moment, I don't think the Demon Emperor Buligu will make a move. Unless he feels that the time is ripe and everything is incomparably secure. Only in this case is it possible for the Demon Emperor Brigu He will lead his group of monsters to a decisive battle with us."

"But we still have to take the initiative to go to the bottom of the sea, right?"

"Of course."

"Because this is our responsibility. If we can't stand up at this time, do you expect Lord Wan to send the Ningzhou Army to go diving? They don't have any advantage against monsters when they are on the water. If you sneak in In my opinion, going under the water is clearly giving away the head. The key is that giving the head is not the way to do it, I think we should consider the details more, and try to avoid this kind of direct giving away the head as much as possible.”

"Well, so we still have to learn to hold our breath after all, and we still have to extend the time we can dive as much as possible after all."


At this moment, Yao Yan took a deep breath and said, "The Taoist technique of nourishing qi can hold your breath for a long time. I have heard Taoist Qinglian mention this before. But I have never tried it. Do you want to try it now?"

"Of course. This is the best time to try. Otherwise when would you like to try?"

Liu Yingying rolled her eyes and said, "Hurry up and think about the action. Your self will make the action first, and then we will figure out how to do it."


Yao Yan was under a lot of pressure for a while.It's okay if he doesn't say it, the pressure came to him in an instant after he said that.

If he can't do well, then Liu Yingying will definitely not let him go.

Yao Yan, who had always been afraid of his ears, shuddered for a moment.

He began to frantically retrieve the details in his mind.

For him, every detail of the moment is quite critical.If he can achieve the ultimate in details as much as possible in the future, then he can still restore this Taoist occlusion technique in the future.If not, the pressure is indeed a bit high.

The first thing Yao Yan has to do now is to put himself in a calm state.

In any case, if a person is in a state of panic, it is impossible to successfully restore the movements.

Yao Yan is also a first-rank cultivator after all, so he is well aware of this.

So at this moment, what Yao Yan has to do is to fill in all the details as much as possible.

Zhongnan Mountain, Haoran Academy.

At this moment, Zhao Xun's mood calmed down a lot.

I have to say that the experience of my mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi is indeed quite rich.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that he is just a word to wake up the dreamer.

At least Zhao Xun became calmer after listening to the words of his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

He can distinguish many things in that small island.

He can tentatively explore everything behind that small island.

All of this is really crucial.

Because if you don't do this, it will be difficult to find out the truth of the matter in many cases.

And what Zhao Xun wants to do is prophecy, so he has to do his best as much as possible, and he has to search as hard as possible.

If it's something else, maybe Wu Quanyi, the mentor Qinglian, can help him.But in this kind of matter, my teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi is probably a little bit embarrassed.

Many things, in fact, value a rhythm.

Zhao Xun now has to put himself in the right rhythm.

Otherwise, it's really not a joke.

"Brother Mingyun, you are exhausted, try my new fruit soup, it's the most refreshing."

In the lounge chair area of ​​the swimming pool, Zhao Xun really couldn't refuse when Wangcai offered a bowl of fruit.

Just by looking at it, Zhao Xun was overwhelmed by Guoguo Lao.

That color, that taste, tsk tsk tsk, is simply the best in the world.

Many times, Wangcai knows that being emotional is unacceptable, and being emotional will make the whole person's mood extremely bad.This will also indirectly affect many things.

So sometimes everything changes after one meal.

Eat extravagantly, eat hard.

Delicious things can be really addictive sometimes.

Especially the delicacies made by Wangcai.

Many times, Zhao Xun feels that Wangcai is really talented in cooking food.

He was simply put off by his talent for business.

Because comparing the two, it is obvious that Wang's financial businessman's talent is better.

So Zhao Xun sometimes thinks, if he tries his best to train Wangcai to cook, how will Wangcai perform?Will it become a legend?
Zhao Xun felt that this possibility was not impossible.

At least Wangcai can achieve a higher status than the third brother Long Qingquan.

There is no doubt about that.

Although the third senior brother Long Qingquan was very enthusiastic, he also worked very hard.But I have to say that in some respects, the third senior brother is still a little less talented than Wangcai.

Talent is really everything in some things.

There are some things where talent really matters.

If everything can be solved by hard work, so many people will not starve to death.

At least for now, Zhao Xun feels that he has the opportunity to help Wangcai surpass himself.

"Well, the taste of this fruit is really good. The taste is sweet and sour, and it is most suitable for eating a bowl when you are resting. Wangcai, I think you can try to make more similar delicious food. It should surprise you.”


Wangcai was somewhat excited when he heard this.

After all, in his opinion, his talent is limited to making drinks such as milk tea and juice.

But according to what Zhao Xun said, it doesn't seem to be the case.

It seems that he has richer experience and stronger strength.

A lot of things come together and the result is different.


After exhaling a turbid breath, Zhao Xun said seriously: "Of course it is true. When have I lied to you? In fact, your cooking talent has never been unlocked. If it is unlocked, then you are the new generation of the academy. God of cooking. You listen to me about cooking. As long as you have the first time, you will fall in love with it for a long time. Do you know why I always like to update the dishes constantly? ?It is because I can experience that kind of happiness in the process of constantly updating the dishes. That kind of heartfelt happiness, that kind of complete happiness. That is real happiness. I can hardly describe it in words Happy. Wangcai, you will know after you try it. It really can’t stop at all.”


After Wangcai heard this, he was a little curious.

"Is it really so amazing?"

"Of course, if you don't believe me, you can try it. For example, let's spread a pancake first? Wangcai, you can't do things too high-spirited, and it's the same with cooking. Don't think that this pancake is very simple. Can you spread it out? Delicious pancakes all depend on your skills. I think you still have a chance to make delicious ingredients. Just try it a bit.”

"Uh, okay, since brother Mingyun said so, I have to try anyway. You wait here first, and I'll spread a pancake."

"Have you heard that the construction of that Tongtian Pagoda is dead again?"

"Oh, how could it be? Isn't the Tongtian Buddhist Pagoda supervised by the government? How can people still die?"

"Hehe, I heard that the nobles in the palace are demanding time, so the people below have been urging. Since the time is so tight, problems will naturally arise. Think about it, while you are in a hurry, you have to worry about it. Hope to get enough rest, can this not be a conflict? Once there is a conflict, there will be no good fruit to eat during this period of time."

"Oh, the government can't just kill people casually."

"The government didn't kill people directly. The government just whipped these lazy people who want to rest severely. Doesn't it mean that if you keep beating and don't give them food, you will die?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, this is even more cruel than killing them directly."

"That's right. It's unheard of for them to be so cruel."

"Well, I can only say that I'm looking forward to the next development. If everything goes well, that's naturally the best. If not, I can only wish them good luck."

"Tsk tsk tsk, in fact, this is just the beginning, who knows what will happen next. If everything continues according to the current pattern, then I guess more people will die. So many people will die all at once. The whole city of Chang'an will not stink."

"Fortunately, the weather is getting colder now. If it's still in the hot summer, it's really easy to cause plague."

"That's not true. The corpse should be buried soon. Once you wrap up the straw mat and bury it in the mass grave, won't everything be over?"


"Sounds so miserable."

"Isn't it like this? Birth, old age, sickness and death, if it's all natural, that's fine. But sometimes it's not natural. We can feel that kind of helplessness. Because they don't want to serve corvee, but there is no way. One hundred thousand corvees, even if half of them come from Chang'an City, that's not a small amount, it's a coincidence, it's not a good deal."

"That is to say, so we have developed to this point, all we can count on is to deal with everything in front of us as well as possible. I really don't know what will happen in life. After gaining experience, we still have to treat ourselves Better. Maybe just a word from the nobleman in the palace will change our fate."

"I don't know what the academy's attitude is about this matter, and I don't know if the academy will agree to it?"

"Academy? This matter is not under the control of the academy. Even if the academy disagrees, so what, I don't think it will have any essential impact on the matter."

"Think about it. Well, the academy doesn't like to interfere with worldly affairs. But it's us who suffer because of this. I hope that luck will be better, at least not to encounter such crap things at this time."

"Hey, I hope that the nobles in the palace can do some personnel affairs. At critical times, we still have to be practical for the common people."

"I hope so."

Daming Palace, Zichen Palace.

Emperor Xianlong looked at a memorial.

This report was sent by the Ministry of Industry, and it mainly talked about the progress of the construction of the Tongtian Pagoda and many other matters.

Emperor Xianlong was still very excited when he saw these details.

Because for him, if he can solve all the problems, then he will be able to communicate with God and the sky.

This is very critical.

Because the entire power has been controlled by Taoism and Yuan Tiangang.

Qin Tianjian was founded to be able to communicate with God.

As Yuan Tiangang is the supervisor, he is duty-bound to do this.

But Emperor Xianlong, as the Son of Heaven, wanted to ask God for instructions, and also asked Qin Tianjian for his opinion, which was a bit weird no matter how you looked at it.

So for Emperor Xianlong, this can be regarded as quite painful.

But he has nowhere to confide in this pain.

Because it would definitely be inappropriate if he expressed it directly to Yuan Tiangang, and if he expressed it to Master Huiyan, he would also have a very strange feeling.

To be an emperor is doomed to be lonely, to be an emperor is to be lonely in everything.

So for one or two moments, Emperor Xianlong was really helpless.

But now everything is different.

With this Tongtian Buddha Pagoda, what Emperor Xianlong can bear is very different from before.

He can make himself climb as high as possible, climb to the highest level of the Tongtian Pagoda as much as possible, and then communicate with God as much as possible.

Once the communication is completed, the many knots in Emperor Xianlong's heart can actually be untied.

It is not an easy thing to untie the knot.Sometimes it can even get you sucked in.

But Emperor Xianlong felt that as long as he could ascend the Tongtian Pagoda, he would be able to untie this knot.

After all, he is the Son of Heaven, as long as he is willing to communicate with God, as long as he is willing to communicate continuously, there will always be good results.

Emperor Xianlong didn't think it was such a difficult thing.

Anyone who thinks this is difficult is probably someone with ulterior motives.

Therefore, the construction progress of this Tongtian Buddhist Pagoda was the most concerned by Emperor Xianlong.

At the beginning, Master Huiyan estimated that 10 people would build it and it would be completed in about a year.

But after thinking about it, Emperor Xianlong felt that a year or so was still too long.

So he hopes to speed things up.

At present, 10 people are definitely enough.Even adding more manpower in the later stage is actually useless, because it is already saturated.

So it is necessary to improve efficiency.

For example, in the past, we only worked five hours a day, but now we can increase it to six or even seven hours.

As long as it is not dark, it can continue to be built.

In Emperor Xianlong's opinion, this was the simplest and most convenient way.

As long as this can be achieved, basically there will be no embarrassing situations for a long time to come.

Of course, the whole process must be strictly supervised by someone.

If this is not possible, many unexpected situations will appear to a large extent.

Emperor Xianlong hoped that such accidents would be as rare as possible.

If the Tongtian Pagoda can be built in about half a year.

Emperor Xianlong could even climb up to the Tongtian Pagoda in time for the new year and celebrate the coming of the new year.

This move will be very symbolic, and Emperor Xianlong can share the joy with his people at the most critical moment.

It's pretty interesting when you think about it.

I just don't know if it will be finished by that time.

Because such a huge project was not completely carried out in accordance with Emperor Xianlong's will.

Once a small detail goes wrong, the consequences will be very serious.

Therefore, Emperor Xianlong just decided to urge the Ministry of Industry to speed up. As for how far it can reach in the end, it depends on fate.

The moment Zhao Xun ate the pancakes sent by Wangcai, the emotion in his heart was hard to describe in words.

He was really touched.

Although Wangcai's pancakes were a little mushy, they were still edible.

Zhao Xun observed it for a while, then bit it down without hesitation.

He knew that he must not show any hesitation at this time.

If he hesitated at this time, it would be a great harm to Wangcai.

If he hesitates at this time, it is very likely that Wangcai will not be able to enjoy cooking for a long time.

So Zhao Xun ate very decisively, without the slightest hesitation.

"It's delicious."

Zhao Xun really didn't pretend to say this, but really felt the pleasure between the taste buds.

I have to say that Wangcai's talent is really there, basically it's just hidden and not stimulated.

Once it is aroused, that feeling can make people experience the feeling of being the best.

"Wangcai, I give you a thumbs up."

Zhao Xun gave a thumbs up and expressed his gratitude to Wangcai.

Because in his opinion, Wangcai has indeed made the supreme delicacy.

Although this is just a pancake, it is actually quite good.

The ingredients don't have to be processed with complicated techniques to be able to have a fragrance. Even the simplest cooking method can sometimes make people experience a beautiful taste.


After exhaling a turbid breath, Zhao Xun said in a deep voice: "Dou E's injustice is actually almost finished. Of course, it is the first part. It will take some time to write it fully. This is not the same as a novel. The play should be fully written. Only after Liyuan Xing can I start filming."

"Of course. But brother Mingyun, you don't have to worry about this. I've already made an agreement with them. As soon as your playbook is in place, I will send it to Liyuanhang as soon as possible. Follow us The cooperating Liyuanxing are all very experienced. As long as they are given time, they will be able to figure out the tricks very quickly. You don’t have to worry about this at all, just leave it to them.”

When it comes to this, Wangcai is quite confident.After all, these partners are carefully selected by him, which can be said to be quite reliable.

With so many reliable partners, Zhao Xun will be able to own a cash cow for quite a long time.

Of course, the premise of everything is that the written Dou Eyuan can be applauded.

If the quality of the playbook itself is not good enough, then it will not be of much use.

"Okay, then I will catch up with the manuscript in the next few days, and try to write the trick book as soon as possible."

Zhao Xun's character is loose and tight.When he needs to work hard, he can also work on the manuscript all night.Of course, if he is not in such a hurry, Zhao Xun can also update like a salted fish.

Everything depends on the specific situation.Zhao Xun will only allocate his physical energy reasonably to ensure that everything is in an optimal mode.


"I suddenly thought of one thing. If Senior Sister and Second Senior Sister return in time, can we attack the Corruptor again tentatively?"

Before, Zhao Xun and the others took the initiative to attack and caused heavy damage to the Corruptor.

After gaining experience, Zhao Xun naturally hopes to try again.

After all, there is always something wrong with blindly sticking to it.

If you can take the initiative to attack, you can more or less relieve the pressure in this area.

"I can't say much about this."

Wangcai spread his hands and said, "Brother Mingyun, I can't give you too much advice on this matter. I just hope you can control the rhythm yourself. After all, I don't understand this kind of thing at all."

There is nothing wrong with Wangcai's words.

Even if Zhao Xun asked Jia Xingwen, it was more reliable than asking Wangcai.

Wangcai is not a practitioner, and he really can't give Zhao Xun some key suggestions.

At this moment, what Zhao Xun can do is to plan everything silently, and then discuss with the brothers and sisters of the academy when he thinks it is suitable.

Western Regions, Anxi Protectorate.

After returning to the country of Shazi, Master Hui'an looked very dignified.

The large formation in the Anxi Protectorate's Mansion was far more powerful than he had imagined.

Faced with such a powerful formation, Master Hui'an was unable to invade in the first place.

This put a lot of pressure on him.

Because in the original plan, Master Hui'an should be able to invade the Protectorate's Mansion all at once, and rely on his own strength to completely open up the situation.

But now it seems that all this seems difficult to achieve.

This magic circle has been enhanced, and the enhanced magic circle can weaken most of Master Hui'an's strength.

Master Hui'an could clearly feel that his cultivation state after being weakened was only at the third rank at most.

The risk of rushing to the third-rank realm is still quite large.

If you can't handle the details well, the possibility of being trapped and killed by a group of people is quite high.

Master Hui'an never fights unprepared battles.

So once he decides to make a move, there is no room for maneuver.

But until then, everything can still be planned and refinanced.

From the current point of view, it is still necessary to rely heavily on the Allied Forces of the Western Regions to launch an impact on the Anxi Protectorate, relying on this little bit of grinding to wear off a layer of the Protectorate.

At this time, Master Hui'an will face much less pressure if he makes another move.

Therefore, Master Hui'an can't come out at the beginning, he must enter the field slowly.

The timing of entering the arena determines many things, and the timing of entering the arena determines whether he can invade the Anxi Dufu Mansion intact.

All of this needs to be negotiated with representatives of the countries of the Western Region Allied Forces, and a consensus must be reached.

The king of Shazi Kingdom is not strong in this aspect, so everything can only be done by Master Hui'an himself.

Fortunately, Master Hui'an performed quite well overall, and he is also confident that he can lead the alliance to defeat the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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